Online Worship Service | Sabbath | In the Lord's Army | EJC Virtual Church - May 15, 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] left behind and onward to the fray salvations are made on each head with truth [Music] victory faith is the victory oh glorious victory that overcomes the world to him that overcomes a fall white raiment shall be given before the angels he shall know his name confessed in heaven then onward from the hills of light all hearts with their flame we'll thank we show the horse of night in jesus christ faith is a victory faith is a victory as victory [Music] welcome to our wonderful sabbath this morning we're so happy to have each and every one of you here with us at ejc virtual church it's so good to be blessed this morning we are live we are well and we are praising our king jesus we will turn to number 610 stand light the brave with the face [Music] oh christians awake tis the master's [Music] then stand like a brave with thy face to the floor stand like a brave [Music] wherever he leads me [Music] stand like the brain stand like a brain [Music] with grace to supply [Music] thy face to the fall and he says number 612 that is number 612 onward christian soldiers marching as to war with the cross of jesus going on before if we are soldiers of christ today wherever you are let us sing this song [Music] with the cross of jesus going on before christ the royal master leads against [Music] so of jesus going on before like a mighty army moves the church of god christians [Music] in [Music] there's [Music] maybe kingdoms rise and wait [Music] but the church of jesus constant will be made [Music] is [Music] join the [Music] is [Music] angels sleep [Music] of jesus [Music] 614 sound the battlecry see the foe is nigh raise the standard high for the lord are you raising the standard today are you raising the standard at your work are you raising the standard in your community [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is uh happy sabbath to each and every one of you and welcome to the ajc virtual church i am canvas it's been a while but i am here nevertheless and we are happy to be here joining with you on all our social media platforms today's theme is i am in the lord's army i was about to say are you however we're just so happy that we can be called and be chosen to be a part of god's official army but i don't want to let it to go without introducing my co-hosts this morning who are pretty much decked out um in their army suits i'm joined this morning uh i'm gonna let them introduce themselves so go ahead for me introduce yourselves to the viewers and let them see your your attire this morning happy sabbath everyone my name is uthnyalami joining you from the leith hall seventh day adventist church and yes as andre karen just said i am decked out in my um suitable attire for the army and to my left is to your left to your left is ruth and clark i'm from the north streets everyday adventist church i'm so happy to be here joining you all all right so yes these are my co-hosts uh for this morning for the day actually and um it's it's funny that we're actually exploring this theme for this morning uh what does it mean to be in the lord's army though it's interesting that you asked that because i don't want to jump right in and start to make the parallel between the christian life and the army i don't think i'm going to jump the gun but i just know that there's a recruiting stage and then you're training and then you're called action so for me it follows that order as well well as you mentioned being in being in the lord's army it's all about knowing what you're up against and you know that soldiers they go to war that's why they're recruited to defend and we have to defend our spiritual lives by being a tired and being called to the lord's service to stand up for what we believe in spiritually all right awesome so we're going to hold those points because we have a pretty interesting program for you lined up i'm happy that our praise and worship team from white hall served adventist church they've been sort of wetting our appetites with the songs chosen onward christian soldiers stand like the brave song the battle cry this is what we want for our viewers to be experiencing this morning throughout today's program that you are part of god's army and what is it that you really need to go to battle so at this time we're gonna ask the white house of the adventist church praise team to bless our hearts with our opening him [Music] our opening in is hymn number 422 march into zion come we that love the lord and let our joys be known join in a song with sweet accord because we're marching to zion number 420 [Music] come that love the lord and let our joys be known joining the song with sweet accord joining a song between [Music] beautiful [Music] let those [Music] to refuse who never knew our god the children of the heavenly king but children the heavenly king may speak their joys abroad may speak their joys abroad we're marching to zion's beautiful beautiful [Music] [Music] heals a thousand sacred sweets before we reach the heavenly fields before we reach the heavenly fields [Music] it's a beautiful beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful [Music] [Music] of god amen amen the beautiful city of god indeed and our scripture reading for this morning is taken from psalm 144. reading verse 1 and it says blessed be the lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight thank you amen let us pray heavenly father we thank you for today we thank you for everything that you have done for us and what you'll continue to do for us lord we thank you for bringing us together in this fashion those of us who are here those joining us on youtube other social media platforms we thank you so much for providing the resources we need so we can come and worship together even though i pray lord that we'll be attentive and when we do learn something today we won't keep it to ourselves but we won't hesitate to share with others around us so that they may be blessed in your name i pray amen amen amen thank you so much again to the uh praise team from the white house seventh day adventist church for their wonderful ministry in music today we're looking at the theme i am in the lord's army and yes i am yes i'm tempted to say are you it's just it just feels so empty the spirit is moving yes but uh of course we are joined this morning by a real life soldier uh he is lieutenant commander is it christopher goey and um this morning we're going to be having a conversation with him in terms of sharing uh a bit of you know what happens what is expected as as someone who is serving in in the army so let me let me just uh kick start the conversation why did you choose to be in the army in the first place because i'm a co-word i can't i'm just i'm just going to be real lieutenant oh no um it has been a desire i had ever since i i was a boy so i i wanted to join i like the uniform unlikely the principles that the army stood for and i want it to be associated with which is a great institution that's why i i enlisted after being enlisted there are several lessons that i would have learned along the way that i i don't want to drop the interview but what but there are several lessons that as you go through the program i'll explain to you some of these applicable lessons to our present present time all right uh just was there a time where you felt okay i don't think i'm cut out for this i wouldn't want to thwart the enthusiasm of of persons who might have a desire but but i remember pure training that feeling was was like a constant knocking feeling you you you every day you wonder why did you ever enlist especially when the training became so hard and it became so rough and and you were given tasks that that seem impossible to complete and and mountains that seem insurmountable you you'd ask yourself is there an easy way out right and we have had several persons that would have started the training and somewhere along the line for one reason or the other they decided not to complete so so it's not funny for the weak-hearted it's not for the recording it's something that that you have to have a desire to to be committed right to the end yes um lieutenant lieutenant rather um being a soldier um i mean even when you're not on the field or in the line of duty at a certain time i mean it should be hard right and difficult to accept that so i mean just in the past week what are some of the challenges or even the good things the benefits and the the things you you rather won't like about being in the harmony in the army let's look beyond beyond the past week so i can share some experiences i remember one time during the training session because most of most of the lessons that i would have learned that are applicable i learned them during initial part of the training and i remember one one afternoon i don't remember which storm it was but i was in newcastle and the storm blew down a rose apple tree and blocked the main entrance to to to the newcastle training training depot and we were given the task as recruits to go on and remove the tree and what made us impossible we had a tool that they call uh it's an all-purpose so for for europe for for all household purposes you refer to it as a as i bought a knife but for us it's all purpose they use it to do everything so we're given all purposes to go and cut on the rose up a tree an impossible task and and we're there after the first deer we started sign signs sign i realized that that these stars didn't make any sense but what we didn't realize was that the the task was not necessary to remove the worst apple tree but it was to test your mental strength to prepare you for what's to come wow wow interesting sitting here i can say that for a very brief moment i wanted to be a soldier a brief meaning about a week or so and i definitely love that the theme is in the lord's army because even though i probably will never become a soldier i am a part of an army the lord's army and so the question is asked as a christian a seventh-day adventist and elder can you just draw that comparison between being a part of the jdf and being a christian soldier there are several similarities that can be drawn being a part of the of the military army then you are expected to be courageous you're expected to be loyal disciplined and have integrity and all these things soto has been a part of the the spiritual army you expected to be the same thing so let's look at one of these valleys that i just listed let's look at at courage courages is what you have is what you use the fears your impending fear it's important being in both armies to be courageous but in the military army what a lot of individuals or a lot of soldiers are are courageous about is they find strength or they arrest their fears in their training in the tactics in the advanced weaponry and the skill set and and sometimes in the numbers because we got our launch as a platoon or a company then they were invincible to what the enemy would come out of speed but in the spiritual army we we have a weapon that is greater than any weapon known to man amen amen and that's prayer so when when you put your feet in that the regardless of what the enemy puts in your way regardless of how your situation look like like it's bigger than you prayer overcomes us so we don't put our our feet and our courage and our strength in in in man-made equipment and tactics we have a tactics that is greater and that's prayer on our knees amen and who has um in terms of serving in the army ex enrich your christian walk lot of ways i have seen a lot of ways they are there are lessons that i would have learned every single step of the way and one of the most important lessons as a military person are one of the most important characteristics or qualities that that you must have is that you must be on the alert you can't be a soldier and you're not alert you know yes one you have to be alert so let me just share a story i remember we were on a on a command pass i don't remember what what the task was but we were traveling from from portland from buffalo and we had to find our way to hollywood and we took some time we took the road sometime we took off-road tracks but but but i remember we were making good time so we're ahead of schedule we have completed the task and we are on our way back to camp we are thinking about 24 hours ahead at the schedule