High Rollers: Aerois #72 | Astral Styx and Astral Stones

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welcome friends to another episode of high rollers in space the regular space it's the D&D game here on twitch.tv forward slash yogscast and twitch.tv forward slash high rollers D&D i am mark short Coombes as you all know and joining me my lovely friends beamed special friends we have Rhiannon Tom Katy and Kim joining us this week we've got quite a few things to rattle through before we get into the adventure and I do want to get into today's adventure it's gonna be a good one I hope so first things first let's see first things first a big thank you to our two sponsors this week two recurring sponsors two favorite friends that have been with us for so long the first is D&D Beyond and Nord VPN crisps drop takeaway hello everybody I'm keeping things nice and simple today ok it's fine a lot of time last week turn yourself into a dice so I'm just gonna get straight to the facts keep the things simple and effective so start with noir VPN I played GTA 5 online on stream last week and guess what happened on my personal IP address which killed my internet and stop me from streaming and they put a missile on my dick but that's a different thing altogether but basically through a game which I thought was relatively safe they found my IP and they flooded my Rooter with information until I couldn't go on the internet anymore so that's pretty dangerous and someone more malicious could take your IP and do even more malicious things with your home network so I didn't have my nor VPN turned on did I but we've got a deal for you to protect yourself so you don't they stay hide hid I made a terrible mistake you can get 70% off Nord VPN if you go to our wonderful website which is nor VPN comm slash HR D&D it looks a little something like this if you go to this specific website you get a month free thrown in as well so that is worried about being DDoS to the IP address of your personal home network is protected because it goes through their servers instead and also it gives you some extra benefits like accessing geo restricted content and if you know what that means that means some nice streaming different video libraries and stuff like that please check it out that would support us as well as yourself being protected that's an order VPN ding dong noir VPN thank you it's just it's such a slick professional and read a I'm just not used to it I I don't know what to do wait for it well it's an awesome feature that everyone was excited about and still is because it's getting updated all the time I feel like another major update go a little overshadowed by it which I feel deserves just as much attention and yeah this is another normal read too so earlier this May they did a monumental upgrade to the character service which means your character sheets character builder and things like that they rewritten a lot of the underlying code for character sheets making them snappier faster to load than before and just way more efficient optimized I've got some nerdy stats for you if you're interested in that sort of thing it takes to love the character sheet on average has gone down from almost six seconds to two and a half seconds and laughs and the response time is down from 150 milliseconds to 45 milliseconds which is much faster now my PC obviously is running this whole stream set up so let's see how quickly I can load Lucius on my horrific Lee over bottlenecks PC right now click and view okay one two three boom not bad considering my scenario saying you have warning CPU overload right now six people's see all five people connecting to my internet right now so that's not have a play also I've got beyond 20 which I think slows it down as well the like the third party injected yeah for role 20 but yeah please go check it out you'll notice that if you have been on in a while it might be way snappier more responsive than before D&D on comm thank you that's a big thing actually like dandy beyond when it first came out didn't have anywhere near the same level of like features and just functionality and content on it they've got a ton of stuff still for free due to Cove it you can still get okay very good trot you have to bring it out they've still got stuff like dragons of I spy peak which is all available for free if you want like a good free introductory adventure that's all available for free over on Dendy beyond good friends and just a big thank you to both them and Nord VPN they've been sponsoring high rollers for a really long time now and it's thanks to those guys that we get to do this awesome thing as a career so thank you guys thank you for sponsorship Kim you have something exciting to tell us I have something Nova is finally coming to Idol champions [Music] so we've already got quill a l'heure century now Nova is joining and Lucius will be later this year so yeah she's joining the week commencing first of June so we'll have an exact date soon but it's the week commencing first June and we're gonna be doing like lovely launch e stuff around that so I'll be doing a special stream on high rollers with other people and some rollers someone will be there and yeah I'll be doing an interview with the Idol champs traps and chop hisses yeah so keep an eye out on the week commencing first jinx Nova's gonna be up in your game and I yeah doing stuff really cool games free game free game also as always all the high-rollers characters if you have the high-rollers counters they work better together so adding more of them to your team lineup will improve them and then yeah hopefully we'll get Lucius and then maybe one day mark Coombs will get a character in a video game as well maybe we'll see a couple of very quick things KC do you want to quickly mention much we did it talk about it on stride but let's do a mention here now as well about like delivery times and Steve so if you have ordered any of our lovely new merch so the two limited edition t-shirt so you've got the Nova one the Rose one and we have got our new mugs if you've ordered anything recently due to the current situation shipping times have been a little bit longer unfortunately due to supply issues if you have sent an message to fresh merch please just bear with us they deal with all of their customer service in-house and per Dylan has been inundated with messages since lockdown went into effect and they're trying to get through them as quick as possible so please just bear with us we really appreciate all of your orders and we're trying to take care of you guys as best as we can within the parameters of what we can do in a worse thank you you will definitely get your stuff we will just try and let you know as soon as quit as soon as possible we'll try and respond to stuff as soon as we can and obviously its heavily depend on things like suppliers and delivery companies and stuff like that so but you will get it we will make sure you get it at some point so thank you for that and then two quick little things from me if you want to if you ever had any interest in playing the guardian race from a row Asst you can now grab that over on my patreon not the high rollers patreon like most of my homebrew design stuff goes on my patreon because then that gives me money and time to do stuff in there my spare time so you can check that out and that is a paid-for thing so if you are a $5 tier you can get access to the Guardian pdf there's a load of other High Roller stuff on there as well but also if you want to grab something for free because I enjoyed the season finale of Sheeran so much I went and made a of love paladin which is inspired by Shira and so it shows like Sailor Moon and a lot of other magical girl stuff and so you can go and grab that and that's free everybody can grab that I've had some friends help me balance it and give me some feedback and I think it's in a pretty good state so if you were interested in that you can go and grab that and then the last thing I mentioned briefly but also these just came out this isn't sponsored whiz kids just sent me one of these to check it out and give them my feedback this is a new set of dungeon tiles kind of like other products you might have seen there's a little video on my Twitter you can check it out and this whole set which is like a whole good dungeon set is like 99 bucks and it's probably the cheapest way of getting these kind of D&D tiles on your on your gaming table they've got a ton of accessories that have just come out it's all up for pre-order in the US and if you're in the UK or elsewhere in the worldwide and check with your local retailers and online retailers they should be getting this stuff as just in stock like you can just go to a shop and order it and buy it and as normal so go into that it's actually really good I wouldn't talk about product unless I actually thought it was good so just very cool yeah that's it not sponsored just very cool that was a lot of things which is why we are now going to go to the dun dun dun dun [Music] last time on eros our heroes have made an unexpected plane our visit to the world of Elysium an angelic planet that is now controlled by the valkyrion Empire they are in search of a way home to a rose while searching for allies they met with the wings of Ishtar a rebellious group of Celestials who sought to do what they can to fight back against Calais and find a solution to the threat of Adar their leader a solar cores Elian has offered his aid despite some of the parties suspicions and has proposed a plan to infiltrate one of callouses main warships and rescue their friend valor with preparations needed to initiate the dramatic rescue the party returned to the plane airport to meet with their captain they have hired to take them home captain Thalia and her astral ship the twin star longbow meet them and with a desperate escape pursued by valkyrion forces they managed to board and jet off into the great astral beyond and that is where we begin at today's session throughout the sleek deep red and crimson interior of the astral ship a faint but consistent hum of magical energy lingers on the very edge of your awareness the main lounge you find yourselves in is a comfortable space with a few long cushioned benches and chairs with soft white lighting a large white cat is curled up in one corner of the room atop a thick woven rug whilst the sound of two people arguing echoes from a sleek narrow cockpit that connects to this section and I have a cockpit view for you over on roll20 it's very basic but it gives you the rough layout of the of the ship there is a main lounge with ladders that go up into small kind of compartments there is a gangway that kind of leads off which has rooms sectioned to the side of it and then there is a sleek narrow cockpit as well it is not a huge ship it is well it is technically a huge ship in D&D size but it is not particularly spacious most of it appears to be the exterior of the astral you know ship itself it doesn't there's not a lot of living space is what I mean and yep you guys are all together Thalia and her navigator the IMP BIM seemed to be in the cockpit arguing about something you know that there is another crew member a girl with wings and like clawed talons and hands but she has not appeared and then big cat which is the large white cat that sits in the corner and the rest of you are well all of you are in the lounge together and that is where we pick up the day okay so we have two choices one to go across this route so the last the last thing that was these guys is weird yeah Nova's got it yeah the infinite stairway is one of the ways of traversing planes on space and then it was the Styx yes which is a kind of sub ply a sub a plane that rests between the sticks itself you don't know too much more about them but you could easily just go and ask a VR or BIM who can explain it yeah and I believe we had decided it off camera was you wanted to go with the sticks I believe yeah yeah correct is the things there I can't member the name of the things we could take something away from those whereas a star beam valkyrion ship they're gonna catch up to us right yeah they get away from them basically what you're talking about is it's like you can either take the heavily patrolled militarized freeway which is the staircase where you're gonna have checkpoints and you know Citadel's and you know defensive bases designed you know that is controlled by the Vulcan Empire and you might be able to outrun them might be able to avoid them the other option is the kind of illegal under way or the legal kind of side roads which is the stick but you're more at risk from things like pirates criminals and Raiders and yeah mind flayers okay where pirate you come across a thing right so yeah and I believe like you guys have settled on traveling via the sticks but you need to let file you know and there's might be other stuff you guys want to ask about there might be stuff that you want to do um you don't really know in terms of things like sleeping arrangements you you haven't had that discussion yet either so yeah it's also a chance to explore the ship little and get to know where you're going to be for the next few astral days Lucius is taking a back seat currently because he's fainted with the realize dawning realization that he's in a tiny hole with the vacuum of space just millimeters outside so he's sitting in this lounge yeah I still had between his legs just recovering breathing deep yeah okay alright so I Lucius sits there with his head between his legs taking some deep breaths panicking team team group group huddle group huddle team huddle team hello okay this is the best we're its face ah it's fine it's fine deep breaths deep breaths and before we decide what to do next and get ready to do all this like Tassadar stuff power wings which are resistant to um should we call home or your home my heart I don't know anymore is it my home I don't know um should we call Araya and maybe you know it's used ascending and be like hey uh a little bit off were all at the moment try not to get the ship impounded oh the ship is tonight an impounded right no we've I gave her actually I gave Rex money don't you how long have we been gone in comparison in sod base then I mean that's us Brian and anyway I'm sure a riah's well is smart enough that if we weren't gonna turn up she's just gonna you know she's not gonna let the ship get impounded it that's just didn't think of the ship being impounded so much has happened in such a short amount of time we put so much time and effort into that you had dreams about it quill so who is am just holding some rods and going through the valley storm since that all changed now it's still possible the only difference remember a century in the dream had the glowing orb that she has now that the future is still on track that future anyway thing going on lightning excellent exactly that's still gonna happen elf wow that fills me with that with hope that means we're all going to not die in the vacuum of space we're going to land somewhere and end up back on our ship yeah well better to die on a rose than not right technically we can die anywhere at any time so really it doesn't matter just you don't let your pick where we are is seven I mean yeah given how much all of you have already been through I think that you're all very painfully aware of the risks of sentry hey I think Harold stood at the blacksmith's I don't know if she's ready I don't know I hope they're okay I hope she's managed to get picked up right right it's smart okay if we were only been away for well a day if then they're probably still where we left them if we were away for longer I think she's smart enough to pick up Harold and then go looking for us I can send her a message but remember I only have 25 words I need to in 25 words explain that we have been jetted off to the other side of wherever's Ville and we are gonna be back but we're also