Online Worship Experience || Morning Session || Sabbath April 24, 2021

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oh and when i think that god is me to take away my god to sins my my god is so it's a beautiful day right here in ja what a beautiful sabbath morning it is and with that i say happy sabbath to one and all and welcome once again to online worship experience right here at west jamaica conference of seventh-day adventists on the mount of salem the friendly city of montego bay and sisters in pink we're talking about the breathtaking island of jamaica jamaica there we go my name is alan greene and alongside we have denise lawson leslie camara dixon and of course sashalyn haye talking about sashalin hey sash take it away oh yes welcome back to another episode of sabbath online worship experience here as alan said in jamaica the beautiful island we want to welcome you if you're joining us this morning on youtube facebook wccn instagram blessed tv and all other platforms it is indeed our pleasure to be hosting this morning and having you as our virtual congregation joining with us i hope that you will be blessed and while you're here we're asking you kindly to share that link and don't you move a muscle i'm gonna throw it over to kamara to remind us of the theme good morning everybody happy sabbath i had to join my friends in doing that i am excited to be here remember our theme is covered by grace thank you alan connected in hope and when we are empowered by god's spirit we will go amen be blessed everyone denise oh yes so yes and we are happy elated to be here because we know the presence of the lord is in this place and remember tell a friend to tell a friend that something good is happening here at the west jamaica conference platform and be the minister of the gospel share that link let someone know who christ is and we have lots in store for you this morning yes we have our lesson review or children's section and or collegiate lesson studies so you will definitely have to stay tuned and remember share that link well talking about share we're going to share prayer right now and denise i'm going to throw it right back at you please pray for us let us pray most kind and heavenly loving father lord we lovely love you we are elated to be in your presence this morning god we are happy we are indeed happy and we ask that you may anoint us with your spirit today lord help that everything we do or say be done to your name unearned glory and your message will go forth with power and clarity we pray through jesus christ our lord amen amen amen well we're going to go over right now to the praise team and join along with us sing along with us to the glory of god the praise team amen happy sabbath everybody welcome to our online worship experience we invite you now to join us as we sing uh these three lovely hymns we're gonna start with hymn number one eight five hype number one eight five jesus is all the world to me jesus is all the world to me my life my joy my all is my strength from day to day without you i would fall when i am sad to hear my goal no other one can cheer me so when i am jesus i go to him for blessings he sends the sunshine and the rain he sends the heartless jesus is all the world to me and true following eyes my friend jesus says all the world to me i want no better friend beautiful life with such a friend beautiful life that has no end eternal life sing the wondrous love of jesus sing his mercy and his grace hymn number six three three sing the one trust love of jesus sing his mercy and his grace in the mansion's bright and blessed he'll prepare for us a place when we go victory but when troubling days what a day of rejoicing that will be when we see jesus we'll sneak and try the victory let us then be true when we let's take it up we shall what a day of rejoicing there to be victory amen hymn number 367 rescue the perishing care for the dying rest the perishing care for the tight sash them in pity from sin and the grave tell them of jesus the mighty to save rescue the perishing care for the dying to receive he will forgive jesus is mercy for jesus patiently with them jesus jesus jesus is merciful jesus was sad jesus is merciful jesus jesus amen amen rescue the perishing care for the dying jesus is indeed merciful and jesus will save let us talk to our friend good morning lord good morning our father we are thankful for the sabbath day of rest thank you for taking us through this week for some of us we were battered and broken for some of us we were just all right but whatever the situation is father we are grateful to you this morning because we have life and you remain the same you are the great i am you are the prince of peace you are our provider you are our friend you are everything to us and for that this morning god we give you all the glory we give you the honor father we place ourselves before you this morning and we ask for another cleansing from you wash us within and without and help us to be sensitive to your holy spirit so as your spirit leads as your spirit works on us father we will be receptive to the working so that you your image will be seen in us lord we present this program before you and we ask that whatever is done from this platform into the hearts and minds of the people who are watching worldwide that it will find lodgement in in them they'll find hope they'll find restoration they'll find peace they'll find an answer to that question they've been asking you lord take full control be in control of those who will sing will pray those who will speak father we ask that you will take charge dispatch your angels into this place dispatch your angels into the different you chats there about on facebook on youtube may you eliminate the distractions father god so that all the glory and the honor will be only unto your name father you are a covenant keeping god and for that we are appreciative and so now father we we put everything to your hands and we leave it there we leave it right there knowing that you are gonna be taking care of everything even at this moment thank you for hearing thank you for answering in jesus name i pray amen happy sabbath everyone welcome back to family connections this morning we are so delighted again to have with us our presenter dr brown earl professor from northern caribbean university dr earl welcome back to family connections thank you sir doctor we continue looking on the fruit of the spirit today i've been looking at a big word faithfulness i would like you dr earl to tell your listeners what is faithfulness faithfulness pastor comes from a place of trust and loyalty what does hebrew 11 1 tell us now faith is a confidence in what we hope for an assurance about what we do not see as christians it's important for us to be faithful to god but faithfulness we must remember requires us to submit our ways to god yes dr earl i want you to go in a little more detail for your listeners today what does it mean really to be faithful being faithful or loyal pastor the true meaning tells us that we're devoted to something we are going to do it no matter what happens so faithful is used of someone who has a firm and constant devotion to something which he or she is united by as if by a promise or a pledge dr earl i would like to tell us today what are the benefits of being faithful when we are faithful god will preserve protect and guard us he promises us that when we are faithful all his promises will be sure and one thing we do know sir is that god blesses those families that are faithful and he will strengthen the families that are faithful so dr earlier saying it is very important then for each person within the family husband wife and children to be loyal and faithful to one another oh yes sir very important to be loyal and faithful to each other as christ has taught us to be loyal and faithful stewards also of what god has given us do you notice fast that when we teach our children about tithe and offering they grow up to be an absolutely wonderfully set of exemplary christians when we teach them to be faithful to god in the talent and gifts that he has given us the family unit is a stronger and better one dr earl thank you so much for coming on with us today again god bless you we look forward hearing from you next week sabbath until then god bless you thorns on his head spear in his side still it was a heartache that made him cry he gave his life so you stand is there any way you could say no to this man christ himself were standing here face full of glory eyes full of tears held out his arms and his nail printed hand is there any way you could say no to this man knowing it's you he's thinking on could you tell him you're not ready to give me your life could you say you don't think you need his love jesus is here with his arms open wide you can see him with your heart if you stop looking with your eyes he's left it up to you he's done all he can is there any way you could say no to this man how could you look in his cheers day nice knowing it's you it's thinking off could you tell him you're not ready to give me your life could you say you don't think you need is love thoughts on his head your life is in god's hand is there any way you could say no to this man oh is there any way you could say no man thank you so much happy sabbath morning everyone it is our privilege again to come together for this very very special session even our adult lesson study review and wherever you are whatever platform you're joining us on we invite you to reach out for your guides and to share with us even as we review that which i believe is another very very important lesson it's the crooks of the matter really it is how the lord god seeks to reach out to us to rescue us from sin which has devastated the creation and he does so of course through the whole covenant experience through establishing a covenant with us his creation and again we have our usual panelists we have elders clark and the mary sharing with us but just before we get into the actual review i invite elder myrie up this time to say a special prayer let us pray our great god and eternal heavenly father we thank you so much for your word as we open your word at this time we ask that your holy spirit will guide us and lead us into all truth but we pray and say thanks in jesus name amen thank you so so much and so yes uh we've had some challenges i think um elders clark and the mary last week even just before we delve into the content of this week's lesson we understand that there were some questions and there were some comments particularly about the flood itself and the uh universality of the flood versus uh the floods being uh confined to local eras how do we respond to this particular question was the flood local or was the flood universal in the sense that it covered the earth in its entirety what about the promise of the rainbow when the lord made the covenant about the rainbow how did that apply and how could we even use this to explain the extent of the flood itself let me just give one short sharp sharp statement with regards yes so so the bible says that it the flood covered the entire world and we believe the bible and then god says that the the rainbow is a covenant that he will not destroy the world with a flood again but with fire so so so while god makes the covenant anywhere in the world you are if you can see the covenant then the flood key and where you are thank you very very much and that is right on point elder mary is there anything you'd love to share the same view as well that the the rainbow is a sign it's a reminder of god's promise to us so if you can see the rainbow that means the promise is also made to you which suggests that the flood was also where you were thank you so so much and so uh there are certain parts of the world that you may see us uh a snowstorm it's not so elder car indeed yeah we have never seen one here in jamaica right uh but the fact is wherever you are you would have seen the rainbow and that is also clear evidence that that promise applied to you and the bible is explicitly clear that the flood covered the earth in its entirety we thank you so much and so we are moving on even as we looked at this everlasting covenant we have mentioned and pastor rose is uh joining us just now uh we looked at the uh noek covenant and other covenants we have brushed on them but uh those covenants edenic covenant norway covenant were really preliminary just a touch on the surface but we really get into the crooks of the matter god establishing that everlasting covenant with his people when we come to the abrahamic covenant and so pastor rose it's over to you yes and and i am it is really fascinating to me uh l dockery that that there's a there's a field of study called onomatics yes which which has to do with the uh interpretations and meanings of names now we have come to a time when we we in our culture in our culture we see persons who have adopted other names other than that which is on their birth certificate and often times not recognizing that these names uh reflect something about them the name that you choose for yourself now we recognize that in this particular abrahamic covenant there was a transformation that there was a transformation there was a change of name yes yes yes abram yes became abraham god decided that he wanted to cause something different and not not just in nature but also on the surface so so that right throughout there was a newness in the relationship so so so abraham would have a constant reminder of who he really was and and that which characterized this new relationship and so we we see god's name now god's name god in in his own approach and we're going to see where god approached one person in a one name and then another time he comes in another caption because he wants to emphasize a particular trade in his nature yahweh yahweh yes indeed it is is the name with which he approached abraham what does yahweh mean well yahweh uh powerful indeed we uh have looked at the importance of names yes and yahweh being the divine name of god y h w h uh four consonants if you can pronounce that uh you pronounce it for me yes but of course in the transliteration vowels added gives you that is um a and e give you the yahweh yes right and we appreciate the fact that this name uh speaks to who god is in terms of his existence he is a self-existent one the existing one even though it's not particularly used in psalm 90 verse 2 i believe