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[Music] so [Music] do so [Music] so [Music] greetings everyone we are happy to celebrate with you this is already the third sunday for the month of october so we welcome you all as we worship god and virtually connect with one another just as a brief request for those who are joining us online if you are interested to be notified every time we have a new post on our fb page you may click the like icon so you can be notified immediately once a new post is uploaded today is the ucm sunday and at the same time pastors appreciation sunday the ucm is spearheading the celebration and the virtual fellowship today and we'd like to thank the men of the church for taking the lead in this particular important occasions also of the life and work of the church we also appreciate the initiative of the men and the generosity of the whole congregation in behalf of the pastoral team we extend our thanks to all the brothers and sisters in the church and to you who are joining our online worship service we'd like to extend also our warm greetings to those who are celebrating birthday this week and those who are celebrating wedding anniversaries especially this week we'd like to join you in your celebration as we greet you singing our birthday greetings song and the wedding anniversary greeting song [Music] again from jesus [Music] [Music] what a loving gift from jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] sweeter as the years go by sweeter as the years [Music] once again extending our greetings and prayers to those who are celebrating birthdays and wedding anniversaries this week later as part of our worship today we will be witnessing the signing of the memorandum of understanding between united church of christ crossroads congregational church and the social concerns foundation and with that we also would like to extend our prayer looking forward for our 118th anniversary of the church which is next sunday already so we will be looking forward with our invited preacher dr floro kamen 40 who will also be speaking on october 19 for the help forum at ten o'clock online so we will be doing it online we will publish the link the zoom link later in our fb page we are also inviting you to join us online on that particular occasion now for the confirmation classes which is ongoing we met every week since october 2 until october 17 and that is today the scheduled confirmation service will be done on october 23 in the morning and for the details on this we will directly give the details and instructions to the communicate class participants we'd like to also announce part of the celebration of the 118th anniversary of the church is the crusade and the first crusade was announced earlier by pastor edith and the second crusade will be on october 25th with the tibulee tribe in south cotabato in partnership with the gospel first romeo de la merced now for some additional announcements we would like to hear from our president especially of the ucm the united church men good morning friends once again we celebrate today m sunday in this challenging time because kovid 19 is still around in fact the virus is mutating thus affecting our programs activities and singing engagement due to strict implementation of protocols but ucn still connected to each other through social media but it would be nice and inspiring to see each other personally just like a rainfall that forms a stream of water that freely rolls down to the river ucm has a chance to fellowship during gcq ecq and ngcq in the new approach ucm bikers was formed sometime in june 2020 before we rode we prayed for safety and protection and listen to a short reflection and thank the lord for provision that some men would bring merienda we are also thankful for the company of brethren hanyel taganas and kat and for your information we have new bikers so join us they are pastor grace banhissan and linwell bagnissan i hope more men will join us using bikers with some museum wives gave bibles to churches in davao del sol some museum also joined bible study group atakonan and a few good men sung in the brutal choir in fact there are yusem who showed their sympathy to the bereaved family of purakan and salada for the loss of the father and offer a song during digital service ucm also extended medical assistance of 15 000 each to our pianist miss armiguas who underwent gold ladder and stone removal and yours trolley i underwent laser urethra stone removal ucn also responded and pled support for church invading program pipe by 0 to barangay gumalang and samal what was different due to strict covet protocols usain also responded and supported the church anniversary celebration committee you know in this time of pandemic money is not easy we need to save money but there are generous hearts who share their blessings to others so ucm was able to raise 18 000 pesos to buy rice and there were also men who opted to donate rice and all of this was given to manon tribe obdato in the president bali during the impetulation crusade lead by gospel first how we wish we can go back to our normal lives before kovid so that we can reach out to you and may you join us proclaiming the gospel of jesus and his love to the community if you feel like helping us by giving monetary support please indicate in your offering envelope for the ucn thank you and god will bless us all [Music] shall we all rise praise be to you lord the god from everlasting to everlasting yours lord is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor for everything in heaven and earth is yours yours lord is the kingdom you are exalted as head overall wealth and honor come from you you are the ruler of all things in your hands our strength and power to exalt and give strength to all now our gods we give you thanks and praise [Music] oh [Music] [Music] us [Music] is [Music] [Music] unless we used [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let us pray most holy god gracious merciful loving and faithful father in heaven we begin our worship today by giving you praise and thanksgiving we acknowledge you in every