OP Weapons Mod in Among Us

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today we're playing the op weapons mod in among us as you can see I'm the Imposter of this mod I have a bunch of abilities but I'm going to lock a bunch more throughout this mod I go to my quest tab I have to build the Lightning Hammer find the hammer Parts hammer head and the hammer handle and this is time to start getting my first abilities and why am I stop stunning me what is your problem take that bi you deserve it okay so we need to find our first part it looks like there's actually a part right by an O2 guys the first person to get to the very end of the map gets the op weapon and look at this if I click the world jump ability look at how many Maps pois Zombie Island rainbow friends upside down and then the Armory which is where the op weapon is but we can't go there just yet okay let's go here let's grab this and okay we have to go up left up and then left and then down and then then we're Going Hammer part obtained we get one more and also look I have a mind control ability so I can actually no one's around here let's go mind control let's just take Biffle really quick guys nightmare ability nightmare talking about oh gosh oh God wait no I wasn't turn though um okay maybe I don't okay wait no let's go back into what's going on guys wait now he not moving my body I promise why I don't know what's going on I don't have many Kill abilities right now we have to actually be very careful wait until this goes away okay we're good now go grab my other H part guys look at the very top left I to get all these parts we're all racing to do it hi we were very ugly monsters it was not very fun I was uglier than you we were all ugly ow what stop shut me first well you started it I'm going to roll away from you okay there's a part right there look in this pillow okay we have to be careful okay Sun's right there we're good though he's walking away let's quickly grab this before anybody sees me down up and then up fun okay we got it we're good to go we have the two parts here we go we the forg the hammer in the lava pit we have to make sure no one is around the lava pit all I could actually what I should do let's go into nightmare mode and no one's going to know it's me so let's actually let's go right over here and then let's go nightmare mode no one's going to be able to tell anything at all and then we go right over here let's go boom this is perfect there we go yes there we go throw the two parts in there and then lightning and we should have the lightning Hammer there we go I have the lightning Hammer ability this is time to start killing some people but first of all let's just go right over here to this button and let's go hammer of lightning let's go slam it down destroy the button and oh my gosh we are all being sent to the next World and this is where the real game begins oh gosh one is guys uh what happened I don't like who did it who did it why was it why was it sun why was it Gary I said Gary not Sundy you literally said me you don't know anything no sorry hide right here let me just hide right here they they don't even know I'm here let's look at our Quest tab we to build the rainbow beam gun find the shell of the heag gun where is the heag gun where oh it's right there in the little laboratory guys we haven't been in this map in ages but again like I said we're all racing so I need to be very careful let's actually let's try something let's go nightmare mode once again this is how we're going to start using our abilities cuz I can go right over to these group of people just go right over here let's go walk right over and then go hammer hey [Music] guys I saw that I know it's you run run run run run okay I'm not being chased oh my dude that hammer ability is so op we got to roll away too camouflage as Sundy okay are we good I think we're good Sunday it's Sunday it's Sunday it's Sunday is it Sunday though Gary is it Sunday we just stunned him okay wait where is this HEPA gun oh it's all the way up here hi purple how's it going let's go right here grab this HEPA gun before Gary gets in here okay I think we're good oh gosh look it's my brother Gary I found my brother from suy Z wait why stay away what what does Sundy do it's Sundy oh gosh okay I will keep that in mind saw him kill someone okay just roll away from him that's all you do okay we got the gun Gary thinks it's sunny I think we're doing pretty good so far wait what is this there's a little Crown let's check the oh my gosh charge the heptic gun I need to find everybody's item and then return it to them it looks like a lot it's not I promise we're going to get through this let's grab this Crown right now to take it to Blue I'm assuming that's his crown Gary's right there so let's actually let's go into my control we're going to take wait can I actually return the crown as Gary heyue let me go right now let go let's just get him to go let's just get him to go away here let's camouflage as bi there we go okay