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[Music] oh my goodness you guys how many presents did Santa bring you you must have been super good this year we need to check these things oh yes James what's going on over here Jesus what reindeer teeth look like mm-hmm oh my goodness it was Thursday thirsty work maybe we should have given him more milk after all huh do you think that the elves might have wrapped your presents in the same paper as they did your Christmas Eve boxes yeah so do you think you can tell me whose paper belongs to who Harry which do you think is yours right red Olivia which you ink might belong to you the unicorn purple paper charlie and I think that might be Jackson's although he is totally not understanding the whole Christmas thing isn't right guys now looks like there's a present in each paper just here under the tree so should we pick them up Charlie what did you ask Santa for a remote-control cable do you think that looks like a remote-control helicopter might be none what did you ask Santa for Lulu and lol under wraps hmm looks like a an lol type shape doesn't it Harry what did you ask Santa for and do you think that's the size of your head I think it's bigger than your head yeah oh my goodness should we open it jack in I am fairly certain I remember this Christmas letter I can't remember now I think it was YouTube listener do you want to open it and see if Santa managed to make your dreams come true that super duper cool Charlie what do you need to say to Santa yeah are you feeling a bit happy right now Luna you can open yours and see if it or is it what is it like ooh you super happy baby girl look at your little face you say Kate hey hurry dad made my dream come true you have made your dreams come true Oh [Applause] Olivia leaving Santa knows you like Alamo do you want it open every single present he's like I want it out I want to play with it what oh gee a roblox placer are you kidding me that looks too cool oh my goodness Olivia what's the news angels like a shopkins lady girl look at run it's not little shopkins it's big shopkins what is it jack thing can you open it do you need a need to help you do you like them I think it [Music] [Music] you thought the roblox police sad what have you got Olivia these our generation by look at Jackson he's like I can't get on that that's big enough for me shall I get on that Lula yeah that's not for people Jackson that's really me as Donnie wow that's pretty cool I like this police boat what have you Jackson George press the button Jackson go get we need to play that we didn't know I think we lost some of the pieces wasn't that kind of Santa yeah can you just admit he's like Jax there we go what's that buddy oh my goodness God you can do it your Tiki oops you happy day made hey ready whoa Harry you eager beaver oh my goodness psychic baby girl go for it guys [Music] [Music] are you a bit happy by any chance you look like you're super struggling with that wrapping paper whoa oh my goodness does it land on it's gonna land on cars and eat them hurry [Applause] [Applause] that's a neon coloring that was a special bright color in them [Applause] baby Sylvanian families oh I'm sorry what kind of dream tent is it you can join us or dream and there's a literally amazing are you just a little bit happy by any chance Charlie Gibson present yeah he's like you know I looked at what the present a lot my fly [Music] okay Charlie bear you're gonna go first my angel oh my goodness it's a good present you rappin great job Santa what do you think it is oh my goodness that's not why I think it is is it oh my goodness Olivia you are so lucky it's just right I don't even know but this is just a me have no world have you got no words so how excited you are right now gorgeous girl you're so cute but when you passed out you just get it even oh no way it's the lol bigger surprise oh oh okay there mate I think he actually fell away from it open another present day what have you got hairy bear million set that's what sweeties in a smile Harry oh my goodness [Music] baby go all right what about you watched our re what happens yes we did we're here now you may as well you may so good for anybody oh my god oMG help him out with it so you could help you a little bit you don't speak sure can you do this sorry if you happen you do it can you rip it she she is gorgeous I am loving her hair band also know she's called holiday home oh hey all day maybe she's called hope we'll call her hope Cherie holiday hope we call her holiday if you want to you can call her whatever you want angel Santa is always always watching is me [Music] what do you think of that buddy I feel like we're gonna have like a huge flame erbil time where we're gonna have to put all your plane of your things together jacking car joke even got a present what is a second model a match Wow you gonna put it down the slide a happy sliding book oh no oh yeah fiber water to go Olivia of you oh my