in space remembering that at Araya and the rest of the Rose doesn't really know about the astral sea so I kind of have to explain the concept of the astral sea to her as well I mean honestly it's us I feel like whatever we say they'll be like yeah okay I'll be back she knows you like you worried they're going to us mice yeah they're used to us being an absolute mess and therefore I'll be fine but we don't need to go into the the like my new details of being in astral space we can just say yeah um shifted somewhere else trying to get back BRB you know you're in charge okay draft a message Tom I think it's time that quill developed a compression alphabet which is where you can fit more knowledge and more words in 25 words well that's the beauty of foreign language right is the Eriko current messages they can send things in like three squawks and that tells a novel to either rather chew out the rack okra yeah it's a shame I'll Ryan's not another Eric okra we need another Eric hooker on the ship like we need maybe a battleship Shirley so that if we get trapped in astral space we can tell them the entire story and everyone knows the full details in in Oran yeah let's focus on getting that let's focus there's a chance the message might not actually be received but I can keep casting I suppose yeah you can I believe is a five percent chance I mean I I could I could try with dream as well I mean it would I don't know if she'd be sleeping I don't know what on earth the time zones will be doing but so have the chance and then I need to show that I you know that dream wow this rod dream won't work because we're in the wrong well because because this has come up before that you've learned that star Bane has tech that allows him to do it across planes because normally you can't I'm saying with teleportation circles normally they don't work across planes but there is magitek that obviously allows the Empire to do so it's been a really long day so just ignore what just came out my face they're just yeah I just don't when you're wasting it when yeah you would know it could not work that small rest slot its you here kind of a kind of like now as this very large cat is looking at your conversation you know the best way you could read his face is annoyance it's kind of looking you annoyed and then it kind of puts its head back and tries to go back to sleep with us honestly I think I think they care it's quite cool I'm quite comforted by the giant cat I think yeah no fluffy but oh yeah I think I think there is a couple of more sort of like you can overhear like the kind of echoing sounds of arguments and then a small red skinned little tiny figure kind of wearing very thick bottle glasses comes walking down into the main lounge from the cockpit and he kind of adjusts his big glasses you can see he's got one hand is holding a crystal slate very similar to the one Nova has recently acquired and he is like well I we think that we've putting a basic navigation route to make house stop making our way to where I think your planet is the captain's got some things that she needs to discuss with you just to go over theirs I think she mentioned something about a final payment waiting on and also there's just a couple of things that you should just be aware of around the ship so maybe you go you should go and speak to her while I get things ready okay kind of glasses a clearance level of this ship where can we go we just stay in the lounge and just also kind of looked he looks very confused at you he's like it's not a big [ __ ] you can kind of go where you want just don't touch stuff unless you ask I guess okay I think it's just well if we had Outsiders on our ship we'd be wary that's it's just a being courteous is all well the fact is is that none of you really know how any of this stuff works and if she wanted to the captain could seal the cockpit and just vent you all into space so oh so she's not ready no worried I mean we've dealt with well she's dealt with I'm not a fighter by the way I'm like a scholar there's a reason that I'm here and not anywhere else and the the captain's dealt with people far worse than any of you before I think okay okay okay don't fin please don't vent are you talking to me about this I'm just I'm just a navigator any kind of begins making his way you can see that there's a a small child sized chair that is his and it's not like a high chair but it's like a little bit like it's like a small micro chair and he travels up into it gets his little sleigh out and he just starts looking at it's late and it's you can see it's covered in maps and little pieces of text and writing and he's just kind of like analyzing it he looks like a toddler with an iPad but yeah he's a tiny little devil baby shark okay I've got a message to send to Araya okay which has a 5/5 from anyone else failing so before Tom does that what you want just let Tom do that and then crack on let me do his thing all right so 5% chance how do I do that I guess a natural one and add a weight right no dear hundred and then if it's not to not to 580 goes through okay I send to her clear skies teleported by a Hadar whoops going to be a while to get back to you stay safe stay vigilant stay calm it's like you're trying to encourage yourself to stay calm while you send a message to her yeah a word so I say Karm again okay a few moments go by and a response comes okay you've not been gone very long but yes I will keep the ship safe place guys she knows the code I said not long hours no Danis you didn't say she just said you've not been gone long you can send another you can try another sending spell if you like maybe ask about Harold make sure they pick up could you pick up the toddler from daycare please thank you forgot to pick up Harold he's a football practice we've just gone to the pub jokes aside what are you guys doing I guess we're gonna the captain right yeah let's go speak to this there's no right it's you tell me what you wanted to know it was a right like everybody else right okay right okay yeah you can go and speak to the cockpit is a very slim narrow section of the ship there's seats there's about four seats two at the front and then there are two behind those but you can kind of crowd in century and Aylor are probably the ones who struggle the most because it is you know not particularly yeah two of you very large strong ladies fill the cockpit quite easily whereas everyone else is kind of slender and small enough that they can kind of squeeze squeeze in yeah you can see before like the the main controls of the ship is a mixture of different crystals and runes inscribed onto this kind of crimson red metal and there are two large crystal spheres built into a chair which Talia has one hand on and then with the other one she's kind of tapping and and kind of lighting up the different runes on this section of the the front panel a snake-like hair of her Medusa form kind of hisses softly not aggressive liebherr in a kind of you always get a sense that they were alerting her that somebody is is approaching or coming behind her and she kind of turns her head to look around ah yes you're all here excellent ah there's just a few things that we perhaps should go over I wasn't expecting all of you um you don't all have to be here if you don't wish you can just remain but if you wish yeah anyway very well is it good to tip the ship for Dan we're going to sink no no bless you bless you you little you little backwater backwater folks no it's it's not going to happen like that you can please stop panicking it's it's just upsetting it's it's throwing off my vibe I feel like I need to drink with you freaking out all the time no you're perfectly fine you're perfectly safe if you wish I've prepared two there are two crew quarters at the back of the ship near engineering there are two rooms prepared for you they have a bunk bed in each and then I've prepped a secondary cot you will obviously need to share I leave that decision up to all of you the mess is next next to your rooms you'll find ample amounts of dried foods and supplies I expect you to cook for yourselves neither myself or Bhim will be able to entertain you this is no this is isn't a passenger cruise you are you have booked passage I will deliver you but I expect you to help out around the ship where you can look after yourselves keep it clean and if anything does if we get into any trouble some situations I expect you to help if that's clear yes clear perfectly now in terms of what you can do the best things around the ship that you can assist with BIM is an excellent navigator but he's not very good at much else I generally try and keep the ship going by myself normally you might encounter Tyree she's little she doesn't do very well with people she's a little bit nervous around others but she's a good gunner so she'll normally take one of the turrets but there is one remaining if we get into an encounter it would be useful if one of you jumps in that there is also the engine room do any of you have any experience with magitek oh yes the Ganassi yes you look quite excited about it all I think I do yes if I don't I can right yes BIM BIM can show you the basics but I'm sure you'll get a I'm sure you'll wrap your head around it it's quite it's based on similar magitek properties that you may have encountered but yeah speak with BIM and then one of you perhaps could sit up front with me to assist as a co-pilot I I can run you through the basics of that if necessary well you should do that you can see everything everything okay I could do that yeah excellent it shouldn't be necessary unless we get into a problematic situation shall we call it but just so you are aware of your stations she valya looks at Century and Ayla and Lucius amongst the three of you yes like I mentioned there is one turret anybody fire it it doesn't require any particular skill you'll get the hang of it so I leave that to you and then the other two perhaps one of you can assist in engineering sometimes it requires a little bit of brawn and you can see her eyes flicker to Aylor and sentry to help with repairs but I leave this to your discretion what else what else you yes no oh okay okay no that's just I need some things that's how many dead okay do you have a saloon ring no no we didn't have salutes no what do you want one you're you are very strange no I don't want to salute why would we want a salute it's a waste of time record recognize superior officers and things you are the captain we don't we don't we don't have superior officers I'm the captain it's my ship all the rest of you do what you're told that's it okay I'll salute the storm-chaser salute to her oh don't give her a salute okay you are quite an eclectic bunch and you can see she reaches down that pulls out a flask takes that takes the limb good there is a bathroom it's next to my quarters don't go into my quarters uninvited I don't think I need to explain basic social manners to you or there's a cargo area which has got a bit more room if you want to stretch out or do some exercising I have some basic equipment in there for the fitness that's pretty much it don't touch things unless you know what they do otherwise just behave yourselves I suppose the last thing that we need to discuss is my payment my final payment which kind of leans back in a chair yes I mention this to your Ganassi friend Oh once I deliver you I expect I expect some form of payment once we arrive this could be the form of ideally some sort of powerful magical relic ideally something gray not something particularly common I don't really have much use for things like gold and jewels and things like that but magical relics are always useful they can always be sold there is another option I could use your assistance with something then if you assist me I would be willing to share the profits of that endeavor and also I would consider us equal for your passage on my ship what's the task well it is there's some elements of a personal nature to it but the the simple basics of it is there is a planet are called as a Glatt it is something of a hedonistic den of pleasures and debauchery and there is a place called the argent palace on it it is a mixture of a casino and pleasure house and there is there's a legend about it a legend that I know is true there is the owner of the argent Palace has a game a particular game a legendary game it's never the same so it's different for each Challenger but whoever wins it receives three wishes wishes that can change many many things that can do a lot I want one of those wishes if you assist me in acquiring these wishes I will give you the other two and consider our debt paid what do you know what the game is I won't know until I get I get there unfortunately I know that the the owner of the Argent Palace is a powerful demon lord therefore I expect the game to be rigged which is why I require assistance people that can help me avoid the the cheats or perhaps if necessary simply find out where the wishes are stored and in what form and steal them okay but you also have the option of I simply require a payment just before we arrive at your planet oh well I mean we do have some magical items and things but it would need to be something powerful so you can show it to me and I will give you my verdict but I figured that perhaps if you do not wish to part with something and you wish to gain two very powerful tools then perhaps the offer of the as a grant job is in your hands I do you like the sound of the job though trying to fight a rigged game against it do you know what happens if you lose there's all sorts of rumors about it generally there are wagers involved in all sorts of things such as souls and the like but it is also possible that well grass has also gratz has also wagered different things I think that I have enough contacts in the world that I could leverage them I think that I can it lead at least get an audience with grats and with grats but yes I don't know but it would be my life on the line not yours my soul not yours I simply need assistance okay okay if that's of course it might indeed happen I lose my soul you would not have a ship to take you back to your planet of course so it would be in your interests to keep me in the fine condition that you see me in and she kind of gestures down at her relaxed form and tight pants is very fine condition indeed and I'm assuming this this this side endeavor this won't take us too far off course to our you know intended well let me let me show you the map and she touches a few runes on her console and she brings up a map of the multiverse which I can show you on roll20 oh man okay hey you want to see this it will be on patreon as well yes it will go on the podcast so she gestures now this is a map that has been detailed by BIM my navigator using his knowledge what he has learned and also some guesswork on his behalf but we're quite confident in it there is not every location in the multiverse this is only really the places that BIM and I know places that we can assume based on legend and myth and that sort of thing you can see that we are here and it at Elysium and she taps the map and you see like a small pulse around it now this is three dimensional space but this is a rough approximation of how everything can be located as a grat is on the way as it happens to be so it should not become much of a diversion to head there if you wish to assist me I know that you had mentioned live Ganassi wanting to travel to gun ass it is possible you can see it here it borders the material core and the Inner Sphere is somewhat close to the shadow fell nebula which is not an area of astral space I have any particular keenness to visit and it is extremely close to Gideon Prime the heart of the valkyrion empire but it is it would be possible to divert there if you had a burning need to travel there of course so that would take us extra that would require extra supplies and some extra well