OneNote Tutorial: Getting Started with Microsoft OneNote - 3.5 hour+ OneNote Class

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subscribe and click the bell icon to turn on notifications hello everyone and welcome to this course on onenote for microsoft 365. my name's deb and i'm a microsoft i.t trainer and your excitable host for this course and the reason why i'm so excited is because i love onenote and i can't wait to show you some of the awesome features available in this digital note-taking application which is really going to make you rethink how you go about the simple task of taking notes over the balance of this course i'm going to show you how to get started with onenote how to gather information from different sources how to insert different types of media files how to organize that information logically so it's easier to read and find i'm going to show you how you can collaborate with others on team notebooks now this is a very comprehensive course and it offers a complete guide to all of the features available in the latest version of onenote so if that's what you're looking for then you've come to the right place now this course is divided down into 13 sections and i've tried to arrange these logically to correspond with the natural flow of how you would work in onenote now i'm going to be making some assumptions before we begin this course i'm going to assume that you have some familiarity with microsoft applications so maybe you are a word or an excel or a powerpoint user prior to coming to onenote and what i mean by this is that i won't be going through the basics of how microsoft applications work per se i am going to assume you are reasonably familiar with the ribbon layout and the standard user interface that's common amongst all microsoft applications and when it comes to the scope of this course i'm going to be working in the onenote for microsoft 365 desktop application i'll be providing information on things like the mobile app and the online version but it will be a high level overview as opposed to a full training course in those specific parts now if you're feeling a bit confused by what i've just said there don't worry at all in the next module we're going to start by running through the different versions of onenote that are available because as with all things in microsoft there are quite a few options but for now that is all i just want to say thank you so much for choosing this course i can't wait to dive into it with you so with that said grab yourself a coffee and let's get started hello everyone and welcome back to the course now i just thought i'd start out this section by running you through the different versions of onenote that are available because in my experience this is one of those things that causes a lot of confusion in fact very recently i was running a webinar on onenote and we got about halfway through and i had many of the participants say to me what you're looking at on the screen looks nothing like what i'm looking at on my screen and we determined that we were actually using different versions of onenote so this is something you really have to watch out for so i'm going to run you through the different versions available and also let you know the version that i'm going to be using throughout the balance of this course if you are a windows 10 user what you might find is that you have access to the windows version of onenote because onenote now comes packaged with windows 10 so if you've downloaded that onto your pc or maybe you've bought a new laptop that has it already installed you'll find that you will have a version of onenote 2016 already installed and ready to go on your pc so i'm using a windows 10 laptop and this is a fairly new laptop so i have this version installed so i'm going to jump down to my search bar at the bottom and i'm going to start to type in one note now i want you to ignore the onenote app which is showing underneath best match for the moment because that's something different to the one underneath which is one note for windows 10. this is the one that comes installed with windows 10 and it looks completely different to the onenote desktop version and also the online version so if i very quickly open onenote for windows 10 you'll see that it looks like this so if when you open up your version of onenote it looks very similar to something that i have here then you're more than likely using the windows 10 version and a really quick and easy way to check that is that in the title bar at the top it will say onenote for windows 10. so this is one of the versions now this isn't the version that i'm going to be using throughout this course and the reason why is that it doesn't have quite as many features as the full desktop version however because a lot of people do have this on their pc for free without having to have any kind of 365 subscription at the end of each section of this course i am going to provide a module which basically runs through everything we've been through in the section but in the windows 10 version as well so if you do have this version you should still be able to follow along nicely so that's the first version of windows 10 that you may or may not have available depending on what operating system you're using now the second way that you can access onenote is through a microsoft 365 subscription and you can see here that i'm currently logged in to my online 365 portal and if you're a bit confused by microsoft 365 it's just the new name for office 365 so if you have a subscription to microsoft 365 then you should have access to onenote so if i click the little waffle or the app launcher at the top here you can see that one of the applications i have access to is onenote i can click it and it's going to jump me into the online version of onenote and again this looks very different to the windows version and also the full desktop version that we're going to open shortly now if you're fairly used to using microsoft 365 you'll know that this kind of online browser online portal is where you can come to access the lite versions of the applications so they're intended for you to be able to update read things work on the go on whatever device you're using as long as you've got an internet connection you can jump into your office 365 account and access online versions but these aren't the full versions and because of that this also isn't the version that we're going to be covering in this particular course now i'm going to click on home for the time being because when you do have a microsoft 365 subscription when you log into the portal you're able to download and install the full versions of all of these applications and you do that via this button just here install office and by clicking that and running through the setup process you're then going to have the full versions of all of the applications available on your desktop so that's exactly what i've done and once you've done that you'll then be able to search for onenote it's actually this one here so not the one with four windows 10 after it this is the full desktop version so you can click here to launch it or you can do what i've done and pin it to your taskbar and you'll see mine is located down here with the rest of my microsoft applications so i can click to open it up and this is the feature rich desktop version and it's this one that i'm going to be using throughout the balance of this course so what i'm trying to say to you here is if you predominantly work in the online version then this isn't a training course that's going to cover that however if you do have the desktop version and also if you have that free version through windows 10 then this course is going to be perfect for you just bear in mind there will only be one module per section that relates to the windows 10 version as we're mostly going to be working in the desktop version phew quite a lot to take in there as always microsoft likes to make things a little bit confusing for everybody and just a final point to note there is a mobile app that you can download for windows phone android and ios and i will be doing a brief overview on the ios app at the end of this course so hopefully that is reasonably clear to everybody and we're all on the same page with regards to the version we're going to be using and what we're going to be covering in this course i'm going to jump across to the next module where we're going to start to explore some of the keyboard shortcuts in onenote so i'm going to go across there now and i hope to see you there now in this first module we're going to talk about keyboard shortcuts and it wouldn't be one of my courses if i didn't start out with this module because keyboard shortcuts are such an important thing when it comes to being able to work efficiently not just in onenote but any microsoft application now if you're coming to onenote having used word excel powerpoint or even outlook then you've got a bit of a head start here because many of the keyboard shortcuts are exactly the same in onenote as they are in those other applications at least the ones that you'll use most frequently now if all things microsoft are completely new to you and you're not entirely sure what i mean by a keyboard shortcut keyboard shortcut is essentially a combination of keystrokes that will execute a task and a lot of the time using a keyboard shortcut is a lot quicker than using your mouse to hunt through the different ribbons to find the task that you need and there are so many different keyboard shortcuts in onenote that you would never be expected to remember them all but most people have a catalog of about five to ten in their minds which they use frequently now as i mentioned the keyboard shortcuts in one note do bear a lot of similarities to the keyboard shortcuts in other microsoft applications so for example something like bold control b is the keyboard shortcut and that is the same across every single microsoft application italics is control i underline control u and of course we have things like cut copy and also paste with the same keyboard shortcuts now you'll see that as i hover over these different commands on the ribbons i'm getting a little screen tip which not only gives me a little bit of description text so i know exactly what that command does it's also showing me the keyboard shortcut now if for some reason when you hover over these icons you can't see those screen tips i would advise you to turn them on so let's just take a look at how we do that if we can't see these screen tips so i'm going to jump up to file and you'll find this in the onenote options and it's this first general tab just here in this first group user interface options so in screen tips style make sure you have show feature descriptions in screen tips now if for some reason you find those completely annoying then you can also turn them off from here as well but soon as you turn those on it's going to allow you to see those keyboard shortcuts in that screen tip text so that can be super useful now if you're somebody who likes to work predominantly using the keyboard as opposed to the mouse if you press the alt key on your keyboard you'll see that you get some keyboard shortcuts assigned to the different ribbon tabs so this is great because it enables me to navigate and do things without touching my mouse and i know a lot of people who are really into working with keyboard shortcuts use this option quite frequently it's also really good if you have any wrist problems or something that prevents you from fully working with your mouse you don't technically have to use it in order to work within onenote so for example if i want to navigate to the insert tab i can press capital n which is going to jump me to that tab and then i get a whole new list of keyboard shortcuts that i can use to execute a task so if i want to insert a picture i could press p and it's going to open up file explorer and let me browse for the picture that i want to add and also with screens like this if you take a look at the bottom if i was to hit my enter key it's going to open whatever i have selected now if i want to just cancel out of this window which i do i can use my tab key to move to cancel and then hit the enter key so i've been able to cancel that dialog box without touching the mouse at all so those alt key shortcuts are really useful now the only other thing i really want to mention to you regarding keyboard shortcuts here is if you're somebody who does like their keyboard shortcuts and you want to see a full list of all of the shortcut keys available in onenote then you can find a list of those within the help files so you can see here in onenote i have a help tab and once again this isn't a tab that's turned on by default so if you can't see help up here you're going to want to jump to file go down to options and then jump into customize ribbon and on the right hand side here this is where you can select what ribbon tabs you can see in your onenote so just go into here and make sure that you have a tick next to help in order to be able to see that ribbon tab so if i hold my mouse over where it says help you'll see that there's also a shortcut key for this as well and that is the f1 key and again as you would expect that is the same across all microsoft applications so let's jump into help and that's going to open a pane up on the right hand side and what i can do is type in keyboard shortcuts and press enter to run that search and the top result i get is keyboard shortcuts in onenote and if i jump into here i get a lot of information about different keyboard shortcuts and then i can view all of the shortcuts divided down by category so i can jump to frequently used shortcuts and i can see all of them listed in here i then have shortcuts for formatting inserting items onto a page working with tables so on and so forth so this is a really great place to come if you want just to see a full list of all the keyboard shortcuts available in onenote now i will say that throughout this training course i'm going to try to use keyboard shortcuts as little as possible and the only reason for that is because it's a lot more difficult for you to see what i'm doing if i'm using a keyboard shortcut as opposed to if i'm actually clicking on things bringing up menus so on and so forth so if you wonder why i'm not personally using them i will say that in my day-to-day work when i'm not recording a training course i use keyboard shortcuts all the time but i'm going to be using my mouse throughout the balance of this course so that's it on keyboard shortcuts in the next module in this introductory section i'm just going to be talking to you a little bit about customizing the quick access toolbar again this is something you might have done in previous applications so if you're familiar with how to do that then you can probably jump over the next module but if not stay tuned i'm going to show you how you can be more efficient by adding frequently used commands to the quick access toolbar i'm going to jump over there now so join me when you're ready hi guys and welcome back to the course in this module we're going to take a look at customizing the quick access toolbar now once again this is one of those features that's available across all of the microsoft applications so if you are a excel powerpoint word user and you're fairly familiar with how the quick access toolbar works and how to customize it then you can probably skip over this module and head straight to the next one however if this is all fairly new for you stay tuned and let's run through why the quick access toolbar is useful and how you can customize it now the quick access toolbar you'll see located in the top left hand corner and it's this little toolbar just here so it's kind of tucked away a little bit now i don't have a great deal on my quick access toolbar at the moment just a couple of commands and that's pretty much what this quick access toolbar is you can add whatever commands you like to it in particular commands that you use frequently to make them super easy for you to access so for example if i'm always inserting pictures into my onenote notebook instead of jumping to the insert tab and then selecting pictures from here i could essentially add this command to my quick access toolbar which then gives me one click access to that particular option now by default when you first open up onenote you'll already see a couple of things assigned to your quick access toolbar so for me that is the undo command a very popular command ctrl z to take us back a step and also the command that allows me to switch between touch and mouse mode now i'm going to be going into that in more detail in the next module so i'm not going to delve into exactly what this command does right at this moment and then right on the end here we have this little drop down button and when i hover over it says customize quick access toolbar and what this is going to show you is a number of different commands that you could add to your quick access toolbar so i could add forward i could add redo print print preview so on and so forth so these are merely suggestions of popular commands that you might consider adding to that quick access toolbar now something else i want to draw your attention to here is as you can see currently my quick access toolbar is tucked away in the top right hand corner now whilst i don't have too many options as to the location of this toolbar i do have one more option and that is i can choose to show it below the ribbon so i'm going to click that and you can now see that it pulls it down to below my ribbons now this is where i like to have my quick access toolbar because i just find it a lot easier to get to and less tucked out the way so let's click our drop down again and look at how we can customize and add commands to this toolbar now if i wanted to choose any of these i can just select them so let's add the redo button like so i could also add the print button and let's add print preview as well and you'll see it just builds a long list of all of these different commands which i can then execute simply by clicking on them so it's a lot more efficient than having to find them in the ribbons or in that file area backstage now one thing you will notice is that obviously we just have a selection of commands which we can choose from here but what if you want to add a command that's on the ribbon well as i said at the beginning if i insert a lot of pictures into my onenote notebook then what i could do is right click on the pictures command and say add to quick access toolbar to add that on and you'll see that you have this option whenever you right click on any of these commands and of course i could carry on going and build myself up a nice long list of all of the commands that i access frequently now in addition to adding them this way through the right click menu if i click the drop down again you'll see right at the bottom we have a more commands option and that's going to jump you straight into the onenote options and into the quick access toolbar area so over on the right hand side of the screen you're going to see everything that you currently have on your quick access toolbar and what you can essentially do is go through all of the commands available in onenote and add them in from here so it's definitely worth noting that not every single command that's available in onenote is listed out as a command on ribbons so what you could do is click the drop down here and i could say all commands which is going to show absolutely every command available in one note if i just wanted to see the commands that weren't available to select from a ribbon i could select commands not in ribbon now i'm going to select all commands to bring up the full list that's available so i'm going to scroll through and i can add a couple of things from here so let's say customize tags is something i do all the time i'm going to select it click on the add button to add it over to my quick access toolbar and of course once i have it over here i could then choose to remove so let's remove print preview if i want to get rid of any of these so i could go through this big long list just adding commands i use frequently to my quick access toolbar now another thing that you can do within here is you can reorganize the way these are listed out so for example undo and redo are kind of in the same category so i want these to be together so i'm going to click on redo and then i can use my arrows to move that up one maybe i want touch mouse mode to be right at the beginning so i'm going to select it and say move up just to put that at the beginning so you can organize your list however you like now something else you might want to add in here and again this is more of an organizational tip if you start to get quite a lot of icons on your quick access toolbar sometimes it's nice to have a little bit of separation between commands of similar type and we can do that by adding in a separator now you'll find separators available at the top of any of these lists that you select and it's this just here i can click click on add to add in a separator and i can add in as many separators as i like so i'm going to add another one i can then use my up and down arrows to move these into position so i'm going to have one separator there and i'm going to move this one down two so now when i click on ok you can see how that looks on my quick access toolbar i now have these very faint lines in between separating out different groups of commands so it's just a little bit