season of our life especially when we are down in greece facing a crisis in life for survival we know that you are in our midst controlling and balancing every need of your children especially the men of the church we know your timing is perfect and work miraculously by granting our prayers what is best for us forgive us for we are sinners thank you for giving us another blessed day to live and enjoy your creation especially with breathed air without a cost we invoke your holy presence as we worship you in spirit and in truth open our spiritual eyes mind and heart to listen and obey your command that your message will grow and bear fruits we humbly ask the anointing of the holy spirit to your servant elder osir malaza as your mouth peace but be our speaker may we also appreciate the message through songs and hymns you are the bread of life may we feast on you and find nourishment and peace for our souls most of your children are worshiping with us in their home via social media some are traveling some in their workplace and some are in their sick bed help us to focus on you not only today but every day please remove all forms of destruction burdens doubts anxiety and worries help us to increase our faith in you we ask your blessings and protection this is our prayer with thanksgiving through your son jesus our friend our lord our savior and our king who taught us how to pray our father in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from the evil one for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen [Music] these [Music] to days praised [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] please be seated then i acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity i said i will confess my transgressions to the lord and you forgave the guilt of my sin at this moment that has come before god confessing our sins and ask for forgiveness [Music] is forgive me [Music] the lord is compassionate and gracious slow to anger abounding in love he will not always accuse nor will he harbor his anger forever he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities for as high as the heavens are above the earth so great is his love for those who fear him as far as the east is from the west so far as he removed our transgressions from us god in jesus christ have forgiven you and me today we are refreshing our forgiveness in christ's name thanks be to god today we are also celebrating pastors appreciation month together with other churches worldwide held every october it is this time that we set aside to show thanks and honor our beloved pastors in appreciation to their service giving us their time and energy we may not see or feel it but many pastors human as we are sometimes are overwhelmed maybe even hurting and also in desperate need not only financially but of emotional and spiritual support despite this not normal situation brought by this pandemic the work of our pastors did not slow down us pastoral care needs of church members increased as they struggled to cope with the loss of jobs and income sickness as well as loss of loved ones due to the covered 19 infections and the fear of what really going to happen in the days ahead what can we do for our pastors there are a lot of ways talk to them encourage them tell them how much they meant to you and your family having them as your pastors i only than i call long perime encourage a pastor write them a note or send them a comment showing them your appreciation take them out for a meal or mascarpica pilan even if there's no special location but most of all there are support our pastors spiritually in prayers let us pray for our pastors abba father thank you that in spite of this pandemic we can still bow down before you in prayer at places outside our usual house of worship to renew our spirit and strengthen us through unforeseen and seemingly unbearable situations because of lockdowns as we believe in the power of prayer we gather together in one spirit with our fellow believers to give honor glory and worship our lord jesus christ today we lift up unto you all our pastors thanking you for giving them to us as shepherds of your flap please provide all the needs of our pastors as well as their respective families provide them good health and keep them away from harm and sickness give our pastors extraordinary strength and energy to be able to provide the love and care that their own family needs while shepherding also other families in the church help them that they will be able to balance their life between spending quality time for their family and leading your church merciful god continue to strengthen the spiritual life of our pastors fill them with your holy spirit that they will remain steadfast in their complete faith and trust in you give them the strength and guidance to resist the temptations and sins of this world allow o lord that your words will continue to be a light and to their feet and a lamp onto their path so that they will not go astray and be able to give instructions and sound doctrine to your people we pray that with the holy spirit leading them they will continue to preach the scriptures boldly holding on to the promises of god rather than the praises of men provide them your wisdom and discernment for challenges and situations that may come up in their respective ministries remove anything that may hinder them from fulfilling the calling you have placed in your heart fulfill all the desires of your heart according to your will o god lord do not leave them nor forsake them continue to hide our pastors under your wings all the days of their lives in jesus name we believe and pray amen and amen [Music] what's up [Music] oh [Music] we make our place [Music] is [Music] our scripture reading for this morning is found in the book of matthew chapter 25 14-30 and in reverence of the word of god i would like to request those who are able to please stand again it will be like a man going on a journey who called his servants and entrusted his property to them to one he give five talents of the money to another two talents and to another one talent it's according to his ability