OPEN LINE THURSDAY - 1/13/22 - Fr. Brian Mullady

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evening from the studios of ewtn this is open line with today's host father brian malady in north america call toll-free 1-833-2888 that's 1-833-288-3986 outside north america call 1-205-271-2985 [Music] you can also text the letters ewtn to 5500 or send an email to openline and welcome again to ewtn's open line if you look at your calendar you'll notice that it's thursday which certainly means that it's father brian milady how are you today father okay glad that you're with us i know you're just a little bit under the weather but you are certainly a trooper for jumping in here well we're trying you're a good man so let me give you those phone numbers if you have a question for father brian and that number eight three three two eight eight ewtn that's eight three three two eight eight eight if you're listening to us outside of north america please dial the u.s country code and then 205-271-2985 you can also text the letters ewtn to 5500 wait for our response and then text us your first name and your brief question message and data rates may apply if you want to email us the address openline openline be sure to put either father brian father milady or thursday in the subject line and uh speaking of subject i know that we're just coming off of the baptism of the lord uh this past sunday so it'd be a good day to talk about baptism father uh last week we actually had a question about this that was rather um involved and i wanted to talk about baptism and i wanted to talk about john's baptism and christ baptism and then explain just why this episode is in scripture there were many baptismal rituals around the time of our lord from various sects in judaism and also in paganism and so we have the wonderful baptism of john which is the immediate prelude to the coming of the redeemer and that john's baptism is a baptism of repentance in itself it does not confer grace but it's a testimony to people who know they need grace and healing and so it's the immediate preparation for our lord's coming now as you know there was a long debate in the acts of the apostles about the baptism of john and the baptism of christ and john is very clear that i baptize you with water but there's one who's coming who will baptize you with the holy spirit and with fire now this is not to denigrate water baptism but it's to demonstrate once christ dies on the cross that water baptism which of course our lord commands has a deeper meaning than just john's baptism because it connects to the redemption and as a result you know catholicism has always been of the opinion that when the touch of the water hits the skin in the holy trinity that it itself causes grace if there's no impediment in other words if the person says i don't want to be baptized that would be an impediment but if there's no impediment then it brings forth a redeemed creature as is the case with children in infant baptism so it's important to see that there's a very different experience of baptism in the lord than of john's even though jesus approves the rite of baptism by water itself now when christ comes of the jordan many modern theologians claim that he didn't know who he was that that baptism was for his own benefit well no it's never presented that way in holy scripture christ comes to manifest after all this is a part of the feast of epiphany to manifest who he is to the crowds and john baptizes him in order to manifest who he is not to himself not to christ he already knows who he is but to the crowds and i baptize you with water there's one coming after me and also in the experience of baptism you remember that the heavens open and the holy spirit descends and the father speaks and in other words the trinity manifests again in revelation who this person is but christ doesn't need this revelation it's all the people standing around who need it they need to know that christ's baptism is going to give a whole different meaning to the baptism by water okay and so the idea of exoplato of the work itself being performed is very much connected to the new testament baptism of our lord because after all the baptism that we're baptized in is his blood and this in itself is connected to the cross and as a result a person who experiences water baptism in the new testament is very much connected to our lord's blood that he sheds on the cross in atonement for our sins and in redemption so uh the whole idea of epiphany or manifestation first talked about the magi now talks about the baptism and next a week if it comes up in the scripture it will talk about the first of christ miracles so christ begins his public ministry with john manifesting who he is to the crowds and then in the wedding feast of cana he will perform the first of his signs and therefore explain who he is who is it that's being manifested who is it that revelation is telling us while it's the second person of the trinity all right thank you so much for unpacking that for us father it is open line friday open line thursday rather with father brian malady here on ewtn radio our phone number 833 288 ewtn if you call right now we can probably get you on today's show 833-288-3986 father here's an email we received from heather what are your recommendations for getting over scrupulosity oh this is a very difficult problem my recommendations are to find a spiritual director and obey him in other words the scrupulous person is always convinced they know more than the priests and the the priests don't understand what they're going through and as a result they can go to confessor after confessor and the confessor tells them basically they're nuts i remember there was a one in rome he was a brother and he he uh his idea was that um if he thought about a sin he committed it really yeah so if he watched a movie on a murder he