Opening 20 Pokemon Sky Legend Booster Packs!

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my mistake do you want this cool [ __ ] on a stick at the top of the description there's a link you can click if you want a cool shine on a stick also 10% carrying are you use goodbye look at the top of the description below máximo folk was not paid directly to promote this product whoever all sales using his link and slash girl code support him for your a small percent made from sales squad mofos provides 10% off storewide excluding youtuber merge stick not included the birds they saw look at these three beautiful boys also known as the winged mirages apparently I don't think I've ever heard them called that phantom wings in Japanese that is uno dos tres anyway they assemble in this set known as sky legend I'm a little bit late on opening this I've been a little shaky with some stuff on this channel but we should be catching up with all of its turn so anyway this is some of the greatest artwork I've seen on a pack in quite a while look how beautiful this is look at this holy [ __ ] that is absolutely stunning I wonder how they're gonna do this with the English look alright so in this set there is a beautiful three birdy ax card we're hoping to get one of those today okay what what even is this is some Naruto looking [ __ ] I thought that was holographic for a second wait okay Magnemite we've got this [ __ ] up we've got liquor tongue the artist really made sure to pay attention to detail on the saliva there that sort of makes me a little bit uncomfortable after my last video the sex becomes better because she's larger well we have both of them here cuz you picked looky-looky and i have like a tongue carrying on we have this shitty ultra based on the end this is gonna be one of the new crystal tool things or something can't get over how gorgeous this pack artwork is so yeah we are looking for the fabled three but oK we've got this crystal tool again we've got one of the three as elf miss bra and suck [ __ ] we've got snorunt we've got oh and ominous owl and a shitty bird Noctowl with this gorgeous art it's sort of bursting oh wait no isn't a visit the [ __ ] church we're all this stained glass window in the background there is an absolute the best version of this there there in the stained glass like some holy bird Church knock towels just come bursting through like the [ __ ] bird Antichrist we've got number three here we go so far nothing too crazy we have oh these are this heart is gorgeous we've got James down there throwing up this wheezing then we have the knocked out again I can never remember this thing's name we've got a shitty bird and we're gonna have some good stuff soon boys damn I really dig that come on boys next feel like I'm opening mail again one to the front we have that is this is definitely these these people they're like furries honestly poker maniac I think he's name is I think he gets a full art in this set actually got the knocked out seeing a lot of the knocked out and we have a camera up next we're gonna open up a sky legend I'm gonna go one to the front we're gonna see another one of these crystal tool cards very cool can't wait to see how that plays out into the English we've got a [ __ ] me what's his name another snow [ __ ] and we have Ekans wow wow wow Ekans is just as surprised as me seeing the legendary bird in the background Wow okay and then we've so we've got a lot of cool legends here everything's about sky legends none of those four legged grounded [ __ ] mutts and definitely having a bit of a brain Friday today so you can have to take it easy on me I feel like I'm going to be forgetting a lot more of their names Wow Wow that is oh look at who dude he's either like he's really envious or he's terrified I'm gonna I'm gonna Bank on terrified I really really like what they're doing with this stuff the end one we've got another one of these forgettable [ __ ] Pokemon alright let's see if we can find a Moltres we have a whoa look at the size of this thing is the tail go all the way up to the head there surely that is like a godzilla-sized arbok that's so strange very very cool artwork and then a lot we're getting a lot of Team Rocket looking Pokemon and then we have frost glass I think these are gorgeous some that that I work in this I've been seeing my god we've got another one of these tools I've got this thing got that thing we've got another miscellaneous [ __ ] ice [ __ ] Pokemon and then we've got this one the absolute food plant [ __ ] oh girl she got a whole lot of junk in that trunk emphasis on trunk like an actual tree trunk albeit you sit ok enough of this I gotta calm down I think I'm making my neighbors kids cry all right one to the front we have another one of these [ __ ] tools come on what's it gonna be where do we stop giving you this [ __ ] we're gonna see one of these G exes soon one to the front we have a recycle energy thing that the hooter come on let's see the Moltres where is even got snow Bominable don't clear look huh where's my pretty Firebird give me the pretty Firebird under the front we have a wheezing being tossed out by James into this little thing this ultra beast and then we've got a little plant then we've got the little camel and we have this spark [ __ ] this is dog [ __ ] I don't even want this to be a park I mean yeah epic but I don't I don't like this Pokemon I have absolutely no idea the price until I'm editing this so you know it could be a big wahoo if it's viable or something but that's it's a shitty spot for one of the secrets there that sucks really praying for the birds and you just get shafted we have up next we got a licky licky we've got a Magnemite in this is kind of reminds me of wall-e very post-apocalyptic then we have a normal and then we have a snow [ __ ] and then we have another shitty ice [ __ ] my brain is on the fritz we have a ninja item we have the ninja bird we've got the Ekans come on let me just at least get the calming card that has clearly is gonna have the mall turist in the background come on one to the front we have an AR bak again into a liquor tongue into a plant into a drab white white absolutely magnificent this just normal artwork is this is going to go down as some of the greatest artwork in Pokemon Trading Card Game can't wait to see how this plays out in English I'm glad I got to see all my boys in that glory even on just the regular JX like thank God at least they threw me that [ __ ] bone this is kind of like malt rice if you squint