15 Amazing Hybrid Animals That Actually Exist

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we humans have begun to play god breeding animals to create all new hybrids if the jurassic park movies have taught us anything it's that such antics may go horribly wrong but for now let's just enjoy looking at cute animals and hope they don't rebel or attack these are amazing hybrid animals that actually exist [Applause] number 15 the zonkey and what better place to start than with probably the most famous hybrid animal on earth the zonkey or depending on who you ask the zeedank yes vezidonk i will continue to insist that it's an accurate and valid name for this animal the zonkey is a hybrid of you guessed it a zebra and a donkey [Applause] making it one of the purest kinds of hybrid zebroid you can hope to find in the world while many animal experts around the world do their best to create all sorts of fascinating hybrid animals it tends to only work if the animals are relatively similar like the zebra and the donkey because they're so closely related the hybridization process is much easier than if you tried to cross a donkey with a whale i mean how would you even do that the zonkey is as you'd expect incredibly rare but so cute to look at as we'll come to understand you have to be pretty nuts to come up with the idea of creating animal hybrids but thankfully we're not short on crazy people the zonkey or zedonk please is a relatively simple hybrid between two genetically similar animals but where is my donkey whale like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or slenderman will come from under your bed when you're sleeping now it's time for the juicy topic while the other hybrid animals we'll be showing you in this photo are 100 real this one is more of a theory hence why we have highlighted it as our very special juicy topic today this image is an artist's recreation of a hybrid between a tiger and a black panther an animal that many people claim does exist though there is no actual proof as of yet the theory is that they live and hide in mountain caves where there is little to no human population hence not being seen often but others think that these theorizers have just let their imaginations run a little too wild what do you think are these animal hybrids real and if so has the artist done a good job of capturing what they actually look like are they out there homing our lands the hybrid we mean not the artists remember to comment down below with the hashtag juicytopic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen and now to the next topic number 14. savannah cat generally there are two kinds of cats in the world big wild cats and small domestic cats the big cats want to kill you while the small cats generally couldn't give a rat's ass what you do every bit as domestic as your normal domestic cat but believe it or not there is a cat that blends these two worlds into one unusual hybrid in 1986 some brave person decided to crossbreed a african wild cat with a domestic cat creating this unique new species with the first kitten named savannah well you can work out how the species got its name the savannah is a curious and adventurous cat and has often been compared to dogs yes the cat's curious and active personality has often been likened to their domestic opposites even replicating the kind of loyalty and bonding with their owners that dogs are famous for it's hard to imagine that people would be happy to have a half wild cat walking around in their living room but the savannah is a hugely popular breed with both cat and dog owners it combines the best of both into one unique and wonderful package well wonderful if you like cats number 13 the wolfen take a wild guess what the two elements of this hybrid are yeah obviously this is a whale and a dolphin combination but it's easily one of the rarest hybrid animals in the world almost always seen in captivity although where else could you keep this huge thing the wolfen is the end result of mating a female common bottle-nosed dolphin and a male false killer whale as with most of our hybrid animals these particular animals are very similar living in the same habitat and climate and often meeting in the wild despite their noticeable size difference they seem to have no problem mating resulting in this huge hybrid the wolfin can reach up to 22 feet in length and over 600 pounds in weight [Music] giving it the benefits of both its parents apparently in fact just about everything to do with the wolfen is a perfect mix of whale and dolphin from its coloring to its teeth and even face shape the wolfen is not an easy animal to see in person while some continued to insist that they saw one of these animals in the wild it's highly unlikely these are extremely rare animals your only shot at seeing one is in captivity unless you make one in your bathtub but that's probably more unlikely number 12 the beefalo the name threw you a little off right well the beefalo is not a buffalo made up of cooked steaks so there's one theory we can eliminate she mr hill in fact the beefalo is just what you'd expect an american bison mixed with a domestic cattle it's basic science really in what must be the continuing trait of humanity the beefalo was actually invented entirely by accident in the 18th century although nobody actually knows how it seems that somebody just happened to discover this unusual mix of bison and cow and decided to run with it by the 19th century the beefalo was being purposefully crossbred for the purpose of beef production in fact according to the united states department of agriculture the beefalo's meat is considered to be superior to that of regular cows noting that it is much lower in fat calories and cholesterol farmers take note unlike many hybrids the beefalo is not a 50 50 split genetically speaking in fact it's predominantly cow with only around 3 8 of its dna belonging to its bison parent but if it's beef tastes good i'm not sure anybody pays attention number 11 koi dog these names are just getting weirder right the koi dog as some of you may have already guessed a hybrid between a dog and a coyote two very similar animals that don't necessarily belong together genetically while it might sound like the