committed the murder so he went uh one time at mass i remember he went up at the offertory to ask the priest if he could go to communion because he thought about a thought he didn't shouldn't have wow yeah no it can be a very very debilitating moral condition and the best way is to find a spiritual director you trust because that's one of the big issues lack of trust and do what do what he tells you to do even if you don't think it's right because the scrupulous person is always convinced that the director isn't right yeah yeah wow gotta trust heather thanks so much for your email here's one now from robin what is the procedure for a young woman to become a nun oh okay well first of all you usually make contact with the community okay and they um examine you many communities today make you come and live there before you're a postulant so they can observe how you act with people because we as you know we have a lot of um uh dysfunctional families today sure and there are women who have the most wonderful desires but they can't live with other people because of their dysfunctional family so they look at that and see then they if they approve you to enter you first of all become a postulant and that's normally from six months to a year where you sort of just learn the basics then you become a novice and most women religious have a two-year novitiate one of which is very sequestered like a cloistered person and then they go out in the second year and they work a bit to get used to it okay then normally you have at least three years of temporary profession sometimes six and then you make final vows okay well that's the procedure robin thanks so much for your email if you'd like to send us an email for a future show the address is openline openline hey we're taking your phone calls today at 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 open line thursday with father brian milady on ewtn [Applause] ewtn radio is growing are you an experienced radio producer looking for an opportunity to help forward mother angelica's mission of evangelization we need a passionate multi-skilled talented professional who can manage all aspects of producing world-class radio programming you could be the newest member of the ewtn radio family if this is you or someone you know email a resume and cover letter including salary requirements to human resources at this is life issues with brad mattis president of life issues institute we have lots of good doctors yet parents face an alarming rate of medical professionals pushing abortion sometimes in the cruelest ways mary and ryan robison were told their daughter ariana had serious health conditions doctors painted a horrific and grim picture and recommended abortion at her 20-week ultrasound just after they saw ariana's face watched her move listened to her heartbeat and counted all her fingers and toes this couple was offered abortion six times after the second no a nurse said some women just really struggle with the idea of watching their children suffer she put a guilt trip on mom for rejecting abortion even with no evidence the baby was feeling pain in the end the heart conditions healed on their own and a surgery took care of the other issue like us on facebook at life issues and stay informed more informed than you've ever been this is open live on the ewtn global catholic radio network if you have a question call 1-833-288-ewtn that's 1-833-288-3986 outside north america call 1205-2711 or send us an email to openline and to be specific about it it's open line thursday with father brian malady here on ewtn i'll give you that phone number one more time we're going to get to the phones in a moment here 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 you know a great time to make a purchase whether it's a large purchase or a small purchase is to grab something when it's on sale we have a number of wonderful items that are on sale right now at the ewtn religious catalog you may want to use it all year round you may you know depending on the item or you may want to stuff it aside for next christmas one of those items is the kneeling santa statue this is from the joseph studios collection religious catalog has three styles of santa statues which all depict santa claus or if you wish uh you know saint nicholas adoring the baby jesus all are made of resin statue and are hand painted now two of these statues feature santa cradling the sleeping jesus in his arms while a third shows santa kneeling in prayer at the manger with christ awake his arms stretched out wide they're beautiful even though these statues are christmas-themed hey why not let your kids keep them out year round it's an ever present reminder of the real reason for christmas it's available right now at free standard shipping on online orders of 75 or more again ewtn do check them out if you're ready now let's go to the phones at 833 288 ewtn we begin with paul in chicago listening there in the chicago area on sirius xm channel 130. hey paul what's on your mind today hi very good thanks for the uh taking my call i appreciate that i actually just tuned in briefly there and i heard mentioned the father said the family's broken down in a lot of trouble with families and so forth and i just had a question with regards to a frustration i have i guess with the catholic churches and catholic social teaching doesn't address why it is the family is broken in so far is i think it's pretty understandable that people can make a living with a broken down family because the government is there to pay bills in the face of divorce and and unwanted pregnancies and so forth so i don't i just was wondering if the father has a thought on catholic social teaching specifically with regards to uh speaking out against government policies that promote the breakdown of the family all right well i have lots of thoughts about that and so does catholic