psalm 90 verse 2 eloquently speaks to the nature of him in relation to this name in that it declares before the mountains were brought forth or ever thou hast formed the earth and the world even from everlasting to everlasting though art god so yeah yes and yes while we prepare to shift a little bit we understand that the when a when a a person a part in a covenant dies yes the covenant ends yes so god being the eternal one the self-existent one the one who without beginning and end when he makes a covenant with with with abraham and the generations to come there is confidence that this covenant is everlasting because the one who makes it himself is everlasting thank you very much and you have made the point so i would no longer make it but that is the the essence of it as a matter of fact uh when we look at the whole name we recognize that in genesis the author of genesis we know uh moses and writing the the pentatosh there moses introduces the term in a in in a very uh eloquent manner he uses elohim to describe god as creator but when it came to a forming man from the dust of the ground he introduced him as yahweh in the sense that he wanted to show that god is personal and so god approaching us a covenant-making god that's right the book of deuteronomy which uses yahweh so often is known as a book of covenant types he wants a speaks to the fact that god is personal you can trust him once he promises he is faithful and will keep his promise but then there's also er should i elders yes and el shaddai meaning god almighty and we see here that god refers to uses different names to refer to himself based on the the lesson he's trying to teach his people and here he refers to himself as el shaddai says i am the almighty god walk before me and though will be perfect and the crucial idea here pastor is the fact that god was showing abraham that i am god almighty i am the all-powerful i am the almighty want he's given him a reason to trust him he's given a a reason to believe in the promise he and it started by i'm mentioning abraham's age which sounds like an impossible task and so the name that god refers to himself as was suggesting to abraham that despite your weakness despite you not being able to see the promise no trust me amen and and you know i am i am not yet 99 elders and i'm i've put that uh the procreation thing aside so i can understand abraham at his age the lord promised making that promise but here it is we we saw where god gave him that that blessed assurance now uh we see ella clark and we touched on it a little bit but can you expand from from me the issue of abraham's change yes abram becoming abraham watched this little lad from the tribe of shem he was running up and down as a child but he's very named clear that father exalted every time you see him and mention him you're addressing the exalted god but now he gets a little older he marries a pretty girl and she's unable to be your child or children and god comes to him and makes promises he's going to make him the father of many nations i watch abraham going into his old age and anthropos and watch his wife heading into her old age and menopause and the promise is running out of time and and god would come to him and say look here to guarantee the promise i am changing your very name every time they call you abraham you will know that it is i god who is making you father of many nations every time they say abraham you will know you will hear you believe it is me god making a covenant with you that you shall be baptized in certainty the father of many nations uh so so so i'm going to appeal to somebody you may be in a tough situation life might be difficult but god can give you a new name a new character a new definition a new direction uh the flip side is also true because what shadrach meshach and abednego been captured with daniel and brought down to babylon and the the king sent rgd the registrar general down there to correct their names but but let me quickly tell you that you are not what they call you you are who god made you you're a child of the king your neverlasting covenant with god is that as long as god is you have access to salvation so while they might call you stupid and ugly and all the other names you are not what they call you god already made you and name you who you are so bless the name of the lord god you are a child of the king almighty praise the lord well done well and i tell you something that is why i hope someone who is watching will will will ask someone not no longer to call your dog and you won't change your name uh from from from from michael to to to to anything that does not represent who you really really are now the the the on wednesday we talk about covenant stages um is that elementary and um we look at can you walk us through the three stages quickly please yes so we saw that there were three stages stage one is that god made him a covenant promise yes god said walk before me and um made him that promise and in stage two abraham and god had a conversation and abraham was saying to god god at this stage in my life how am i sure that this promise that you have made to me will be fulfilled and god did ask abraham to do something which may seem strange to us today in terms of bringing the the the three-year-old heifer and the female goat and the ram and the turtle dove and they and the pigeon but understand that in those days that um they used to have what they call a caesarean treaty and in that treaty when they had a war the the winning party the suserion king and then you would have the vasa king which would have been the lesser king and god was using that symbolically to say to abraham i am the caesarean king you are the lesser king um in those days the the vassal king would have been the one walking between the animals as a sign to say that um i will obey the commands i will keep my side and if i don't keep my side then i will be cut into pieces but notice that it was not abraham that walked through it was god himself that walked through suggesting that even if you don't keep your side of the bargain i am keeping mine and i am willing to be cut to pieces i am willing to be sacrificed so that you can be saved listen no bless the lord my friends i i take note we take note that it is god who initiated the covenant it is not abraham that went to god it is not we who go to god asking him to save us it is he who opens the door of salvation to us and it is for us to do the acceptance he he calls on us he calls on us however to to to to be obedient to him there are some things that we need to do not in order so that we can get the promise but because we have already received the promise and and as we summarize the rest of the lesson here is something that i believe we are not to forget nor allow to pass god having done that having committed himself if i break my word pointing to the pieces of me surrounding him may i end up like this this is god binding himself to us but there is something that we ought to do we ought to be obedient to the commands of god having received his forgiveness having received his salvation we ought to be faithful listen to this i close be close on this i have promised to send you a whatsapp message and in it is a code for a million dollars i have sent the message i got the take that the message is sent the fact that you have not stopped to install whatsapp it is not that which is preventing you uh it is not a lack of promise but the fact that you have not prepared yourselves you have not done what you ought to do to receive the gift i hope that you will understand that there is a gift waiting for you may we open our hearts so that we can receive god's precious promises god bless you he left the splendor of heaven knowing is this to me it was a lonely hill called golgotha then he lay down his life for me the oceans are just little sparrow can't fly oh there's no feeling like this then the ocean even in death he had remembered love and compassion then it took him to is can't fly there's no feeling like this like this if that isn't love that isn't decoding the covenant that's that's right inverse west jamaica conference we are your friends i'm here your brother andre wallis and with me this morning uh just to my left i have pastor germain mabin welcome pastor thank you very much so good to have you uh to my immediate right i have brandon gilbert blessings pastor good to have you brandon and just to my far right we have pastor owen grant it's a pleasure welcome past so good to have you now i want to welcome you perhaps you are one of our first time viewers it is such a joy to have you perhaps your friend your brother invited you that's a good bro you have there all right so it's so good to have you today now we wanted to understand that right here at inverse we are connected in hope yes we are empowered by the spirit and all of us we are committed to i will go i want to invite you to tune in whatever it is that you may uh have been doing prayer to know just pause for a moment and come with us as we go on this fascinating and interesting journey and this week our focus is the gospel of moses i invite you this time to bow your heads as pastor grant will say a special prayer for us at this time shall we pray gracious god we thank you so much for this wonderful occasion the opportunity to review this lesson we ask lord that you may please add your blessing and pray that someone who is listening someone is watching will be transformed for we pray in jesus name amen amen amen and amen now of course we have some family members team members on facebook thank you so much for liking our page now your question is what is the link between the gospel message of forgiveness and physical health based on your understanding i repeat that what is the link between the gospel message of forgiveness and physical health based on your understanding and for those on youtube your question describe a problem you think would arise if the bible has two or more gospels very very interesting repeat that describe a problem you think would arise and the bible has two or more gospels and so i want to thank you for those of you who have already subscribed and those who have not yet subscribed please do so and ensure you click that notification bell we want to also remind you that you can get your special copy of our study guide at all right no gentlemen uh we are focusing on psalm 103 verses 1 through 22. but for this morning pastor germain let's spend some time to share verses 10 through 14. all right thank you so much pastor that is the book of psalm chapter 103 verses 10 to 14. now this is a very wonderful passage of scripture pastor one that i love so much and i'm just going to read it before we do a little bit of editing explanation on it the word of god says he hath dealt with us after our sins no reward now reward us according to our iniquities for as the heaven is high above the earth so great is his mercy towards them that fear him as for as far as the east is from the west so far has he removed our transgressions from us like as a father pitteth his child so the lord pity of them that fear him verse 14 and last for he knoweth our frame he remembers that we are but does you know every time i read that that psalm passed him at being it just really caused me to just get so humbled and odd because god don't treat me like my sister that is right that is what the passage just saying right here and i tell you i'm so glad that he doesn't but friends uh you know in the intro i i really like the context of all stand uh brother brander now the bible still what we call all inspiring moments in the context of our study our team members going to share an occasion where they have been just left in awe of god brandon let's get the bible bowling off with you sir uh certainly an instance in the bible when i i stood in of god was a story of the woman caught in adultery and it might seem like a weird story but i almost pictured myself in in the instance you know covered with the dust of my own sins and watching my mistakes stare back at me and accuse me and then here comes jesus reaching down tenderly with love i can almost see his eyes looking at me and here he comes dusting you know off everything off of me helping me to get up and then says to me go and say no more not by yourself but allow me to help you go forward and sin no more amazing amazing amazing now oj open our understanding to your experience my experience as i look at the thief on the cross with just a few minutes to live you know the decision to accept jesus christ i see grace in its biggest sense in its most clear sense i see grace and mercy amazing now pastor germain share your joy my joy definitely would have to come from the book of isaiah chapter six you know the king had just died everybody was just wondering what is going to happen the country is in political unrest and isaiah decided that listen despite what is going on i'm going to go into the house of god and when he went into the house of god pastor he saw the lord on his throne high and lifted up and the bible says that his strains fill the temple and then isaiah a question was asked who will go for us as i was saying within himself i am a man who is sinful i am a man who is undone i can't be one that god will send but the lord said to him isaiah i am going to send you despite the fact that you say you're a sinner but when my righteousness gets inside of you you will become a saved and i will use you for the glory of the kingdom of god you know faster as you mentioned that one of the things that that has kept me uh just just amazed by how how wonderful god is is the story of of balaam you know to think that god used a donkey to get the that that rebellious brother's attention is just quite amazing let me tell you something french uh god can use you to bring honor and glory to his name now throughout this week we looked at some passages that we believe showed some relevance to our lesson this week and so uh brother gilbert you looked at philippians and romans can you quickly show some connections here with our study well pastor as i read the verse in romans chapter 3 what it reminded me was that innately by myself in me dwells nothing good but then dwelling on that fact alone is one thing but then when you flip on down to philippians 2 verse 13 it reminds us that despite the fact that naturally in us resides nothing good by reaching out and grabbing the hand that christ accents he says to us i can