OONI Gas vs Wood vs Pellets Comparison & Real Time Cook

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to another tom virus video so in this video today we're going to be testing these three ovens and we're going to see which is the best to cook on whether it's gas pellets or wood [Music] so in this video we're going to be testing out three different cook methods for pizza we've got the unicoder which will be using gas we've got the uni firearm which should be using pellets and we've got the unicoru which will be using wood we're going to test all of these different fuels we're going to see which one heats up fastest and gives the best results when cooking a pizza to check out the full review on any of these ovens please click the link above and if you'd like to purchase any of these ovens from uni you can use the links in the description below it doesn't cost you any more but it helps me out with a small commission so i can keep on making videos like this in the future okay so without further ado let's get started on lighting up each of these ovens okay first up we're using the wood method these logs have come from a company called love logs check them out in the description below i highly recommend them for all your wood for these oonies so let's get this one lit [Music] all the logs are cooked perfectly to size so they fit in the oven really well [Music] next we've got the unifier this is the pellet grill so we're gonna heat this one up with the pellets using a fire lighter [Music] and then finally the gas for the unicode [Music] so that's all three ovens lit we're going to leave these for about 10 minutes and then pop back and see how each one's doing [Music] so we're about five minutes into this cook um now the wood fired oven and the pellet oven are gonna need some more fuel now um as you can see it's burning quite well so we're just gonna add a little bit more before we do the temperature test at 10 minutes [Music] now the pellets are quite messy i usually spill these everywhere but this scoop is quite handy this is actually goes in the top of the chimney but uh you can use it to put your pellets in here and once you've got some heat in the pellets here in the bottom you can actually fill this to the top because all the airflow comes in through this grate here so it doesn't need to come down the top you see what i mean spilling them everywhere wow look at this we're absolutely smoking out the neighbors here i think that's those pellets may be starved of a bit of oxygen so just uh one little tip with the uh uni firer when i put all those pellets in the flame actually went out but the pellets that were already in were really hot still so if you just um blow into the grate here it helps the airflow and gets that flame going again as you can see they're all cooking nicely so it's been about 10 minutes such it's probably been a bit longer than 10 minutes probably nearer 12 or 15 and we're going to do a temperature check on these ovens and see whereabouts we are with the temperatures so first of all we'll do the gas [Music] do a temperature check there so as you can see that's 474 degrees so really after 15 minutes that one's ready to cook on next we'll go to the pellets we'll take that off there's actually a hook there at the bottom that one's just between 360 and 400 depending where i get the thermometer there so again still needs a little bit longer but it's almost there and then finally the one cooking on the fire the kuru 460 427 so that's really impressive actually all three of these ovens have gotten somewhere near the temperature of um of where we need to be to cook a pizza in only 15 minutes so we'll leave them another five minutes and let them really just get to the proper temperatures we're looking for somewhere between 450 to 500 and then we'll go inside and make our pizzas now obviously when looking at these three different types of um fuel methods gas is the easiest you just switch it on and you go the pellets they're a little bit more difficult because they do take some skill to get going but once you go in you can fill the hopper at the back and then it just keeps itself going until you need to fill up the hopper now with the wood that one takes a bit of practice because once you've got wood heated up you'll need to constantly add wood every five minutes otherwise what's going to happen is the temperature will drop in the oven and the flame needs to be going over along the top of the oven to cook the top of the pizza properly so just bear that in mind when you're choosing one of these fuel methods another thing is the gas is really clean obviously that's been on for about 20 minutes now and there's no debris or anything on the stone whereas on the pellets and the wood fired oven stone and there's a few bits of ash so you will need to invest in one of these [Music] which is a bristle brush and just so you can brush those stones down before you start to put your pizzas on okay so it's been about 20 minutes let's do another temperature check on these now you can see that's 550 this is very very hot now [Music] and for this one [Music] that one is 550 as well nice and hot and then this one that one's 483 so there are thereabouts but really all of these pizza ovens within 20 minutes we're up to temperature and ready to cook a pizza so let's go get those pizzas ready and we'll get them on to do the cook test okay the first one to go on is the gas and we're just gonna do three simple margarita pizzas on here so let's get it going [Music] so as we mentioned before with