result of pure accident the koi dog is actually a very intentional creation having been bred by the tiodi hokan people to create a more resilient loyal and frankly temperamental protector so to put it another way this dog or dog type animal has been around for thousands of years but it's not as some foolishly believe a domestic pet while it's dog half may be friendly loyal and kind its coyote side is a fearsome and dangerous animal to be kept around resulting in some reports of koi dog attacks on humans or other pets the german shepherd slash coyote mix is considered to be especially dangerous you don't want to take that one to best in show the koi dog is another example of taking two similar animals and combining them to create a whole new thing but while this animal is more likely to rip a judge's throat out then be awarded best in show it's still a pretty impressive animal in its own right number 10 zubrin while its name may not suggest it the zubrin is actually a hybrid of domestic cattle and the european bison so in essence this is the european equivalent of the american buffalo but none of that really explains the name does it the zubrin name was not actually linked to anything specifically about the animal itself but was the winning suggestion of a contest ran in a polish weekly magazine in 1969 as for the animal itself the zubrin was first created in 1847 by leopold walicki and it quickly became popular among scientists during world war one when the effects of the war began having severe downturns for the cattle market scientists suggested that the zubrin could be an alternative for domestic cattle which is exactly what happened thanks to its ability to resist disease and survive more intense conditions the zubrin became hugely popular across europe the power of crossbreeding right there the zubrin are just as strong today as ever with some weighing up to one thousand and two hundred kilograms so while the name might be confusing and slightly odd there's still a worthy alternative to domestic cattle that name though le biflow might be better number nine liger everybody knows the liger right it's the animal that explains itself they're also probably the world's most famous mistake although that's perhaps something that i think quite a lot of us can relate to the liger is the result of a lion and tiger breeding although most of the ligers that have been bred until now have been mistakes which raises a lot of questions that we're not going to go near ligers are fascinating creatures to study as their genetics are pure hybrid material they grow at a rate of around 1 kilogram every second day they can run up to 50 miles an hour its roar sounds like a mix between its parents i could go on but while they have many positive traits the liger generally has a shorter lifespan than either of its parents and is more likely to contract disease still being a lion tiger hybrid is undoubtedly a get out of jail free card for life in the jungle who's gonna mess with the kid who has two killer parents the liger is a beautiful and fascinating animal but it's also one of the most intimidating hybrids you'll find on earth i mean what kind of animal weighs 165 kilograms at the age of one come on number eight zou while america can have its beefalo and europe can have its beefalo light tibet has decided to follow the trend of mixing cattle with other animals but as all countries do it decided to put its own flair on the mix they used ayak while most western countries have farm yard animals like cows and pigs and chickens tibet has a whole other kind of farm wildlife yaks it seems are probably the most common kind of farmyard wildlife you could hope to see as well as the zone the zou is a mix of yak and domestic cattle and it's actually an economic miracle unlike many cattle the zoo doesn't require the kind of attention that others do making it pretty cheap to look after and as a benefit it turns out to be a productive and robust animal in return not too bad then at around 1 300 pounds and 5.5 feet in height nobody can claim that the zoe is a light or small animal but it's a pretty exciting hybrid it seems that cattle hybrids work the same way as sourdough wherever it is it's a product of that region can't wait for the san francisco though number seven mullard ducks are already such unusual animals on their own that it feels pretty strange to imagine it as part of a hybrid well imagine no more here we have one of the most interesting animals you'll ever see the mullard the mullard is the product of a toby or domestic duck mating with the domestic mallard generally this is not an animal you'll see out there in nature which isn't entirely surprising in the world of hybrid animals the mullard is an animal bred for a specific purpose meat and foie gras while we're not going to delve into the questionable ethics of foie gras duck meat is generally considered to be a popular delicacy all around the world and apparently so is mullered meat however these animals are sterile upon birth which makes it somewhat tricky to keep the species going without the use of artificial insemination what a job inseminating ducks the mullard is regularly bred for meat purposes although it's highly likely that most people have never even seen one much like frankenstein kept his monster in a castle they keep this animal uh on the water oh leave me alone i'm no duck expert number six deep yes the geep is an all-new hybrid of gas guzzling supercar with a groundbreaking electric engine that uh never mind wrong geep this geep is a hybrid of a goat and a sheep which is fine i guess can't drive it though the geep is one of the rarest animals on this earth and all because of one unfortunate truth they are impossible to breed naturally in fact most geeps are stillborn before birth making them statistically unlikely to ever be born in the first place but in the rare cases in which they are born the animal can be a sheep a goat or a hybrid of both while most hybrids tend to be a pretty clear mix of both parents the geep seems to be a genetic gamble every single time due to the obvious difficulties in producing and delivering the geep very few have ever been reported as being successfully bred however there are cases where it has