because we didn't rest when it was time to rest and as you reach the newcastle the the hollywood botanical gardens we decided that we don't want to rent any camp too early because we wanted to to get an extra night race so we buckled down we made camp and we bought the loan and and we decided that we're going to spend the night here and whilst you're dear even though we're there the leader of the group advised us not to be too relaxed so we hooked our rifle inside the fog the fog and and once we laid on inside inside the tall elephant grass we we were there comfortable but we were alert and one of the the interviewers that he was a part of the group he decided that that that he was going to make himself too comfortable so the advice that they that the instructor gave us was was to blow their opponent's foot was to buckle or short sleeves was to keep our helmets on or was to select our rifle and and to be prepared because we are at the board and we are nearing home so we must we must be on the alert and this man did the complete opposite he took off his shoes yes man he was so comfortable that he even took off his socks he took off his jacket and he hung this jacket up on on a branch and he was he was so comfortable to get a good night's sleep and somewhere in the in the middle part of the night i bought in the two o'clock the about when when it was just time to enjoy the rest for for the rest of us we heard a load cry and by the time we could rush to his assistance we realized that that there were some scorpions that went up inside his pants foot and they did so much damage that that we had to rush him to the campsite for medical attention no at this time that should have taken us probably 25 minutes to get there we had to cover that in probably like seven to ten minutes because we had to move like like the speed of light to get him the medical attention that he needed but why was this lesson so important it was a very last exercise before the graduation session mercy so we see that we were on the brink the brink of being enlisted we were on the brink of being recognized as as trained soldiers and this guy he was complacent at the border it reminds me of ancient israel just at the brink of the promised land yes yes and we have several persons that have started the journey but as we we have been here would have been relaxed we would have seen here before we have we have been all too familiar with coming to church yes and you realize that at the border many persons would have lost the opportunity to make it over amen i i'm sorry so many spiritual lessons from from this conversation this morning i just want to go to our chat i know it's a bit early but i want to acknowledge you uh pretty much 1000 devices that are logged in at this time um we have um lambert forest who said we are in the lord's army are we discharging our duties to the expectation of the captain of host of heaven may god help us to be faithful our character maya says very interesting sabbath school program varros matheson says a christian soldier never drops their guards and yes so many persons are commenting roxanna says so true powerful spiritual encouragement and and for those of you who are logged on at this time uh continue to send your comments so we can be able uh to read them are you in the lord lord's army in the lord's army uh we're continuing our conversation but before we actually uh say um goodbye to a lieutenant commander christopher gowey what are some of the tips that you can leave with a few of our viewers this morning who are watching who are actually getting a bit tired on the journey who may feel that they they need to take their shoes off you know take the jacket off and rest just before christ's second coming or who may feel demotivated at this time because we've been fighting a pandemic for almost um a year and a half now what are your words of encouragement for those who are watching i leave three main tips tips number one tip number one stay alert don't be complacent because we are nearing home that's tip number one tip number two you have started this journey and in order to complete it then you need what is called resilience so regardless of what satan should put in your way hold on to the very end i had a friend that he would normally remind me of this he said that if you start the journey and quit you get the same prize as the individual who never started stick to the fight and the final point i want to to leave is that even though the battle might be reaching and you seem like you're all alone and you can't make it to the next footstep trust in god get on your knees pray and remember that that you're not in this battle together it's not a one-man army so too it's not a one-man salvation so if you feel like giving up reach out to that brother reach out to that sister and we as christians were along the journey also we should ensure that no one gets left behind thank you amen amen thank you so much any final thoughts from you um from uh of neil and and and gabrielle i definitely want to share what i've gathered the last story that you told was while you were in training so not yet a soldier but you're in training and even us sitting here we're able to speak to each other people who work in different fields they do their job but training is very important and at no point in our training we can just let go and say well i'm comfortable this is it no and i think even as a christian in our training process it's so important that we stay true to our process and as christians we can't always be saying i will go at some point we must go and so when we have our adequate training we will go and along the way christ continues to give us additional tools wow and and quickly um how long is this training session for regular soldiers it lasts somewhere about between three to six months for the training the training i must add that the training for a soldier never ends in the recruiting phase wow it's an ongoing process that's what i wanted to point out thank you that's what i wanted to point out you know what i've gathered when he mentioned staying alert and he mentioned that story about his friend who who got too complacent i understand that we're always in training as spiritual soldiers because the devil is going to always come up with some with something that's going to knock you off course and you might not be ready for it i mean even if you're alert it's going to give you a blow that you say wow might not be ready for this but with prayer which is our all-purpose as you mentioned you've got your all-purpose tools to go cut down that apple tree prayer is or all-purpose um weaponry as spiritual soldiers and we need to be always on our knees and girded um in our armor for for whatever the devil throws at us the left hand and to want to thank you for joining us here on ejc virtual church truly we've learned a lot truly all right thank you so much i am spiritually charged i you know i had my doubts about you know joining an army but i feel i feel like i could do it i feel like you know i have that because remember it's mostly about mental the physical comes after you know but it's about 80 mental 20 physical that's it yeah man so i feel like you're ready for this i'm ready for this because god is not looking for i mean he'll work through the codes you know yeah yes yes but we just have to that's progressive yeah we have to progress yes man i feel like i'm i'm ready for this thank you so much again for having me what happened the lord is my shepherd i shall not want all right thank you for that encouragement my brother uh for those of you are watching thank you so much for um listening into our dear brother and elder lieutenant commander christopher goey at this time we're actually going to be feeding ourselves and and getting ourselves ready uh transitioning to our sabbath school lesson reviews and um we just want for each and every one of you who are watching we will be taking lesson reviews from the primary from our junior as well as from our cornerstone and also we'll be having our lesson reviews or adult lesson reviews as well but at this time we will be favored with a special [Music] as little children and all the gifts and toys we knew [Music] but we never realized a baby boy one blessed night gave us the greatest gifts of our lives [Music] is a dark and cloudy day we are the reason that he gave his [Music] that life suffered and died to a world that was lost he gave us show us the reason to live [Music] giving my old just for him for him [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] to a world that was lost [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] that is [Music] to show us the reason to live [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] thank you so much that was so amazing seeing two little friends from rallying town seventh day adventist uh we are the reason that he gave his life at this time we're going to be transitioning to or sabbath school i will be taking the primary lesson as well as the junior lesson and joining me this morning via zoom is malachi and of course on set we have i don't want to spoil the name zahara who who is on set with me so i'm going to be joined my little friend malakai are you there malachi can you unmute yourself yes sir ah i think i hear you good morning good morning how are you fine thank you thank you oh call me auntie i feel so old all right so this this morning um for you for the actual primary lesson uh what was the theme for this week we worship the creature all right so give me us give us a synopsis of what is it that you actually um learned from the lesson for this week [Music] and 250 men who supported them we had a rebellion against moses and iran god destroys the rebels the grumbling continues so god tells moses to ask the leaders leaders of each of the twelve tribes to bring a walking stick to the tabernacle mostly stretch each man's name on his stick aaron's name is written on the tribe of levi's tape the stick are left overnight the next day aaron's steak has blossomed and almonds going on is proven that god chose aaron to be the priest and did you know erin wrote that buddha was placed in the side pocket of the arc with the part of manna and the books of the law of moses signifying god's temporal provision during his israel wilderness wanderings all right thank you so much so uh the lesson of course this week was looking at uh how is it that there were persons in the israelites camp who are becoming a bit restless and a bit jealous of of um of moses's leadership is that correct uh malachi yes yes and they decided that um you know it's unfair that um god has chosen aaron who was who was an actual levite and and how is it that that god did not choose um did not choose them is that correct yes um so what is it that um from the lesson what is it that you learned from the lesson um this week there's no matter what you shouldn't don't buddy a man amen thank you so much so much do you have any final words that you would like to share about the lesson no all right thank you malachi hold on don't go anywhere though all right joining um joining us this morning on set is my little friend um zahara uh welcome and you will be doing the junior lesson um so share with auntie what um what you studied this week well i study about when ellen g white got a sneak peek of heaven and god asked and god sent her up to evan with her but she saw jesus coming down from heaven to earth on a on a flame of fire wrapped in a clown which is wrapped in flames of fire and in heaven she saw children playing and they have and children with wings so if they do not feel like to walk they can feel like to fly so and also she saw children she saw everybody feasting on fresh fruits can you imagine eating their fresh fruits and we out here eating different type of fruits and in in mark 13 verse 32 tells us that no one knows when god will be returned when when god returned but john 14 verse 1 to 3 tells us that let not your heart be troubled believe in god believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions i will in and if that was not so i would have told you i go and prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you unto myself that's where i am that's where you may be also wow i i absolutely love love love love the that um lesson for this week was there a part where you said that the children if they didn't feel like what if they didn't feel like to