OPENING CLOSED DOORS | Apostle Joshua Selman Sermons

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[Music] psalm 24 [Music] psalm 24 you are [Music] beautiful his ways are perfect you are beautiful [Music] that's what is making someone's life become tonight in the name of jesus 24 and verse 7 please help us media 24 and verse 7 let's read together one to read lift up your heads all ye gates and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors why because the king of glory seeks to come in the bible tells us in proverbs chapter 4 from verse 18 that the path of the just is akin to a light that shines are we together and the bible says that it shines ever brighter even onto the perfect day that means that in the economy of god he does not design men to be better india yesterday than they should be in there tomorrow are we together now it is in god's design that our lives continue to be unfolding episodes of wonder that means the version of you yesterday should be far less than the version of you today when your tomorrow becomes worse than your yesterday something went wrong that the path of the just should be as a shining light that shines brighter and brighter even onto the perfect day so we understand from scripture that god is a god of advancement please listen carefully god is a god of progress he desires that we continually make progress it is in making progress that the father is glorified john 15 and verse 8 hearing is our father glorified he says that ye bear much fruit by the fruit you produce and the results that you continue to command you will prove that i mentored you well hallelujah the bible says jesus teaching in the beatitudes he called us the light of the world the salt of the earth are we together now he says neither do men light a lamp and put it under a bushel but that it is put on a lamb stand and it gives illumination to all those who are within so it is god's desire please understand this there should be no confusion as to the fact that god wants us to make progress in life that god wants us to advance in as much as our primary assignment listen very carefully our primary assignment is the revelation and the glorification of the sun in and through our lives that all that we do should finally culminate to the revelation of the sun and the glorification of the same but that in so doing our lives should also reflect glory and beauty and color are we together now yes it is not god's design that while we represent him our lives continue to become a shadow of his grace a shadow of his glory no that is the reason why matthias and sacrifice means a lot to god because we were not designed in that default state hallelujah but then the bible is also very careful to let us know that life is in levels everybody say levels and that our journey is also dimensional in faces and that interfacing one face and one level and another sometimes can be barriers that make for access i give you an instance the the bible the bible is not careful to let us know that even in the design of the temple the outer court there was a partition are we together now that then led you to the inner court then another partition the veil the bible calls it that led you to the most holy place so the concept of compartmentalizing life into dimensions is something that is consistent with the ways of god that means that while it is true that men can and should transit from one level to the other they must also understand the system that makes for access from one dimension to another dimension are we together now just because you have enjoyed a dimension or you have come to the end of a season does not automatically mean you will enter a new one you must sustain the intelligence in the spirit that can grant man the ability to transit let me tell you the proof of mastery in the spirit is your ability to switch seasons because there are barriers that interface between yesterday and tomorrow and if you do not know what to do when you come to the end of yesterday you will never enter tomorrow are we together first corinthians 16. paul is teaching the church in corinth and then in verse 8 he brings a very important information that would be the basis of my teaching tonight first corinthians 16 from verse 8 it says but i will carry at ephesus until pentecost verse 9 it says for a great dawn and effectual he says is opened unto me that means that there is an opportunity there is i need to move to another level but then it says a door is what closes yesterday and opens today that the name of the veil and the mystery that interfaces a man's yesterday and his today and his tomorrow they are called doors a door is not a wooden object that closes a fenced area no a door is the name given to any authorized system of access that interfaces you between where you where and where you need to be it's called a dog listen very carefully so she says a great dog not just an ordinary door a great door is open before me doors are not metallic objects doors are not wooden objects architecture is a borrowed system from the realm of the spirit a great door write this down please a door is an authorized system of access two definitions the first is that doors are authorized systems of access a door and a gate all do the same thing the only difference is the span of their rich a dog protects rooms gates protect territories please listen carefully they all interface gates interface between a territory and another and those protect rooms so a gate can be open and you will still not receive what you should have when you enter the gate it you are in the compound but until the door is opened [Music] it is important for gates to open but at the point of possession what you need to be open is a door please sit down we have a very long journey this night are we together it says for a great dawn i'm standing at the edge of my yesterday ready to move into tomorrow but that there is a great door it is important to know what to do with those i don't have the time but i would have read for you a very strange scripture pastors the bible says that in the land of sodom and gomorrah that when two men remember the two angels that came to visit lord are we bible students and then the bible tells us that some of these hedonistic people that they desired to meet with the man and not even offered to give his daughter said do what you can do but please protect this man and the bible says the people insisted and the angels drew lot in and shut the door and struck them with blindness and the bible says they wearied themselves in front of the door in front of a door but it cannot open because they were blind please listen very carefully the reason why tomorrow looks like yesterday is because you didn't know what to do with the door so your tomorrow continues to look like your yesterday when a man's door is closed the only thing that grows in his life is his age nothing else grows nothing else grows are we together a great door and an effectual doors are authorized systems of access access to opportunities access to enlargement access to prosperity access to deliverance now watch this doors just like gates allow for movement understand this it's amazing that doors and gates control movement when a door is open it can allow people and things to go in people and things to go out are we together now if this door is opened it will allow for movement of people and things i wrote something down here that when a door is closed it brings limitation it brings delay it brings frustration look up please how many of you have lost the key to your door at one point or the other and you stood in front of that door you even have a window that was your appetite the fruit is looking at you on the table but the key is missing the door is closed and you're standing as agile as strong as you are you become so frustrated you are looking for who to blame who to beat including god because a door was closed [Music] not life available number one they do not even know that from one realm to the other there are doors and until you know what to do with those doors ladies and gentlemen hear me you may remain in the same position for a long time time does not change things time only reveals are we blessed it is god's desire that we move from one level to the other but between one face of your life and another spiritually financially ministerially in your family their doors and every door has a rule of engagement listen very carefully you must know what to do with these doors now the bible another definition of doors that i will give you doors can also represent hindrances doors can also represent not just systems of access but hindrances hindrances limitations [Music] that a door can constitute a system of impedance and limitation to a man to stop you from going from one dimension to the other goliath was a dawn [Music] he stopped the peace and the liberty of the nation of israel he came and he roared from morning till night hallelujah so the subject of doors and gates is very important and authorized system of access remember that we want to make progress in life listen i've not found one man who does not intend to make progress with their lives we want to make progress financially we want to make progress in our knowledge of god we want to make progress in career etc that means when you find people limited is not a reflection of their desire i do not know anyone who will intentionally peg themselves at a level we where beings of growth where beings of progress our consolation is that while we serve the purposes of the kingdom we also find ourselves making constructive proofable progress are we blessed and god organized this conference to end shame in the life of someone that that whatever continues to make tomorrow look like yesterday we must change it [Music] hallelujah the precepts of the kingdom are precepts of liberty the bible lets us know that when we find this truth they are life to those who find them he says this body of knowledge when you find it then it liberates then your life proves that the light has come because you will arise and you will shine for your light is calm and your rising and your shining is proof that the glory of god has risen upon you are we together praise the lord so we're talking about systems of access here that from one level to the other there are doors that stand as they prove to you that you have come to the end of a season and you are about to start another you never see a door in your life until you come to the end of one season look at me when you enter a house assuming you want to go from the kitchen to the living room at the end of that kitchen you find a door that means when you cross that door you are no longer in the kitchen you are in another room you can be in the living room and you want to go to the bedroom is that true now you find another door when you get to that door it signifies the end of the living room and the beginning of another that means the mere fact that you are standing in front of a door already tells you a season is coming to end and another one is standing so those are signs they are systems of spiritual timing they help you to know when certain seasons are about to come to an end if you are walking and you don't find a door don't give up keep walking when the season [Music] in ministry you are at a level where you start you just keep moving prayer fasting nobody seems to place a demand on your grace just keep moving you will get to a point where you will find a door and if you know what to do at that point you will open yourself to a season where you will wave yesterday goodbye and it will wave you back forever a door the red sea was a door it was a door that would separate the nation of israel from egypt forever or otherwise but they stood in front of that red sea it was a door how did the red sea open and tita how do doors open it did not go down the way the red sea opened was proof that it was a door [Music] it was not just water because when it opened the land was dry are we together now yes sir doors it says and he lifted everlasting doors tonight we are going to pray i just want to show us one secret [Music] it's not enough to see a door you must know what to do with it if that door is a system for access then you need keys but if that door is an adversary you need to know how to deal with it either ways it would demand action is someone learning something tonight so we we must decide what kind of doors stand before us there are doors that are not demonic it is god's system that interfaces one realm and another what you need for those doors are keys you don't need warfare you need knowledge but there are doors that can be human and spiritual entities they are spirits you don't need keys you need to understand the rules of engagement in the realm of the spirit the bible says he has broken the gates of brass and caught the bars of iron in sunder that one you don't open it [Music] hallelujah if a door is a system of access when you open it you can give the key to your children you can give the key to your children's children so whoever gets there will open it but when those are demonic even if you survive it your children are still not seen so you break that system down completely listen the walls of jericho did you know that the purpose of destroying jericho was not to occupy it they destroyed jericho and continued moving so what was the significance of jericho why will you come destroy a town and then keep moving that meant that jericho was not obstructing their movement but jericho was a dog both a gate and a door and for jericho the bible says it fell it sunk so that it was no more are you learning something tonight [Music] when you come to the end of a financial season there is always a door if you know what to do it opens you to a new level when you come to the end of a dui ministry you must know what to do please ladies and gentlemen do not realize what i am telling you you will recycle pain again and again until you know what to do when you stand in front of doors i say it again time does not change anything one day go better is just a why saying a sociological while saying you will need keys or you will need a battle axe either ways when you stand before a door the first thing is discernment is this door to be open with a key or is this door to be broken down [Music] that is why you can have dreams and in that dream you see that you stepped into a next level already but you wake up physically and you and your yesterday god continues to introduce your tomorrow and tells you heaven has cleared the way for you but simply because you do not know what to do with the doors that are in front of you in ministry you remain grounded in business you remain grounded while you are i mean it continues to happen again and god brought us in this conference in the name of jesus that whatever doors stands before you if it's to be open let it be open if it's to be crossed let it be crossed down to pieces please sit down lifted everlasting [Music] when doors are closed listen when you stand before a door and you have the key to open it you do not fear there is no stress there is no anxiety you can even be talking with someone the door to your car the door to your safe the door to anything you can be talking while you open the door because it will