goodness does a plane maybe oh is that a princess set OMG she'll the fire engine could come getting home to Jackson Cheetah Hunt can you rip a tiny bit for EM just rip the corner or something there you go Jackson Jackson do it Oh charlie but as a supercool Lego set look Jackson seriously get into the present game now Wow what have you found like something you like kind of Lego Santa did good huh yeah I know what is that Olivia oh my goodness there's a shopkins places real guys look at the back there's a huge picture of what it is baby oh you okay you just got box to the head buddy atlas pretty Savage what do you say - MooMoo hey what's it look like from the back it looks super cool Charlie you want a hug - oh that looks amazing as a bedroom a bathroom a kitchen that's too cool Lulu but if you got is amazing what do you think Charlie do you think Santa things you like Playmobil by any chance our general Mike that's an umbrella Olivia doesn't our generation are Ella no way that is too cool what's it called its called a Dinobot called snarl snow that sounds pretty cool yeah you've got it no way street machine cars they look amazing dude you got a vehicle yeah Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] hurry dude one that's so cool what can distinctive shape wow yeah look at me sir yes Oliver oh my - cool worry marble rocks amazing me but if you got guys you're so lucky I can't believe it oh yeah Wow Wow it looks so cool baby girl what is in there Hot Wheels track that's too cool what's Jackson got I can hear it but I said sir tow truck Wow Jackson have you got guys rip it open rip it open if it opens how you get on there Charley it's pretty hard really hard what have you got all right slime Charley you good mate you look like you need help oh my gonna class say let's wait what is it too cute what have you got hurry oh my kidney Chomp Chomp Chomp there's a super cool Hot Wheel set Harry bear Santa's magic he knows everything oh my goodness boys that is too cool that's a lego treehouse baby what have you got there mate that is too cool look at that outfits they're the champions of road blocks dude that is epic what have you got here Olivia Sophie's got one more so pick up what is it a Sylvanian families treehouse how are you feeling right now then you lost for words your teacher okay so this is what it is it's a selenium family's treehouse building baby girl no no once it is just amazing is it just so good I bet you can't wait to play with it yes oh my goodness imagine it is that remote control hurry hurry that's remote control oh by remote control imagine act 1 is to how you actually deploy it I think you'd be right but it's not going to come up here is it how many bits remote control dude this is literally amazing [Music] rip into it Charlie bear rip rip rip rip yes that's it oh and Jack's inside it to teach you to speak with us on Facebook Enzo what is that oh em gee that looks amazing Oh Jackson what have you got he's like right let's just get it no no no cuz you know he just doesn't know what it does yeah boy have you got jacket what you got I need no basically is true power tower oh my goodness Nick Jackson here's the knee no where's the knee no jaqen oh my goodness okay Charlie you're gonna go first see what's in yours hey Harry present Boise okay gorgeous girlie this is your last present from Santa are you ready to open it go for it let's see what you saw oh my goodness you have not gone our generation Caravan that is the coolest ever get it unwrapped baby girls get it unwrapped guess what Lola now you're our generation dolls you can play caravans you can tow it with your car ice cream trucks and with your bike your how generation dolls have got a world of fun to be had so cool oh my goodness you guys we have been or we they they have been so so lucky with Santa Claus today it has been absolutely amazing we have had the best morning opening presents but who is it who is excited for the rest of our Christmas Day you new around here and you want to watch out for its mistake make sure you pop back tomorrow for that we've split across two days just so it's less editing for us and we actually get to spend more time as a family which we obviously love so if you're new around here don't forget to hit subscribe and about efficient button so you do not miss a thing and we're so excited for the rest of our Christmas Day we'll see you tomorrow guys we love you married [Music] [Music] I was cold December day we are on
Channel: JK TOYS
Views: 3,404,028
Rating: 4.4269519 out of 5
Keywords: christmas morning, opening presents, christmas 2018, opening christmas presents, christmas presents opening, christmas morning 2018, christmas presents, opening christmas gifts, christmas gifts, presents, surprise, surprises, kids opening christmas presents, gifts, opening gifts, present opening
Id: wQu27GiOQoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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