easier on your eye to have them organized in this way as opposed to just a big long row of random icons so that is how you can customize your quick access toolbar and it is something i always advise people to do because it does really increase your efficiency when you're looking for commands you use frequently in onenote in the next module we're going to finish off this introductory section by talking about using onenote on a touch device so i'm going to grab a coffee head over there now and i look forward to you joining me hi guys welcome back now i didn't want to finish up this introductory section without giving a bit of a shout out to all the touch screen users out there more and more these days people have tablet devices and also laptops that have touch screen capabilities i am in fact using one of those laptops as we speak and out of all of the microsoft applications onenote is the application that is most suited to people who use touch device with a stylus pen and you'll see as we work through this course particularly in certain sections when it comes to things like handwriting things are a lot easier if you are using a touch device with a stylus because let's face it trying to write a word using your mouse never works well so before we finish up this section i just want to run through a couple of the options for all of the touch screen users out there now currently i'm working with the mouse and keyboard and so i'm in what we call mouse mode now helpfully one of the default commands on my quick access toolbar is this option just here the touch mouse mode option so this allows me to toggle between using a mouse and using touch now when you're using a mouse and keyboard the interface is really optimized for that particular usage whereas if we jump into touch you'll see that the screen changes slightly more because it's then going to optimize for people who use a touch screen so let me briefly switch into touch mode now the most obvious thing that's changed here is that i have a lot more space between the different commands on the ribbons so what it's doing here is just accommodating for your finger your finger is a lot bigger than your mouse pointer and so you need a little bit more room because the last thing you want to be doing is pressing one command and accidentally hitting two or three so if you're watching this course now and you are using a touch device i would advise you to switch into this particular mode and remember if you can't see this option on your quick access toolbar by default then you can jump into more commands and then find touch mouse mode in here and add it to make it super simple for you to switch between the two modes now we are going to be typing a lot of text throughout the balance of this course and again if you are using a touch device then you're going to want to make sure that you know how to pull up your touch screen keyboard now mine's located right in the bottom corner on my taskbar and you can see as i hover over it says touch keyboard and if i click that that's going to pull up my touch keyboard and i can then go through and i can start to use that to type in different words and notes so make sure you know where that is because it's going to make your life a whole lot easier as we're going through this course now we're going to dip back into touch a little bit later on particularly when we get to this section of the course here where we start to draw things as i said it's a lot easier to do if you do have a touch screen with a stylus but of course as always i will try to accommodate both keyboard and mouse users as well as touch users so that's it on touch i am going to very quickly toggle back to mouse and keyboard mode and i will see you in the next section hello everyone and welcome back to the course this is deb your host and we are about to get into section two which i've titled getting started with onenote and over the course of this section we're going to learn some of the skills that you need to know in order to get going with onenote and we're going to start out in this first lesson by just taking a look at how we open onenote i'm going to show you how to open a notebook and then we're going to do a quick tour of the onenote interface so you understand the ribbon structure and the kinds of commands that you'll find on the different ribbons so let's dive in now as i mentioned in the previous section i'm going to be demonstrating one note for desktop so what i could do in order to launch onenote is click in the search bar down here and i'm using windows 10 type in onenote and you'll see that i have onenote listed underneath my apps so i could launch it from here simply by clicking on this menu item but what i've actually done is i've pinned the application to my taskbar just to make it super simple for me to access and it's all the way down here right in the middle i'm going to click to launch now when you open onenote for the first time it's probably going to look something similar to this so you can see there right in the middle we have this big old message that says you don't have any open notebooks and that would be correct i haven't created a notebook and i don't have an open notebook now one thing you'll notice is that with no notebook open a lot of the commands on the menus are out so in order to give you a quick tour of this interface i'm going to need to either create a new notebook or open a notebook that i have saved off so i'm going to do the latter i'm going to open a notebook that i've already created and we are going to go into this in more detail a bit later on but for demonstration purposes let's quickly run through the process now much like any other microsoft application you'll see that we have our ribbon tabs at the top we have our file menu which jumps us into that backstage area and if you are familiar with other microsoft applications you'll know that this is kind of where you'll find those admin style tasks so if you need to create a new notebook open print share all of those kinds of things you're going to find in here so what i want to do is i want to jump straight down to open and you'll see at the top some of the notebooks that i've had open recently and these are notebooks that i have stored in onedrive and then if i scroll down i can see some more lists so on the right hand side i've got notebooks selected and this is showing me any notebooks that i've recently used so i could select to open one of these alternatively if i can't see the notebook that i want to open listed either down here or at the top here what i can do is choose to open from other locations and jump across to my onedrive or maybe even browse my local drives to find a notebook that i want to use now as i said we're going to get into this a bit more later on so for the time being i'm just going to open something that i've opened recently and i'm going to choose this one here that is my work trips notebook click to open it up so this is a very basic notebook but we're not going to worry about the content too much at this time really what i want to do in this lesson is just run you through the interface so you kind of start to get an idea of where things are located on the different ribbons now again something that's very consistent across all microsoft applications your home ribbon is going to contain all of the things that you're probably going to utilize most often so we have our clipboard group which contains cut copy paste we have add text formatting options and also styles if we want to apply them we then have a big section here called tags and tags is something that's really cool and we're going to talk a lot about this a bit later on in the course i can email my page from here and i also have some interaction with outlook on the end here and again we're going to cover this a bit later on moving across to the insert ribbon this contains all of the things that you can insert into your notebooks so that might range from things like tables file printouts attachments even excel spreadsheets you can also insert pictures whether they be saved on your local drives or located online you can add screen clippings or screenshots directly into your notebook and you can also do cool things like record audio and video from directly within your onenote notebook this is also where you would come if you wanted to use some kind of page template as well so the insert tab you come to whenever you want to insert something into your notebook we then have our draw tab and this is probably most useful if you are somebody who uses a laptop or maybe a touch device that has a stylus because this is where you can come to draw make annotations handwrite your own notes and insert things like shapes now whilst it is possible to do these things using a mouse a lot of the time it is quite hard to use a mouse to do handwriting as i said this does tend to work best if you're using a stylus moving across to the next tab we have our history tab and this really relates to having lots of people collaborating on one notebook you'll see as we move through the course you can share your notebook with team members other people and then everybody can jump into the notebook and make changes their own annotations things like that so the history tab really comes into play if you want to essentially see changes that have been made to a notebook by author if you want to find specific changes or even if you want to see different versions of your page and again we're going to get into how all that works a little bit later on moving across we have our review tab and this is pretty much what you would expect to find on any review tab in your microsoft applications this is where you would come to spell check use the thesaurus check your accessibility change things like language or even password protector section we also have something in here called linked notes which is a very useful feature which we'll explore in more detail later on in the course the view tab is where you can view your notebook or your page in different ways and you can also format your page background so if you want to change your page color or maybe you want to add raw lines to your page you can definitely do that you can do things like zoom in and out to make things a bit easier to see and also make modifications to how you're displaying your window and then finally on the end here we have our help tab now as i mentioned at the beginning of this course the help tab isn't always there by default if you think that you're going to utilize this tab then it's definitely worth jumping into onenote options and turning that tab on i'm not going to focus on this because we have already been through this tab earlier on in the course so aside from that ribbon structure underneath we have our quick access toolbar which we've seen how to customize and then we have our notebook and the way that a notebook is structured is it has sections and then it has pages so i liken this to a paper notebook that maybe you have dividers in the dividers are very similar to the different sections that we have up here and you can see them showing as tabs and then within each section i have pages and if you cast your eyes over to the right hand side in this blue panel you can see i currently have three pages milan rome and venice within the italy section and of course you can add sections and you can add more pages to each section and this is in general how all of the notebooks that you create will be structured don't forget if you feel that you need a little bit more room when you're working in your onenote notebook and you want to temporarily minimize the ribbon you can definitely do that by clicking on this small little up arrow over on the right hand side and this up arrow does have a keyboard shortcut control plus f1 and that's going to minimize up your ribbon which gives you a little bit more room when you're working in your notebook if you want to bring your ribbons back after you've collapsed them up if you click on any of the tabs the ribbon will drop down again if i click back on my notebook that ribbon's going to disappear if you decide that you want to have that ribbon back permanently what you need to do is just click on one of the ribbons again to pull it up and then go over to the right hand side and click on the pin the ribbon icon again control plus f1 and that's going to lock that ribbon in place so that is pretty much what your interface looks like when you open up a workbook so the main point i want you to take away here is this notebook structure you have your sections running in tabs across the top and each section can contain multiple different pages and we're going to see in the next lesson exactly how we create a new notebook from scratch and how we start to add sections and pages so i'm going to jump over to the next module now and i look forward to you joining me hello everyone and welcome back to the course it's time for us to start creating some stuff let's start creating some content in wonderful onenote now in the previous module we took a quick tour around the onenote interface and of course we're going to be dipping in and out of these ribbons and exploring all of the commands over the balance of this course but the first thing we want to do the most fundamental thing in one note is we want to create a new notebook and this is a very simple process so we're going to go up to the file tab and as you would expect we want to make sure that we've got new selected now what you'll see in here is essentially a split screen on the left hand side we have different locations so this is where we want to save a new notebook and then on the right we have a list of recent folders so recent folders that you've saved into are used now this is a reasonably new account that i've set up so currently i only have one recent folder listed and that's my documents folder in onedrive and the way this works is that when you create a new notebook you essentially save it first which is why we're being asked to select a location now i'm going to save my notebook into onedrive but before i do that let's just take a look at the other options that we have so you could if you wanted to choose to save this directly to a sharepoint team site you could save it to this pc you can add a place so if you have more than one onedrive account you can choose to add those from here to make them easy to access alternatively if you just want to save your notebook locally you can do that by selecting browse and it's going to jump you into file explorer and you can then jump in and choose a folder now one thing to note here if you want to share your notebook with other people then your notebook must be saved to location that's shareable so for example saving your notebook to your desktop is not a shareable location whereas saving your notebook to maybe a network drive that you have within your company or even saving it to onedrive cloud storage those are considered shareable locations now whilst it is a good idea to have a little bit of an idea as to if you want to share your notebook right at the point where you're creating it it doesn't matter so much if you create it in one location and then change your mind because you can move your notebook at a later time if you then want to share it but what i'm going to do is i'm going to save to onedrive and i'm going to put it just in my onedrive train it now limited folder and when i click it it's going to jump me to that folder and i'm going to say i want to put it in the folder notebooks and then i'm going to give my notebook a name so i'm going to click in the notebook name field and i'm going to call my notebook project artemis so maybe where i work we are working on a project that's got a code name of project artemis and i want all of my notes all of the meetings all of the content related to this project to be contained within this notebook so i've given my notebook a name and i'm going to say create and this is a really important point you'll see straight away it's popped up with a little message that says your notebook has been created would you like to share it with other people and that's come up because i've saved it in a location that is shareable so if i wanted to maybe i know right now that i want to share this with the rest of the project artemis team i could choose invite people now i'm not going to do that at this stage because i want to talk you through that process a bit later on so i'm going to say not now and it creates my notebook and what you'll see is that my notebook name is now listed just here and as i hover over it gives me a little bit of information in that screen tip so it says i can click to view other notebooks so if you have more than one notebook open if you click just here you're going to be able to see all of your notebooks listed and you can easily switch between the different notebooks that you're working in now obviously i only have project artemis open which is why it's the only one i can see listed here something else you can see when i hover over is you can see the location where i have this notebook saved so onedrive train it now notebooks and it's telling me that it's up to date and this is another important thing to note onenote notebooks automatically save so you don't have to worry about going into file and save you don't have to press ctrl s as you're working everything automatically saves and synchronizes and this is particularly important if you've saved your notebook to cloud storage like onedrive every change you make will be synchronized every change that anybody else makes to your team notebook if they have access will also be synchronized so all this message is telling me is that all of the changes are up to date so that is basically how you create a notebook from scratch if you wanted to create another one you could just jump back into file go to new and go through exactly the same process select your location first give your notebook a name and then it's going to open in onenote and it will be listed in your notebooks drop down and we're going to create a couple of notebooks a bit later on so you can see how you can very easily switch between the two and work in multiple workbooks at the same time now in the next lesson we're going to delve a bit more into notebook properties i'm going to show you the different things that you can change and i'm also going to show you how you can essentially close a notebook and come out of it when you're done but for now that is it i will see you in the next module hello everyone welcome back to the course we are down in section two where we are getting started with onenote and in the previous module i showed you how to create a new notebook from scratch and select a location in which to store it so what we're going to do in this module is i'm just going to show you how you can modify the properties on a notebook and also how you can close a notebook when you're finished with it so let's take a look at properties first of all now as we've already discovered any notebook that we have open will be listed underneath this drop down and currently i only have project artemis open now if i want to view the properties for this particular notebook if i right click my mouse you'll see right towards the bottom in this little menu we have a properties option so let's select it and see what we get now when you go into notebook properties there isn't a great deal of information that you can change in here but there are some important things that you should be aware of if for example you want to change the display name of your notebook so maybe i want to change this to project alpha project beta something else i can come in here and i can edit the display name and what you'll see underneath is it says does not affect the actual notebook folder name so what that's essentially saying is you are merely changing the display name the name that you can see in onenote it doesn't change the folder name so for example if i just quickly pull up file explorer this is essentially where i have my notebook saved in onedrive in the notebooks folder and you can see here a couple of workbooks that i have within this folder and one of them is project artemis so if i was to change the display name to project beta and click on ok it's going to change the name here but what it's not going to do is change the actual folder name within notebooks so that's a really little important point to be aware of now so we don't confuse things i'm actually going to go back into my properties and i'm just going to change that name back to project artemis the next property that we can change is the color of the notebook and we have a drop down here which brings up a little palette of muted pastel shades and we can essentially color code our different notebooks it makes them stand out from one another you could even color code notebooks that are maybe related with the same color just as a way of organizing your notebooks in a more visual way so i'm going to select this purple color for this particular notebook underneath that we have the location so it's telling me the location where my current notebook is stored and if i decide i want to move that somewhere else i can click on change location once again it's going to open up file explorer and i can choose a different folder to save my notebook into and then finally at the bottom it's telling me what my default format is so it's saying that this is a onenote 2010 to 2016 notebook format and the convert to button is grayed out for me so if i was to open a notebook that was in a different format i