payment in on my behalf to reach it and also if there is anywhere else you wish to go or if you have any other needs for things there is lots of adventure and interesting things that we can get up to in the universe and she kind of waggles her eyebrows at all of you I'm guessing on this map a robust is on there right like it's if you scroll down try if you scroll down that will doom out yeah it's then bottom left you can also zoom out and then you can see a little bit more of everything yeah you can see a legitimate place for it or you don't how would you say guess okay it's just there guess okay cool yeah like she said that it's it's you know this map has been put together even Bhim has said he thinks he knows where it is okay okay I'm just saying like the map doesn't just say yeah we're going the right way wonderful what okay how long if we were to go to as a grant and then a row is how long would the journey actually take as a grout won't take us off of that course we need to head in that direction anyway that I suspect based on bim's calculations it'll take us approximately 12 astral days to reach your world if we're using slipspace if we're using the sticks or the staircase which I believe that you would in for me you wish to travel via the sticks I think that that is a wise decision the sticks whilst rife with criminal scum like myself I would much rather deal with pirates and illicits than dealing with the Empire the Empire has far more firepower even if they don't suck out your brains and eat them oh okay and and brushing past that one this ship you said it could outrun elephants and pirates if we do get into a fight capable she makes it she makes a face when you say that the twin star is a fast ship it is a fast ship if we encounter Raiders and pirates we will likely need to defend ourselves that's why I have guns on the ship okay I'm just trying to showed you two guns on this ship is it is impressive you know is it good compared to they are there it's difficult to say my young friend you must understand that there are very many different astral ships out there I have outfitted the twin star as best as I can and they're good cannons I have a pair of arcane Lance's we call them they are potent they can be repelled by shields or at least some of their impact can be absorbed by shielding they they don't stand up too well against things which are resistant to magic but most ships don't have that sort of power the things like Raiders they'll come in smaller attack craft they're not very durable but they're quick and they have a strong cannon normally just the one which can weather us down if too many of them swarm us of course large ships such as a nautiloids well who knows what they can have I've heard all sorts of tales of living ships and spell jammers that can do strange things I'm afraid that I've yet to encounter one that I did not outrun the other difficulty is if once we are in slipspace it is difficult to escape once we are in slipspace we are there until we can reach a breach point so if we are if we are attacked whilst we are in the sticks we should definitely try and fight our way out of the situation okay okay the ship is capable that's that's that's of course of course I would not even I would not have higher I would not have allowed you to come aboard if this ship was not capable it is one of the finer astral ships that you can come across it has it has a name for a reason ships don't get names without good reasons out here and the twin star is a good ship she's been with me for a long time and you see she kind of runs her hands you know she's got this pale skin but you can see kind of like sections of it covered in scales and she runs like a hand down the console with a very loving understanding like you can see that this ship means a lot to her let's throw up somewhere else then not on the console yes vented I was I was giggling to myself because I realized that technically in my inventory I have the pylon pylon golem Gatling gun it was like let's just pull that to the outside but no I'd like to think that I'd actually left that on the storm chaser you do not have that this idea is like she's pulls this big gun out her [ __ ] is like you can't just stick stuff on the outside yeah so far you says well that's that's pretty much it for my briefing I suppose if there's anything else you have if you'd like to know anything more about at all see I can always let you know it'll take us about a day to reach a breech point for the sticks they don't tend to manifest too close to planets so we're basically on our on our astral engines until we can reach a breach point okay lots of different words being used it's settled in we tend to use my good man we tend to if you're in doubt put astral in front of it that's how most things seem to work okay I feel after a woozy a fitting explanation if you're going to be sick make sure you do it in the bathroom however there's a cleaning stone in there then for a shower and things like that or if you dish to wish to freshen up okay thank you here's a warning I don't knock I will just go in it when I wish it's my ship right there enough and then she looks like okay we're done you can all leave now why are you here um it's the big kept going to attack anyone no of course not not unless you try and harm me anyway big cats my protector my bodyguard Oh can you understand us yes yes it can he's quite intelligent he can't speak but he'll understand what you're saying right good to know he tends to be a little territorial so don't go in his corner I'm eating there's not much territory to avoid ah and don't try casting spells on him either I don't recommend it I wouldn't think of it people trying to cast on him before all sorts of things they've tried to hit him with lightning bolts they've tried to dominate his mind and turn him against me but the the species that he is magic he reflects it he can reflect most minor magics back at the person who cast upon him that's why I have him as my bodyguard and she kind of smiles and the snakes hiss okay I guess we'll discuss the a cigarette payment situation yes it back to you yes indeed and like I said if you have any questions about what the world's about astral space about the ship you may come and speak with me if you have anywhere else that you wish to go come and let me know I'm sure a lot of Nova you're more than welcome my dear and she kind of like leans over and Pat's the copilot seat and kind of looks at you from lidded eyes more than welcome but I understand you have some business to discuss we do we do okay we'll be back when we have an answer for you Thank You captain fire it's kind of she kind of like waves and then goes and just devotes her attention back to the vast empty astral space in front of her okay I'm gonna head into the living quarters actually I guess I'll head into the egg the sleeping area just see what that's like the Caribe that's all yeah let's go check out the so that's kind of listening in the lounge yeah yes yeah you got the impression less that he was trying to like listen in and be nosey and more that he was trying to sleep and you were all talking very loud and know if you head to the back of the ship Nova you can see that there is a kind of ramp that leads down where you can see the glow and hum of magitek and you can see bim's kind of shadow down down there which is the where the engines and like the systems and the magic is kind of keeping the ship running the corridor is split into two other sides there are two guest quarters each have they're not very big there's enough space for a couple of like footlocker's a bunk bed and one of them a temporary kind of fold-out bed has been set up and there is not much else that's pretty much all there are in the crew in their guest quarters in their crew quarters attached to these rooms is a small mess kind of like a kitchenette where there is like a little stove there's you know dried food storages various kind of containers that seem to have basics you know in them and then like a little table to eat at as well yeah these rooms are not big these are not like big tavern rooms or hotel rooms they're really just head Foot Locker like stools gray beds like Yale frame yeah the beds have like mattresses they have they're not straw mattresses that you might have seen back on a roast they're more like what the sky cities would have so they're kind of filled with you don't know what they're filled with actually like as you touch the mattresses they kind of a squishy they're very soft and squishy a little firm that's spring but they don't appear to be filled with no there's no spring there's no springs there's no feathers spongy it's just some sort of it's spongy astral sponge it's like a gel almost you kind of get like a jelly kind of feeling but it's firmer than that but there's pillows which are filled with feathers they just look like there's blankets yeah and then there's a fold-out bed well she's just put five beds she doesn't care who sleeps where so they don't wanna bet century there is a bed oh yeah I suppose I could give that a go yeah my chance for everything very true you do this fairly we could I don't know pull from a hand tool or something well we could all spin around with my clothes and whatever your point is there's the bed you get um well we can just take turns at using the smaller one or maybe I'll squish into the smaller one it's fine oh you you don't have to do that Nerva but thank you yes you will yes that'll be great perfect I'd recommend century bottom bunk you yesterday okay so I'm assuming you're gonna be with the classic quill Lucius in one room century Aylor in the other room with Nova on the in with them always in goals yeah yeah yeah classic with all this girl in century yeah oh that's true it's normally called century yeah okay so yeah oh yeah oh yeah sorry oh oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah so I mean the most magical item we have to spare is what the Trident but that's not really despair that was a gift we have any other magical items we can if I've got Godwin's hammer but I feel like that's not really what she's looking for I think she wants something on enough war yeah well if you wear a lot being we've been on Elysium with so much more impressive technology that was beyond any of us she's as interesting as things from a roast that she's probably never seen before that's why she wants something I don't really have I'm not giving up my hammer is not an option so we've got smaller singing like you say I don't think it's good enough for her I think the magical items I don't really want to part with a sequester scroll even though it'd be worth a lot of money but also wishes from this demons game I mean if he has rigged it in his favor what's stopping us from rigging it in ours there's no way he'd know about the I depending on what the game is in terms of reading things if it could be I feel like yes if it's a wish there's got to be a lot of difficulty in getting that that's quite a big prize surely that's gonna be quite a dangerous mission or whatever the game is it's gonna be quite dangerous but there's magic could you imagine if we infiltrated the Tassadar with two wishes that would give us a huge advantage I just see you guys not to exist oh well I want to address this because here he comes there is well it's more of that because you know we all know the rules of D&D and you know we know that wish is a spell and there are magic items that grant wishes and stuff like that you guys know in character anybody especially with any magic knowledge quill Nova Lucius century I think L is the only one who maybe wouldn't know this stuff off by hand but there are always stories about like wishes and and stuff like that they have you know these miraculous magical miracles that can happen um generally they can be very powerful you could you can do a lot with them you can't for example be like I wish Haddad didn't exist you can't do stuff like that with it it's not that level of power but you could be like I wish we were all back on eros I wish we had I wish I had pieces of tiangong I wish blah blah blah I wish my Hamel was an artifact I wish this person back to life you can bring somebody back to life even if they don't have a body I wish my family was back to life for lucious you know you could literally do stuff like that with it so it's tough though you can't you can't skill you can't be like every week alice is dead yes yeah you can't be like I wish cows was dead right you can't you know control you can't kill somebody you can't reverse time you can do stuff like that with it but you could do really powerful things like I want to summon these things to me I want to travel to this place I want to bring my family back I want to gain you know make myself stronger like you could increase your strength with it you could there's tons of stuff you can do with it but I just want to make sure you guys not no [ __ ] it's a hard coded rule you can oh is it really yeah okay can I wish for a magic item that grants wishes you could try what happens if you cast a wish that you can it can't fulfill do you use the wish you don't know but generally anything you ask for it will try and provide the best it can this means that doing things like I wish hadn't exists could end up with design [Laughter] well it's more like oh well I can't make her don not exist but I can summon him to you so you can kill him it could do stuff like that's the way I do yeah yeah and this is how you do it yeah it's monkey's paw in a sense generally if you're not asking for too much it won't [ __ ] you over if you're asking for something which is achievable by another spell if you're asking for something which doesn't have a selfish context to it or like isn't asking too much of the universe then you can probably achieve it and word exec Orton right much like again di it depends on what you're asking for it depends on why you're asking for wording yes would be important but you to like freak out and be like well we can't use it because it might [ __ ] us over just don't do anything like I wish that I didn't exist I wish the campaign okay don't [ __ ] you over like I guess if you if you wish that are never existed then it goes through a thing of like well if it are never existed then you would never exist and then I guess the universe would never be in May they could these are Bane would never do that again yeah maybe you don't know and then and then everything it just goes all the way back and then suddenly lightful campaign whoa wait that's the universe never existed I wish became aware that they are characters in a D&D show so could we just sort of lychee I literally know now you come okay okay good I just making sure like the parameters like I said all right if you don't break the campaign you're gonna be fine if you're gonna do something cool I will reward you all right okay all right so without bit more like the coin that me and Ayla had we'll have sorry more powerful but yes yeah all right okay how powerful is the coin though you don't know you've not used it I know but could be something that you could use if you do try this mission could definitely be something useful you are in the perfect place to kind of you know if this is where lady dusk willow is from she is somewhere out here in the astral sea you might even meet her yeah so what time it's port of NOLA it will give me some some confidence knowing what our plan is and what we're doing next the other one I don't want to railroad you guys too much but I'm going to just remind you that you also have the mission for DeLeon and the Tassadar and as part of that he gave you two sight like optional objectives that if you complete them will help you on the tassel are and that might be something you want to talk to Thalia are about and figure out as well oh yes yeah they wrote a gentle reminder we could wish for the schematics of the tacit ah something you could