My Gaming Minivan is COMPLETE!

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Since the day I had children I've dreamed of one thing but sending them to college are you kidding me? No building the ultimate gaming minivan that's right my friends under this false floor i've got RGB cooling four MSI laptops with RTX 4070 graphics a gigantic battery bank that is powered by the solar panels on the top of the flipping van built-in wireless networking and and four high refresh rate gaming monitors one for each child and an extra the whole thing is powered by MSI massive shout out to them for sponsoring this video and we're using their stealth laptops which are professional enough to take to a business meeting during the day and powerful enough to game at night or in the back of a car let's show you how we built it since the last time that you guys saw the gaming minivan there's been a couple of improvements first of all is a big safety upgrade we have a breaker right here for the wiring that goes to the back from the battery now not the alternator another thing we have solar panels these guys right here have been professionally installed so you don't have to worry about them flipping off and killing someone behind you and speaking of killing people uh we need to do a lot of improvements back here first of which is that this is not attached in any way at all so if we have a bit of a roll you're gonna have a hundred pounds of lithium iron phosphate batteries knocking you in the head not a good time that's pretty easy to fix but all of this i want to redo getting that attached down really won't be all of that difficult there's some nice holes through the chassis right here that we can just bolt into easy peasy oh my god we're doing starlink uh don't show that uh that's kind of a bonus at the moment if everything goes really well today we figure that out tomorrow i see wait are we going to have a usable trunk space yes you'll have a usable trunk space oh that's a big improvement yeah and we'll have RGB fans on either side so that we you know have airflow down there of course from there very simple just infinite cables absolutely hooked us up and you have a bunch of these really stupid looking seat covers that make hiding them very easy okay those were like the only seat covers that were available for this van so you can hate on them all you want but it is in like new condition and i have three kids so yep I'm sure that the next owners will really appreciate you taking that bullet they will how about the solar panels can we at least keep these as is oh yeah i'm not touching those those are professionally installed and not my problem at all just plug them in they should work cool that would be great because so far all they've generated for me is extra wind noise and probably extra gas on your bill too and a bunch of dead bugs grody. These go on the backs of the seats using these wild adapters from Condor Blue these are nato rail to what was it RE locating pin or something it slides onto here somehow tightens on okay and then just threads into presumably something yeah we haven't totally figured out the something bit but we have a tormach so that should be very simple cool and then the game controllers and these look awful yeah they look terrible but hopefully you won't have to use them very much oh man that's gonna be freaking awesome oh yeah this is gonna be a sick setup all right it's time to start building which in our shop means it's time to start 3D modeling stuff you can see right here i have the fan cover made but i know what you're thinking alex you only installed solarworks on this thing because MSI sponsored the video and you would be correct because normally we would be doing it on this MSI laptop as you can see it is our shop laptop and it is incredibly dirty we've been using it for the last couple of years and we have like right here the 3D printed models for our little screwdriver making jig but this thing has been awesome for us unfortunately a lot of you guys might work somewhere where uh a bunch of RGB like that do not fly which is where of course the new Stealth is just awesome also 16 by 10 absolutely love it you can see just a little bit more vertically and it just makes so much more sense for stuff like this and also you can turn off the RGB and your boss isn't gonna get mad that you can actually game really fast after work. This is why having robots to do your stuff is so fantastic the first prototype that we did took about an hour to get all of the setup done and everything like that the second one one took us three minutes and 30 seconds we didn't even have to do anything of course if you're going to replicate this at home you don't need a big old CNC machine to make a part like this and you can buy headrest mounts off of the internet for relatively cheap but we weren't able to get any of those here in time for when we wanted to make the video another huge upgrade to the router that we have is a composite nail gun so we can just chuck a piece of plywood down and boom just shoot some nails into it it'll stay there and if the bit runs over these since they are not metal it's just totally fine it just stays all right time to make the plywood for the false floor. perfect yay we've got the plywood for the top made now i just need to make these fan mounts and we will have RGB fans in a minivan we have our laptop stand here and our piece of ABS that we cut on the Avid we chose ABS because it's very easy to bend using heat now i want to make my fan holders that are going to go on the top false floor although it's going to be absolutely perfect and i know this because i've already screwed it up but did it with cardboard so the laser cutter is absolutely incredible or you can even just use a printer if you prefer that so that you can take your design and be like wow those holes