could choose to convert it to 2010 to 2016 format but at the moment we are all good with how we have our format set so i'm just going to click on ok so now when i click the drop down you can see that my notebook is that purple color so those are the properties that you have for each notebook as i said not a great deal but some important things in there now the final thing i want to talk to you about in this particular module is how to close notebooks so you might have multiple notebooks open and if you've finished working in one of them for the day you're going to want to close down that particular notebook now in most microsoft applications when you want to close something you would jump up to file and there would be a handy little close button in here but you can see with onenote we don't actually have that so we need to close in a slightly different way again we're going to click the drop down we're going to hover the mouse over the notebook that we want to close right click and in here you'll find a close this notebook option and when i click it it's going to remove that notebook from the list now i want to stress here you haven't deleted your notebook it hasn't disappeared you have literally just closed it down and of course if you want to reopen it you would go back up to file down to open and because this is a notebook that i've recently opened the quickest way for me to open this would be to scroll down make sure i'm clicked on recent and then underneath the notebooks tab i should be able to see the last notebook that i had open at the top of this list so i'm going to click project artemis just to re-open this notebook so modifying your notebook properties and closing notebooks very straightforward very simple but very important in the next module i'm going to talk you through the process of deleting a notebook because this is not as easy as it might sound and it's something that i find confuses people quite a bit because it works a lot different to how other things work in microsoft so i'm gonna grab a coffee jump over to the next lesson and i look forward to you joining me over there hello everyone and welcome back to the course this is still deb and we are still down in section two where we've been taking a look at some of the fundamental skills you need to know in order to get started with onenote and in the previous modules i've shown you how you can create a notebook from scratch and as is called project artemis and i've also shown you how you can modify those notebook properties and we finished off by taking a look at how we can close down any open notebooks once we're finished using them now the subject that i want to discuss in this particular module is deleting notebooks because i've been training onenote for quite a few years now and i find that this is a really common question people get very confused when it comes to deleting because it's not as straightforward and obvious as you might expect it to be so for example if i said to you how do you think you would delete a notebook the logical assumption is that you might jump into your notebooks list right click on the notebook and you have an option in here to delete the notebook but what you'll find when you come into this right-click menu is that you actually don't the only thing you have is close this notebook now whilst that will get rid of the notebook from your notebooks list it hasn't deleted it it's just closed it and you can jump back into file and reopen that notebook whenever you like however there will be times where maybe you've completed a project and you have no use for the notebook anymore we want to actually delete it and all of its contents so how do we actually delete a notebook this is where it's really important to know where you have your notebook stored or saved so if i pull up file explorer so here i can see the two notebooks that i have saved into the notebooks folder in onedrive so what do you think i might do here in order to delete this notebook well again the logical assumption as i've led you down this path is that you can come into here click on the notebook you want to delete and press the delete key on your keyboard but look what happens i'm going to delete it i'm going to wait a few seconds and you'll see that it automatically comes back again and this is where i find people have a problem they try to delete it from one drive but it keeps appearing back now the reason why that is happening is because you can see that i'm working within file explorer and i have my onedrive synchronized to file explorer so i can work with my onedrive files without having to log in to the microsoft 365 portal but what happens is my portal synchronizes with my folders in file explorer so as soon as i delete project artemis the synchronization happens onedrive can see the project artemis notebook still in microsoft 365 and so it pulls it back into my folder structure so with all that said how do we actually delete this notebook well we need to log into the online portal so i'm going to minimize file explorer and the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to close down project artemis because this is the one that we're going to delete so i'm going to right click and i'm going to say close this notebook what i'm then going to do is jump across to my microsoft 365 portal now i'm already logged in and for those of you that are familiar with using microsoft 365 this should be instantly recognizable and what i want to do is i want to access onedrive from here so i'm going to select the onedrive icon and then i'm going to go to my notebooks folder and this is where i have my onenote notebook saved so what i need to do is select the notebook in this case project artemis and delete it from my portal and you'll see that when i delete it from here it doesn't come back again so now if i jump back into file explorer you can see that in my notebooks folder i don't have that project artemis notebook anymore so essentially it is deleted so this is a really important point to note if you want to delete a notebook that you have saved to cloud storage now i will say that if the notebook that you've created is just a local notebook it does work in a slightly different way but we're going to save that for the next module where we're going to jump in i'm going to show you how you can create a locally stored notebook and then we'll look at the difference when it comes to deleting but for the time being that is it i will see you in the next module hello everyone and welcome back to the course in the last module i showed you the process of deleting a notebook that's been stored into onedrive so what i want to do in this lesson is really just talk a little bit about locally stored notebooks and show you how you can manage those how you can delete them so that you can see the difference between local notebooks and notebooks that are stored in the cloud so let's jump in and let's create ourselves a couple of notebooks so we're going to go up to file down to new and i'm going to recreate one saved into onedrive because we did delete project artemis and i kind of want to use that one so let's select onedrive i'm going to select the folder of notebooks and i'm just going to call it the same thing let's call it project artemis just to recreate that notebook and click on create now because i'm saving to a shareable location it's asking me if i want to invite people i'm going to say not now because that's something i'm going to do later and there i have my notebook opened again and of course we've already seen we can right click and maybe i want to go into the properties and i'm going to change the color to blue and click on ok so what i'm going to do next is i'm going to create another notebook but this time i'm going to save it to my local drives not in onedrive so back up to file down to new and this time i'm going to browse for a location to save now what i'm looking for here is a location that doesn't synchronize and these days with onenote if you have it installed on your pc even your desktop will synchronize so i'm going to select a folder that i know doesn't synchronize which is the downloads folder now i know this is an extremely strange folder to save a notebook into but as i said i just want one that i know for sure doesn't synchronize at all so i'm going to give my notebook a name i'm going to call it my personal notebook and click on create now did you notice the difference there it didn't ask me if i wanted to invite people to my notebook and that's because onenote has recognized that this is a locally saved notebook and so it's not shareable another thing you'll notice is that if i click this drop down you can now see both of my notebooks in here now if i just make a quick change so i'm going to right click and i'm going to say properties and let's just change the color of the folder again and click on ok notice this little sinking icon that comes up it was pretty quick so you may have missed it let me do it one more time i'm going to right click go to properties i'm just going to change the color of the notebook look for this icon when i click on ok can you see it just there that tells me that the notebook is synchronizing to cloud storage now when it comes to locally saved notebooks it doesn't matter how many changes you make you're never going to get that icon because it's just saving to your local drive it doesn't have to synchronize with cloud storage so if you're wondering what that little sync icon is that appears every now and again when you're working in a notebook that's been saved to the cloud that's what it's doing it's just updating any changes that you've made or any changes that other people have made to the notebook with the copy in the cloud now when it comes to local notebooks you can right click and you can change the properties in exactly the same way so i can change the color of the icon the location and the display name as well so maybe i want to remove the word notebook let's just delete that out as it's a bit of overkill and just call it my personal click on ok and there we go and i can very easily switch between my two notebooks now when it comes to deleting locally stored notebooks it works in a slightly different way now i still can't delete it from within one note so if i right click i don't have a delete option so what i need to do is open up file explorer again and navigate to the folder where i have this notebook stored so i've stored this notebook in the downloads folder you can see it there sitting at the top so if i want to delete it i can actually just delete it directly from here because i don't need to jump into cloud storage because it's just saved locally and because there's no synchronization happening it's not going to keep reappearing however the first thing i'm going to want to do is close down this notebook i can then jump into the folder click on the notebook press delete and that notebook is essentially deleted so the process is a little bit shorter a little bit easier when you're deleting local notebooks now in the next module we're gonna start to actually expand on our notebook by adding in sections and pages so i'm looking forward to it i hope you are too i'm gonna head over there now and i look forward to seeing you so so far in this course we've been taking a look at some of the more admin tasks that you might wish to do within onenote such as closing notebooks creating new notebooks and also the process for deleting notebooks it's now time to move on to something a little bit more interesting and that is to start to build our notebook with content now before we can start adding content in we need to understand the structure of a notebook and that means talking about sections and pages so currently i'm in the project artemis notebook and you can see at the top i have a tab that says new section one then if you cast your eyes over to the right hand side you can see i have add page at the top here and then something that says untitled page now untitled page is currently where i'm clicked now i'm going to speak a little bit more about pages in the next couple of modules but for now we're going to focus on sections and really organizing our notebook now the way i like to think about this is i like to imagine a book project artemis is the book title and then within that book i might have part one which would be the section and then i would have the different chapters which might be the different pages so these are kind of like dividers within your notebook and within each section you can have numerous different pages now when it comes to sections there are lots of different things that you can do with them so let's start out by running through some of the basics so currently i'm clicked on new section one and if i right click my mouse you'll see that i get that contextual menu come up which has lots of different things i can do with this particular section so the first thing i have in this menu is the rename option now obviously most of the time you're not going to want to keep that tab as new section one you're going to want to give it a more meaningful name so i'm going to select rename and i'm just going to over type what i have on the screen and i'm going to call this tab meetings now what i can do here is i can either hit the enter key on my keyboard or i can just click away in order to set that so that is my first section now i want to have lots of other different sections within this notebook to store different types of information so i'm going to add another section in and there's a couple of ways that you can do this the most easiest and probably the most obvious to everybody watching this lesson is that we have a little plus sign and when we hover over it it says create new section that's going to give me another tab and i can now type the name of that tab and this one is going to be called corsets and hit enter now the other way that i can add a new section is if i right click on any one of the tabs you'll see that i have a new section option down here as well which is basically going to do exactly the same thing so for this one i'm going to call this offices and hit enter and i'm going to carry on just adding a couple more sections into this notebook so let's click the plus and i'm going to call this one travel hit enter click the plus again and we're going to call this one costs and hit enter so very quickly i've been able to add into my notebook all of these different tabs and i can then just click on them to switch to those different sections and what you'll also notice is the section tabs are color coded so if you want to keep them all different colors that's absolutely fine however if you have sections that maybe relate to each other a nice way of just visually indicating that to whoever is looking at the notebook is to make those tabs the same color so maybe both offices and travel are related and i want to make them both orange what i can do is click on that travel section right click my mouse and right at the bottom of the contextual menu i have a section color option so i might want to change this to orange as well and so visually i've now created a link between those two different sections now of course when you have a whole bunch of sections added into your notebook there might come a time where you want to reorder them or rearrange them and again that's very simple to do if you want to move a section all you need to do is grab that particular section so let's say the courses section click your mouse drag and you'll see as i drag back and forth across the section tabs i'm getting that little black arrow and that's indicating to me where that section is going to be dropped when i let go of my mouse so i want this to be the first tab in this particular notebook so i'm going to let go of my mouse and it moves that tab across another way that i can move section tabs is to utilize that right click menu also so for example if i take this meetings tab and right click my mouse within that right click menu you'll see that we have a move or copy option so if i select that i can now choose where i want to move this particular tab to and what it's showing here are all of these sections that are currently in my notebook and all i need to do is select the one that i want to move this particular section after so i'm going to say i want meetings to move after the travel section so i'm going to select travel and click move and it's going to move that across similarly if i right click my mouse and just jump back into there i might want to copy a section instead of moving it so if i want to copy this meeting section and i want that copy to be placed after the cost section i'm going to select costs and then click copy at the bottom and it's going to give me a new tab that's called meetings 2. i can then right click go in and rename that to something else so we're going to call this one schedule like so and you'll see that because i copied it it takes on the same tab color as that particular section now in this case i don't want these two to be the same color so i'm going to right click section color and i'm going to make this a purple color and of course i'm sure you get the idea now but if you want to delete a particular section you can right click and you have a delete option in here now it's worth noting and you'll see this a bit later on when we start talking about pages when you delete a section it's going to delete all of the pages within that section as well so just bear that in mind before you actually execute this particular task but more about that later so that is the basics of adding new sections and a few tips and tricks there when it comes to managing them in the next lesson i'm going to talk to you about section groups so i'm going to head over there now and i look forward to you joining me hello everyone and welcome back to the course in the previous module i introduced you to the concept of sections and we took a look at some of the things that you can do to add new sections and also manage them so we're going to kind of follow on from that in this particular module and i'm going to talk to you about section groups and just show you what they are and how you can use them now the first thing i'm going to do in here is i'm actually going to delete one of these sections that i've created so i'm going to delete this courses section because what i'm going to do is i'm going to make courses a section group so i'm going to right click and i'm going to say delete and i'm getting a message here saying are you sure you want to move this section to deleted notes so i'm going to say yes now that's actually an important point to know when you do delete sections or pages or anything from your notebooks they don't disappear entirely they go into what we call the notebook recycle bin i'm going to talk a little bit more about that later on in the course so just keep that in your memory for a bit later on so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to create a section group and this is really just another way of organizing your notebooks and this is particularly good if you have a lot of information in any one notebook now to create a section group it's pretty simple all you need to do is right click on any of the tabs and you can see you have an option here for new section group and what that does is it gives me another little heading up here that currently says news section group and you can see the icon next to it has all of these different tabs so that gives you an idea as to what we're doing here this is a way of grouping different sections together so i'm going to call this section group courses and hit enter what i'm going to do within here is create sections within this section group so if i right click i'm going to say new section and what you'll notice is something a bit strange it adds it as if it's just another new section it doesn't necessarily fall directly underneath where we've created the new section group so i'm going to go ahead and create my sections that i want to be part of my section group now this whole project artemis is about the rollout of office 365 across all of my company's global offices and part of that rollout program is going to be training and we want to retrain everyone on the applications within office 365 or microsoft 365 as it's now known so i'm going to have a section for each of the courses that are going to be offered so the first section is going to be called word i'm going to create another new section called excel another one called powerpoint we're going to have one for one drive and i could carry on going now obviously this is just a demo so i'm gonna stop there but you would add as many sections as you needed now once you've added in your sections if you want to group them together underneath this courses section group all you need to do is right click so let's right click on this first section tab i'm going to say move or copy i'm going to select the section group which is courses and then i'm going to say move and you'll see immediately it jumps me from my main notebook into this kind of sub group so project artemis courses section group and there is my section so if i want to jump back i just click that green arrow so if i take this excel section i'm going to click i'm going to drag over and hover my mouse on top of courses and you'll see it jumps me across i can let go and it moves that section now unfortunately there is currently no way in one note to make a multiple selection so you can't select multiple sections and then move them all in one go unfortunately you have