Oney Plays The Simpsons: Virtual Springfield WITH FRIENDS

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 107 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NotTheCinemassacre πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

'There's got to be something we haven't done yet.'

Proceeds to watch Mr Burns fall down stair for the third time.

I cried laughing like 5 times during this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 93 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WarioFarts πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

'You wanted to see me sir?'

Burns falls down stairs a second time

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 68 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HuntedSFM πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Those Patty & Selma/X-Files edits are hilarious

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 64 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bean_kazzaz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

1ny and Simps go together like strawberries and ham

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/noisyturtle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Have they used an otamatone (the instrument played at the end) before?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Steev16 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why didn't they take the stonecutters song from the show instead of making Dan Castellaneta sing the song by himself and then adding an echo effect to it?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SlowOcto πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

For some reason, I thought of Virtual Bart on SNES as opposed to Virtual Springfield when I first saw the title and thumbnail (came up as just 'The Simpsons: Virtual'). Either way, I definitely wasn't expecting this game to get an episode, but I'm very glad it did. A great episode all around.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Almightywedge πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Who controls the British crown?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IntenseSqualor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
*Intro* J: I love to eat mice. *Fox Interactive logo plays* C: Woah, *Chris, DingDong and Julian collectively share agony.* DD: Help! - Turn it down! *various chuckles* It won't turn it down! -Vortex. -Oh yes. "Cindy Vortex." - Vortex. - There it is. There's the vortex. - Why do you have three of them, and you have rufus? He wasn't a party member. - Wow... - Whoa!! -I don't ge, were you actually supposed to wear a headset for this? -Oooh. Chris: Yeah. You can look around. J:Really? DD: That statue looks great. *snicker* -He looks like a muppet. -Yeah he does. - Oh it's the dead man. - Welcome to Springfield, I'm... - MURDERED!! - *snorts* Chris! -*laughs* What? -He was murdered! -Where do you want to go boys? -Let's go to the Simpson home. -I know which way that is- -Stop! -It's this way. -Whoa conga! -Whoa conga bunga dude! -Where's the comic book shop? -I don't know. -Where's Patty and Selmer? Patty and Selma are right over here. Here they come, *Chris and DD laughing* - Wow! *Chris and DD laughing* Chris, what were the odds? *laughing continues* Do we have to explain it? There's a one in ten chance that they come out every time you click. Look at him *imitation* There's the Kwik-E-Mart. Wanna go Kwik-E-Mart? - Yeah, let's go get some, umm... *unintelligible* - Yeah, let's go get some Squishiesβ„’. - Hey! - Hey it's Krusty, what's this shit? - Go talk to Apu. - He's gonna do it again. - Don't let him. - No, *laugh* *laugh* - Chris, you can save him! -Turrb? - You're getting a genocide run going - Is there any point to any of this or what? -Is there anything I can do in here? -Yeah, you can be Apu. - Oh yeah, I remember this. You can't do anything though. - Hit space. - You hit "kill". - Noo Chris, Oh my God, - See? DD:-Why is child murder in this video game? It's fun. DD:Why is Apu's fingernails so disgusting looking? J:Oh it's to be supposed to be Doom right? - You got it. - "Apoom?" DD:It's very Clever. (Apu) Thank