Oney Plays Deadly Premonition (Complete Series)

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play with friends spirit research what are we doing normal I say normal I'm saying normals for the normal experience selective in kotee for player who enjoy combat very good we ready for fun ready for fun in the Sun notice you're about to have fun please notice I have been awakened in this fantasy world that's probably the face I would make - yeah what do I do - I run yeah run away it's like a dream I try to run and you can't do it it was all a dream when a B is select its pledge stayed ok what do I do do I pick up the card yeah pick up the scar there you are it's me card for me turn on the TV ok one serve a white screen a white man on a white screen bomb scare in a Red Room it's now round it's room a doll shaped like a fast man was the Red Room it would be the real things right sorry the red plane can I leave it's locked welcome to EE krembo criminals we already started should I talk to these little man brush your teeth it's wrong with his neck there's a lot of saxophones though red leaves fluttering in the air a chandelier hanging from a booth hanging it from there can this riddle be solved sack a strange clock is taken away cool start now is that the kid farting yeah okay that's why their legs are bouncing around it's about the kid started let's get it started in here not the other thing [Music] forded it's not gonna get picked up if it doesn't please amplify did you ever learn how to hold the phone with your shoulder yeah I never learned how to do know I'm talking about like big ol old rotary phones I could never do it with this is a different time we don't have smartphones ah [ __ ] take that pen out of your mouth you're gonna hurt yourself it's a cigarette I forgot it's the highlight of the game oh why did they who'd like thanks for watching we could throw up I ran the monkey squirrel for us oh what a klutz what is this an eel brain movie what if the whole game revolved around squirrel monkeys did because squirrel monkey is a sequel to skull monkeys squirrel monkeys but that away my car exploded be happy he looks like he looks at it like an O like an old lover Julian he might be the most charming video game character here might be he might be he's really charming it's because it's because Agent Dale Cooper was already very charming so anybody based off of him would naturally follow suit this guy's crazy there's more charming don't turn it off don't okay okay you could do that I can't see shifts from the flashlight on okay um go pick up that glow I fund the steel pipe okay now burn yourself to death Chris what's in there what if we take an item a tumbler Oh who's smashing pianos at the harpsichord no what's is it it might be actually change weapon your weapon give me that pie baby smack it up baby the cross of Christ is staying up okay bounces away Chris what would you do if you saw wouldn't cross bouncing around like it was Stan it was standing straight up but it was jumping around I would assume a miracle has happened I'd clobber it down with a big rock and stick it back in the ground star profile you handled these the expressions are good sometimes it's better than Andromeda you see listen I I like the same I like is it has as like the tone of a Dreamcast game but it came out with 360 yeah you know the more you show me Dreamcast games the more I'm like these all feel and sound and look the same in a really good way they're all real blocky and like awkward but I like it where's the earthing coming from Oh Bow Wow okay I guess he stabbed himself hey why is it Oh looks like a muppet yeah he's Abed the birdies poopy this is how he does it slowly he's drilling a hole into the ground do you think he likes peppermint patties like the peppermint patty with Mars I like York Peppermint Patties right choice plumber it's no wonder it went over your head she okay she all right losing peppermint pattie ever ate peppermint pattie the [ __ ] are you guys talking about I don't get the joke tell me because there's a there's a company that makes don't know what a peppermint patty is I don't need it it's like coconut I assume it's coconut and like peppermint flavor and it's all wrapped in chocolate that's it's a candy oh okay do it tastes good uh yeah I like him it's one of those candies where I can only like one okay you really sold me on it you got those cuttlefish chips in you have him yeah I didn't like them very much they weren't bad or anything I was just like this is not what I was it's not a flavor I just got it because it would taste good I wanted to try a new thing that's what I get for it the lesson is never eat ever you wish you had that dress Chris it's pretty nice I don't know what happened to polka dotted dresses Oh what if she was making sad dog sense for where they get this photo from okay total the way stop come here 200 catch it it's probably the last sound you want to hear out of something you just shot a basic miss or more don't swear it's not nice do a half through the fighting thank you so many Israeli yeah well did you join the no cussing club no cussing club yeah yeah yeah a few days ago does this still exist I don't know what do you mean is it real yeah who started is is that one kid where he says he says they're acting really foul what's the worst cuffs Julian I can't probably should not say that the video will be be monetized you can say say it drawn out really far okay boy what first time you are a big boy get out of here boys [ __ ] Roy mysteries one of those bud blue Roy called you up he called me a Roy they did not the my Nate you are not a Roy who call in the desire in the rain dirty Roy your garden lowly it's clearly a chupa chup what is it what do you use it for sucking on Chris would you really never suck a dick ever never matter what well you laughing at all this question Julian I must straighten Chris what if there was candy breakfast so there's really nothing appealing about dicks to you whatsoever um not really I mean if if you shove the chupa chup down the pee hole and it was sticking at the top yeah that would be good okay that would trick me into it okay Ricky you finish it up and you go wait a minute there second uh trooper chop look at that guy's shimmy and shake the mule oh you're doing a little dance toreador hey stay back me up so high anyway why would you leave me alone yes I'm glad that you got infinite bullets what are you gonna use all these steel pipes for fixing tricks it's the e a hundred he's just a real pop oops I didn't know it was looking at it oh I didn't know that would happen it didn't show any hazards on it look a door there is a thing okay oh I thought I saw bucha Goblin what's your favorite thing about me period come here you Oh eight no no let me shoot thing Wow you set the ghost on fire that's what they get dude more than full of Ribena yeah it's a good question it looks tasty yeah I mean Ribena is a very tasty beverage but it's