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[Music] there must be something better [Music] hi peaches Rocco welcome back to the channel we hope you're having a lovely day and as you can tell I'm doing my super happy dance and that is because today I've got a little bit of time to kill before the kids come downstairs to play my favorite game Brick City let me show you guys now you're probably wondering what is brixity Brick City is Dev sister's newest sandbox city building mobile game step into the year 2523 where your mission is to build a city that would revive the abandoned and polluted Earth by using the miraculous brics building blocks filled with purifying energy build your world transform your ideas into reality with bricks blocks whether you can make your own blueprint or choose blueprints made by others you will have the power to construct a beautiful city full of landmarks shops parks and anything in between customize everything with over 7 000 different bricks blocks available at launch you can make the wildest ideas come to life even Explore other player cities where each visit presents an opportunity to discover exclusive building Blueprints and New Brick City residents immerse yourself in a fun and joyful World witness the changing day tonight and relax to the soothing soundtrack The Game provides an escape from the chaos of everyday life pre-registration and early access application is now open for Brick City there will be a ton of in-game rewards for pre-registering and Early Access users will have the opportunity to win a 1 500 gift card for a build challenge sign up and learn more by clicking the link in the video description or scanning the QR code on the screen trust me peaches you do not want to miss out on this one be sure to download Brick City well now I've shown you my favorite game it's probably about time I stop getting distracted as you can tell outside it's actually quite dark currently it's around six o'clock so I'm going to start on making some dinner we did have a nice day out today hence why we're eating a little bit later than usual but I think today I'm gonna make me and the kids some barbecue ribs for dinner since we have haven't had them in a while but yeah today we had a super fun day we went to the park all together also went nearby the beach we didn't really like spend that much time on the beach but I had like a little walk on the sand and things like that it's been a really nice day overall so I'm excited to come home now and have some dinner with the kids also I must admit Evie and Taylor were acting a little bit strange because as soon as we got in they both just ran up to their bedrooms which they don't usually do seeing as once we've had a family day out you know they might want to look at the pictures that we got together and stuff and just chill downstairs all together in general but they ran straight up to their rooms so I don't know if I'm overthinking it but every time I say don't overthink it they're always up to something so maybe I should keep an eye out on them today but I've just put the ribs into the oven and I'm gonna mix up this salad as well because we always love a salad on the side except for my fruit salads according to Elena she says they look like vomit but anyways we'll talk about that on a different day okay here we go perfectly salad is done and hopefully not long until the ribs are done and then we can get ready for a nice family dinner all together Oliver doesn't mind that I'm playing with locks while he's not here uh they're just really fun I love these blocks they have them at kindergarten but I wish she was here because I'm so bored and the girls don't even play with me anymore I'm gonna find out what they're doing let's go see Evie Evie open up uh sure Elena but I'm kind of busy right now oh why are you always busy hey look we're matching in pink I didn't even realize earlier oh cute well um Elena do you mind if you leave I need to try and sort out some things like what we've been out all day don't you want to relax or like watch something with me um I'm a bit busy I need to just find this outfit uh never mind but um out there why are you going somewhere no I just like like to sort out my outfits you know and donate all my leftover clothes to charity that don't fit me anymore you know I do it monthly don't I um I don't know about that but um yeah okay I guess I'll just have to go and see Taylor then if you're so busy for me oh I just wish Oliver was here anyways [Music] okay I just got the ribs out of the oven so let me just finish up these but there is one thing that is a bit upsetting today Oliver is currently at Grandma flows because they met obviously last week and since then I've been getting on really nicely so as you guys know it's usually Elena that goes to see Grandma flow but we thought we would let Oliver go for the weekend but if you guys want to see them spending some time together at some point then let us know of course but here let's sort out all of the ribs and there is also some leftover ribs for Oliver tomorrow at lunch time if he wants though so we'll put those away and grab everyone a bowl of salad on the side hopefully the kids aren't too busy upstairs so they don't miss their dinner all right then that's perfect all of the ribs and salad is out ready to go bye let's try Taylor Taylor can I come in oh Elena what do you want uh why does everyone keep saying ugh before they asked me to come in I just wanted to see what you're doing because I'm so bored I'm just busy I'm like doing my makeup why we've already been out today well uh do you know me I just do my makeup work time okay but can't you just stop for like 10 minutes and do something with me what like playing the mud or something because you know no I'm not a pig uh okay they have to be so dramatic about it well that's what pigs