respect the turning of the key or whatever method it is [Music] hallelujah [Music] i will show you one mystery tonight that can destroy or open it doesn't matter what form the door comes if the door is a principle it can open it if the door is an enemy it can crush it just one and then we pray because sometimes the urgency in your spirit will not even allow you to find out whether the door requires you've stayed there so long you just want it open [Music] are we blessed revelation chapter three [Music] unto the angel of the church in philadelphia right these things sayeth he that is holy he that is true he that had the key of david who deal with that tomorrow it says he that opened it [Music] see that openness and no man shortest and shortest and no man opening no no just just keep just keep that scripture verse verse 8 says go to verse 8 i know thy works he says behold i have set before you an open door i have set before you an open door and gives you a guarantee that no man can short it i have set before you an open door and no man can short it praise the lord jesus is teaching let's go to luke 11 now as we unravel this key jesus is teaching and we start from verse one we're reading the first ten verses very quickly luke chapter 11 look up please this is what we call the lord's prayer i hope you know that this what we know as the beatitudes teaching them on the principles of the kingdom and in one of the lecture sessions jesus is teaching on prayer and he says the bible says it came to pass that as he was what praying in a certain place when he sees one of the disciples said unto him lord teach us to pray as john taught his disciples stop there please stop there verse one go back to verse one keep it there they they were not prayerless their prayer was not producing results this was not the issue of prayerlessness this was the issue of accuracy prayer that produces results they noticed that there was something he always did in prayer through prayer by prayer and it made all those to open up to him and they said teach us that secret we have also been praying but we notice that our prayer is not profitable our prayer is barring is largely a product of rituals with no power and no result teach us your formula what have you captured in your prayer ministry that is responsible for the open doors that follow are we together verse 2 he said unto them when ye pray jesus now when you pray say our father which art in heaven hallowed be your name that's not what i'm talking about thy kingdom come thy will be done as in heaven so in earth uh-huh give us this day our daily bread verse 4 and forgive us our sin as we forgive everyone that is indebted to us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil now but five is where my story starts please give us from verse five verse five and he said unto them now listen to this story now which of you shall have a friend and shall go to that friend at midnight and say unto him friend lend me three loaves but six for a friend of mine is what in his journey is come to me and i have nothing to set before him read verse seven if you're a christian one to read and he from within shall answer and say trouble me not why for the door is now short and my children are with me in bed i cannot rise and give thee keep verse 7. look at an interesting scripture the reason why i cannot rise and give you is because the door is closed i am inside you are outside there is a barrier that blocks what you need is available the bread you need for the journey is there but the door is now a man stands at midnight and says it is time for me to move to another level i know that there is favor in that house i know there is speed in that house i know that there is a greater dimension of grace and the friend says i would have given you but the fact is the door is short and between me and you my realm of abundance and your realm of need there is a door it is midnight and the door is shut do not trouble me let me show you what to do when a door refuses to open up see the bible says the things that are written are four times it says they are for our learning so that we through the comfort of scripture might find hope are we together now [Music] and he from within shall answer the answers from where from within between heaven and earth there is a door if you do not know how to open that door you will walk under a close heaven because even heaven can close was it not jesus who was baptized and there was something he did and the bible says and the heavens opened so the heavens over you is a door elijah knew what to do with it he could open it and close it at will [Music] are we blessed and he from within shall say and your breakthrough and your lifting and your next dimension shall say trouble me not why the door is now short and my children are with me in bed i cannot rise and give thee i cannot rise and bless thee i cannot rise and promote you is not that what you need is not there but there is a door that has been shot verse eight i say to you holy ghost christian center though he will not rise and give him because he's his friend yet a luciata that means there is a condition that means there is an exemption yet because of his importunity the word importunity is the word persistence is the word staying power because of his paying power he will rise and give him as many as he he will not only give him he will give him as many as he [Music] verse 9. i say unto you therefore ask peru and it shall be given to you number two seek and you shall find but when you stand before a door knock and it shall be [Music] allah give us that scripture again verse nine ask and you shall receive this is jesus teaching seek and you shall find but believers when you stand before closed doors knock he didn't say use your hand to knock the hand is not the only instrument you can knock with he says knock an intelligent person will say how you don't assume that he meant use your hand and bang the door knock he says and if you knock well it shall be opened unto you because there is a law and that law is in verse 10 for everyone is someone here it is a preacher it is a prayer warriors it is a woman everyone that asked receive it number two everyone that seek it find it number three everyone that knocked it it shall be open that means there is a condition that can make a door that would not open to open this is jesus teaching about open doors jesus acknowledged the fact that it is true that doors can close and that when they close don't trivialize them they can trap you in a position and in a ram forever that when you find a door that is closed knock knock on that door and it guarantees that it will open let's see how doors open colossians four and verse three let's learn how to knock jasia is someone ready to read one to read while praying for us that god would open on to us a door so how do we knock it says praying for us and in that prayer you ask god to open that door while praying for us that god will open unto us a door of utterance a door of favor a door of speed a door of your next level spiritually in prayer a man can compel a door that should not open to open [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah so when prayer becomes effectual it becomes a weapon that can open doors it becomes a weapon that can open doors please listen to me very carefully it is true that prayer can open doors it is true that a man can pray the barriers that stand between you yesterday and your tomorrow you can pray them away you can pray them out of your life hallelujah you can pray them out of your life first thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 18 popular scripture but very powerful and prophetic first thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 18. please read with me believers ready read wherefore we would have come unto you even i paul once and again but satan so satan himself can become a dawn that hinders people you what even i once and again the favor tried in january tried in february to come just like god showed you it should come but it still has not gotten to you and he said i tried once and again but satan healed us satan shindalus james chapter 5 and verse apostle james is teaching us on effectual prayer 5 and verse 13 he says [Music] is any among you afflicted let him pray is any mary let him sing psalms is any sick among you let him call on the elders of the church and let them pray over him anoint him with oil in the name of the lord and the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the lord shall raise him up and if you have committed any sins they shall be forgiven him verse 16 confess your faults to one another he says and pray for one another that he might be healed the people says the effectual father and prayer of a righteous man are valid much that means the prayer of a righteous man is not careless prayer the prayer of a righteous man carries energy and power in the realm of the spirit then 17 says for elijah it talks about elijah please give it to us next verse 17 it says elijah was a man subject to like passion that means he was in every way human but he prayed endlessly that it might not rain he closed the door that interfaced the earth and the heavens and there was no rain about the space of three years and six months verse 18 and he prayed again [Music] and heaven gave rain and the earth brought forth her foot look at the way prayer opens doors between watch this between the earth that you see look at me the surface and beneath it even agriculture teaches us that the earth has layers and that all those layers don't function the same whatever of the earth you can pray vision inside you to come out you can pray dream inside you to come out and thrive you can pray an anointing locked up within you and pray like a seed planted in the earth look at me when you plant a seed you cover it but when it begins to grow it will push and begin to become on the door to open that's how songs can be in your spirit did the bible not say out of your belly shall flow but when it flows there is a gate that covers it because every river they do not know the conversation listen [Music] let me show you something job 38 job 38 there are mysteries in this life job 38 let's start from verse 1. the lord answered job out of the whirlwind but still who is it that darkness counsel by words without knowledge verse 3 guard up now thy loins like a man for i will demand of thee and answer me question one where was thou when i laid the foundations of the earth declare if thou has understanding question two verse five who had laid the measures thereof if thou knowest question three who had stretched the line upon it look at verse four it says who where upon the foundations therefore fasten past first four go go to fourth place where was that when i laid the foundations of the earth declare if thou has understanding five it says who had laid the measures thereof if thou knowest or who had stretched the line upon it and has six it says where upon are the foundations thereof fastened or who had laid the cornerstone follow me carefully seven it says when the morning star sung together and all the sons of god shouted for joy i don't want to even talk about what he's talking about here verse eight who shot up the sea with that means the river you are looking at like this there is a reason why it does not come there is a door that means every flood witchcraft found a way of opening the doors because according to god's design there were doors when it breaks forth as it issued out of the womb go to verse nine clarity to that verse when i made the cloud a garment thereof and the thick darkness is swaddling verse 10 it says i break up for it my my decreed place and said what bars and dos 11 and i said he that thou shalt thou come but no father and he shall doubt proud waves this day god did not design our system just like that there are doors spiritually there are doors that means water should not just come to kill you because you put doors if that water floods to kill you believe me someone manipulated the loss of the spirit and made that door to open up it is possible for a family to all be gathered in front of a door but because there is no system of opening that door the father becomes old in front of that door the children come and join him in front of that door please hear me there are people in ministry they have been in ministry for many years standing in front of a door and everybody comes to join them there but tonight in the name of jesus we have come by the power of the holy spirit we insist that certain dogs be open [Music] [Applause] you know when a door has opened because your experience must change it is true financially spiritually when the door of a higher level of grace comes upon your life you know it graces are separated by doors there are rules of engagement in every realm you are in the same room in ministry in terms of the anointing something is wrong there should be an ever increasing dimension of grace i should see you and know you have grown that certain doors have opened unto you if you are in a house if you want to eat and the only door that you can access is the door to the bedroom you are in trouble if you are sleeping good for you but if you are hungry you must know how to open that door if you want to use the toilet and the only door that is open is the door to the living room there is going to be a lot of jumping and shouting in that place and it's amazing that all doors don't open the same way there are doors who turn the key three times are we together there are others because it is so spoiled you put a chain we don't even know where the end of the chain is there is a way you touch it it shifts and you open the door there are others you just use a card and it opens there are others you use your voice and it opens you have to know how the door opens just because you open yesterday's door does not mean you will open tomorrow's door so every time they stood before a door in a gate they depended on god to give them a strategy for egypt the door opens by walking through to pass the red sea for jericho the door opens by the shouted healer that shout opens it but you can stand before other doors and not know what to do there are times that you stand still is god that comes to fight for you there are times you will go round by yourself is in your shouts that he comes [Music] the bible says doors were put to the sea i hope you know that abundance comes from the sea [Music] this is a prophetic church abundance comes from the sea go to genesis 1 genesis 2 you will see there that the plants the trees and the birds it was the water that brought them forth water in scripture is not just symbolic of people water is also symbolic of abundance that means that there are doors that are put to certain dimensions of blessings that we can access please listen to me i wonder what door has stood before you that god brought you to this conference because that door has to be opened i wonder what doing ministry even spiritually there are doors of favor there are doors of lifting you can be favored but to what degree hallelujah if men bless you once a year still some level of favor but that's not the best of god you can get to a point where he daily loads you with benefit how many of you know that every 