very bad for your teeth Jesus they were delicious I think that's officer that was the best thing where she go we can go it's a Halloween Chris if you can stand up to the spook ADIZ and not punch them me yeah I'm too scared Chris what they're real if you imagine them so you get an invisible force field around you I mean more or less yeah they're scared of you Chris because you can do whatever you want some spiders they're more scared of you than they are asperity are you because they'll get you they'll get sued if you touch them oh that killed her in one hit you get a band-aid this is kind of making me miss you'll bleed why can't we just play it and not wait for hella week because we still don't have our safe file yet Halloween stinky that kills them in one hit this is way better than the [ __ ] gun right yes ah poop give me a big scare I need fish scoots a biscuit do you think of like cuz mall sleeping yeah could use the generator it looks really boring Zach you got machine broken box [Music] [Applause] Zach let's try the final one flicks applause I got fuse box very good yay most people don't pick up on that one there's evil ghouls whoa you just run around until you find a thing see let me blow let me know no murder all those spooks come from spook topia I want to live in spooky chat via what the [ __ ] I can't get in there either [Music] very good the power in the area should be much more stable now let's hurry I have Zack Chris hey would you be pleased if it turned out Zack was a tiny little elf that rode on his shoulder uh that would be a good ending what if he was like the green suit yeah hope you can see what's in the air my bending [ __ ] pot home there's only such what are you gonna do losers yeah it's really cool it's actually kind of scary because if you don't look at them really they all really like being dead no zippedy dude I having a great time well what no all he does is throw me on my booty watch out you ready okay oh no no no I like him he's cool what did you say it's kind of did you want it's not a digimon he's got goggles gosh they had like she had like steampunk LED goggles like that sound effect sounds like rubber gloves being stretched or the world's I now understand sweet lollipop that's the whole answer imagine the guy just having a [ __ ] seizure on the ground so this was a lollipop there's definitely something in this town do you feel attacked it's probably those [ __ ] alien vines behind you let's get out of here scoffs flicker it again Manic Monday is this a safe actually it doesn't like to talk to your supervisor [Music] whatever it's fine I don't hate it as much as next Christmas I'll give you my heart shamea shake we're gonna get hit by a car Zak we're gonna die he keeps kicking up water how do you feel about all the flat on flat plane effects Chris flat plane yeah what do you mean like like the water he's kicking up it looks fine it looks good to me I remember I had a lot of fun playing RPG Maker two on PlayStation 2 you had to do all your visual effects by hand that way really and I was really hard to figure it out that's cool I didn't know that was on ps2 yeah is that the one that pulling up my news works like I respond probably I don't even remember I haven't played it and was it about Terry sure it was two or three it was - there's three was also on psi never get to play three the first one on ps1 which is actually pretty decent yeah - one ps2 yeah very late oh she's beautiful she's a [ __ ] [ __ ] you my special agent Francis York Morgan you're under arrest least recycle with me I'm covered in scars help I'll be good as people keep scratching my face why is there a siren singing in the distance because it makes it eerie if you don't mind me asking did you walk all the way here my car broke down [ __ ] lawyer it's on fire in the forest I left it there a squirrel monkey drove me off the road you seem distracted I'll catch you later I'm the sheriff George wouldn't call me George [Music] Parul FBI special agent Francis York Morgan I'm gonna eat you just Jesus you're look scary calls me okay because the guy lashes to wonder about goalies got 955 boys what do you want to do with you we're talking you can buy burgers crow you're looking forward to your retirement yeah I'm retiring tomorrow are you gonna volunteer to pick up garbage at the park yeah I want to turn my garbage into the statute do one want to see Zach view yeah okay Chris you should come up with your own audio to dub over those [Music] email- forehead Woodman me God knows there's definitely something in this that over get the card car welcome back to Redland Omega Brandon you got angle Isaac he's a cutie not gonna lie go in the black holes oh where you gotta go through the through the hallway and don't breathe we got to pick up the small child dish mark Jerry Reynolds little bring around Chris yeah what would you do if this man came and picked you up out of your room then he took you out of your house as a child I'd be okay with it he's a nice man did you have pajamas like that mmm no tell us something really like creepily invasive about your childhood ah invasive yeah like what I don't know so tell us something really uncomfortable and unpleasant can't really think of anything I had a pretty good childhood dingdong was that you who said you peed on somebody somebody somebody I know has a story about being having climbed a tree and then peeing on their friend and it was really funny all right well I've tried to think I'll ever say genomics of how they pull that off I don't remember doesn't it take a long time to set up I don't know probably its it I'm gonna pee on you stand there aren't the squishing take about five minutes don't do it this guy's full of ketchup or something full of ketchup listen to the noises maybe this is what it sound like you just [ __ ] walk past them please [Laughter] that was really cringey what a cringe Lord Lord what did he have autism or something no he looks like Haley Joel Osment set by this kid he's not attractive at all whoa you could fit like 20 people on this shrink the whole good the whole damn is he's shrinking like Barbie sized [Laughter] that'll be a good game yeah would you be upset if you shrink like six inches tall yes my life would be ruined Julie someone would definitely do it like they would allow it there would be a good few people who would allow that I think anyone would allow that just be like I'm the first woman who did it I put a man in my life what that's wishful thinking no it's not when you get shrunken down if you're if you could be the first person to do something harmless and sexy would you not do it leave a comment below if you're a girl I would put my entire body in your vagina please it would be really smelly those all the money from Oni place for research to make this it would be like stepping into a [ __ ] swamp it would be SWOT like human and stinky and overwhelming and I wouldn't like it at all actually you ready wouldn't really the