do play in the mud and I never play in the mud I don't know we could just like look at my my tablet together or something uh yeah maybe later I was just a bit busy at the minute oh you two are so mean I'm not mean I'm just busy whatever I'm still I'm in this door don't summer mum is gonna have a goat me uh who just slams their door upstairs I'm running up there ASAP um kids oh what's wrong Elena the girls are being so mean they just won't even play with me or talk to me and all I said was come and look on my tablet and they won't even do it oh I'm sorry about that I mean me Elena we're not doing anything you're the one coming in booger notes wow no arguing please Elena don't worry because Oliver will be back tomorrow yeah I wish he was because my horrible sisters are too horrible for me um why aren't you doing anything about that she just had a girls just for us dude what we do in our normal lives I was cleaning and Taylor was doing her makeup what's so different about that I mean you guys have been acting a little suspicious but I always do my makeup and I always clean up my closet at 7pm you guys yeah okay well anyways Elena and girls come down please it's at dinner time you're being horrible just all of you just come downstairs and eat your BBQ ribs enough huh anyways come take a seat but how is everyone today having fun up in your room you can take Oliver's seats down Lane I think we've all kind of Switched seats anyway but um what do you guys want to do this evening do you want to spend some time all together um yes just a bit busy you know just um rude I've got things to do you know like but get her makeup for the sixth time today no I'm practicing makeup that's what I'm doing mom because like you know how I've always wanted to be a beautician uh I mean last I heard you wanted to be a tick tocker but that's news to me Mom I am 15 months change she could be like Barbie Barbie has every job in the world I love me Barbie well I could just be very disguise not busy then don't even worry about it but okay cool I'm not Mom I'm not busy I guess me Elena and Evie can spend some time together then anything up for that uh I was cleaning my closet mom and obviously I like being organized so probably not sorry you and Elena can hang out though uh can't you clean it tomorrow no like no yeah just card okay because I've got other things to do tomorrow Monroe could be different mum you know like things change within life just go upstairs just go upstairs oh Elena looks like they're already grown up and out of the house we need Oliver here with us too to spend some twin and Mum time together but it's fine I guess can we have slushies yeah we can have slushies here did you want to like watch a movie or something in the game I'll pick one hang on okay I'll go get some slushies all right let's go to the fridge and see if I have any left over let's hope I do because if I don't Elena might go crazy perfect there's literally two left in the fridge for us or in the freezer all right then well I guess that's us sorted for the evening together seeing as the girls are being so weird and not want to spend any time with us as per usual always find some excuse here Elena got us both some uh raspberry Slush Puppies each yay thanks I picked Ratatouille oh that's a good movie I love Ratatouille all right then let's sit here together and Watch Ratatouille hopefully the girls aren't being too crazy upstairs foreign [Music] with her makeup that's just uses blush because I actually don't know where it almost gone Matt got lost in the move in but it's okay oh that's quite a lot but you know what it's all right it'll she'll get more she'll get more at one point uh what else we need mascara of course and some powder obviously I hope that's a lot out okay my eye oh my gosh of course I've dropped it brilliant so I actually might notice Let me just like cover it or something like just put it in the Box I don't know I shouldn't find it there um I hope they kind of did anything else so let's just go get Evie because I don't even know if she'll be done because she probably was actually organizing her wardrobe I won't be surprised eBay yes Taylor are you like doing whatever you're doing are you ready yeah I was just buying myself an outfit did you really think I'd clean out my closet I'm gonna do that tomorrow okay good well I need to go get an outfit on actually as well um but do you want to like go in a sec uh Taylor are you okay go in a sec you haven't even made a plan we're gonna get caught okay well what what's your Genius plan then that you've come up with I don't know you're the teenager uh you're like the smart one so well you've done this many times so well you're just meant to know okay you just meant to know fine I'll think well how long have we got though well the party starts in like half an hour it won't take long to get there and you're like an hour it's only like a 20 minute walk 20 minutes I'm running soccer for like an hour it's fine Brian I'm not running well mum's downstairs with Elena isn't she uh yeah but I also have balcony uh um that's a bit risky as I don't like heights but I mean it can do depends what room they're in obviously it's been a whole straight past them well we could just like go find out make sure that they don't move and like go through kitchen door or something because there's a side door okay well you just get ready but like hurry up because you didn't tell me it was in half an hour oh my gosh you don't need half an hour to get ready you could have got ready throughout the whole day like I've been doing no I'm not worried about me I'm worried about you oh I'll be fine don't worry I can't believe if he thinks I will take that long I actually won't because I've been getting ready like the whole day but to be fair I do need to find some clothes so what is that I'm feeling kind of pink