you come again just like the show C:How did you do that? What did you click? DD:I like when he murders the child and krusty comes in the 20th time to fucking die *Chris and Julian laughing* Let's go see the simpsons. okay. See this is where they live over here DD: in the haunted mansion There they are Chris: There's moe's, you wanna go Moe's? *Grumpy noise* J:There's Sappy and Pelma, C:-Tss, Sappy. Can you even go to Moe's? DD:Go to Moe's! C:I'm tryinuhh! This is a good game. I don't know why you're being such a... ...Eugh. DD:Click him *Barney Burps* DD:That's not even the right burp! C:You want to go to school? - DD:Go to Springfield elementary. C:I don't want to go to school Let's go in here DD:Miss Krabappel Remember that kid J:yeah There was also a black one. I guess he's gone. C:There's ralph Curly Ralph... J: *Chuckles*Curly Ralph C: Curly Girley, Artina Gray hair Dipshit DD:beady. C:Hehe I like this one DD:Click on her *Cat hiss* *Grunt* These are fun Who's this kid? What's he holdin' behind his back. DD: A burger, but miss Hoover's the funniest, click her again. C:She doesn't do anything DD:Hehe, I love that joke C:Where do you want to go? DD:You ever see the Legomaniac commercial with Zach the Legomaniac C:No and the upload of it at the end they say "This is Zach the Legomaniac" *X-Files theme plays* DD:He goes to-" And then it gets cut off. *Julian Laughs* DD:Then it says "A Puertorican Christmas, tonight at 12 DD:Is that Patty and Selma kicking a soccer ball? C:We're back at the parking lot. I'm lost DD:Chris... C:I fucking swear to god if you had to let me gone the way I wanted to go from the statue J:Oh my god look at the map C:No, it's the stonecutters *X-Files theme plays* DD:Go awa- *Laughing* DD:Homer's home for homer homes C&J:Hooomer J:Remember that's how Bart says it then it's this first word he goes "Hooomer" C:It's Hoooomer C:(As Bart)"What the fuck are you doing Father? He says "I love you Boie" - there they are DD: I can hear Marge C:(as Marge) Mmmh DD: That's what she did C: look it's the simpsons DD: Yay! C:That's not the simpson. DD:That's the imposter home. C:Let's go in Huh? J: It's Rod and Tod. DD: Do you know how to possess them? C:Yeah, DD:how do you do? *Rod and Tod singing* DD: Oh no they're posessed! C:(Singing along) Down in my heart β™ͺ *In Unison* Where? β™ͺ C: Down in my heart, where? β™ͺ *Julian & Dingdong chuckling and Chris screaming "where" +200db* C:And if the devil doesn't bite ya he can sit on a tack β™ͺ DD:Click it J:Wow, C:Buddha DD:Ha ha.. that is a joke they would do in the Simpsons C:Who did that? Whose idea was that? I was the biggest fan of the simpsons. DD:No, you weren't, I was. C:I was a bigger fan than you even DD:that's not true C:Yeah it is J:I wanted to meet Bart Simps C:My dad promised me he would DD: And your dad dressed up as him "Don't have a cow it's me Bart. Happy birthday special man." C: "Don't have a cowh C:Fook off." DD:He said "Bart do a skateboard trick." "No, that's okay. C:I slipped a disc, I can't." J: Chris, what if for your 15th birthday What if for your 15th birthday, Bart Simpson came into your room and he went, "Chris help. It's me your dad" *Chris laughs* C: "I've been turned into Bart Simpson DD:"again!" C:Would he be 3D Bart or 2D Bart? J: 3d Bart C: Okay, I'd be more inclined to believe it C: Let's go to the Dimpy J: It's the simp C:He's gonna mow the lawn there he is C: "D'oh, d'oh, d'oh Ohh".. you weren't there! "Flandeers!" C: Howdley Howdley Howdley Howdley Go awaaay J:Go see all the boxes of jeans in the wash. C: It's Bart, he's gonna answer. Oh... yep Push past her hehehe DD:Just push her over. C:What the fuck is this supposed to be? *X-files theme plays* C:WHOA he's huge! J: Look, he's a giant C:He's like 6 feet tall That's scary. I'll talk to homer *Homer making satisfied, wobbling noises in the massage chair DD: Don't talk to him... C:I don't wanna pleasure him no more This is funee. *Homer "d'oh" noise* C&J:Oke. C: Awww, it's nice. DD:Aww. C:(As Marge) Bart.. This is building up to a joke J: Is he gonna be in a casket in the last one? I don't get it.. C: She's finding him dead DD: Is he dead?? DD:What is