idea of it's cool what is what is what is the most like undoable thing that you fantasize about for real undoable yeah like that you that it's it's unachievable in real life I don't know I'm pretty normal lame I'm not a [ __ ] depraved sick [ __ ] like you I'm alone I have the feeling that I'm going to go that's that was a [ __ ] childhood fantasy I grew out of it Chris what I was how also was yeah were you six that was like seven I was always warning even know that Chris you can't have baby both should exert you can are you gonna do piece I had boners from a very young age I'll have you know I had my first boner when I was I think nine and it was a very embarrassing story I don't know if I want to say it on the Internet I saw big [ __ ] it was disgusting what you can be honest when did you want to be shrunken down last year ten tomorrow when I'm thirty you're not ready for it yet yeah here we go Super Mario World she gonna beat me up once she just scrambled across the table what if the table fell over and her legs were super long and touching him under the table I wish there was a version of this scene where there's a version of this scene where the table was just slowly stretching the whole time so they're getting farther and farther they could have been fun like each cut away it's getting longer what if this scene played out like normal but then another york walked in he's like what's going on here and then the table falls over and the old lady in your car connected by a big snake body this is a scene right for comedic things how come nobody wants to [ __ ] old ladies cuz they're old and smelly and dirty they need something to fill up their floppy holes [Music] maybe stop shining a light at me you're destroying my eye cones I can't see [ __ ] the reason I can zoom out of here - they can't hear each other because the lights too bright could you raise the camera I'm out of shot a little bit I want those bacon and eggs I want the spinning medallion in the background that's really distracting I am a [ __ ] she is she's right I've learned a thing or two go to coffee the coffee says what if you put his own face poked out of it like a little fish York I'm inside the coffee play the piano what's the most violent you can say the lip the letter J I'm gonna get the hiccups again if I do that food in the kitchen I like to do these on during cutscenes yeah oh no my remote how come he's got the hair of a Blackman Chris cuz it makes him look well how is that offensive Chris black people aren't different oh you're afraid sir what were you talking about it's got like look from behind okay forget a bit of afro going it depends on the anti early singing at the moment look at this humped old lady old lady no it dropped you old boy receive this you can look around with it Chris would you point in an industrial laser in her eye why isn't making that noise when she's talking she's a computer it's like she's really doing it too yeah exactly that's why it's making me like that looks like it's coming out of her mouth that she speaks Mara what you are a gun person [Music] she makes the Amber Alerts out I don't want to talk to you anymore let's get out of here drink coffee Oh a silver gun are already done the pickles have they already done a version of the song where it's just super mario world probably no or vice versa like where it's where it's super mario world that they play this tune instead that would be nice due to people mmm job the Cleese car office 9:00 to 5:00 don't be late chef what man dad he got inside it look a little bit I've never been programmed into a game that get too close to the camera makes a love I have to tell you that this place simply amazes me sure the keys were left on the front hood I really like how they animate his mouth it's very unnatural but it's also pleasant I love his mouth more of a diesel whiskers oh the Xbox controller scary got really really wide you got master key I thought it said monster key you got lipstick let me play here's the lips for I got a new hairdo [Laughter] no he's dancing oh my god Chris no Chris you're an officer of the law behave like it you're under arrest Oh Parker Doody okay this is pleasant hang a bit talk whoa gee you didn't hit a today okay so about those bonus features in DVD we use blu-rays now just gave us two bows he's right even if they do trailer that visual qualities pretty bad sorry oh there's a real-life car okay am I going the right way he lost his conversation hey I'm doing it why doesn't he start a let's play channel he'd be good at any age he really would I imagine he'd have a channel and lazy game reviews oh I started watching that guy what did you think kress sequels he makes very silly jokes did you ever like classic game room here and there I like his voice a lot yeah it's just fun to see games covered yeah and lazy game reviews I like a lot because it's very informational that's true he knows what he's talking about two covers very strange hardware I always appreciate a reviewer who actually reviews the thing that they're covering he gets super in-depth to like yep I like Classic Game Room too though don't get me wrong I just like I don't like when people are overly optimistic on everything okay you can go both ways definitely I'm a little cynical for the birds whoa what they exploded remember during the baseball game when the guy catch the ball and hit the birds feathers aim the mic at your mouth it's aimed up away from there you go he we whoo did you ever go fishing and you use those little cheesy doodles Oh Cheetos no they're like a little squishy and they're orange what's wrong with him you're under arrest for being sad agent agent York I said agent northa agent agent agent maybe would acquire what if your was like did you know she's not this walks away like she sucked stop touching your butt what if you could like do no clips through his oh it's not jazzy beat I the way he runs is very Julianne that sounds called comedy isn't it it's called is it comic relief comic relief that's it I think that's because the soundtrack I got was a rip and was named by the guy whoever ripped it unless that's actually what it's called I don't know he scares people walking by do you see what I see a little rat a red pipe with a warning I really like even the way that the indicators I am Thomas about four yards just kidding haha he was sniffing the cement mmm dusty yeah I find the key Chris I found it it's in here I'm gonna observe this man this person probably smells okay he's right is the key upstairs I believe so I'm at a Bobo didn't I why does he barrel through it it's like a little girl running home I like anyone where's the key at tell me it's in he'll scare him filthy boo he's doing Luigi's taunt he's squishing a bug I really can't seem to find that key what should I do I bet it's in here it's that one that's this one where's the [ __ ] save your [ __ ] face yo hmm oh so looks like a mustard instead Emily the wall I want to talk to Emily