social teaching um for one thing the wholesale pro promotion of divorce or another birth control yeah uh those things basically lead to the idea that the child is an object of use not a subject of love and so you may have people who are very very adept at running corporations or companies or but they they don't know how to be a parent when they go home i remember there were some sisters who had a preschool south of middletown connecticut and they were older italian and indians and one of the sisters it was the preschool was so popular people would sign up for it in the womb when their child was in the womb wow and so what the sister said they said father every year it becomes more difficult because parents don't know how to be parents they're they just want to buy off the kids yeah yeah and uh you know the the child fusses to thee from a cell phone i mean what what can a child do with a cell phone i mean especially a primary school person he's like you know it's it's very sad that we don't have what would you call it we don't have people who to act like people instead their whatever their latest gig to get money or to to use other people is what they're interested in and so that's of course the breakdown of the family now if you're talking about uh the government and the fact that they're giving a lot of money to people yes that's not exactly what catholic social teaching is either no no no catholic social teaching wants the family i don't know if you know this or not but the shop or work is connected to the family in catholic social teaching and the whole purpose of the shop is to support the family and work therefore has a necessary role in developing family life so yes i know quite a lot about that and it's very sad and it's true because of our materialism and our culture yeah paul thank you so much for your call father we uh received my wife received a text from our adult son he's 30 years old he lives in boulder colorado and he said basically in a nutshell how much he treasures our family because all of his friends without exception all of his friends came from divorced families right right just i i it's it's a tragedy well you know the kids get put in the middle um and they always want the family to get back together again sure and one of the more famous divorces in the 19th 20th century was uh you know desi arnes and lucille ball yes and they said that the two kids um the the parents had movie theaters in their homes so they'd ask what movie they wanted to see and the two kids would say parent trap yes and both desi and lucy said kids we're not gonna get back together again we're married to other people and we've seen that stupid parent trap 25 times but you can see how much the kids wanted the parents to get back together of course of course yeah wow all right open line thursday with father brian malady here on ewtn radio we have a line open for you right now at 833 288 ewtn if you have a question for father brian 833-288-3986 let's go now to uh janet in columbus listening on the great saint gabriel radio janet what's on your mind today uh yes father my question is i have read online that walmart sells satanic items on on their online store and i wonder does that mean that we cannot go to walmart did you say satanic items yes i did oh okay well as long as you don't buy those things i suppose you can go i think they did yeah i i i believe janet that they did offer some items on their online store there was such a a hue and cry that they they took them off yeah if i'm not mistaken so you can go to walmart then there you go janet thanks so much for your call it's open line thursday with father brian malady here on ewtn radio calls are coming in right now you can be one of them at 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 jeremy uh sent us an email he says what does theology of the body teach as far as whether we will still be male or female in heaven any thoughts yeah of course of course we'll be male and female in heaven because uh our body doesn't become an it for heaven's sakes i mean and uh remember the soul and the body are in absolute unity with each other not interchangeable and so if you had a masculine body here on earth or a feminine body here on earth you'll have it when you die otherwise how can we pray to female male and female saints i mean that's true no that's true so uh no no no i will definitely have a masculine or feminine body when we die very good jeremy thanks for your question uh deborah is watching us on youtube this afternoon deborah says father gener genesis 3 5 and genesis 22 confuse me quote man has become like us knowing good and evil well i always heard that sin or evil entered the world when the fruit was eaten but these two scriptures suggest evil was already here any thoughts there father uh yes i have a number of thoughts uh first of all you can't form your theology by english translations you have to look at the words that are used in the context and the knowing good from evil in genesis the word to know in hebrew is not just intellectual knowledge it's actual practical knowledge okay so when you do evil that's when you come to know it and before adam and eve uh did evil they didn't know it in the hebrew sense they certainly knew there was something right and wrong otherwise they couldn't have made a choice intellectually theoretically but not practically okay very good it's open line thursday with father brian malady here on ewtn radio a question here from uh jessica let's go to jessica in houston and uh jessica's listening on guadalupe radio jessica what's on your mind today hi i just wanted to ask about contraception but due to medical reasons what does this church's stand on that well it depends on what you mean by medical reasons if you mean that you're a teenage girl and you're taking the pill to regularize your period but you're not having sex then that's