to do them all individually so i'm going to do the last two let's do powerpoint i'm going to drag and drop and then the final one i'm going to right click i'm going to say move or copy select courses and click on move so now i have these essentially sectioned off from the main bulk of my notebook and i have my courses section group just there so if you have a particular section that has lots of different subsections then this is a great way of organizing your notebook so we're starting to get some kind of structure to our notebook now we've got a notebook ready we've got all of our sections we've got a little section group on the end there now we want to start adding pages and content and that's exactly what we're going to do in the next module so i'm going to head over there and i look forward to you joining me hi guys and welcome back to the course this is still deb and we are heading towards the end of section two and over the course of this section we've really got to grips with some of the basics of working in onenote and in the last couple of modules i've shown you how you can add sections into your notebooks and also section groups it's now time to start adding pages because there's a couple of things that you need to be aware of when you're doing this so as i mentioned within each section you can have different pages and each of those pages will contain content so let's first walk through the process of adding pages to sections so currently i'm clicked on this offices section now what i want to have here is i want to have maybe an overview of all of the different offices which we're rolling out microsoft 365 to and then i might want to have a specific page that lists out each office individually with bits of information that are particularly important to that office now if you cast your eyes over to the right hand side of the screen you'll see that you have this kind of orange bar running down the side and this is where you basically create all of your pages for your sections and onenote will automatically create a page called untitled when you add a new section and that page is currently what i'm clicked on within the offices section now currently it's called untitled which isn't particularly meaningful so i'm probably going to want to go in and rename this page so it's easy for me to identify so my first page in this section is just going to be called overview so i've clicked my mouse just above where we have the date and time and i've typed in the word overview and you'll see as soon as i do that over on the right hand side the page is now renamed so i'm going to go through and i'm going to add a few more pages and we do that by clicking on the add page link at the top of that right hand pane so let's click on add page you'll see automatically i get another untitled page and i can now type a title for this particular page so this one is going to be called europe i'm going to add another page called north america another page for asia another page for africa and then one final page for australia and as we move through this course i'm going to be adding information onto these pages so adding pages in itself is a very simple and straightforward process but what you might not know is that you can also add sub pages so for example underneath each of these pages which i've just created i might want to have sub pages for each of these specific office locations in each of these regions so what i'm going to do is i'm going to add a page and you'll see it adds it to the bottom i'm going to call this one london i'm going to add another page i'm going to call it paris i'm going to add another page and let's call this new york and i'm going to add two pages for each of the regions and we'll do bangkok and we'll say durban and finally for australia we will have sydney and melbourne so you can see that now i have quite a collection of pages and at the moment they're not really organized as i want them to be so the first thing i'm going to want to do is i'm going to want to move the pages i've just created underneath their relevant locations so for example we've got london and that needs to go underneath europe so all i need to do to move a page is click drag and you'll see i get that line let go and it's going to move that page i'm going to grab paris and we're going to do the same thing we're going to move that up now of course when i'm moving these i can go to the right click menu and move or copy but for me by far the quickest way of doing it is just simply to drag and drop them so i'm going to move new york and chicago underneath north america and for pages you can actually move multiple pages in one go so i want to move shanghai and if i hold down my control key i can also select bangkok and then i can move both of those underneath asia so i'm going to do the same for durban and johannesburg hold down control drag and drop and then finally at the bottom we have australia with sydney and melbourne so these look slightly better but the structure still isn't quite there because essentially these city pages that i've added are subpages of the continent so i want to indicate that these are in fact sub pages and again there's a couple of different ways that we can do this the first thing i can do is if i click on london if i click my mouse and just drag to the right very slightly you can see i can indent it so this is a sub page so i'm going to indent it once and i could do the same for paris click drag once and that essentially makes london and paris subpages of europe and the structure is now reflecting that now i can do this a slightly different way so let's select new york hold down control and also select chicago if i right click i can say make subpage and it's going to move both of those in i'm going to select shanghai bangkok durban johannesburg sydney and melbourne and i've done that again simply by holding down the control key as i'm clicking right click make subpage and it's going to move all of those in in one go so right away i now have a much better structure it's a lot easier for me to see what's going on here and as you can imagine you can have sub pages of sub pages as well so if i just show you a quick example if i add another page and let's call this sync kilda which is a very specific area in melbourne what i might want to do is make the syncilda page a sub page of melbourne so again i can click on it i can drag once twice to make that a sub page of a sub page and you can carry on going making whatever structure it is that you need and of course if we right click we now have that contextual menu come up so everything in here is related to pages as opposed to sections or anything else you can promote the sub page so that's essentially pulling it back up a level or you can collapse all sub pages for whichever one you're clicked on so for me that was australia it's collapsed them all up i can then click that drop down arrow to bring those back again i can right click i can move or copy i can add a new page from here as well and you can also see the keyboard shortcuts in there now i'm actually going to delete this page so let's select delete to bring me back to how we were so i've got a pretty good outline or structure going on on this offices section and of course i can go to each of these sections and start adding in different pages you don't necessarily have to do that before you add content you can definitely do it as you go but for me on this particular section it works best if i set them up beforehand so that's how you can very simply add pages to a section and also make subpages and that draws this section to a close in section three this is where the fun begins we're going to start adding all different types of content into a notebook so you can get a really good feel for the application and what it can do so i'm really looking forward to this section i'm gonna head across there now and i look forward to you joining me hi guys and welcome back to the course now as i mentioned in the introduction at the end of each section i'm going to also throw in a module using onenote for windows 10 because this is something that is available for free and comes automatically installed for anybody who has windows 10 on their pc or laptop so in general what we tend to find is that if somebody doesn't have a microsoft subscription necessarily they can still utilize onenote but the windows 10 version so in order to cater for those people who are using this version i'm just going to do a module at the end of each section just recapping the main points in that particular section so let's get started with our first look at onenote for windows 10. so if you do have a windows 10 device you'll probably find that you already have onenote pre-installed so i'm going to jump down to search and i'm going to type in onenote and you'll see the first one that comes up is onenote for windows 10. so let's click to open this app and take a look at the differences so immediately what you'll notice is that the look and feel is completely different to one note for desktop so first of all let's take a quick look at the interface now we still have essentially a ribbon structure but our ribbons look slightly different they're a bit more compact we have a home ribbon that has all of our basic formatting options on it an insert ribbon if we want to do things like insert tables files pictures a draw ribbon for making annotations and inserting shapes a view ribbon for doing things like zooming in and out changing the page color adding raw lines so on and so forth and then finally we have a help ribbon that's going to allow us to access help on demand if we need it and then all the way over in the right hand corner we have some icons so this first icon here allows me to open a feed so this is basically going to allow me to see a feed of all activity that's going on in my onenote notebook i then have this little light bulb icon which is basically my search so this is the tell me what you want me to do pain i have a notifications area where i can see exactly what's going on in my notebooks i have a share button that's currently grayed out i can choose to enter full screen mode and then i have three dots in the top corner or ellipses that's going to allow me to access my settings now when it comes to actually viewing my notebooks if you cast your eyes over to the left hand side this first icon just here is the show navigation button so if i click this this is going to open up a pane where i can view all of my notebooks now i haven't created a new notebook yet so that's why there's nothing in there but when i do this is where you'll find them and this is how you can switch between your notebooks so let's start out by doing exactly that and there's a couple of different ways that you can create notebooks in onenote for windows 10. if you take a look in the big empty space in the middle where it says start taking notes it says tap or click here to create a new notebook you can also open one of your existing notebooks from the notebooks list so that's an important point if i click the drop down where it says notebooks and then click on more notebooks it's going to allow me to open an existing notebook that i have saved off so if i want to go in and open up project artemis or personal i can do that simply by clicking on that notebook and then opening it now in this case i actually want to create a brand new notebook so i could click somewhere in this center pane select a name for my notebook and then click create notebook alternatively i could right click up where it says notebooks and select new notebook or if i click on notebooks right at the bottom i have a plus symbol that says add notebook so i'm going to call this notebook project sierra i'm going to select an account and click on create notebook so now i have my new notebook and it's created a new section with a default name and also an untitled page for that section now of course i'm going to want to rename this particular section so i can right click my mouse to pull up the contextual menu and say rename section now i'm going to call this to-do list and click away to set that and then i can name my page so let's say today's list what you'll notice is right at the bottom if you want to start adding more sections and more pages you can so i'm going to click add page tomorrow's list add page next week's list so on and so forth and i can do the same with sections so let's say add section things to remember and then maybe i want to name this page emails so on and so forth so pretty easy to create notebooks sections and pages and of course if you click that drop down this is where you're going to see a list of your notebooks and if i had more than one i can easily switch between them from up here if i right click on this notebook you can see that i have other options that are similar to the desktop version for example i can change the notebook color to something that's a bit brighter so let's say pink and another thing i can do here is if i want to close this notebook and essentially remove it from my list if i right click i have an option to close the notebook from here now when it comes to things like sorting or moving rearranging sections and pages around again the process is very simple it's just drag and drop so if i want to reorder these pages for example if i want to move tomorrow's list above today's list i can click drag just to reorder those the same thing goes for sections so i can click on things to remember and drag it above to-do list just to reorder those items i also have a sort button over here so i can sort these pages in alphabetical order by day created or date modified now you can also create sub pages in this version of onenote so let me add in a couple more pages i'm going to call this one monday let's add another one and call it tuesday and what i want to do is make monday and tuesday subpages of next week's list so what i can do here is select both monday and tuesday right click my mouse to pull up the contextual menu and you see all of the different options you have in there related to pages so i can delete my pages i can cut copy and paste i can move them to other sections and i can also make these two selected pages sub pages so let's click that option you can see that they indent very slightly and next week's list is now a collapsible and expandable menu item and of course if i want to go in and right click and say move this particular page i can then select where i want to move it to so let's say things to remember and i can say move it's going to move that across and now when i click on things to remember i can see that page sitting there so in this case it's really important where you're clicked when you right click if i right click on a section i get a contextual menu full of options related to that section whereas if i right click on a page i get a completely different contextual menu that allows me to select options related to managing this particular page now what i'm going to do here is select tuesday right click and say delete page and if at any point when you're working in onenote for windows 10 you want to get rid of this navigation pane to give yourself a little bit more room if you click on the hide navigation icon it's going to minimize that down and now you have loads of room from which to type your notes so that is it that is all the information that you need in order to get started working in onenote for windows 10. hello everyone and welcome back to the course we're down to section three now and in this section we're going to explore all the different tools that you have available for adding content into your notebook and really this is what a notebook is all about of course once we've created our sections and our pages we're going to start to want to add content to each of those pages and in onenote there are so many different types of content that you can add in so that what you end up with in the end is a really nice functional informative and interesting way of storing notes and throughout most of this section we're going to be focusing on the insert tab up here because this is where you'll find all the different types of content you can insert into your notebook now before we get on to some of the more interesting and exciting aspects of onenote we're going to start out with the basics and that is adding a text note onto a page now that might seem fairly straightforward i have my cursor flashing flush with that left hand margin and as you could probably imagine i can start typing a note and that is very true now when you type a text note in onenote it does work a little bit differently to something like word in word when we have a document open we start typing from the left hand margin and work across the page and unless we use things like tabs or maybe indents we're pretty much limited to starting our typing from the left hand side of the page now one note works in a slightly different way because what you can see is i can literally click my mouse anywhere on this page my cursor starts flashing and i can start typing so it has much more of a scrapbook like quality so what i'm going to do is i am going to click over towards the left hand margin and i'm going to start to type my first note on the overview page so this is my first note just a little bit of information about the rollout and what you'll see is that when you type in a text note it kind of puts it in this little placeholder and this is kind of like a movable text box in a way you can see that if i hover over the gray bar that runs across the top i get a crosshair it just means i can pick this note up and i can literally drag and drop it anywhere on the page that i like so it is a lot more flexible than when you're typing text directly into a word document what you'll also notice is that on the end here i have these two arrows and that just allows me to resize this placeholder so i can drag it in if i want to make it smaller and drag it out if i want to make it wider and as you would imagine if i right click my mouse on this grey bar i get a contextual menu that has options in it relating specifically to this particular placeholder and the text contained within it now if i want to edit any of this text i just click back in the placeholder and i'm going to add a little bit of a title here i'm going to hit enter and let's call this rollout dates and of course i can treat this like any other text across all of the microsoft applications and i can apply formatting if we jump up to the home tab this is where you'll find all of your text formatting options so it might be that i want to change the font style of all of this text now what i can do there is because the text is contained within one placeholder i can just select that placeholder i can jump up and i can change this to something else so i'm going to do my favorite font so go ui hit enter and it's going to change that and if i want to make this heading stand out a little bit i can maybe make it slightly bigger so let's make that 12. i might want to make it bold i can change the color i can do all different kinds of things and if you've used any of the other microsoft applications you'll know that this is fairly standard when it comes to font formatting now i'm going to add a little bit more text into here so i'm going to press enter a couple of times now i'm going to add some bulleted text so again up to the home tab into that basic text group and we're going to utilize our bullets and i can add my bulleted text much like i would in any other application now everything that i've typed so far has been contained within this one placeholder you don't have to carry on typing absolutely everything within the same placeholder you could click somewhere else and start to type in some more text like so and then i'm going to add some more bullet points in like so now one thing you'll notice here is that as soon as i started typing in a different placeholder it's switched back to the default font which for me is calibri so if you want to keep things consistent then you'll probably have to go in and change that font to match the rest of the font in this particular document and i can then pick that up and i can drag it underneath so what i'm trying to say here is don't think that you're limited to just always typing in one placeholder you can have multiple going on on the same page another thing you can also incorporate into your text notes is that you can utilize styles and you'll find those on the home tab in the styles group and this can sometimes make it a little bit easier to achieve a level of consistency when it comes to the headings that you're using in your notebooks so for example instead of going through and manually formatting the headings like i did with rollout dates i could select the heading and utilize a style instead which has pre-formatting already applied so i could say heading 1 to change that and i know that every time i add a heading 1 it's going to look exactly the same throughout the entire notebook so don't forget about those you have headings 1 to 6 and you also have other styles in here for page title quotes anything else that you want to add in now the final thing i'm going to do in my text notes is i'm just going to highlight the dates that this rollout is going to start and end just so it's super clear to everybody who is looking at this notebook so i'm going to highlight january the 1st 2021 and i'm actually going to apply some highlighting like so now i want to apply the same highlighting to the 31st of july 2021 so i could repeat the same process