wish for yes absolutely waste I I wish that the Tassadar run out of power no because Tassadar would be on telephoto you've caught me you've caught me Kim but you got him okay but I like the sound of this thing I don't think we have the magical items to give up if we did gain two wishes that's usually powerful and she's only asking for one we're getting a better end of this deal it's just having to navigate a demons bargain that is the problem is the lure of knowing that a wish is available which worries me to have that is the dangling carrot on a stick suggests to me that getting it is near impossible imagine the tactical advantage we'd have just imagine and it's such a brief film Tang Gong I could reform Shen Gong and then we'd have a member of the triumvirate and then if we free Tassadar that would be two members of the three members and then we can have them as well powerful ally and Isabelle so I'm gonna head and need a lie-down if we could wish for door never existed we could all do we need to get home true it's on the way it's on the way I'm just thinking about what we need a payment regardless and I don't think we have a payment for her beyond going to this place this argent palace I've nothing I can give I need to pay her fine shall we do this outwitted Carrodus before kind of a little bit maybe well we we outwit Carrodus remember at the Kali's rest under the thing but I mean that was mainly valid just bouncing us away and bringing star Bane to the planet but um you know we are at I though we did absolutely nothing in that situation we got captured really hurt I don't sentry guide I love the optimist as well as as this conversation is going on you guys really you guys are in one of your quarters I'm assuming you guys are having this conversation like crammed into a small quarters somewhere you well you hear like the sound of what sounds like claws on the metal of the ship of the floor and just kind of glancing out the door you can see lurking in the lounge kind of peering around a corner in the direction of where the the crew quarters are you see she can't be sort of I older than sort of like 1819 but you can see like a humanoid face she's kind of got like these quite narrow thin eyes and she's kind of peering around and her hands are like these big claws and I kind of a feathered wing is kind of around her and she's nervously kind of just like looking in the direction of the crew's quarters she doesn't think you don't think that she's seen you or any others but she's this kind of looking in your direction her friend her friend saying that as a l'heure ok-hee luck would never say I think I like folia said that she was nervous all sort of like turn around but not really like you know go like oh hey but like just sort of turn around and look well if you turn around and look at you she goes bright red and then vanishes she just runs back into the lounge and away I'm just a psycho and you can hear like scraping talons on metal as she runs and like flapping of wings and things like that nice to meet you she probably goes she probably goes like I know it makes like a slight squawk sound as she runs it was nice to meet you anyway oh not you too big cat see we're really ingrain now it's like Milo's in the room we're stuck together for a long period of time was it 14 lights something so rather SAS rules time of Astral days a space dance true everything astral but it sounds like 14 of them is a lot of sleeps so maybe we should try try and be nice and friendly to the big cat then you could kill us at any moment yes finally yeah you just sleepy we haven't rested since heard are true we have Coutu with that yes we have we had we had a walk like a short rest but not like a proper proper thing sleep by virtue of that also since the the Abbey right yeah yeah well sure one of us and what we're doing and then we'll have a rest so that you can make we can also ask about we'll also ask about the Ishtar requirements as well co-pilot quilled you do it oh that yeah copilot I need to learn how to be a co-pilot too that's all over I think either of you two are more than capable yes yeah and someone else being in the engineer okay Novak engineers me I guess copilot who wants to be a gunner I'm not gonna like that sounds very fun okay hailer got a century I guess Co engineer Lucius morale officer you can do it and we won't get sucked out into space you can teach em century okay so Krueger is authority whatsoever one else doing just so that it's not just a one-man show I'm lying there someone else can come with me like okay I'm gonna go and find the gunner area and see if I can hi sure okay Nova time nerd out with BIM yeah who seemed like he was down in the engines she sent me the note takers not coming with us anything I can ready to go century is not bad at making notes even because you're not okay we'll go round two hailer notebook it's just doodle and occasionally the word [ __ ] I need one of those Lucius lies down and goes to sleep Ella there are two very clear access points like it there are two turrets let's call them north and south which one do you want to go into like which one do you try and check out first nor okay North you make your way north and it's it's you basically a short ladder leads up into a cylinder like tube and when you as you begin climbing up the stairs you hear like rustling of feathers and this can I help you oh hi sorry I'm not nice to meet you I I got told that you might need another gunner uh I was just wondering if you'd show me I could probably show myself but you know I don't want to break no no no you should you shouldn't do that the captain will get mad and you see she kind of has like wings folded her round herself like kind of hiding most of her body and her claws are kind of like tucked up under her chin but you see a harpy so feminine form but big feathered wings cause and then big talent feet like a birds but she's kind of wearing like rugged half like half length like shorts like long shorts I guess and she has a little tank top with a jacket with the back cut out for her wings the tank top is actually got shunts are like an image of the Atlantean singer on it and it's kind of like half faded and it's got like stains on it and stuff like that and when you kind of finish coming up the ladder you emerge into what can be best described as a nest you can see that there are clearly these big like crystal controls but every other inch of this like little domed turret is full of a mixture of things blankets clothes there are stuffed toys there are pictures that have been torn out of books that you can see like kind of picture books that have Knights that have princesses that have dragons there is a collection of weapons you can see some sort of like long tooth blade a flail there appears to be a pistol like a thunder stone pistol or an arcane pistol and it's all just piled up and shoved in a corner and it's a [ __ ] mess everywhere like everything's just kind of like spread out there's like little figurines and statuettes that have been stuck to the console of the gun of the turret itself and yes she's kind of sat kind of her legs brought up these huge claws wrapped around the base of the chair and she's kind of sat with like her knees under her chin in her arms and she's looking at you with these wide eyes and she's got like her hair's parted down into like little pigtails and she's just like hi Thanks I'm not a big one for conversation either so you know yeah I like what you've done with like just like she like covers her face when you say that like the realization that you can see all of her stuff and she just puts like these giant claws over her face it's embarrassing should we should we go to the other we should go to the other turret we could go the other turret I'll show you that and she's like look at you it does not look at you I like the weapons there they're nice again I mean I I don't actually have you should see my room it's kind of really really gross it's it's like it stinks it's it's worse so but coming when you kind of like oddly like why are you saying I'm I've never been on a ship or and I don't really understand any of this no I'm I'm just trying to make you feel better that I'm not in any way a threat you sorry oh it's not it's not that I don't I'm not worried about that it's more just get really embarrassed it's really embarrassing and then she kind of like awkwardly turns away and she's like okay so this one when you pull this one it makes it go this way and when you pull this one it makes it go this way and then there's these these little buttons on these and then they make the cannons fire and you can use and she basically starts explaining how the turret works in a really tough and awkward as hell manner where she won't look at you and if you get too close to her you see her like physically like that and like flinch and tense up but she explains how the turrets work she still hasn't said her name I'm Ella by the way nice to meet you Thanks thank you for lesson I look forward hopefully not having to kind of do want to shoot it's pretty fun hopefully we don't have to UM I sleep in here by the way so don't maybe don't come in here at night okay I won't come in here without permission okay yeah that sounds great yep okay I mean it okay by them and then you make your way down sure Nova you make your way down into the engineering and it's small it's not big it's not like on the storm-chaser where you have this large area where the etherium engines and all these pipes and stuff and magic cables this is quite condensed really there's it's a small chamber that has a series of these crystalline panels that you've seen in other ships and things like that before that seemed to give readouts on engine efficiency and Power Distribution there clearly is some sort of system where you can see power running through the different parts of the ship most of that is channeled into the cockpit and then the two turrets and then it goes back into three engines which take the the it which is what propels the ship itself you see BIM going over several of these readouts I like kind of getting these big glasses and he's kind of on his tiptoes actually no he can fly he's got little wings and he's flapping his little wings and he's reading out several of the the readouts and then he checks his little pad and it's like I'll good yes yes everything's everything's fine excellent Oh miss can I see just no problems pie-o-my my name is Nova Nova Vita hi pleasure to meet you been well I guess we kind of really met but it that family meet hi you're BIM I'm Nova and help you in engineering so hi I'm not much of an engineer I'll be honest Solly has taught me how to do the various readouts and things but Farley is the one who knows the ship inside and out but I can show you a few things if you're interested now do you understand how magic works the fish and he gestures generates magic that makes the ship fly do you understand that yes you did call yourself BIM a second ago yeah no no no I understand I understand I understand that that moon yeah that's fine oh good so these are crystals and he starts going through it going yeah I'll just be like I'll just feel like you know can I just like ask a quick I don't know what it would be like just ask a question I'm nowhere that's a really technical and technical question what is the manifold output of the crystalline density of this dude when it just like a really like yeah just asking that yeah you you ask him like that so a question and he just looks you in his eye I don't know wait you actually understand this stuff you do you do you know magic oh I thought you were an idiot I just thought that you come from a back or an idiot planet that didn't know anything no no that's very very very I mean I've always said that you know I've always wanted to travel on spaceships and you know get off the the planet of a rose I mean we have we have airships but none of them can break through the stratosphere and like yeah this is a mate this is a dream come true for me by the way ah right oh that makes sense yeah well I I guess the difference there is is you don't have the necessary power output on your planet generally well it's really there's only a few things that can really propel a ship like this a national ship out into the full astral sea first of all you need the the appropriate protections otherwise some ships do this through a magical field but the twin star is enclosed obviously but you need a certain amount of power output we have the twin style uses a dual infernal engine so it's two primordial effort infernals which are bound into magitek engines that then deliver the output very very powerful an ancient beings the first the first astral ships were built thousands of years ago long before even the valkyrion empire we think that they might have originally been from the schematics agenda something called a Genesis relic er a really powerful device of the very first beings that came through the Genesis well really mmm-hmm the red at the edge of himself on relics no build the first one if there was ever like a power outage or like one of the primordial just like gave out like do you think you could ever replace it temporarily with an elemental that you could summon yourself no they're not it's not the same thing an elemental that you can come to yourself say through magic they're lesser beings of the elemental planes elemental planets you can summon them but they're pretty simple right there kind of sentient but they're not they're not real living beings the infernal primordial czar ancient they're like an I don't know it'd be like the difference between you know how you could summon an elemental of air right you know magic enough that you can summon air elementals well I can do that this is more like this is more like the creatures bound into these engines it would be like the storm itself it's like binding the very essence of something these happen to be two essences of infernal planets effectively like the things that create Hellfire and brimstone the kind of things that the even that arch Devils and the demon Lords are kind of somewhat sworn to not necessarily obey but they draw their power from and the two from the Twin Star are from a long-dead world now but that's basically how it works oh yeah those kind of elementals aren't powerful enough but maybe if you found a really powerful magical being something old and made of magic itself that could power a ship hmm interesting how the rest of the engine works and then BIM goes on a is how the yeah and then can we just like nerd the [ __ ] out for like the next is the thing Nova this is probably the first time you have met somebody who is as fascinated about planes and technology and magitek as you are and it's weird because you know he's a little devil he's like a little devil but with these glasses and he shows no other traits of like other Devils you've seen he just loves learning about this stuff and he is fascinated by it and he probably asks you tons of stuff about aurorus as well like it's like a genuine little aah with science bros like yeah yeah I think we would talk like and just talk and talk and talk until until someone actually comes and gets us yeah I believe that we need to take a quick break and then when we come back we'll have quill and century chat to the captain yeah it had to be a co pleasure I guess I'm not gonna roleplay that I'm gonna give you some statistical information if anything happens but come back jump into the sticks cool you know the sticks cool all right you guys go grab a drinks take toilet break if you need one Tommy Boy do you want to read some donate or do you want to try sure how'd you wanna do a couple on York so I don't want to get better gonna do yeah you're doing when you get back okay cool all right go for it I'll do my ones hey Safiye 1519 thank you very much for donations high high rollers glad to be catching you're alive