no I found it okay we good I go tech to Thomas oh no suck on Emma's fat mom jingo but jingo where she no yeah go talk to Tom as mr. Thomas Tom she's in here now she phased in hey baby opt-out you later agent York did you find the key yes oh you found the key is this the one you were looking for what sorry that's not the key what particularly special about the gray swirl I'm afraid a squirrel what was I thinking wait what was he what was he asking for it southern flying squirrel why they I'll have [ __ ] squirrels on their keys cuz it's a funny joke it's not a funny [ __ ] joke you think this is funny Thomas hello lore Emily could you give me a key give me your keys no I think you're very funky or a funky one more you have a stupid you're a funky boy a [ __ ] boy if you call me that again I'll kill you I promise to never hurt you my friend hey you got money where the [ __ ] is [ __ ] flying [ __ ] swirl planet right there oh it's not it either this is getting crazy my god I'm circus [ __ ] squirrel Jers mm yeah run up against that wall mm do you think she saw me I'll follow that [ __ ] why are you so demeaning towards women Chris only video game women cuz they're real you know if you're misogynistic towards video game women people get extra angry they're more important because they're got less polygons looks like Thomas desk he has a lot of cheese pizza on his desktop like his computer desktop there is the Cheeseman that's cookies I was in a blanket no no that's food it's that blanket is that a blanket statement I just made yeah just like he said all women are pruned to the cold look it's number four Jorge nice trophies far too long oh he won that one for jousting that's me put me in there George you have to break me out look he's holding his mouth leg use these bats to break me out of the mirror he's like oh my god could it be that's me get the [ __ ] whoa who's that let's George your shadow clone you continue to do it is slightly better than Rachel in his face now why do we do steal all the trophies I want to stick to the main story I want to get away I wanted to fly away he perhaps in the TV see if they have a Nickelodeon the key lies in the TV will it be rained a whole afternoon that's not good what you know what happens when it rains here oh it does it have like a random weather system oh and that's when Lee epic reddit Doge appeared a Doge yeah the Doge I want to see the don't like the rain in this town I can't leave crying leave me yeah in the bathroom go give him the wrong key there's just too long maybe that's all it is maybe he just have to give him the wrong key enough times he needs to tell the and you're fine Nikki Nikki under the sea it's my master key you can't give him that one oh you found the key I think so this is that [ __ ] out of my face that [ __ ] out of my office and has a standing tail while the southern has a hanging tail this guy a furry [Music] yeah it looks frustrated looks disappointed with his fellow humans so do I have to look through the whole station again for to appear or no there yeah look I found something hurry up you son of a goat I'm under arrest kill me hey curvy tail that's not it does it think that's an amide ba oh oh come on York hurry up don't have time for this shenanigans sir look at the shenana Graham if I let you out will you become a key for me become a key oh I thought I could free the prisoner you're free to go clearance spoke to me for a second that's probably it look what daddy didn't find God he's far you can walk a ding-dang your statement as yeah I know yeah that actually was kind of weird too because there's no one down here Chris just go give him both keys fine nunya no why do you have all these keys isn't even ask what if York is this like can I speak to you in the other room we are a police station this is not funny need you to take this serious people are dead I know you planted all these joke keys because you want to talk about squirrels Tom as Thomas I'm this close you found the key knows the right ones [Laughter] we'll have to find five more keys where's the big plate of donut is that supposed to be a pun name anagram I can't hear you the big band is playing - Wow thickest donut hey there's Leslie Jones did you bring in the glow paper the TV's is broken the country's flashing again let me just hide my cigarette under my jaw you they're all made this brisket bring me another he bangs on the table really loud that's a damn fine biscuit damn fine brisket Emily you come to our house you take care of the biscuit man shows up the next day with the garland biscuits back sir he's secreting biscuits the room of the door won't open he welded it shut with biscuits took us an hour mm-hmm we're going to it all this [ __ ] squirrel keys squirrel boy the best cartoon that ever was remember I remember it you know I don't remember anything about it what the [ __ ] are you talking about I know all about squirrels are although they asked me some trivia why is the turkey purple perky perky Turkey I've missed having a perky Turkey they're only like three songs in this game yeah I mean I mean it's a good soundtrack though no they're good songs it's just getting ever get sick of the song listen to a beautiful purple day I want to keep an eye on fair enough I saw what you said about biscuit you're involved any windows is limited no more biscuit talk don't have around town otherwise I'll rub my hand he just farted and like wafted it in his own face Julian it's a lovely day run them over the purple shining the purple singing [Music] [Laughter] what's with these [ __ ] interactions why kick games look be like this anymore though there's so fun let's get out of here but we're gonna drive responsibly do I get to see lay a pic Doge not yet Julian oh it's comin though is this the last game you play that's been written this way has handled this way this is the only game that's that goes as far as this I think yeah but this is actually like charming and the characters are all good yeah but the characters are horrible yeah but they're horrible holy [ __ ] didn't I what engine do you think this game was made in engine the stinky engine put your siren on what you do that we need a save hello [ __ ] you go when's he gonna get there here we go fire drives the car very far and try now where are you going to the something to the movies some more get forget forget to Emily wanted to go see the emoji movie you got to go over this way holy Watkinson you know who put this fence in the way it's getting pretty [ __ ] late Chris how would you feel if everything was purple around you it would be nice for a day then it would get really upsetting that seems like it I've never seen it I'm sorry three directed by Douglas McCann okay well thank you now I've seen it it was feeling pretty cheap but still it was pretty good kind of like cheaper design I wasn't called cheap delicious be I'm gonna treat it like it was called cheap I am too we're never gonna I think that way