OpenAI GPT Store Ideas + How to Connect an API to Your GPTs

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open AI is launching their GPT store next week so today I thought we can take a look at some of my GPT IDs how you can connect an API to your GPT and what kind of gpts I think have any chance of making some money on this store so yeah let's just get started okay so these are basically how I have thought about this GPT store so we all know that there's a very low barrier to entry right if you have some experience with chat GPT you can basically create your own GPT that means that we probably flooded this store with different kind of gpts it can be hard to separate which one is good which one is bad I don't know if the market is going to correct that but uh and if you find a good one it should be super easy to copy it and this means that kind of the discoverability is going to be key is there some kind of SEO is there a search functions is there kind of leaderboard like popular apps and stuff I guess so and can you kind of pay for that spot I don't know and who will actually pay for a GPT uh I know my personal opinion is that if it has to be really good if I'm going to pay something for it or I'm not sure is this something like if you have the subscription the Plus subscription if you use it then the Creator will get paid I haven't really looked into that uh but anyway I think that's going to be like highly competitive and I don't know how easy it is to go to make money on this like it's going to be interesting to see at least uh but today I kind of created these three examples of things I might think can make it so I think we just going to start on example one and this is kind of to solve a very specific problem in a very efficient way so I think we just going to go back to chat GPT and look at our GPT I kind of did create to try to fulfill this okay so this is the encode GPT so basically this creates an encrypted message and the key to unlock the message so basically what we want to do here is to ask the user what kind of message they want to encrypt and when they had submitted the message we have our python code here we actually going to encrypt this message using something called fernet I think and we get a key and instruct the user on how the message can be decoded and to do that we kind of link it to another um GPT we created and we can basically go to this GPT so this is the decode GPT and here we kind of ask for encoded message and the secret key and we run the furnet script again but here we can kind of replace the key and we can take the encrypted message and yeah we can just print the decoded message back to the user so this is kind of combining two gpts uh I haven't seen that before but uh yeah let's test it out so basically how to use this we just say hello right and then it's going to ask for I think the secret message right so I want to encrypt this message meet me in Central Park tomorrow at uh 11:30 a.m. by the red bench bring the goods KF okay so hopefully now it's going to run our python code right so you can kind of see it takes the user's message it kind of converts it into yeah this encrypted kind of message and we kind of need a key to and you can see we have the key and we have some instructions to decode this message you should go to the following GPT say hello and follow the instructions provided there okay so we can go to this GPT we can say hello so we just going to follow these instructions if you have an encoded message and secret cre please provide them yes so we have a message here and we have a key so like this right okay so let's try that and let's see if we can decode this message so if you look here now we kind of use the python code we provided we have the key we have the the message and yeah probably this is going to decode our message uh I don't know this is not a good idea right but just an example of what kind of uh GPT that can solve a very specific problem right uh so you can see here meet me in Central Park tomorrow uh buy the red bench bring the goods KF yeah so this works so I wouldn't bet on this gbt but this was just an example right okay so for my second example I kind of have this offer a third party access with a GPT so I don't know if this even is allowed on the GPT store but either way I wanted to Showcase it uh this means that we have to use an API uh I'm going to cover that I think in The Next Step but now I just want to show you how this works and kind of how I set it up but in the example three I'm going to show you kind of how you can set this up to use these actions but let's just head back and let me show you this kind of GPT I created for this okay so I call this mistal GPT so basically we can run mistol AI so you can see instructions is return the response to the user quy using the mistol API always use the mistal tiny model so that is basically the old instructions I gave it but if we scroll down here we have something called actions so if I click on this you can kind of see I have used some kind of action here and to do that we need this open API schema here so I created this I'm going to show you how you can do that afterwards but you can see here have an available action and that is create a shat completion using kind of the mistol API so before I show you how we do this uh how we can set up this action I just think we just going to test out this Mr API and actually see if we can call the API and get a response from the mistol API tiny model I think okay so basically now hello what are the best reasons to use an open source llm so let's just run this so basically this