work in you to do of my good pleasure all right i love that i love that now uh pastor grant you looked at exodus and maybe we can touch on ezekiel and micah for a few moments well exodus it starts by saying the lord said to moses as i looked at the passages i see the covenant maker and the covenant maker when i look at sam and look at the parallel i see a god of compassion a god of love unlike the picture that is painted by by many persons today we see a god of love and and mercy what a god what a god pastor mabin you want to share something here for us from galatians perhaps or even hebrews yes pastor you know uh when i was reading these passages this week specifically the book of galatians in the context that we're dealing with the covenant what i found extremely ordinary was when god said through the prophet paul writing to the galatians paul said to them listen that the gospel that god has left with us if i should come to you preaching another gospel or even an angel should come let that angel be a curse and i found it so extraordinary simply because of this what god says he means and what he means he says specifically in context of the covenant that we're dealing with this week beautiful now i wanted to keep those responses going right there on youtube and on facebook because we are going to be responding to those even online all right so i remind those on facebook what is a link between the gospel message of forgiveness and physical health based on your understanding on youtube again describe a problem you think would arise if the bible has two or more gospels i can't wait to see some more of your responses now brandon the new covenant grace in the old covenant very interesting share some positive principles from this portion of our study to strengthen the heart of a patient who may be worshipping with us from their room or a person who is practicing for the olympics you know pastor it was interesting actually because this week someone did exactly what this lesson and discussed in this part in that a lot of people tend to misunderstand the character of god when they look through the lens of the old testament they think god as this arbitrary being who just randomly does things as opposed to the god of grace and mercy in the new testament but certainly malachi 3 verse 6 reminds us that god doesn't change and so the gracious merciful god that we see in the new testament is the same god that we see in the old testament and the old testament says exactly that in the scripture reading we read earlier hear what it says in psalms 103 verse 11 for as the heavens are high above the earth so great is his mercy towards those who fear him and pastor here's why i think it's important that we recognize that god is a gracious and merciful god because at times when we get overwhelmed by our sins the devil you know almost uh influences us to to take that perspective of god where he isn't gracious and he isn't merciful and so in those instances as opposed to looking to this god who can forgive me and get me back on the right track i start to look at myself and become overwhelmed and so certainly this verse reminds us even more he forgives all our iniquities and heals all our diseases who redeems your life from destruction who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies and so certainly this is just about as much a reminder for me that when you may feel overwhelmed by your own sins don't look to yourself look to he who can get you on your feet and back on track i love it i love it thank you thank you brother g now pastor grant the covenants benefit package can you pull this apart for us well i find this amazing you know when you consider some person's work situation the benefits outweigh even the basic wage factor and we realize that even from the perspective of god that the benefits of the covenant are so great as you look at scripture especially psalm 103 when i look read psalm 103 it was almost like i was reading one of the gospels it it it gives the account that god forgives all sins and that is in all caps all sins not just some regardless of what it looks like regardless of the color of this the sin is able to forgive it goes further to say he redeems us from destruction to be in a covenant relationship with god is redemption from destruction it says that he satisfies your mouth with good things so that your your youth is renewed like the eagles that is amazing but here's a point that i really want to share it says he sums up the list with one that applies to all of the above this is what it says the lord executes righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed and as a country there are many persons who feel like they are going through oppression uh injustice god will execute justice on behalf of those who are faithful to him and this is an amazing promise that we can take with us i love it i love it now uh pastor might be nail it down now right only one gospel the gospel of christ you know pastor this was a very interesting read because what i was when i read the author was simply putting it this way that many persons look at the covenant as it relates to the law of moses versus the law of christ and many individuals say that listen in the law of moses you just have laws upon top of laws in the laws of christ you have just grace but the author brought it across in such a wonderful way that despite the fact that many persons might look at it as the law of moses versus the law of christ it is but just one law and that is what the apostle paul says and what paul was saying is this that despite the fact there is just one covenant one law throughout the ages throughout the vast ages of time god has been speaking through his prophets god has been speaking to his people to bring across that straight gospel that covenant that word that he wants for his people to get and god will go rest at no less means in order to get the message across and even words we looked even at this week they were even saying that listen there was over 600 plus laws that were given in the laws of moses now when you look at that pastor over 600 laws many persons might believe past the ground that that is very strenuous very strenuous that you should have so much laws but the fact of the matter is this yes the law of moses they had many fence laws that surrounded the laws but the fact of the matter is this jesus has been sending through his word throughout the vast ages of eternity so that mankind can follow upon it even today beautiful now i just want to remind you friends then that we have nothing in ourselves of which to boast we have no ground for self-exaltation or only ground of hope is in the righteousness of christ imputed to us and in that rot by spirit working in and through us and that's from steps to christ page 62 and 63 and so for us right here at inverse west jamaica conference that's it for this week and so until next week it is our hope that god will bless you tremendously and that his face will shine upon you and grant you his peace brother gilbert say a prayer for someone that they will trust in the righteousness that comes through jesus christ great god of heaven we give you thanks for who you are god we give you thanks for reminding us of your character that you're a loving gracious kind father and so god even though we come before you acknowledging who we are and acknowledging who we can be in you and so god i say continue to guide us and open our eyes to the people who you want us to be they'll lead us and help us to overcome sin in our own lives prepare us for your soon coming in christ's name amen happy sabbath everyone welcome to our children's program we the children of the sheffield district of churches are elated to be here sharing in children's church this morning welcome to each and every one of you joining us on the various platforms the theme for this morning is connected in hope i will go please stay tuned and receive the blessings god has prepared for you at this time we'll have the opening prayer which will be done by cesar holgate followed by the priesthood let us pray dear lord moses and heavenly father forgive us of our sins forgive those who have sinned against us lord thank you for giving granting us your journeying mercies thank you for getting here getting us here safely i ask that you may bless the preacher's words that they may penetrate the heart of his listeners that they may be blessed watch over our proceedings in jesus name i pray amen joy of the lord yes yes amen we'll now have the lesson reviews the kindergarten lesson will be done by janik palmer from the good hope church the primary lesson by camelia brown from the kettle church and the junior lesson by chloe locke from the negro church i wonder what grandma and keith will be up to this week after the lesson review stay tuned for the children's story to find out immediately following the children's story will have the introduction of the speaker which will be done by elena phillips happy sabbath everyone my name is janik palmer our members is taken from first samuel 20 verse 42. we have promised by the lord that we will be friend the message from our lesson story tells us that people who love god keep their promises happy sabbath saints of god or memory verse the topic of our lesson is the day jesus christ or memory verse is taken from galatians 6 verse 2 carry each other's burden the story tells us that god wants us to care about others by sharing each other's joy or sorrow happy sabbath boys and girls my name is chloe lock and i'll be doing the junior lesson review the topic of the lesson is risen man breaks bread the memory verse is taken from second peter 1 verse 3. according has his divine power that he has given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that he has called us to glory and virtue the power the power point for today is jesus showed us how to share him with others yes grandma what you have been doing i am just getting ready for the child preachers training tomorrow morning hello you didn't ask me permission to go it's time to go to bed i know grandma but the child preachers training is 9 00 9 30 tomorrow morning hello and i need to go hello kids you have a lot of work to do tomorrow so you cannot go to any training that's why i am doing my work from tonight so i can go tomorrow morning wait wait tell me some more thing about this child preacher strength because you are telling me you are going and you are talking to me listen you have been doing so well enough so don't give me any attitude tell me about this child preachers training is starting when tomorrow what time 9 30 grandma hello kid this child preacher is training i know it's for those who want to become a pastor those who want to preach the word and i don't think you're going to become a person no grandma i don't want to become a pastor i just want to preach the word of god so i am going to get the training look you know it's always good to do the training but you need to go to bed but listen now you know i was uh seeing the talk and they're talking about it and pastor summers is going to be one of the presenters pastor johnson listen so you are saying you're going to go and be a part of it so you're going to leave the house tomorrow or it's going to be online it will be online okay oh so that means you can't work while you are doing that no grandma when i sign in online i will stay because if i leave i will miss something grandma and i don't want to miss anything in this training you know what i've achieved you have been working hard so i think i can really give you the opportunity to do the training because when you do the training it will help you to preach the word of god all right grandma you can go to bed now hello what kind of art you sending me to bed i should be sending you to bed grandma remember after work so you go to bed and sleep for tomorrow you're going to work you have to cook so please go to bed grandma you see you know sometimes really and truly you know say i love him though but sometimes you want to talk to me like i'm he's the adult and i'm not gonna have any of that you know you know what i have some boys and girls i need to go and talk to let me go and talk to them boys and girls i just want to encourage you you know it's always good to get involved in activities of the church and i wanted to know that tomorrow morning we'll be having our child preachers training this is to train our boys and girls to preach the gospel for jesus and also by extension we have delayed preachers too going to join us from 9 30. some of the presenters will be you have heard pastor glenno samuels pastor andrea johnson and yours truly carol smith james grandma so please you can sign in and let us go through as we train our boys and girls so they can preach the gospel for jesus remember that jesus is counting on you so tell your friends about jesus so also they can come and accept jesus before it's too late god bless you now boys and girls good morning everyone this sabbat little giant for jesus speaker is tarroy bailey a ten year old grade for student of the brownstone primary school located in brownstown saint anne he and his twin brother raised were baptized in february 2019 and attend the good hope 7th adventist church and the west jamaica conference online worship experience he loves to play together with his brother sister mother and father at home as well as with his friends all beats online these days he loves to ride his bicycle and has a desire to build a tree house he loves to help others but most of all he loves jesus as this little giant for jesus brother taroy ministers to us today please pray that the lord will use him mightily after the meditation song by brianna margan the next voice you will hear is that of godzilla to die for jesus evangelist taroy bailey hear ye him before the beginning with no point of reference you spoke to the dark and fleshed out the wonders of and as you speak a hundred billion galaxies if the stars were made to if creation sings your praise is so wide god of your promise you don't speak in vain no syllable empty your voice evolving and as you speak a hundred billion galaxies are born in the vapor of your breath the planets if creation sings a hundred billion creatures catch your breath evolving in pursuit of what you said if it all reveals your name your soul will hello it's nice to see you i hope you are looking so good today i hope this sermon will encourage you along the christian journey it