walk they can use to fly they can fly can you imagine that flying guys flying that is the best part i think about heaven that i'm looking forward to that i can just go to different worlds and just yeah and just fly and meet other beings and other people um what what is it about the lesson this week that you really liked what i really like is that you can be used by god but he is actually up in heaven preparing not just a room but a mansion for you ah a man and for those of us who know what mansions look like here heaven can't even we can't even begin to compare what those mansions um will look like thank you so much for sharing um the lesson with us for this week uh there are some um points that i got from from the actual uh primary lesson that malachi spoke about and many of you may be familiar with that story as it relates to um quora and trying to overthrow or try to actually see that god's choice was not the best choice although it's a children's lesson um it's important for us as adults as well that whenever god uses or chooses a particular um vessel to to to actually carry out his work then um that's the vessel that he has chosen and we should not second guess and we should not doubt um god's choice malachi are you there with me i still need something from you um yes so what was the maybe i missed it but what was the memory verse um from the lesson for this week worshipping who made the heavens the earth and the springs of water is taken from revelation 14 7. all right you said that so don't turn off yet you said that so quickly can you just re um repeat repeat for me um please so we can um get just do it slowly so persons can get it worshiping who means we made the heavens the earth and springs of water it is taken from revelation in 14 7. all right thank you so much i just want to say thank you to my little friend um zahara as well as malachi for reviewing our primary and and junior lesson for this week we're not going to delay we're going to jump right into our early teens and sorry thank you my producer's giving me the um the change thank you so much so we're going to be i'm joined by laurie laurie anne and on set i'm going to have you introduce yourself because i think it's important for um our young people to speak so and tell me where you're from and what lesson you'll be reviewing for us this morning and then i'll i'll go to lorian sdu church and i'll be reviewing the cornerstone connections which is for the youth which is for the youth all right and lorianne are you with us yes i am can i get to see your face oh there you are good morning good morning all right so um tell us a bit about your lesson for this week and then i will go to uh my friend onset okay sure all right so the topic of our listing this morning is the church family and our memory text comes to us from john 17 verse 20 and twenty want in us that the world may believe that you stayed moving it's a quite a city uh until it has been destroyed in 16 and under are not dominate the citizens didn't want to rebuild the city financially so they took everything anyway um they received a letter they received a letter a revelations message the revelation message the letter begins saying i know your words that you are neither hot nor cold i wish you were hot or cold so then because you are lukewarm you are neither hot nor cold i will vomit you i will commit you out of my mouth jesus uses a metaphor to describe a spiritual prop right lukewarm is neither hot nor cold it's not hot enough to be happy it is not cold to be completely but so when you put it in your mouth you want to speak out in time look we need to straight past and complete to pray lorianne yes oh okay are you finished are you you are still talking okay i think we're having a beating oh i'm finished you know i'm finished oh you're finished now okay um just very very powerful um lesson for this week um that you're looking at as it relates to um the different of course for those of you who are watching who are familiar looking at the the different um churches that that is described in revelation and um that verse about um lukewarm i don't know about any of you but i had some very lukewarm tea this morning and i had to spit it out it's not a very good taste um so um what what do you think um god is saying to us as an end time church as it relates to or or states that were in lorian what do you think the message um the message that he's trying to convey so i think the message that he wants us to we we need to get is that we need to be hot enough for others to bathe in so we need to be more connected to church we need to be the church and not let the church be effective is not really church we need to be the church the members of the church are the church all right thank you so much uh lori lorianne for um for sharing that lesson with us now um we go to the cornerstone um with my friend um tell us what were the lessons um that you actually got from for this week okay so this week lesson the topic is restored at church and the story is centered around jesus and it took place while jesus was in capernaum while he was so he was in the synagogue preaching and it said that while you were he was preaching on a sabbath someone who was possessed by a demonic spirit reached out to him and said that why are you here with us today so why are you here in jesus of nazareth have you have you come here to destroy us and he said that jesus said with a cern with a certain voice that the evil spirit should get out of the man and it said that in suddenly the spirit shook the man and left him so the lesson ears it it shows us that while jesus was priest preaching also and teaching he was also teaching with authority so he wasn't if in our buffing i wasn't unsure of what he was saying but he was preaching with authority and he said that all the persons that were in the synagogue were amazed at how effective jesus was preaching i know they were able to understand properly what you were saying and while we go further into the lesson it also it also shows how the devil the devil will attack us while we he will attack us while we're not suspecting it so surprisingly and it shows us that we should always be prepared we should be vigilant and while we didn't listen i couldn't ever turn to the bible verse ephesians 6 verse ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 and he says that for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and against spores and against rulers of darkness in eye places so we should always be prepared and also it shows that oh we can fight off the devil it shows that we should put on the full armor of god so that when a day so when the day of evil comes you may be able to stand your ground and after you have done everything you may stand firm and you might fight off the the presence of the devil so the lesson doesn't the lesson doesn't just shows us that the devil attack us but it also presents us with methods in which we can fight off the devil it also tells us that we should constantly pray into god and acting him for help throughout an accident for earth 30 days as it goes by all right thank you so much for sharing you know it's it's funny how the actual um your lesson ties in with the theme in the lord's army and how we should be vigilant as as christians and how many of you boys and girls need to be um you know vigilant in terms of staying in prayer always praying always asking for the lord's guidance and the lord's protection and i'm really truly happy that each and every one of you um would be able to to share your thoughts on the lesson this morning so this is where we uh close off our lesson reviews for our primary and junior want to thank malachi and zahara as well as our early teens and cornerstone lorienne and jamal for talking to me here jamali lewis jamal i like to hear my young men speak so they can assert themselves so don't don't don't blame auntie for picking on you too much all right thank you so much for for sharing the lessons with us this morning at this time we're going to be favored with another special um from the little boys from the rolling tone 7th day adventist church [Music] the greater [Music] in ocean's teeth my faith will stand and i will call upon your name [Music] when oceans arise my soul will rest in your embrace or i am [Music] yours [Music] you're sovereign [Music] you've never failed and you won't start now so i will call upon your name and keep my eyes above the ways when oceans arise my soul will rest in your embrace for i am yours [Music] spirit lead me where my trust is without borders let me walk upon the waters wherever you would call me take me deeper than my feet could wander and my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my savior spirit lead me where my trust is [Music] god [Music] and keep my eyes above the waves when notions arise my soul will rest in your embrace for i am yours and you are mine pleasant morning um my name is ello albert bram from the new heaven seventh day adventist church i am sis i am zenobia taylor from the ken cuts of the adventist church this morning we will be looking at the covenant at sinai and this is lesson seven in the series of our study on the promise of god looking at god's everlasting covenant and this morning our memory passage is from exodus 19 verse 4 and it says you have seen what i did to the egyptians and how i bore you on eagle's wings and brought you to myself amen uh covenanted sinai the israelites in egypt after over 400 years living in slavery they had mineral there they worshiped the customs of of the egyptians uh involving superstition or idolatry cruelty like senselessness um had corrupted their worship hence it was necessary for god to bring them to sinai to display his glory deliver his law and to teach the israelites and knowledge of him the true god so so god could have left the world to perish but he chose instead to offer redemption and so the israelites they had fallen from god from being in slavery in egypt for over 400 years and of course they have grown accustomed to the culture of the egyptians but god wanted to win them back to himself and so he made a covenant proposal with them and here god wanted to demonstrate his love his genuine love for his people and he did that through mighty acts of deliverance and he started to wore them into a winning and loving relationship and so the lesson points out where god said that he carries them on eagle's wings so god showed grace to egypt or to israel by liberating them from harsh slavery and he tenderly led them into this relationship that he wanted them to have and so he promised to bear them on eagle's wing and the lesnar also pointed out that has a man carries his son that is how god wants to carry us as his children and here we see where god is tender he is supportive he is protective he is encouraging and he desires us to grow to full maturity we need god to guide us so that we can grow in the relationship that he so freely offers also after 50 days from the red sea god led his peoples through the wilderness it was a trial um situation as they went through the wilderness they uh god first sent them manner rain bread from heaven miraculously they cried our soul for water and god's god allowed moses to strike the rock and send forth water from the rock which represented christ and now they were at mount sinai god instructed moses to sanctify the people as they're about to meet with god himself god said three in three days time i'll come down at mount sinai and meet with the with the people so they were to sanctify themselves they were to wash their clothes and make themselves ready to meet their god and indeed god did come down and met with the israelites and we see where god in god's plan to redeem israel he gave moses a message to tell the the israelites god said tell them i am the lord and i will bring you out from under the bondage of the egyptians and i will deliver you from their bondage and i will redeem you with an outstretched armed and with great acts of judgment and i will take you for my people and i will be your god isn't that a very assuring promise god was the first one who reached out and promised to help and what he wants us to do is to trust him and to accept the offer because we have no other help but the help of god and and we see where christ gave his life as a ransom for us in trying to buy us back and trying to win us back in the relationship that he initially wanted to have