don't line up and then you wasted this much scrap cardboard instead of a whole bunch of very expensive aluminum then you can very easily go put them in the right spot and be like ah ha my expensive material it's just going to work after an hour and 40 minutes of machine time i have my bits and they're ready to be cut out turns out you can make your own clips for webbing just like that all of our aluminum parts are going to be sandblasted which takes it from a finish like this to that we're doing this for two reasons for one it looks pretty good and also sandblasting does not have to dry afterwards so we don't have to waste time waiting for pain although the robots have done a lot of our jobs sometimes it's easier to just do it by hand fan fits get this all carpeted up and it's going to look fantastic i know you'll blame it on your kids but like vacuum your van sometimes lines jeez boy. Are we ready to build yes it looks absolutely beautiful looks beautiful you say yes cool and i'm glad you're so confident because i have a bit of a surprise for you we are going camping this weekend oh so in two hours this has to be ready for me to take the kids on a road trip wow great but you were so confident a second ago you said it was beautiful it isn't right now we better get started let's get all of the monitors in everything's wired up okay so we should be able to just attach them to the seats that's set cool wow did we fab these yeah on the tormach this looks sick yeah okay let's go install it not gonna lie these mounts are freaking sick i do want this really tight though because if it comes loose the monitor is going to be going all over the place these are mobile displays so they don't use a full-sized hdmi port that's why we gotta adapt from full-sized hdmi down to micro hdmi Then we're using type C for power boop as long as we got enough slack here all this is gonna do is slip onto here this is gonna be the best in-car entertainment system ever the one in the escalade is pretty sick. Better than this? You'd need to add the laptops but it is pretty darn good i got a 165 hertz display there's no way they got that i don't know it's got 36 speakers i can use dolby atmos headphones it also comes with headphones for each person you don't want to find out what the deal is for power well wait what yes i do it's fine it's fine where is this coming from that's coming from the spare tire area this car has a spare tire yes car has a spare tire well where is it it's down here oh my god i have a spare what the heck is this that's why i said you don't want to look at it it's just vel what is this velcro tape no it's loom tape or Tesa tape also you owe me a roll of Tesa tape now it's time to talk about this you guys promised an upgraded mounting system and uh i gotta say i feel like you delivered laptops go here the ecoflow hub goes here the ecoflow batteries go here and here and the best part is with what looks like fairly simple home depot level fabrication we get a false floor that we can actually put supplies on when we go on a road trip home depot in a CNC router but yes yeah we did make our own buckles for this though those are the prototypes those are made of wood yeah those are the prototypes is there a reason we opted for the wood ones oh we we have metal these are just simple prototypes you cut it on the laser first see if it works then you make it out of metal okay way easier okay but so we're gonna go with wood then we're gonna put the metal one on i'm gonna put the metal one on i'm just checking i'm just checking i don't take anything for granted around here in a nutshell this takes power from the now upgraded because we had some problems alternator of the vehicle and from the solar panels that are mounted to the roof it uses that to charge up the batteries that we're going to put on in a moment and then outputs either AC or DC depending on your needs do you need a stubby screwdriver for this by any chance um now's a perfect opportunity to promote it hold on where's my backpack hey there we go let's go stubby screwdriver all right here we go how are we bolting this to the floor exactly with these with bolts these look long enough to go through the bottom of my car exactly thank goodness my wife has seen none of this oh she's gonna see it and she's gonna be so impressed the last project that she saw was the water cooled bed so like her expectations are probably so low right now okay so just move around the bolt until I feel it and then we'll we'll know it's okay I feel there we go hey system works these bolts go through the battery mounts through the bottom of the chassis and then they're going to be nutted on from the bottom and then i mean probably rusted on at some point hey are we using uh stainless steel by any chance oh sorry i didn't mean to have my feet above your face like that uh i think it's galvanized bolts but i don't actually know oh uh we're kind of thinking that we could upgrade them later okay cool ah why is all this stuff falling on my face right now ah it's all road schmoo it seems like it's really not going anywhere one of those bolts is good for about 600 pounds straight pull uh 120,000 PSI okay okay batteries sure boom now battery straps installed sir next is the Wi-Fi hello we were hoping to know what to do with the Wi-Fi i think it's going on the top of the Eco flow you think that was the plan last time okay so it's just this we already have the magnets installed we put this on top of the Eco flow just like boop and we're done yep well that's really easy then yeah. Now's a good a time as any to show off the product we're using we've got early production samples of our magnetic mounts basically it goes on any keyhole thing like this slide it in screw it tight and boom magnetic Wi-Fi router let's go the reason they have both VHB backing and screw holes is that the idea is