again no we're not gonna see it with the old colors we went to go see earlier this week we went to go see there's a double feature at the independent movie theater and they showed a movie that we thought was fairly interesting that was what is the the official title is let it down and down and dirty duck or something like that and it makes it sound a lot less interesting than it was yes because they wanted to compete with Fritz the Cat even though has almost nothing in common with it even though everybody keeps there's cartoon boobs in it that's what everybody thinks everybody is gonna make except there's lots of surreal visuals and there's just complete nonsense there's no point to most of walk but it was still interesting it was it was fun you made it Chris here at the mighty light of the [ __ ] it was fun around the end I fell asleep at the beginning that's true the beginning was really boring and I got more interesting as a young on and you could tell they didn't give a [ __ ] about it you know but it was originally called cheap and the opening song is about how cheap the movie is and there's a quote about being cheap sing-alongs DVD by Eric Park shut up here mister no George it's got beautiful eyes hello Tezz a really weird poser to make see they're punishing you because you maybe you made them wait rushed over yes stopped to save Chris and then they left remember I illegally sped up she looks like she needs some sleep her eyes are really dark it's okay the rain stopped would you lay her to rest would you have the sugar doughnut like death like put her to death yeah okay would you buy sugar mama some sugar doughnuts what did Ryan say sugar Namie it's frankly Fiona it's the hand her hand was really weird he's on the radio would you do it for the rest of your days directly Fiona followed you whistling that song it's a hand Julie shut up it's a good song I'm not even I'm whistling Mario man I do like this scar on your face is rude they spread even in the countries look at her huge ass titties I guess they are kind of basic laws wires house huh is that a vacation okay now girl the backs picking her holes it's looking at it you're in the u.s. you don't need to say that however that peaceful town is shattered by terrible sound familiar don't see a rusty author Rick want to cut her head off oh my god Jesus I like her no cred no one cared they're gonna be mad at you you get penalized it's too quick yeah she's terrifying I'll save you stop oh my god I've read all about this you're gonna lose all your blot all infinity of them it's got wacky I don't like her let's talk no she's scared to talk yet no kidding Chris don't scare George a no on Porgy org let's go to the computer room play minesweeper when you go furniture mine sweeper I still don't know how to play that so this is the hospital then right yeah Julian you didn't know how to play minesweeper either I don't know how probably I'm inspired by I can't speak either yeah that's hard it takes money used to figure that one out I found it you know how to play chess right ding-dong it's taking off I'm not the one play and can do these prayers I'm not smart enough for this [ __ ] hmm do you remember oh my god King passes the rock meets the bishop I don't know how chest works so I don't know what this is nice to me hates a pawn to the Queen oh well okay you did it I guess nobody can see me dancing so this is a pointless joke it's really get down off there Julian yeah get down I'm down now you're up now you are dead don't shoot Emily he's gotta have his gun out it's only it's gonna be singing the music hey what do you want to start singing dunkaccino again is that what you're getting yes just run like that the whole way Chris what would you do yeah the kids looking what would you do if there was an accident and somebody that you knew oh my god somebody that you hit was in there were in intensive care you were sitting there waiting in the living room really nervous and then this guy comes at you with a gun stuttering his way down the hallway I really slow no one to fight and flight and [ __ ] see what happens I'd probably [ __ ] myself what am i doing you're going underground remember am i yeah yeah you're gonna watch Sonic Sonic Underground with Usher [Music] where are the stairs quick yeah I'm looking for the stays why is this soundtrack so good I don't know someone put a lot of effort into it I really like hospitals they're cool to wander around and even though they don't let you this door is broken the environments in this game are pretty big you have a key card so look for like a little module where you need to swipe it or something is inconvenient as the map is while driving I do like that the town is actually like properly sized yeah it's a new you do normal drives down the roads and you found it Osho is that you ain't your honor hey I found the secret hallway whoa there is he he's a little pile of fairy dust on the ground oh yeah mm-hmm turn on I'm turned on now would you be happy cress if they opened the door and there was a spiraling portal inside yeah [Laughter] that would be very nice and then York does is a creepy grin he looks at it go get that blue dust I hate it when I don't run into a [ __ ] room it takes four minutes opening the door shelves for storing bodies I wouldn't open these unless I really wanted it don't you want to look at dead bodies officer York [ __ ] run through stupid fog at the door hey no he's a suspect look at the very tiny light switch did you see that behind you look at that oh yeah you're right like on the right of the door like that small that well you can't see it now Chris maybe you blind him he can get in there it's a really good flashlight oh the red sparkles guide me the [ __ ] oh sorry to keep you waiting how you made it let's get started shall we oh is that why his name is Usha never gonna call him uh sure I'm gonna get in trouble let's just say I've dealt with corpses before what does that mean killed everybody yeah like what you just say yes you don't have much time oh she's still very beautiful though her hair was made of straw like a baseball did they all look around at their hand I have a right head no not your right hand her right hand I was killed no she was killed what about my left hand it's fine they all start running around the room panicking the lights went out that's cuz you closed your eyes from the wound can you feel it yeah he's having trouble cool yes a sharp knife was used he's life downward the use of music yeah good thing it's good thing it was apparently such a happy killing he kill the real fast doctor funkotron mattock is the man who created motiva it's like you know in a lab dr. Fung chromatic julius races a little bit and I fully deeply painfully aware of what was happening to her oh my god you're calm down look at me in the eyes purple I'm sure I mentioned that I have a personal interest in cases like these they're funny why does everybody tap what they're thinking the killer