24 hours at the end of it there is also a door there is a partition not just by the what they call it the gregorian calendar what they call it there are doors so between 12 midnight and 1201 there is a door just because your clock says 1201 does not mean you have entered in another day no it's only your watch that entered [Music] please listen to me i teach you prophetic truth you can say good afternoon good morning what's today's date today is the 11th you are only saying because of what you have seen but prophetically the date for you can still be in 1997. please believe what i'm telling you and any result of 98 99 your life will reject it because it is unlawful give us this day and since you are in that day you will only get for that day the daily bread is for the day you are entering it and if you are in 1997 you cannot get the blessings of 2020. so there must be an acceleration where doors are open give us this day i know what your life looks like yesterday are you really sure you are in today [Music] i know what your finances looks like 10 years ago are you really sure you and today because every day god creates there are treasures that make for the day it says the daily bread don't carry the bread and save it he told the nation of israel it was a lesson because every day i am benevolent enough to put the supplies for that realm so by the time you have five children and prophetically you still have the destiny and the financial level of a young man who is not even married you will find out there is bank you will never have enough because the day you are in prophetically is it not in your bible that a thousand days on earth in the realm of the spirit can still be one day it is not just heaven standard the realm of the spirit has a system of kitchen you can be in march april may physically but prophetically you are still in december please listen to me let me show you the mysteries of the kingdom [Music] foreign have you seen don't feel offended respectfully speaking have you seen a little child who does not grow well and he's 10 years or 20 years but he still you understand what i'm saying you see that condition now you can't deny the fact that the child is 10 years because he has lived every day and night day and night day and night for 10 years but the reality of that child situation has refused to honor his growth the days so a man's life can dishonor the times that he has faced that you can say i have been working for 16 years but prophetically the realm of the spirit says we reject that information as far as we are concerned you are only two days old as far as favor is concerned if you listen the realm of the spirit teaches the physical realm teaches us how the realm of the spirit work it is possible for a 40 year old man to not walk it's an anomaly but it is real that means it can happen in the realm of the spirit too you can say i have been 25 years in christ you are right but you are wrong prophetically you will be surprised that you are just celebrating two years your results is that of a two-year-old person we have some prayers to do this night too [Music] when he blessed abraham they said in the blessing of abraham he said i will make thy name great listen your name is not you your name can be great whereas you are not great and if you are not great to match your name one day you will bring your name down god makes your name great as an out of his mercy so that you grow quickly to match that name solomon had a great name before sheba but she did not trust that she was a great man she came to verify in the palace when she saw everything she said ah half of this was not told me that means as a man of god you can have a great name by what someone said but the day they meet you will your greatness match the name they had you can have a great name as a ceo and the day people look at you they say i'm disappointed no this man's name is greater than him [Music] are we blessed when i found out that just because their night is happening to you does not mean you are moving believe me notice how many things happen in the bible at midnight at midnight at midnight at midnight the gates that closes yesterday yesterday is a deep mystery it's not just time passing life is divided into past present future and they are all separated by those it is the reason why god gave you an ability to still go back into the past you can use imagination and go back into the past and your present will start feeling the impact of the past you can start crying is that true you can watch a movie that was acted 10 years ago and get emotional now the emotion of 10 years ago appears in your today and physical tears start coming out that means the failure of yesterday can follow you and enter your today makes today like yesterday and that's your tomorrow makes tomorrow like yesterday and that's next week makes next week like yesterday the same way when god restores he can carry everything that should happen yesterday that did not happen bring it into your tomorrow [Applause] listen the greatest restoration is not money if all you receive as restoration is is what they call it now arrears you will not restore whoever can restore time really restored and i will restore thee yes no matter what you lose if you don't lose time you did not lose anything people have lost billions in deals and investments and in less than a year they came back people lost parts of their bodies and by medical procedures they had it back but when you lose time you really lost look at me there are doors that have refused to open to us by age 30 by age 40 by age 50 there are certain doors that are supposed to have open you don't build a house at 75 it's not a blessing it's like a man of 50 years trying to write work yes you say no knowledge is a waste but that man will be sleeping in class because according to the program of life he should be rested [Music] so one of the things that will happen to us tonight by the spirit is that while we are praying there you will be stepping into those by the spirit please believe me [Music] let me tell you this there are people seated here prophetically you are not yet in 2020 believe what i'm telling you it's just your body and your awareness that is in 2020 the prophetic gives back to the physical realm my brothers and my sisters hear me the same way there are people who are in 2020 but prophetically there in 2030 so the result you will see does not show like there is a recession the results you see in their life does not show like the the bible talks about men what they said of the powers of the ages to come daddy was in the old testament but he translated to the realm where he said the lord said to my lord that was a coronation service of jesus when he resurrected from the dead the lord said to my lord sit down at thy right hand [Applause] [Music] listen that means a man can be 24 and your favor can be that of a 60 year old man because you found a way of opening doors and you said i need to i need to catch up my father could not open that door my brothers could not if i move at my base my family will not be saved so joseph goes ahead and then becomes a prime minister and brings his father his brothers [Music] isaiah 61 were about to pray verse 1 [Music] the spirit of the lord is upon me because the lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the mick watch this he had sent me to bind up the broken-hearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison some versions say the prison doors to them that are bound you've never seen a man with a mobile prison moving yet the bible tells you there are people who there are doors the doors move with them to make sure that tomorrow becomes like yesterday i made up my mind that in my lifetime every door that must open must be open listen many of us are men of god we must be angry in this conference and say lord there are doors that must open most open most open there are doors of ministry there are doors of favor listen watch this if it is true that god gave you the project then there must be someone who has been planted in that year today to make sure that project is easy if you are struggling the project is in tomorrow what you want yesterday there will need to be a system where that door opens up so that you come into it listen if you are watch this let's assume let's assume that you are in the living room and i'm in the kitchen if i say come and carry your food you don't pick it from the parlor you have to live there to come where it is and pick it up are we together now so if your tomorrow is calling you and you are your yesterday you cannot receive tomorrow's blessings because although you want to come the door will not allow you to come your tomorrow is saying there is a house someone has bought for you already but you are still in your yesterday lord where is the house you promised me is in your tomorrow but you are not entering that tomorrow you may be growing older and yet your dreams will never change in your dream you will be seeing that you are in your house already i hope you understand what i've taught tonight ask and you shall receive [Applause] sick and you shall find but when you find out that my life is stagnated there's retrogression nobody desires to come and invest into my life and my growth now [Music] now listen the interesting thing is that there are times that you are not the one who will have to open the door there are things you can do where you are that will make people come and open the door and meet you there [Music] the bible says when mary gave back to jesus they were in a manger is that true and because they gave birth right there the bible said the magi they saw a star and followed that star came and opened that door and met jesus that means that there are times that is not even you that will have to open that door right where you are god can do something to men the bible says in jesus's crusade that the whole city came and gathered at the door [Music] a whole city comes together at the door [Music] because there are some of us even if you are to open those doors because time has gone you need god to do something to what you would have rushed to to come and follow that door and meet you right where you are we are going to pray some serious prayer tonight and i plead with you in the name of jesus the son of the living god that when it is time to pray please give yourself and your destiny the full concentration and praise some doors to be open and pray other things to open that door and meet you that by tomorrow before the vigil you will return with testimonies and say sir i in 24 hours [Music] listen hear me this is a place of abundance this is a place of greatness my question is where is your portion why do strangers come into your land and eat the riches of the earth they have mastered how to open the doors and the borders of the city that as soon as they step in there are doors they open the doors that leads to the hearts of kings they opened the doors that they teared down the two lit gates of territories each of the blessings and leave that normally we are going to deal with it tonight you cannot be he said i have seen an arrow that servants are riding upon horses and then the princes themselves are walking a food [Music] are we blessed the bible tells us no that all doors can be open at midnight he says paul and silas they prayed oh when they prayed and they prayed and they prayed then the son would deal with all those tomorrow and he said when that happened there was an earthquake when it came down there was a miracle that happened there and the bible records it says and all doors open how many doors all doors open financial doors spiritual doors [Applause] fruitfulness doors doors of speed doors of influence minister dusio yeca got it powerfully channels your spirit has channels your finances has channels he said open up a fighter be open be open you can be in a city and the door of that city is closed over you you will know that the city is close over you listen the word of god the logos of god was under a close heaven for 30 years jesus the logos of the father was under a close heaven nobody placed a demand on his grace and then the bible says while he was baptized of john while praying the heavens opened and there was a voice that says this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased he said here ye he from that day everywhere jesus went whether the mountain whether the seaside because a voice said what voice i said patronize your shop just because you open a shop does not mean a verdict has come on it [Music] someone will stand in front of your school with four children and not see a need to put their children in your school and yet will travel and go somewhere the school face is the same the standard is the same i tell you your door is closed believe me are we together every time they want to give a job they will look at you looking for a job and yet ask you who do you know from this state needs a job and you're saying but i've been he said no no not you someone shout no way listen there is a door that when it is closed you become like ichabod you never become the desire and the delight of people [Music] but there is also a door that can be open every good thing waits till you arrive it is true [Music] when doors are open access is given to you do you know that the heart of men has doors hello do you know that the heart of men has doors yes sir please call my brother this gentleman come look at this man do you have some money in your pocket let me give you some watch this just watch this hold this now this guy this guy can have money hold it i can stand here he feels like blessing somebody but because although i'm close to him there is a door that i am not seeing because that door is closed he will never favor me even if he's your father have you seen listen i'm teaching you deep mysteries have you seen people who it looks like your brother your sister is charm they are building a house for another person they are blessing other people you are here saying please my school face is just 30 000. the man wants to help you he doesn't even know why he's not helping you i'm interpreting it for you today listen proximity does not mean a door has opened believe what i am telling you you have a neighbor for five years he has not checked to see whether you act today no sir there is a door you can even walk how are you good morning sir you are this close yet this far because the door is closed are we together i want to travel abroad and here is someone who has helped 50 people to go abroad and you are here you discuss with him and he says let's pray oh lord help this person and while you are going in his office he's inviting another person to help him i tell you why you are close to him but your door is closed you can sing a song powerfully received from heaven even put it on youtube and wonder why everybody passes it because there is a door that closes you can open a company i deal with furnitures apostle i bring all my furnitures from turkey i bring them from italy congratulations for your diligence my question is i know you have gone across borders what is your door [Music] a person i'm a man of god i fear god with all my heart i have paid my dues and paid my price nobody is placing a demand on my grace every time they