then he went on his journey the man who had received the five talents went at once and put his money to the work and gained five more so also the one with the two talents gained two more but the man who had received the one talent went off dug a hole in the ground and hid his master's money after a long time the master of the servants returned and settled accounts with them the man who had received the five talents brought the other five master he said you entrusted me with five talents see i have gained five more his master replied well done good and faithful servant you have been faithful with a few things i will put you in charge of many things come and share your master's happiness the man with the two talents also came master he said you entrusted me with two talents see i have gained two more his master replied well done good and faithful servant you have been faithful with a few things i will put you in charge of many things come and share your master's happiness then the man who had received the one talent came master he said i knew that you are a hard man harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed so i was afraid and went off and hid your talent in the ground see here is what belongs to you his master replied you wicked lazy servant so you knew that i harvest where i have not sown and gather will i have not scattered seed well then you should have put my money and deposit with the bankers so that when i returned i would have received it back with interest take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the 10 talents for everyone who has will be given more and he will have an abundance whoever does not have even what he has will be taken from him and threw that worthless servant outside into the darkness where there will be weeping and nothing of death here comes the words of the lord for the people of god [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] proclaim the glory of the lord that every time confess we [Music] reign when the glory of the lord [Music] is [Music] the glory of the lord [Music] the glory of the [Music] lord and proclaim the glory of the lord [Music] [Applause] replay the glory of the lord he is our messiah our savior and our king and all our voices join us [Music] race on every [Music] [Music] good morning brothers and sisters in christ thanks god for now it's a ucm sunday we would like to congratulate and extend our appreciation to the men behind the organization our ucm group headed by our able active president mr lloyd dalio and also we would like to give our appreciation to all our pastors despite the coveted strikes the nation and the whole world we are continually serving the lord despite this pandemic and thanks to our pastor and brother lloyd for inviting me and giving this opportunity to preach again the words of god after many years this morning's theme is about about servanthood and i titled the sermon as a title sermon as a faithful servant purpose of which is to raise our awareness that god appreciates the faithfulness of his servants who made use of the gifts entrusted to them as we might have noticed in our readings of the scripture under the gospel the lord jesus is fond of teaching lessons by means of parables it is his way of conveying spiritual truths religious principles moral lesions and his way of presenting to us his powerful view about god about people privileges life opportunities and even responsibilities his parables also contain warnings pointing out fearful dangers that might expose us to jupiter if we fail to give jew regard of the lesions embodied therein by means of these parables the lord jesus communicated life-changing truths to his disciples and to those who are willing to listen and learn and i would like to believe that these truths still hold true today and in the future the parable in our text which is known as the parables parable of the talents or the parable of the three servants is a parable that gives you importance to faithfulness through this parable our lord made known to us that in the final analysis our lives will be judged not on the basis of how famous we are in the eyes of the people but on the basis of how faithful we are in the eyes of god we will be rewarded not on the basis of our genius or brilliance but on the basis of our faithfulness in obeying god's will this parable should encourage us to do our best for god's glory and to make the most of the interim life we have on earth it is worthwhile to remember time and again that as christians we are saved by grace through faith that grace is a gift of god just as faith is his gift as well in the words of martin luther salvation is there is no achievement of man but the gift of god therefore salvation is one hundred percent gift of god finished by the work of christ this meet us as children of god by grace through faith and at the same time servants of god with the privilege of doing his will and that is by helping by way of helping others this remarkable parable calls our attention to the opportunity observing god wishing this opportunity is a real peril of failure and should impart to us such a sense of healthy fear which failure brains talents were an ancient measure of value like a talent of gold or silver it has the equivalence of measures of money used in the commerce of man as a medium of exchange or a means of payment the new living translation of the bible translated the talents into silver such as five bugs two bugs and one bag of talent respectively which corresponds also to the talents like the two talents five talents and the one talent this talents represent the means of god which he entrusted to his people for carrying on his kingdom work in the world they are the gifts of abilities or natural endowments god bestowed upon a man a divine trust that the apostle paul enumerates as being distributed by the holy spirit in the words of bible expositor john hill these talents are the gospel itself the rich treasure of divine truths christ preached this include the training we received the education and skills that we have acquired along with our christian experiences the strength