alternatively i could utilize the format painter so i'm going to highlight january the 1st 2021 i'm going to go up to the home ribbon and select format painter let go and it's going to apply that highlight for me so format painter is a great tool if you just want to copy formatting from one piece of text to another it can save you a lot of time particularly if you have a lot of manual formatting applied to a specific piece of text or paragraph and we're going to be utilizing format painter quite a lot as we work our way through the course so for the time being that is the basics of adding in a text note into your notebook page over the next few modules we're going to move into adding all different types of content in and we're going to start out by taking clippings from web pages and pulling those into our notebook so i'm going to head over to the next module now and i look forward to seeing you there hello everyone and welcome back to the course we're down in section 3 where we're talking about adding content to onenote and in the previous lesson i showed you the very simple task of adding text notes to your onenote pages so we're going to move up a gear now and we're going to start to add content from other sources now there are many different ways that you can do this in one note and we are going to explore all of them over the balance of this section but i want to start out by introducing you to a little tool that you can install that's going to make your life a lot easier in certain respects and that is the send to onenote tool now you won't find this when you're actually working in onenote there is no button on any of the ribbons called send to onenote this is a little app that you can install which makes it super easy for you to send things like excel spreadsheets or word documents or even emails directly to a specific page in onenote so i'm going to show you first of all how you can install the app it's very very simple and then i'm going to show you how to use it so the first thing you're going to want to do if you don't have this app installed is just open up your preferred web browser so for me that is microsoft edge and then search for send to onenote app and hit enter and the first link you're going to get takes you to the microsoft web page and you can see there it is send to onenote we have a little description underneath so it says send to onenote lets you print from any app to a onenote page once it's in onenote you can access it from any device even if you're offline so this is also great if you have maybe something like a pdf document and you want to bring that information into your onenote page so it's viewable to everyone so what you do from here is you can see over on the right hand side is actually a free app which is always good i'm going to click on get and that's going to ask me to open the microsoft store so it's jumping me across to the application within the microsoft store and from here i can install it now the first thing you'll notice is that i actually already have this product installed if you don't what you'll see here is an install button where i currently have wishlist so all you need to do is click install it takes a few seconds for that to download and that is pretty much it once you've done that you are good to go so let's take a look at how we would then use it so i've jumped across to outlook just to show you an example of how you can utilize send to onenote once you've downloaded and installed the app and you might have to restart your applications in order for this to show but for example on the home ribbon in outlook you can see in the move group i now have this little icon here send to onenote and that's going to allow me to directly send any email message that i have selected to a specific page in my onenote notebook so i can see here that i have an email which is all about team leader assignments for this rollout project and it has a file attachment there as well so this is important information that everybody's going to need to know so this would be great content for me to add into my notebook so i'm going to click the onenote button and you can see what i get so underneath all notebooks i have project artemis now i'm going to click on the plus to expand that out and you can then see all of my different sections and tabs now if i have a specific page in onenote that i want to send content to i can expand for example the offices section and see all of the pages that i have underneath there so what i might decide to do is select the overview page click on ok and there we go you can see that i now have that email added into my onenote page it's telling me the subject who it's from who it's to the date it was sent and i also have the attachment just here so what i can do is double click on this attachment and it's going to open it up and the cool thing about this is if any changes are made to this particular spreadsheet those are going to update because you're essentially you've just created a link to the original spreadsheet now it might be that now that i have this email on the overview page i think to myself actually you know what this needs to go on a different page so what i might want to do is create a new section let's click on plus and i'm going to say important emails and i'm going to call this page team assignments and what i'm going to do is i'm simply going to move that content across to this new page now i can do that by selecting the placeholder and the simplest way of doing this is to do a cut and paste so i can either jump up to my home ribbon and select cut from there or i can utilize the keyboard shortcut of control x i'm going to jump across to important emails and the team assignments page i can do ctrl v to paste or select my paste button just to paste that in so a nice simple way of adding content using that send to onenote tool and just to show you another example of how you can utilize this if i had this information in a word document as opposed to an email i could also send this directly to onenote as well so any content you have in spreadsheets documents powerpoint presentations once you've installed this app when you go to the file area and go down to print underneath printer you can select onenote desktop and then when you click on print you're going to get the same thing you need to select a location in which to print this piece of content to so i'm going to expand offices again i'm going to select overview and click on ok and you can see exactly what it does there it's going to pull that information in now one of the drawbacks of this which you can see immediately is that it's brought it in with a load of white space at the bottom so everything else gets pushed down underneath now i have scoured the internet trying to find a way to get around this and there doesn't appear to be any particular method of cropping out all of that white space so just think about that before you utilize it to send word documents and excel spreadsheets to your notebook but for now that is how you utilize send to onenote in the next lesson i'm going to show you how you can use onenote's clipping tool so i'm going to head over there now and i look forward to you joining me hello guys and gals and welcome back to the course we're down in section three where we've been taking a look at how we can add different types of content to our onenote notebook and in the previous module we saw how we could download and install the send to onenote app in order to send documents different files pdf content to onenote now we're going to stay along similar lines and when i say similar lines i just mean that what i'm going to show you next is also an app that you have to install and that is the onenote clipper now onenote clipper is pretty much the same as any other clipping utility that you might find in microsoft applications most of the applications these days contain some kind of screen clipping tool which makes it super easy for you to grab content off of different applications or maybe even web browsers and pull that into whichever application you happen to be working in now the cool thing with onenote is that there is a specific clipper extension that you can add into your browser to make clipping things off the web super easy to pull into a specific page in onenote so what i'm going to do in this module is to show you where you go to install the onenote clipper and then we'll do a quick demonstration so the first thing you need to do is open up a web browser of your choice and for me i'm using microsoft edge but you could be using chrome firefox safari whatever it is that you choose now depending on what your web browser of choice is will depend what you search for when looking to install the onenote clipper so for me because i have edge i would search for onenote clipper app edge if you're using chrome you might want to type in onenote clipper app chrome so on and so forth just to make sure that you get the correct download so i'm going to click on search and i'm going to click on this link just here which is going to jump me across to the microsoft store now what you'll see here is the web clipper app and because i've already installed this i only have a remove button if this is the first time that you're using this then you'll have an install button just here so you just need to click it run through the process again it just takes a few seconds it's a very small little app and once you've installed it you should then see a button in your web browser in the toolbar running across the top that says clip to onenote and you can see mine just there so once you have it installed let's take a look at how you can use it so i've just jumped across to the microsoft 365 homepage and this is a web page that just gives me some information about microsoft 365 and the different subscription plans so maybe i want to add into my document some information related to the business plans for microsoft 365. so i'm going to scroll down and see if anything takes my fancy and i can see here we have some information relating to the costs of subscriptions so this might be something that i want to add into my rollout plan for when we're trying to work out our budget so what i can do is i can clip this information and send it directly to a page in onenote and i'm going to do that by clicking on my clip to onenote tool now if this is the first time that you're using it it's going to ask you to sign in with a microsoft account now once you've signed in you're going to have a few different options when it comes to clipping and by default it's going to clip a full page so if i wanted to send everything on this page to onenote that is my default option now in this particular case i don't want to send the full page i just want to select a region so let's select region and you'll see it says drag and release to capture a screenshot the other thing you'll notice is that the page background has kind of faded out very slightly and my cursor has changed to a crosshair so this means that i can just click and drag over the region that i want to clip and you can see it adds it to this clipboard ready to send to onenote now if i have lots of different things that i want to clip off of a certain web page then i can just select to add another region and then scroll through and find the next piece of information that i like to clip so let's say for example i want to add in this i'm going to select it and it's added that to this clipboard as well and i could carry on going collecting different pieces of content now once i'm finished and i want to send these to my page in onenote i then need to select the location so if i click this drop down you'll see it's going to show any onenote notebooks that i have and the one that we're working in is project artemis so i'm going to click to expand and then i can see all of my different sections now with this you can't select a specific page you can only select a specific section so i'm going to select offices and i'm going to say clip it goes away it clips those regions it tells me it's been successful and i can either choose to view in one note or i can just pull it up from my taskbar and what you'll then see is if you look at all of the pages for this particular section right at the bottom i have a new page and when i click on it it's labeled it microsoft 365 for business and there are my clips and another really useful thing that it does is it gives you a direct link back to the page where these clips came from so if you essentially want to view the source or maybe read more information you have the link there you can simply click on it and it's going to jump you back to that specific page now of course because you weren't able to select a page in your notebook to send this to you might want to do some rearranging at this point you might want to copy and paste this information into a different section so i'm going to select this entire placeholder simply by clicking on it and i'm going to do a simple cut from the home ribbon i'm going to go to the overview page i'm going to click my mouse at the bottom and i'm going to say paste and that then pastes that content in i can resize it to make it a bit neater but i essentially have my nicely clipped content with a link back to the original document of course what i would then need to do would be to go in and delete that temporary page so over in my pages list i'm going to select it right click and i'm going to say delete just to get rid of that so very simple and very straightforward to utilize that clipping utility in the next module i'm going to show you how you can add pictures and video to your onenote notebooks so i'm excited i hope you are too please join me in the next module for that hello everyone and welcome back to the course we're down in section 3 where we're talking about adding content to our onenote notebooks and in the previous module i showed you how you can utilize the onenote clipper app in order to clip information content from the web and pull it through into onenote so now what i want to do over the course of the next few modules is show you how to add pictures video and different types of content into your notebooks so for this we're going to need to be on the insert tab and we're going to focus on this images group just here now the first thing that we have in images is a screen clipping utility now you might be thinking to yourself well why on earth would i need that you've just shown me how to use the onenote clipper well the onenote clipper is an installation for your browser so essentially it only really allows you to clip content from the web now the screen clipping utility that you have available within onenote allows you to clip anything that you have open on your pc so maybe you want to clip something from a pdf document or maybe an excel spreadsheet or from a powerpoint presentation pretty much anything that you can open on your pc you can clip using the screen clipping utility within onenote and you can see as i hover over it we get the screen tip that tells us what this is going to do so it's going to allow us to take a snapshot of parts of your screen and add it to the page it says onenote will hide while you capture web pages documents or anything else and one interesting point to note that we're going to get onto a little bit later when we cover searching is that onenote can search for text in screen clippings and that's a really cool little feature if you clip something so maybe a paragraph of text you can make it searchable but more on that specific aspect a bit later on let's concentrate on utilizing this screen clipping utility now what i've done here is i'm still in the offices section but i'm clicked on the london page and i've added a text note that gives the address of the london office now what i might also want to do here is maybe add in a map that shows where the office is located so i've opened up google maps and i've navigated to the address of the office and maybe what i want to do is take a screen clipping of a certain section of this map now because this is in a web browser i definitely could utilize my clip to onenote utility but i'm going to do this a slightly different way i'm going to utilize the screen clipping option now one of the things that you have to be careful of here is that whatever it is that you want to clip needs to be open directly behind onenote because what happens is as soon as you click on screen clipping it minimizes one note and allows you to clip whatever it finds behind it so if you want to clip a section from a word document you need to make sure that that is directly behind onenote so a way that i do this is i want to clip this so i want to have it as the last thing open and then i'm going to open up onenote on top of it so let's click on screen clipping you'll see it minimizes down and shows what's directly behind it my screen has kind of faded away and i have my cursor as a crosshair so i'm going to clip a certain section of this particular map and pull it through to onenote so let's just drag a big region over here and i can see rope maker street in the middle let go and like magic it pulls it directly into my page what you'll also see when you take a screen clipping in this way is that you have underneath the date and time that this screen clipping was taken now if you don't want this screen clipping information you can delete it out an easy way of doing that is as i hover over this text you'll see i get this little arrow or tab at the side if i click on that it's going to highlight that text and i can just press the delete key to get rid of it i can of course then click on the image and i can resize it if it's a little bit too big and as i mentioned at the beginning if i right click on this image i can choose to make the text in the image searchable now i'm not going to do that right now because we're going to do that a bit later on but just hold that piece of information in your minds until we get to that section let's do another screen clipping but this time of something that's not on the web now earlier i showed you how you can send a word document to your page in onenote utilizing the send to onenote tool under file print but if you remember when we do it that way we get a lot of white space in the bottom so what i could do instead is use the screen clipping utility just to clip out that part of the word document so again i need to make sure that i have the word document open directly behind onenote i'm going to jump to screen clipping it minimizes down and i can then just clip this specific area and pull that through so you can see that's a much neater way i don't have loads of blank space at the bottom and once again i can resize that as necessary so screen clipping is a tool that i use all the time in onenote just to grab different pieces of content i find it a lot quicker and a lot easier than other options and if i'm adding content where i'm not too concerned about it being updated dynamically then screen clipping is just a great way to get information into a page in the next module we're going to start adding some life to our pages by adding pictures so please join me for that hi guys and welcome back to the course this is still deb and we are still down in section three where we're looking at the different methods that you can use to add different types of content into your onenote notebooks and so far we've seen how we can add text notes we've seen how we can add screen clippings and now i want to show you how you can insert pictures into your pages so once again for this we're going to be working predominantly on that insert ribbon and we're sticking within this images group now you'll see within here we have two options we have pictures and we also have online pictures so if you have a particular image that you want to add into your notebook and you have that image already stored off locally maybe into your my pictures folder then you would use this option just here however if you want to browse online for a picture to use you could do that through the online pictures option and i'm going to show you an example of both of these so let's start out with pictures that i have already saved off so currently i am clicked on the europe page within the offices section and what i have on this page is just some suggested activities for free time in both of the european office locations so london and paris so if this is a rollout project we're maybe sending trainers to these different offices around the world and those trainers might have to stay there for a couple of weeks they're going to have some free time we want to give them some ideas of things they can do whilst they're there and in order to illustrate that point make it a little bit more interesting we're going to add some pictures in so you can see here i have free time suggested activities and i've applied a heading 1 style to that particular piece of text i then have london underneath and i have a heading 2 style applied to that and what i now want to do is add in a couple of pictures of some of the main sites in london so i'm going to jump up to the insert tab i'm going to jump into pictures and it's going to open up file explorer so all you need to do now is navigate to whichever folder you have those pictures stored in and there we go i can see a selection of pictures so i'm going to add in tower bridge i'm going to hold down control and also select the london eye and click on insert and it's going to pull both of those pictures through now one thing to note when you insert multiple images in this way is that they