use me to invite someone else when will my own grace speak sorry do you know that man i want to invite him another person said do you know that man i said are you aware i'm a pastor too [Music] listen i hope you are not offended by what i'm teaching you because this is a serious thing if this door does not open we'll just end this conference but nothing will change but if that door does open this night my brothers and my sisters you will marvel and wander i hope you realize the parable we read i cannot get up and bring you what you want not because it is not available but the door has been shot the moment this door opens i can be in america this man can be in brazil believe me when that door opens you will look for me if it means to travel you will come here and say i felt led to bless you [Music] otherwise you will keep getting offended at people who are close to you and wondering why they are not blessing you i'm giving you the explanation now just because a man is looking at you and is aware of your need does not mean spiritually the door is open hallelujah hallelujah do you know hands can be laid on you but the door that opens you up to receive your anointing can be closed the anointing only enters a vessel that is open is it in your bible just because you are a vessel does not mean you are open you can be close a prophetic grace comes and it's like pouring water with a cup inverted so you keep receiving prophecies you keep receiving words and wonder why it does not happen here what i'm telling you and the words are true yet it does not happen in your life [Music] this is your blessing god has already instructed it you have seen it in your dreams you've seen it in your visions you've even seen the person who is the helper yet the door is closed you will come and tell him sir please it's just to sink my house with one million naira i will be done and the man will say i'm sorry i need to travel for a meeting i will attend to you right there he's wearing 30 million to someone and say let it be a privilege please um oh in 2018 you told me about your zinger let's see let's see remind me again and between 2018 he sent over 10 billion to others and you are close to him you meet during christmas you meet during easter you meet every time but the door [Music] just because you have someone's number does not mean the door is open you can call how are you um okay it's all right you hear from me and that's the end of it that conversation at a point will come and mock you but let your dog be open listen was it not listen joseph was in prison the door was closed someone came out and was with pharaoh and promised to attend to him but added two years to his suffering but when the time came it says the king sent for joseph and they brought him out of his dungeon how about jesus the son of the living god when he was in the tomb they rolled the tomb and it was there when it was time for him to resurrect the first thing that happened was that an angel came from heaven rolled away the stone and sat on it that means i'm sitting on it let me see who will close this door [Music] listen that god opens a door and sits on it now the savior could come out you can resurrect and still remain there because the door is closed at lazarus lazarus before you would call him to comfort he said rule away the stone tonight we are going to roll away some stones tonight we are going to roll away some stones my spirit is fired up this night financial storms fruitfulness stones marital stones that everything that was shift [Applause] because our first assignment is to roll that stone and then we will call some things forth favor comfort lifting comfort listen please hear what i'm saying you're a beautiful lady well-behaved you love god with all your heart you are sincere passionate and a man will pass you like this as if he's blind and go around someone that continues to wreak havoc in his life and yet you are here as a gift and a blessing just because people can see you does not mean that they can connect to you there can still be a door are you getting what i'm saying now please hear me when is time to pray you are going to pray even for your business even for your life even for your ministry not what has closed this door this thing should not be this hard life is hard the same way you feel when you stand in front of a closed door physically that's the kind of tension your destiny feels when your door is closed even spiritually things that should be easier or necessarily hard see let me tell you hardship has an explanation believe me [Music] believe me the womb can be closed is it in your bible that this womb you see has a dog your mind has a dog your mind can be close then open sheet their understanding that they might understand scripture a man's understanding like a womb can be closed we are going to pray we are going to pray but my spirit is angry because i believe with all my heart that it is time for god to shift someone to another dimension please lift your voice and begin to blast in tongues lift your voice and begin to pray holy ghost christian center praise shalom foreign look at me the bible says up your heads all year days and be lifted everlasting doors why because the king of glory because you are faithful because your lifting wants to come in it wants to come into your life someone is going to pray say in the name of jesus in the name of jesus oh come on no come on say in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i declare and declare i decree and declare by the word of the lord by the word of the lord every door every door that is standing that is standing before me before by the power of the holy ghost foreign hallelujah listen we're going to pray the lord just opened my eyes and i saw what looked like a tone truly like we're saying there are people whose certain tones that have covered you must be open must be open hallelujah i want to pray we're still praying but the power of god is going to come on those people and i want to bring them out here we're going to pray hallelujah please hear me except god is not god that provided there is a door that covers your glory that god must be smashed into pieces hey man lift your hands what's he going to pray but i just sense that strong anointing i want to pray father at the count of three i want you to shout the name jesus and as you shout every demonic orchestration that stands as a door listen to me this is a prophetic church the power of the holy ghost is real and that everything that is not of god must give way please bring the people out pray father that everything that stands as a dog and as a barrier over your people give way now at the count of three shout jesus one two three break them foreign [Music] that door did not open for your father it didn't open for your mother he did not put for your relatives but in the name of jesus as you shout that door like the wall of jericho must sit down are you ready at the count of three one two three foreign [Music] hallelujah praise the lord who is kaiodi kyoday i'm hearing the name kyoday you are at the back cai your day you are intelligent to man from the back is he here kyle day run come kyoday where is he what's your name [Music] this is what i'm hearing bolu is there someone like that we may not have please don't miss the video tomorrow our time is gone what's your name where are you from augustine organ state i want to pray for you everything that is not of god there is someone you are in business the power of god is going to come on you now please bring that person out right now i'm saying i just saw fire because that person's business must be delivered here the anointing of the holy ghost is going to come on that person right now please look for the person and bring the person out now [Music] there is someone here right now some speaking you are receiving a strong prophetic mantle i'm seeing a strong grace for the prophetic and the lord is telling me it's going to come on someone now i don't know where they are one two three four four people i stretch my hands may that grace locate you now a happy prophetic grace please bring them up please help them you rain you rain [Music] halloween you rain [Music] but the angel of the lord is telling me to stand here the power of god is coming on someone just this rope down i'm seeing a very strong anointing [Music] let's bring the person here [Music] my friend the lord is saying right now that he's bringing you into a strange level of hunger for him there is a strong anointing that is coming upon you and that anointing will move you into levels and dimensions in the spirit you will never be the same in the name of jesus what's your name again my friend kyle day i don't know anything about you i want to pray for you whose mother is on admission admission in the hospital you are a man you are here in this room who is that i am seeing this role right here come where's the mind whether you're a member of this character okay you're a pastor where people south africa from south africa your mother is in the hospital you pastor a church yes sir can i pray for you yes this thing here is not the issue of your mother let's deal with you first you're a great man but you need real please stand up there is a dimension of spiritual power your capacity is small you won't do ministry that way you will need i hope you're not embarrassed because there is a grace that must come upon you and i'm standing in agreement with the grace upon pastor of hemosphere i stretch my hands towards you drink up this wine that makes the great strong step into a new dimension in the spirit right now i stretch my hands towards you the healing anointing sites coming upon your hands this man on the ground in the name of jesus i stretch my hands you see let me tell you this the days of ministry now is more than just intellectual communication people have real problems and people want to see the manifest power of god genuinely in as much as there is a body of knowledge that is supposed to enlighten your mind and culture your understanding towards success and greatness let me tell you there are realms and dimensions in the spirit that only answer to power the bible says say unto god how terrible are thou in your ways is that through the greatness of thy power shall thy enemies submit my friend where are you from emo state yes papa shout jesus as loud as you can jesus i stretch my hands towards you i'm seeing an anointing i want to pray for you in the name of jesus i stretch my hands towards you there is a strong healing anointing that is coming upon you in the name of jesus may god use you to heal the secret i release that grace upon you amen new dimensions amen new levels in the spirit amen right now by the power of the holy ghost in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ my dear god is turning your family around the plague of witchcraft i cause it now by the spirit of the living god death thank you jesus right now that family spirit of the living god that the sound of death that the compelling power of the grave that continues to draw people into that family right now the power of god is coming on such a person please bring them out oh death where is your state oh grave where is your victory [Music] please bring that one at the back i want to pray [Music] please bring them you are my hiding place you always feel my heart wherever i am afraid i will trust her [Music] [Music] strength my friend i pray for your family in the name of jesus i don't know you but i stretch my hands and i pray for you and for your family let reproach everything that represents reproach let it give way by the power of the holy ghost in the name of jesus that spirit out of him now this man you are holding i'm seeing something that looks like a snake out now in the name of jesus christ and for all of you our time is gone but in the name of jesus i stretch my hands towards you i decree and declare that god who brought you out whatever it is you're trusting god for and every thought that stands before you demonic i command that that door be smashed to pieces [Applause] now let me speak over your life or your mother where is she where in the glory in a luring here father we pray for mama in the name of jesus the son of the living god i decree and declare by the power of the holy spirit she is quickened supernaturally quickened in the name of jesus we shot the gates and the doors of death we forbid the earth from receiving her body in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ young lady look at me look at me i caused that spirit now out of her now opened this closed door over my entire family in the name of jesus let me speak over your life every dawn that stands between you and the next level i stand in agreement with the grace upon your father pastor hemosphere and in the name of jesus i speak over that door and flatter the open be open be open hear me between now and tomorrow morning i decree and declare return with strange testimonies in the name of jesus christ i don't care how long that door has remained closed but i speak in the name of jesus by this time tomorrow and i mean it literally in the name of jesus the son of the living god return with strange testimony hallelujah praise the lord open the eyes of my heart i want to see you i want to see what you see is what you become [Music] i want to see you [Music] hallelujah the bible says now the lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty then he says but we all not we some we all is the heritage of all with faces unveiled he says we behold him as in a glass when the cattle of jacob continued to look at the speckled wood they gave birth after what they saw it matters what you see habakkuk said i will stand upon my watch and i will set myself upon the tower so that i will see it's more than hearing so that i will see there are things when you see you will never be at that level again it's impossible hallelujah please sit down the prayer to see is a real prayer ephesians chapter three let's look at verse eight and nine apostle paul was given a grace and the character of that grace is that every time he is ministering people must see it says unto me who i am less than the least of all saints is this grace so he say grace that i should preach among the gentiles the unsatiable riches of christ verse nine and to make all men see to make all men see [Music] is more than an information that's a lecture it's more than mental enlightenment it is an embracing of the spirit that brings people into the reality of what is being talked about let me tell you there is nothing more frustrating for a believer to be aware of a dimension in the spirit and never enter it i know restoration is possible i know speed is possible i know god can change my life and then you have all of this accumulated awareness and your life never testifies that you have tested and seen that the lord is good the experience of the kingdom is something that you must partake of it's not just to believe in it alone one day it must become your experience the bible calls such people living epistles [Music] as i would always teach so that if someone forgot his bible at home he doesn't feel bad when he sees you because he can continue reading what he stopped reading through your life you are a living epistle [Music] are we blessed yes so when we see him high and lifted then we become what we are seeing that's why i sang that song high and lifted above the limitations above the vicissitudes of life the things you are learning and you are about to learn are not opinions opinions are dangerous they are subject to a man's experience but the word of god has been vetted tried seven times this is god's instrument of victory he says i commend you to god unto the word of his grace that is able to build you up number one number two to give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified and that from a child thou has known the holy scripture that is able to make you wise unto salvation the word of god is not an opinion it's not subject to a debate no when it has to do with working with god creativity is not required obedience is what is required when it has to do with exercising dominion that's when you need creativity so the assignment is not to guess what you think is the formula the assignment is to stand in the asian parts jeremiah 6 and verse 16 and to ask wherein is the way that good way and that when you find it walk in it and you will enter your sabbath jeremiah 6 16 a man can enter his sabbath inexperience by finding the way there is a way to restoration there is a way to open doors i made up my mind years ago that i will not guess my life hoping i am right there is a way the bible says that sea met right [Music] i can think that is a leather until i touch it and i find out is it back my perspective told me it was a letter you can think this way leads to prosperity to grace and follow it and mentor others to follow you then after 20 years you find out you were wrong let me tell you something with life when you fail you go back no matter how old you start again my greatest fear is not satan my greatest fear if at all any is to discover that what i call light were darkness open my eyes let me see the bible says the kingdom please understand that the kingdom of god is akin to a treasure a lost coin are we together that a man is holding a treasure in form of a coin and then it is missing in a room and the first thing he does is to look for light light and then a broom and he began to sweep that room and he found that coin that is missing the coin is in the room but it doesn't mean you can see it so he had to light a lamb and then search for it the truths that were looking for are not missing they are not far but it will take the illumination of the spirit he says in your light we see light are we blessed already [Music] matthew chapter 16 and verse 19 blessed be the name of the lord matthew 16 and verse 19 jesus is still teaching and jesus makes a very interesting statement and says and i will give you the keys of the kingdom the keys of the kingdom so the kingdom is akin to a house with many doors each room controlling dimensions of spiritual possibilities and he says i will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven let me tell you the difference very quickly between the kingdom of god and the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of god represents every sphere where the influence of god can reach that includes the heaven of heavens that includes the earth that includes hell where can i hide from your presence so the kingdom of god represents everywhere the sphere of god's government god's influence can extend to and that is everywhere but the kingdom of heaven is that portion of the kingdom of god where the governing influence of the christ in experience has been allowed to find expression that is what is called the kingdom of heaven are we blessed yes remember the sequence is that it be done in the earth as it is done in heavens so heaven represents god's idea god's portrait everywhere can become heaven when what is done in heaven is done there are we together now yes so the kingdom of heaven represents every sphere i give you an instance the entire country nigeria as a federal republic is called the federal republic of nigeria is that true so from some visa to to uh uh maiduguri to lagos to porter court it's all the property of the federal government but there are still portions of this nation that are under contention are we together there are groups of individuals for instance down north some visa who are attempting to lay claim on the sovereignty of the nation it is now the assignment of the army to stamp the fact that it is a federal republic so you cannot necessarily call sam visa for now a place that is fully under the influence of the government of nigeria but it should be but it is not so it says forever oh lord thy word is settled not everywhere is settled in a particular domain of your kingdom our assignment therefore is that it be done in earth as it is done and the first f is you [Music] this ethan vessel that it be done in you first before your territory are we blessed and so he says to achieve that i will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and that with those keys whatsoever thou shalt bind now this has brought a lot of controversy in the body of christ whether it is bound in heaven first or bound in the earth and that's not our subject of discussion now that whatever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatever thou shall lose the word bind and lose is not a demonic word it's just a word that means to authorize or to hinder to prohibit or to allow that there are keys that a man can possess that grants you authority to open and short doors hallelujah shear dies when you hold keys when you stand before a door and you do not have the key you will be afraid but once you possess the key there is no need for fear again [Music] are we together now so god is by this teaching not only bringing us to a point of revelation and dominion but he's taking away fear did you know that many people medical people here will tell you that even young people today the sheer level of stress and all kinds of psychological problems that come as a result of fear fear of the future will i prosper will i die no god cannot design an intelligent god cannot design people to live in that level of of um that level of of uncertainty i'm no longer a slave to fear i am i'm no longer to fear you don't sit down asking will i be blessed will people favor me will lagos open up for me and you are just hoping let me tell you the way many believers live people should not be born again watching you because the the way you live is they are better off living based on their own philosophies they have hazardness the gaps in our conviction is too much there must be a level of certainty certainty certainty can i be sure that you will be blessed or do we just hope and watch what happens that's terrible can i be sure ministry will grow or will well let's try and see no we're not we're not working with probabilities this is a god that is exact very exact the challenge many times is we do not have the keys or we do not know how to use the keys praise the name of the lord so the bible tells us that there are mysteries called the keys of the kingdom luke 11 52 that this keys represent a body of truth a body of truth luke chapter 11 and verse 52 please let's read it if you can see it one to read war unto you lawyers uh-huh for you have taken away the key of knowledge ye entered not in yourself and them that were entering you hindered so the keys of the kingdom are the keys of knowledge there is an exact body of truth allocated for the victory of the saints please understand this not every spiritual information is necessary and responsible for your growth just because it is spiritual in context does not mean it is useful that's why the bible speaking says i have many things to tell you now he says but ye cannot bear them how be it when he the spirit of truth is come the bible mandates the holy spirit to guide the saints into all truth that means you will select the truths that are applicable to your life and destiny there's a lot of useless spiritual knowledge that has no place as far as the victory of the saints is concerned ever learning the bible says but never coming to the knowledge of the truth so we must be careful just because an information is cast you are privy to a scar spiritual information does not mean you have authority so we continue to brag around a lot of useless spiritual information respectfully speaking and most of them do not sustain the ability to reveal and glorify christ in our lives there are many people for instance who have been around the airport for nine years ten years they've never flown but they are there they can show you every room they can show you they can show you a way to get the ticket even if you don't have another you they they understand all the skill but they have never inexperienced enter the plane now that's a very frustrating experience they snap around it they talk around it they draw it they tell you what conference is happening in the airport but they never leave many believers are like that i know god can restore they say i know god can give speed believe me the other day they testified in my presence are making you angry this morning for a reason because you see until you are provoked you will not be tired of where you are it is vain to wake up in the morning and to sleep late in the night my bible says only to eat the bread of sorrow it is only god that can give his beloved sleep so when we sustain this dimension of intelligence then you will open these doors why will the doors be open because like we shared yesterday the treasures are within and once you open those doors you can access those things let me tell you this i believe in results so i really believe in results the end of all argument is results results have a convincing power we were not designed to use only words to convince when moses spoke a little he stopped talking let the road continue speaking if all you use is your voice and your mouth alone you are not doing much there must be something about your life that keeps talking even when you are silent [Music] hallelujah that you can demonstrate to people that this god is alive [Music] sami said i will lift up my eyes onto the heels then he asks a question when's commit my help other people have many ways they outsource help he says has for me my health i can't generalize it but my help comment from the lord listen the maker the lord is not only a builder he's the maker it's not only heaven and earth that he makes he makes men too the lord the maker like you see a man and say this man is made who that when men are made he's called the lord the maker the maker of anointed man the maker of prosperous man the maker of men under open heavens and open doors the maker hallelujah so there is an exact body of truth please do not forget this please do not forget this everything in the kingdom is controlled by knowledge the keys that open door are a specific body of truth look up please there is an exact body of knowledge that controls the economic system of the kingdom the economic system of the kingdom is not half hazard it is controlled by exact specific knowledge that can be understood and their operation can be scientific there is a synergy there is a sequence there is repeatability two words is very interesting in that scripture he says my people my people four by six who's here my people my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge it says because thou has rejected knowledge i will also reject thee that thou shalt no longer be a priest a priest is a mediator a representative you cannot represent me because you do not sustain my knowledge my viewpoint knowledge is very powerful believers hear me knowledge is very powerful there is a lot there is a lot of um ignorance and then there is a lot of guessing let me tell you this the challenge sincerely speaking with many believers it's not that we are necessarily ignorant we have not studied the truths of the kingdom enough to know which is responsible for which results [Music] are we together yes so someone for instance let me have any gentlemen anybody come my good friend again watch this this gentleman may be in trouble now and here's how his prayer would look like it would be a combination of the blood of jesus the fire of the holy ghost touching and agreeing communion are we together the name of jesus quoting his scripture now he is not even sure which should produce which result he just tries anyone and the danger is one will walk and if something works that you don't understand how the result came the bible says he that strives for mastery is not crowned except he strives lawfully are we blessed yes so he just feels that there's a pain no in the name of jesus i reject it then he takes communion wonderful he calls the name of jesus he tells somebody he and oh prophet prophesied now he does not even know that all these dimensions in the kingdom have specific outcomes there is what to do if you want to rise financially there is what to do when you are attacked there is what to do when you are making progress there is what to do when you are already successful which one do you not know it represents the door that stands close before you i hope you are not offended that i'm pushing you a little because i want you to walk out of this place with confidence so you go back home and say let's stop this nonsense we are doing sit down i know exactly what is wrong this this approach of random hoping that one will walk based on this case this is the spiritual law that connects it read your bible every time people lost things only the prophetic restored business never restored anybody our last master for it was borrowed and the prophet said where fell it when the donkey was missing it was somewhere that prophesied it back that means when you lose money when your company goes down there's no point sitting down saying we'll start again you are going to go through the same experience the prophetic must be the ladder you climb first are you saying just this this revelation is deliverance for many people [Music] the bible says for instance they received a scatter it and yet increases it says there is he that withhold that more than his meat and tends to poverty there are laws in this kingdom that control specific outcomes [Music] apostle what i need is more of the anointing of the holy ghost in my life there are spiritual laws that govern the anointing desire is only one of them the bible says through desire proverbs 18 and verse 1 i think it says a man haven't separated himself he says secret and intimidate with all wisdom but desire alone is not the key to him to impartation when your cup is empty it's a report card telling you that what is on your head is small the bible said thou anointes my head with oil and i see what is on my head by looking at my cup if my cup is empty the fault is not the cup the fault is not the business the fault is not the location i'm staying in lagos the fault is something that is not yet on my head are we together herbalists have all kinds of shrines and right from that shrine they've not felt they need to move anywhere people come from everywhere with their dignity and walk backward and go to the habalis because he has something that is treasure there spiritual laws are powerful they control exact results longevity will not happen by hoping there are spiritual