again I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe we just started a PPP campaign PPP play by post I think is the old-school term play by post so sometimes they people it's like if you play on discord or forums and stuff as well okay where the players don't know anything about their characters only I have their sheets until they learn their abilities that's okay really cool interesting I like that you stay safe thank you very much I love it yeah cuz I mean oh god just slowly unlocking your abilities or maybe even like doing stuff and then think and then the DM just says like oh wow if you do this you get +2 this oh cool I'll keep doing that then I just like the concept of it it's just cool yeah drunk rednecks 37 with a quarter hundo thank you very much howdy y'all Tom do you think it's about time for quilt are you sending to tell the crew of your airship y'all are fine way ahead of you buddy well yeah I was I was waiting for a moment when we weren't you know back-to-back combat magic back like meeting new friends we're a danger we have we're safe now ish seifish loeben of rocks Lee weather the quarter hundo as well thank you very much the only bad thing about being caught up with a rose is having to wait a whole week between episodes in the meantime I've been watching Strada the old light fall campaign and a bit of critical role in between definitely a forever fan of hi realists thank you very very much there's there's tons of amazing campaigns out there to check out as well killer mando 73 first time donating but I can't stick around because I'm still catching up however I'm so excited about Nova in Idol champions ah we are as well we are so happy that I can act as it in a game it's so cool and they work tricks together yeah download us try it out it's getting over it's very very cool frankly MPC episode prediction the sloths act in Spaceballs to Lucius believes in M an imp is a reincarnation of Daddy quill starts a love affair with a cat Nova takes a spacewalk that almost happened Ayla and century question life choices finally mark the shear the Shira end was a debt was damn amazing as she are ending they were amazing it was great and you know it's just it's really nice to see a show out there nailing some good representation for folks as well and that show incredibly gay and it's great yeah it's [ __ ] think it's good show it's fun cheesy bits from anxiety statement with a quarter hundo hey guys it was my 19th birthday yesterday well very happy birthday to you so I thought I'd share that day I thought I'd share a little bit to the people that have been making me smile for over a year now well thank you very much and happy birthday anxiety statement League crimson Reaper small token today thanks for all the happiness you guys give me my long sleeve and goodie maybe hoodie arrived and I love them all so mark how could I get you to play one of the minigames I've been making as part of my summer break from my games design degree I wish I would love to be able to do that I get a lot of people saying can I can you check out this thing I've made I just wish I did any free time I have I'm normally either doing my own writing home brewing stuff or taking a very well-deserved I just want to play a video game or do nothing for a moment I wish I could do more of that stuff loads of people ask me do I just don't at the time I'm so sorry but you know share of the community go on out discs on the high rollers discord share at their post on absolutely read it on Twitter host already well that we loads of people they'll be willing to try it out and give you feedback as well scrappy Coco 29 hey y'all y'all they didn't say y'all in the second one hey y'all you are all awesome thank you for giving us laughs and tears for the last few years well sorry about the tears I hope you all have a great session today and remain able to bring us this for several more years I hope to meet everyone someday and thank you in person well I love to meet you too and hopefully oh my god yeah I want to do this for the rest of my the rest of my life and then beyond I want to do this from beyond the grave is that possible weird but okay weird Fletcher Tommy weird yes and I will carry on at the end of the end sure that's good all right trotty it's a couple here well Olli Rehn Bay thank you very much for donating much appreciated and raging Rhino 101 oh one said spies so that's that yes thank you cool ya know spice here thank you for taking the time to donate on high rollers D&D it's clear that there is a bias there and you're excused forget you can shoot someone boat support everything but sub on both innate on boat both I'm thanks but so much IR t-shirt thank you check out our sponsors DND beyond G if you want to create some characters an or VPN if you don't get hacked by gta5 hackers get Dube lost speaking of watching content that is geo geo locked I know Rhiannon will be a fan of this one that I know on you on a only us streaming site they've just uploaded a ton of card captor Sakura or cardcaptors which I knew I knew read be with me on this I'm like Reese c'mon yes cod kappa sonic expected now expected now Clow cards be a good everyone else is just like whatever man that wasn't he it was a good theme right the dub was a bit gone by hell yeah the theme was see that thank you be coming in here with the hate right we don't need it I don't want it you don't get the anime anime we get it and we get it me and read with we represent where the weep where the weep ha of my role is I'm the mainstream guy that's per day you'll Cowboy Bebop you're like yeah I love Cowboy Bebop we're at a grata show I lost in the shell and Akira that it's a good thing like oh it's all very yeah it's a very good I like one punch tryna make that too much so mainstream II so mainstream don't carry coal not like old Markey Humes over here that's like in weird [ __ ] you you don't use amis back baby I do me I've been doing me for 34 years I have no intention on stopping of doing me yeah yeah hey what you guys tell mark your favorite cartoon on Netflix and you know the wall you're talking about dragon Prince [ __ ] off I love that show in this doing this song god it's so good though ain't no need to stop now avatar is on us Netflix if you haven't watched it yet do it oh that's a good one you Catholics put this on us Netflix now let's go right back in to it so we had the crew everyone's kind of doing their own little stuff but century and quill make their way back to the cockpit you see Thalia they're little snakes hiss once more she turns around she's like oh that's actually somewhat surprising I was expecting my little Ganassi friend to have been the first to come with me see me I'm not entirely a I'm not that your company is unwelcome I understand she's a I'm suddenly they're pressing my face against the cockpit like hilarity you've got your new imprint bernhard n' bernhard yeah learning yes she she seemed very excitable about certain things you can talk until you go purple yes I'd rather avoid that honestly ah so what can I do for the two of you I don't know if I fully learnt your names yet well I'm sentry or Sentinel century which to which our well century sounds much sweeter doesn't it and we'll go with that oh and I'm your prime is quite official I'm quill but if you need to know the full name then Kela cADCA law but quills good I don't need to know the full name quill so quill will suffice excellent well did you find your accommodations I know they are small but it's the best that the twins star can offer oh they were very nice thank you for the fifth bed as well yes as you need to certainly anyway so how can I help either of you you and I collect go over some of the basics of your role and but I'm assuming that you have a decision for me yes yes we think we would like to go to this argent palace to assist you in this demons bargain trial thing we are wary of the danger though yes I can't promise that it will not be dangerous obviously going up against I think I like grats is it's no small feat I will promise you that he has his minions and his cards but the argent palace is also home to many visitors from across the different realms grasped is if nothing he cares greatly for his reputation and his indulgence is something of a pleasure fiend shall we call him that is his is sin his sphere of influence so I think that it's workable with and if nothing else well if nothing else if we can find how he grants the swishes then we can steal it and make a very very quick getaway to your planet which is protected by plane our attack yes yes yes in the interest of transparency you should probably aware that I I have a power that should be useful in in this demons trial though I don't know how traceable it is I don't know if the demon will know if I'm using it but with my eye I can I can see well whatever I ask a question of so when we're there whatever the trial is if he rigs it then there's potential us to do the same pattern that is most exceptional and she kind of leans in jiff it's like one hand under a chin what a remarkable power yes that would be very very useful indeed and no doubt sensory you seem to be most a capable warrior as does your elf friend so having some folks of your skills will be appreciated yes this this seems like it would be a most fortuitous venture for both of us one wish for me the other two are yours to do with as you wish I only need the one okay and of course if we manage to gather up any other treasures along the way there's no harm in a little little bit of that either absolutely we're happy to you know give whatever you require as long as the journey is made well safely enough I will do everything I can yes of course I will do everything we can obviously things like attackers if we are just unlucky there's only so much I can do but yes you have my absolute I will do my best to look after you I trust that you will do the same for me how about that absolutely yes sounds a fair deal thank you thank you my dear that's very kind of you so with that in mind I will plot a course for as a grat to stop by hopefully we can accomplish what we need in a couple of astral days and then we can be on our way back to your home okay so anything else okay good so anything else you needed to know or anything you would like to know about anything the copilot role is that a to hand job or no no I think I can teach it despite your loss of appendage it shouldn't be too difficult it's it's mainly a support role and then activating certain systems upon the ship which are difficult for me to do whilst I am piloting it's quite simple in the sense and she just just come and she Pat's the little chair next to her come and sit next to me and I'll go over it with you perhaps it would be advisable for miss sentry to have a listen in and learn as well and she just gestures the main function of the copilot is that actors are guides to other stations upon the Twin Star you'd be able to you will be able to provide assistance to myself to the Gunners to the engineer providing depending on the situation being able to spot a danger would be able to assist me in piloting or perhaps the gun is to aim and the engineer if you have any knowledge of magic could be useful for giving guidance to the engineering team as well but there are two specific systems that you'll be in charge of as well mainly our shields our arcane shields you'll have the ability to activate and deactivate these from the station but just keep in mind that whilst our shields are active we are not able to boost the engines charge weapons or deploy any anti magic chaff so it's something of a double-edged sword it protects us but Sables other systems okay and then the last one is simply to deploy as I mentioned I have a I have a system built into my ship it was a custom-made one I have the ability to deploy micro fields of anti-magic now against these wouldn't be useful against anything other than magical ship attacks but it can be deployed to effectively negate a powerful attack against us but it does take time to recharge okay so would this be basically you shout at me and I activate it or is it something I would be only to me you will need to be actively making the decision to do my attention will be focused if we get into a space battle and into an astral battle I'm afraid that my attention will be focused on defensive flying maneuvering us into position avoiding laser blasts arcane blasts and my attention we focused it yo you will be responsible for these systems master quill but it is quite simple to activate and she'll basically in a montage she will show you the different systems how to read you know the outputs and things like that and it's quite simple like even with one hand you can read the arcane runes you know you are a wizard and the cleric of the Arcana domain like it is magic you can understand essentially maybe the runes don't mean a lot to you but you can copy you can see what quills doing and you think maybe I could copy this if I had to but yeah it's the ship systems make a lot of sense and for everybody there's gonna be like a cheat sheet on the actual actions themselves so don't worry too much about writing anything down alright at some point the most inopportune time messenger yeah and the voice had a muffle because my face would be half buried in a pillow so yes don't forget to tell her about side mission you know I'm perfectly fine with you making meta reminders of please ask this NPC about this thing we need to know about so to cut down on marks time I am perfectly fine with that yeah okay so yeah learned copilot thing agreed to the job okay yeah so there is one thing we require messenger ring back thanks Lucius sentry do you want to go over it like I can go over it um so we we mesosphere we've we require some a couple of items but to get them we need to look for I suppose star Bane ships is is there a way we can ah as a kind of like as like I guess like scavenging likes like space junk kind of stuff but is there is there a way we can look for baby old star vein ships out this well what are you looking for miss century because that does change things I should point out that the valkyrion empire whilst I have no love for it one cannot help but admire their tenacity and their organization skills things like their wrecks they don't tend to leave them for very long wrecks are there let's say pirates managed to take down a valkyrion warship well the Pirates will have merely ours perhaps before another warship is sent to rescue them or recover it so there doesn't tend to be a lot of salvage in that regard the Empire protects its technology very very carefully but that doesn't mean that there are not ways that such things can to be acquired what are you looking for okay so um we've got a couple of things one of them I think one of them was I think this there were six cygnets like badges somebody's badges they passed us together citizens cygnets yes I'm familiar with the term i-55 firm I've had my encounters with the valkyrion Empire before their technology sells quite profitably in the black-market their cygnets are special devices normally bracelets emblems badges rings that sort of thing they're coded to specific individuals and it allows them to access parts of the valkyrion Empire weapons ships and their war suits things like that without those cygnets that technology doesn't work for other people it's one of their security protocols then generally manufactured in their foundries valkyrion foundries there are some that they are they exist on certain planets in particular most of which are heavily controlled by the valkyrion Empire but there's a few that I can think of that could be potential I know that well I know that Gehenna and a Vernis both infernal planes they have foundries now the Devils that inhabit these places they work with the valkyrion Empire because of contracts and deals but they aren't exactly loyal to calais which means that sometimes