will become part of the same container the same placeholder so maybe if i want this bottom image to be next to this image of the london eye if i click on it when i drag i'm essentially dragging it out of that particular placeholder now you might think to yourself well why is that a problem well if i then wanted to add some more text in if i hit enter a couple of times it's going to move down one image but this image is going to stay where it is so just be aware of that if you do drag an image out of its original placeholder you may have to reorganize its placement on your particular page alternatively i'm going to control zed a couple of times just to put this back how it was so now what i might want to do here is click next to london press enter a couple of times and then just add some bullet points which has london eye tower bridge and of course again if you don't like the font you can go in and change the font for any of the text in your notebook now what i'm going to do is i'm going to click somewhere over in this blank space on the page and i'm going to create another placeholder and this one is going to be called paris i'm going to double click and give that a heading 2 format so it matches london i'm going to drag the placeholder out and just reposition that very slightly now when it comes to lining things up because really i want this paris heading in line with this london heading you are a bit limited with options but one thing i will generally do is jump across to the view tab and turn on raw lines so this just gives me some paper lines running across the page and i just find it a little bit easier to line things up when i have these turned on so now i'm going to add some bullet points we're going to have eiffel tower and sacra ke let's apply some formatting so it matches the rest of the document and now i'm going to add in my images so up to insert across to pictures it's going to default to the last folder that i was in i can pick up the image of the eiffel tower hold down control select sac recur click on insert and it's going to add those images in for me and of course these images can be resized if you need to do that but there we go fairly straightforward to insert pictures that you have stored off locally so now let's take a look at how we can add in online pictures now this is pretty much exactly the same as jumping into google or a different web browser googling an image saving it off and inserting it but it's just a little bit quicker as we're missing out some of those steps what i can do is click on online pictures and it's going to jump me across to a image gallery browser which is powered by microsoft bing and what i can do is i can utilize images in any of these galleries alternatively if i know what i'm looking for i can just type my search term into that online picture search bar so i'm looking for an image of big ben i'm going to hit enter and there you go so let's select this one and click on insert and it's inserted that very nicely into the bottom of this document i'm going to do the same thing but i'm going to add an image for paris this time so let's jump up to online pictures once more and i'm going to type in notre dame and hit enter this image looks pretty good to me i'm going to select it but one thing i want to point out here is when you are adding online pictures into your documents it's really important that you check this little setting just here you want to make sure that you're searching and using only images that have a creative commons license so it basically means you can use that image for not-for-profit reasons so if this is just a one note team notebook that's going to be shared between me and maybe three of my colleagues then that's absolutely fine any of these images i can use because i'm filtering for creative commons license now even when you have this filter on if the notebook that you're adding it into is going to be used for any kind of commercial purpose so if you are going to demonstrate this to a wide audience or if you're going to create a youtube video something that you're going to get money from then you need to delve a bit further as to whether you can use this image a lot of people make the mistake when it comes to copyright by thinking that if they have creative commons selected they can use any image that comes up in any type of document and that's simply not the case and a lot of people have been caught out by this if you're using it for a non-commercial purpose then yes normally it's fine but otherwise you might want to review and you'll see here right at the bottom it says you are responsible for respecting others rights including copyright and then you have a link to learn more here so if you're not entirely sure what creative commons licenses are then it's definitely worth having a read up about that before you start to use these images in any commercial projects now just while we're in here we do also have a filter button which allows us to search for specific types of images so i can search by size i can search by type so if i want to photograph a clip art or if i want something that has a transparent background and this is an option i use fairly frequently sometimes maybe i'm looking for an icon or maybe a logo but i don't want to have any background even if it's just a white background i just want images that have transparent backgrounds and you can also do things like search for images by their layout so square white tall and also color or black and white photographs only so don't forget about those filters that you have within this little area now for this particular image i don't need to do any of that i'm going to click on insert and it's going to pull that through and once again i can just go ahead and resize that as necessary i'm going to jump up to the top of this document and just add in another bullet point so we're going to say big ben and then for paris we're going to say notre dame like so so pretty simple and straightforward to add pictures into your notebooks if you've used microsoft applications for a while this will be like second nature to you we're going to move on to the next module now where we're going to talk a little bit about inserting video into your notebooks so i'm looking forward to that i hope to see you over there hello everyone and welcome back to the course in the last lesson i showed you how you can insert pictures both online and locally saved pictures into pages in your onenote notebook but did you know that onenote also has the ability to embed videos right into your pages and adding videos really makes your notebooks come alive and they're particularly good if you're creating an interactive notebook to share with others it's worth noting at this stage that inserting video is a little bit different to inserting pictures when it comes to video you cannot insert a video that you have saved off locally so if you've got your own video stored off to file explorer there isn't an option to browse your local drives to upload that video and add it into your notebook what you can do however is pull in videos from other video sites so online video essentially and if you take a look at that insert ribbon in the media group in the middle you'll see exactly what i mean we just have one option here which is online video so if you have a video that you've uploaded to youtube then you can essentially embed that link into the page now if you're wondering which sites you can embed video from i would advise you to jump onto the microsoft help page if you search for embedding videos in onenote you'll get to this page and that goes through and shows you all of the currently supported sites and services and you'll find in there most of the ones that you're going to want to use are listed there so we have things like dailymotion vimeo youtube ted talks all of those kinds of things and microsoft do advise that you check back here periodically as they're consistently adding more and more video sites to this particular list so let's jump back to onenote and let's take a look at how we can add an online video now for this i'm going to go across to my courses section group and i've got the excel section selected and what i want to do here is add in a tutorial video related to excel pivot table so this might be something that we want to send out to different staff members in offices to back up the in-person training that they're gonna get when we roll out microsoft 365. now if i was to click on online video what you'll see is that immediately it asks for the video address and you'll see underneath it says view supported video which is going to jump you to that help page that i was just showing you so really what you need to do here is jump onto youtube or dailymotion or vimeo grab the url and then come back to this option so that's what we're going to do i've just jumped into youtube i have the pivot tables in excel open i'm going to copy url control c jump back to onenote and then go to online video control v to paste it in if i click on ok it's then going to embed that video into my page and what i get here is a clickable link so if i click this it's going to take me to youtube where i can view the video but i can also view the video from within my onenote page so if i click on play that video is going to start and i can move through the video as i would on youtube or any other video application so super straightforward you just need to make sure you grab the url first and then just paste it in to embed that video that's it for now i will see you in the next module hello everyone and welcome back to the course we're down in section three where we've been taking a look at adding different types of content into our onenote notebooks and in the previous few modules i've shown you how you can add in screen clippings pictures online pictures and also online video now in this and the next couple of modules we're going to concentrate on adding files into our notebooks and adding files is just another way of gathering together information that's going to be useful to anybody who has access to this notebook it's also a great way of saving time so for example instead of retyping information or maybe relying on links to documents that might become unavailable if you go offline you can bring content that you need directly into onenote either as an attachment or as a printout that you can annotate and you'll find these options on the insert tab in the files group and it's these three that we're going to concentrate on over the next couple of modules so let's start out by taking a look at inserting file printouts now when you insert a printout it basically allows you to select a file that you have stored in onedrive or locally and that could be any kind of file it might be a word document an excel spreadsheet powerpoint pdf anything like that and it's going to print the contents of that file into wherever you're clicked so in my case i'm in the schedule section and i'm clicked on the course plan page so let's click on file print out and you can see it's going to jump me across to file explorer and i have a word document here called course descriptions that i want to add into this notebook now it's worth noting that i just have some junk text inside this word document to demonstrate this but hopefully you'll still get the idea so i'm going to click on insert and you'll see exactly what that does so it prints the contents into the actual page now it's worth noting that this is a copy so when i click on this page i get my resize handles at the side but it doesn't let me directly edit the text from within onenote however if i did want to update this text you'll see just above i basically have a link back to the original word document so what i can do if i want to update is i can double click to open in word i can go in and make my changes save the document and i'm going to close down word now what you'll see when i go back to onenote is that it doesn't automatically update you can't see that text that i've just added onto the beginning of the first paragraph what i do have just above it says the printout below may be out of date right click here to refresh so all i need to do is right click and then in the contextual menu i have a refresh print out option so if i click this it basically reloads that print out and now you can see that my changes have updated so that's one important point to note when you insert it you're essentially getting a copy that you can't edit within the notebook but you can edit the original and then just refresh the printout to update it now if you come across a situation where you have inserted a printout and then maybe you want to copy and paste this first paragraph into another page well you can do that as well if you click on the printout and right click your mouse you'll see you have an option here for copy text from this page of the printout so i'm going to click to copy and that's going to copy everything it doesn't allow me to select a specific paragraph so i'm going to just quickly add a new page and if i right click and paste it's going to paste all of that text in and i can then jump into the text and this is in fact editable so i can make some changes i can select different paragraphs copy and paste elsewhere so on and so forth so that's a really useful little option as it essentially makes the text editable and allows you to do other things with it so let's add another page and move on to the next option which is file attachment so this is more like adding a file attachment like you would in an outlook email or something along those lines if i click file attachment again it's going to jump me into file explorer and i can select a document to attach so this time i'm going to select the course descriptions pdf click on insert and i get a choice of attaching the file or inserting the printout now if i was to select insert printout that is basically exactly the same as selecting file print out from here so we've pretty much just run through how that works so let's go for attach file instead and as you would expect this looks a lot like an email attachment it just gives you a link to your document and of course you can double click to open that up and because it's a pdf it has opened in a web browser for me once you're in here of course you then have lots of different annotation tools if you do want to make changes to it but essentially what you have here is a link to the original document so any changes made in that document will automatically update the next time you open you're going to see the latest version so that's all very straightforward now before we carry on so we don't get too crazy i'm going to rename some of these pages so i'm going to title this one course details and the other page that we created i'm actually just going to delete that one out now the final option we have in here is to insert a spreadsheet and if you click the drop down you have two options you can insert an existing excel spreadsheet or you can create a new excel spreadsheet so let's go for existing excel spreadsheet first of all again it's going to jump me into file explorer i can then select an excel spreadsheet click on insert and this time i get three different ways i can insert this file so i can attach the file which means it's going to show very similar to this pdf it's going to be a link back to that original document i can insert the spreadsheet or i can choose to just insert a specific chart or table so let's go for the insert spreadsheet option and there we go so i'm going to move this over like so now this spreadsheet had four different workbooks so i had a chart which you can see there i then had some data and i then had a list of employees and you can see here it's brought everything in that workbook into my onenote notebook and once again if you don't want to make any changes if i double click on where it says course plan europe it's going to open up in excel and let's just make a simple change let's make a formatting change here i'm just going to change the color of these bars to a dark red color i'm going to save and close down and this time you'll see that it has automatically updated with those changes that i've made so it works slightly different to inserting a printout even though it looks fairly similar it does link directly back so any changes you make to the original document will automatically update in your onenote notebook now i'm going to scroll all the way down to the bottom here and let's take a look at this final option which is new excel spreadsheet so what this essentially allows you to do is create a new excel spreadsheet directly from within onenote and you can see here i have an edit button and if i click on edit it basically opens up a temporary excel spreadsheet for me and i can start to add data i'm just going to add a couple of columns click on save close it down and you can see that that data then updates so a great way of creating a spreadsheet kind of on the fly if it doesn't already exist somewhere on your system so those are all the different ways that you can add files and documents into your onenote notebooks in the next module we're going to move on to talking about recording and i'm going to show you how you can add audio and video recordings into your notebooks so i'm going to head over there now i look forward to you joining me hello everyone and welcome back to the course we're still down in section three where we've been taking a look at adding different types of content into our onenote pages and what we're going to take a look at now is how we can record and add to our notebooks audio and video files now it might be at some stage when you're working in your notebooks that you want to maybe take a quick audio note or record a video and the cool thing about this little feature in onenote is that if you do record a piece of audio or a piece of video and insert it into your page if you type any notes as you're recording your audio or video the notes will essentially bookmark within the audio or video file so you can easily find the place in the recording where you typed your note so let me show you an example of both so we're working up on the insert tab and you can see that i've just added a new page to the travel section called recording audio and video i'm going to click my mouse somewhere on this page and then in the recording group we're going to choose record audio now what this does is that as soon as you click on that button it's automatically recording everything that you say and you can see the audio files sitting there nicely in the onenote notebook underneath we have the time that the audio recording was started and if you take a look up to the ribbons at the top you can see i now have a contextual ribbon that's called recording and this contains all of the options i might need in order to manage this audio recording so currently because it is recording i have a pause and a stop button and you can see as i hover over those they both have keyboard shortcuts now it might be that you are taking a recording of a meeting or maybe a lecture or something like that and as you're recording you might also be making notes so let me show you how this works so if i take some notes just here so i'm going to type taking notes for audio recording [Music] and if i was to type something else so i'm just going to type in test test test test i could carry on going but now when i stop this recording so i'm going to press stop on that contextual ribbon i now have a couple of different ways that i can play this audio recording back if i just want to play the whole thing you can see if i hover over this file i get a little play button next to it and i can click play yo now what this does is that as soon as you click on that button it's automatically record but alternatively what i could do is if i hover my mouse over my notes underneath you'll see that each line of notes also has a little play button next to it so this is essentially bookmarked in the recording where i was when i was taking this note so what i can do is just click on play so if i take some notes just here and i could do the same for the line underneath recording so it essentially keeps track of what was being said at the point that the note was written now this also works for video as well so if we go back to the insert tab and click on record video this is going to pop open a window hi everybody nice to see you and it's going to allow you to take a recording in exactly the same way so if i'm again working through this and typing in some notes so i'm going to say typing notes for video recording again that's bookmarking where i am in my recording when i typed that note so now if i press stop on the contextual ribbon i can choose to either play back the entire recording or just the part where i took the note if i'm again working through this and typing in some notes so i'm going to say typing and it's as simple as that now you'll also notice that when these recordings start to play some of these other buttons in the playback group become active so you can do things like rewind for 10 minutes rewind for 10 seconds and also fast forward and then right on the end here we have audio and video settings so this is where you can customize how onenote creates and plays audio and video recordings and this is essentially going to jump you into your onenote options where you can set up things like your default audio recording device and also your video recording settings so this is particularly helpful i find if i'm ever in a training course or there is something that someone