with us he paid that price on calvary and in god's eyes we are worth dying for and he did just that amen also uh moses presents to us the science of salvation now it begins with noah uh it says noah phone grace noah be saved in that in that ark was through um was by grace through faith we look at abraham abram found grace he was justified um by by faith in the problems that god had made to him we look at abram abram was also justified by faith in believing in god promises no god made promises to israel the israelites helpless at the mercy of pharaoh they were considered chattels they were slaves slaves had no right they were not they were not considered a person or our people but uh about chattels possession of the egyptians there was no nation on the earth at the time that could rescue the israelites from egypt but they were god's people they were descendants of of of jacob of isaac and abram the hebrew god's people yes so god came down to view them to and to rescue them and to bring them back to himself and he had to do it with the display of his of his great power and his also on his grace that all the world could know that there was and there is a god in israel a god that can deliver more than any other gods that was known in the in the east and ears and inch and near east and and so elder abraham we see where god's concern was to establish a relationship with his people oh yes and he wanted to to do that so that his love could lead them to obedience to this proposed covenant that he has made with them yes and so we see where the book of exodus um has that that that covenant established and the signing of the covenant is in exodus 19-24 yes and the sequence of events is where god led them to mount sinai so god was the one who led them there he brought them out of egypt and he led them to mount sinai and in at mount sinai he proposed the covenant yes and the people willingly and readily accepted this covenant and before god could give them the the the covenant of the commandments he asked them to consecrate themselves and so they consecrated themselves and then god came down on mount sinai he gave moses the the commandments and he was to be the mediator between god and the people and also the ratification of the covenant after the principles were spelt out the ratification of the covenant was done before the seventy elders and also the blood of the covenant was sprinkled on the people yes and we're talking about this covenant and we see where it will play a significant role in the plan of salvation and when it comes to the the sanctuary rituals that were established pointing to christ who would come to take his people who would come to sacrifice his life so that we can have the salvation that he promised most definitely so we see that that the covenant being the decalogue the ten commandment if the commandments or the covenant was broken it could be ratified through the ceremonial laws yes the sacrifices of animals are disappointed these are types that pointed to the through to the true sacrifice which was christ himself himself who came and paid the ultimate price for us for also the israelites who who looked those sacrifices pointed to the christ that was to come and christ came died paid that price once and for all so there's no more need to offer lambs and bullocks and turquoise for the sin of the people because because we've got a sacrifice made at calvary is efficacious yes it's for all time until it comes again what do you say yes yes definitely and it is important that we recognize that god wanted the israelites to understand that redemption had a greater more significant meaning yes than merely freedom from the physical bondage and it is for us also to understand that god wants to free us from sin yes bondage of sin and for the the covenant is nothing if it's not a covenant of salvation that the lord offers to to us as sinners and god wants to save us that's the bottom line he wants to save us he wants to have that relationship with us yes that will ultimately see us going to to live with him forever in eternity most definitely and in order to do that in order for us to attain the benefits of the promise because there are benefits to this promise god asks us to be obedient most definitely the conditioned obedience was the condition of the covenant if you will obey my voice god says then you then you'll be um a peculiar treasure unto me above all people on the earth and also um there are other conditions it was not just for the people to to be obedient to unto god they were called to be a kingdom of priests and an holy nation they were placed right in in the midst of the of the ancient near east and they were to be there to be weaknesses for god to let the nations around them were all pagan nations nation that worship idols of wood and stone and the planets and so on they were they were to point out to these nations to witness to this nation that there was a god in heaven the true god the god who created every nation every person on the planet that was the god that they they heard about this god in heaven but this god was the god of the israelites and god and god displayed his power and his grace and god has promised to bless the israelites yes um in the field in whatever they did was a blessing from god yes and and god operates by a divine human partnership we should not forget that god is not a god who forces us to do what we are not willing to do oh yes he will encourage us and he will he will he will try to wars with his love but he is not going to force us and so it is important it it was important but then that israel cooperates with god and it is important today that we can cooperate cooperate with god so that he can use us to bring the gospel to the world because that's the ultimate he wants us to be in a relationship with him he wants us to be his special people but it doesn't stop there he wants us to take the message to the world so that they too can come and taste and see that the lord is good and also to worship him and we can't keep this law to be saved as beautiful as the law and that god has set up is we can't keep it to be saved no and we can't ignore it and say that god's grace covers us either so god wants us to be obedient and when we are obedient and trust in god's promises then then that is how we will benefit from the the commandments but god is the one who really covers us and it is his righteousness that will cover us we can't do anything in and of ourselves in order to earn salvation because god already offers it freely so we just need to commit ourselves to him surrender all to him and allow him to work in us and through us in bringing the gospel to others also it says he unfortunately though the liberal nation believed that their own obedience became the mean of salvation uh the bible says that all of all our relations are like filter dogs we of our own selves can do nothing but paul said that i can do what all things through christ are straining us so we as a people are called just as all the israelites were called out from from egypt to represent to the nations around them the true god we also have been called out of the egypt of sin and bondage and we have been saved by grace by faith through grace in christ we also are weaknesses for god we also are our kingdom of of priests a holy nation and we are to show for the praise of the god who are scholars out of darkness into his marvelous light there are others out there who are in darkness there's nothing nation their own natural as we're in darkness because a person who believed that yes we are saved by grace so there's no need for allah the law was nailed to the cross so we have to let them know that what was nailed to the cross was the ceremonial laws the law that that um the laws was used to ratify the the covenant the law of of the offering of lambs and bullocks and and all that was only a means we're only types when christ came the antitype there was no need to offer lambs and bullock anymore but to believe in jesus christ and be saved you know in in his everlasting kingdom yes and or or god is a covenant maker yes and we are drawn to him through his love and his promises yes but you know if you if you look at what israel said all that the lord say we will do and i believe that they were genuine at the beginning they were genuine so when they listened to all the promises that come with this covenant yes they just burst out and said all that the lord said we will do but good intentions did not keep they did not keep their words even though they have good intentions and there are many of us who have good intentions you know it is my intent to do this it is my intent to do that i want to accomplish this i want to accomplish that but good intentions alone will not get us where we want to be and of course israel tried to keep the law by their own standards and in their own strength and we can't do anything in our own strength we have to depend on god we have to rely on him we can't establish our own righteousness and expect to be saved god's righteousness is a righteousness that we should seek to have we should seek to have god covering us with his righteousness and when we are obedient and when we have the faith that jesus wants us to have that's how we will benefit from this promise that he has made in his covenant also while the issue with ancient israel they mingled with the nations around them they were to mention them yes but but to show them a better way the mineral nation around them learn their ways and also practice what they practice in worshiping the same gods that they eat and worship hence they turn it back and the true god who brought them out of egypt and lost sight of the lost sight of god lost sight of true worship as they are intermingled the the worship of the eden we also must be careful as 70 adventists as a remnant people who are called out a peculiar people to show for the praises to show to the people that there is a god that there is a law there is a a better way to salvation we must not be caught up or allow ourselves to to intermingle with the world in a way where we are changed from our allegiance to god by practicing what they practiced and did what they did but to allah but to bring them to the true god and have them learn the way of righteousness by being obedient to god's commandment through faith in jesus christ that's right that's right god wants us to trust him so that we can reap the benefits of the covenant and our response should be joyous to his love and to his faithfulness and and so the covenant god formed with israel at sinai was one of grace god is a god of grace he is gracious towards us even though we do not deserve it and although israel responded in the affirmative they lack true faith motivated by love so our faith should be motivated by love and that is why god is always willing to to to be the first one to reach out to us because he loves us so much and what he wants us to do is to respond to his love he wants us to respond to his love so that he can have that relationship with us so that he can save us the way he really wants to save us and to take us home to live take us home to live with him eternally amen also uh in closing the gospel was preached to abram it was preached to noah it was preached to the israelites it says here the gospel that offered hope to abram is what is still preached to us today he looked unto jesus we are to do the same god is ready to save us like he saved israel so it was the gospel of grace in type in symbols to israel no we are the antitype we have the christ we have jesus christ who has come and the gospel that we are received the same gospel we are to believe and to bear to the world that those who are all there in sin our brothers and sisters or neighbors our family members uh will come to know the true god and the true way of worship and be saving israel us in kingdom yes and then and on this point elder i'll just ask us to bow our heads and pray and ask god to help us to be obedient to his covenant let us pray father we thank you so much for revealing to us this morning that you want to have a personal loving relationship with us amen we ask that you may help us to heed your words help us there father to be the instruments that you want us to be to bring your love to the rest of the world so that you can fulfill the promises that you have made to us through the redemption that you have offered is all purr in your precious name