must be in this room press look we're doing you got a look at something I can observe him the killer has aged is it immediately apparent though he can't be that white looks like a trustworthy doctor is something I would not say about him still no hint of a smile there's no reason we should focus our efforts on George but there's a dead one [Music] whoa go back go back go back go back to her hand why judging from the impression she was impressed something the object was circular with a relief shaped like a piece mark but this was not a peaceful death she's real stinky she could not wiggle her big toe she kind of looks like a Thurmond I guess I could kind of see it traces of the wrapper rate of liquid around the eyes she must have cried dr. B the tongue has been removed look at the edge of the stump I want to see that stump I aren't oh I found a bandage a hundred of them just for her tongue we'll fix this lady I'd say that Anna's injuries happening very quickly the loss of tears killed her it's all starting to come together I did this bad in her mouth good rice what if she threw up oh my gosh [Laughter] it's a little pair of lips saxophone playing seeds take that I don't want none he's got so many he's gonna plant a farm oh he gets me just yes the man of your dreams just walked out of your office and you're gonna let him go no I guess this is happening now something seems fishy oh right the red veins I should probably deal with this I like this style of it they're the lighting school here so cool well should we save you boys let's buy some lollipops yes I'm a cracker disgusting that was very expensive can I buy multiple it's cuz it's supposed to be yen you buy more okay $24 please 45 seconds these are so good what would what would a lollipop have to do to be worth $25 to you you'd have to have be the size of my head they could pull weed inside of it that's a good that's a good point you're just looking weed then they do that they have their weed candies I I don't think I would ever met I don't think I would enjoy it but that seems what these stuffed with dollars then a cat's I'm at the max cracker oh man that sucks oh I'm scared better use this old rotary phone operator I'll see red things screaming at me okay are well boy I just spent $200 on lollipops please hang up sorry I had too many crackers and a job is hard enough as it is I have to connect people to other people scary Oh ever gonna find spook at ease she ragdoll all over the place I like that they have that fog texture on the walls reload you toad I don't think he can load but the door who's in here but now Jojo got it somebody take come pick up these babies where are they I'm scared where the snoring babies every time she runs by you gotta play the slide whistle no you save it okay I shoot the head I know is that slender oh I'm so scared oh she turned into goop I heard cake cake yes kill okay crackers hey you know I'm not shooting you guys you've as much joy if you can feed them whether you give them your lollipops and crackers cute oh oh wow is it Oh jiminy Christmas well I like that weird frame rate look yeah it's creepy they do that on purpose or was that because you're claiming the stairs it could be because you're climbing this do you think it's cuz they're far away and it's saves time uh you don't want to hurt these nice ladies Oh oh I don't like Melvin who's over here who cry it's such a good at for you no no oh my god goes in your mouth going in his mouth it's awesome come on you're gonna okay thank you oh no you got it oh good Horner get out get out oh that was [ __ ] spit in his mouth don't get up get up I didn't know they could [ __ ] do that give me a [ __ ] break one goes through the Laughing door okay I need to heal my man what's that but the [ __ ] crackers I found coffee black don't say that what's this how's she doing surely stumbling around in these sheets whoa are you doing down there oh okay so where do I go now away huh leave me be oh I make some like back off that's cool ah God dang it I hate it I hate it so much oh come on why does he do that sometimes [ __ ] hated me leave me how there's nothing here cool oops oh [ __ ] if you don't like do something to try to lock on huh and get a hold of button down to try to walk on I think really yeah it's it's either RL or something [Music] why are they so loud so scary why they screaming no no no he did me I hate them Oh take a bite out of that root vein Department oh the genie came the genie yeah what do you mean you made a magic soon oh just sounds like APG makers they let us know it was time to turn the page can I sleep in here in the suitcase should we change suit you do the Crimson like it damn be sure to never break breathe be sure not really be certain never bathed okay you would like to be wise only one thing applies I think bees fly around you don't shave either okay look like a mess okay Chris all we're gonna if you're in a really weird you're in a weird hospital full of veins would you go to sleep they're not No well now you're starving are you serious oh boy no I would not I can barely sleep if I know there's an insect in the room oh I could barely eat another cracker oh I have so much crackers it's ridiculous that's some pickles you got the pickles we're good let's save Julian it's meant to be a reference is it it's supposed to be like the pillows that's what album looks like really mm-hmm it's a good reference nobody picked up on it it's just it everyone sees the pickles because money is say oh my pay phones have to be paid right yeah that's it that's your copening a door yeah his life is so much fun he's just gonna do sound effect for that where to go on to the purple room oh there's a speedy I like the no framerate thing it's cool it's cool I think that's just cuz it's saving like yeah it's cuz they're far away yeah when he got close he's not uh he's not as jittery I'm also really glad you can't you can't run out of bullets why do they all say the same thing and say you don't want to die they all singing soldiers boy I don't remember the name of the song but it's the only one that showed your boys hey soldier boy look at me you gotta be go home oh I can observe there's a Superman to a smash wheelchair Superman to I think I see Paul at home Oh being traced he says [ __ ] I look like Goku shave they're telling you to shave I used to be one of my favorite videos was the [ __ ] I look like Goku video it was the second Dragon Ball Z opening but they dubbed Soulja Boy over and put his face over everyone really uh-huh did a good job with it it's a good video the [ __ ] just died because he shooted I did not now go into the hole dude dude oh you can't go into the hole you gotta get over here he says super singing swagger number swag remember when everyone kept saying swag I sure do I'm glad that came to an end that's nice and done don't forget to get some swag when you go to Comic Con do you get some swag [Laughter] hey I laugh when she laughs that's oh is