not considered contraception because you're not having sex but if if you mean as a kind of therapy for ectopic pregnancies or you're told you can't get pregnant again because it might threaten your life uh-huh no no that's that's contraceptive so it's it's a sin okay jessica thanks so much for your call jan has a question uh via email are we made to suffer or made to sacrifice my brother says my brother says that we are made to suffer but i don't think that's why god made us well uh when i was a little boy i cited the baltimore catechism and the second question was why did god make me and the answer was god made me to show forth his goodness and to make me happy with him in heaven so we are not made to suffer however because of sin but sin introduced suffering into the world and as a result there were to know love and serve him and go to heaven that demands not only physical suffering but moral suffering too in the sense that you have to control your concupiscence your evil desires but in itself we're not made to suffer that's a stoical opinion from the ancient world uh the more more it hurts the better it is now the catholicism we're made for good the fact that we do suffer is a result of the sin okay glad we can clear that up jan thank you so much for your email by the way referring to emails if you would like to email us for uh perhaps a future show here's the address and that's openline open line at make sure you put thursday in the subject line or possibly father brian or father milady anything to make sure that we get the right question to the right host in a moment we're going to go to uh elodia in sherman texas and we've got a line open for you right now at 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3986 open line thursday with father brian malady [Applause] the reason we pray is first we oh god worship thanksgiving and adoration he created us and everything around us and prayer of praise and adoration is his due for giving us everything including the thought that we praise and in that thanksgiving we are made better for realizing what he does for us [Music] and now the ewtn family prayer with father joseph family a prayer that we pray together is a powerful prayer so please pray together with me our ewtn family prayer [Music] today we pray for those who have diabetes almighty god we worship you our father and we pray this day for those who suffer with diabetes look upon your children with this illness and grant them relief give them patience and the grace of perseverance and taking care of their health show them the way to physical and spiritual well-being let their cry come to your ears and bring them healing and mind and body and soul we ask this in the holy name of jesus your son amen this is father brian milady if you missed part of today's show catch the encore tonight at 10 eastern check out the podcast anytime at and click podcasts matt swim here tomorrow on the sunrise morning show we preview the sunday mass readings with father hezekias carnazzo and father jonathan duncan plus all the latest news weather sports and more now back to open line with father brian malady [Music] this is open live on the ewtn global catholic radio network hey our phone number 833 288 ewtn that's if you call 833-288-3986 uh as in right now call right now while we have a couple of open lines you can probably get in on today's show then you won't have to wait a week here is uh elodia now in sherman texas listing on the great guadalupe radio elodia what's on your mind today uh two things i don't know what that soul is uh worn by the priest when he's hearing confessions lately some priests aren't wearing that i think it's blue or purplish and also uh saying the active condition in the confessional versus outside the confessional all right as of the first the stole is the sign of a sacrament um in fact the chasmal which we were at mass is an extension of the stole that's why it's so big but it's a sign of the power of the priest to give a sacrament now i don't know why the priest omits the wear of the stole in the dominican order we don't have to wear the stole because we have an ancient privilege that the scapular substitutes for it because of all the confessions we heard all over europe okay regarding the uh athletic attrition in or out of confessional that's that's optional so whatever the priest wants to do i usually prefer it in the confessional before i give absolution but there's no real hard and fast rule about it okay very good uh hello thanks so much for your call richard has a question uh emailed to us he says the catechism of the catholic church avoids referring to jesus christ as a human being since then jesus would be two beings i have heard catholic apologists call him a human being so what are your thoughts on that well uh it avoids referring to him as a human person a human being if you mean nature then that's certainly fitting to affirm for christ but as far as the person of the word there's only one person in jesus with two natures so what i'm saying is that if your expression of him being a human being refers to his human nature you can say that it's not the best thing to say but you can't say that but you cannot say there's a human person in christ and you know there are lots of people lots of preachers who say that and that's heretical that's the nestorian heresy there are two persons in christ okay well very good uh richard thanks so much for your question here's one now from aaron if you affirm free will does the catholic teaching of justification follow and if you deny free will does the protestant teaching of justification follow um gosh let's see justification and catholicism is god moves the soul and the soul by freedom allows itself to be moved okay but it doesn't move itself that's merit so um the denial of free will would certainly uh affect uh catholic teaching concerning justification