is going to start an action now I think so if we see this run now hopefully this will call cause an action to start yeah you can see this and it asks us do you want to talk to the mistal API and we can kind of see here so the content is going to be yeah kind of our query here right uh so we can confirm this and it's kind of starting the action and this is now going to talk to the API for Mr AI that we kind of set up and let's see if we get a response here yeah you can see here are some of the best reasons to use uh open assour mod mod so we can see cost effective so yeah basically we did get a response from our mistol AI API inside the open AIG GPT so yeah that's a bit funny so we kind of us in uh some kind of Open Source llm inside of the GPT so you can kind of see yeah we don't see the response here but clear we we got a response so that works uh I think in the next step I kind of want to show you how you can set up these um apis so I think that's going to be key to developing like a strong GPT that actually can make you some money on this store yeah like I said I think the gpts that will actually make money and be successful on this store are those that going to make a hard problem easy to solve using this API some kind of special knowledge base uh some kind of special python code I don't know but I don't think it can be very superficial and easy to create it has to be something that solves kind of a harder problem in an easy way uh but I just wanted to show you how I kind of set up my action for the mistal API and that how you can do this too okay so when we are creating a new GPT down here we have the option to create a new action right so if we can click here you can see we need something called an open API schema and for this I did create something called uh a GPT called open AI schema so this will create an open AI schema for actions in custom gpts so basically how you can use this is uh yeah you can just start with saying hello right and let's say we wanted to use this cat API um here so basically what we can do now is uh this will ask for some code or API documentation so we can go into the documentation here for this cat API and basically we can just copy all of the documentation here right let's copy that okay so we can head back to the open a schema uh here is my docu okay let's paste that in and let's run it and here you can kind of see So based on this information you provided I'll create an open ey Json scheme and Json format okay so if you scroll down here now all the way down you can see we ended up with this schema here so basically all I had to do now is just copy this schema here right we can head back to our newly created gbt we can just paste the schema in here okay so that is kind of what I did here for my cat API so you can basically see uh yeah and then we get these available actions down here so we can do like a random cat image search and before we have to do that um you actually will need the API key so I went ahead I found my free API key I went up to authentication and in this API key I selected Bearer I pasted in my API key and I clicked saved so now we are actually uh ready to test this so and if you get some kind of error it will kind of show up down here so you can correct it but uh if we go back here now you can see cat GPT so this is going to find images of cats so we just going to ask the user what kind of cat they want an image from use the action to fetch the image for the requested cat and show the image of the cat to the user and for this we are going to use the cat API so let me save that and yeah let's go test it so let's just go hello can I see an image of a Main cat Okay so hopefully now this will call up the API uh right okay so yes I'm going to allow uh to talk to the API talking to the API uh okay so there was an issue would you like to try another Breer just give me a random cat then so the point was not to get a cat but you can see it kind of worked and it talked to the API we created right but let's see if we can get a cat image here anyway here's a random cat for you to enjoy yeah so you can see basically now we did create this action that can yeah use this API to get some cat images so basically if you want to use this open AI schema GPT I'm going to leave it a link below and you can kind of just run your documentation through that and you can end up with this schema that you can use in your gbts right so it's pretty easy to set up but uh you can see down here there are possibilities to create many actions so it can get complicated too and you can combine this with code interpreter and stuff so there are possibilities to create Advanced uh gpts so yeah that's basically what I had to say about the GPT store for now I think we're going to take a closer look maybe next week we might do another video to see how this pans out H it's going to be interesting but like I said my hopes are pretty low and I'm not going to go like 100% into this I'm going to test it out and that's basically it so if you if you enjoy this please leave a like on the video or give me a comment say what kind of IDs do you have uh other than that thank you for tuning in and I hopefully I'll see you again on Wednesday
Channel: All About AI
Views: 22,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: openai, chatgpt, gpts, gpt store, gpt store launch, gpt api, how to connect an api to a GPT, connect api to gpt, actions gpts, gpt actions api, how to make money with gpts, how to make money on gpt store
Id: e_hRhyJ9qeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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