we're currently camouflage we have my lightning Hammer ability again over no we're actually good let's just give this to him oh my gosh blue I'm so oh okay well I just C Blue's uh thing okay well we have to do that a couple more times I'm pretty sure hi Sundy how's it going hi Hammer Time bi no look at he's just going flying across the map oh my gosh okay that's good I think there's a block here yeah I don't know who that's for but luckily we have that now I think it's for green but Pat and Biffle are currently in here let's camouflage okay we're camouflage as Sunday let's go right over here uh hey how's it going yeah hey man hey it's toally me go in here okay they've walked away we're pretty good let's go right here hello green I'm so sorry sorry I don't know why I'm doing this to you I think I'm creating some sort of gun or something but I look I see a tie right up here at sunny here let's actually go out of my camouflage grab the tie and I'm assuming the tie is for red I'm pretty sure yeah here let's look at my quests return oh yeah find Red's tie and then return Red's tie luckily we're right here is any okay no one's around let's return the tie and I I I don't know why I'm returning it when I'm really just taking his entire life force I don't I don't understand okay there we go look K Pat and biffl are currently grouped up let's just walk up really quick hey guys how's it going let's go ham our time oh my gosh okay they're going to call a meion soon and probably end up voting him out um hey man how's it going why why would we're just monsters wait if I un camoufl okay I think that's eco okay cool man okay we UNC camouflage oh I'm purple now okay Biffle and Pat are up there I think we're pretty I think we're fine let's go here let's take oranges thing I don't know why we're doing this again and I think we're almost done we need to just get purple's Crocs and we return them we'll be done oh God guys what what is happened Pi my toes maybe I'll be able to move we can't move okay who did the my I'm not your to was it was a giant hammer was this guy it was this guy right here hey Sun how's it going it was bi going to walk down yeah bi you're the Imposter yeah he we're pretty sure it's Sunday Gary keeps saying it's Sunday Biff keeps saying it's Sunday everyone keeps saying it's Su I saw Sunday I saw Sunday too wait when we all to the next Island should be call meeting and just vote him out cuz it might be him I mean we could I mean we could if we really wanted to okay we got to get the purple crops okay no Sunny is up here really quick let's just camouflage as Sunny there's no one else up here hey man all right yep that's how's it going yes okay we hit him up this is good he's going to be stunned for ages got him out of the way let's grab purple's Crocs there we go we're going to get to the next Island and I think we're going to V out Sunday I think that is the current plan let's go purple here we go grab his Crocs take them and and good do we do it do we do it we have the Bea beam gun look we have a new impossibility too the rainbow beam gun let's just you know let's disguise as sunny and let's go rainbow gun oh I have a shrink ray freeze ray and a disintegrate Ray ability hold on wait should we just go let's let's use a couple of those abilities right now just to you know sus out them even more we got p and Pat right up here let's go uh let's just go and boom oh and it's on such a low cool down too okay that is good get rid of the gun oh gosh let's see know no around let's use my be beam gun shoot that straight to the air oh my what is happening oh gosh is this oh oh my okay and I think I created my new portal Biffle is coming we got to go fast let's jump into this portal before anyone else comes and we are on the next Island gu oh gosh hey man hey hey uh how's it going hey do we call that meeting just take out Sund cuz I'm pretty sure it's I'm down dude I don't trust him as far as I can smell I don't think anybody doesn't he smells like cheese curs probably oh gosh you or me because usually There's a Zombie call it call it oh oh gosh great you're die oh go sorry I'm sorry oh gosh okay you're good oh my gosh okay wait no this is good everyone everyone just to the left really quick uh suy to the right sun go on the right side why am on the right side no reason no reason you should just okay okay stunned for like n years convenient was there anybody with you you know what I'm casting my vote I am Su up who you Su up why what's happening no one even we win did we win did we do it we did it yeah okay listen I know that was weird on me oh gosh oh who did it wa why was not moving okay we have successfully taken sunny out of the game that's pretty good let's look at this really quick I have to get the quest the necklace of time and survive the zombie island I need to acquire the zombie runes okay I'm assuming what do you want get out of here zombie there's an apple right here I guess we're grabbing apples I don't know that's one of my quests oh yeah look