we pray amen amen happy sabbath everyone our call to worship comes to us today from a scripture we should all know very well as soldiers i won't be long i won't be long it is ephesians chapter six give you a few seconds to find it ephesians chapter six one of the famous books in the new testament where paul writes to the church in ephesus and we're reading from verse 13. it says wherefore take unto you the whole armor of god that he may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand i want to point out to us today that the devil is going to come at us as christians and that's cliche because we know that as christians we're going to face some tough times but i want us to understand that as our dear lieutenant said his friend got complacent it was when he got complacent that they heard the lok the lord cry and having heard that lord cry because he got complacent he was unable to respond to that cry i'm saying twas today as christians we should not be getting complacent no we're living in the end time there's no time to get your arm on as soldiers it is no time to put on the whole armor of god to stand against what the devil has and it says having done all to stand when you're standing that's when christ is going to come to give you your crown and i know my praise team is standing by but before we go we're going to say a quick word of prayer and i'm charging us today as soldiers in the lords in the lord's army to gird yourselves in the armor of god and having done all still stand no time for complacency still stand let us pray our father who art in heaven or god or father or help in ages past or hope for years to come father in heaven we want to thank you thank you for this your holy sabbath day thank you for your soldiers far and near o god who are still alert who are still ready to go on the mission field for you oh god as we are here the sabbath morning ready and still standing on soldiers i pray that oh god you will go with us pray oh god that you will go before us pray oh god that you will stand by your son hold our hands be our god we pray lead us throughout the service we ask with your mercies and tender grace in jesus name amen amen we want to say praise the lord in here and want to give god a shout yes hallelujah so my group here with me just say praise the lord if you're out there in the chat just say praise the lord with us let's say hallelujah with us put it in the chat you know and let us hear you ring up for christ we're gonna and bring honor and glory unto god for he is amen [Music] to give you the praise and we will praise you for the rest of our days yes we will pray to give you the glory we lift our hands to give you the praise and we will praise you for the rest we will praise you for jesus heavenly father come in messiah and we will praise you for the rest of our days [Music] and hallelujah will praise you for the rest of ours [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] heavy praise [Music] for we are here to praise the lord i will bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is god the joy and the strength of your life is he the person that is there for you in times of trouble we're going to sing this song god is [Music] yes [Music] he promised [Music] is my life clean every day [Music] he promised to keep [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] he promised to keep [Music] i've gone too far and i never [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] so [Music] we shall keep praising the lord amen amen oh boy think about his love think about his goodness think about his grace that has brought us through for as high as the heavens above so great is the measure of our father's love isn't it wonderful to call him father yes is this [Music] lover of our souls [Music] think about this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning everyone and happy sabbath to you god is surely good and he's good all the time and we must always give him the honor the glory and the praise he's excellent he's adorable he is our god and there's no god like jehovah i take this wonderful privilege this morning this beautiful sabbath morning to greet you in the name of jesus our lord and our savior jesus christ it is my belief that today is indeed an exciting day to be alive an exciting day to praise the name of our lord and savior jesus christ i bring you greetings also on behalf of the administration of this tremendous conference our president pastor eric nathan and the treasurer of the conference elder michael porsches i bring you greetings on their behalf and all the officers and directors of this great conference we wish that your day will be a wonderful day as you worship with us on this virtual church and wherever you are we wish you a wonderful sabbath as you lift up the name of jesus our lord and our savior just want to say to you that our president pastor eric nathan is on a few days leave and i he will come back at the end of this month and is very excited to to be on vacation and also looking forward to rejoining us as a team here at east jamaica conference today is a big day at the rallington town saved adventist church they are celebrating 90 years of ministry 90 years of mission in that part of the vineyard and what president pastor nathan is with them today in this big celebration not only is pastor nathan with them but the union president pastor everett brown is also with them and he will be the the speaker for the day so it's an exciting weekend an exciting day a lot of things happening in our conference and we thank god for his blessings on this great conference i want to remind our church clerks that tomorrow tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock there is going to be another uh acms training which is the adventist church management system training and no church clerk should miss this very important training this is where the church is going to have all our records on in the electronic space so we'd like you to be with us as we go through this very special training this morning i have with me pastor carl cunningham and elder denise brown they are in charge of the sub and personal ministries department of this conference and the pastor canon our director is also the assistant to the president there is a very very exciting uh ministry that is coming up and as a team at the conference we have sat we have looked at it we have fine-tuned it and we're asking our evangelism director and his assistant to bring us up to date with this exciting program because we want every member of the church in east jamaica conference to be with this program i will now turn over to our director pastor kaninam and his assistant and they will lead us into this matter of the school of evangelism that will be launched uh shortly past the column thank you so much pastor williams our executive secretary of the conference and right now our acting president in the absence of our resting president pastor nathan i greet you warmly in the precious name of the one who is all together lovely jesus christ and what a wonderful privilege we have to be co-laborers together with jesus to share the love of god with people all around and i am thankful to to have with me a very dedicated minister in the lord elder denise brown and i want to use this opportunity first of all to thank god for his keeping his protection even in the midst of the worldwide trouble that we're in pandemic kovid 19 and somehow it appears as if because of this problem some of our soldiers have gone into retreat but i'm here to let you know that right now we are opening back all the avenues so that every soldier of jesus can be at the front of the battle for the lord in these very closing moments of earth's history permit me to say thanks to all our workers or pastors or members who have been in spite of the difficulties out there sounding the gospel call and i want to thank god for the close to 400 souls who have now accepted the advent message since this year and are rejoicing in the lord in east jamaica conference i want to specially thank the division and the union for introducing the cross-cultural evangelistic project which we now are engaged in and as a result of over 20 speakers from the caribbean union coming virtually with us for over two weeks we have seen over 76 souls baptized through this initiative let's praise the lord and i want you to know we are still in that there are few programs still on like north street and some other places and their souls right now getting ready to go into the water and to make the commitment for jesus christ and right now as we are climaxing this program we are moving into another grand phase and i want to talk with you quickly about the east jamaica conference training program under the institution called the school of evangelism for many years the conference has been very much engaged in the training of the brethren training and equipping people and qualifying men and women to preach the gospel and to win souls for god incidentally i was privileged since i'm serving in my third term to introduce an organized school the east jamaica conference school of evangelism and in our 11th year now we are really about to do big things mr brown would you tell us where we are now with the school of evangelism and the training of coming happy happy sabbath everyone the tax the privilege is mine to share with you that come next week's sabbath pastor and all the members of the constituency that we will have our big launch of this school we will have dr smith who will be speaking and pastors share with us what else will be happening oh there's so many wonderful things happening for next week i'm gonna invite you please to go online and see what will be happening for the school of evangelism training program but next week for the entire day we're going to give the flow in flow what will be the next program coming on right up until june 27 the five weeks will be intensive training so next week is the grand launch come and be with us wherever you're from and i know i'm speaking to people from all over the world great things will be happening on this platform next week's sabbath from morning till evening time doesn't allow me to go into the details but let's talk about the training that will be happening as of the 23rd lady brown yes [Music] on the 23rd you see we are going to launch on the 22nd we're going to pray it up and then come sunday morning may 23 5 a.m amen come together everybody we're starting with an emphasis on prayer because more prayer more power i believe that the time has come for the church to pull out the stops now and to get to the place where every member of the church has the focus of sharing the gospel of jesus christ and so the courses that we will be conducting will be geared to help every member to be equipped the first course that we are teaching after we have prayer for one session one hour from 5 00 a.m until 6 a.m on the same sunday 23rd at 9 00 we are going to be teaching a course called principles and practice of private or personal and public evangelism every member in the church needs to know the basic principles the the rationale the biblical rational the spirit of prophecy background etc why and how we do evangelism and then the next class on that day will will be at 10 o'clock where we are going to be engaging from 10 o'clock until 12 30 with the program of medical evangelism yes in this time when everybody is afraid about what is happening to their health come to the training school to the east jamaica conference school of evangelism for five weeks for two and a half hours and more we'll be getting full training in medical evangelism and then in the afternoon at one o'clock we're gonna be trained in the use of technology because this is the digital age this is a new arena and every member should be equipped and sharing god's word in the virtual marketplace of evangelism what happens on monday on monday definitely we will be having at 6 30 through to 7 30 christian storytelling and adventist education for all those children who are excited and want to know more they will be taught through dr brown and elder genus then at 7 40 through to 8 40 we will be having principles in small groups evangelism and i know elder smiley and dr noel morgan are excited to come and share the knowledge with the constituency okay so some of some of these courses have been shared before you notice for example we have a new course called