OnePlus 12 vs iPhone 15 Pro Max Speed Test

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OnePlus 12 versus iPhone 15 Pro max speed test let's begin with a boot up in three to go and see which one can get there first now the OnePlus 12 has it's just a great deal man $7.99 for a flagship to your phone $88.99 for 16 gigs of RAM and 512 GB of storage that is absolutely crushing the 15 Pro Max in value but the iPhone 15 Pro Max turns on just a hair quicker the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 is in here this is my first comparison with the a17 pro and a Snapdragon 8 gen 3 speed test and we also have 8 gigs of RAM on this iPhone adreno 750 Apple in-house 6 core GPU now when it comes to unlocking these phones you can face unlock the OnePlus but the fastest method or the most secure method is going to be the fingerprint so right there so I do think the fingerprint is actually faster than face ID it's definitely snpp happier oneplus's unlocking has been faster than iPhone for years and over here you still have the face ID which is very Flawless as well however you know you're going to have to raise to wake for a little bit faster like that but this is that that little delay between you know having to swipe so if Apple can bring away to you know bypass the swipe to unlock that would make it a little bit faster I don't know if they'll do that due to their heavy heavy thing about security and privacy and how they they want everything really locked down which is a really good thing I'm not bashing I'm just saying I don't I don't know if they'll ever bring the bypass the swipe part like Samsung does um but definitely faster to unlock on the OnePlus now in terms of the software we are running the oxyen OS 14 on board here and this is 14.0 with Android version 14.0 you can see Snapdragon hn3 right there this is 16 gigs of RAM so incredibly powerful phone right here any one plus and then over here we do have the Apple a17 Pro chip this is coupled on 17.3 the iOS 17.3 version it just got launched yesterday and 8 gigs of RAM I do feel like 8 gigs of RAM on iPhone is more like 12 on an Android phone and scrolling through here you'll see that the OnePlus is just super smooth man this phone has got this nailed down and the Snapdragon agent 3 and this latest phone that just got launched this phone right here is probably the smoothest Android phone I've ever used if you hit medium animations they also have this like buttery smooth look where like the animation just super smooth and it looks really clean so I just wanted to mention that so for the app test I will put the animations on fast though so keep that in mind and we already know iOS is pretty smooth however I think OnePlus matches them here even on the home screen the general user interface that actually might be even smoother it it's matching it or smoother so it's definitely um this is one of those phones that if you really like that buttery smooth iOS feel they've got them pretty much matched here on the OnePlus now okay so everything is closed out for both phones let's go ahead and go into calendar you can see faster on the iPhone that could be cuz Google Calendar is more of a cloud-based let's go into calculator faster animation on the OnePlus we'll head up out of there clock faster anim slightly on the OnePlus is what I seen let's go into world clock we'll go to stopwatch pretty close on those let's go into weather and was that the OnePlus I think it was and if I call these wrong call me out I mean you guys get some some people just get too serious about this like it's not that serious but the OnePlus definitely opened up the apps first let's go into games faster on the left and I'm telling you I've been using this phone for over a week now a couple weeks actually the OnePlus is an impressive machine for that price this thing is you know half the cost of the iPhone and it runs faster it's literally similar in terms of the minimal feel we got to do this one again uh that wasn't ready let's go ahead and close these out we'll go ahead and run Groupon again but in terms of the minimal feel the speed it's better than the iPhone actually let's go into Twitter X and I don't usually say that but man Android is having its Moment Like These past like year they've been having their time you know they're finally catching up let's go on Instagram I don't think it's necessary that they're like blowing away or you know blowing away the iPhone in any way shape and form I think it just shows more Apple's reluctance to change let's go into eBay as in they don't really change the icons they don't change the experience that much and and they don't really care too much to to change up you know the overall experience it seems like the same product every year and I think Android is really the Android products that are coming out are really just showcasing that it's making it very obvious so basically all Apple would have to do is work on a little bit you know more software experiences a little bit different a little bit more fresh maybe up the animation speed a little bit just to make it the faster phone again and um I don't know if they'll do that but at the same time they still have the fastest one of the fastest chips out there in the A7 series chip so when it comes to actual sheer performance optimizations the vast amount of resources they have they have teams that can get this stuff software updated very quick the iPhone experience is still sitting at the top of the game when it comes to the actual chipset let's go into jetpack but here's the thing it was kind of embarrassing to be a trillion dollar company and look jetpack didn't load first by far on the OnePlus it's kind of you know crazy to be that big of a company and then have heat management issues on your top tier phone it's like really the OnePlus device has some amazing heat management um definitely I