Onion Joke by Christopher Hitchens

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if a joke can't be short if it can't be long if you can't be clean it should have a beat someone's expensive it's like limericks most people think limericks are gonna be filthy that can't be where they make their big mistake there was a young engine driver named Hunt who was given an engine to shunt saw a runaway truck by yelling out duck save the life of the feller in front you see you know that's what you want isn't it you wanted that to be you wanted that to be filthier well then there these two onions mailani female honey rolling along together pop buy into each other instant rapport a torrential affair begins they can't get enough of each other pretty soon an onion bonding is occurred not long after that they think to make to tie the knot get together make it legal and their union is blessed you'll be glad to hear I and a little baby onion a little cocktail onion is born and this means of course that the father onion has to put in more time at the shipyard extra shifts you know what it's like mother onion much encumbered with other work around the place and this and that and the baby Irene isn't as well well supervisors he might have been and as baby onions will the door being left open one day it rolls out across the sidewalk right into the path of a sodding great lorry flattened out rushed in hospital team of surgeons fights all night to save his life mother onion out of it heavily sedated no more card just can't you can't contact gone farther onion rolling up and down the corridor outside the emergency room like this wearing a little groove in the ghastly Hospital carpet towards dawn the flap doors open and the surgeon comes out pulling a master in his head and dashing the perspiration from his eyes and says so the father onion who rolls up anxiously and says well what tell me is he Willy is he what so nervous he'll live but I'm afraid it's gonna be a vegetable for the rest of his life
Channel: Agatan Foundation
Views: 114,920
Rating: 4.9187818 out of 5
Keywords: Onion, Joke, Christopher Hitchens, Singing, Funny, Poem, Ripping, Destruction, Religious, Morality, Best of, Amazing, Arguments, Clever, Comebacks, great, agatan foundation, clips, Hitch, Best, comeback, Antitheism, Atheist, Religion, Debate, Philosophy, nice, answer, anti-theist, anti, theist, intelligent, bright, smart, humanism, free will, theism, agatan, fnd, foundation, YouTube, freedom, speech, First Amendment, Atheism, hilarious, must see, voice, awesome, vegetable
Id: 8982Uto1U1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 45sec (165 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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