is saying that i want to make sure i get correct you can start a quick recording record it all and then you can type your own notes that is it for this module i will see you in the next one hello everyone and welcome back to the course we're still in section three and in this section we've been looking at adding content and it's now time to look at adding links into our notebooks this is a very simple process again if you're used to using microsoft applications then you're not going to find this difficult at all because it's pretty similar to every other application so occasionally you might need to add links to external websites or even links to other documents into your notebooks so for example i'm currently clicked on the travel tab and i've created a page and i've called it flights so what i might want to have in here are some links to websites where you can book flights and to do this we're staying on the insert tab and you'll see right in the middle we have a group called links and we only have one option in there you can see as i hover over it says create a link to web pages files or other places in your notes and the keyboard shortcut to bring that up quickly is control k so let's click and see what we get now the first two links that i'm going to add are links to external websites now there's a couple of different ways that you can approach this the first box you have to fill out here is text to display so i'm going to put in here expedia i now need to add in the link to that particular website and you can see just to the right i can choose to browse the web from here or if i already have the website open i can just jump across and copy and paste the link so i'm just going to go to microsoft edge where i have a few different websites open and the first one here is in fact expedia so all i'm going to do is click in the url bar to highlight that web address control c to copy i'm going to jump back to onenote and ctrl v to paste it into the address field i can then simply click ok and it adds in that link let's do another one but in a slightly different way i'm going to hit enter i'm going to go back up to link this time i'm going to display a link to sky scanner but i'm going to use the browse the web option so let's click and this time it opens up the default page in my default web browser which for this is microsoft edge i can then simply navigate to i can then copy the link control c jump back to onenote and then paste that address in so it's pretty much exactly the same just a slightly different way of getting to your web browser and now i've managed to add in another link now i'm just going to give these a little bit of a title [Music] recommended sites for booking flights and then i have my two links to my web pages and of course if i hover over i can see the url if i click it's going to jump me to that particular webpage so all very straightforward and simple let's look at some other options that we have underneath link now what we can also do is we can choose a file to link to so if i click browse for file just here i can navigate to where i have my file stored and it's this one just here flights.x click on ok i'm going to have the text to display as suggested flights and click on ok so now essentially i've created a link to a document and you'll see when i click it's going to open that document up in word now the final option that i have in here is i can link to other sections within my notebook so you can see at the bottom here i can expand the project artemis notebook it's going to show me all my different sections and i can choose any one of these sections to link through to so i'm going to link to the overview section the text to display is guide for flight dates click on ok and that's exactly what i get so if i now click it's going to jump me to that particular section so those are the different kinds of links that you can add into your notebooks and of course if you right click on any of these you get a contextual menu which is going to allow you to jump in and edit that link if you need to make any changes you can also remove the link from here select it or copy it and that is pretty much it it is as simple as that in the next module we're going to explore how to add equations and symbols into our onenote notebooks so please join me for that hello everyone and welcome back to the course we're heading towards the end of section three and i just want to start to round out this section by running through a few other things that we haven't looked at yet which you can insert into your onenote notebooks and what i'm going to go through in this module is inserting equations and symbols now i will say when it comes to equations this isn't particularly relevant for the notebook that i'm constructing but you may find there are times where you need to insert some kind of mathematical equation into your notebooks and fortunately onenote provides an equation editor to assist you with this so let's take a look at some of the things that you can do now again i'm still working on the insert tab and if we go all the way across to the last group that's called symbols you can see we have in there an equation button and this is a two-part button so i can click on the top half or i can click on the lower half so let's click the lower half first of all and what you're finding here is a whole host of predefined equations that you can just click and insert into your notebook so for example if we take the top one just here which works out the area of a circle i can click and it's going to insert that equation into its own little placeholder in my notebook and of course you can format this however you like using your tools on the home ribbon now when i insert this equation another thing that you'll notice is that i then get the equation contextual ribbon and remember contextual ribbons are ribbons that only appear as and when they're needed so from here you have lots of different options for manipulating this particular equation you have a large symbols group in the middle so if you need to change any of the symbols or add symbols then you can definitely do that and then in the structures group there's all these other different types of fractions that you can add in to your equation now remember all of these buttons are for adding to the current equation that you have you'll see if i was to click away that equations ribbon disappears so just be aware of that you must be clicked in your equation in order to see this ribbon but for example if i was to press space just here go up to structures and click the fractions drop down i could choose this first option just here which is a stacked fraction if i click it it's going to add that to my equation and of course then i can add numbers to this and customize it to my needs now if i click away from this equation to get rid of that equations ribbon what i could also do is jump back to my insert tab and i could create my own equation from scratch there's a couple of different ways i can do this if i click the lower half of the equation drop down you'll see right at the bottom i have an insert new equation button and the keyboard shortcut for that is alt plus equals alternatively in a much quicker way of doing this is to click the top half of the button which then just gives me essentially a blank placeholder and i can construct my own equation from here and you'll see once again i get my equation ribbon back again and i can go in and choose whatever equation it is that i want to add in and everything within these equations can be modified simply by clicking in the placeholder and replacing the characters or the operators now if you are somebody who is using a touch screen device then you also have a few extra options so once again let's jump up to insert and i'm going to insert a blank equation so if you have some kind of stylus that you use with your touchscreen device what you can do is handwrite out your equation and then one note will do its best to convert it to text for you so in this first group here the tools group we have a button called ink equation and it says insert mathematical equations using your handwriting so let's jump into here and we get our insert ink equation box and what i can do is i can now write my equation using my stylus and get one note to convert it for me now what i'm going to do is i'm going to drag this box out to make it a bit bigger and i'm going to use my stylus because i am using a touchscreen device to write out my equation and let's just use einstein's most famous equation e equals m c squared so i'm going to do my best to write this out but there we go and you can see just above it's giving me a preview of what it thinks i've written and in this case that looks to be correct now if i need to make a correction when i'm writing this out you can see at the bottom we have some options for manipulating our handwriting so i could choose select and correct and then i can draw around whatever it is that i want to correct i wonder it's going to provide me a few different options that it thinks i might want to do from this little menu now in this case i don't want to correct it i'm just going to click on close and i can also erase any of my handwriting as well so if i click on erase once again i can just drag it over whatever it is i want to get rid of and of course if i want to clear the whole lot and just start again then i have a clear button down here now i'm going to go back into right mode and just add that to back in like so and i'm fairly happy with that so i'm going to insert it into my page and there we go we have our little equation so that's particularly good if you have a very bespoke long equation that you want to add in instead of going through all of these different structures and symbols you can simply open up the ink equation editor write it down and then onenote will do its best to convert it and you can make any corrections that you need to make so equations probably not something you'll use all that frequently but just know that it's there and you can use it if you need to finally let's jump back up to insert and quickly look at symbols now again this is fairly straightforward this will just allow you to insert any symbols into your onenote pages and you can see there i have a selection of a few that i've used most recently if i want to see the full list of symbols i can just say more symbols and it's going to bring up that full list and i'm going to insert one of these symbols now let's just move that window out the way because i'm going to go to the offices section i'm going to select the london office and you can see here i have the office address so what i'm going to do is just click at the start of office address and just add in a little symbol i'm going to add this little envelope one so i'm going to click insert close i might want to put a little bit of space in there so it just adds a little bit more interest into my onenote page so don't forget you have a whole host of different symbols that you can use in your pages as well again this is a feature that's available across all of the other microsoft applications so that's it for this module very straightforward equations and symbols use them when you need to that's it for this module i will see you in the next one hi guys welcome back to the course we're down into the last module of section three and in this section we've been seeing how we can add all different types of content into our onenote notebooks so i'm just going to finish up this section by running through the options that you have when it comes to copying and pasting content from other documents into your notebook the first thing i'm going to do here is create a new page so i'm going to jump into my courses group i'm going to click the plus to create a new section and we're going to rename this one onenote and hit enter and this page is going to be called training script and what i want to do is i want to take the training script what i'm going to say in this particular course from a word document and paste it into this page in onenote and this is fairly straightforward if you're used to copying and pasting things across different microsoft applications you're probably not going to have too many worries but let's run through it because there are a couple of things when it comes to pasting that you need to be aware of so i'm going to jump across to a word document and all you need to do is make your selection so select the text that you want to copy and paste so i'm going to say i want these first few paragraphs and then of course you need to copy it and you can use whatever method you want to use in order to copy this text so that might be control c if you like your keyboard shortcuts alternatively up on the home ribbon you have a copy button or you could right click your mouse and select copy from the little contextual menu so let's click copy and jump back to onenote so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to paste this text in now you'll find your paste options on the home tab in this first clipboard group now again this is a dual button so it's split into a top half and a lower half now if you click the top half of this button it's exactly the same as doing a control v to paste and what onenote will do is it will use your default paste option in order to paste that text in if you're wondering what your default paste option is if you click the lower half of the paste button whatever icon you have showing first is going to be your default paste option so for me that is to keep the source formatting so what that means is if i just do control v it's basically going to retain all formatting from the source document so if i have my font formatted in times new roman in the source document if i was to choose keep source formatting when i paste it's still going to be in times new roman in onenote now of course i have a few other options in here i could choose to merge formatting so that means whatever my default fonts are in onenote when i paste text in from another document it's going to take on the formatting that's set in onenote the third option i have is to keep text only so that's going to bring across unformatted text and you can do whatever you like with it or i could choose to insert the text as a picture now i'm just going to do that just to show you the difference with this option let's select picture and what you'll see is that within the placeholder if i click i now get these handles around the outside so onenote is treating this as a picture which means i can't just jump into this text and edit it so just bear that in mind if you decide to use that option now i'm going to control z just to undo that and what i'm going to do is i'm going to select keep source formatting paste that in and there we go and you can see with this option i can jump in and i can make any changes i need to this text and what you'll also see at the bottom is that i have a link back to the original document if i need to refer to it at any stage so that was copying and pasting text from a word document into onenote let's run through one more example of copying and pasting something from excel into onenote so i'm gonna go back a level and i'm just going to jump to where it says schedule and click somewhere down here now if i go to excel you can see i have an excel worksheet here that has the course plan table on it so what i could do is select this entire table i can click on copy jump back across to onenote and then once again i have my different paste options so this time i'm going to select merge formatting to pull that through and it's going to take on the default formatting that i have in this onenote notebook if i control z just to undo that and do it once more but this time i'm going to say keep source formatting you can see i get something slightly different because it's bringing across the formatting from the original source document so the main takeaway from this lesson is just be aware of those different paste options that you have and how they can affect the look and feel of the content that you're pasting in that's it for this module that is it for this section in the next section section four we're going to move into taking a deeper look at formatting our notes so i'm excited grab yourselves a coffee and i will see you over there hello everyone and welcome back to the course it's time for us to take a look at some of the options that we've run through in this section in onenote for windows 10. so we are pretty much picking up from where we left off in the last windows 10 tutorial and if you remember we created a project called project sierra we created some sections and some pages and then i showed you how you can make sub pages and we also took a look at the main options that we have in the onenote for windows 10 interface so let's move on a little bit now and start taking a look at how we can insert items into our pages now this is fairly straightforward in onenote for windows 10. all of your insert options are found on the insert tab and from here you can insert various different items like tables files printouts pictures and online video as well as things like links and audio meeting details symbols so on and so forth so fairly similar in that way to the desktop version now when it comes to typing notes this works in exactly the same way you just click somewhere in your page [Music] and type your note and you'll see that the note appears in a very similar placeholder that you can pick up and move around you can also resize it by dragging it out to give yourself a little bit more room and you can pretty much place this wherever you want on your page now when it comes to formatting text that you have within placeholders if you jump back to the home tab this is where you're going to find all of your formatting options that you have available so i can make this bold i can make it italic i can highlight it i can even do things like copy the formatting using format painter or add things like bullet points and numbered items now i'm gonna do undo a couple of times just to take that back to the plain text because what i want to focus on in this particular lesson is things that you can insert into your notebook so let's jump back to the insert tab and let's start out by taking a look at how we can insert a table so i'm going to click the table button and again this is probably fairly similar to what you're used to i'm going to select how big i want my table and very quickly i've managed to insert a nice table into here and i can now start to add in my required data now i'm going to select that placeholder and just delete that out and just show you a couple of other options that you have on this ribbon because most of them are pretty much the same as the desktop version so let's click on file and i'll just show an example of inserting a file into your notebook so i'm going to select this word document just here and click on open and i can choose to upload it to one drive and insert a link to it i can insert it as an attachment or as a printout so i'm going to say insert attachment and just like that we have that document sitting there ready to open we can insert pictures in pretty much the same way we can choose to insert a picture that we have saved off we can choose to select one from a camera or from an online source so if i was to select from online it's going to open up a pane where i can then search for a particular picture so let's just say london i can then choose the picture that i want and it's going to insert that very quickly into my notebook now once again i'm going to click on undo to get rid of that now when it comes to something like online video again this is where you're going to need to know the exact url of the video that you want to insert so you might have to jump onto youtube or vimeo grab the url paste it in here in order to put your video into your notebook now pretty much everything else in this section is exactly the same in the desktop version as in this one when it comes to copying and pasting you can utilize exactly the same keyboard shortcuts so for example if i press ctrl c to copy click down here and ctrl v to paste that's going to work nicely now if you're looking for your cut copy and paste options on that home tab you're going to need to click on the clipboard and then you'll see a drop down menu with those three available in there so when it comes to inserting items into this particular version of onenote fairly straightforward insert tab there you have your options and for the most part it works pretty much the same as the desktop version that's it for this module i will see you in the next one hi everyone welcome back to the course this is still deb and we are down into section four where we're going to be taking a deeper look at formatting notes now formatting is reasonably simple but it's a very important process because it makes your text more readable it allows you to emphasize certain points and also gives a bit more structure to content that you have on your page and i've been utilizing font formatting throughout this course so far but in this particular module i just want to delve into all of the options that you have so that you're clear and can format your notes effectively so i'm currently clicked on the onenote section in the training script and you can see here currently i have a few paragraphs of completely unformatted text now i can see in here i have some spelling errors that i might want to correct and i'll do that later but for now i want to give this a bit more structure make it a little