this? J: This is getting increasingly morbid, what's happening DD: Why were there 20 pictures of Bart sleeping?? C:Every one of these is great. DD:Where's marge? There she is She was killing the baby C: (As Marge) "Get out. You weren't supposed to see." C: Funee *DD&J Laughing* DD:Why is she cooking everyone? C:No, she was trying to drown Maggie and cook the cat J: Cuck the cat C:Cuck the cat J:You can see ... I thought he said "Wubba lubba dub dub" *All 3 laughing* J:Go go back to the freezer so that you can see DW snowball C:We need to find the stonecutter ringuhh. DD:Look it up on your phone Julian look it up on your phone C:Julian DD: Torture homer J:Torture homeboy DD: Torture the homer! Homer (In a strangely melodius tone): "Maarge, my face hurts again." C: "Maarge, my son is killing me." DD: No, keep doing it C: Look what I found J:Wow C:Secret Stash *Gasp* DD:Miss Krabappel has it DD: Keep poking homer Homer and Chris: Maarge, my face hurts again β™ͺ C: It's a song, see? C: Doo doo doo doo doo β™ͺ J:Remember that one time marge cheated on her husband DD:by playing bowling She had sex with the bowling ball *Chris Laughing* (As Marge) "Mmh." "The pain" J: (Laughing) "The pain" C:What the fuck. J: Go in the bathroom C: I'm trying to figure this out - DD: Play Homer and Marge C:Look what Daddy found! I found his wallet DD: "Maarge my face hurts again" β™ͺ C: "Maarge my face hurts again" β™ͺ C: "Maarge my face hurts again" β™ͺ C (A key higher): "Maarge my face hurts again" β™ͺ C:What if that was a famous Opera? DD:You don't wanna look at that C: This is gonna be a famous opera someday C&J In Unison: "Maarge my face hurts again" β™ͺ C:Get out of here. Ya fuckin' loser DD:He was being funny. Why'd you do that?! J: He's following us! *Chris screams* DD: He aged rapidly C: Where is Patty and Selma? DD: Cow-uh-bunga dude. C:Did Michael Jackson really write that song? DD:What, "Cowabunga dude"? -C:"do the bart man" DD:Yeah. C:Oh. C:Was Michael Jackson really real? DD:No. C:Oke. DD: Let's go to the Springfield "Gorg" C:Let's go to the "gorg" DD: Bar don't jump the Gorg C:But Papa, I want to jump the gorg! DD: The gorg she call me C: Marge, can boi jumb the gorg? (as Marge)"Mmh, me also jump the gorg "Marge, if you jumb the gorg, I gannot save ur soul" C: Check his bottom drawer. *gasp* You did it! C&DD: Yay! C:You are a geniarse DD: and then you go to Stonecutter -C:Do it *Homer singing terribly "We do" in 500% reverb Church* "We dooo" β™ͺ *Chris laughing* "We dooo" β™ͺ "Who leaves Atlantis off the map?" β™ͺ -DD: This was the episode DD: It's just completely silent.. C:What do you think of the alien at the bottom doing nothing? *Homer still singing* *Tuberculosis coughing* C: This is awkward.. DD: Yeah. C: What are you gonna find in here? -DD:Wow C: This game is just one big treasure hunt huh? DD:"Cmmbuh" C: Cey...Ceymore Montey Burns *All 3 laughing* DD: Cey... *Julian laughing harder* DD: Ceymore is spelt with a C..... C: Yeah C: And that really is his name too. *600 decibel AOUW* *Dingdong and Chris laughing* *Todd and Rodd's voices, but they're shaky, like if you talked into a fan* Flanders: "The power of god compels..." C: What the fuck is going on? DD: I don't know C: Did this happen in the show? DD: Yeah all the time, remember? DD: Waiiit. - C: What? DD: Those aren't Milhouse's parents C: "Where's my son, Milhouse?" "He's over here" DD: "I'm his dad" C:Go to the gorg. -J:Oh it is. DD: This is the gorgey. -C: Welcome to the gorg C: He's gonna do it! *Obnoxious munching sounds* *Throaty blolol sounds* *Chris and Dingdong chuckling* C: "Bart jumps today". Click Bart He's gonna make it. J: I like that he's wearing the blue shirt *Bart screaming* *Blood splatter* C: Oke. No one cared. DD: Why didn't they just jump off the gorg? C:Why didn't they just fill it up with water? -DD:Or Cement J: *Chuckles* Water.. *Nail filing sounds* DD: Eugh. She has a claw J:All they had to do was spit in it. C:Go to the Krusty hallway C:Who's that fine piece of smoke? DD:He's still not moving J:He likes his Danish, remember? C:Oh wow she leaned DD: You can click her eyes *Squelching noises* C: I like that DD: Wow DD: Look there's