smugglers can make their way inside to recover unbound weapons unused cygnets bands but the Devils themselves are dangerous to do business with as you will find out for our little endeavor with gratz so that can be dangerous their planets are very hostile generally other options are Curran has a foundry on it it's home to the the orcs of Archon very tough very warlike Honorable sorts but again there they are not they are members of the Empire and fiercely loyal to Calais but that doesn't mean that we cannot get access to their foundry this would likely be more difficult to enter through subterfuge but there may be ways around it there is also mechanis mechanis is currently home to the moderns and the primus that construct beings I suppose like yourself I imagine mechanis is a plant of law the Primus and the moderns are well you just can't simply they don't understand the concept of lying they don't understand the concept of everything is a bureaucracy if you do not have the correct forms nothing will happen if you do not present them with official oversights they will not give you what you provide but MA drones are not the cleverest creatures in the multiverse and things like that can be forged by the right people and then lastly which I think would be our best option for something like this is a place called brass City it is the planet is more of a gas giant more than anything but it has magical cities that float in it magic zones where people live it is home to the efreeti the fire genies they are incredible at creating magical relics and Scot scrolls potions artefacts technology they have a foundry there and they are not loyal to Calais they despise him they work with him because they must but they do not like serving another being that is not themselves so that could very much be an option [Music] interesting loads of options yes yes that is for the cygnets anyway did you mention that there was something else that you are looking for think though was quill do you know oh yes um we oh my god none of you know that we're looking for needs a detailed map of the Tassadar Tassadar houses warship well you certainly you certainly have ambitions don't you both ah acquiring the schematics of something like that places like valkyrion archives are they're so closely guarded I don't even know where to begin looking for a facility like that but I know somebody who could acquire these schematics they are a criminal a particularly dangerous and nefarious criminal that I have had dealings with in the past of course yes you the person that could the the person that could achieve this is a being known as Zach Zach Travis the dark sage he is an ultra LOF they are a type of fiend similar to devils and demons but different they are much more mercenary and out of for their own interests Zach's Travis runs one of the largest criminal organizations in the multiverse if anybody can get you these schematics it's it's then I worked with their past yes I will I'll need to put some I'll need to do some investigating through the system to find out where he currently is but I could find if I meet you you can see that she's like I don't want to but I could mm-hmm so it's either from the sounds of it via genies who are able to potentially create these cygnets well my imaginations yes well I imagine that with the Ifrit II you they would not necessarily be responsible for making the cygnets themselves but if you got one of the one of the noble genies one of the noble efreet of the city if you tell them that what you are doing is to countermand callus I imagine that they would be willing to perhaps open certain doors for you to steal some you would simply simply perhaps inferring what I would do how about that hmm okay what do you know if in obtaining the cygnets they would also bypass any countermeasures the ship may have I don't know the exact details when I've used cygnets before in the past generally they allow you to access doors they will allow you to pass through doors without having to pick the lock without having to disable a security system things like surveillance would still recognize you as not being a member of the crew purely on a visual basis so you would need some sort of spell to disguise yourself perhaps but they would allow you to access doors use any equipment that you find disable security systems if you can recover the correct codes that sort of thing they were allowed to interact with the ship as if you were a member of its crew okay and with this this this was it Zach Travis Zach's Raveis yes Zach's I call just call him sacks he doesn't like it but I don't really care okay would he be able to also procure maybe some valkyrion uniforms it's likely yes I imagine so yes you could probably do something like that yes okay messenger ring hey what else - options it's either this thing cygnets and the uniforms or the schematic wait yeah because the because it was the the wings of Ishtar said they would be able to do one of the two when they yes yes and it makes sense honestly it makes sense that they would go for the the genies on brass city because people who hate valkyrion literal resistance group they get along very well rather than random crew asking for cygnets meanwhile let's make it earlier she knows okay I know you don't want to this Zak's Zak's Ravis but it's less like you have an in yes I have please don't use the word in yes I have a connection to Zach's rats yes I can I will work with him have this may even this may even kill two birds with one stone there's some unfinished business I have with Zach's and if we can use him to he owes me is what I mean he owes me a few things and this may just deal with something that I've had on the back burner for a while okay as long as you are willing that is yes yes if you can never agree Tim you've agreed to help you I will you've agreed to help me with something very personal to me so yes I will okay not for your own you get your f---ing out of it but I'm glad well this seems very how businesslike how wonderful I'm glad that's that we have this partnership I know our product in press leaks our first impressions are normally quite haphazard and nervous and scared and terrified but first time in astral space where astral scared of astral everything right now so we'll go get some astral sleep and we'll astral see you in the astral tomorrow are they as far as an astral space you can think of it that way yes you know quite sweet yes go get some rest and yes astral space is a scary place you're wise to be cautious just don't let that caution make you hesitate hesitating hesitating out here will get you killed bird okay okay okay all right just say where astral weak and when we see if you can astral and steal anything you want from us as well [Laughter] kill us now oh boy yeah yeah I'll also I guess I'll you sending two wings of Ishtar come his name's early on yeah and let him know his end of the thing in 25 words I'll tell him yeah yeah you're basically gonna say we'll take care of this thing of the plans you take care of the cygnets we'll get the we'll get the schematics you get the cygnets sure and yeah he responds he responds in his deep bassy angelic voice well I am pleased I am pleased that you have found a solution we will do our best to root to acquire what is necessary I wish you the best of luck and until we meet again in a deep angelic awesome voice okay I rolled 87 on both of those endings cool all right well unless you guys want to check to each other which you can still do while you take a long rest how about that you guys can take a hike ever I was on 11 H perfect all sorts left you know you can get hate to be back with short rests or did you not have any hit dice left smacked up when we got chased on it was the battle oh that's true it's the only one that you could yeah well I love their intimate low end stuff like that that was weak nice good good play um well yeah you take a long rest it passes uneventful E anybody who kind of comes out the room like as because there's no way to track the time you notice that the other members of the crew seemed to have an awareness of roughly when they should be sleeping and at some point Thalia emerges from the cockpit and goes to her quarters and you see BIM make his way into the cockpit it seems that he you don't get the impression that BIM ever sleeps he doesn't seem to need to sleep or to eat he just kind of exists and just does whatever he wants to do whereas the rest of them yeah eat you probably have at some point valia Hasmik food with you all a very nervous Kyrie comes down grabs a bunch of food goes bright red when she sees all of you looking at her and then runs back up to her turret and doesn't speak to anybody big cat comes under the table and will eat anything that hits the floor anything that does not land on your plate big cat has and he normally like gets his big paws up and he's like looking at food on the table like [Laughter] are you kind of like throws some like space some astral stake onto the astral floor where the astral cat eats it yeah it's time passes until you know after some time Thalia calls you to the cockpit I believe that several of you made one want to see this out of your your curiosity caused you all to the cockpit and you can see she just just quill to sit in the copilot's seat Bhim is kind of like on his tiptoes in between the two of you and you can see he's got his little crystal pad up and he's looking up and he's like yes yes here just here Thalia I mean he taps this the kind of like a big kind of see-through screen and you see that in the astral in the kind of heat flowing purple gray misty hue of the astral see you can see almost like a thin crack with a slight amount of green energy coming out of it very hard to see until it's pointed out to you quill you probably notice it and thought it's just like ah yes excellent work BIM that's the breach point once we will travel through that and then we'll enter stick space [Music] I thought that you might want to see what that looks like energy but the heads and the controls well it's better that you get used to it now it's a little off-putting and she the ship kind of rolls although you don't feel it inside and it banks and then it lurches forward and as it touches this crack in the astral sea you feel the ship is kind of almost sucked in and you emerge into a corridor of a kind of a cylinder where the inside of it looks very much like the astral seeded this kind of like flowing purple gray mist the outside of the cylinder is like you're trapped inside a hollow cylinder which is a swirling vortex of green black and crimson woven together in strips of pulsating color that surges and flows like streams at first you don't notice them it just seems like this kind of swirling mass of color all around you but occasionally when you're looking into the green vortex around you you can see the shape of humanoid figures beast eale creatures or ominous shadows amid the vortex they look at you with these empty haunting eyes as their bodies stretch and elongate as they're pulled along the eddies and the currents of the vortex we call them astral souls nobody really knows what they are the energy of the Styx can it scrambles a creatures mind if and if you're exposed to it it warms them into fiendish creatures the legends say that they're the souls of creatures who die in the astral sea and can't find their way home and it's only because of them that the Styx space actually works and they're harmless but a little off-putting she kind of grins she looks around everyone like I'm showing you a spooky thing haha that's a dream this isn't real I don't like it oh no it's quite real you really must learn not to panic so much mr. elf it's very harmful for you I think it's on purpose doing what on purpose this and then she makes the ship rotate and roll and this time you do feel it like you're all kind of like brings it back into a steady kind of drift super high-pitched Yelp and then just - the crew cause your friend really should and what's Nova doing like looking like trying to like like on the back of the chairs like looking at of getting as close to the not the windowpane the the it's like it's cruel like I'm just getting as close to the screen as possible and just like whoa folio bobbya we'll put hand on your clothes on your scarf and like no don't get too close to that one if we have a break don't don't get too close to that just sit here and she kind of like oh she in fact she pulls you into her lap and she's like if you want to look at it you can look at it from here and then she's like and sits you on her lap and then she's kind of like leaning around you with the hands on the controls right powerful powerful is Nova saying that or isn't over quiet I think for once Nova has gone quiet because there's just so much running through her head right now she's just she's short-circuited and she you see failure looked back she looks at like sensory Quillin Ayla and just kind of winks and is like mouths like at least now she's quiet this exact posture don't you feel like a little snake kind of like tickling your neck cuz you're leaning so back into that the snake is like [Laughter] danger needle great I love it do you guys want to talk about anything else or to want to just jump ahead it in sometime something you need to discuss no think so I'm gonna try one big cat okay friend yeah big cat likes you like a hundred percent like big cat sees the big strong health and is just like yeah you're cool ah he's not like he won't let you pet him but he'll follow you around and like kind of just like you don't hear him purring but you hear these occasionally like chattery noises like that chatter noise that cats do like they like that kind of noise and he'll follow you around he'll like sniff at you and yeah he just kind of looks at you like if you like sit on the floor or like if you sit in the lounge big cat will come and sit by your feet and just kind of like sit there and clean himself while you're just like ii sat next to him yeah there's they get it's weird he takes to you almost too quickly and too well I there's there's a very unnatural kind of bonding that goes on it's a floor could yeah he is large he you could why he's medium but he's on a big side of medium so maybe right quit work on you letting letting me pet him yeah so you can start working on that yeah it's like you get like the point way like you can touch him and he doesn't growl that's like in the first couple of light hours and stuff like your light touch and he looks at you like and then you have to take your hand back his head down I asked last alia about a palador sure what do I am so it's a Lea when we do get to what is hopefully a rose it will most likely be protected by a ship yes the Sun the Sun ship we've heard the legends everyone has it rarest is something of them it's a bit of a myth really it's a bit of a legend the kind of place that smugglers and pirates always talk about the hidden planet that Calais doesn't want anyone to know about it does somewhat Ark the eyebrow if you understand my meaning and the sonship protects it yes well that's the thing me and well at least when we've seen him before he has shown a recognition for both me and Ayla I'm hoping that when we get there we will be able to communicate with him to at least well let him know that the twin star is not something to be you know do you have a way of communicating him here it is difficult to see into the into the cockpit I'm afraid that we can see out but it is difficult to see in so you will need some sort of way to perhaps communicate I guess I've seen him before right so I can sending him so I suppose I don't like my sending a Titan you can try I mean he exists right here's a thing so I guess I could try so like when I'm looking at the whining of it now and it says you may send the short message to a creature with which you are familiar so you can certainly try I have seen several