christian storytelling and adventist education all those people who tell the 10 minutes story or five to seven minute story at children's time it it is going to be structured and everybody there needs to come on learning we'll be having training also in stewardship and budgeting and finance lay evangelistic preaching and more and um i want you to know brothers and sisters that for every officer in the church because we are now including all departmental administration training every church officer needs to be a member of the school and we are emphasizing what we call t.o.t in the school of evangelism trainer of trainers teacher of teacher so that when we give this training you can go back to the school to the church rather and fully equip every church member and how to share the gospel of jesus christ wonderful things are happening but maybe we should move quickly to see how you get the information for yourself you won't retain everything we're saying so go to register online go to google and you just punch in b-i-t beat l-y forward slash at ejc school of evangelism beat ly forward slash ejc school of evangelism you'll notice that the flyer is in our communication channels you'll see it going all around as of now all roads lead beginning the 23rd east jamaica conference school of evangelism and there's one more thing we want to talk about before we leave after we finish this intensive five weeks of training what next definitely pastor we are going to have a series of evangelism evangelistic series and we start first the width pastor okay watch this friends we are not training folk to make them intelligent and academically astute we are equipping the church to work for the lord and so while the training is going on we'll be having seed sowing going all over but watch this come the 26th of june running right through the rest of the year there will be some powerful evangelistic series taking place we're beginning with a musical evangelistic series you you're looking forward to that but you start working with somebody now so you can bring them as your trophy during this series of reaping which will run through for the rest of the year you will hear more about it join us next week as we will have the big bang in the launch of the east jamaica conference school of evangelism 2021 module next week thank you so much god bless you let's keep praising the lord amen amen thank you have you heard of the advent church she is moving according to prophecy you know the lord is her leader and by faith she must conquer so the question to you is have you heard of the advent church this morning as we look at enlisting in god's army i'm here to share with you a little on serving in that army you know when you look at serving in god's army there are a few aspects to it before you can serve you have to be enlisted right and after you are enlisted then you have to train but the purpose of training in the army is for the emergency the conflict the war since we are at spiritual war every single day and so when i was asked to share my experience with serving in god's army the thought came to me that serving in god's army isn't a passive thing but more so it's an active lifestyle [Music] you see we're not called to man the barack's saints we are called to go out into the field and to face the enemy not by our own our own strength but by the strength of the lord or a captain and in looking at my own experience two things came to my mind [Music] as i said you know you have to enlist you have to make an active choice to want to be a part of god's army you don't just fall into it and so as a young boy growing up in an adventist home i made that decision from an early age to serve in this army and you know a few years later one instance stands out to my mind you see my dad he drove a toyota corolla at the time and my mom she did floral baskets for special events and this particular day was mother's day i remember it was raining and my dad took me and my cousin along as he delivered these baskets no my father he worked with a lot of safety equipment because of his job and i remember he got out of the car to take a floral basket to someone and while he did that me and my cousin climbed over the back seat into the trunk of that toyota corolla and we started fiddling with the fire extinguisher and you guessed it the fire extinguisher went off now we were seven and eight we had no idea what to do but the first thing that came to my mind that day was philip hold the fire extinguisher i'm going to pray prayer is an important part of any christian's arsenal and that i would consider a part of the training that i had it might have been a small insignificant incident [Music] but it instilled a lesson later on in life i would encounter situations where i needed to draw for prayer for the strength to face situations one of which was witnessing to a friend in high school and i remember we were speaking about the dragon revelation and daniel and while we were there he says to me what does it all mean and so we started discussing and we went along the route of the sabbath the sanctuary and the prophecies of daniel and he said to me but sunday is the day of the lord and so i referred to literary material that i could have shared with him and we had bible study that day it was just before we did cxc's and i remember when we were finished talking he said to me you know thank you for this information it really gives a different perspective and he offered to pray i closed my eyes and i listened to the words of his prayer praying in my heart while he did so but then as he continued to pray he started to speak as some denominations call speaking in tongues i must admit it was one of the most daunting experiences of my life because i could feel the difference in the atmosphere there was something very strange about it something very heavy that i could not explain but i called out to god after he had prayed i i turned to him i said friend tell me something do you believe that you have ever had an experience with demons at the time i did not know it but he said to me brad i was once demon possessed it shook me in that moment because i did not know the extent of what i was feeling just a few moments before but because of the years of turning to god in smaller situations i was able to call out to him in such a situation where i was at the forefront of the battle and so as i close i want to share with you a few things that i think is very imperative for us as christians in our spiritual warfare [Music] you see it takes patience patience with others but also patience with yourself it takes faith in the god whom we serve in christ's sacrifice on calvary and his promise that he will return for us it takes truth the word of god which he has given to us to guide our path it takes his holy spirit the comforter the one he has left to lead us into all truth the one he has left to [Music] comfort us it also takes the will and the desire to serve because as the saying goes you can only lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink [Music] you must be willing to serve our lord it also takes an active prayer life communication with god is the only way we can stay connected and so in this warfare in this battle you must turn to your captain for instructions [Music] but most importantly more than anything else we need love love for our fellow men love for our god because the bible tells us if we do all these things and have not love then what's the point and so i say to you this morning saints no i say to you this morning soldiers soldiers of christ rose then rally round the banner ready steady pass the word along onward forward shout aloud hosanna for christ is captain of the mighty throne [Music] is in acts chapter 20 verse 35 it is more blessed to give than to receive john wesley was preaching to a large congregation there was a farmer sitting in the front row wesley began by saying make all you can the farmer smiled he agreed with that the next point was save all you can the farmer nodded approvingly the third point was give all you can a frown covered the farmer's face the preacher had gone too far most people see receiving as a blessing but the bible teaches us that we are blessed we are more blessed when we give why is this so number one giving reflects the character of god god is a giving god for god so loved the world that he gave john 3 verse 16. number two giving results in the giver being blessed a generous person will prosper whoever refreshes others will himself be refreshed proverbs 22 verse 9 and number 3 givers bring blessings to others those who give to the poor will lack nothing proverbs 28 verse 27 there are two kinds of people in the world givers and receivers which one are you be a giver and you will be blessed let us pray dear god and heavenly father we just want to thank you for your example giving father may we emulate your standard and may we give of ourselves totally to you thank you lord for hearing announcing our prayer in jesus name amen when i look back over my life and i see all the things god has done for me i have no other option but to praise god god is indeed good to me happy sabbath everybody i'm just here just to share my experience in being in the lord's army god is good you see if it had not been on the lord who was on my side where would i be i was baptized on may 24th 2010 which makes this year 10 years since i've been baptized and i'm telling you it has been rough it has been tough but i like that conjunction but god god is good to me there were times when i got distracted there were times when my family members when close friends betrayed me and i realized that that is a tactic that the devil uses he uses those who are closest to us to betray us now being in the lord's army caused me to be alert it caused me to have blinkers there were times yes when i choose to take off the blinker you know look to the left and looked to the right which resulted in sin but i am so grateful for the five star general jesus christ you see whenever i sin god says alexis god said alex come come here i know what he does he gives me a brand new start he wipes the slate clean you see there are a lot of benefits in being in the lord's army it isn't always rough and tough and hard you know being in the lord's army i get to learn other world views and i'm glad for the seventh day adventist church who teaches these worldviews because i learned of these learned these worldviews i become rooted and grounded in what i believed in believe in because i'm in the lord's army i have to be focused i have to be alert i had to carry my sword the bible i had to wear the bless the breastplate of righteousness i had to have my shield of faith it wasn't easy it isn't easy but i know that god will continue to carry me through i can remember a time when god called me into music and for those who don't know i sing and i can't remember when when i started out there were a lot of thwarts there were a lot of obstacles that came in the way like the devil told me i'm not good enough even some of my church family they said i'm not experienced enough to sing stuff little stuff like those but i thank god for jesus who was there when everybody else said no he said yes god is indeed good now i just want to motivate anybody who is online today who isn't a christian i want to motivate you to get on board no is the time to get on board and for those who are on board but are struggling like myself and others i just want to encourage you to continue you know jesus is the only author who actually tells us the end at the beginning he does he does that so that we can be encouraged so corona is here yes you're experiencing a lot of death and stuff like that but we have this hope that is within our hearts that this too shall pass [Music] god is good i cannot over emphasize the goodness of god god is just awesome and for those who have wandered away i just want to implore you to get back on board now is not the time for you to be doing other stuff the the place you should be is in the secret place of the most high which is in christ jesus so as you go through the week be encouraged be blessed god bless you for those words of encouragement at this time before uh brother nooks petitions the throne of god we are also going to be reading a few of your prayer requests and um that's in the chat that you actually sent and um janet johnson dyer you sent in your prayer requests praying for internal