the uh with the gas ones you get this l-shaped burner or you do with the of 16 which means you effectively only have to turn the pizza once but i'm going to turn it a few times just because i like doing it [Music] [Music] all right brilliant how quick was that that's probably even less than 60 seconds we've got a beautiful crust on there that's nice and crunchy some nice charred bits on the edge now let's try on the pellet grill now with the pellet grill i'm gonna have to keep the door on whilst cooking um i've just dusted it down as well because we've got a bit of ash on there let's get this pizza in [Music] turn it round i think maybe my doe's got a bit too much air in it cause we got a big air bubble there [Music] now it is important with the uh uni fire and the uni kuru that you keep the doors on because that creates the correct airflow that you need to cook the pizza get some nice color on that crust though [Music] seems to be taking a bit longer on these ones than the gas one [Music] yeah that's looking great now final few seconds on there and we should be done [Music] look at that amazing lovely crust nice and bubbly and hopefully this one because it was cooked on pellet should have a nice smoky flavor as well all right time for number three now this is the crew i'm gonna go this way because we have to remove the dog we have to put it back on as well to cook it so let's get that on ah now as you can see what i said before with the fire the flames gone out because i wasn't maintaining it so i'm just gonna stick a couple more logs on there and get that going again that's one thing with the fire that you've got to be careful of as i said you do have to maintain it and it can catch you out like that especially when you're trying to cook on three ovens so i'll just stick a couple more bits in there and we might have to come back for round two okay so we've put some more wood in we are gonna need that to actually create a flame because what's gonna happen now is the bottom of the pizza is gonna get cooked before the top because all the heat's in the stone and there's no fire going across the top so yeah as i said before with the fight with the wood fired ovens it does take a little bit of maintaining and uh yeah it seemed to have caught me out this time but no worries it's rescuable we can do it it's salvageable we're just gonna need a bit of a flame okay so just two minutes after putting that fresh wood on you can see now we've got a nice hot flame in there so we're gonna put that pizza back in and finish off cooking it [Music] now hopefully that won't have had too much effect on the taste having a little gap there but i guess it's good as an example as to what can happen for you guys if you uh don't monitor your wood fire there we go now you can see we're getting some much nicer color on the top i'll give that a spin my only thing now would be that the bottom of the pizza might overcook because it's having twice as long on there as the other pizzas did okay just a few more seconds on that one because this one's cooked on real hard wood i'm thinking that this is going to give us the best nice smoky flavor it's also said to be the traditional way to cook a neapolitan pizza wow okay a little bit charred actually maybe a bit maybe left that in a bit too long but no worries still good [Music] so we're going to cut a slice from each one ready for the taste test [Music] okay so now it's time for the taste test so this one is the first one this one came off the gas oven as you can see it's got a nice crust nice color to the base there as well [Music] that's really good it's a nice clean taste there is a bit of a charring taste to it as well which is nice to have especially since it was cooked on gas next up is this one this one came off the pellet grill definitely a slight smoke taste to this one similar really to the gas one but it's got a nice base and a nice puffy crust as well so yeah tasted good and now finally the one on the wood fired oven i don't know whether it was because we had problems with the cooking of this one or or whether the heat was different but it's definitely a more charred crust on this and but the bottom has actually cooked quite nicely it's a nice crispy base on there so should be good [Music] to be honest that one is actually my favorite of the three that's purely because i do prefer a crunchier crust on a pizza and it also has a nice subtle smoky flavor as well obviously they're not in the oven that long so they don't get a really accurate smoked taste but you can definitely tell that it's been cooked on a real wood fire oven tastes great thanks very much guys for watching this video i hope you found it useful and i hope you enjoyed it give me a comment down below and let me know which you cook on or which you think is the best method of cooking also remember if you wanted to buy any of these ovens use the link in the description as i said before it doesn't cost you any more but it helps me out to make videos for the future please remember to like and subscribe to this video and all of my videos and if you have any comments leave them in the comment section below thanks very much for watching guys and we'll see you again in the next one for more pizza making videos [Music] [Applause] bye
Channel: Tom Voyage
Views: 585,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uuni, ooni, pizzza, karuu, uuuni, oooni, pizza oven, piizza, piza, koda, frya
Id: MbDKbS8-190
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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