Opening our BREAD BAKERY in Roblox!

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[Music] if you haven't noticed the giant bread loaf behind us we are opening our own bread empires and as always i will have the best one that's cute that you think you will become the best bread empire but i will be taking home all the bread today oh thanks for calling us cute bye bye i can't hear you over the dollar bills that are being made at my bread empire i will have the monopoly of bread not you hey i got a sickle to pick with you funny gold why are you here at my bakery are you planning to sue no i'm planning to make a deal with you a deal what kind of deal sorry i just claimed hold up goals my story just dropped in oh wow it dropped from the sky yeah that's so unrealistic hey okay what's your deal anyway you're wasting my time and timing my face i have a business plan i will call it golden with crispies do you think that will be uh no i mean your gold are my competition why would i tell you i don't know no you know you know the snack that everyone loves marshmallows and poppity pop and you mix it golden crispies i think everyone will love it i think you're forgetting this is a bread game where we literally just make bread what's bread made out of rice rice flour yeah and then right no no bread no no no no breakfast no no no you just tricked me breath is made out of flour you just because you gave me i can't think of ice cream get out of here she's trying to trick me guys i was gonna foil your business funny it's made out of wheat and flour gold get out of here you're trying to trick me okay that's it i'm gonna go ahead get a starter stickle and i'm probably gonna have to start planting what a chocolate bar for 100 that's so expensive i can't afford any of this let me get my starter bag this is probably for the seeds and i think i'm done all right your grain has finished growing we have grain who's my nemesis beside me whose store is this hello someone hello oh hello how do you have a farmer already uh because my bakery is very busy that's why well there's one customer in there that's really busy i can't talk to you right now i have a lot of things to do okay so the competition looks pretty weak i'm gonna take a guess and luna's bakery is purple she's right across from me and a ton of people just came out from it okay time to stop stalling let's get some wheat oh you actually have to harvest this ah it's a game where i have to work but you know me i could just throw some robux at it and hopefully get more what a wonderful harvest we can make plenty of bread with that go to your kitchen inside alright let's put this here let me go inside and see what's up i have to make dough first let's make some space in your bag for other ingredients i have too much ingredient what the are you serious great now your bread is very simple to make all you need is water we gotta mix it now for the last step we go to the oven and bake the bread one bread well done let's put it on the storage rack in front of your store we could display our bread that's pretty sick all right displaying the best bread possibly one bread that took me 10 seconds to make there it is my one loaf your first customer arrived no gold get out of you you're not the customer um to give the customers around and i couldn't find any grains i couldn't find grains around this whole town yeah i went to row barn i went to row bar superstore i went everywhere funny uh-huh can i please just borrow one grain one grain you know white girls since you are so crazy you can have one grain don't give it to her if you give it to her once you'll keep coming back thank you have a good day you should always help out your neighbors not that one customer i just got your bread out of the oven and i don't know why you're running away from me to dracco's store this is rigged customer no no don't go to drago's store draco can you stop that person what are you doing what the oh you know just chilling as my workers run my bread empire and i sit on my chair and laugh while i make money with my five beautiful pets okay he clearly knows what he's doing okay draco's being way too evil customer please you're gone great you were the one customer i needed to give bread i they don't know we have weapons what weapons yeah it's a sickle okay for a second i thought that was gold lining up hello customers let me get some bread off the shelf what would you like today one bread here you go your first customer there's your one bread and you want one bread thank you take all the bread bread for you gold get out of here you don't get free bread we have a moocher hey hello so you know thanks for letting me borrow one grain but i have bad news what goals customer went to buy one loaf of bread and i ran out of grains so i was wondering if you had two more grapes two more greens gold i have to let you in on a little secret i barely have any supplies in my store making bread is very complicated for me and i just wanted to open a chicken nugget factory to be exact dino nugget factory but i opened a bread store instead that's my original story sometimes in life you just make the bad investments but you gotta push through funny you gotta make that bread factory grow you're right girls don't let evil draco laugh in your face you're still laughing for you know for my inspirational um you know you know my inspirational speech can i get green please go get your okay yeah you can go get grain out there if you can that is okay so evil draco is running his bread empire he's being pretty evil i'm gonna have to throw some rope x into this game let's get speed because it looks like draco was speeding around and then do i need teleport i don't really need teleport none of this stuff is that helpful actually you know what's helpful pets i guess i'm gonna go buy some pets let's get 10 000 coins i want to see what i do oh well there's not even a lot of rachel oh my gosh you guys are crazy no one tell that ten thousand coins is nothing look at that oh my goodness you can't become bread winners by spending all of your bread money that's how it works you make money to make more money i mean you use money to make is it that cheating no it's speeding through rainbow you didn't know the system is always corrupted [Laughter] oh my goodness that's great i feel the evil bread brewing in their blood okay time to go buy some pets i have seven grand i need the best pets oh you need gems to buy pets truck oh my gosh okay that's too much evil laughter for him today i want to see if evil really will earn the most bread what let's see i need so much coins for this chuckle what the heck funny what gold i'm working with dracco now because he's the richest in town what you wanted me to send you a letter saying that he got you know a successful business award for hitting six figures please click your tab button to view it what six draco did you cheat i did not eat i'm gonna go make an alliance with lunar at least she doesn't actually no let me see i have a duck a fox and