lettuce on the planet bro and I do know him like I know of him [Music] so I could do ascending but then also in that it's like hey we're on a ship it's called the twin star it looks like this it's got red on the wings and it's got like a big cockpit in the middle yeah I'm not gonna say anything because this is this is up to you okay well Talia what I was mainly wondering is where I could potentially message him and give a poor warning that we're coming I was just wondering if you had any ideas with the ship itself how we could identify ourselves to another probably more primitive ship but ship nonetheless oh pretty primitive certainly not know the sonship absolutely not the the legends that they tell if the sonship this this it must be ancient it might it must be one of the legendary Genesis relics it must be the power of the ship the stories that we hear Calais doesn't speak of a rose his churches do not speak of it each speak they speak only of his conquests but of course people speak stories are passed down a soldier that served in callouses army back when he assaulted a Ruis perhaps changed his viewpoints tells his friends he writes it down that becomes a blacklisted item that the Empire tries to recover and a smuggler buys it or a pirate or a criminal it gets degraded over time but we managed to get fragments of it and then another story from another source comes about from my understanding the sonship was the only defense against all of callouses battleships and warships that he could manifest it rains such power upon his fleet that Calais could not bring it all to bear it was powerful enough to defend against even the Tassadar like legions oh this yes of course yes absolutely yes legions of course these are just stories these are the stories ghost stories that we tell amongst the crews but if if that ship turns its attention on us if it is as the stories say well I certainly hope that he does know it's you and to your friend otherwise this will be a well I suppose it will be quick yes I mean there must be some truth to it the ship is out there still if star vane was assaulting her OS as much as it what he was then the starship would be the first to go being outside the cradle but I mean that's another thing getting all the cradle like your world is a mystery to me I must acrylic I'm afraid you know more than I I can simply deliver you to the to the planet after that I'm afraid it is up to you and your friends okay well I appreciate the story I'll do what I can at least to make sure the ship doesn't tear us to pieces instantly good to know good to know okay okay yeah unless there's anything else we'll skip ahead some time probably about an astral day or so so if there's gonna think say now speak now or forever hold your peace yes I'm good the the journey so far goes without instant on the first day after you enter the Styx stuff does happen they failure calls out it's not an alarm that she calls out you know some of you are in the lounge some of you perhaps are resting in your own quarters Nova you might be up or quill might be up in the copilot seat but Thalia her voice is projected throughout the ship she's just like ah we do have the ride may get a little bumpy in a moment we're entering into a debris field in the sticks I'm going to have to switch to fully manual piloting here and I may need to turn off the gravity dampeners so be aware this may get a little bumpy okay my question is where is everybody on the ship why would you guys it's like you think something's about to happen so quill is in the copilot seat so you rush up the join failure in the cockpit use the help that's what yeah Ayla is in the gunner turret to the one that the Curie Kairi is not in Lucius crew quarters gripping the bed just like under the blankets like okay Nova um hanging out with them wherever Bhim will be for now he's probably up in the cockpit because there's four seats so he's probably sat up there he's probably kind of keeping an eye on the debris-filled with alia so you can be up there as well so the four so you quill and bin and then father in the cockpit sentry where's you at I think I'd be in the mess like tidying in the kitchen pottering around doing all that kind of stuff just like normal mums stuff like while the ship we're about to inherit the rebuild and since she's like oh I better make sure the plates are packed away like sent Sentinel Prime with a little penny on just like living away like I love it perfect so quill and Nova you guys are the main two that see this you see that up ahead and in the sticks there is a scattering of debris this is a very bad map I apologize my game it looks like a really old 2d sheet and you can see that the debris here it's not all it's not asteroids necessarily the debris here looks like huge chunks of a stone building the wreckage of a ship it looks like enormous fossilized frozen trees floating through space like it's this chaotic mix of loads of stuff but it's really dense and it's spread out throughout the entire central cylinder that you're currently flying through Dali is just like unfortunately sometimes the sticks overlaps into other worlds into debris fields asteroid fields that sort of thing or even sometimes planets or areas and it will copy some of the things it sees there it generates mess like this we should be fine as long as and then there is a loud trilling alarm that seems to spread out through the cockpit and bhim it's just like oh oh by the by the ninth by the balls valia we have company and he brings up a small little kind of like illusion projected from the console which shows that appearing through similar tears that you entered from our three ships in fact actually no let's roll a d6 before I do this I forgot my eyes so who wants to roll a d6 for me oh you want one of us yeah Anand does yeah yeah Rhiannon okay he's gonna roll spinning that's all right - okay it's not too bad is it yeah I just need the right layer that's so yes one chip hmm you see three ships emerge from similar tears these all appear to be when you look at them that they are a kind of graying yellow in color ization they look almost husk like or carapace like they are studded with strange spines and fins and they look like they don't hold more than maybe one or two occupants at a time they're much smaller than twin star but they appear out they seem to orientate themselves and then immediately gun towards the twin star BIM that calls out he's just like guess Yankee this Yankee failure their Raiders coming for us there's probably more of them somewhere up ahead and value is just like right all right everyone hold on this is going to get dicey Ayla I trust that you are up in one of the guns if not get into one now Kyrie you - ah she turns back Nova my dear I'm going to need you back in the engine and gets your large get your big friends century to help you as well yes ma'am make sure that sir just make sure that your other make sure that Lucius is not going to I don't know hurt himself and then she immediately kind of turns her attentions to the controls so everybody who has a station on the ship and those of you who don't have one so Lucius I would recommend you familiarize yourself with the gunner actions if you go to the newspaper tab the journal you should see handouts copilot actions engine actions and gunner actions as well as the stats okay or the twin star longbow should be able to see those these tell you how your station works so this will tell you what actions you can take on your turn these will tell you what damage the weapons do please tell you all sorts of things big cat is up in the cockpit as well here pop pads in and they'll tell you what you can do and other stuff when you guys did descent into a furnace this is very much based on the war machine yes so it's going to use similar stuff right but the first thing we need to do is roll some initiative is the first thing we're going to do is that for everybody yes everybody everybody that's like twin star or you know versus these things no so Valley is piloting it so I'll use failures initiative or the ship itself and then you guys will have your own turns to do your own actions yep D 20 plus Theresa Nova that yours is 11 yes yep ela total and then quill total 18 18th century 17 17 total Lucius 16 aim yeah century you are technically an in the engine station as well so familiarize yourselves with engine cool I'm these three ships waste no time they come screaming out of the breach point and they are basically going to accelerate to get into a position to shoot at you but they already are each square on the map represents 20 feet by the way okay I mean at this point imagined that you are all traveling at the same speed so they you can't really go forward unless failure takes the boost action which is the - action but these guys just come in and they come blasting arcane energy arcs out the front of these strange insects like ships and it attempts to blast the twin star I can somebody get the twin star stats up and remind me of its AC just cuz I've got to flip through a lot of tabs of other whites I can't see that yeah maybe I it's alright Ivan I haven't said it so you guys can see it then okay as well I've got it as 1l so the first laser blast is Thalia kind of swerves the ship and the blast just kind of goes wide as they take a shot of this thing the next one however the next one will glance against the hull and it deals you see here to d6 + 4 so it deals 8 points of damage to the hull of the of the thing which is not enough to go over the damage threshold so actually don't take any damage so the the impact kind of sends the ship shuddering you kind of feel like the blast hit the hull but Nova in the engine room and quill you can see that no damage has actually been detected to the ship itself and the blast wasn't strong enough to really give it enough bump to do that cool yeah and then the last the final ship will take one more shot but this one also Thalia manages to swerve and avoid as the blast smashes into a piece of debris near by after the enemy goes it is quill ik and cool ah ok so I will use the guide action which means I can help another station so what would that be because obviously with the gunner I imagine that's spotting ships waiting out yeah it's things like that and how is that what are the other stations I can help with so so near the helm which is engineering which is the guys you can do our karna checks to basically help them make engineering checks or you can do I guess it would also be perception for the pilot as well so forth alia if she has to make any piloting checks which to navigate through this debris field she's going to have to do okay I will use so when I met when I make it against a station does that mean both Gunners I'm assisting both of them or am i assisting that I want to choose one you choose one so you choose a per might imagine I know that Kyrie is a good shot already so what yeah I'll assist Ava just to make sure she does hit the hit just sure let me make an exception check line even DC 13 even need to wear so yeah you begin sending a l'heure like information like right there coming up on the left they're coming you know you kind of relay information to it to help her aim yeah Ella you have advantage during your attack robber century won't you is there anything you would like to do so is it possible to like a holding action in this so be like you know if you're damaged so can I do that that's kind of hold action saying if the ship takes damage then I will attempt to help no no charge the weapons and shields sure okay yeah so you're gonna hold your action to help Nova basically um you can also just help her now and then give her advantage on her check so you could just take the help action and give Nova help now which is yeah sure in the same station yeah all right yeah so you're gonna use your action and give an over advantage on her check okay yeah Lucius what is Lucius doing at this time I will attempt to help in some way so I'll get out of crew quarters and look around panicked and then go to one of the Gunners because I didn't have the tour though can I roll a d4 to see which gunner image one you go to sure we'll say events forum will say evens for a lozad x' for kairi's one okay so you go and you're like oh there's two and you begin it like climbing up the ladder that you can see that leads up and all you see is like a feathered wing you see like this young girl's face turn around she kind of goes bright red and she's just like well then this well we'll see make a you help action actually so you're just gonna train what point out like targets and help her it while she's looking at me if the ship comes into visible range I'll be like look probably should be up here and then she kind of turns our attention back to it but yeah you've given her the help action perfect right ah Nova is there anything you would like to do can I charge the weapons please so that is a Arcana check yeah yes yes so d c---ten and then also do I have advantage as well from the Sentra you do yes I mean you've already succeeded but sure see how much more I 6m I get it I got 25 and an 18 you did yeah it doesn't very quickly you send power to the weapons which gives them three shots before they need to be recharged so now you send the sufficient power to both weapons they can now fire three times before you need to recharge them that three two or is it three shots three shots three shots so for example a l'heure has extra attack which means she can shoot twice that's too sure I see Oh does that apply here okay yes yeah absolutely yeah yeah you can use extra attack yeah for sure it's your skill of being able to like find the targets and fire quickly and stuff another trigger fast enough Nova that she'll go Ayla you may take a shot okay so it's with advantage because quill has given you an A yes it's a good choking hell while my core unit to roll 28 Katie it's like twos and ones to natural twenties so yeah yeah these little ships dart around first ship dot suicide Thirteen's okay 13 verse 6 thank you 19 just manage this to catch one of these or actually does it I'm looking at the wrong ship stats that's your now that's the damage in this that's just like the auto - well you're gonna you're gonna roll the damage if it hits Kairi does the default damage sadly these Raiders are extremely agile and they zip out of the way if you want to do stuff like using spells like bless you can do stuff like that like you have ways of boosting your own skill checks my advantage go for both of her attacks it's just the first one no it did it was from both attacks yeah she rolled it with advantage right I think the second one you didn't roll an advantage on I mean no she did oh you did yeah sorry I didn't see your old a 3 2 3 and 13 [Laughter] absolutely nothing this turn okay volley amends is to keep exactly Solomons just to keep the ship from impacting into any of the debris but because you're basically going at the same speed as these Raiders she does not gain any advantage on them for now but she does manage to avoid smashing into anything the Raiders will first make a test to see if they can avoid being smashed yes they just do yeah all three of them do and then they are gonna shoot at you some more as they do so miss hit and a miss so again three volleys come in but only one of them really connects bloody hell rolling not great damage lardy hell this one a girl 20 hate it does the the damage just glances across the hull and yeah just nothing nothing significant mate happens as the the ship takes on the blast oh I forgot about curries attack actually she will take a shot at one of them she also misses she's too panicked by lucious being there whereas like lucious is like oh oh she had advantage actually so lucious you point out like there's one there and she kind of throws the controls and fires and the blast comes flying out and smashes into one of these smaller ships but do a little