um and i didn't gee that's a kind of content yes the denial of free will for protestants i really don't know um i think that they have a several doctrines where in some of them sex where they basically hold that um you're justified no matter what you do well then of course what senses of free will maybe oh yeah um you know so no in catholicism you have the god moves so the protestants are right in the sense that our works don't justify us god moves and the soul allows itself to be moved by freedom then when the soul moves your own powers to act in light of this that's merit but we don't merit grace coming we merit heaven as a result of grace all right very good thank you so much for your question aaron let's go to chris now in michigan listening on siriusxm channel 130 chris what's on your mind today um if you or the moment you die do you go to paradise as jesus explained in luke 23 um i guess not talking about purgatory right now in his heaven a different level after jesus returns well i have no idea i have no idea what you mean by a different level when you die you're judged and you either become worthy of heaven or hell and personal judgment the people who go to purgatory are judge worthy of heaven but they have things they have to work out that they did on earth that weren't really very good then at the end of time there's another judgment a general judgment in which all the assembled creation is judged by the mouth of our lord which is what's before matthew 25. and in this general judgment all that the wicked did will be everything will be revealed so what the wicked did the their hidden evil was it will be revealed and add to their suffering and the good their hidden patience will be revealed and it will add to their glorification but there's no levels of paradise i mean the people who are judged worthy of heaven uh go immediately there okay provided they don't have to work out some things sure in purgatory right chris chris i appreciate your phone call today we do have a line open for you right now for father brian malady at 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 here's an email from robert father he says in the john 6 dialogues the language of transubstantiation is literal and taken literally by catholics but with nicodemus being born again and with the women at the well the language is also literal but catholics don't take it literally why is that well because the letter level of literacy literally being literal is different in all those things now christ as you know in john chapter 6 when people find this a hard saying he doesn't back off he even uses verbs like chew it's obvious that he considers this uh extremely important and uh well i guess the words you would use is literal activity now in the other hand people like nicodemus they're not necessarily dealing with literal ideas at least in the context so you have the spirit and all that well what does that mean that needs to be interpreted a bit more but not in john chapter six okay very good it is open line thursday with father brian malady here on ewtn radio we do have a line open for you right now at 8 3 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3986 got a uh an email here father from christina who says i am a cradle catholic i went to catholic grammar school and high school also my uncle was a franciscan priest my dad's youngest brother i am currently in a relationship with a protestant man he truly believes that the dalai lama will go to hell because he does not believe in jesus now i know that jesus is the way the truth and the life but what about buddhists such as the dalai lama who have lived a very holy life thanks for all your wonderful shows christina okay well i think buddhism is a very strange religion and hinduism is even worse and though there are positive aspects to this like in every religion the general opinion of the church has been that as long as those positive aspects are emphasized and the negative aspects are a result of invincible ignorance you know that you couldn't know any better then god never condemns those who do what they're able to do but obviously buddhism which doesn't believe in a personal god and all that it can't possibly be the same as christianity okay appreciate that and uh christina thank you so much for your email here's one now from vic who says when a person is dying and they confess their sins without a priest does that count or is it necessary to have already gone to confession or must there be a priest present when the person passes away in order for their sins to be forgiven well we fall back on the same principle if it's possible a priest be present then he should be present okay if it's not possible it's possible for you to say your sins to someone else who as you know can take them to the priest and repeat them but the the person who receives these sins is bound by the seal just as the priest is and anyways it's quite complicated the question of how you actually carry this out in practice sometimes but the idea is that you can confess your sins to someone else who can take them to the priest who can absolve you but all both of them are bound by the seal and they can never reveal it okay appreciate that thank you so much for your email it's open line thursday with father brian here on ewtn radio do have a couple of lines full couple of lines open at 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 you are probably well well aware of our wonderful program catholic answers live and i'm very proud that ewtn is the exclusive radio home for catholic answers live did you know that there is a weekend edition of catholic answers live we call it the best of catholic answers our producer michael mccall picks what he thinks is the best show of the week and that's what we slug into the server and we air it on sunday evenings at 6 pm eastern the same time that you would normally