laws that are responsible if you've lost a loved one don't feel bad but we continue to mature through the supply of spiritual knowledge are we together now this death you see that people fear death itself has a spirit and there are people in fears because spirits there is an emotional component to them truly let me tell you there are people who will pass death and death who pass them to it is not it is not as vicious as we look it is our ignorance that gives it that mind there are exact spiritual laws that control it pastors are the greatest need of believers is favor as far as excelling in life is concerned believe me when i tell you this you can know whether the favor of god is upon your life or not i hope you know that favor is not breakthrough no [Music] the difference between favor and breakthrough is the frequency of occurrence if it happens only once it's not fatal it's breakthrough it must happen again and again regardless of surrounding circumstances exodus chapter 3 and verse 21 please look up is someone learning something this morning exodus 3 21 please help us media and then we'll read it together proverbs i mean exodus chapter 3 and verse 21 this is a biblical litmus test for favor ready please read and i will give these people favor in the sight of the egyptians and it shall come to pass that when ye go ye shall not go empty emptiness has an explanation [Music] financial emptiness emptiness in terms of support there is an explanation now notice the worst person to receive favor from is an egyptian because they will not bless israel yet when favor is on you even the egyptians cannot withdraw their resources towards you your relatives are even connected to you by blood why are they rejecting you when an egyptian that is not connected to an israelite act enemies still bless them overnight is god speaking to us and i will give you the keys of the kingdom a body of exact spiritual truth that you will do business with and watch yourself transit from one dimension of grace to the other that people look at your life and say last week you were not like this what happened between last week and this week and you tell them two things one i came for a conference a convention and while i sat down an information was supplied me and a grace came over me and with these twofold operations i went back and looked my life now a testimony of wonder i hope you believe what i'm telling you [Music] it shall come to pass that when ye shall go you shall not go favor insists that you are not empty it will shake people from the left and the right of any region to make sure you have all sufficiency the bible says god is able to make all grace abound towards us he says so that ye having all sufficiency in all things he says you will abound on to good works it is impossible to do certain levels and dimensions of kingdom exploits when you are empty empty in your mind empty in your hands [Music] so when we talk about open doors we're talking about keys that are controlled with knowledge knowledge having the requisite level of spiritual knowledge that is responsible for exact outcomes exact outcomes colossians 1 verse [Music] for this course we also since the day we heard it do not cease to pray for you and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge knowledge of his will number two that he might be filled with all wisdom number three that he might be filled with spiritual understanding so it is important that we obtain knowledge and this morning the few minutes that i have i just want to share with you two keys of the kingdom i pray in the name of jesus that someone will hold these keys and this afternoon may open doors for you please lay your hands on your head and cry in prayer my understanding open up open up open up [Music] [Music] please pray [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] someone pray [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah praise the name of the lord [Music] the law of faith write it down the first key of the kingdom we explore is the law of faith numbers 23 and verse 19 numbers 23 and verse 19 jesus you're not a man [Music] no man can shine you're not [Music] no one like you like you [Music] faith is a law in the spirit is a key that can open doors the bible says god is not a man he became a man but he is not a man god is not a man that he should lie he says not the son of man that he should repent have he said and shall he not do it have he spoken and shall he not make it good let me tell you what this means that means before god speaks he checks if he can do it that if god cannot do it he will not say it so everything god says he has checked within himself to find out whether the capacity to make it happen is there or not [Music] are we blessed faith listen faith is not believing believing is part of faith faith is not believing are we together now faith is the name given to the action you take based on your conviction about god and the integrity of his word the name given to the action you take as proof of your conviction conviction is not faith conviction leads to faith many people continue to say they have faith [Music] conviction plus actions of obedience is what equals faith please understand this every dimension in the kingdom commits god at the instance of your faith your action not just your knowledge are we together now faith is very powerful hebrews 11 starts by saying now faith is the substance he says of things hoped for it says the evidence the tangibility of things not seen things not seen things not seen that means for instance i have some money here if if you want a bottle of water and i give you a thousand naira i did not give you water but i gave you the substance of what you are hoping for this is the evidence that you have water you take it to the shop and exchange it nobody will ask you how old you are to buy the water nobody will see are you a male or female are you evil yoruba once you can bring this it can purchase that which you desire so that the everything on earth has a price tag are we together now and that fate is currency you can take it to the marketplace of life and exchange it for victory and exchange it for speed and exchange it for things that have no business coming into your life so that when you have faith you begin to rejoice that even though i have not built the house this is the money for the house it's called safe it's a spiritual currency that we transact within the realm of the spirit it says by it the elders obtained a good report then the bible begins to save us three true faith we understand he's telling you the formation of the cosmos he says through faith we understand that the walls were framed those realities were already in existence in the realm of the spirit the technology of their transportation to this realm was faith that they were framed by the word of god so that the things which are seen were not made of things which do appear faith [Music] the bible in several instances in scripture habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 romans 1 verse 17 galatians 3 verse 11 hebrews 10 38 the bible says the just shall leave by faith everybody say please the just shall leave by faith habakkuk 2 4 romans 1 17 they all say the same thing galatians 3 11 hebrews 10 38 that in this kingdom the just lives by faith look at me please there are no earthly guarantees over anything there is no guarantee humanly speaking that you'll be successful there is no guarantee that anyone who will help you man can change i can promise you and say as soon as you finish come to me and one year before you finish i die i'm not bad i'm just human your destiny hair backhand relocates to america just when [Music] no guarantee anywhere your guarantee is faith now faith is an equation and very quickly i will run into it the first revelation of faith the first or the first equation is an encounter with wanting god has said the basis of faith is an encounter with something god has said if god has not said it there's no point believing it it will not happen it is only his word that controls realities remember he upholds all things by the word of his power so your journey to faith is first to find out what god has said even doubt comes based on what god has said satan wants to know what god has said [Music] are we together so it's important for you to understand faith what has god said i know the thoughts that i think to what you said the lord they are thoughts of peace and not of evil to bring you a future an unexpected end what has god said the path of the justice has a shining light it shines ever brighter onto the perfect day what has god said if they obey and serve me they will spend their years in prosperity their days in pleasure what has god said it's important for you to know what god has said concerning you concerning your family what has god said concerning your home psalm 112 blessed is the man that feared the lord that delighted greatly in his commands his seed shall be mighty upon earth he says the generation of the upright shall be blessed then he says wealth and riches shall be in his house and his righteousness endures forever what god has what has god said deuteronomy 28 and verse 1 it shall come to pass if thou shalt diligently happen to the voice of the lord to do and observe all that i command you this day that you shall be exalted above all the nations of the earth are we together now and that this blessing shall come upon you and overtake you this is what god has said what has god said let them have dominion over the fishes of the sea the fowl of the air over everything that creepeth and in doing so hebrews says he left nothing that was not under the subjection of man many believers do not know what god has said that's why they have faith faith is not built by reading newspapers and magazines as important as they are the basis of faith is what god has said an encounter with the written word an encounter with the spoken word there are things that god told pastor hemosphere for instance about this ministry it becomes the things that luke chapter 1 tells us that there are things that are most surely believed most surely believed [Music] there are things god told me that becomes the basis of my faith he told joshua he said no man shall be able to stand against you all the days of your life it's a revelation so when the captain the angel came joshua was going to remove his sword and kill him if that angel did not explain he would have been surprised because god's word already said nobody will be able to stand against you who are you to come there is a word that protects me [Music] what has god told you god told you if you come to lagos i will ensure you will not beg why are you begging it means there is something about the word you've ignored listen satan only comes to you when the word comes if the world does not come to you he has no be there's nothing to fight it was until god spoke to man when satan came and met eve he said what did god say not how are you no what do you want to eat not have you explored other trees all i'm interested in is what did god say the moment the father spoke over jesus satan came and said um if you are the son of god it's a diplomatic way to say prove it if you are sure of that voice [Music] i know whom i have believed and i am persuaded please hear me there are things god has said concerning us this book is full of promises and truths backed by the integrity and the jealousy of god there are things god has said that god is able to pick a man from the downhill you are not the first to come from a background where you were staying under under a ruthless house it is not news [Music] in this bible god lifted men from nothing and took them anywhere it will not start from you you are not the first to have an empty account no sir you are not the first to be jobless no sir you see the things that are written up four times the bible says they are for our learning so that we through the comfort of scripture might find hope hope that if he did it yesterday he would do it again are we together say persuasion [Music] that in a strange land god lifted joseph to become a prime minister in a strange land he lifted daniel to become a prime minister through the reign of three kings you are not the first to prosper or attempt to prosper in a land that is strange the bible already shows what god can do with such men apostle nobody likes me there was once a time a man called jabez the mother bought him in sorrow you are not the first but the bible starts that book with the end of the story and jabez was more honorable that means people can change their state what is this bad luck on my life that drives good things and then you go to scripture because what i say to one i say to all you can open it there and say my name is not jabez but my experience makes me look like japanese and i can change it [Music] what is your name he said jacob he said thou shalt no longer be called jacob but israel for as a prince you have had power with god and prevailed he touched his time and he blessed him and the son arose and he called that priest and the hell the face of god [Applause] is god blessing us listen to me my brothers and my sisters god does not lie our lives are testimonies that when god talks to you take him serious when god tells you this year i am lifting you don't sit down hope and say god are you aware that much is no no no no that kind of talk is unbelief did you not hear that god is able to transitive people overnight it's in your bible by this time tomorrow what is it about listen god is not scratching his head wondering what to do with your life your problem is only an emergency to you not to heaven please help me you are who you are until god [Music] oh me [Music] faith makes you walk like life owes you [Music] that you get up in the morning expecting to be favored you get up in the bible says he looked on them expecting to receive hallelujah faith is not many of these nonsense you see people do around us that's why it doesn't work faith is an encounter with what god has said then your next assignment is to meditate up upon it until until the light enters you the entrance of thy world give it lies light you have understood listen please understand this all of the promises of god without exception are conditional let me repeat myself all of the promises of god without exception are conditional the cheapest thing we ever receive as believers is salvation and even that does not happen automatically there are people going to hell every day in spite of the fact that the substitutionary sacrifice is a reality because there is still a condition if thou shalt believe with your heart and then verbalize it by confessing with your mouth then that life becomes yours because the law is that when you believe with your heart romans 8 10 right verse 8 to 10 and confess with your mouth the lord jesus you shall be saved so you can hear the gospel and still go to hell the cheapest thing on earth still requires something from you listen to me when you act on the world you are not negating faith you are not negating the grace of god you are participating there is a participatory requirement to make the word of god come to pass many believers continue to cross their legs fold their arms just because you found it does not mean it