available to us our wealth our time the opportunities before us as well as the gift of effectiveness in preaching and teaching all this our god gives entrusted to us true and willing holy spirit from the day of the pentecost the holy spirit has never ceased from bestowing on god's servants the much needed talents and gifts for doing god's work in this world there are three points i would like to illustrate and i'm using the acronym obviously him in these three points point number one unique talent or talents were entrusted based on servants ability this parable tells us that god gives men differing gaps as illustrated one man received five talents another two and another one the distribution of the talents is ability based god in his wisdom know how to give more or less of this talents warren worship a bible commentator opined that if five talents were given to a person with minimal ability he would be stressed and eventually be destroyed by the heavy responsibility and incorrect and in contrast if only one talent were given to a man of great ability he would be disgraced and degraded it is one way of saying that a man with great ability will be frustrated if he only have limited resource in meeting great responsibilities it is like settling a horse my point is the irony of giving light loot or menial responsibility to a strong person and give and giving he belongs to a weak individual thus god assigns work and opportunity according to ability it is worthwhile to note in the words of william barkley that this is not a man's talent which matters what matters is how he uses it god never demands from us or from man's abilities which he does not have but he does demand that a man should use to default the abilities which he does possess men are not equal in talent but men can be equal in effort a master in theology may not be equal to a doctor of theology in terms of theological ability just as a less lay minister or an ordinary member of the church be equal to one has up to one who has a bachelor's degree in theology yet all of us all of them can equally share their faith our faith to others or equally perform evangelism the parable tells us that whatever talent available to us be it great or little the same must be laid in the service and for the glory of god this reminds me of the late popoi basilio mero obrican lusa uccp church my home church my childhood church in macrohorn southern lady pupuemero is only a grade three but he is our george debater visanto do great and he successfully prevented different false religious groups from entering our place this probes a fact that we may not be equal in talent but can be equal in effort in the case of popo ibasilio he even exceded by effort from those who were much talented or educated than him this parable does not therefore emphasize equality instead it emphasizes the importance of fidelity or faithfulness we are not equal in our natural gaps which is why not everyone could sing well as others like doc lisley mangawell like noli duran or lloyd who can sing well not everyone can play musical instruments as others like that eloy olmoges greg army and erica and not all of us can speak well as others like our pastors we are not equal in the opportunity that are that are open to us as individuals which is why not everyone has the same standing and status in life we are not equal in the advantages that we might have over others some were born with silver spoon while others do not even have the basic necessities some have influential connections while others do not have we are not equal in human endowments which is why some have sufficient provisions whilst some others have less yet each one of us or each of us has an equal opportunity and charged to become a good and faithful servant of god our performance on this matter will be judged and rewarded on the basis of our faithfulness in using what has been entrusted to us and this is exactly what is pointed out in this parable point number two of the literacy in ucm ceased or avoid becoming a one talent servant of the parable this servant with one talent failed to put his faith in the good character of his lord early in human history satan's strategy had been to question the goodness of god by putting into the minds of adam and eve that god was not really good that god was denying them of the right to experience of becoming like him genesis 3 chapter 5 the saint of faithlessness has been a constant scene of god's people throughout the ages if we recall most of the people led by moses out of egypt we're not able to enter the land of promise for reasons of unbelief or faithlessness this condition i believe is still persistent today this is the very condition that is holding us back from attempting to do the great things god wants us to do we simply hide or bury our talent just as this one talent servant did as if the talent bestowed on us is of no real importance much less not needed we failed to appreciate that every talent is precious in god's sight an assassin's need to be put to use as god intended the one talent servant in this parable lacks the faith and courage to take a risk he was not willing to go for broke instead was cautious and wanted to play safe rather than taking the opportunity of gaining for his master he borrowed his talent instead in the words of doctor warren warsby the one talent servant did not purposely do evil but by doing nothing he was committing sin and robbing his lord of service and increase this is not far from the situation of many christians today who failed to trust god to fulfill his promises if we are to do something significant for his glory we are unwilling to expose ourselves to do anything as a matter of christian service and duty fearing that our livers may not succeed we want to play safe this brings to my mind some bugging what what-if questions what if abraham played it safe and not and refused to go to a far country for god what if moses played it safe by interposing all excuses he could master in order to avoid responding to god's goal what if the lord jesus did not come to earth what if the apostles had played it safe to