a spooky diva they set you up for a scare Chris they did a good one my nose hairs are too long guys Thank You Julie mine are too Julianne they did me as scare oh my dog Oh did me as scare I remember that one oh there's my dog Oh [ __ ] despise that word now wife dog oh I don't worry I think it's about done good I haven't seen anybody say it in a long time cuz gave the dog died I still see people say puppy same [ __ ] gave the dog died because people wouldn't stop saying dog oh the curse that's exactly what happens he said bork bork you're not funny the dog was a dog on the Internet that's very good course I knew how dare you bark bark let me in set the title stop we are funny here in this little quaint town we all love Gabe come on in you don't like Gabe get out why isn't this why isn't this game set in mean town there should be a meme game I play it Chris it's about being mean to me mutro face maybe around your head Chris if you were on your deathbed you opened your eyes in the trollface was in front of you yeah he was the Angel of Death I do this to him you just gotta do a little jig you say troll troll go away everybody hey close attention this is how you ward off trouble go away come on back another day this is how you ward off the troll face demons this is the ritual you got to do a little shuffle dance I'm gonna turn on this PC and play a little cat versus mouse what's a 9gag this is what's it clearly he starts going insane and the world begins to shake how many hours was on 9gag for what does he get is he gonna give himself a brain scan with himself cancer oh I say there's a there's a thing you know it could have just reached in York it stands for my arm my a ram is what would you do if already she cut off your scalp but didn't give it back I would save data her head you it's her head strangely grows a little bit taller after the top of her scalp let's cut off that would be a good ending she put off the top of her head in the brain during the fight to justify that so she was a conehead by the end of it that would be good Julian play the song of already she wrong wrong wrong try again it's not the [ __ ] song Julian what the [ __ ] yard turn on play the song of a ready she the thing is really fun to play it goes hey yeah that's right oh good oh good [Music] see her head comes on it oh wait Chris is trying to play the slide whistle and play the game at the same time you know this is not working oh here you play I'm scared oh you got stopped Jumanji shut up finish my game so sushi what is this this is normal kiss me I'm Irish yeah but he's got a shotgun that's scary whoa yeah what now would you yeah what's up he's it's really annoying WatchMojo yeah WatchMojo I swore stay back stay back oh no he's winding up his sugarstar oh oh my goodness guy is running real fast oh my god no wait wake me down you said let me die oh you did it Chris whew we got some shotgun shells no shotgun though oh I watch agent graham cracker you'll get nothing you prizes like that I'll give you $50 for graham crackers from the FBI I don't know what costs wine slipped into his own voice shotgun give me shotgun I want it please Chris it's a ghost shotgun oh but that means that shoots ghost bullets no what the [ __ ] do these guys get shotguns at from the ghost of the store from bigos world there has to be a place where where it goes them get firearms yeah guns and ghosts we're okay now it's like they just tack down the combat out of nowhere oh this guy's the best oh god it's the chairman that's the whole man - man who's that guy right there who are you Harry Stewart York that's new [ __ ] problems around here funny business if you've said anything bad he's done yet he's wearing a gas mask and his legs don't work he's stopping to talk to you mysterious Murray Stewart to total it'sin get a light soon so do you think he sits at home and like eats cheese and reads magazines and comes up with rhymes gets up gets home he takes off his mask he stands up he's like hello my wife completely my full base did you rhyme words at the hospital today yes funny everyone was annoyed with me that's a jpg in the background you see that right in my ear Jesus take out your trumpet no yes you do it fine Julien you play I don't know how to play oh this is a comfy controller I like it I have I just forgot what is it take the controller back how do you play this okay how do I Drive Jesus Christ why did somebody mail this cuz it's cool no why is it getting out now they're gonna get mad if you wandering off then we'll go on ahead the [ __ ] you do not time to mess around okay I just wanted to drive car very good Chris okay okay [Applause] [Music] yeah put the mute in it that's what the thing was this thing is yeah put a fake in why put that back in it I don't know [Laughter] I played the song for is hit a am I going in a direction Julianne hit a it's not a mute tremors yes it yes it is yes [Music] just talk into it why is there a gate Oh Chris I thought you understood these things how you do it I don't know how Chris you spit all over it I wouldn't want to [ __ ] all over it this musics good why are you racing I don't know I don't hey ding dong ding da ding da you you'll be the car and I'll be the driver ok was like a Herbie movie [Laughter] what a talkie card they didn't talk wait what if the Herbie music you're thinking of the buggy buggy face or whatever we gotta go to the mall hey what's going on the bird's nest what do I do shoot it down what's that you have a gun do I actually am I supposed to I was oh no ok it was this nice scenery Julien leave this [ __ ] I'm trying your 6000 yards all right I'm gonna plunge into the lake don't do it you'll know you can anyway yeah so Julian while we're on this nice drive through the Piney okay here's a need you a turkey do I do for my mind favorite movies Ferris Bueller's Day Off hate that movie I've never seen it I said it looks particularly interesting oh it's a fun movie I like Cameron I hate everyone else you're not the most cheerful day I know see he's talking directly to you or for movies we used to love those teenage movies back then didn't we when am I gonna get to turn off the highway pretty in pink no no no st. Elmo's fire and Fast Times at Ridgemont High maybe I went too far why is it you skipped what he said that Julie that was important well how do you get to the point it back to Chris you've got you people [ __ ] made me play this I don't know you can join thank you Jesus here no we'll give it to Chris that's you're punishing time you play it's rain for [ __ ] you never play dingdong never play always only play yeah absolutely every single series let's make a new series and call it Oni is not play not lets change my color in the icon are you want to be in green or purple brown bland beige oneís beige I think we might have gone past where no we're good to go or something this is a mistake what do you mean giving dingdong the controller line cuz he always does this no he's going the