is entitled jesus dream for you it is taken from the book of genesis chapter 37 let us pray thank you lord for this opportunity to speak your word please bless your people as i speak in your name in jesus name i pray amen this this story is about joseph this dreamer it all began when jolie was around 13 years of age he was a fine young boy who believed in god one day he told his family a dream that he was picking some wheat all of a sudden in his dream all the wheat were boiling down to his wheat his brother said do you think that we would bow down to you i imagine he would have said maybe another time joseph told his parents along with his his 11 brothers another dream he said in my dream i saw the sun moon and 11 stars bow down to me his brothers were so sick of his dreams one day jose's father jacob sent him to see him in the field they were attending the sheep when one of his brothers saw him coming he said look here comes the dreamer his father jacob had given him a colorful coat this had made his brothers more angry they were jealous because he got a code and they did not so they planned to kill him but one of his brothers reuben did not want to kill him so he said let us not kill him let us just throw him into the well so they agreed when joseph was around them they surrounded him and threw him into the well as they had planned reuben wanted to take him on but his brothers had trained him for 20 pieces of silver to some egyptians what are some lessons we can learn from this story here are a few when god gives you a dream not everyone will be happy for you but don't give up on your dream believe in god's dream for you even if others get jealous or angry when you talk about it believe in god's dream for you even if people throw you into a pit believing god's dream for you even if you get locked up into a prison when people want to kill you and your dream god will always send someone like ruben to save you your roommate may be a brother your robin may be a sister your robin may be a teacher your robin may be a pastor but your best reuben is jesus yes your best human is jesus they may think they are getting rid of you but jesus will stand up for you jesus will defend you jesus believes in your dream yes jesus believes in your dream jesus is your best friend jesus was so like joseph but jesus did something that joseph did not do jesus stop me joseph's story jesus loves me and jesus loves you jesus gave me his potlus robe of righteousness jesus dead upon the cross to save me and to save you jesus is in heaven interceding for me and interceding for you jesus is coming soon this is a dream for me and jesus has a dream for you jesus has a dream for everyone do you know what that is jesus said let not your heart be troubled ye believe in god believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i go to prepare a place for you that's jesus dream for you and if i go and i prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you unto myself let jesus dream for you that where am there ye may be also john 14 verse 1 to 3 that my friends is just his dream for you do you want jesus dream for you he loves you so much if you desire to live jesus dream for you then right there where you are bow your heads with me as i pray let us pray thank you lord for teaching us jesus dream for us please bless us as we go along the christian path thank you for being our best friend thank you for the boys and girls who are born with me because they want because they want you to experience jesus dream please bless please we look forward to living with you in heaven in jesus name we pray amen what a beautiful sermon that was you know we want to thank all the children that came all the way from the sheffield district of churches and they did so well let us continue to encourage them and pray for our boys and girls let us pray father we child in heaven i just want to thank you for your love and your mercies towards us thank you for our boys and girls their lord they are doing exploit for you and i pray that they will continue to avail themselves they will continue to sing and pray and do the things that you want him to do we know that you are coming for the boys and girls they are coming for the mummies and the daddies the aunties and the aunts you are coming for all of us so help us to be ready so when you come we can heal you as king of kings and lord of lords in jesus name i pray amen i was blessed were you blessed on behalf of the sheffield district of churches i want to express how delighted we were to worship with you today so all the children who participated in the program keep shining for jesus so to those of you who join us on facebook youtube wccn bless tv and other media platforms may god bless you so that we all do our part in spreading the gospel to every nation tongue and people have a happy sabbath i feel quite sure if i did my best i could maybe impress you what if all i've done in the time we've shared just turn your eyes on me then i'm feeling what i've been called to do it's someone else i want you to see will you love jesus more when we go our separate ways when this moment is memory will you remember his faith will you look back and realize you sensed his love more than you've did before i pray for nothing less than for you to love jesus i'd like to keep these memories and frames of gold and silver and reminisce a year from now about the smiles we've shared but above all else i hope you will come to know the father's love when you see the lord face to face you will hear him say well done will you love jesus when we go our separate ways when this moment is a memory will you remember his face will you look back and realize you've sensed his love more than you did before i pray for nothing less than for you to love jesus when we go our separate ways when this moment is i pray for nothing less than for you to love jesus i pray for nothing less than for you to love jesus love jesus a full wonderful beautiful singing and so we are moving right now into a doctrinal presentation and this morning we are looking at spiritual gifts and ministries and i want you to work with me from the various passages that is first corinthians chapter 12 8 through 11 ephesians chapter 4 7 through 13 and romans chapter 12 4 to eight and i'm going to give you an assignment as we go through this presentation as you read those passages you are going to tell me how many gifts have you encountered you're going to add all those gifts but you have to do some deciphering also and at the end of the program i'll ask you how many gifts that you have seen listed in these passages and so you can reach me at 876-416-2399 19 centuries ago after jesus would have established its church on earth the disciples watched him as he ascended into heaven and so the questions are would they be able to represent him correctly could they successfully carry on the work he had left them to do and three did they have the gifts necessary for carrying the gospel to the world now through the holy spirit jesus would provide every gift and talent the church would need in order to carry out its task and so the question is what are spiritual gifts or what is the spiritual gift they are manifestations of god's favor in prayers abilities or capacities which enable the christian to serve effectively so the question is what is a spiritual gift a spiritual gift is a special ability given by the holy spirit to every believer to be used to minister to others and therefore to build up the body of christ these spiritual gifts are like your body your body has different members and all function together for one common task and so it is that god has given to his church these various gifts because we all need them for the edifying of the saints for the mission of the church for the unity of the church we all need these very special gifts and so this is the assignment how many gifts are there listed in the bible and i've given a text already all right where do we find them i listed them romans chapter 12. we have the gift of prophecy the gift of ministry teaching exhorting giving mercy leadership ephesians chapter 4 8 11 and 12 we have the gift of apostles of prophets evangelists pastors and teachers in first corinthians chapter 12 we have word of wisdom word of knowledge healing prophecy working of miracles discerning of spirits speaking in tongues interpretation of tongues and i pause to say uh speaking on tongues as the original language translate the translates the word glass allelia this is an intelligible language it's a language it's unlike there are those who interpret to be some gibberish when they're going to church talking about some some things that nobody can interpret you see if christ is going to entrust the church with the gift of a tongue because remember now that the bible says that this gospel has to go through the length and breadth of the world and there's a starting point for the beginning of the gospel it means you will need individuals with that special gift so that the message the gospel can be go around the entire world and others can hear it all right two important points to mark when you talk about the gifts the holy spirit decides which gift to bestow he alone knows which gifts can be best utilized by each christian number two the same gift is not given to everyone nor all the gifts available to everyone the holy spirit decides as to whom uh receive whatever gift so when you receive your special gift it is your gift from god and you must see that gift very very important because all the gifts are needed in the church uh first corinthians chapter 12 all these are the work of of one and the same spirit and he distributes them to each one just as he determines now i just give you uh to list here uh spiritual gifts and talents just to make a point spiritual gifts uh we receive those directly well we receive them from the holy spirit for the sake of the church the christians only receive spiritual gifts and these gifts focus on god when you talk about talents now that is from your dna of course it's god gives it to you everyone has them they focus on the individual if you ask me though if god can take those talents and work on them yes or even to convert them to spiritual gifts i i believe that all right spiritual gifts and i've listed three areas i want to place them in motivation for example prophecy proclaim god's way serving demonstrate god's love by meeting practical needs teaching equipping the saints exhorting encourage jesus believers to grow spiritually mercy demonstrate god's love and compassion by responding to those who are hurting we need those type of people in the church who are caring and loving when we are in our distress and trials they can reach out to us giving conserves and shares resources in order to meet the need of god's church we need those individuals that god has blessed materially so they can give to the cause of christ organizing we need individuals who can carry out good projects programs organizing delegating the more we are organized the better we will be able to beat the devil at his strategies and ploys when we are organized god is more glorified ministry christ himself gave somebody says apostles of prophets evangelists pastors teachers ephesians chapter 4 verse 12 we need this individual manifestation of gifts this is how god works through a believer in a given situation to demonstrate his supernatural power and you can look at first corinthians chapter 12 7 through 11 word of wisdom knowledge of faith gifts of healing working of miracles prophecy discerning of spirits different kinds of tongue interpretation of tongues and and by the way working of miracles and healing we leave that to god it decides as to when he gives that special gift to whom so we don't walk around with any label on our shoulders that i'm a healer or whatever god determines and it must be done in the context of the church and the individual who does the uh through whom the holy spirit works must be humble nothing belongs to us the purpose of these gifts right is to prepare god's people for service growing in unity in the faith and the knowledge of christ spiritual maturity it helps us to grow spiritually attaining the full measure of christ building up the body of christ and my conclusion is thus through spiritual gifts christ has made complete provision for his church in order to strengthen it and empower it to carry forward its ministry physically intellectually and spiritually until the family of god and earth and the family of god in heaven are united so god gives us these spiritual gift and uh they are meant uh to build up god's church so that god's church god's church can go forward and the mission can be taken around the entire world and this great event that we are looking forward to which is the soon return of christ we can behold him one day in all his glory and so every one of us i believe god has given to us a gift use those gifts to the names and honor and glory of almighty god so that you would have played the part that god has given to you i'm out of time and so maybe at some point the the host can look and look at the the what you have placed in the chat and in the the my what's up as to how many gifts are there if you have 21 if you have 18 or 17 i have no challenge with that because what some of you would have done you for example in first corinthians chapter 12 where you have prophecy it is also mentioned in romans chapter 12 verse 4 to 8 and so you may say that is one if you say teachers and teaching you can link that fine with me and so you should end up with something like 21 18 or 14. i don't see anything in my whatsapp as yet but maybe they are placed in the chat thank you so much god bless you as we continue to labor for him what would i do without jesus is without jesus what would i do when i need someone to talk to he's always there to listen without me the shepherd of my valley i could make it without jesus what would i do when my tears flows like a river and by burdens high as a mountain and when the one that i've counted on have let me down that's when i goes to jesus he's the one that i can count on i could make it without jesus he's always there to listen without jesus the shepherd of my valley i couldn't make it without jesus what would i do but i need someone to talk to he's always what would i do without jesus i couldn't make it without jesus what would i do i could make it without jesus what would i do amen what would i