avoid the risk of persecution what if our pastors including the retired senior pastors played it safe to avoid the risk of getting kuben what if the lumad kund birds here in davao or in the philippines played itself to avoid embarrassment or prediction by their fellow lumads or other people perhaps thinking that they are not highly educated or not theologically trained many people are tempted to think that their talents are so small and to them this smallness matters much hence a good excuse from responding to opportunities available to them if this is our way of thinking then we are not better than the one talent man perhaps in the words of one pastor we might just be the one talent man in this parable but in the words of william barkley the condemnation is for the man who having even one talent will not try to use it and will not test it for the common good this condemnation mentioned by barkley is no less than a place where the one talent man will be thrown into a place of darkness where there will be weeping and nothing of death matthew 25 30. therefore lead us all beware point number three of ucm letter 3 leader number 3 m model and magnify the good news in this power powerful parable as already mentioned god gives man different gaps the holy spirit apportions spiritual gifts to its believer based on ability and according to the needs of the church no believer therefore is left empty-handed as each one of us has been given are we believers if so you and i have the gaps i mean the challenge at hand is what and how to do with our talents in order to bring honor and glory to the giver it is worthwhile to recall that the context of this parable is faithfulness in putting to use the talents or gaps which god gave us there is always the possibility to gain a double of our talents if we are reliable and trustworthy in using what god has had placed in our hands as mentioned in our scripture the one given with five talents was able to gain another vibe that's a double and the one given with two talents also gained two another double the one given with one talent could have gained one at least had he been reliable and trustworthy we must remember that they the three servants in this parable were given the talents according to their ability none of them is incapable i have a friend who is a pastor who has a two master's degree master in theology and master in social work and even a bachelor of law graduate he was invited by the hitapi uccp church as their church anniversary speaker there in utapi he made this kind and cheerful uccp hitapi pastor in the course of their conversation my friend the pastor felt so little of himself after knowing that the pastor who cheerfully entertained him had not even graduated high school but has planted more than 10 churches in mountain barangays or ball he was not even an eloquent preacher but he loved to preach the words of god with a small sound system powered by an automobile battery similar to the ones used by magic magic medicine sound system gamete and then young sound system he mounted it to his carabao cupboard source of transportation to samana mountain barangays there he plays some gospel songs just using his battery operated sound system and when people are gathered he begins preaching the gospel one non-high school graduate pastor one small talent pastor with more than 10 churches planted is that still a double i don't think so it's more than double and his faithfulness too and love of the lord made it more doable seem through with my lumad friend akumpari who is also a senior citizen pastor who until now is actively serving and is using the god given talent fast pastor jimmy where my farm is located uses the pandemic as a venue to reach more people in his community and nearby barangays using his old motorcycle moroni di prince caballo old single motorcycle with extended career he mounted his sound system mini sound system visiting different places daily to preach together with his supportive wife like the pastor he first played the gospel will start sharing the message until one day a group of roman catholic believers approach pastor jimmy if he can extend a service to the to their community in the absence of the breast which pastor jimmy readily accepted until now he is doing the same routine and many souls accepted christ as their lord and savior before the pandemic his home church has only one sunday service we incorporate strikes and due to some restrictions and following protocols we now have three services one on saturdays to every sundays with limited numbers like that of our symboli he is blessed and now he has the new baobab multicub try a tricycle of patras and not only that he has new highly uh in technical sound system guapunaiang sound system which because of this powered sound system this can reach to the ears of more hero more people that can hear the message he's sharing daily in different barangays perhaps it is no longer some new stories to us that many were converted to the lord through the gospel songs through charitable giving or some simple acts of kindness and generosity like what our good samaritan is doing what our church different organization are doing like what our ucm are doing talent we know for a fact that our church is actively supporting those who are part of this wire those were affected by typhoons floods earthquakes and our church organization have been frequently supporting those people and during the distribution i think it is high time also for us united church men to go with our active use aim in distributing the goods the foods the drinking water and even the building of temporary shelters for these affected individuals these are just simplistic examples of what and how to do with our talents although the talent giver in our parable did not mention on what and how to do with our talent given yet initiatives driven by faithfulness was expected by the giver from his servants for faithfulness it is certain that we can receive the lord's approval and praise this is exactly what the first two servants receive from their master and i have no doubt in mind that the faithful pastors