OPENING CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 2016! - December 25, 2016

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Merry Christmas everyone it's time to open presents okay read who is from okay from mommy and daddy be careful be careful mom what is it Vanessa oh cool la yeah Wow can we see it can you show it Wow yeah she said she's gonna learn and sing too maybe why not okay who's next okay yeah I think it's cookies all right Wow the black one the one you wanted you okay there Vanessa yeah let Daddy help you so you can open your next one you got it okay okay who's it from you like it you just see the bottom has lace yeah no that's a little bit different yeah me too I like to get clothes I think AJ already knows what all of those are they're all the same size oh yeah Granger Pink Ranger for his collection can you show it oh yeah there you go all right good I say your turn who's it from I think they're all from us right these are all from us okay oh yeah there's a couple that are from other people what is it needle felting can we see oh wow very cool very cool your turn EJ Wow how did you know Mom I think five there's okay okay your eternal Vanessa you're saving the big ones another filth filtering something different colors Wow okay your turn AJ time for the big boy all right the young one yellow ranger let's see nice another one while you're so lucky for her arts and crafts okay your turn AJ last one I wonder what that could be it is the red one oh those are the ones you wanted the new ones okay what pencil for school oh I'm just kidding I know I got we got that for you right charcoal is it charcoal pencils okay your turn AJ yeah and this is from Peeta lmp2 Kellie think right so that one's from me and daddy alright I got you a box maybe more Ranger yeah Pokemon sweater it's the famous thermal yeah he likes those cuz you know long-sleeve open this one first from mommy and daddy that's the last one from me from me and daddy yeah I gave my dad six of those shirts you need help opening it there you go oh that's nice you like it yeah we donated the small ones already Oh open it so we can see it well Papa wants to see it open it better there you go okay Nike sweater yeah you like everything oh I think you have one more present from us let her opened that first AJ and then you guys move on to the other presents okay no you still have those other ones you can use it for your charcoal I think sketchpad okay next ones we have this one you want to open that one oh that who is it from at the aerial and queer Neil and AJ the other AJ Arlen and then where's your gift from them AJ want to open it yeah wait till she's done Oh another art set cool finding dory that's a nice one how are you okay over a hundred and twenty-five pieces okay and then also from Clea Neil and at the aerial and Arlen what did they get you $30 oh my goodness okay who's gonna open the combined gift you guys can open it together maybe one two three go from ppl and pizza Cal right oh I thought it was toilet paper what is it read what it said what is it it's a pillow yeah I think it's from Ikea yeah pillow I think it's a pillow just open one plastic like rip the plastic the packaging and then it's gonna unroll huh never mind don't open it it's gonna get big when you open it at home pillows from Ikea cool Santa presents you want to do stockings first okay let me get them these are stockings from Santa I think because I didn't put anything in your stocking night I got I got to my favorite how much is your iTunes gift cards 15 Wow $15 iTunes I thought you were gonna get Mario run like that sour bite crawlers and starbursts favorite Reds okay here's one present hold on okay so here are Santa presents who wants to go first okay Wow let me see you show it to us Wow okay AJ your turn all right and leave a whole another amiibo let me see you all so cute you should open one more and then Vanessa will open one because it looks like you have three how come she only has oh well she had two and the other one okay Wow amiibo nice okay that's your turn is it hard to open don't rip it on the side where the seal is okay what is it let me see Polaroid camera Wow what are you gonna do with that take pictures of your friends told me another amiibo next one okay my turn this one says it's from Daddy from Ariel Michael Kors I never had a Michael Kors purse the board Wow thank you thank you yeah no I already have the wallet Wow I know wow there's a bag oh it comes with the dust bag Wow is there a million dollars in here bye-bye I like the color - thank you but yeah it should match a lot of stuff okay and then this one's from Ariel Neil and arlynn I think so oh it's a beer Merry Christmas a beer stein it's like four of your mug right wow I like it yeah in the freezer okay and then this one is from my friend jasmine yeah Vanessa can you get scissors I got it never mind sorry it's still recording yeah okay Junior Mints peppermint crunch wow I've never seen that and I love mint so I will like that and then there's something wow this is pretty yeah blouse and it's a open shoulder what do you call that I forgot this is pretty okay okay there's so many things in here okay I think she said this was for my birthday and Christmas Oh Mac lipstick which which it's called which which oh it's a dark one like a witch I smell some candles I'm just gonna take this out because I smell it I love this one frosted peppermint mmm something's still they think it's wet frosted peppermint candle is it just colder wet and then vanilla bean Noel my favorite I think that thing is leaking Oh soap yeah yeah it's a pun okay and then there's oh wow two lipsticks exorcism and Vampira from Kat Von D well look Andy's my favorite candy it's a peppermint one I've never tried that one and then there's a pocket back I need a snow day there's nail polish socks and then this soap I won't take it out because I want is leaking OMG OMG i got up i shadow palette naked smoky eye thank you I love everything wow so pretty okay I'll put this aside for now do you guys want to open this this is um okay I'll just open the box and then I'll give you guys what's for you or for you this is from auntie Janelle and family this one says for Vanessa AJ the San Antonio family you guys have assumes from something Oh vanilla bean the will bought a shower gel vanilla bean oil candle and I think this is for me it's a Starbucks mug this is pretty oh you can write on it it's a chalkboard hmm yeah like right here in the circle I think okay you guys want to open yours here okay give one to vent go one for Vanessa pusheen shirt Wow with kitties okay your turn it's like a Marvel Legends I think really yeah who is it it's Wow okay it's your turn daddy all right it's Ariel's turn here you go this from me thank you you're welcome no Warriors sweater ready and and what's the other one Oh adidas sweats because the that sweater is adidas to her today okay this one is also from me what do you think it is thermal alright thank you you like it yeah nice large that's that's not the thermal that's something else open it you can yeah you can wear it on top of your polo and then the infamous thermal just - you're welcome oh you have one more from Ariel and Neil Ariel and Neil from yourself just kidding whoa video game what is it wow I can't believe you got a game okay yeah you have a new game to play you're welcome oh I mean okay it's time to clean up [Music]
Channel: MelBeezeeTV
Views: 423,473
Rating: 4.5764294 out of 5
Keywords: vlog, blog, melbeezeetv, melbeezee, sacramento, filipino, opening, christmas, presents, gifts, what, we, got, for, december, 2016, vlogmas, santa, clause, kids, clothes, toys, michael, kors, purse, camera, instax, polaroid, instant, marvel, legends, power, rangers, legacy, figures, mighty, morphin, ukulele, golden, state, warriors, in, space, amiibo, stockings, candy, art, supplies, sketch, pad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2016
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