DISNEYLAND HOLIDAYS 2016 DAY 1 - December 9, 2016

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[Music] good morning bumblebee zzzz happy Friday happy Friday it is 7:30 in the morning and we're on our way to Anaheim we should be there in about 3 more hours and I'm gonna gonna stand he drove the first leg so I'm taking over goodnight my stomach was hurting though you guys I am so stressed out right now because I have to drive and I am praying that my stomach doesn't hurt again because we had to make two pit stops because I had to use the bathroom I know TMI I'm sorry so that's my life you guys that's how I am when I travel unfortunately I get very excited and my stomach starts hurting am I going the right way it's beginning or could I have gone there was an entrance everything I got my coffee right here just a regular coffee I went to McDonald's yeah we stopped at McDonald's because I had to use the bathroom again and then we decided to just have breakfast since we were already there and now we're off let's go guys like I do this my bed go to bed my head to bed there we finally made it you guys it's 11:30 it took us forever to get here though because we had to park at the Garden Walk and it just took so long but the line to get it is not that long so hopefully we can get in quickly hello welcome to New Zealand thank you [Music] we made it into the park we're gonna go get a fast pass for Space Mountain and then some of my friends are here so I'm going to try to meet up with them and then I'm not sure what we're going to do after that look at the beautiful Christmas tree I love it hey guys look rafiki's inside the plaza in but look at Rafiki and then boom I'm Captain Hook and max that's max over there let me see ya so cute okay so now we just got our fast passes for Space Mountain and we're gonna go meet up with my friends Francis and Celine over at the stage-door cafe are you hungry maybe we should eat lunch look you guys my friends Francis and Celine say hi they just finished eating I'll just parted them I think we're gonna get some food here too probably some chicken nuggets yeah cuz you know this boy chicken nugget fan right there so we're having lunch at the stage-door cafe Vanessa got mozzarella sticks if you guys didn't know they actually have mozzarella sticks here it's like a secret menu item you can get it at the Golden Horseshoe on the inside or on the outside at the stage-door cafe I got chicken nuggets Ajay also got chicken nuggets and then Ariel got fish and chips yeah me and look at these cute holiday cups these are just paper cups but they're so cute I love them so we just had lunch and we just met Justin say hi Justin he watches our videos he's so sweet well thank you for watching our videos so sweet you want to say something yeah hey I'm day like apples huh I do I like I like strawberry applesauce and regular applesauce - well I can meet you need it and a kit he knows how to make applesauce you guys get PJ chicken yeah chicken nuggets usually or chicken strips with the same you know AJ loves chicken strips Justin last talked about you you guys are like and mom is it okay yeah oh yeah we love food the wait for Haunted Mansion is 45 minutes right now and we can't get another Fast Pass yet not not until another hour so we're just going to get some beignets and then what are we going to get on after we turban gays Oh Big Thunder I think they want to do that so we'll see look at this you guys they have candy cane beignets we're gonna try that right now and we just met Bree she's right there freakish I don't know if you guys watch our videos but she's right there I'm a creeper okay so here are which ones which this one's regular yeah these are the regular ones and then oh these are pretty they're like pink these are the candy cane ones Wow who I'm excited those candy cane Vinay's you guys are so good they are amazing if you guys ever get a chance to try them you should definitely try them on my gosh that's exactly what AJ did oh gosh powdered sugar is flying everywhere oh yeah and we just took a picture with Bree so I'll put that up here so you guys can see the picture and then also you guys should check out her YouTube channel if you guys haven't seen it yet oh my gosh there's like stuff flying everywhere we're in line for Big Thunder Mountain and my friend Silvano is here but we're going to meet him after the ride my guys excited this is actually like our first ride today's I should we've just been eating all day yes it is we have been eating all day private nessa here we go better take off my ears I don't want to lose him well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my goodness that was a lot of fun we're standing in line for Matterhorn and the Christmas parade is going on I don't know if you guys can see it which way which way down there but Silvano's here and there's the Matterhorn and there's AJ and there's Ariel and Vanessa and after this where we going it's a small world after all holiday version [Applause] right away we're in line for it's a small world it says it's only a 20-minute way but it looks really long and [Music] [Music] through the show you know one-horse open se or the fields we go laughing all the way bells on bobtail ring making spirits bright what fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh in the long way oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh a day or two ago I thought I'd take all right miss Fanny bright was seated by my side the horse was lean and weigh misfortune seemed his hot he got into a drifted bank and then we got upsot that was so much fun [Music] what did you guys think is it the same as last year okay the music sounds a little different to me I don't know I don't know why I would I was on it I went here last year [Music] we are all getting super tired and what time is it not even the factory class probably excrete something we're about to get on Buzz Lightyear would see on [Music] station look forward to the flight deck for a media want to infinity and beyond [Music] take place inside your space all right