do well i am glad i have jesus it's the 14 parishes and the diaspora in praise prayer testimony and thanksgiving and we welcome you you know team my praise and testimony this morning is that every member of god's family has a talent so exodus 4 and verse 2 god asks moses what is in your hand and especially for our younger members of the family what is in your hand you might be saying you can preach like pastor samwell's you can't or pastor williams you can't sing like the revelation ears you can't talk like camaro or denise but what is or sash or alan but you have a gift as pastor drummond said every member has a gift and by god's grace if we live consistent christian godly lives that alone is enough for god to use it to reach somebody so whether you are in africa or asia or jamaica or the caribbean oceana europe and the americas you have something in your hands yes give it up to god so he can use it to his name's honor and glory and so we are celebrating today we are joining karen richards in celebrating the sabbath and her birthday and i i am joining nadia she works at the office in wishing her husband noel ahead of time tomorrow a happy birthday she's all blushes even after a year of marriage every when you she is so in love you just he just has to mention noel and you see the blush is coming out so noel heath may the lord bless you continually and of course we are commiserating with the heinz family mother heinz pastor samuels always talk about her last sabbath she was still with us on the land of the living but he announced it during the week she has passed and so we we sympathize and pray for you and of course i know the president feels it deeply as a conference family we mourn with you and even brown sister ivan braun has a sudden loss her husband and we are praying for you you have shout outs and oh yes so yes and i would like to say happy belated to a birthday that is to sister saunders she's from new york that's in the u.s and they have a prayer line and she is she plays an integral part of that and i must say to you sister saunders that your ministry is such an indeed blessings to blessing to all and also belated birthday to horace lyon my sister maxine mckenzie that's from the flankers church happy belated and um we have a sister kanzi morris she's on the bottom road sda happy related to you as well and i know your daughters took very good care of you yes and also to um this is a little girl she turned eight years old last wednesday that's my co-worker's daughter that's dean's miller's daughter and she will be getting baptized today at the ncu chapel so congratulations to her as well and um birthday to come my friend and brother he celebrates his birthday tomorrow that's fabian blah so happy belated a happy birthday when it comes fabian amen go right ahead okay happy sabbath everybody and the greetings continue sending sabbath greetings to chris and murray i know you and your father are watching happy sabbath to you and andrea in canada and sister popkin i have to use this medium to send a hearty shout out to the green pond high school family all the teachers there hats off to you guys and or able principal mrs ellis spence and mr orrin ebanks i love you guys and i enjoy working with the team of course my partner in crime nikita hunter hey girl and happy belated birthday to kayla ray leslie and brother steve campbell jeffrey lewis denzel reed and today is anthony cameron's birthday happy birthday to you aj and last but by no means least sister ruby wells you are going to be celebrating your 100th birthday tomorrow she's from the seventh day adventist church bellevue in saint elizabeth god bless you sister wells the greetings are coming from your friends and family from your church and my little bit here sister popkin on what you have in your hand is taken from second kings four one to seven and i'll be quick the widow of a prophet was asked was in debt and had no means of paying her debt she went to elijah for help and what did he do he asked her what do you have in your house and she said well i don't have anything i just have some oil but to god that oil was just enough to take care of her current need use what you have in your hand and god will make it miraculous amen sash oh yes and i'll just add my little bit to that camaro exodus 4 verse 2 to moses it was a rod but to god it was an instrument of miracle the staff by the power of god became the staff of god amen and so whatever you can do you can sing you can talk this mic if you have a car whatever you have in your hand in your possession once you put it to god and once god is able or god is willing to use it and you have faith then it will become an instrument of power and miracles moving over to my greetings uh raquel worms miller from norwood is sending birthday greetings to her mother uh mrs worms and her daughter brianna happy birthday guys also karen and tracy and wisely will be celebrating nine years of marriage come april 29 and also mrs white will be celebrating her birthday on the 27th of april and that's coming from your husband karen happy birthday and happy anniversary comes guys lisa and o'neil powell from belmont sda in westmoreland uh happy belated anniversary to you i also want to take this time out to send condolences to the greens family over there on the hill in warsap trelawny then clear green karen green winsome green blake they lost uncle and a brother this week departly green also known as mass james and sending greetings to miss maxine lodge from santa cruz the adventist church he's watching from church so happy sabbath also to the santa cruz sda congregation and last and but not least we have eva hoagland from sweden who is requesting prayer for her spiritual life and a healing for her mother and vineeth veron or vernon rather will be doing a surgery this tuesday and is asking for prayers those the last two persons are our congregation on youtube thank you and it's over to ellen all right quickly jennifer turner happy sabbath greetings to you over there in the uk ike and albert campbell uh worshiping with us in cornwall court montego bay happy sabbath greetings to you also and wayne castle in the united states happy sabbath shout out to you well what is in my hand that is a focus i have a microphone in my hand right now and i'm going to share with you a beautiful quote from nelson mandela it says it is in your hands to create a better world for all to live in and i say jamaica your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you i'm gonna blow you a smile and if you get it just put it back in the chat so that everyone can feel comfortable around you that's the smile all right let's see that in the chat over to you sister popkin and as we wrap this up we prepare for the divine worship service and our praise team is ready to begin we thank god for each of you and for all of you remember to share the link to encourage someone to make use of what is in your hand to the honor and glory of god because we are his hands we are his feet to reach men and women like ourselves for his soon return may he find you faithful if you can't sing if you can't preach make your life the song that you sing make your life the sermon that you preach a consistent godly christian life is a powerful sermon for god's kingdom what is in your hand give it up to him and he can give it back making miracles amen so nothing is insignificant when you serve god that's what i took from everything that was said this morning once you serve god even the minuscule the tiniest bit of whatever he touch becomes significant it becomes great it becomes powerful and the thing is don't benchmark yourselves against anybody no man but ensure that god is your ultimate aim and what he says which is true and benchmark yourself against our creator and king that's all right the little boy had only his lunch but look what jesus did with it 5000 plus we're fed from that little launch of five loaves and the two fish god is able to do so much with so little as the song says little is much when god is in it yes amen and so we thank god for his wonderful leading in our lives so we continue to give god thanks for you online on youtube on facebook on wccn instagram the deaf community and we cannot we cannot say it enough we are so appreciative of our sign language ministers amen we salute them oh yes they are evidence of using their hands to god's glory and we thank god for each of them sisters lindo uh mitchell and shaw god bless you all look at the power of the hand i'm gonna i'm gonna throw something at you camaro and you can use a hand and thread to somebody right here or whatever okay look at this look at this look at this get it and just get your smile just reach you all right so see and it got to everybody else god is able to use even as camara says or then he is the seemingly insignificant miniscule and he can work wonders with it look at the pebbles on the road oh yes david picked up five and he never had to use more than one and a great giant fell oh yes amazing god is truly amazing and if you think you are a little you say what can little me do well give yourself up to god and watch him work amazing things in and through you god can do far more than we can ever ask or imagine yes sometimes he just needs a willing heart oh yes a willing heart just a start yes and you know what you think is little will just blossom that's right into great things yes and sister pumpkin in case we're thinking that we have to be perfect or have a very grand gift for god to use it no you don't have to in fact when he calls you he's going to qualify you oh yeah so as denny says just prepare yourself and have a willing heart to be used by the god almighty himself and you know out of all the stories the store with the five loaf of bread two fishes uh or two fish the story with moses and the rod uh what they had in common for all of them even with the water at the well where the people poured water was faith yes how did they know who did this to the boy now that if he gave god his launch he would be able to feed so many persons and he would it was just for him how did moses know that the rod that is used to lead sheep would be used to anything else the sheep they were stubborn stubborn animals can be you know we use the rod to guide them and the people of israel were stubborn and god used the rod and the rod became a an instrument of miracles yes so all you have to do people is just have faith in god if he says take up the mic and use the mic if he says use your voice if you have a vehicle and you can give a relief to somebody yes do it because you don't know the miracle that god is working through you and if you have a smile as broad as danny's smile and so now we are going to praise god in singing and we hand you over to the praise team good morning brothers and sisters welcome again to this one of the wonderful sabbath day worship we do hope that your week has been excellent and even for those who may have had some challenges throughout the week here is your opportunity just to sit relax and enjoy the blessings that god has in store for you today of course you're we are waiting on the word but as you do want to help us in worship with these two wonderful songs that we have for you here in our praise and worship section the first song my heart sings praises this is a very wonderful song so if you know it won't just sing along with us and enjoy the presence of the lord each time i say your name this love is deeper than simple words you go before me is with everything the things you've done the reason why is birthday with every overcome you are is that i take i'll declare the things you've done the reason why in my life you are the fire that calls the eyes and as he lives in our lives we cannot declare his want just work we want him to live in us we want him to shower his blessings down on us not just for us on a personal basis but for everyone who calls upon his name even for those who seem lost the persons who need hope the persons who are suffering at this point even the persons who rejoice we want his holy spirit just to breathe brokenness i seek your face alone above you there's no other who's able to restore my soul come and make me come in and change me you are all i need one more time breathe on me breathe on me holy spirit me holy spirit amen amen we welcome you to our divine worship service we continue to be covered by grace and connected in hope the service comes to your life from the headquarters of the seventh-day adventist church in west jamaica conference and i am delighted on behalf of the administration to welcome you on facebook youtube wccn bless tv instagram or you are in the deaf community we are delighted to have you and so we rejoice that we are able to worship god we know that many of our family members continue to hurt to grieve loss and this morning especially we are zeroing in on the congregation there at johns hole young sister greenwood she was a young member of the family of god and her family too but she lost her life in flames and we continue to pray for the family and invite your prayers for them as well god is able to heal and we trust him for that healing but no family members that we grieve with you and so the executive secretary of the west jamaica conference is pastor donovan williams he is speaker for the behold he cometh telecast on sunday mornings he is married to marcia and together they are parents of domar and donisio the same pastor williams is responsible to deliver the word of god to you and to me today we have a responsibility to heed that word so i invite you to pray to for the speaker to open your hearts to the moving of the holy spirit he will come at the appropriate time but right now we're going to continue praising god in singing the hymn rejoice the lord is king it's number 221 from our church hymnals join the praise team as we sing to the unknown glory of god lord is king your lord and king adored rejoice the thangs and sing and triumphant more lift up your heart lift up your voice rejoice again i say reach rejoice jesus the savior reigns the god of truth and love when he had purged lift up your voice rejoice again i said rejoice his kingdom cannot bear he rules and up your hearts lift up your voice rejoice again i save rejoice rejoicing gorgeous hope oh lord the judge shall come and take his servants up to their return your hearts lift up your voice rejoice joyce in the privilege of giving worship through giving and so we ask