change also praying for a job grace smith please pray for my family facing some challenges at this time we also have to sean brown i'm requesting prayer for my husband michael brown please he has a heart problem and uh carmen radcliffe please pray for my my daughter kisha that the lord will open a window of opportunity for a job opening keep those prayer requests coming we will be praying for you and uh also with you throughout the day just want to say this time that i know many of you are going through some challenges some of you are wondering you know when is the next meal coming from how am i going to pay for school how am i going to pay for the mortgage so many challenges but god is still in control at this time humble yourselves i don't know allow the lord to just take just take presents in your life as brother nooks will now petition the throne of god [Music] shall we bow our heavenly father great god of the universe creator of heaven and earth to thee do we come this morning to give you praise and honor our heavenly father we want to thank you for being with us during the past six days of toil and labor and has brought us thus far by faith our heavenly father we are asking you even now to come in every heart wash us and instill in us your true character i want to pray for our children at this time lord who are going through abnormal times who are being affected by the coveted 19 who are being some who are being molested some who are being forsaken father be with them even now oh lord you have heard of the several prayer requests by the the chat there are some who are praying for job there are some who are praying for physical healing there are some were praying for having family and relationship problems but lord you are the great sovereign problem solver and so i'm presenting them to you what i want specifically this morning this uh to present to you hope a young lady by the name of hope who said that she is lonely and sick who is experiencing physical problems who do not even have a friend to relate to who is not a christian and know even how to pray but lord i pray i present her to you because you are all-knowing you know who i'm speaking whom i'm speaking about so i'm asking you to go by her even now and give her hope and help her to come to know you even before this service comes to an end father you are god there's nothing impossible with you you used to heal the sick back then make the dumb talk the lame walk there you can do anything and we believe in you lord there are some out there who are fearful yes they they they and you say in your words that you do not give us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a soul mind father hear this petition today and even be with your speaker because we come also forward to hear a word from you and so lord empower your servant today that our sheep present the message our hearts will be blessed and we will leave with a burning sensation and a will to continue to serve you in spirit and in truth have your sweet own way o lord through jesus christ we pray amen the scripture reading is taken from isaiah 40 verse 31 i'll be reading from the new international version but those who hope in the lord will renew their strength they will soar with wings like eagles they will run and not grow they will walk and not be faint here ends the reading of god's holy word the privilege is mine this morning to introduce to you the speaker for the owl her favorite scripture passage is jeremiah 1 verses 4 to 10. when asked about her philosophy in life she directed me to verse 8 which states do not be afraid of their faces for i am with you to deliver you says the lord this verse in particular reminds her that whenever she's faced with a difficult situation she should not become fearful neither should she be intimidated by the aggressor for the lord will deliver her and he is with her she is a member of the asi which stands for adventist layperson services and industries where she has been engaged in both humanitarian and evangelistic projects both here in jamaica and in costa rica she began her ministry at a tender age of seven years old she is a member of the new haven sda gems girls of eloquence morals and standards a member of her local choir and a member of the pleiades pathfinders club she's the only daughter or only child rather to sister donna brown and brother donald brown she craves your purse as she's on the path of pursuing higher academic studies the young lady i speak of is no other than daniel brown please breathe a word of prayer as she delivers the lord's message however before she comes we will receive a messaging song from the praise team [Music] i feel your touch i can feel your heart as i'm lying here alone in the dark i hear your voice gently say come to [Music] rainfall i'm weary lord i've wandered this desert too long so calmly [Music] my heart so long flow through my soul and pour [Music] come and live lord so many times and i turned my face the other way yet [Music] how can i be so blind when i alone have created this darkness forgive me lord and wash me clean again [Music] like a my heart's been first [Music] live me oh come live through me like a river my heart so long [Music] [Applause] [Music] mercy [Music] me me fill me amen amen come living water and fill me a pleasant and happy sabbath to everyone tuned into our program this morning especially our boys and girls i still remember when i was as small as you are so enjoy your childhood parents hello to you too and we love you continue to enjoy your children i would like to thank the praise team for that lovely selection and sister dion henry for her kind words of introduction before i go any further let us breathe a word of prayer dear heavenly father we thank you for another opportunity to come before your throne thank you lord for everyone who is currently listening and tuned in to hear your word i pray that you will be seen through me and that your message will go forth and touch lives in jesus name i pray amen our theme today says in the lord's army make no excuses it's time to enlist in god's army so that we can soar children have rights don't they rights to education freedom rights to proper care but did you know that children also have the right to accept the call to follow jesus just like an adult in matthew 19 jesus says suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for theirs is the kingdom of heaven brethren can you imagine how these children must have felt when they were denied access to jesus i can attest to this pastor kevin white had a crusade not long long ago in my district and i attended the call to enlist in the lord's army was given will you go i immediately held my little friend's hand and took her along and went to the altar now to be told to go back to your seat when you answer the call at the age of six is very disheartening i was the one who felt the holy spirit tugging at my little heart i was the one who heard in the still small voice saying come come it was not my mother nor the bible worker i was crushed that evening and my vespa prayer was jesus today we had a nice day at church i wanted to enlist in your army but i was denied entry jesus please let me be baptized so that i can be a part of your army amen friends my mother was so shocked that she heard such words coming from my mouth at the tender age of six and this convinced her immediately to sign up the pledge card friends the text in matthew is a direct command from our commander-in-chief jesus christ himself inviting parents pastors bible workers elders to enlist the children in the army of god brethren this investment promises eternal life which allows us to soar to new heights in his army i also want to take the time to thank god for donald nevison brown my ever-loving and patient mother and donald brown my caring and always supporter always supportive father who never said no when i wanted to enlist in god's army we are skillful in the art of making excuses aren't we excuse is like i don't know how i didn't understand i have so much to do in the christian world we can also find all sorts of excuses not to obey god's voice it's not my gift i've already served let someone else do it i'm too busy too tired too old or too young it has been said that excuses are the tools of the incompetent and those who specialize in them seldom soar to great heights did you know that the eagle can see a rabbit two miles away it can soar up to two miles above the ground and fly at speeds of a hundred miles per hour another very fascinating quality that eagles have is that they have two sets of eyes yes you heard me right two sets of eyes the first set is their natural eye which they use when they are in a resting mode however when they start to take flight during storms on these strong winds also known as thermals they have a second set of eyes that come into play this second set of eyes enables them to see as they fly through these strong winds without damaging their original ones as christians we also have two sets of eyes can you imagine that the first set is our normal natural eye which we use to see the natural world in which we live however we also have a second set of eyes and that is the eyes of the holy spirit since we all have the holy spirit living inside of us we also have his eyes available to us at times to see things from god's perspective today we are going to be focusing on how we as christians can soar in the lord's army in times of adversity or sore in prosperity isaiah 41 reading from the new living translation says but those who trust in the lord will find strength they will soar high on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not faint what an assurance from our god and its relevancy can be seen today we are called in the lord's army to soar to see god with our whole heart as david did to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice as abraham did with his son isaac accept the will and plan of god for our lives like jeremiah and rest in his presence like moses i understand all too well what it means to soar like an eagle as a child of god and as a student of saint andrew high school for girls we are taught to aim high in every area of our lives as depicted by one of our school's academic themes soaring to new heights through christ i know how to seek god for an answer to adversity through prayer i was diagnosed with scoliosis which is the curving of the spine and it caused me to wear a back brace in the prime of my teenage years and i was so self-conscious of my body image however being enlisted in god's army i never made any excuses when i was called upon for active duty as i faced adversities all i was left to do was to cry out to god and seek his face for answers jeremiah 33 verse 3 says and we all know it call on to me and i will answer you and show you great and marvelous things that you would not know had it not been for the scriptures friends i would not have been able to cope my difficult circumstances forced me to turn to my second set of eyes the eyes of the holy spirit in order to plug into my exceptionality and to soar in the army of god so you may choose to just barely cope with the challenges of life as you make excuses or you can instead lean on the holy spirit and soar i would like all those who believe that they can soar in god's army to type a big sore in the chat today i invite you to give of yourself yes i too get tempted with the idea to follow the ways of the world but thank god that i have not forgotten one of my many morning watch texts found in romans 12 1 and 2 we all know it also therefore i beseech you brethren that ye present your bodies as a what a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto god it further says be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind we should accept the will of god even though at times the will of god can be hard to understand i had to come to this realization when i watched my mom and my dad put aside their own well-being to ensure that my grandmothers got the best care in their old age it wasn't easy sometimes i wanted their undivided attention but they were so tired from journaling to and fro from their ailing parents i had to accept his will had i known though on that fateful sunday that last conversation with my grandmother in which i said i will see you when i see you grandma that would be or final goodbye i would have asked him to change that plan but instead i had no choice