these normal dogs which don't really do anything so i'll just equip three hello pets follow me so we can go defeat draco earning wheat in this game is probably going to be the most slowest and boringest you have to wait for it you know you can get workers right what how do you hire workers i totally didn't uh skip the tutorial you press the home button and then you can hire workers home button workers oh they're worker slots dude their upgrades are so expensive what the heck oh i can use rollbacks to buy more i like that of course let's get more workers and they're all going to work for grain we could also do special deliveries if you deliver a wedding cake you get 5 000 gems i don't think i'm competent enough to make a wedding cake i could barely make a bet then get your fire workers please harvest oh it seems like my workers do not harvest the sugar cane that's just no problem i will use the power of bobox i'm gonna make some bread and now that i have infinite backpack space it's actually a lot easier to cook let's make some baguettes some cookies wait how do i make sugar wee wee you need to harvest sugarcane i do have sugar cane tell me what else do i do you just harvest the sugarcane thank you my enemy dracco i take pity shut up my biggest competition no no my bakery is gonna be very extravagant as soon as i get the sugar harvested grabbing tons of water i'm gonna make so much dough that this bakery will be filled because our next upgrade is ten thousand dollars and i don't wanna waste robux on that yeah so expensive i will legitimately bake bread bread dough baguette let's go this oven is too slow though it doesn't bake it doesn't bake me enough food i need tons of food in your inventory no i see it but it's like kind of slow and leggy all right let's put this in oh look at my rack it's filled with baguettes fine i will serve a customer since i need the money hello girl that looks like rainbow what would you like two baguettes let me just grab everything off no sorry she doesn't want that she just wants big gifts they get for you how much money do you give anyway i need to check that okay let's grab this some cookies two breads for you sir two regular loaves of bread i need to go make that two sugar breads they get oh this is easy i just keep pressing e because i have so much ingredients cookies and bread all done i finally have enough money okay so selling bread is worth it let's go level up 40 000 coins and i get a cupcake recipe this is gonna be a hard day out of all the tycoons this one definitely you need bread patience right because without bread patience you can't make um enough bread so i'm just making bread in real life you must have the utmost patience too um no for the i have no patience that's why i'm gonna be selling strawberry cakes i'm just gonna i'm gonna waste the rest of my dough lunar you need to come see my establishment it is filled with the utmost best pieces she keeps using fancy words but all she's selling is bread i'm not just selling bread i'm selling cookie breads bread on cake um sugar bread honey bread and most importantly and i hereby funny cancel this establishment i don't want to work here anymore i'm leaving you you cancelled it because you gave up i give up on making it the best bread establishment because i rather just you know go around town and see what's up gold your bakery is so cute where are you oh i heard somebody was um closing down their business i just wanted to go over and be like hi i would like to transfer ownership what you're quitting two gold i would like to be the proud owner of your bankrupt bread business while gold you can have it i don't want it anymore thank you which is actually okay she's going over there oh wait a minute draco your bakery is nothing compared to lunar's bakery what do you mean my bakery is bigger than luna's bakery luna's like whoa it's nice in here see this is why in my bakery i want to collab i want to collab with this bakery i no longer want to own my bakery i want to work at this will you invest i will invest uh two robux get out okay fine i'm going to draco's wait but draco your bakery is not colored i think luna's beating you i am that's because color off puts people from buying stuff ah it's true i don't know if i would step into a purple bakery lunar i feel like purple is a very unappetizing color oh that's true it's like purple ketchup yeah no choco's right purple ketchup oh draco she's trash and green wow your kitchen's very nice you even have yogurt here thank you i'm jealous now get out i'm on my way to banana island okay well these bakeries i would never buy here because they're too big i would go to um that's not me being salty by the way are you supporting a local yeah i'm gonna support locals and i'm gonna go to rainbow's bake that's gold this is my bakery okay let me go do rainbows rainbow i will invest in your bakery it's whoa hello welcome to bread bear bakery where the only thing here is just basic bread yeah delicious i can see how organized you are because you put all the baguettes in one section now that's called perfection unlike those giant corporate bakeries over there that i will not be supported [Laughter] are you serious yes but i'm still a local it's one person we are the rulers of the biggest bread empires in the server i turned into bread you know sometimes you don't want to be the owner you know the bakery owner so i've chosen this life the chill life of a loaf [Music] hello hello neighbor oh whoa hi i didn't expect you to throw me in here i am not made for eating i would like to leave now please no goals this is our life now we lost the tycoon sex to be you don't you know the bread on the top shelf always gets picked first no so are we just gonna loaf around here huh are you guys done loafing around yet are we ready to go yet i am bored okay after i take a break from my neighbor no get away that bread looks crispy um the last loaf standing wins see you later parkour time ready i will be i'm not i'm just a little dirty no but i'm still perfect to eat what do you mean i'm in the lead no i am waiting who's who's still a perfect slice of bread without i am i'm the cleanest this is my chance not for long funny i'll push you draco get out of here i'm the best loaf of all time whoa who wants to get toasted there's a toaster it doesn't matter who's the best who's the team dracula's the worst i get the bread crown no no me no i never fell once um all right it's gonna be the better piece of bread my edibleness was one hundred percent oh i'm the best oh yeah yeah she's the most delicious i got it first that's right bye luna feats me well i think that is enough bread games for me see you all later i'll be at the toasty end bye [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 2,168,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox minigames, roblox bread tycoon, bread tycoon, roblox tycoon, tycoon roblox
Id: 6-BNtMBb-aI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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