hard enough there he is right we might have already gone possum got a crab examining them ultras in the sky he's [ __ ] hungry mr. crab side your kids I mean what do these deities even eat do they isn't going to eat the crab we have a look at executor and what a combo instead of three angry coconuts it's essentially four angry coconuts in a couple of feathers super interesting choice I have seen and probably said in a past video that they the artists or at least Pokemon have said that they the choices for those mix-ups are very heavily thought about so it's not just complete random if they want to team up a [ __ ] owl and a 50-foot angry dragon plant then they go to have a good reason but Crabbe we have Mick teeny kind of glad was seeing Victini again victini's had some really gorgeous art in the distant past now I think it's time for us to open up one to the front like so we're going to take that we're going to put it down and then we're going to open up another one and we're going to go one to the front we're gonna take off the rear and put it down with the other one then we're gonna do one more [ __ ] just get this done I'm gonna keep it moving keep it moving boys one to the front and take that ramp put it down like so then I'm gonna take a look at the bulk we've got the Polka maniac got the [ __ ] thing got this cuz that got the neg leg chef shag my name is shag there we go and then this thing and then we got the [ __ ] I couldn't give a [ __ ] at this point boys we've got a camel I wish I was dead we have what is it he said a [ __ ] ironing board no seriously those that actually is at an ironing board the surfboard perhaps okay but it's actually like a boogie board right it's even got like the little wrist strap so you don't drown it on the very end we have Jessie and James the hopeless teenage romantics let's be honest though there's no way James ain't gay I mean I would I mean I would go gay for James have you seen his tits we have another sky legend pack we've getting more and more of these shitty ice [ __ ] anything's taboo Finny I think that one's name is we have one to the front a [ __ ] bird we've got a plant got a shag my brain having melting snow bar Snover is his name Snover I keep getting confused between snorunt and snow pup and then they're both in this the party must go on one to the front we have a camera into a little mantis we've got a bird we've got this with and we've got this beautiful frost glass frost last frost ass frost ass and titties ass ass and titties point Paul point Paul's your name I'm after you you're gonna have to excuse me I'm I'm definitely having a bit of a alzheimer's day today we have speaking of which who's thick [ __ ] what's this what's her [ __ ] name it's a whole lot of meat they're gone for a stroll I remember they replaced the chance he's where you could [ __ ] kill him for a ton XP or something like that like a toy Paul something mantis [ __ ] Laurentiis fro mantis is the first one didn't Laurentis I think we got this [ __ ] then we've got wheezing or Dino that's your name or Dino it's kind of like a meaty naked pink grandmother one to the front we have the recycled thing we've got this bird got that thing we got this we have all that's a beautiful looking card loser mean I think and as mentioned it hadn't played the games but I'm I think that's the mr. Miyagi dude I don't know if they're lovers well that's his daughter or something but it looks like someone's died goddamn we're down to three we're down to three already come on so open another one ladies I really really want to go for that stained glass bird onto the front we have an a now buck we've got a magnum strong the magnet magnet magnet magnet magnet magnet Magnemite Magnemite meg what the [ __ ] is happening to my brain magnet on it sounds weird now I thought about it too much that was like 20% joke only percent brain [ __ ] melt I'm dying help what the [ __ ] out I'm having a stroke seven out Magnezone okay and he's got a bunch of little Magnemite peons working for him it seems make sure you stick around to the end we do have to do our burning shadows English pack we've got the ironing board again into can never remember all which one's those names are but the Mantis we've got the bird we got this planet [ __ ] again just before we do the last one I think we'll break it out now so bean opening these which I thought use blister packs and they've got the three burning shadows packs in them I am only going to take a look at one of the packs here let's try an absolute lucky dip lock here we have a code card one two three to the front and get rid of what the [ __ ] what I'm glad I opened that on camera okay that what that is so odd okay that's so weird the machines just like crammed that one but it hasn't cut it properly it's got like stuck in the middle cutting it that's actually pretty cool my little collection for that anyway I'm just gonna flip these around now sort of [ __ ] that off we have an oddish now ladies and gentlemen we have the final pack let me know below which one of the three legendary birds is your favorite do you like Moltres Articuno Zapdos there is no right or wrong answer I'm just curious we have or dino and then we have this this oh we got a G UPS on the very end of this I'm pretty sure we've got the bird into the final one which is hey hello do huh would you look at that a Cal do GX so they do have a couple of land [ __ ] it actually under the water there is it drowning I mean it's a sea horse that's literally a horse it's not horsey all right guys with it anyway that's gonna do it for me today and all these boys play me off thank you for watching press that like button press that subscribe button press whatever else please click a video on screen I will see you in 2 or 3 days [Music]
Channel: maxmoefoePokemon
Views: 394,038
Rating: 4.935761 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon sky legend, opening pokemon sky legend booster box, pokemon booster box opening, japanese pokemon box, opening pokemon kids cards, kids pokemon card opening, pokemon card opening, Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno, legendary birds, pokemon legendary birds cards, Legendary birds Gx card, kids pokemon toys, pokemon toy opening, pokemon japanese new, new pokemon cards, new pokemon booster box, opening pokemon booster packs, limited edition pokemon, super rare, secret rare, limited
Id: 8j8kT1exXxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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