hear catholic answers live monday through friday there's that best of show that airs on sunday nights 6 pm eastern i'll tell you what it's better than anything on tv that is for sure all right it is open line thursday with father brian here on ewtn alec wrote us an email from peachtree city georgia alex says we catholics say that nativity the nativity is the incarnation we also acknowledge that christ actually became incarnate at the enunciation but we tend to repeatedly and most strongly identify christmas as the incarnation to me this indicates that christ was not really a human being until he was born contrary to the catholic position on the personhood of the fetus in the womb why in the world do we confuse this issue so completely why do we insist that the nativity and the incarnation are the same thanks alec well we don't that's the simple answer the feast of the incarnation of christ is the annunciation the nativity is there they're just that the nativity in other words christ came out of the womb after nine months to be revealed to the world if no one had known about him he couldn't have possibly carried out his public ministry or any of that so we do not confuse them and i think it's important for you to look at the missile to see that um okay yeah uh we do not confuse them very good and there were books like cardinal ratzinger bennett the 16th wrote a long book on that and with liturgy and he talked about the date for christmas and he says no march 25th in hebrew ideas was the day for the creation of the world so the new creation occurs then then that determines all the other dates so june 25th is john the baptist birth as you remember yes because if the angel says she who is barren is in her sixth month and then december 21st is when christ comes out of the womb the light bursts out of the womb in order for people to know him all right appreciate that it's open line thursday with father brian uh lucy mary in colorado called in she couldn't stay on the phone but she did leave us this question she says i am a convert could you please recommend a book on purgatory any uh ideas there father well oddly enough the best book on purgatory is dorothy sayer's translation of the purgatory and dante's divine comedy really yes and you can find that in penguin classics because she was an anglican but she was writing uh to try to explain what dante's ideas were which were very optimistic about purgatory and so her distinctions are very good they're very simple the only it's only like two or three pages long in the introduction but it really is one of the best books ever written in purgatory yeah very good lucy mary thanks so much for your question rita sent us a text she says the bible says to be fruitful and multiply as parents but why would we want to bring more children into this world that is so upside down what would their future be heaven yeah their future is heaven god made me to show forth his goodness and to make me happy with him in heaven god created the world in order to people heaven and you know the world has often been in turmoil and difficulty but i'm constantly astonished at people who think nobody should have any children because they might have some problems you know physically they still have an intellect and will sure we still are able at the moment at least to teach christianity freely and they can go to heaven so that's the reason that's where we need to be rita thanks so much for your text mary is listening to us in troy michigan hey there mary what's on your mind today hi father thank you for taking my call so much it's been weighing on my heart really oh heavily these days since i got a letter from the bishop that two of my four children's baptisms are not valid the deacon when he baptized them back in 1992 said we baptize you in the name of the father son and the holy spirit instead of i baptize you oh my goodness so i got a letter from the bishop and i can't tell you as a parent that has been a catechist taking their kids for every sacrament every sunday i can't tell you how devastating and hurtful it has been to go through this um my children are now 29. they redid their sacraments um but only because i wanted them to put a really bad taste in their mouth and it's devastated me and i just wanted to understand the church's reasoning again i was baptized in a croatian church i have no idea what they said my husband's the presbyterian i don't know what they said it hit you know it just to get that letter um and just kind of throw a bomb into our family has been devastating we celebrate our baptism day uh as we do our birthday um and we always have and now when that day comes around it's a very devastating day to all of us we can't look at the pictures my kids wore my baptismal down it just is so devastating to throw a bomb like that into a family and not have the church ever follow up with me wow mary thank you for your call and uh father what do you think how how does she move on from this how does she heal from this well first of all you did get them baptized right yes she did again she did all right well first of all i wouldn't take it personally i don't think it has anything to do with you and your family personally it's just that apparently the bishop tumbled at the fact that zika didn't know what he was doing so it's his problem not yours and i would say that i would be glad that it was resolved before it got even worse yeah so i i know people tend to get very very hurt today but uh as i say it isn't the problem this isn't your problem it's the problem with that deacon yeah and uh if you could try to put it in perspective that might help a bit we do hope that's helpful for you mary thank you so much for your call graham sent us an email who says a person i know who was an agnostic asked me this question if a loving god is not giving us a perfect free will therefore if there is a god