that you take these you stick them down so you don't have to do any measuring or anything stupid like that then you slide it off and screw them in or if you happen to be attaching to a power hub you just don't screw it in there yay what was the point of building fancy Wi-Fi 6E into this thing msi we were just going to use wires anyway got him what's next a stupid plan oh no it's not actually that stupid it seems to involve a hammer so it's going to be at least a little stupid. Hammer and these nicely modified bolts you just invented a metal pointy stick yes a really short one oh my god i think i see where this is going we have these posts yes i see that we have this plate so we just screw these in and then they're pointy on the top yep and then we just whack it yeah and then we have our holes or we draw the holes after oh this is just to mark the location that's actually way less stupid than you made it seem you know how long i've wanted to do this i think this first made its way into the doc before you worked here yeah i think so what could go wrong okay well there's that one there's that one yep nailed it i mean hammered it they were bolts. Hi I couldn't help noticing that all the computers go in the back under a false floor how do we turn them on oh my god are you just are you memeing right now or did you actually not i did not think of that at all oh god uh we turned them on and put them down there i guess they only ever go to sleep if the kids shut down the computers sorry kids no gaming we're gonna need a better solution for this in the long term but it ain't happening today anyway have you seen these knobs this is the problem with engineers okay they build you the finest knob and then yes you you 3D printed the knob with an ltt logo on it you did good how do i turn on the computer Alex? This is why like it or not they do still need me here what oh just to think of little details like how to reach a power button you just take the false floor off i did think of how to properly control the RGB so you can connect it to the player one computer with this little hub right here and then you can have fan speed control based off of that computer and also control the RGB in your trunk we've actually got two different computers for the setup but they're not as different as you might think we've got the stealth 16 studio and the stealth 14 studio and then we've also got the stealth 16 studio in white okay they really did send us quite the variety pack here the point is this one's an engineering sample we can't actually game on it we can't no oh okay the point is the ones we can game on have core i7 processors RTX 4070 graphics like okay cool all the connectivity we need Steel Series keyboards that looks like a really bright vibrant display do you have specs for that? 240Hz. Oh sick not that I'll be using it but cool and look at that the team pre-loaded some games we got Vampire Survivors, Dirt 2, Overcooked because I need my kids playing Overcooked in the car oh good that'll help with squabbling don't touch the rice I'm in charge of rice we got a little confused by one of MSI's talking points for these laptops they say it has a vapor chamber cooling design to unleash the maximum performance but then a separate one says it has a heat pipe cooling design to unleash the maximum performance it turns out it has both so cool i don't really care how they do it as long as we get these installed and they're able to stay cool and run at full performance in a fairly restrictive environment they're going to go in like this with the smaller one toward the back and the bigger one toward the here we go front of the vehicle and the idea is that even though they're different sizes now they are at about the same height so when we put the false floor on we should have plenty of clearance one concern is this top of this getting like beat up going in and out i think we're going to put some kind of rubber thing here but one of their other talking points for this is that it's extremely fingerprint resistant which so far it actually seems to be holding it pretty well in spite of my fingers being absolutely grody right now man the back of this looks freaking awesome yeah those are chunky HDMI cables yep want as much signal integrity as we can before we go to that stupid adapter micro HDMI that's fair display settings it should be duplicated there we go nice okay and then i close this and nothing happens right yay yay okay fantastic okay where's that power squid gonna live i was kind of thinking that we could sort of tie it down to the strap sort of like there somewhere what do you guys need help with now you just got something pawned off to you and where's this gone this is a touchscreen that is to like monitor and control the whole thing back here the Eco flow okay so it kind of goes where the driver can see it and touch it okay ah good luck in our perfect world the plan was kind of here ish oh wait will you just ruin your phone mount attached to that we could just put it in the middle yep how will i google maps though uh through Android auto this is a 2016 sir i do not have Android auto that's why i have a phone mount let's just chuck it in the center console yay it's probably occurred to some of you that it might make more sense to do something like this with mini pc's rather than laptops both from a cost and practicality perspective but what you can't do with mini pc's is haul them all out when you reach your destination and then you know game on the picnic table i have some bad news oh my god there's no headrests in that style in the middle seats they are in that style they're very slightly different they are about a quarter inch difference so even if you like hold them up to one each other they look the same until you do it like here because it's just ever so slightly different there we go RGB power it looks