including the retired pastors who braved their way in putting their talents to the service of the lord despite the kuvid pandemic this is equally true with the faithful lumad servants of god people may regard them as low in their social standing or geologically training and experience but their faithfulness is high and noble before the lord certainly they will they will hear the lord saying well done good and faithful servant the lord's approval and praise is still standing right now if we invest our god-given talent for him oh how beautiful and joyous it is to hear the voice of the lord telling us well done good and faithful servant yet don't forget it's not only the joy of hearing the beautiful voice of the lord telling us well done that we will get but entrance as well into the joy of the lord we can enter into the joy of the lord and this parable teaches us that it is possible for us to enter into the joy of our lord not only in the hereafter but in the here and now ours can be the joy of doing the things god wants us to do ours can be the joy of showing god's love to others by our acts of kindness and generosity much more is of the joy that can be ours seeing people come to know christ jesus as their savior because we have been faithful in investing the talent he gave us and in conclusion it is high time that we stop thinking and imitating the ways of the one talent man it is high time instead to start recognizing that we have in domains from the lord we have the soundness of the mind coupled with education that is higher than the great trey popo ibasilio in our uccp can lose sight church we have the higher education compared to the faithful servant the lumad faithful servants of the lord we have the physical condition that is better than the retired senior pastor who are actively preaching and actively using his god-given talent above all we have the gospel entrusted to us as one pastor said we need to recognize that the little person with a great gospel is mightier than a great person with no gospel if we neglect to use our opportunities and gaps we will lose them if we borrow our gaps we reveal that we do not have the character that makes it possible for us to be compatible or comfortable with god let us therefore use what god has given to us that we might bring glory and honor to him and that he might be glorified and honored in us and hopeful that one day we can hear the lord saying well done good and faithful servant may god bless our meditation of his words amen we've heard the word proclaimed god spoke to us by his servant now our turn to respond in faithfulness and and so as we sing our closing hymn we consider bringing our tithes our pledges our offering of thanksgiving and other offerings as expression of faithfulness to god we've been invited to become part of his kingdom a good and faithful stewards let us take advantage of the moment showing to the lord that we are indeed good and faithful with all our responses as we give our offering now for some instructions just browse to the facebook page especially related to the offering and the giving of thanks to god let us all stand as we sing our hymn of commitment here ye the master call [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] for jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] let us pray indeed oh lord every work for jesus will be blessed but you ask from everyone to do our best thank you father for such a clarification for us today that salvation and entrance into eternity with the father it's only by grace through faith in jesus christ obedience doing good work has nothing to do with our salvation but it has an impact o lord as our response to your invitation to follow you and do our best for your kingdom thank you father for inviting us and making us stewards of your resources resources of time talent and everything that we have lavishly enjoyed in jesus while we are here on earth that even confronted with covet and the pandemic threat all this will not hinder us from doing our excellent our best in following you forgive us however oh lord when we fail in administering the resources when we fail in responding to you accurately when we fail because we are afraid we're paralyzed by the pandemic when we are afraid lord especially in proclaiming your gospel in this time of pandemic forgive us of father when we feel alone when we are threatened however lord today you have reminded us that each of your servants have been given equal talents equal opportunity gifts to excel and are declared part already of the kingdom by virtue of your grace and by faith in jesus so lord our god we pray that as the men of the church takes the lead here in the church and even in their homes we pray that you continue to bless them continue to strengthen them reveal to them o lord your guidance things that are needed especially today revealed to us men of the church how we can possibly do our best beyond what we have been usually doing we wanted lord to offer the best that we can in jesus name as our responses so we can and we look forward to that day when you come to us with an appreciation telling us well done and faithful servant thank you for the men who initiated lord this sunday also appreciating the pastors those who have been called and have responded to become full servants of yours thank you father for the act of generosity and initiative of appreciating this has fueled our desire to move on to continue serving because we have with us not just men but also the whole church in serving you now we offer to you our father all that we have our tithes pledges since giving and our lives our time and resources take it because this is yours we ask you to bless it as we use it for your glory now dismiss us in jesus name the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace now and forever amen and amen everyone for jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] you
Channel: UCCP Davao City
Views: 3,061
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 18sec (5418 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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