who do you guys think is going to win me or AJ I'm pretty sure AJ's gonna waiting because I'm really bad at this game [Music] the only times I like them like really get a lot of points when we get stuff [Music] here we go guys hyperspace mountain with our fast paths you guys ready here's our fast passes can you passages pilots holding so many things here is my jacket Irish we've detected a star respond Erica who run our economy specials [Music] Oh we are always coming out of nowhere we're having dinner at the pizza port and they got pasta and I got a Caesar salad with chicken and then me and Ariel are going to share this piece of pizza vegetarian pizza we are about to watch Star Wars path of the Jedi and just like that it is night time you guys we came out of that theater and it was dark I was like what what happened but we're leaving you guys we're going to go to the hotel check-in get some rest so that tomorrow we can have a full day of Disneyland yeah that's so pretty look at this this is so pretty so so pretty huh Manasa with all the lights Wow so pretty I don't know where my family went they all left me oh they're there all right goodbye Disneyland see you tomorrow we are at our hotel we just checked in I'll give you guys a room tour we're staying at the Homewood Suites in Anaheim the May it's called Anaheim main gate so it's not the same Homewood Suites that we stayed at in the summer but it's like the older one but it's been remodeled so it's really nice this is what we got the Suites we got the suite we have a suite with two queen-size bed two queen-size beds and a pullout sofa so here's what it looks like right when you walk in here's the door and then it's got carpet here we have a full-size kitchen with hardwood floors and then there's a stove dishwasher sink microwave and a free frigerator and then there's a table here and then hi and then that's the pullout sofa that part of the sofa pulls out and then there's a dresser here and a TV and then in this room you have the two queen-size beds and there's a closet here and another dresser and then there's another closet right here so there's a lot of storage space and then you have your sink right here and then the toilet and the shower look who's here I just picked up Uncle Jimmy I was stuck in so much bad traffic it took me an hour to get to his house and Bob about the Waze app it took me on like five different freeways just to get to his house with me but it's Christmas time right now are you gonna open your presents today really I'm gonna open today or tomorrow just do it today is there another light there can you turn on the light - thank you oh boy these are it's Christmas presents time oh boy I figure out how open yeah cuz I don't I'm not gonna see you Lucas like this will keep you warm and cozy you should try it on right yeah hurry worry OMG here put your jacket over here look it over here put it over here so it's nice and neat gain too much weight oh my gosh I think I should fit it's your size oh snap it looks so nice on you look at that Mikey it's all fitted now loosen tool okay open that one really Christmas love me why so nervous but look it says to jimil mmm looks lovely this is what I call him guys Jemile mmm all right Michael Jimmy doesn't know how to open theirs know how to rip the paper money k cereal inside lifetime supply all right it's a puppy it's probably gonna be dead by now Oh oh my gosh it really is Christmas you got extra president any other extra paper cut I did not as I Wow oh wow this is just what I needed don't break my ankle for the basketball court oh wow oh yeah look we gotta we gotta do the taste do you like them I use you know anything you know anything black they kind of look like the ones that you already have I think but that's okay these are new boy plays evolved yeah I think he has Reese wetter too and I'm gonna I'm gonna last like two or three minutes on the corner that's it can I go with his sons gonna step on step on poo on a side of reform or I'll walk outside after the game and have a flat tire oh my gosh don't say that that's horrible oh wait I'm also gonna I'm vlogging your feet did you see clay tubs and sixty points hi guys see ya Arielle saw it hey guys I was driving like a guy was like I got a freaking big room I was driving on mr. came back and watch the highlights all my good lord Oh Phil she's but you don't like high top soon but you'll actually look highlight boy let me see wow they look good turn to the side while those do look good oh whoa hey don't hit the tow would you those are so nice thank you I might keep him out better than these yeah ten million times better I don't know this is a pretty good addition to them no no no no tomorrow you are your Nikes gonna be enough well I don't know if that's a good idea like when I when I plant like my total is no it feels good this is the 12 yeah is it too tight no it feels good like if I have like decent dude I wasn't playing because my other shoes are like scary to playing what do you mean um I get blisters in the Musil you oh and my big toe kept hitting the things so I like so after I basketball I take my take my shoe off and there's like a little bruise under my nails haha that's X do they fit good yeah are you sure feels good news change them no no feels good okay yeah in 96 oh I'm 12 enjoy your time oh yeah you're all Mikey doubt you're welcome you [Music]
Channel: MelBeezeeTV
Views: 36,613
Rating: 4.8685446 out of 5
Keywords: vlog, blog, melbeezeetv, melbeezee, sacramento, filipino, disneyland, holidays, 2016, christmas, time, december, day 1, travel, tree, plaza, inn, characters, rafiki, winnie, pooh, captain, hook, stage, door, cafe, secret, menu, item, golden, horseshoe, candy, cane, beignets, breekish, bree, kish, big, thunder, mountain, railroad, pov, ride, matterhorn, fantasy, parade, small, world, buzz, lightyear, astro, blasters, space, hyperspace, pizza, port, dinner, tydux21, opening, presents, nike, fitted
Id: rxkOS16CGgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2016
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