like it should work one of our stretch goals is Starlink internet it's already i think an hour and a half past WAN show it doesn't seem like a good time to be attacking stretch goals but like Sebastian was looking for something to do and i thought I'd help got nothing better to try okay let's try it's really big it's really big is this the like business like you can use it anywhere one or whatever I have no idea yes yes huh okay when i plug this in we should have fans there we go all my controllers and everything are paired we're just about ready to close it up but we haven't dealt with networking yet and oh i was about to say the 13 inch ones don't have ethernet jacks but but USB C okay all right see you later a wild Luke and Dan appear Luke's helping now yeah it magically worked hey well that's a problem. I guess we're just gonna keep screwing it on in spite of that cool you need something to stop whatever's- because if you press into that the fan blades are touching something okay well what I can do on my trip is I can just wedge something into this corner you just need another post or something to hold and then how professional does that look once we cover it all up i say very should we see if we can get any power to the solar sure okay let's pull it out of here hey 174 okay you know what's funny is what i was expecting was a couple of mirrored displays one system and then just like they all have to play the same game this is absolutely wild everyone can be doing completely their own thing oh yeah there's headphones we have headsets we are clearly not doing that today I mean these also have built-in speakers so i guess that's fine too for now sick oh no there's headphone jacks ah hey Luke do you want to grab the Eco flow thing and see how much power we're drawing now that Dan and Sebastian are both playing games yeah output 330 watts oh shoot is my son playing Rocket League right now okay i'm just gonna boot him sorry sweetie, he's probably just gonna Rocket League he might have been in a ranked match he's probably in a ranked match I know I'm a terrible father okay seat belts everyone it's road trip time boys gotta set a good example for the people this is awesome I am very motion sick so you can actually adjust the amperage i think yes you can oh yeah turn up the amperage you take that up and we'll just crank this up to how much double it see if it breaks the car double it you wimps. Input 400 watts all right freaking eh! And it doesn't really change if you uh rev or not so we're pretty much green this is awesome okay i'm gonna steal Creator Warehouse engineering for more projects i know that's not what i'm supposed to do but um hey there you're employed this is awesome yeah but they work for a different company that's like really not how that works who do you think i am you know Elon Musk bringing in Tesla engineers at Twitter those fans are going back there hey I think that's the laptops oh the laptop fans yeah they're probably should we check our thermals 86 okay that's more than reasonable that's not bad at all how's our GPU doing hot spot maxed out at 70 no 80 that's great awesome this is awesome news don't mind me casually sitting in the van getting ready for our trip the next day what's this 250 watts of solar charging right now 300 watts from solar hey kitty boos traffic can't ruin our day how was your camping trip kids love it it went great it was pretty much like this they played games in the car which kept them nice and quiet and then we arrive at the campsite pull out the star link got the four laptop land party we didn't even need to pull out the Wi-Fi router because as it turns out you can all just hot spot to the star link and you're good to go and okay yeah i guess you guys are all connected already Alex is playing Rocket League really you're playing Overcooked by yourself yeah that's kind of weird I mean it's it's fun unfortunately this makes sense but the whole thing unpacks and is ready to go in about six minutes freaking awesome but to take it to the next level Starlink kind of the star of the show here we have a single session of Ultimate Chicken Horse going right now with all four players in it get this using steam remote play and guys i mean is it working everyone go to the farm i'm ready yeah it's doing great how did I die uh hockey puck to the face there is a significant host advantage I'm not gonna lie man my hockey puck give it keeps on giving man whoa you snake almost ate the puck eat the puck snake this is so much better than real camping and this might just be the ultimate gaming minivan you don't even have to sit in the minivan yeah take the whole thing out it's like seriously I cannot believe how well this was performing the fact that you guys are able to play this game at all using Steam remote play on satellite internet like this i can't believe that we can see the screens there's the sun behind us i honestly thought that we just kind of have to fake it oh yeah i have no trouble with it yeah it's actually great this is flipping awesome oh I'm dead oh I died too not that it matters i'll be getting plenty of opportunities to play with this and it is every bit as fun as it looks because i'll let you guys know a little secret okay there were some delays i've actually had this installed in my van for like six weeks now and it's been amazing if you guys enjoyed this video hey you might enjoy the last time we did a video in a car alex any thoughts uh GR Corolla sure how about just a review of a car?
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 1,582,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Gamer, Build, Cars, Minivan, MSI, Laptops, Stealth, RGB, Setup, Xbox, Solar, Battery, Custom cars, tech, road trip, family time
Id: Mi1x5bjpiJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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