will happen you will sit down and watch yourself grow old and yet the word of god does not work the word of god only works for those who walk it you must engage it it says work out your salvation with fear and trembling your own salvation [Music] so i give you an instance i'm living a life of failure i'm living a life of defeat and i am tired then i go to god in prayer and i begin to see all the promises that continue to show me that i have a great destiny in christ now finding it is not enough i must meditate upon it the end of meditation is knowing where your responsibility comes if you have not found where your responsibility comes your meditation is not over knowing what god has said is the a part of your meditation the big part is what is my role in making this prophecy happen discharge i give unto you my son timothy that you wore a good warfare with the [Music] prophecy he meets a blind man and puts mud and says go to silo a blind man how will he get there he heals ten lepers and says if you believe i've healed you get up by yourself with your own energy prove that you believe me by taking action right go and show yourself to the priest that's a risk you go and meet the pr what if it does not happen your moving proofs you believe not just your saying now watch this listen listen sir i'm going to call you keep saying you are coming but don't come stand up what's your name sir emmanuel let me show you what many people are doing emmanuel this is for you come and receive it [Music] i'm coming but don't come are you saying what they are doing i'm coming i will even come now i'm saying come i'm not playing games this is not april fool this is for you he says i'm coming you can even dance around and say i'm coming and not come and somebody from nowhere come darling [Music] and you say but they just gave that to you last year i've been saying i'm coming since how many years is the one who takes the action that has faith [Music] [Applause] please sit down [Music] the one who moves is the one who believed not the one who says i will move now i'm not saying speaking is wrong but that is not the only action required god tells you your job is in lucky if you believe it get into the boss be on your way there i know you say i'm stupid that's why many people don't get breakthroughs it is at the point of going listen it says the why not finish it's a few six spots ah then it says fetch that water start going to the rulers [Music] my job my reputation what if i get to the rule i say why are you here say please um somebody in the crowd told me that he's a miracle walker and that if i fetch six pots of water every manifestation of faith you only rejoice at the end of the result the process is a risk let me spell straight for you r i s k that's the spelling of faith [Music] [Applause] faith is not spelled as a ith no the doers of faith know the real spelling of faith it's called r i s p that's it go and open the school and you put your hand on your head and say lord you need it he says yes if you believe me you open a school that looks like a graveyard and you are surprised at the kind of people that come because god is not a man sit down we live in a very blessed god bless you we live it look at me we live in a very fearful risk i'm not saying i'm not saying you just take risks that don't make sense are we together remember it is at the instance of his word if his word is not backing you better stay there because there will be catastrophic consequences [Music] if it be thou bid me come and he said come the word of god comes faith cometh when when pastoral atmosphere was telling me about this place acquiring this property and the wisdom i looked and i said wow truly this man is not only a father and a patriarch he truly is a man of faith every result only speaks in the end speaks in the end i have sent you to be a great warrior a great media giant and you are sitting down there saying lord give me some guarantees now you will sit down there till you become old have you noticed that people who are audacious it looks like they will fall and fail but they will not sometimes it looks like they are always falling but god's jealousy protects them because they went at the instance of his word so even what would have killed you it is true based on the statistics that it should kill you but then his jealousy steps in and changes that calculation anything times god is what the answer is so whatever he says the answer is failure plus god is the answer he puts there anything plus god once you add god into an equation the calculation changes my limitation plus god you will be expecting the result called failure and you'll be shocked to see what will be the final answer [Music] when you hold my hand [Music] everything becomes possible when you hold my hands impossible becomes possible say [Applause] [Music] when [Music] i believe in the power of god so what walking faith here would surround us the revelation an encounter with the word of god number two your meditation you don't just find it and start running no no no no it must be settled in your heart settled in your spirit are we together now number three the third step to manifesting faith one is an encounter to his meditation that brings understanding it shows you the role you have to play and then number three actions of obedience not just action not just action actions of obedience i told you that the end of your meditation is knowing the role you have to play to prove your partnership with the spirit and your partnership with that world if god wants to do it you would do it that's just a wise saying it will never happen that way actions of obedience actions of obedience actions of obedience oh god there is he that scattered and withholded mother i mean there is he that scattered and yet increase it there is he that withholded more than his meat and turns to poverty i've been withholding that's why so i make up my mind that i'm going to sow but this is more than money i am acting on a revelation many people sow money that's why they don't get anything they are not acting on revelations there is no revelation that sponsors your action you just saw somebody coming to drop money and you do you follow believe me that's donation there's no life there because the sponsor of spiritual things is understanding it is more than the action the energy that powers action is understanding two people can lift up their hands one will get a response from heaven another will not because one lifted up his hand with understanding understanding is very important in all you're getting get understanding why am i doing this why should i do this for someone you just fast because you grew up knowing that every time you're in trouble first and as much as it is is a very emotional and countable you will not get anything but another person understands the role of fasting in opening up your eyes to light then shall your light break for the bible says and so you can go too fast now with understanding and in spite of the inconvenience your stomach is running asking you to feel it and you're saying stomach remedy i'm tired of where i am light opens do this do this do that and that's the end of it faith faith the bible says let me show you one scripture it says in first john chapter 5 from verse 4 first john apostle john is teaching us something about faith first john chapter 5 and verse 4 for whatsoever is born of god already has victory over this cosmos it says and this is the victory it doesn't just produce victory it is the victory that over commit the world even our conviction and the actions we take to support that conviction will always put you in a standpoint of victory hallelujah praise the lord everybody say i believe in god do you know there are many people who don't believe in god they are only hoping he is not scamming them you must settle it right here that god is not a man and he is able you must settle it right here that god has the ability to lead me in these lagos please look at me yours your land is a good land you can move around hoping that one day lord bring somebody to just like me no sir [Music] when will i ever have land in lagos that kind of thinking you will never have it even if you have a job you'll be surprised that you will save when you are almost getting the money something will come and take you back because you really don't buy land with money you buy land with faith and you buy land with favor they got not the land in possession by their own swords neither did their own arm save them don't let anybody bully you over land everybody met land on edge nobody brought land from his mother's womb the earth is the law the real landlord is god and you can negotiate with him and he will surprise you and give you a portion of his domain for your possession listen i'm not stupid i know what i'm saying i've stopped sharing my testimony so that it doesn't look like arrogance i always want people to settle down and believe god because sometimes once you share some things they always appear like arrogance but dogs remain you align yourself and say lord this year that after this conference it's called open doors it's not just the name of a convention my life should show it [Music] do you believe what i'm sharing with you can you spend me 10 minutes to teach you one more principle [Music] no won't stay that long listen these are the systems of the kingdom you see when you say man is powerful or when you say people have results it's not their face it's not their size is the weightiness of the exactitude of spiritual knowledge that supports their results you see that the law of faith let's touch one more that causes those to be open the law of faith the law of favor jesus is lost someone's life is about to change he's gonna fulfill [Applause] [Music] is listen now the law of favor exodus 30 exodus 3 and verse 21 let's just discuss it quickly please promise your pastor you will use these things you are learning and promising that you will return with the results it says i thank you thank you thank you this thing will give predictability to your life you will play life like a chess you know how people play chess yes [Music] god is connecting the dots to our lives and i will give joshua salman favor in the sight of the egyptians and it shall come to pass that when he goes he shall not go empty listen the giver of favor is god but he uses systems sit down psalm 89 verse 17 three scriptures psalm 89 verse 17 please help us media capra read it if you're a christian for thou art the glory of their strength and in thy faithful our horn shall be exalted see a horn is a symbol of authority that when you see a man rise regardless of background it is not just because some people are lucky please hear this there is a deep mystery that is responsible for the fearful rising of man it vetos backgrounds it features limitations just remain at verse 17 just stay there and in thy horn thy favor shall my horn my authority my influence be exalted one [Music] when god arises this is serious business there are not many instances in the bible where god has had to arise but on this matter all god arrives and have mercy upon joshua salman for the time so favor has timing the time to fail for her yeah the sad time is coming please sit down arrives favor is the number one reason people succeed in life but respectfully speaking and i'm saying this because i'm only using this platform i know god is speaking to the body of christ believers hear me the reason why many believers do not experience favor is in their definition of favor the way we define favor is why we don't experience it the average person defines favor as unmerited access is that true that description is not to come to everybody after 24 hours [Music] sit down [Music] now listen i always put a disclaimer as i teach don't go and harass any pastor harass any book harass any church you say ah i just brought a new revelation you have been teaching nonsense don't do that the spirit of the christ is the spirit of love and i know your pastor has mentored you to be people who understand the character of the spirit the goal is not to go tearing down people and write all kinds of insulting posts heard me say for many of you who listen to me who hates you does not matter but who likes you matters it doesn't matter how many people hate you that's not a problem hatred does not kill but who likes you [Music] a king likes a village girl and suddenly she becomes queen in this kingdom who likes you matters you can be in lagos and someone looks at you and says i like you i want to help you no strings are touched are we together now the proof of favor is not money the proof of favor is loyalty to the heart of man the proof of favor is not money you can have money and not have favor wisdom also gives money diligence also gives money but the real proof of favor is loyalty to the heart of a generation when people look at you and love you and will go to any length to support what you represent the favor of god is upon you it was because jesus luke chapter 2 and verse 52 the bible says and jesus increased believers hear me jesus increased luke 252 in wisdom in stature and he saw the importance of favor you have to increase in favor with god [Music] you can have favor with god and not have favor with men if you have favor with god you will have encounters you will see angels mary was highly favored and she saw angels she had all kinds of things but you will be broke you will suffer the dust will remain closed the dogs are not close in heaven they are close on earth so you need favor with both god and man go and lose the cult and bring him and when the owner asked for he tell him the master had made if favor was not on jesus you will be surprised what a man would have talked to jesus nobody walks hard and ties his colts you come and lose him because you have a crusade who do you think you are it is faithful that is on you that will make someone stand up and say please what can i do to increase you he said god is he said no no no i i i owe you please believe what i'm telling you no strings attached i'm interested in your ministry i'm interested in your project how can i help please can i pay the school fees of your children to university give me that order and you are there wondering i say are you sure that there is no he said no no i will give these people favor in the sight in the silence listen pastor sir i prayed for one month for the grace for favor to come upon my life because i studied ministry and i studied living and i found out if i don't have favor things will be very bad and i did not want to compromise to get to a point where because of pressure you will dabble into things that are ungodly because you are trying to feed your belly i cried to the god of heaven the day it came i said this is it i found it i found it [Music] like a magnet everybody looks at you and you become their delight they look for ways to see that ministry is easy they look for ways to see that you are lifted hallelujah you need favor to achieve your goals let me show you quickly how to activate favor but are you getting blessed favor the first key to activate favor is honor please write it down on the first key that activates favor is honor the discerning the celebrating and the rewarding of men for their