you to prepare your gifts your tithes and your offering as we return to god a portion of that which he has blessed us we remind you of the various accounts at bank of nova scotia 14 56 10. please add three zeros before that so it would be triple zero one four five six one zero there are the ncb accounts u.s canadian sterling and jamaican of course and for paypal we have an upgrade so the address is treasurer at west that's treasurer at west for paypal giving and of course there is the online giving platform please bow your heads as we pray father thank you for giving us this gift receive the gifts of our lives and you and also our means breathe your blessings on them as we give to your names honor and glory thank you for hearing in jesus name so please remember at for your local church you will advise your local treasurer of the options you have chosen so that they are able to keep tab god bless you as we all give to him at this time we'll be going into our pastoral prayer and so we invite you at home to join us in this very solemn moment as we petition the throne of grace as we seek god's guidance in this very difficult time let us pray father in heaven we your children this morning again pause to give you thanks for your continued to watch care over us throughout the course of this past week you kept us through the night admits the fact that there are those who didn't awake from their slumber this morning oh lord we are still alive and we are grateful and thankful and acknowledge you that it is only because of you why we are still on top soil father in this moment we pray that for those who are watching from home and even for this lump of clay praying and interceding on behalf of your people that you will cleanse us from all sin and unrighteousness you will pour your precious blood over each of us as we experience your anointing we experience your divine refreshing through the precious blood of jesus christ we hope that as we put our petitions before you as we talk with you oh god our request will come up to you as sweet-smelling incense that it will be acceptable in your sight we ask father that you will purge us with hyssop you will make us clean you will free us from every trust of sin that our hearts will be purified in your sight we put before your father the various requests that have populated the chat since this morning they are numerous as is the sand of the sea or god but we believe that the god who made the sands of the sea we believe the god who formed man from the dust of the earth we believe that you heavenly father who holds this world in your hand and keep it sustained that you hear every request whatever their needs are we know they are those who are hungry we know that they are those who are destitute they are those who need forgiveness and the reassurance of your love they are those who are on the verge of giving up on this life but reassure them that you are a god who loves them regardless of their mess regardless of their condition and if they hold on a little longer there is a light at the end of the tunnel we pray heavenly father that you will lay your hand on a family you will lay your hand on a seeker this time someone who is on a verge due to covered we pray that you will bring them back from the jaws of death we ask our god for victory and deliverance we pray for your fresh anointing on your people even as we come to worship we ask heavenly father that even as we lay ourselves before you in this moment it will not be because we think we are holy or righteous but because we know who you are and that you read us like an open book exposed and uncovered you see us inside out and you know what's happening on the inside you know sometimes a smile may cover the earth but i pray that you will address the hurt for someone who is depressed this morning we ask our father that you will lay your hand on your manservant he has been preparing his thoughts he has given himself to you to minister the everlasting gospel and if there is no preacher then the people will not hear the truth that you have in store for them and so we are praying that you will anoint him with a life call from the altar touch his lips anoint his mind hide him behind the cross so that when he speaks he will exalt jesus and the gospel so that men and women will run and cry a yield a yield to the precious blood of jesus christ bless this service and may all those who are watching in their homes experience what it is to be connected experience what it is to be anointed may someone experience repentance today may victory be one through your mission in jesus precious name we pray and say amen and amen praise god before i do this song uh for about two weeks now this song has been pouring forth in my mind like every morning i wake with the song in my heart in my mind in my head and i didn't know that today i would you know sing it and i was praying and i was asking god what to sing this morning and this was the song that the lord laid on my heart and i want to tell somebody today that whatever decision that you have to make stand still and let god move for the answer will come only in his time so stand still and let god move praise god the father has a plan though it's hard to see it now you feel you're walking all alone but he's there no doubt when the storm around your ages and your toes to and fro when you're faced with life's decision and not standing still it's hard to do when you feel you ever reach the end he'll make a way for you stand still and let be secure damn still and let god when you feel you'll never reach me and he'll make a way for you strange is still and let god move stand still and let god move amen praise the lord stand still and let god move our heads about them our eyes are clothed our hearts are lifted heavenward our father god in heaven we lift our hearts in gratitude to you now we are grateful to know that you are moving in the affairs of men and we don't have to fight our battles for ourselves we just stand and let god move father i pray in a very special way now that you will bless all your people who are connected for worship today let thy holy spirit move upon each heart let there be a clear call today for spiritual israel to sense the time in which we live and indeed to make themselves available to be used by you take full control now oh lord i present the ramses family who is asking you at this moment to intervene for a sibling intervened for a family member who is on life support machine we pray lord that you will stand in that hospital room and take full control this message now i present into your care in jesus name we pray amen amen i'm delighted to join with my fellow officers uh sister popkin and the president in welcoming you to our online worship experience and god has been tremendously good to us it has been a blessed morning thus far and because of the added restriction the restrictions even though they are a bit lighter than two weeks we will have to close our service today a bit earlier than and so this sermon is a bit earlier and ought to end a bit earlier and so that we can begin the afternoon's session as a matter of fact we will begin the afternoon at 1 30 so you just have to get a quick bite and be back for greater things in the lord but today i want to share with you all god's children and the subject for such a time as for this a time as this and i will be using the book of esther for this message today as a matter of fact i will just narrate i will just summarize the story that is recorded in esther and then give a few punch points and then we close the message but the book of esther is an exciting book it is one that you will want to read and read and read and by the way just to verify a few things i read the entire book this morning just to refresh myself and self and to re just to verify a few things let me quickly just summarize the book of esther the king hazuros he was the median persian king he had so much wealth that he decided that he was going to show off his wealth and he used six months the bible says 180 days he used to parade his wealth and after those 180 days he used about seven days to celebrate in feast and festivity called his leaders of the his province by the way he's his his kingdom stretched all the way to india and he called his rulers and said let's have a feast let's celebrate my wealth and then in the midst of his celebration he called he his his queen his wife was a beautiful lady and so he called vashti he said vastly come and show your beauty come and show your feminine pulpit vasti decided that her morality vashti decided that her character would not allow her to parade herself but it was a command of the king and she could not disobey the king but she did she refused to parade herself and so the king called his counselors a wise man and said what should we do because vashti has disobeyed a direct command wise men who seemingly wise said to the king comes to the king and say king you can't let this thing go unpunished you can't let this insubordination go unpunished because men throughout the province would have a hard time in ruling their whole houses you will have to punish vashti you'd have to banish her and the king took that command and then some some wise so-called wise individuals said king somebody needs to take the place of vashti so look around in the kingdom get all the young virgins and bring them to the palace prove them and you select the one that pleases you a man by the name of mordecai leader strong figure in the jewish kingdom heard about the decree heard about the plan and he had a cousin by the name of esther esther was an orphan esther's father and mother died and mordecai cos mordecai took esther under his wings and brought her up as a nice beautiful virgin and mordecai said to esther you make sure you are a part of the young ladies who will show themselves to the king but when you do so do not disclose your identity do not disclose your nationality do not disclose your faith and so esther did that and for one year who it said that esther was in special preparation for one year the the six months of myrrh and six months of perfume they prepared esther and when it was time for the young ladies to go in to the king esther was one of those and bless my soul friends esther was chosen to be the queen to replace vashti and in the same time the king promoted a man called haman the king gave haman his signet ring the king made a man next in line above the prince's haman was next to the king and amen was in his pomp and pride he walked from the king's palace and the king commanded his sufferings that wherever you see him and you have to bow before him you have to show him honor so when amen walk from the king's palace there was a man named mordecai who used to go to the gates of the king's palace every day just to find out how esther was doing when all the others bowed mordecai stood up when they inquired why is it that mordecai did not bow they discovered mordecai declared i can't bow to any man i am a jew i pay homage onto one leader and that's god himself and so and so hey man went home told his wife and his wife said as long as you have mordechai doing this you are in trouble so haman plotted went to the king as a king there are some jews around this place they don't obey your rules they don't they don't obey the laws of the maids and the persians they obey the law of another god who they say is supreme king as long as these people are around you're in trouble let's get rid of them and so the king signed the decree said amen said i will get the people to destroy all these jews stay with me somebody i will get the people i will provide the funds so the decree was signed but when the decree are just before mordecai was sitting at the steps of the king and mordecai heard two of the king's gatekeepers plotting to kill the king that we must get rid of the king and mordecai sent to esther and said they are planning to kill your husband esther told the king in mordecai's name and the king discovered the plot and he was saved but esther now mordecai when mordecai heard of the decree that all the jews must be killed mordecai said to the jews let's come together let's call the fast and and he sent message to esther declaring to her and send a copy of the decree that your people are about to be genocide they will be killed certain that mordecai said esther you have to go into the king esther said mordecai you know the rule the king has to call you if the king doesn't call you and you show up unless he places his scepter towards you it is instant death mordecai said to esther esther if you don't do it your people are going to die as a matter of fact though if you don't do it someone else there is another way that they will be delivered but you and your family will perish and i have to read this church say with me i have to read chapter 4 verses 14 to 15 for modification for if you remain completely silent at this time relief and deliverance will arise for the jews from another place but you and your father's house will perish yet who knows whether hallelujah oh i'm just narrating it who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this then esther told them to reply to mordecai who go gather all the jews who are present in shushan and pass for me neither eat nor drink for three days night our day my maids and i will pass likewise so i will go to the king which is against the law and if i perish i perish but i am going to go let me narrate the story further then esther prepared a banquet it said all right i'm going to prepare a banquet and i'm going to call the king invited esther went in god they the the the nod got the scepter from the king she went in got the scepter and the king said what do you want me to do do you want half the kingdom just said can you see her beauty can charm a man sometimes that he was willing to give away half his kingdom for his beautiful bride for his beautiful wife esther said no i want you to come to my banquet and i want to invite haman to come so the king went to the banquet and he man turned about the banquet and he man i'm just narrating haman was so pleased that he started to boast listen to me esther the queen called the banquet and only two special individuals she invited she invited the king and guess who else was invited i was invited and when amen was passed in mordecai mordecai stood up still while others bow went home and told him and went home told his wife that mordecai still didn't bow his