I can get a bunch of food a fish an apple and a banana craft a weapon gosh we have so much stuff to do but guys I have this new gun that I can do now to take out the crew mate oh Kate is dying Kate run Kate what are you doing oh my gosh Kate just died that is that is awful oh this is where the r oh I to get the runes to get into this room I'm assuming though they can't know or see me I need to find a crafting table though hey there's a crafting table right here let's go right here really quick the zombies all craft It Craft It Craft it and I have a spear yes nice okay use the spear get rid of that zombie and look at the top left actually I have to kill three more zombies I'm assuming that is one of my quests let's get one of these runes really quick though I want to get into that and get this like necklace of time I don't even know what it is it sounds sick okay we got our first Rune right here is this like a mine I don't know we got the first one there we go B's right there b watch out there's a lot of zombies kill the Zombies guys careful I should start susing out let's do sigil next we're disguise the Cals let's go up to Gary pull out my little gun and I have a freeze ray ability let's go uh hey Gary how's it going let's go shoot that oh I missed you think I didn't see that um gr gr okay this is not cool he's tiny for 180 seconds about this get away Gary go away Gary there's no way he thinks it's sidles I'm obviously wait hold on should we get a long shot on this really quick let's just shoot it right here and oh okay that was a pretty good shot I did a good job with that one let's get another oh there's a banana in here why is there a banana let's go in here grab the banana there we go and then we can go up here as well and then there's like a hand Rune again I need to be careful make sure people don't see me grabbing this stuff let's actually okay there's a zombie right here kill the zombie we have to kill one more zombie that's right there what should we do I sto my hammer that would be a pretty good ability to do actually okay let's actually mind control let's mind control let's go sigils there we go now yeah go right here Gary I hear you Gary hello let's go hammer it's not we just s him away and then there we go oh my wait he's going to die he's going to die y s s and then you're going to great awesome wait he's going to respawn here I got to go I I got to go now hurry run run run run run dude that was so good check this really quick we're almost done I need to slay One More Zombie let's do this Quest guys watch out I have to kill this zombie for us don't worry I did it there's another room right here okay no one's around I think we're pretty good let's grab this Are we almost done we need to find fish and then we just need to defeat the zombie Titan in in the arena okay wait where's the fish it's in this building that's perfect uh okay no one's around let's grab the fish and I think we just have one more thing to do and we're going to get some more op abilities boys I've assembled the team we're taking out the Titan zombie together so we can get to the end let's go come on oh god oh help me help me stun him stun him stun him oh my gosh this is so intense use your finger use your finger nice get away get your finger gun you can stun him you can stun him and the spear hey okay oh that was pretty that was that was wow okay good job guys we did have like five people it was just good team guys you guys oh God not again who is making may not maybe it is actually wait no no we're purple and red maybe it's a look oh gosh wait no what did that do I think that unlock the hidden tomb and find a way off the Zombie Island okay wait we can get into the tomb now this is perfect again I need to make sure no one is around while I'm doing this but it doesn't it looks like we're pretty good let's go over here to the tomb open this before anyone shows up we're making it in don't no one's around let's grab it hurry grab grab grab the grab the thing and we have the time control ability let's go right here let's go time control What's happen oh gosh uh oh it what's happening is this I think this is how we unlock the next part of the map and oh no oh we just changed the entire map and this is the portal to get to the next area we have another new ability freeze time before we're go to the next area we'll try that out just a little bit and now we're in vna's World Hawkins High School let's check my quest find the flamethrower what the heck is a flamethrower going to do we can actually get a little bit ahead right now while no one's here so let's grab this flamethrower check the quest again collect the three pieces of the gun the first piece second piece and the third piece okay I'm assuming again I can't let people see me doing this let's grab this piece really quick while no one's watching okay uh there we go there we go people we going to start sihing into this world in just a little bit I'm a little nervous okay here's the second piece really quick I think after