happened so we know that it's not totally impossible just very impossible come to think of it it's mission impossible goat protocol number five taigan if the liger is the result of a female tiger and a male lion then the tygan must be the opposite right yes and believe it or not they're not at all like their genetic opposite at least not in personality while the liger is generally gentle and even tempered to a point anyway [Music] the tigen is very much not in fact the tigen is pretty much what you'd expect from the offspring of two of the jungle's most legendary predators aggressive dangerous and very violent and perhaps surprisingly the tiger experiences depression quite strongly due to the conflicting behavioral genes that come with its parents dna the lion is social the tiger is a loner the taigan like many teenagers just doesn't know who it is it wants to be with others but also just wants to be alone the tigen is a beautiful animal but it's also an example of the dangers of hybrid animals what happens when two animals with different behaviors are forced to mate you get an animal that needs both resulting in some severe depression number four jaglion jaglion seriously all right the jag line is a hybrid of do i even have to say it it's the result of mating a male jaguar and a female lion which is beyond rare in fact there have only been two reported specimens in history that's more like uber rare hi smoochie i love you in 2006 ontario's bear creek wildlife sanctuary celebrated the birth of two jag lions named jizara and tsunami however like most hybrids these births were the result of an unplanned uh date night between a jaguar and a lioness that had been hand raised together both jaglines look utterly different from the other with jazzara inheriting her father's melanism gene and tsunami inheriting his mother's spotted genes this is a pretty significant change from how most hybrids work which tend to combine the two genes in the child's dna while it's most likely that there have been other jaglions born throughout history only two have been reported in the whole of the 20th century making this possibly the rarest of all the hybrids or maybe i'm just over hyping it who knows really number three scolar bear it seems impossible to imagine that the polar bear and the grizzly bear could even produce a child and yet we find ourselves on the peak of what is impossible once again the groller bear is a rare hybrid that has been reported both in captivity and in the wild while the existence of the growler bear had always been suggested it wasn't until 2006 that it was confirmed after one of these unique animals had been shot by a hunter in the canadian arctic a dna test was underway it quickly verified that this was a legitimate hybrid polar bears and grizzlies can indeed breed since that discovery eight hybrids have been confirmed with all of them descending from the very same female polar bear that last fact makes it hard to tell if this is a sign of the species barriers crumbling or if this female polar bear just had a type either way good for her the groller bear is one of the few animal hybrids that does not require captivity or artificial insemination it seems like this is just something that will happen out in nature well for one polar bear at least number two the camera camels llamas what's the difference well they're two different animals so there's quite a lot of difference but they share enough genetics that a hybrid is very very possible introducing the camera the result of breeding a male camel and a female llama the camera was first developed in 1997. south america came to england to produce an animal capable of producing more wool than the llama while also having the size and strength of a camel and a good cooperative temperament science man how much do you want from a genetically edited animal by 1998 the first camera had been born but he was considered to be a disappointment given his terrible and uncooperative behavior still the scientists pushed on with their plans producing five cameras by 2008. thankfully for those that poured their money into this playing god type exercise most of the cameras turned out to achieve the wool production they were hoping for today the camera is still being used for wool production in dubai and is considered a fully domesticated animal another success story for the scientists playing god then number one zorse zonkeys are cute and all but the source is straight up cool the zorse is of course the hybrid offspring of a male zebra and a female horse and i dare anybody to say they're not incredibly beautiful animals like the zonkey the source has clear genetic traits of both its parents the strong muscular body of its horse mother and the striped texture of its zebra father but thanks to its zebra dna the source is pretty strong and almost entirely immune to the kinds of diseases that usually would afflict ordinary horses however like most hybrids the source is sterile which means every single one is a genetic rarity while it's possible for some hybrid animals to be created in the wild this impressive animal is one of the few that cannot be created without some kind of human intervention the zorus is a beautiful animal and one of the most popular hybrid animals in the world often you'll find them as riding animals or just in one of those questionable world's weirdest animals type circuses please don't go to one of those have you ever seen any of these animals in person let us know in the comments also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time you
Channel: The Genius Lemon
Views: 2,849,753
Rating: 4.8019352 out of 5
Keywords: rare animals, hybrid animals, real hybrid animals, animals, hybrid, strange, bizarre, creatures, animal, hybrids, hybrid animals that are real, animal hybrids, unbelievable, strange animals, species, weird, breed, funny hybrid animals, cool hybrid animals, rare, wild animals, hybrid animals real, breeding, hybrid animals videos, amazing animals, incredible, biggest animals, actually, unusual, real animal hybrids, crossbreeding, bizarre animals, rare and unseen, panthera hybrid, new, viral
Id: twGnn8niQYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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