wife said listen you have to build a gallows 50 feet tall and you must make sure that immediately you hang hey man hung mordecai on this gala spirit what a wife so the next day haman had to go back to the banquet who but that night the bible says the king could not sleep so the king called he scribe to say bring me the chronicles and when he he began to read the chronicles he saw written there that a man named mordecai saved his life and nothing was done for mordecai so the king said what was done for mordecai and the scribe said nothing was done for him and then the king said all right got to do something so guess what church amen was was walking to the banquet with the draft decree that he that mordecai should be hung and the king was sitting waiting to promote mordecai to to reward mordecai as haman walked in the king posed a question to him the king said haman what should i do to someone who deserve promotion what should i do to someone who deserve reward among thought that the king was talking about him so hey man said give him a robe get one of your horses with the seed on it parade him through the square that everybody knows that this is your man and then the king turned to him the king turned to him and said mordecai is that person you go and do it immediately and haman had to go parade mordecai in the streets and declare that he is rewarded by the king and then esther now knew about it esther called the next night of the banquet and the king said esther what can i do for you do you still need heart my kingdom and esther said no listen to me listen there is a decree out to destroy my people and all i want you to do is to lift that decree spear my people and then the king said who is it that made that decree who is it that is out to destroy your people and esther turned and said hey man to cut the story short the king declared that hey man should be hanged on the very gallows that he prepared for mordecai and then he made a decree that the jews should defend themselves against their attackers and the jews destroyed their attackers and the bible says that people as a matter of fact the bible says many of those in media persia became jews because of the moving of god upon mordecai let me just give a few punch points for that narration and then i take my seat and this is why i went back through the book of esther this morning because church when you go through the book of esther you will discover that the name of god is not mentioned not even one time the book of esther is the only of the 66 books of the bible that does not mention god the book records no prayer offered to god not a single individual mentioned god not a single individual mentioned that god is here or god did this god save the jews god allowed haman to hang on on a gallows god made esther become queen nothing is said about god it seemed as if god is silent in the experience of the jews nothing to say that i am god and i am in charge the story of esther seems uh to be depleted of god and and and probably that's how the jews felt the jews in media pressure that's probably how they felt they felt as if god had abandoned them they felt as if they had to do things by themselves they had to do take things in their own charge that's why probably mordecai said to esther don't even mention that you're a jew don't mention your faith don't mention that you belong to the god of heaven and but wait a minute wait a minute somebody before you make the conclusion that you probably have in your minds let's put this into perspective the jews that remained in babylon the command was given for them to leave these were the disobedient jews who did not adhere to the council to go back to jerusalem these were the jews who found themselves too entrenched too connected to leave babylon as a matter of fact ellen white says in paid prophets and kings the jews who had failed of heeding the message to flee were called upon to face a terrible crisis having refused to take advantage of the way of escape god has provided no they were brought face to face with death so they were there because they were disobedient the story of esther may not mention the name of god but church throughout the book you see the handprint the fingerprint you see and you hear the mind and the and the strategy of god in this book god was not silent his actions and his thoughts his plans were alive for his children because no matter what situation we are in god will never abandon his children i wish i needed i wish i can hear amen out there i wish i can hear a praise o lord no matter how disobedient we are god will never his children we have to walk away from him we have to abandon him i want to tell somebody that in spite of what is happening god is still in control god controls the events of history and if you look right around you you will see god's presence you will hear god's presence punch point number one that i want to make hear me somebody and i call upon every adventist everywhere to listen to the preacher today the story of esther has an eschatological dimension the fullest expression in the end time when the struggle between christ and satan heats up and the conflict gets hotter the the story of esther it is a depiction of last day events seven adventists spiritual israel if we continue to to fear god and keep his commandments there will come a time when decrees will be made against god's children but hear me someone when decrees are made god is able to change things i want all adventists to know that the book of esther is at the big depiction of what will happen in the last days as a matter of fact ellen white continues in prophets and kings esther features both a cosmic as well as a personal individual dimension the trying experience that came to god's people in the days of esther was not peculiar to that age alone the decree that will finally go forth against the remnant people of god will be very similar to that issue by the king against the jews today the enemy of the truth of the true church seized in a little company keeping the sabbath commandment as mordecai was at the gate standing up against hamana but i want oh i know i have a few minutes to go but i want you to know friends that god will take care of his people if we pause long enough we can see god's hands see his fingerprints so we must know that this story has an eschatological dimension the second thing i want us to take note of is that we must see the danger of our hour we must see the danger that is coming society is is is sinful as a matter of fact friends people are not hiding anymore in sinful activities society we must see the sinfulness of society we must see the shamelessness of sinners sinners are shameless once upon a time people used to hide doing certain things they don't hide anymore and as a church as saints we cannot be speechless we have to stand up because we have a message to proclaim thus saith the lord and we must understand the subtleness of satan we must take note of the sinfulness of society the shamelessness of sinners the speechlessness of the saints and the subtleness of satan satan is like a cunning fox there are times when he's like a roaring lion but there are times when he's a cunning fox working behind the scene against god's people satan is like hey man plotting against god's people i want us to know as a haste known that we live in a time of great deception like like esther will live in a time of great deception mordecai put on his stock club and ashes when he heard the decree was made mordechai put on his sockload and ashes and he cried before the palace he cried the decree was made to destroy god's people but hear me today church when things are written in law against heaven's principles god has a way of turning things around select the decrees be written let the sun the law be passed let them let them persecute god's children let them come at the commandment keeping church it is going to come it is not if but it is when but i have good news for every red-blooded seventh-day adventist i have good news for every born-again commandment keeping people i have good news just as how god turn it around for mordechai turn it around for esther god will turn it around for his people there is an esther who is in the kingdom bless the lord o my soul and i want you to know as i hasten on not only it is one of eschatological dimension not only is the story saying that there is danger around not only the story is saying it is a time of great deception but the story is telling us that it is a time of great destruction the letter was sent and was said spread it to all the province it has my seal on it jews must be destroyed let it be written throughout all the provinces let it be posted the jews must be destroyed we live in a time of great destruction but there is always a plan that god has sometimes god will not reveal his plan immediately sometimes god will not show us the pathway just but god always his plan is perfect his plan is the best plan he doesn't need our assistance there's a establishment there is an esther who will be at the kingdom for such a time like this so mordecai said to esther don't think about yourself now think about your countrymen think about your jewish brothers and sisters for you have come to the kingdom for such a time like this you have come to the kingdom for such a time like this not only is it a time of great destruction but i want to quickly hasten that it is a time who help me holy ghost it is a time of great destiny when you don't believe the preacher it is a time of great destiny queen vashti was disposed king made the decision queen esther orphan queen esther drew queen esther was chosen that's destiny and seven adventists we live in a time of great deception we are living in a time of great danger we are living in a time of great destruction but i call on you to know that we live at a time of great destiny now is the time for the seventh the adventist church now is the time for every member of god's remnant church to know it is destiny time it is destiny time as a church we must understand our single purpose we must understand the strategic place that the seventh day adventist church no occupies we must understand our spiritual power we must understand that we are the salt of the world our salty position we must understand the savior's promise and we must understand the strategic and straight preaching that we have to do oh let me repeat this even if you have to pause even if you have to pause the clock let me say there is never time this is the greatest time of destiny for god's church is a great spirit for the seventh adventist church yes there is danger yes destruction is lurking yes we live in a time that that that the greatest destruction may take place but this is destiny time you must understand our single purpose i look straight in the center camera and i say we must understand our single purpose we must understand our strategic place we must understand our spiritual power we must understand our salty position we must understand the savior's promise and we must understand that we have a straight message to preach the three angels messages fear god and may i ask you members not only do i challenge the church collectively but i challenge every member this is your moment of destiny you were positioned and placed where you are for a purpose esther went to the kingdom for such a time like this you are where you are because god has you destined you are where you are so i asked you the question why do you think you are working where you are working destiny why do you think you live where you live do you think that god could have put you somewhere else destiny why do you believe no but i am a schooler why do you believe that you go to the school that you're going to why is it that you you're in the class that you're in destiny why is it that you attend the church you attend destiny why is it that you live in the community that you live in destiny for you have come to the kingdom for a time like this by the way casing on just i have a few minutes to go every now and then we find ourselves at a moment in time that will call a pivot position that you'll never find yourself in oh it happens in sports and i am my favorite sport is cricket and you can correct me cricket lovers but there was a one-day match i think it was between west indies and india one ball to go six runs to win jeffrey dojo was batting and he took off his helmet i i can almost hear the commentary took off his helmet gave it to the umpire and the baller came in and he hit the ball for six where stindys won the match dojo was there at a time of destiny for the western days he heard me somebody today god has you you are not just here to eat and drink and to wear good clothes and to drive a good car and to have a good house somebody needs to know that you are here for a time like this you are destined to save somebody you are destined to share the everlasting gospel you are destined listen to me many of your classmates that you went to primary school or high school with are not alive today but you're alive my time is going uh there are many of your relatives who are not alive today but you are you have a pivotal point in history why are you still here why is it that you were not the one in the car accident why is it that you were not the one in the shooting incident why is it that you are not the one on a live support machine today why is it that you are not numbered among the millions who died from covet why is it i wish somebody will hear the preacher today god has you at a time like this i want you to know as i hate none not only it is a time of great destiny but it is a time of great decision a time of decision esther said mordecai you pray for me get your people pray for me you i am my maid tonight we are going to fast we are going to pray who are they praying to god so even though god is not mentioned god is recognized and esther says oh i wish i had some more time esther says i'm gonna go in i'm gonna go in you pray for it is the greatest decision i have to make i can't my life is on the line but others their lies are on the line i'm gonna go to the king he has not called me in a month but i'm gonna go if i perish somebody need to praise the lord if i perish i perish but i am going to take a stand i hear you let me let me tell somebody you have to take a stand stand up when the world is against you stand up when things are not going your way stand up when the devil is pressing you down stand