Only Animal Makes Great White Sharks Tremble in Fear

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the sight of its fin in the water nearly stops your heart it's the reason you feel so uneasy going for a swim at the beach that massive razor-toothed hunter that's made its name known the great white shark so if the ultimate terror of the sea is leaving the area it must be for a good reason but what could possibly scare the great white away a giant lovecraftian monster that makes even megalodon look tiny not even close nothing can clear a portion of the ocean as quickly as orcas can when their powerful pods come looking for food like seals and squids even the biggest scariest sharks leave the area without looking back it's not known if these whales specifically target great whites or they're just keeping the competition out of the area but what marine experts do know is that sharks flee sometimes not even coming back until the following year yeah makes sense orcas are much larger than great whites in size they have plenty of teeth and they'll use them to satisfy their merciless desire for meat orcas are also highly intelligent and will work as a team to get what they want whether that's catching a school of fish getting seals off the ice or even chasing down humpback whales so if the great white shark itself is scared of the mighty orca should you be well me personally i keep my distance from any wild animal but maybe this will help you sleep better at night orcas are known to be picky eaters good news for you human isn't on the menu they aren't likely to change their diet just because you're in the water today oh by the way orcas aren't even whales they're technically the largest species of dolphin and sharks are also afraid of their relative the bottlenose dolphin even a single bottlenose is too powerful for a shark but they're tougher when they travel as a pie sharks are easily outmaneuvered by the highly agile marine mammals they use that blunt snout like a battering ram this basically annoys the shark so much that it just leaves the area now if you think about other top hunters in the animal kingdom wolves always come to mind pacs can take over vast territories and since they're at the top of the food chain they get to pick and choose from a large menu with anything they please they're highly intelligent fast and agile but probably their biggest advantage numbers if grizzlies or mountain lions try taking advantage of them the numbers game always works in the wool's favor leading to the hunter becoming the honda even without numbers they dominate and terrify it's too hard for any other animal to target a lone wolf so even they are usually left alone imagine being able to pounce a wild boar in below freezing temperatures while dressed in orange against a completely snow-covered white environment siberian tigers are clearly not playing around over 10 feet long and weighing up to 400 pounds they're the largest of all wild cats this kitty could easily jump right over your head while carrying double its body weight the only animal that can really challenge this king of the forest is a large enough brown bear and it'd be a close call no wonder the siberian tiger is the top of the food chain in its part of the globe as for the top boss in the waters of south america that would be the green anaconda not even jaguars and cayman are safe around the biggest snake in the world the murky waters of riverbanks camouflage the giant snake perfectly they go unnoticed sitting there waiting for something to come have a drink and then whoosh the snake strikes it uses its sharp curved teeth and 15 feet of pure muscle to hold its lunge in place luckily for most animals after eating their fill anacondas can go weeks or even months without worrying about their next meal but the world's biggest snake isn't the most dangerous that title belongs to the black mamba lions spotted hyenas giraffes and even elephants will avoid the mamba at all costs they all know one bite can stop them very quickly growing up to 14 feet it's the second longest venomous snake in the world after the king cobra the african black mamba does hold the top spot as the world's fastest snake it slithers along going 12 miles per hour that's about where most treadmills max out not top dog but worth a mention is the green anaconda's neighbor the electric eel very few animals are willing to take on such a highly charged creature electric eels have around 6 000 special cells that can produce up to 800 volts of electricity that's more than six times the standard us wall socket that's enough to knock a horse off its feet and to power holiday lights in 2019 a tennessee aquarium hooked some tree lights up to their eel tank every time the eel shot the water the trees lit up now it's been said that the electric eel can recycle its volts in a process called revolting nah i made that up one more truthful eel fact to knock you off your feet electric eels are air breathers they have to surface about every 10 minutes to fill their mouth with air yep their single lung is in their mouth does the king of the jungle reign unchallenged in books and movies sure in real life and not so much for one their home is on the african plains not the jungle a whole assortment of contenders like hyenas leopards and crocodiles are always trying to take the king's crown even zebras and giraffes can stop the big cats with a quick kick if they're cornered if we go by bite force the african nile crocodile has the biggest that humanity has ever measured its jaws are five times more powerful than that of alliance now earlier with the water critters all you had to do was avoid the water good luck avoiding a lion they can run 50 miles per hour jump the length of a school bus and climb trees the lion's biggest challenger for the apex roll is the african wild dog these two are constantly going at it because they hunt for the same food in the same area where there's a big pride of lions the dogs have no choice but to flee but they've got one thing against the cats endurance lions might reach incredible speeds but that's only in short bursts it takes too much energy to carry 400 plus pounds of muscle over long distances while going as fast as you can african wild dogs though have long slender legs and big lungs for their body size meaning they can run fast and keep it up for miles that's how they hunt their lunch just gets tired of running there's one animal brave enough to take on the king if the cat gets too curious the hippo they may seem cute and squishy but hippos are one of the most dangerous animals on the planet based on statistics you should fear them way more than great white sharks and there's nothing squishy about them hippos are pure muscle and weigh as much as a car their pointy canine teeth can grow longer than your forearm these guys aren't afraid of anything even lions and crocodiles prefer to keep their distance their name means water horse and they do spend up to 16 hours a day submerged funny thing is hippos can't really swim if you see one swimming it's actually pushing itself off the lake or river bottom it can still be even the best olympic swimmer speed so watch out yep move aside leo hippos are the true apex animal of africa but i wouldn't get close enough to give them the award as for the ruler of the forest make way for the grizzly bear weighing over half a ton you'd be mistaken thinking these large fluff balls are slow and bumbling being able to maintain a speed of 25 miles per hour for long stretches is too easy for the behemoth brown bear uphill downhill and on every terrain they're the off-road suv of the animal world without having any natural enemies this bear is at the top of its local food chain good thing they sleep for a third of the year just hope you don't run into a grizzly um ever but especially right before it's about to go into hibernation they spend the autumn months fattening up for winter and they're even hungrier than usual now being the largest bird of prey in north america it's no wonder the golden eagle is found all over the continent in woodlands and mountain ranges their wingspan is nearly eight feet and they don't call it eagle vision for nothing these birds can spot a rabbit from three miles up in the air you'd be like you seeing an ant while standing on top of a 10 story building golden eagles can also make quick dives from a great hive during these dives they can reach speeds up to 200 miles per hour as fast as a flying arrow
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side videos, cool facts about animals, most dangerous animals, dangerous sea creatures, most aggressive animals, facts about animals, sea creatures, facts about sharks, sharks, sharks afraid of dolphins, sharks and killer whales, great white shark, do sharks eat dolphines, what sharks fear, sharks vs whales, shark vs killer whale, shark vs dolphin, biggest snake, biggest shark, shark vs whale, killer whale facts, whales vs dolphins
Id: iMP7UGW018I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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