nothing too short maybe this okay there's white crop top with long sleeves looks okay might be a bit short but it's cute um but my jeans why did I put my jeans when we moved here oh they're in here okay um jeans oh I totally forgot I had these Pink jeans okay perfect uh some trainers of course but I get these in a second um where are my handbags I think they're in this one handbags no you are too small wow that is way too big my warm-up will definitely question um oh this one's cute okay and then maybe a necklace that's cute and I will do my hair differently probably because you know I'm kind of sick of this is actually hurting my head a bit to be honest so yeah and maybe I'll just film like a little Tick Tock getting ready you know okay great hey everyone welcome back to another Tick Tock so today I am getting ready to you know sneak out I can't this will be posted like after I've snuck out so hopefully it all goes well because you know I don't want my mum to see this so let's just put my phone here and I will show you guys my outfit so here I have this cute little white crop top like how amazing is it and then these Pink jeans which I bet like no one has pink jeans but honestly it's giving Barbie I am so excited for that by the way um this pink handbag as well really cute uh this necklace super cute as well the sneakers aren't as cute but it's okay they'll be fine so yeah time to get ready and then I'll show you guys my fat okay let's do a transition okay perfect I've also done my hair as well and of course put some perfume on as well so let's hope no one says anything okay put that in just make sure it does not post because we don't want that and then time to get Evie I wonder if she's changed because I really hope she isn't though so like I get proven right you know eBay okay you ready your outfit looks ten times best than mine because I planned it out like Senator the whole day yeah I've had mine out but whatever I'm just gonna wait I'm gonna hurt you you know Look At Me growing up I'm recording more and more like you which is quite scary now I think of it well are you ready I'm quite cool yeah oh do you now right let's go okay uh we need to find out like where they're going though mom um I'm just going to the toilet okay I'll pause the movie thank you um I can't even remember where half the rooms are in this house I know there's a bathroom down here somewhere but I just think upstairs are you doing dress like that yeah without me we are the next Kendall Jenner's um we're just gonna like have a photo shoot that's this oh yeah that yeah you said that while dressing up yep yeah dressing up for a photo shoot so not like like proper dressing up don't worry yeah like for reals no not for reals but like you know what I mean yeah that's just really mean you're so mean I wanted to spend time with you all evening and you've just stuck together and left me behind when you know Oliver's not here it's really upset yeah well we didn't want to leave you out but like I just find it weird that you've just dressed all of this up like sometimes you do photo shoots but not this extreme that's what we do because Taylor's views are going down well you just I just need some pictures to post on Instagram because you know it's been like a little while you know like when did she went out today yeah but they won't be posted for a while because I've been busy she needs as much videos as she can get because obviously her viewers like to see her face there's something right about this um just because I'm full doesn't mean I'm stupid um I'm going to the toilet yeah and I'll be thinking about what it is exactly you're doing okay let's go come on okay alone has been taking her time where is she I have no idea hello before you ask for doing a photo shoot okay bye uh I'm gonna take the pictures for you no you're not wrong because this is gonna be a behind the scenes No I'm taking the pictures I'm the photographer sure yes well you're gonna need pictures together no no it's okay yeah it's fine we could take this okay because yeah I've got tripod you know attack set up so it's all right well I think you may have forgotten that you broke your tripod at the beach today of you rather than me because you know you uh yeah you get a bit shy don't you yeah yeah I get it yeah you know yeah it's the one with the camera me so I think it's that wall tears oh perfect perfect at Taylor where are you running off to I'm getting my phone if you've got the camera I'll get my phone oh my gosh where's Elena Peach Elena uh off you go baby upstairs something else I know that hmm Evie we've got upstairs I hear you guys talking about me I'm intrigued Evie um Elena I think you should you know be a little investigator I think okay I'll be a secret spy okay right while you do your secret spy stuff I will make us some cookies okay because there is something definitely not right here those girls are up to something they're probably wanting to go out somewhere I don't know why they just don't ask me half the time and they think that they could seriously get away with sneaking out they can never get away of sneaking out I'm just too good for this all right then I'm gonna make these cookies for me and Elena and if those two are actually up to no good they won't be getting any of these cookies because need some sort of punishment well hopefully these cookies won't take too long and I'm also hoping that I'm just being paranoid and Elena just finds them actually taking photos or something because that would be terrible otherwise all right let's put these in the oven to bake and hopefully they won't take too long but let's go see what they're doing no I can't hear them must be in here slowly open it okay yeah come on we'll go this way and then we'll go over there and then we'll open the name of the police the name of the police that's a new one what