right way stop please dink dog like full-time sir get driving get out of the car and write like you know he'll be quicker ding-dong eep-eep eep-eep eep-eep why is the car like a normal [ __ ] human being you alien [ __ ] oh is that how you drive on your planet yeah you go people we have curvy roads Kirby Road you have to keep swerving it's like a bowling alley that you'd bounce the ball off of the sides what are you doing it you've hit a dead end Oh oh man you still this is the right way to go it's good yeah ding-dong would you [ __ ] learn okay you've been on earth for like one and a half years already ding-dong I always wondered what were your parents like on the alien homeworld dead yeah I know they're dead but how did they die your God very slowly look at the map the big purple mustache that came down what did it do okay fine I'll play okay whose car is that I don't know you just turn on a turn signal when they came out of the pink mustache they kept shooting everybody but then pretending to cry each time they did the pig mustache emitted a pink gas that made everyone start crying for no reason that was how I defeated them and got off the planet I held a mirror up to them they start crying at themselves it's pretty good their voices became ten octaves deeper while they cried they didn't sound anything like they used to that's a whole 80 teams ding-dong yeah how do you take poos gently for me they go from under his eyeballs the come out of his eyes ding-ding to say that he doesn't have a name he doesn't even [ __ ] know that yeah I do you're just making up nonsense who did you would wear pants that's true doesn't make any sense if you had anything down there you would wear that's [ __ ] mean you don't have genitals or nothing that's a good point yeah just cuz we're freaks speaking of which I'm gonna have to go make a Dookie right now make a genital okay let's joke about Julian yeah okay welcome to the road trip episode Chris let's make up a let's make up a premise for a movie about a road trip okay the movie will be called silly Sam and a Burnout Billy a European road trip okay the movie starts off Oh silly Sam I cannot have sex I never get sex I hate it Burnett Billy say dumo burnt out from sex brah I do their weed and I want to find your own tree and played by Seth Rogen and then my character silly son Queenie burn out Billy you do too much weed you're too funny you sexy and funny and smart and intelligent and gosh darn it everybody loves you how can I be more like you follow me he gets into his big-ass pan then they go on the road trip he put his friend on a - but he drags his friend to lock the desert on the tuba said we're gonna find girls trust me and then uh then they begin to I'll their first encounter because it's like The Odyssey oh the first encounter is with the the grumpy gas station man he has a shotgun is a long weed oh my gosh and he starts shooting at them like that's illegal get out [ __ ] you then Burnett Billy do a Burnout on his on his gas station territory he he do a Burnout on gas on the ground everyone explodes for you speaking English anymore what is this degree burns from Burnett Billy sing we had each other see faster silly thing greenie says I'm sorry you died burn out Billy but at least girls will think I'm burned out like you this win no way so it did okay then the girls run onto the coop arcing lot to say you look hurt are you okay that's when they meet the girls for the first time oh and then then he says ah burn out Billy I'd want to know how to get the girl you always get the girl say don't worry play it safe like this and he says you got weed they start swooning over him then this song plays and they all leave together let's go to the mountains of smoke weed spiritual adventure that's what Julian looks like special agent Francis York I'm here to investigate your trees well and you are Jim Green that I am he looks like John good minutes well you're doing a fine job I love that they're always in sync I love this [ __ ] just like in my dream I need them with me boys do that sometimes the facial animation looks really good and then other times it's like they know they're kidding with it like I like a lot of his facial expressions they like that one look at them now boys don't look at the Sun like I am how's he do with that he just froze he's still blinking though racial profile so that's why she was murdered when this game first came out everyone was like it's the worst game ever made it has a weird reputation cuz a lot of people who do enjoy it or like oh he's so bad it's so funny I literally like a lot about it the gameplay is awful but it's really uh honey I also heard that a lot of the gameplay was just kind of slapped in there for the sake of having in I got a missing piece of pen heel shoe stiletto heels any foul yeah I can't do them it sounds like whitey what would you do if there's a picture of Roger Rabbit at the end [Laughter] hurry up I don't want to see that story I wanna sign up late again for the story I play it to turn it off pill okay time to go to bed now I don't want to go oh my god three is a [ __ ] bone stealing all the evidence I don't want a brace your profile every [ __ ] time I pick up something dang it I don't like these hmmm do jingle bells like a banjo kazooie character Oh Mamma Mia York ran through the jungles disguised as a monkey where's the last piece to the poos like you don't kid that's some grown-ups to this really yes to receive it what's your favorite part from Jack and Jill I've only seen the dunkaccino [Laughter] Gino do you get it it's cuz he dunks like a skunk what's his name Chris ALPA Alpo what Pacino Gino's Al Pacino Oh two bent pieces of grass that's it oh I understand now she bent two pieces of grass [Music] took this stinks if you want proof go ahead and try it for yourself here yes it's a transmission what was he doing oh no you see she dropped the potato chip and this man was here she sniffed the tree it said her own name she's a klutz we didn't learn nothing pretty far from here here we go with the good songs again it was killed you know I go sing along totally totally different for and after the crime the unsub the unsub killed her in a brutal horrifying way and then displays powerful attitude that something close to love modus operandi is way of thinking was she doing in the back seat she's being really uncomfortable about how it keeps making kissy noise I thought you wanted to shut it off Chris I am sick dude slippery [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: OneyPlays
Views: 653,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oneyplays, oney, oney plays, oney plays complete, oney plays complete series, oneyplays complete, deadly premonition, deadly premonition oneyplays, deadly premonition oney plays
Id: VAtK6ZakTgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 42sec (6402 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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