up in the midst of hardship stand up in the midst of compromise stand up in the midst of danger stand up in the midst of temptation stand up against the flesh stand up against your mind somebody need to take a stand when the world is against you stand up when the devil comes with this coming way stand up when everybody else is falling down you take a stand and let me finish this listen to me if martin luther didn't take a stand we wouldn't have the 95 faces if martin luther king jr didn't take a stand against social injustice what would have happened if moses didn't take a stand before pharaoh what would have happened if david didn't stand up before goliath what would have happened if shadrach meshach and abednego didn't take a stand what if queen esther has walked walked away what would have happened listen to me you take a stand now stand up listen enclosing somebody need to stake a stand god knows that you will be here and he has you here the only way we're going to make it is if we take a stand some 70 adventists need to say right now count mean taking a stand called me in i am in the race count me in i want to be honest come in i want to be a part of god's destiny i want to be something bigger than myself now is a time of destiny we thank god for the footprints of hope walking with jesus gospel campaign thank god for the many who came to jesus christ thank god for the revival thank god for the anointing and god's servant but church of the living god there are millions more to hear the gospel of jesus christ there are billions more to know that god is calling a people to keep his commandments and to have the testimony of jesus so call on every pastor in west jamaica take a stand i call on every church in west jamaica seize the moment of destiny i call on every member be an esther because coming early july or mid-july we will have our second major online reaping campaign nature speaks for tomorrow this is a moment of destiny where somebody needs to take a stand and to share jesus christ let none hear you iggles saying there is nothing i can do so let's be honest let's start the ball of preparation let's start to share to our neighbors or co-workers or family members because you are at the kingdom for a time like this i know even just a few minutes to go but i have to steal some because i can't close without showing you this one of the noble most noble characteristics of the story is the reverse allah reversal reversal comes when an action or a state of affairs intended or expected to produce a certain result ironically leads to the opposite outcome so the book is filled with what reversal the king made a decree first that all the jews he signed it but he had to reverse it this time the decree said all those who are antagonistic against the jews the jews can defend themselves vashti was a beautiful queen a woman of dignity power moral virtue but she ended as one of the king's untouched concubines never to be seen again but let's look at esther esther an orphan esther raised by her cousin but she moved from an orphan to a queen reverse oh hallelujah let's look at haman amen had the king's signate ring amen had the prestigious position amen conspire to eliminate the jews hey man build a gallows 50 but look at how it has reversed amen was hung on the same gallows haman's ring was given to mordecai haman's house was given to esther amen the the supervision of his house was given to mordecai god hallelujah god praise the lord god thank you jesus is able to reverse our situation god is able to reverse our circumstances come singer before but let me just say one last thing before you sing who when a person works eight hours a day and receives a fierce day's pay we call that a wage who i go and take my seat when i come when a person competes with an opponent and receives a trophy for his performance we call that a prize when a person receives an appreciation for long service or high achievements we call it an award but when a person is not capable of earning a wage and cannot win a prize and does not deserve an award yet he receives a gift anyhow what do we call that we call that amazing grace we call that an amazing grace so hear me you may not deserve a price you may not deserve an award you may not work for a rage but there's a gift there's a gift there is a gift there is a gift amazing grace and if god's grace how if you are a recipient of god's grace today be of esther be you have come to the kingdom help me holy ghost for such a time like this somebody need to be honest tell your brothers tell your sisters about god's amazing grace and start get ready for the upcoming online worship experience where we shall present from this platform once again the word of the living god amazing grace oh my god delivers again yes my god delivers again you see when it sings at all he's lost he reaches down his head that's when all the forces of evil had to flee at his command hold out just when things look hopeless my god delivers again standing there at the red sea god's people begun to complain see pharaoh it is mighty army they're gonna take us in bondage again oh stand still and see the the salvation moses cried that's when god he parted the waters and they crossed to the oh my god delivers again yes my god delivers again you see when it seems that all is lost god reaches returns that's when all the forces of evil and to flee that is command oh now just when things god delivers again we'll never bow to know i don't god's children begin to proclaim and so the king he gave his command to throw them into the flame but the king he said did we not cast three men into the furnace fine i can see four men they're losing the fire on earth and they're walking around church my god delivers again yes my god delivers again you see when it seems all love is lost here reach down reach is my god delivers again oh my god delivers again yes my god delivers again you see when it seems all over us here is oh now just when things will go bless my god delivers again oh now just when things look hopeless my god delivers again our heavenly father and our god we're thankful that when things look hopeless all god is able to deliver again oh father i pray that this message will be cemented in the hearts of your people not only in west jamaica conference but right across the world oh father i pray that there will be an esther in new york city an esther all across the usa an extra in england and esther in australia pray god that there will be an esther in africa and esther right across the world pray lord that there will be many esthers in west jamaica conference that will see that it now is a time of destiny and i pray lord that as thy work will go forward that all your people will stand up at a time like this in jesus name we pray amen and amen amen amen what a word ladies and gentlemen what a word what our word church god will deliver again and you know i'm impressed to say that when the devil makes his move it's like a game of chasing all right sash check me check mate listen god is like okay that's a move you make watch me know yes checkmate god delivers again powerful sermon sash you know i was so blessed i i'm impressed to say will you stand and and it goes back to the the program we had a week ago uh well some time ago i will go yes and i'm impressed to ask the question will you go that's right will you stand will you go like esther esther went and she stood and she said if i perish i perish and in jamaican colloquial in our terms we say if a dirt a dirt yeah so if i die i die but at the end of the day i will stand and you know there's this song that says stand for holiness stand for righteousness and be counted among men that shall reign with him amen what are you standing for this morning this afternoon we have to uh make up our minds to stand for something regarded and if you don't stand for anything trust me you'll fall for anything so i was truly truly blessed this morning i know that you would have been blessed as well 11 000 plus on youtube and i know more than a thousand on facebook not to mention those who joined on wccn or you're viewing on on that platform or bliss tv thousands of people across the world would have heard the message today and the question remain will you stand amen amen amen and i hope our viewers were ministers of the gospel this morning you would have shared that link you would have allowed that message to go forward to go forth with such power and clarity and would have garnered souls for the lord so i know i know you were the minister and keep on being ministers of the gospel amen well on that note we just want to say thank you so much for having been with us we trust that you've been thoroughly blessed amen so we invite you to join us uh 2 30 1 14 30 years 1 30 jamaica time all right i'm gonna get a quick bite and come back so on behalf of the entire technical team here at westermaker conference we just say stay put stay blessed stay safe amen lord have mercy on me god i went down by an old country shirt and as lord i know that god from heaven looks down is mercy from heaven i mercy on me was the knee i know that god from heaven mercy on me wasn't from heaven amen amen praise the lord what a tremendous experience we're having today and we could not have clothes this service the best way to close the service today somebody needs to say baptism we had to close this service with a baptism and we are thankful to the lord that there is a special candidate who has making her stand today very special um to us here in west jamaica conference and very special to our president pastor greno samwells i want to thank god for her decision today not to go back um without being baptized today not to go back to the united states of america without being baptized today let the church say amen and today we have for baptism sister larae dudley and i declare that her new name is esther so whenever we refer to her we referring to her as her new esther because she has come to the kingdom of the seventh the adventist church for such a time like this she has gone through the vows and we just want to commit her to the lord jesus christ right now let's buy heads as we pray father in heaven we are thankful for sister dudley and her commitment to be baptized as an expression of her love to you we pray heavenly father that you will anoint her now as your servant make her your disciple and just as how the holy spirit came in the form of a dove of the baptism of jesus will you anoint her now just as how the father spoke this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased will you not speak dear god that this is your beloved daughter in whom you are well pleased for reacting no other name but a sweet and wonderful name of our lord and savior jesus christ and let the church say amen amen and sister dudley will be taken to the water and we have to do the honors today our conference president pastor glenno samwells who will do the right of baptism take me to the water take me the water i'll stick me to the water take me to the water to be baptized take me to the water take me to the water take me to the water take me to the water to be i will follow jesus i will follow jesus i will follow jesus i will follow jesus i will follow jesus and be baptized thank you very much and my sister sister lorraine dudley upon the profession of your fate claiming jesus christ as your lord and savior and declaring through baptism and that you love the lord upon the profession of your faith we as ministers of the gospel now baptize you in the name of the father in the name of the son in the name of the holy spirit and let the church say praise the lord r than the mountain and the lord i'd like to share for the joy of my friend's heart she sat in here during the footprints of hope series and she signed the card but somehow it got not sure what happened to it and so the last night before her flight she spoke with me more than disappointed and i promised her that i would never rest until her decision is complete she went back to the u.s and i tried to get someone close to her to do the baptism but for some reason never worked and i learned she sent yesterday to tell me she is back in jamaica if i would baptize her today i knew there was supposed to be a baptism here and so i said all right i would do the pronouncements but i came and it was destined that i should do this last evening i learned also that the assistant ambassador for ottawa was baptized as a result of watching us online here and today i have the joy of baptizing from the u.s state department in washington my friend my sister god's special servant there is nothing that delights her more than that now she has finally gotten her wish to be joined to her lord in baptism and so we lift her up in prayer along with the deputy ambassador who i know is watching and so dane you have our prayers as much as we pray for our sister here today and higher than the mountains and the lord sang to find me my sins were higher than the mountain and the lord sanctified me singing glory hallelujah when the power came when the power came when the power came when the power came and the lord sanctified me oh my sins were higher than the mountain and the lord sanctified me my sins were higher than the mountain and the lord sanctified me in glory hallelujah when the power came when the power came when the power came sing glory hallelujah when the power came and the lord sanctified me oh you can tell the world about this you can tell a nation about that tell them jesus has come tell them that the comforter has come he brings joy to my soul he brings joy to my soul you can tell the world about this you can tell the nation about that tell them jesus has come tell them that the comforter has come he brings joy to my soul he brings joy to my soul amen amen he brings joy to our souls sets by heads as we pray our heavenly father we are thankful for the movement of your holy spirit today we're thankful for the special baptism and we pray lord that you will continue to be with us bring us back in the early part of the afternoon to resume our study of your word and to continue today's service we pray in jesus name amen you
Channel: West Jamaica Conference
Views: 75,871
Rating: 4.8743458 out of 5
Keywords: #Seventh-day Adventist
Id: e0r3N6jeD54
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Length: 219min 46sec (13186 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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