oh she does the default damage so one of them takes 18 points of damage so you can see the blast hits into the carapace of this ship it nearly knocks it off pace it does cause a mishap so do you want to roll lucious you roll for me a d20 okay so it went past the threshold in 16 okay I went past its threshold so you can see that the armor on the outside of this carapace of this little fighter a huge chunk of it has been blown off and you can now see like internal structures and workings its damage threshold is reduced until that is repaired which the haysoms converted to that ship that's really far in the lucious you are now looking into that green swirling vortex of these horrid souls flying around and it's terrifying and something so quick I am going to do again use the the help action on a low and and sort of point at the same one and say okay now I'm a little bit further ahead now you know how slow the bullets travel a little further edge try again oh my god i'm falco yeah he's so happy but in space so happy Oh mr. mr. big-boy perception you are trying to cool out but that shit's come streaming past it's hard to get like a bead on them you're trying to call out to Eila but there's just too much going on that you you unfortunately do not guide her this turn sentry I think I'll use the help action again on over and give her advantage give her advantage okay I just say oh you know you know this better than I do if there's anything I can do to help let me know you know that if certain systems get damaged centuries gonna have to fix them because they normally require brute strength Lucius I'm gonna ask the bird lady do you do what what sort of energy does this thing fire I don't know this shoots light or something because of the fight she's freaking out because you're here she's just like yeah why you should know and she's like looking around but like the fight doesn't bother her when she's like focusing she's just like but your presence is freaking her out really bad is that you just ask a question I'm gonna cram into the gunner seat with her because I feel like I'm hard dude now when you're like trying to like get into the seat where she said what are you doing and she's gonna I'm stepping on it's like yeah make a um make an acrobatics check or an athletics check for me okay I better not break her little figures she got 15 11 no she shoves you and you fall down the ladder like she said she panics like shoves you and then you're like down below I'm sorry and then she calls out as she does so but yeah like getting in her personal space freaks her out and she just was like Nova this is the only person who could die inside a ship that has taken no damage Nova I can't decide weapons will engine the weapons you don't need to dwell you could charge a 'las weapon the weapon is wait is it three each or is it three altogether because three shots a boat sure you've got extra tech yeah we'll do we'll do it with extra attack so it's like using extra attack is one shot but even though you get to fire twice so three turns effectively yeah okay in which case I will do a boost II check okay check yes oh yeah 28 so you watch as yeah you call out you kind of yeah you say anything to failure or you just like engage she's got yeah and you hear her just like excellent work sweetheart and then she rams forward on the controls and you feel the ship lurched as you can only do that boost action by the way Kim I didn't put this in the notes only three times can you do a boost and then it needs an extended rest it needs like a time for the show regain its energy any tree nitrous needs to refill yeah you don't get even get Vin Diesel's nitro hailer they're out of range so I can't shoot them so I'll take action or you could do it yeah you came yeah take the aim action for the next turn okay perfect yes yeah will fire however unfortunate on this turn actually no 15 yeah she still gets enough she managed to avoid any more of the debris as the ship kind of like fires in and out in between this these large chunks of det rias of various forms a huge stone column comes spinning through but she manages to avoid it at the top of the round oh and then Kyrie is the last one to go she's a train she will take the aim action as well the enemy will try and surge forward they can take the boost action once which they will do now they will go and then they will make checks to see if they can successfully pilot one guy goes smashing into something the other two are fine but one guy takes and I say this is the one that was damaged by kairi's blast earlier one guy takes West D tens you watch as one ship gets too close to a huge fossilized tree and he just doesn't get managed together way as this huge trunk come slamming down on the front of the ship where the armor had already been ripped off it just explodes into like light and you just watch as the tiny little ship just pops apart basically as it does say oh my god but then they're gonna take a couple of shots in the ship's direction however I am rolling as bad as Katie so only one of them were hit and this one this one does 11 points which is over the threshold so the ship takes 11 points of damage and total whole not mishap damage gnome attack damage which is good that's what's the main thing you want to avoid and yeah after those guys go it's another round so quill your turn okay knowing that I guess we're communicating and like Katie's using aim yeah yeah you can just I will shout and stuff each other I will then communicate with Kyrie for the first time and say and it means this way I guess I've got like a compass on me and like a radius Christmas card guys the actual bad guys you pushed him so sure perception 27 Wow passage hey cool century um I'll do the help again somebody else if you want to go and like help somebody else you can do you don't have to stay in that position but yeah you can help Nova I mean it does help okay yeah so yeah you're just assisting Nova in the engine room Lucius you aren't currently prone at the bottom of some stairs I'm gonna get up and there I'm sorry I just dart my eyes to all the different exits from this central area it's like I go to the cockpit and help there you go to the other gunner and he'll there go the engine and I'll just messenger ring does anyone need help or something I don't know what to do alright Nova they're all still charged aren't they for weapons weapons are still juicy what's two more two more two more turns of shooting okay I'm just you can just basically be like yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna hold my action I'm not gonna do anything this turn I'm just thinking to do another boost II I'm just thinking of trying to get us like ahead like I guess I'll shouts up and be like Oh what do you want first shield or engines no guns um and then can I hold my action until Captain or Captain Talia tells me what to do sure alright sounds good Ella uh I will shoot I guess Vantage yep Hey see you have advantage good job I still get a 1806 2024 and the second one 14 plus 6 2000 hit so resolve the damage doubly so it's 3d powers to a lot of damage yeah 18 19 and yes thank you for 15 then so the second small Rader I'm not even a role Miss happy because these two shots from Ella and you feel the whole kind of little turret that you're in kind of rocks and shudders as you fire the too late the two blasts of light smash into the insect carapace and it just crumbles into nothing into space dust into astral dust as the two blasts hit Thalia calls out great shot kid but don't get cocky today she will call back she deftly avoids another large piece of dev debris and then calls back and it's like Nova as soon as Kylee finishes shooting hit that boost affirmative captain Kyrie takes a shot but it's too busy looking over the railing to make sure that lucious is thank you yeah remembered which is a hit so thanks to quills guidance she takes a shot she just does 18 I gotta remember this one out she shoots perfect so yeah the blast hits and you can see the other you can see the other Raider is now kind of skimming and stuttering and kind of falling all over the place it does suffer a mishap as well ups and you see that it's its main cannon explodes and then the radar just sort of peels away and gives up because it no longer and that is where we're going to finish today's episode as the well the engine boost so we'll make it just to see because Nova can [ __ ] up the boost so Nova yeah hit the boost I accidentally rolled the completely the wrong stream just ignore that and make another roll just do another 20 on one and well what are you gonna take from the first one like nineteen plus eight I guess no yeah yeah yeah yeah the nineteen without any issues the ship flies forward and you seem to have escaped your pursuers however those I think for quill and lucious who are the closest to the cockpit you do hear Bhim sort of like this is three Raiders isn't very many I don't know something's not quite right here and she's kind of looking things over and you begin now feel kind of warping in space as a much larger vessel appears I think I think I think they were running from something as another ship appears a giant mollusk a giant mollusk like oh no we're gonna win today's episode as the nautiloids my reaches through into stick space that was the warm-up that was the tutorial guys that was the line we took no you did take the Einstein I'm on your side gee I've been saved by Fox house well just need to get we need to get a sentient frog and a sentient rabbit and a sentient Fox and then then you've got it complete on the only old slippy slippy in it we've got big cat already that's true that'd be Star Wolf we don't align with Star Wolf God nobody cares about your lylat wars fantasy all right my enemy I'm trying to like crap the stream up so you can read donations please Oh clanks everyone Oh watching I hope you enjoyed the episode it's been a lot of fun Tom trots just like cut to use thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed it we will be back on Thursday for curse of straat so come and join us on the high rollers twitch channel for that I don't get to check out sponsors D&D Beyond and Nord VPN as well check out Nova who's coming up in Idol champions and grab some merch off of our merch store as well how about that Bam Bam Bam yeah we're gonna read some dough nose take away Tommy yes indeed I am trust my instincts that's another one zeki 640 first time watching live I started watching because I love century Ayla and quill in idle chat I'm super excited for Nova and Lee I caught up in two months and now I'm up to Episode malian of light fall - thanks for all the entertainment well thank you very much and thank you for playing idol champions as well and getting the characters rush Draco with a quarter hand oh I love you guy been watching since episode 80 of light fall figured I'd donate something of what I can for the years of entertainment keep it up love you thank you very much Ghost of sprinkles need to be a part of odd squad today hope y'all have fun today stay safe stay sane and wash your damn hands your nasties gold rose blue with a quarter hundo high high rollers first time catching you guys live but I just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work you put into this hope you're all staying safe healthy and happy thank you very much night jar with just a lesson 3 heart thank you very much you too Kadri an orc Adrian with a hundo AK gonna be a part of the vaad squad today I didn't even notice my alarms here in the West US but I decided to give you guys some pocket change pocket change to show our appreciation for these uncertain times well thank you very much donation big big pockets thank you very much varus was donation and their message thank you very much dark day 41 man these weeks just seem to be flying by with all of the high-rollers content you're giving us these days there's there's a lot is there's a lot curse trot high rollers arroz high rollers I don't know why rollers it's high rollers chaos twin yeah we're playing we're playing Dark Souls on Tuesday the name like God not quite you live for a little while but here at last and then this mo how do you how do the new fresh merch teas measure up against the old ones before the change same sizes I need me some much Katie the sizes of the ones in this collection are the same as the prime collection they're the same base products in terms of old yogscast ones they are different products to those they are higher quality than the ones that we use so just I would check the measurements if those are the ones you're referring to but if you are our old collections then the same yes Mudkip Oh mudkips again Tom Tom Tom I feel like we got off on a bad foot I know it was your fault but I'll be a bigger man slash Pokemon with all your vices in killing harmless mudkips like myself and my family I don't even remember killing a Mudkip that's the worst part who you are yeah you're Tom Tom Tom we'll get through life together love faithful Mudkip well thanks miss you buddy Cancun oysters with just over a quarter hundo I wish for more noises maybe maybe there weren't enough sound effects this time around for Cancun noises I'll get on that I'll work on that for next time criminal sapling terminal sapling hi quick update last month's I told you that thanks to my new job in Corona I haven't been able to see my wife for a while I do remember that one this weekend my wife was able to come visit me which makes it the first time first time I've seen her in four months thank you for getting me through it well congratulations on the reunion that's amazing Frank the NPC frankly embassy yes mark the representation in Shiro was great despite the cheesiness I love how they were just there without being given special notice as though they were being shown off the main story between a fedora and contra was just a great romance story Peter perfect boiler it's just like okay thanks Oh should I know said the bit where she trod dies Conan the Barbarian 22 keep up the great work during these hard times been watching since delightful and you guys always cheer me up when I'm down thank you very much new Alex good stuff again you need to get the tacit all plans tacit our plans probably a suicide mission many adventurers died trying to retrieve them I was trying to think of a terrible dad joke that mentions a level one rogue but you got lucky this time I'm sure he did yeah Ravager for hope you're all having a great day high rollers I'll be catching up on the vaad squad later can't wait to see what high jinks a gang get into this time I'm predicting a high octane space battle you got it sure hope no one gets jettisoned out into the void Simba tiefling yeah just caught up after nearly two years of study glad to be back wonderful welcome back Cindy fling and a quick refresh that is all we're all caught up BAM drop any on yo goes yes hey thorns donated the Kessel run continues hugs thank you notice yeah I'll get my castle run in there don't worry oh yeah I'm waiting for it yeah that's it that's it all right perfect well thank you much everybody thank you for all your support on any platform we appreciate it go and check stuff out we will see you next week have a lovely have a lovely Sunday we love you we miss you we'll see you soon bye-bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: High Rollers DnD
Views: 91,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: high rollers, high roller dnd, dnd, dungeons and dragons, critical role, 5e, wizards, wizards of the coast, mark hulmes, yogscast kim, yogscast, trott, hat films, chris trott, tom hazell, katie morrison, trailer, channel, youtube, twitch, stream, aerois, lightfall, campaign, rhi, rhi gower, rhiannon gower, kim richards
Id: A0O-wucCNJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 37sec (10477 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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