haven't had no heat issues with it whatsoever and that's even when you're running heavy games and it has a massive battery so come on Apple next one can we please get really good heat management you've seen what Samsung did with the s24 ultra bringing that bigger Vapor chamber so Android's having their moment I have to be honest I love the iPhone experience it's definitely one of my favorite out there for sure but I I cannot like just sit here and act like nothing's happening over here on this side because really they've been working hard over here at OnePlus they've been working hard at these other brands as well just trying to get these phones to be smooth and fast you can see the iPhone's still winning though when it comes to heavier games when it comes to you know gaming right there in terms of loading them let's go into geekbench 6 that's faster on the OnePlus and let's set up out of there but the Snapdragon agent 3 man it just takes it to the next level compared to compared to the um the Snapdragon agent 2 it's like better than that like I don't even know how it got better but it's just it feels a little bit more refined a little bit faster snappier and really the main thing is it has better efficiency because I've noticed the battery life is longer than Snapdragon AG N2 phones and the actual you know performance stays more like less heat so just the overall efficiency is better let's go into Asphalt 9 to wrap this up and I honestly think after using both of these phones I literally feel like yes well the iPhone's a little bit quicker with this launching games SI A7 Pro chip I just feel like the OnePlus is such a better deal um for the price but you have to like you know the software you have to like four years of updates you have to like you know the way things operate um over there similar like if I was doing a Samsung comparison you got to like the one UI if you don't and everything is tied up in this ecosystem Apple still has a top TI your phone as well so I love both but here in this test I think the animations are a little faster on the OnePlus I think apple is still loading the games a little quicker and uh maybe for some sheer performance stuff Apple might win but we're going to see if that's the case CU I'm going to run a geekbench 6 here and we'll check that CPU first let's go ahead and run that thing 3 2 go and the final geekbench six results are in and you can see I don't know what's up with the score right here on the single core on the left but you know this really doesn't um dictate anything in the actual performance um this is probably because this app is not optimized for the OnePlus 12 that just got launched but you can see and I'm not making excuses I'm just saying that you know I only put these results and numbers in here because people want to see them but other than that they don't really mean much to me let's go into 3D mark But the iPhone I'm not going to say it didn't it blew away the OnePlus in that test in the uh gig bench 6 it was also done quite a bit faster now we'll go ahead and run a wildlife extreme test and I'll be back when they are done okay so on Wildlife extreme this is what I'm saying like this maybe this app was more updated for OnePlus a ridiculous 4914 score with an average frame rate of 29.4 3 with that gaming engine this is one of the top gaming phones out there for sure you'll see right here scores better than 93% of other devices and easily beating the 15 Pro Max over here in the GPU 3752 with more than 7 frame rates per second higher so in the actual uh graphical performance the OnePlus should take down the 15 Pro Max but the CPU bench in the geekbench score took down the OnePlus for the iPhone so maybe we got CPU winner on the right gaming performance GPU winner on the left anyway let's go ahead and I'm going to use my Android guide for today let's go ahead and open up the cameras here I'll go ahead and close them out since they were already opened oh they weren't actually opened already so let's just go ahead and open those out in three oh my goodness what am I doing let's do this again 3 two go looks like the one plus had that I'm going to do it again just because I accidentally tapped it beforehand 3 2 go yeah the OnePlus a little faster there let's see the shutter speed about the same switching lenses hold up see right here let's go to the six and the five look like the iPhone switches the lens a little bit nicer other than that though very similar in the cameras as well although you do have yourself the double click to get into the camera on the one plus so that's nice but you can now use the action button on the iPhone to also get into the camera so it's got its little neat trick as well at the end of the day I really feel like these phones are pretty much neck and neck even though Apple wants like $500 more for this phone so it just feels like if you're looking for a Flagship killer a great deal of a phone basically a phone that offers you Flagship level performance specs and even better in some areas for several of hundreds of dollars cheaper the performance shows in this speed test that the OnePlus should be at the top of your list it's exciting that we're getting back to those days where you can get a $800 7 $800 OnePlus and have performance that Rivals $1,000 plus phones so that's quite nice and they also have the 12r that was announced so you have a even cheaper option with a Snapdragon agent 2 with tons of ram so we'll have to speed test that one as well so stay tuned for that thumbs up if you enjoyed it subscribe if you haven't already Nick here be sure to be well and [Music] peace
Channel: Nick Ackerman
Views: 148,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iphone 15 pro max, oneplus 12, oneplus 12 vs iphone 15 pro max
Id: TXC5XPkzwmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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