Bart, Lisa -J: And Magus -DD: Another Lisa C: And *Magazine pages turning* DD:Oke, those are pretty funee DD: I prefer the photo here where she's a cyclops *Chris cough-laughs* C: (As Marge) "Mmh." J:Click Hanzi DD: He's gonna fall C: What's gonna happen to him? J: Really? Nothin? -C: That's purdy funee -DD: No wait.. J:He's gotta die C: Hehehe yeah. YEAH! J: "Down I go" *Chuckles* I like that Lisa face J: Click the ghostbusters -DD: Where? J: Right there. DD: This is "no smoke" C: Go to the Power Plant C: Oooo. DD: Sector 7 G, that's Homer! C: Go see Homer -DD: And that's the Doom font J: Let's go see Omar. C:(As Homer)"Maarge "I am Pixellated. What are you going to.." -J: (As Marge) "They're all pixellated, and square." C: We're in the Simpsons Virtual Springfield! C: Whoa. -DD: Wow C: What's that snake? DD: Remember? -C: No! DD: That's... Silly... *Julian Chuckling* Slambo.. C: Oo. *Beeping and humming noises* DD: Homer you're gonna die C:Homer's good dude. DD: Yeah Homer: "So thaaat's what that does." C: Hehe. HeheheyeyeyeyYE DD: Wow. C: Oh no. J: They died. -C: Are they dead now? J: Chris you just killed 2 men C: That was Dingdong *Polishing noises* C: Heheheh *Polishing noises* J: I wanna see his gay desktop Or his screensaver or whatever C: *Gasp* *Continuous gasping* *Tumbling sound effects* *Julian and Chris laughing* C: Did that happen in the show? J: I don't think so C:I liked that, that was good. Do it again *Simpson Music plays* C: Oh. *Theme is abruptly and unprofessionally interrupted* Homer: "You wanted to see me sir?" *Premature chuckling* *All 3 laughing, tumbling sound effects* -C: To that music... Smithers: "Why him dear lord." *Chris laughing* *Chris laughing* C: Whoa This is the most bizarre thing I've ever seen -J: He's all covered in blood -Burns: "Eeeexcellent work Smithers." "Wahey" C: "WahEYch" Homer: "Woohoo!" C:Ehehe. Homer fat -DD: Homer eat food C: MARARARGH Ahahahah Milhouse: "Hey, quit it." DD: "That was pretty fun." C: Mm. C: Get out. DD: Where's the arcade? C: Well fucking find it! C:(Meakly)*Eyeuh* DD: Moe Tavern... Noisey arcade! -C: Yay! DD: Here, you do C:(As Homer)Oke. All dese games are very fuuun. Ok here go. C: This looks fuckin impossible *Someone belches. Electronic beeping noises.* J: Win. -C:Okay. The fuck- DD: Oh mine's not working Or is it DD: I have no idea C: I can't tell if we're even playing DD: I think we're playing C: Hey, you're cheating! You're a cheater! You're a cheater!! You are -- HEY The fuck! DD: Oke C: When did I get any? And who are these Asian people in the back? J: I assume you can get up C: Eeeeeee DD: You would assume that but it's also Virtual Springfield so you probably can't. C: I don't know- -DD: They'd have to animate that C: Let's play the fox game J: Doogie houser the game C: Who are these miscreants? DD: Well one of them's hoverboy J: Yeah you're right he's hovering *"Wahey"* C: What's this shit? What's dis? What's dis? What's dis? DD: Go to the tree. C: We already went there, we've been everywhere, that's it DD: Go to the Springfield tree J: Yeah why don't they have the lemon tree? C: I feel like you guys missed shit here. J: There's gotta be stuff we haven't done yet *Tumbling sound effects, All 3 laughing* C:Fuck this game Smithers: "Oh, why-" *All 3 laughing* C:"Why-" DD: Well, that was it, it was Virtual Springfield, I'm okay with never playing that again. C: Let me see that J: It's the only way to do it *Chris playing the Simpsons theme terribly on an Otamatone* *Chuckles* DD: Chris... you gotta open the mouth. *Chris playing the Simpsons theme louder and even worse* *Ending theme ad music* *600db AAOUW*
Channel: OneyPlays
Views: 2,543,116
Rating: 4.9477782 out of 5
Keywords: Oneyplays, oney, letsplay, videogames, pcgames, the simpsons, the simpsons virtual springfield, virtual springfield, simpsons vr, the simpsons vr, oneyng simpsons, oneyng homer, simpsons vr springfield, the simpsons pc game, lets, play, walkthrough, simpsons, oneyplays simpsons, oney plays simpsons, dingdong and julian, dingdon, julian, oneyng, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2017
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