uniqueness you are far from favor when you dishonor men you are far from favor when you dishonor god you are far from favor when you dishonor principles [Music] oh no when a door that was opened today closes tomorrow dishonored closed it this honor is the trivializing the downplaying of the sacrifices listen carefully of the spiritual investment of men when you when the devil wants to shut the door of favor he will give you an attitude of sarcasm an attitude that downplays the sacrifice and the the the the uniqueness of man oh pastor amos he's a great man what is there is he the only man of god you see that attitude no matter how you pray that attitude of dishonor has already closed the door you will wear yourself in front of that door i have watched with wonder and shock across the body of christ i have seen pastors apostles prophets great people anointed but you can trace the doors that are close towards them there are this is why our generation of young people don't move forward our extent of dishonor to parents dishonored to people every young man who just carries anointing is lousy is sarcastic sees an old woman and an old man and preach them like children and we continue to break spiritual laws and spend our lifetime paying for it this honor is terrible is worse than a bomb blast [Music] are we together he that receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward oh no honor is powerful some of you have parents that the grace upon their life is that nothing finishes they may not be melania's but you've seen that grace you will never ask mama for anything and she'll say i don't have in spite of the fact that she's not educated there is always a grace you are working with an oil company but you still say mama can you help me with hundred thousand and she will open one basket and bring it out he said grace is not your savings you have not honored that grace that's why it did not come upon you and in spite of the fact that you are doing a white collar job blue collar job whatever kind of color you find out that you are not making [Music] progress the anointing of god is hidden in man but it takes honor to allow it flow towards you you see every rich man and you just said look at the thieves this is our share of national cake you don't know the story of that person that person came to lagos slept under a bridge continue to walk the principles of the kingdom listen the palace has a way of eroding scars but make no mistakes they are there every great man has cars and if they are honest enough they will not only tell you stories they will show you the scars let no man trouble me he says for i bare my body the mark i didn't jump the school of the spirit i went through it oh why is this businessman driving like this maybe he was just lucky why is this man of god i'm sure they are just lucky and you shut the door favor is controlled by honor you will never hear me dishonor any man of god in the body of christ you will never hear me stand on anybody's pulpit and tear down the relevance of that church i will never not discharge not any church no i will teach truth i will within the limitation of the apostolic office i will see that the body of christ comes to the coordinate of truth but i will administer it in love as i'm teaching you now i teach with a deep sense of reverence and honor to you because i do not know what grace you are carrying as you are sitting there you may not even be aware but the grace is still there i can honor my way to receiving that grace while i am teaching show me a man that understands honor and i show you a man who does never shout for no there is a grace that comes with honor it makes you likeable beulah have ziva people look at you and want to be around you they will run around themselves to see that they connect to yourself listen if you are alone and you are struggling is proof that this honor continues to close open doors in your life when i found that law i said this is it i don't dishonor man i truly do not you wanted to marry the lady but the day you went to see her parents you were acting as if they are stupid people and the father was just watching you dressed like a numb rubber looked like look like look like an irresponsible boy they didn't say you should sit down you sat down you didn't carry anything you carried a bottle of wine holding it in your hand as if you were selling it and you and the parents watch you i'm showing you what this honor does to our generation they they won't say you are stupid they will respect you when you are done you say it's all right um we have seen you you hear from us [Music] next thing you see an invitation card of their daughter to a proper honorable responsible young man same thing with preachers god grants you an opportunity to platforms that you know that you should not even be there and you run down everybody and make it look as though it were your power you run down every man of god there is no discernment of credence [Music] and that door exits you never to open for you again when a door open yesterday and does not open tomorrow there is an explanation this honor close it there are people who are invited to many churches and ministries only once and they never invite them again the message was powerful but the persona did not carry on [Music] are we together number two the second key that activates honor is called value value i mean that activates favor [Music] value what is value a measure of your contribution a measure of your usefulness your skill a measure of your productivity life was designed to work based on a reward system if you are valuable i've always said it that most people say preachers are blessed for doing nothing and i said no no no we're not blessed for doing nothing there is an explanation as to the blessings of god it's just the nature of how our value is dispensed that makes it look like it's nothing are we together now every man of god is blessed because he's a supply of value just because the value is spiritual in context does not mean it is not is real value you are shaping the understanding of people you are connecting them to faith you are opening their eyes to see you are constructing a destiny for them based on an information that is referenced on the word of god that is value [Music] are we blessed listen to me the bible says see us thou a man diligent in his business he leaves you with an assurance that he will stand before kings he will not stand before me men you must make up your mind that to attract favor you are going to be exceptionally valuable and value is twofold first your virtue or character then second your transactable skill don't limit value to just kill there are many people who are not well behaved but are skillful ask any wealthy man here ask anybody who is a leader a company holder a man of god here nobody wants a gifted rebel a gifted rebel is not an asset [Music] are we together now your virtue is a measure of your closeness to the character of christ virtue is value virtue is not just something for women you know when they say a virtuous person you just imagine a woman who wants to marry no no no virtue has nothing to do with women and marriage it is the closeness virtues of respect virtues of discipline virtues of diligence there are many many indisciplined people who want to be successful the discipline to be consistent in prayer the discipline to study are we together now the discipline to tell yourself if i need to fast i fast favor that's why that's why when people say favor is unmerited those who have it just not their head and say no you got it wrong [Music] fetch you that you can greet people do you know you can get a job just for being respectful good morning sir who are you this young man well i'm i'm trusting god for a job really no you're a young man come and that's it somebody's prayer point of two weeks was answered through the communication of virtue praise the name of the lord and then finally we have to pray [Music] we'll deal with that in the night but there is a grace called the esther anointing [Music] the esther anointing is a grace esther chapter 2 [Music] from verse 14 and 15. allah [Music] [Applause] someone's life is about to change please don't miss the video esther chapter 2 the holy spirit opened my eyes to the fact that people don't just rise from shushan to the throne there is an anointing the bible says when vashti was banished are we bible students there was a vacancy listen ladies listen everybody i'll show you the key that takes people from shushan to the palace there is an anointing i call it the esta anointing they gathered young virgins from everywhere and mordecai decided to give his little girl a try esther is together with other happening city ladies and hey guy tell sir let me share with you a secret i know the king i've worked with the king for many years i know the kind of woman that the king wants don't mind all these things you see other women doing i will give you an ointment rub it on your body for one year keep rubbing that ointment every day i give you one with aloes for six months i give you another one after one year go before the king you will be his queen and then the bible says in the evening she went and on the morrow she returned into the second house of the women to the custody of the name and the king's chamberlain which kept the concubines she came in onto the king no more except the king delighted in her and that she were called by name you know he was explaining what would happen 15 and now when the thorn when it was the town of esther the daughter of abigail the uncle of modakai who had taken her for his daughter was come to go in on to the king she required nothing but what he guide the king's chamberlain the keeper of the women appointed he had shown her a formula when you read and just that oil was what she kept robbing and then read the b part if you're a christian one to read and ask her obtain favor here it is again in the sight of all men that looked upon her hold on do you know how many people look at you in a day if all of them favor you you will not ask for money again in your life what kind of grace is it that comes upon a man that the moment you look at them you are compelled to be interested in their lives it's like a spell this charm like approach [Music] verse 17 not even the king could resist this grace and the king loved esther above all the women before esther came there were others he was looking at but not when esther comes he already said okay note this note this this one looks close but here comes a young hebrew girl a village girl with nothing but an anointing she obtained grace and favor in his side more than more than more than [Music] so it's true that before you came five people were already being considered for the job already their names were down but not when you sure place favor on your certificate and present it if all you present is a piece of paper you will not get anything add to your piece of paper favor add to your contract proposal favor if all you have is just design and quotations you will not get anything not in this wicked world [Music] then all the virgins saw that he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen instead of vashti favor is a law that opens doors opens gates open cities apostle is because i've never had the opportunity to be in the government house i'm so skilled unfortunately there are times that you can interpret dreams but you will need somebody who is already in the palace to send you an invitation it is favor that connects you when i found this key pastor i cried for one whole month praying lord the kind of grace you have put upon my life if i do not have the help and the favor of men i may not go far and so i ask you favor i prayed this when it came i said thank you jesus there is no territory that closes against me it is true there is a there is a grace who is interested in you who is interested in what you carry there are people who will look at you and say so what do you do you say i'm a businessman what do you supply he said for some i i want to introduce you to somebody we have been looking for someone like you whereas that person's cousin still does the same business and he will not introduce that person favor is powerful is there any man in the house of soul that i may show him kindness for jonathan's sake call zebra for me and the bible says they brought zebra and he said is there anyone left and zebra said in lo deba there is one crippled man called mephibosheth but he will not do you any good he's a crippled man it was not his fault a midwife unto him and he became crippled [Music] he sent for i think that should be first somewhere second somewhere nine or something like that yes when you read everything he now send for mephibosheth when mephibosheth came he said that i'm a dog what will i do in your presence and he said zebra you are your sons your assignment is to farm bring food for this man but as for you you will eat with me here go to verse 10 and see a very fearful statement in verse 10 he said thou therefore and thy sons and thy servants shall till the land for him and thou shalt bring in the first fruits that thy master son may have food to eat but mephibosheth thy son shall eat bread all the way at my table read the last sentence dangerous statements now zebra had 15 sons and 20 servants and yet they didn't choose one of them 15 sons 20 servants and the king is not them said go and get me one crippled present a man has 15 sons 20 servants you left all my sons and you sent me to lodibar [Music] to bring a crippled man please rise up on your feet i'd like you to find a prayer partner for these two minutes if the person is not praying leave him find a serious partner that means business with destiny in one minute i'd like you to open your mouth and pray [Music] my doors must open up and i will give you the keys of the kingdom the keys of the kingdom the keys of the kingdom and in the name of jesus in the name of jesus one more time in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i declare i declare that the spirit of faith that the spirit of prayer comes upon me this is your [Applause] voice foreign our time is gone i apologize but you are going to pray i i didn't have the time to teach you in details that one of the ways you can receive favor is by praying favorable prayers you can pray your way into a realm of favor and i want you to pray lord i'm tired of this level there has to be someone in lagos on earth who can look upon me with favor and i'm praying may that grace come upon me lift your voice and pray repeat follow me foreign amen we are doors have been closed against you your dogs are open hey man we are men have said no to you after this music we say yes to you oh man those of nations are open unto you oh man don't be the national business i hope man don't marry your favor has come amen your favor has come amen your favor has come amen you are wearing the garment of favor amen i should wear it people to see you they will see it hey man you are fair boy hey man thank you father thank you lord can we appreciate god for this [Music] you
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Length: 192min 23sec (11543 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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