are you doing we're taking photos from a very abstract view you are climbing on the roof which is not okay why we're taking a photo over here why we're taking photos you mom don't be boring I'm not boring but you two are being naughty naughty naughty well you're the one on the roof now you're like the only one on the roof so you're not an alternative yeah we're telling mum you're on the roof yeah whatever she's not even gonna believe that all right well looks like these cookies are done mom yes Elena was climbing on the roof uh walking to my room Mom I'm not even gonna argue my case because you know that that's not true she seems perfectly normal to me um well how about uh Elena wanted to actually play with you guys in her room so you can go do that go online and take them upstairs yeah we're like the mature ones well we'll see about mature when I find out what you're up to exactly actually very rude and very offensive I'm the oldest one and you should be believing me because like you trust me up when like you go out and stuff to do your job or whatever I can't believe you you'll believe in Elena over me uh well because I'm not having this okay I'm gonna I'll give you because how many times have you stuck out to parties and just brought Evie along with you even though that's definitely not what she wants to do but anyway how many times have you pushed me in the pool I'm not having this really adds together but anyways Elena can just distract them upstairs because I'm so done with them thinking that I am silly I'm just gonna rest here and eat my cookies until Elena finds out what they're doing well it looks like she's not in here because she's not being noisy well yeah why do you think she's gone uh I'm not sure probably crying to mum again but I'd hope not probably that toilet or something but let's go because this is like our only chance guys I am running you need to run my bad no you shut the door okay hurry up that I'm coming quickly okay okay Taylor I don't like heights this is scary fine it's okay oh it's slippery let's go this way because there's like trees here that we can jump jump three two one whoa wait I'll catch you see yeah you're fine okay you literally missed me but okay well basically worth it right come on let's get quiet I I'm being quiet no you're not these shoes are so loud well get better shoes then oh there's one thing I completely forgot to do I forgot to turn the TV off in the games room uh what is that oh I see them outside let me open the window you two stop there now run run run run I swear if you get down I will find them where are they hmm Mouse where are they they're not in these bushes uh and he took Curry back on them and find them boo yeah let's do that don't do that how about you don't try and sneak out of the house where are you two trying to go off to um be honest um we were getting like pictures with the flowers oh I don't care go inside don't let me check your phone right okay I'm gonna check your phone then Mom you're not allowed to take my phone this is a privacy share with you to be the mayor well in fact I don't actually really need to invade your privacy because top notification on your phone what time are you getting to the party I do not care and you go oh you better care because you're not having your phone for a week come on this is so unfair what I don't like and Evie it's not having her what's something that Evie loves science homework for a week either I'll see you guys oh it's fine I'll take the English homework as well well go to your bedrooms off you go okay oh and by the way let me just close that balcony door oh man I just it's invading my space out you're not even asking this is so mean well did you ask me to go sneak out to a party no you shouldn't have to ask you because then just know you'll say no well if you maybe just did what a normal person would do and ask if you could go to the party then maybe I would just take you never done that before have you now go to bed end the conversation ah seriously I knew me and Elena weren't going crazy and they were definitely up to something but I guess I can go meet Elena back in the games room and we can carry on watching Ratatouille because that is what was doing last time okay Peach is what looks like these two are busted and we caught them from try and sneak out to their party but we really hope you enjoyed this video and thank you so much for watching if you would like to maybe see them actually attend a summer party with them asking for my permission next time then let us know Down Below in the comment section if you haven't already then of course be sure to like And subscribe to join the pre-speech family and watch subscribe sure to hit that notification Bell so you get notified every time I upload a video and of course don't forget to use starco Peach when buying Roblox or premium and of course don't forget that this video is proudly sponsored by Brick City don't forget to use my QR code or check the link in my description to download the app today happy playing see you guys in the next video bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: peachyylexi
Views: 155,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free, video, upload, phone, adopting, adoptionroleplay, adoptingbloxburg, bloxburgadopt, roblox, robloxrp, robloxroleplay, bloxburg, bloxburgrp, bloxburgroleplay, trending, viral, shorts, robloxshorts, robloxtiktoks, family, familychannel, movingtobloxburg, birthstory, pregnancy, pregnantrp, emotional, storytime, lovestory, vacationroleplay, bloxyburgers, toddlers, toddler, toddlerbloxburgrp, bloxburgplanes, vacation, holiday, adopt, newhouse, movingin, beach, houserenovation, sneakingout, sneakout, summer, summerrp, party, ad, ads, BRIXITY
Id: GLcL97Lzcyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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