but to accept his will as a part of god's army we have the blessed assurance that god is always with us even in the face of adversity we can find rest knowing that god will see us through we must seek after god's will in each step of our life and work we should not work senselessly loosely and foolishly the first step in seeking after god's will is to cast aside our own opinions proverbs 2 says my son if you accept my words and store my commands within you turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding you will find the knowledge of god for the lord gives wisdom when god is calling how do you respond this is a very important question to think about when god is calling you boys and girls parents this question is for you how do you respond parents we should give quality time to our children more training more caring and more prayer they need more of this right kind of instructions remember your sons and daughters are younger members of god's army they are committed to your care to train and to educate for heaven today god might not be calling us to be a prophet but we are called to be missionaries spreading the good news of salvation most importantly we are called to live a different life we are called to live the christian life when god calls us friends we must not make excuses with all readiness we must say here i am i will go why because god gave us a promise the same promise that he gave to jeremiah we read in jeremiah 1 verse 78 my favorite text but the lord said to me do not say i am a child for those shall go to all that i shall send thee and whatsoever i command thee thou shalt speak be not afraid of their faces for i am with thee to deliver thee says the lord god was telling jeremiah that he should stop making excuses in effect god is telling us young people parents children friends listeners everyone that whatever excuse that we can come up with they are not good enough for us to avoid god's calling a lot of life is thrust upon us and we can become the product of our choices whether they are good or bad we must choose the good at all times friend there is one choice that what we must make and that's to accept the word of god god knows what he's about with david moses joseph and many other servants who seek his will boys and girls it's in the scriptures the evidence is there if we just take the time to look step by step little by little the young shepherd david is being taught and trained to trust god and manage difficult circumstances god prepares him not in a classroom but through the crucible of life through trials and tests the throne will not be handed over to david on a silver platter god molds him and equips him for the kingship god knows what he is doing whatever happened to david might seem random but behind it all stands the lord with his unseen hand guiding every step if you ask where is god he is right there with him just because we don't see god or feel him does not mean he is absent did you hear that one friends if not turn off the volume on your devices i'm going to say it again just because we don't see god or feel him does not mean he is absent god is with us in our trials and tests even when we feel abandoned or forgotten have you ever thought about how much of life is not a choice we cannot choose our parents or the home that we live in as children or the color of our eyes hair height shape parents you can work for the highest good of your children never fail in the small courtesy that cheers and brightens the life of your children parents let your children see that you love them and will do all in your power to make them happy children you too have important duties in the home home is the place where you are fed clothed and cared for you should respond to these many mercies by bearing your burdens and bringing all the happiness possible into the family many children are sometimes tempted to resist the training that parents give but i beg your children to obey your parents for in the afterlife you will bless your parents for the faithful and strict watchfulness that guarded and guided you in your years of inexperience god wants the children and the youth to join his army parents however pressing your business may be do not fail to gather your family around the altar ask for the holy angels in your home remember that your children young or old are exposed to temptations god wants the children and the youth to join the lord's army the children have a strong temptation to meet on the right hand on the left hand as do other soldiers satan and his legions will work every device to ensnare the young it is our privilege of the children to enlist them in the army of the lord and seek to persuade others to join the ranks children must be educated and trained for jesus christ they must be trained to resist temptation and to fight the good fight of faith direct their minds to jesus as soon as they can comprehend your lessons in simple words easy to be understood teach them self-control teach them to begin the work of overcoming when young and they will receive the precious help that jesus can and will give connected with prayerful efforts of parents affirm them with encouraging words for the battles they fight in resisting temptation and coming off conquerors through grace given to them through jesus christ parents should hang in memories hall the precious sayings of christ children will repeat the words they often hear on the parents lips of christ and faith and truth precious truth may be spoken by children whole armies of children may come under christ's banner as missionaries even in their childhood years never repulse the desire of children to do something for jesus never quench their thirst for working for the master do not prevent them from getting baptized like the bible worker who tried to stop me by saying i was too young here i am today testifying in the lord's army that i will go and i've been going since the age of six children really educated will learn to love and serve jesus so friends what's your excuse today when god calls you to do something what are the reasons for your delay will you deny him will you avoid him when are you going to decide to give a hundred percent of all your being your mind your heart and strength to god what are the things holding you back and preventing you from surrendering your lives to christ just like the ego is the most powerful and feared bird in the sky in the same way god the father can personally raise you up to be a mighty and courageous soldier for him if you believe this type a big i will go in the chat onward christian soldiers marching as to war with the cross of jesus going on before christ the royal master leads against the foe forward into battle see his banners go onward christian soldiers marching as to war with the cross of jesus going on before so decide to be a christian today and enlist in god's army i have enlisted and friends i am soaring in prosperity and you boys and girls parents can soar too if you enlist in god's army i now invite sister donna brown to pray for our parents that they will continue to lead us in the right way and allow the boys and girls to enlist in god's army [Music] we submit these boys and girls to you this morning lord i pray that their heart will be moved with compassion recognizing that you want them to be in your army o heavenly father i pray that the parents i pray that the parents will recognize too that they are not you too young to go the call is who will go we will say here i am send me this morning lord i put all the parents the guardian the grandmothers the grandfathers before you i ask god as you empower them with wisdom from an eye that they'll recognize their god that they are in a time where the children must say yes now is the time to say yes so this morning dear lord we pray that you will empower us with the holy spirit we will have the eyes dear god to see that time is running out and that our little ones need to be in god's kingdom when you come hear o lord and answer us today forgive us of our many sins and i pray lord from this message that somebody heart will be nudged somebody will say i will go now is the time thank you for hearing thank you for answering in jesus name we pray amen amen amen i just want to say thank you so much to sister danielle brown from the new heaven seventh day adventist church for such a powerful message i i actually loved the points that she made about having spiritual eyes of neil spiritual eyes um gabrielle um as christians we need to have those eyes those spiritual eyes that we can discern and keep them open yes and keep them open we looked at the theme this morning in the lord's army and i just hope that the testimonies that were shared this morning as well as the message that sister brown just gave will empower you as christians who are watching to be a part of the lord's army but not just to be there for numbers but to be resilient to be fervent and to be ready any thoughts final thoughts on today i carry the exact same sentiments a lot of times we think that when we're working in the lord's army we're to base it off of what we see in the army of man so we need the numbers we need the weaponry but if i'm the only one that makes myself available god is going to use me if i dedicate all my time as that one individual god is going to use me so i think it's important that we understand quality over quantity dedicate your whole self so that the lord will use you your oneself mightily amen and you know about being in the lord's army we have to understand that a soldier fights a soldier fights and we're going to face them left right and center from angles we don't expect meaning from persons from sources we don't expect to get it from but as soldiers we have to be ready yes and that's one of the things daniel mentioned where a certain bible worker rejected her at six can you believe it i know right as six-year-old soldier you'll be surprised what that can do the bible says that little child shall lead them and so no matter who the soldier be no matter where you're from you still have the potential to do great deeds for jesus and so as soldiers we have to be ready helping each other that's why we're in an army one man can't go to war to fight a hundred persons so we we are together in this as an army in the army of the lord fighting together amen uh we continue this afternoon so i'd like for what we have 2 000 devices logged in um thank you so much for joining us uh this morning for this morning's uh program we we had a very active chat for those of you who actually sent in your prayer requests um after the prayer we took note of them and there's also a google document for you to actually fill out so if you are in need of prayer please follow that that document that is in the chat that's located in our chat we continue this afternoon we're just going to be giving god praise this afternoon are you guys looking forward to that oh yes very much yes so we'll be having a very musical afternoon for um for the for the evenings program and at this time we're going to be saying see you later for no and we're going to be having the white hall avenue sd i was corrected so um i didn't want to confuse the churches with the one that is located in saint thomas hi saint thomas for those who are watching so it's white hall avenue sda praise team that will be closing giving our closing song at this time together with the lord get together get together with the lord we will treat each other like sisters and brothers [Music] when they all get together with the lord treat each other like sisters and brothers when they all get together with the lord when the tall and the small get together with the lord get together get together with lord now in the week are no longer afraid of the stronger when they all get together with the lord now when they all get together well we will treat each other like sisters and brothers when they all get together with the lord now god has no favorites he just loves us all the same his son died to save us and to keep us in his [Music] get together when they all get together with the lord we will treat each other like sisters and brothers [Music] [Music] bye you
Channel: East Jamaica Conference
Views: 17,730
Rating: 4.8390093 out of 5
Id: driUV-k3nlg
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Length: 185min 0sec (11100 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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