isn't he flawed his his contention is we do not have true free will because it has been compromised by sin well we always have free will we can always convert yeah i mean of course we have free will again god doesn't force us to do one thing or another he's recognizing a situation that needs to be addressed and so the free will always implies that you can convert that you can address your concupiscence you can address your sins we provide sacraments for that our lord died for that if you think you have to be perfect i don't know yeah i'm certainly not perfect i don't know me neither may need it and i don't take that as a result of an uh unloving god i take it a result of me yes god's given me every help if i don't benefit from it that's my problem sure graham thanks so much for your email here's one here's one now from wilfred it is a possibility that god's omnipotence works differently than how people see things if that is true is that an answer to the arguments against the existence of god considering everything is contradictory wow he's all over the place with this question yeah i have no idea what he's talking about i'm not sure i'm not sure is it a possibility that god's omnipotence works differently than how people see things well what does that mean i don't know what that means i don't know and if they mean that god by his power can act against himself no he can't and this someone in the last i was with your last show and they were talking about nominalism yes and the nominalists basically believed that god's power was the most important thing and he could change everything as he wanted to he was like a petulant child up in heaven who could you know who could just by his own um selfishness basically changed the world and back and forth no god can't act against his own omnipotence just because he has the ability to do it doesn't mean he can he doesn't act against logic because logic reflects him the question you ask me is quite difficult to try to explain in three minutes yeah but just keep in mind just because you have the power to do something doesn't mean that you can do it when it comes to truth god's omnipotence is also subject to his truth because he's also the infinite truth and he's also the infinite love all right here's a question now from an anonymous listener who says i'm a devout catholic and a loyal listener regarding the question about same-sex so-called marriage and the caller's daughter asking where is it written that it's not allowed here's my thought what about the miracle at cana same-sex so-called marriage was not ordained by god in heaven and or sanctified by christ on earth when my daughter asked me if i would attend the ceremony if she were to marry a woman i replied no because there's no such thing i then referred to the above and added that quote it's impossible for a man to marry a man or to a for a woman to marry a woman in the sense that god intended for the two to become one in body any thoughts there father yes uh this whole problem was caused by contraception because would you separate child bearing from sex i mean basically why why not have a same-sex marriage because there's no children involved and yet all throughout scripture children are spoken of plus the fact that in ephesians remember you have the wise piece of business to your husbands husbands love your wives as christ loves the church this is a great mystery and it's or always oriented to life be fruitful and multiply jewish ideas were very big on this life business and so what we need to do is stand fast i think you're doing the right thing to stand fast and you know you want to communicate to your daughter that you love her sure but on the other hand you love her enough not to attend something that you think is seriously flawed yeah we'll close with this question then from charles why does it say that jesus quote descended into hell in the creed why is that father oh yeah that's we've had that question a lot um the descent into hell is again based on a difficulty in translation hell there refers to the shale it refers to the place of the dead and the descendant of hell is the fact that jesus when he uh died on the cross who had spent three years evangelizing earth then went to evangelize the people who had gone before him in what's called the limbo of the just in other words all the people waiting for him who'd been faithful of course since this is without the vision of god it's generally referred to as hell but satan is confounded even more by christ's evangelizing limbo all right father we're gonna gotta close out here could you give us your blessing please may the blessing go almighty god father son and holy spirit descend upon you and remain with you forever amen well father i i want to give you a gold star for uh jumping in here as the trooper that you are and uh doing the live radio show thank you so much and we hope that you're feeling better certainly by next program i reward you okay thank you so much i'm tom price filling in for jack williams who will be back asap be sure to join us every day monday through friday for open line right here on ewtn radio have a great day god bless [Music] this is conversations with consequences where we delve deeper into issues affecting our church our country and our core the family as catholics we need to be informed aware and able to talk through some of the tough topics that we're facing in our culture and in our world conversations with consequences gives us the tools to do so it's not enough to pray we have to be a light for the world conversations with consequences this saturday at 5 pm eastern on ewtn radio
Channel: EWTN
Views: 1,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: QYiABAynukw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 30sec (3270 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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