this piece I'm going to have to use the time control ability let's just see what it does and go got the next part start yeah look there's Gary there's Biffle there's Pat everyone is in here you know really quickly let's should we just do it right now let's go freeze time ability oh time is Frozen nobody can move right now everyone is completely stuck hell I found a way I grab my gun should we let's my disintegration let's gote what was that noise let's go freeze R what's going on Frozen right now too oh my go and let's go shrink r i just shr run run run run run we can't let people know that I'm doing this and then let's unfreeze time we're going to act like everything is normal guys what just happen I died what wait where you come from is very SS right now that is very weird guys keep your eyes out for sigil okay that was perfect okay I think sigil is Now sucks we need to get the last gun part all right let's go right here let's go boom boom and do this hurry before people start showing up and boom did we get it gun part obtained there we go plant the gun piece in one of vna's eggs the heck are we doing okay on my map it shows this one right here let's go right here updated what is happening right now wait for the egg to hatch okay I guess we can go do something while it's hatching uh let's just uh let's m control into sigils again here we go we have taken over sigil not again no stop I don't want to be hi okay hey guys how's it going hey bring out the gun I'm being mind control save me somebody save me call me V now I can defend myself I cannot defend myself what okay well I that was fun but look the gun is now ready let's take the gun I have the boom burst Canon let's press it what does this do what is it oh oh my I just turned this whole Forest into death and my next Port here is here look I have a boom burst ability wait can I use this let's actually let's disguise once again I I think what this ability does is it sends people back to aast away from you think I'm dumb no okay Help Me Oh My is he in a he's in a past world I just sent him completely away out of the map let's actually go World jumper wait where is he is he would he be in the Zombie Island though let's go back here back to zombie island over here yeah and look yeah look he's right here oh Gary oh poor Gary let's just freeze time again really quick I is completely Frozen not again I just came back alive what should we do should we let's shrink them there we go yeah let do a little bit of shrinking there we go let's do a let's do a little freeze ray pull the gun away what is happening to me and unfreeze time you monster hello take the hammer of there he goes a little tiny Gary let's just go Boomers one more time and let's send him back even more okay World jumper back to upside down and let's go down here to the forest we're going to the last World which is right here go out of my camouflage go into the world and we are here all right the last thing we to do is find the emergency sword and it's right here boys we're gra find what guys uh what hey guys how's it going don't no no no no come here come here oh my gosh they have to turn off the seven levers in order to call a meeting to vote me out do not call any meetings sigils don't don't go over there let's go boom it oh we took him out uh who else we got to take out we got Gary Right Here Gary get over here don't flip down how dare you get out of here Gary oh my gosh who else do we have left you get a long shot on N right there come on does that hit does that hit and B he dodged it when he turned on the lever they have only two left there's no way you dodge that oh my gosh there he goes okay come here there's only one there's only one lever left I'm not letting you touch it get over here hey P how's it going there's one lever left I think I know where it is it's at the top it's right here it it's right here it's uh let see let me just do a quick little combat sure oh yeah that was a really good combat roll good job bi really really good job and just like that we have the final ability emergency sword the creates were pretty close but the emergency sword world destruction uh welcome back everybody everyone's back hey guys how's it going yeah guys like my op weapons oh my gosh oh gosh what are we doing oh we destroyed the entire map and that is how we are op in Among Us
Channel: Zud
Views: 114,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Among Us, Imposter, Among Us Mod, Zud, Among Us Funny Moments, among us, new among us role, among us mods, among us impostor, among us mod, among us imposter, among us animation, animation, among us song, ssundee among us, zud among us, among us custom mod, among us funny moments, zud, amogus, OP Weapons Mod in Among Us, among us weapons, among us op weapons, among us weapons mod, among us weapon mod, among us op weapons mod, ssundee is op among us, among us ssundee is op
Id: sUVshq_e9VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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