bit more interesting by formatting my paragraphs now in onenote you can choose to format everything that you have on your page or you can select specific paragraphs to format so let me show you examples of both now if i click on my text you can see that i have this placeholder around the outside now if i select that placeholder i'm effectively selecting everything contained within the placeholder so any formatting that i apply at this point is going to apply to everything within the placeholder what you'll also see is that as soon as i clicked on that placeholder i get my mini toolbar just above and the mini toolbar holds lots of different formatting options to make it a bit more convenient when it comes to formatting now currently i'm clicked on the home ribbon where i have all of my formatting options but it might be that i'm clicked on a different ribbon and i want to format some text so instead of having to jump back to home to get to those formatting options the mini toolbar gives me quick access to them wherever i am so the first thing i'm going to do here is i'm going to change my font style so currently i have this set to calibri and if i click the drop down this is going to give me a list of all of the inbuilt fonts within onenote you'll see at the top i have my most recently used fonts and then i have a list of all of the fonts within one note in alphabetical order which makes them a little bit easier to find now if you know the particular font that you want to use you can scroll through the list and look for it or alternatively you can just start typing the name of that font and it will jump you to the correct place in that list so for me i'm going to use lato light and you can see as i type it it's found that in the list it's the last one just here if i click it it's going to apply that font to everything i have within that placeholder now currently i have a little title here called what to expect from this course and it doesn't really stand out from the rest of the text so what i could do is just select that line of text as opposed to the entire placeholder jump up to my font drop down and this one i'm going to select lato again but this time i'm going to choose lato black so what i'm doing here and this is quite important is i'm sticking within the same font family i've used lato light for my paragraphs and i'm using latte black for my heading and this ensures that my fonts aren't going to look too different to each other as they're within the same family it just gives a more consistent overall look and feel there's something else i might want to do here is i might want to select that heading again and increase the font size so once again from the drop down menu currently i've got 11 point font selected but i could choose something that's a little bit bigger just to make that heading stand out a little bit more now underneath those two options we have some additional ways of styling up our text we can make text bold and you can see the keyboard shortcut there ctrl b italic we can underline we can add a strikethrough to cross something out and then we have a choice of subscript or superscript so for example if you typed the word h2o you could use superscript to make that look correct so let's just apply some of these options i'm going to take the let's just take this first sentence in the second paragraph i can make it bold i can make it italic i can underline it i could strike through and if i type in h2o what i could do is select the number two jump up to my superscript and subscript button and make it superscript so that looks a little bit more accurate now i don't actually want all of this formatting applied so i'm going to delete out the word h2o and what i'm going to do is i'm going to highlight this whole sentence again and if we go up to our basic text group you can see here i have a clear or formatting button keyboard shortcut ctrl shift n and you can see it says it removes all formatting from the selection leaving only the normal unformatted text so when i click this it's going to remove absolutely everything including the font style that i selected now in this case it's a little bit quicker for me to use this button and then just go back in and reselect later light to apply that font but in some cases it might be quicker for you just to highlight the sentence and undo all of the formatting that you applied now a couple of other options in this second group that we have here we have a text highlighter and i showed you how to use this before it's a really nice little option if you want to highlight or make something stand out in your bulk of text so let me take this sentence here where i'm introducing myself and if i go up to highlighter click the drop down i have a choice of different highlight colors so let's highlight this in a bright green and there we go and once again if i wanted to remove that i can select the text and i can go back into here and choose no color or i could clear the formatting but remember it's going to clear that font style as well and take it back to your default and then of course if we highlight this first paragraph i can change the font color and i have a selection of theme colors to choose from and then a selection of standard colors now if i'm not finding the color that i want in this palette i could click on more colors i can choose from a standard color selection or i can go to custom and get super granular about the color that i'm choosing so i can move around this color palette and let's go for a purple i'm going to go for a lighter purple and you can see in the bottom corner it's showing me what that color is going to look like click on ok and then it's going to apply that to whatever paragraph i have selected now i'm going to ctrl z just to put that back to black now the final few options that we have in here are the increase and decrease indent so once again if i wanted these first two paragraphs to be slightly indented from the rest of the text i could select them and choose to increase my indent position and it's going to indent those and if i want to do the opposite again i can select and i can choose to decrease my indent position to move that back again then finally underneath i have some alignment options so currently my text is all aligned to the left now for this i'm actually going to select the entire placeholder and i'm going to say align to center and you can see i get a completely different layout for my text i could also choose to align to the right and that's sometimes useful if you want to move your text box over to here it gives it a different look and feel now again i'm going to ctrl z just to pull that back to align left and then right at the bottom we have some paragraph spacing options so currently you can see the spacing in between my paragraphs is reasonably small so it might be that i want to increase that to make it a bit more obvious and prominent so if i go down to paragraph spacing options i can choose how much space i want to set before the paragraph and how much space after and i'm going to say i want 20 point spacing afterwards click on ok and you can see i get a much wider gap after each paragraph and the final button that we have in this little basic text formatting group is the delete item button so this is just another way of being able to very quickly select a paragraph so if i hover over the second paragraph you'll see i get a little arrow at the side i can click it to select the paragraph i can click delete and it's pretty much the same as pressing the delete key on your keyboard so that is it a very quick run through of all of those font formatting options that you have available in the next module i'm going to show you how you can utilize format painter so please join me for that hello everyone and welcome back to the course we're down in section 4 where we're taking a look at formatting and in the previous module i showed you the different options that you have when it comes to formatting paragraphs of text in your notebooks now in this particular module we're going to follow on from the previous one i'm going to introduce you to the format painter now again this is something that i use towards the beginning of this course but i want to make sure that you understand exactly how to use it because there are a couple of things that aren't immediately obvious so once again i am working in the training script page and i've added a bit more text into this page now if you take a look at the text that i've actually added i have some times 10 to 12 and also 2 to four a bit further down and i want to make those stand out from the rest of the text on the page so once again what i can do is i can hover my mouse over the little arrow that appears in the margin and click to select that piece of text now if i want to select another piece of text i can hold down my control key click to select that line as well and i'm going to make both of these bold like so and then underneath i have a list of items that i'm going to cover and then underneath each of these headings i have essentially a list of agenda items so again what i might want to do here is apply some formatting to make them stand out and give this notebook a little bit of structure so the most obvious thing i might want to do with some kind of list would be to either add bullets or numbering and if we jump back up to our basic text options you can see i have a whole host of different symbols that i can use as bullets so i'm going to pick this little tiny black square click to add that in now an alternative option to adding in just symbols as bullets is that you can number items as well so if i go up to the button next to bullets we have a numbering option and this is going to pull up the numbering library and it shows me all the different styles of numbering that i could choose so again it really depends on what your personal preference is or what matches the overall theme of the notebook that you're working in so for this one i'm actually going to choose these roman numerals click to add those in and when it comes to things like numbering you'll notice that if i click on one of the numbered items it selects them all so if i wanted to change to a different style of numbering i can just jump back up to numbering and then choose whatever it is that i need to now the final thing i want to show you in this lesson is how to utilize the format painter so what i'm going to do is i'm going to press enter and you'll see that automatically it's going to give me my next numbered item now i don't want to have a numbered item here i want to create a new heading so all i need to do is i can just click on numbering but you'll see that it's going to leave my cursor indented so if i want to pull it back so it's flush with that left-hand margin this is where i would use my decrease indent position and when i click that it pulls it back to where i need it to be so i'm going to add another heading in here we're going to say 4 to six and i'm going to add in a few more items now a quick way of me formatting this new list the same as the list that i have above is to utilize the format painter and what the format painter does it allows you to select a piece of text that already contains formatting and then essentially transfer it to another piece of text so in this example i want this heading 4 to 6 to look exactly the same as the one just above two to four now in practice this just contains bold formatting so it's not too much of a hassle for me to just apply bold but if i had multiple pieces of formatting applied so if i select it and maybe if i change the color maybe i've gone in and i've made it bigger maybe i've made it italic i've now applied a number of different steps and so to recreate those manually for this particular title is going to be a little bit time consuming a much quicker way of doing it would be just to select the text that contains the formatting you want to copy and in the clipboard group click on the format painter and you can see the keyboard shortcut there is ctrl shift c now i'm going to click the format painter once and you'll see that my cursor changes to a paintbrush and now all i need to do is paint over and let go and it's going to copy that formatting across now one thing you'll also notice is that as soon as i've done that my cursor returns to just that standard cursor so what do i need to do if i want to carry on painting this format so we're going to do the same again but this time i'm going to copy the formatting to multiple items so it's the same process i'm going to select the text but this time i'm going to double click on the format painter i can then paint over this heading scroll up and paint over this heading and you can see that my cursor is still showing in paint mode so if you click on format painter once you only get to paint once if you have a lot of painting or copying of formatting that you want to do you need to double click on that format painter once you're done with your formatting you can just click on format painter to turn it off alternatively you can press the escape key on your keyboard and that will take you back to your regular cursor so format painter is a great way of working a little bit more efficiently saving time and also ensuring that your formatting is consistent throughout your notebook that's it for this module i will see you in the next one hello everyone and welcome back to the course in this section we're taking a look at everything to do with formatting notes to give our notebook structure and make it easier for the reader to decipher exactly what they're looking at and in the previous module i showed you how you can utilize bullets and numbering and also use that format painter to copy formatting to other pieces of content i'm just going to start out by finishing that up so if you remember right at the end of the last lesson i added in another list of items and currently these don't have any bullets or numbering applied to them like the previous two sections and i want everything in here to be consistent i want everything to have bullets supplied as opposed to numbering so once again i'm going to select the text that contains the formatting i want to reuse and i'm going to double click on my format painter and i'm going to paint over the list below and then i'm going to paint over the final list and then i'm going to click on format painter to come back to my regular cursor so now everything's starting to look a little bit more uniform and this is a really important point when you're working in any application not just one note making everything look consistent is really important when it comes to the readability of the document that you're creating and something that can help you with that is styles and you'll see on the home ribbon in the middle we have a styles drop down and again this is something we took a look at very briefly in one of the earlier modules but let's just delve into it a little bit deeper so you understand exactly why these can be useful now styles are essentially pre-formatted pieces of text which are available as standard in onenote and you can see from this drop down you get a little preview as to what each of these will look like when you apply them to any piece of content in your notebook and the idea of these is to give your document consistency and also structure and it also makes it a lot easier for you to very quickly apply formatting without having to manually apply it from your basic text formatting options so let's take a look at how we might use these now at the top here i have the heading what to expect from this course and i just applied manual formatting to this i changed the font style i increased the font size to 14 and i also made it bold so that's essentially three clicks to get the result that i want what i could have done instead was select this heading go to styles and select heading 1 and that's going to apply that heading 1 style and all of the formatting to that heading and if whenever i have a heading in my notebook i consistently use heading 1 that's going to make my document look a lot more tied together and it also saves me a lot of time because it just requires one click now i'm going to go in and i'm going to add a subheading here called agenda i'm going to select it and i'm going to give this a heading 2. i'm then going to select 10 to 12 and i'm going to give this a heading 3. so you can see that each of these headings as i'm applying them are slightly different from the previous one but they still give a cohesive look so let's apply heading three to this one as well and also heading three down here now of course i could carry on going and it really depends how many subheadings i have in my document but i can utilize all of these throughout to give a consistent feel you'll also see that i have some other styles available in here which i could also use so if i have a page title i might decide to apply this particular style if i have a citation or maybe a quote and what you'll see is if i just show you if i select this paragraph maybe this is a quote and i want to emphasize that i could use the quote style and when i click in it you can see the formatting that's applied for this style so it's calibri font it's size 11 it's italic and if i click the font color drop down you can see the font color that it's using highlighted in the theme colors palette so i can see all of the individual properties that essentially make up that quote style now i'm going to control z because i don't need that to be a quote now i'm going to leave you to have a little play around with these see which ones you like which ones you don't but they are a super quick way of just applying some kind of structure to your document that's it for this module i will see you in the next one hello everyone and welcome back to the course in this section we'll be taking a look at some of the options that we have when it comes to formatting our text notes and i want to move on from that a little bit in this module and run through some options that you have when it comes to organizing information on your page and we're going to start by taking a look at tables now once again we're going to be working predominantly on the insert ribbon as that is where we will find add tables option in the second group just here now again if you've worked in other microsoft applications such as word or maybe excel you may be pretty familiar with the concept of tables now if you are used to using tables in those applications then you might find the option in onenote a little bit limited there's definitely not as much that you can do with a table in one note compared to something like word but nevertheless it can still be super useful for organizing text making things easier to read and also lining up items on a page so in this module i'm going to show you how you can insert a table and we're going to run through the formatting options that you do have so i'm clicked on the training script page and what i'm going to do here is i'm going to add in a table which is essentially going to replace these bulleted items so currently the way i have this laid out these bulleted items take up quite a bit of room so i've decided that these would look a little bit better if i organize them in a table so i'm going to click after the word agenda and hit my enter key to put me onto a blank line i'm going to jump up to table and at this point i have a couple of different options i can select how many columns and rows i want in my table simply by dragging over the grid alternatively i can click on insert table and manually type in the number of columns and the number of rows now for me i always find it a little bit easier just to drag over the grid so i'm going to create a table that is seven rows by three columns click to insert and what you'll see is you get this rather small kind of cramped up table now of course this is a little bit small for me to be able to work with effectively so the first thing i want to do here is resize these columns and it's a simple case of hovering your mouse over the column boundaries until you get that double-sided arrow and just dragging out to the size that you want and of course you can adjust these later if you don't have it quite right at the outset so let's make this table a little bit bigger like so now one thing that you'll notice again is that when i'm clicked inside this table if you cast your eyes up to the ribbons you can see that i now have a contextual ribbon called table and this ribbon contains all of the options that i have in relation to formatting and organizing this table so i have a select group first of all that will allow me to select the entire table i can select specific columns so wherever i'm clicked it's going to highlight again i can select specific rows or i can just select a specific cell and all of these selection options are really dependent on where you're clicked within your table now of course when it comes to selecting you can also utilize this little gray arrow in the margin if i want to select the first row i can click the grey arrow to select it and if i hover just above the table you'll see that i get that black downward facing arrow which is going to allow me to select different columns i can of course drag my mouse so if i want to select a few different rows i can definitely do it that way or maybe if i want to select a few cells within one column i can do it that way as well so a few different options there when it comes to making selections the next group along is deleting so we can delete our entire table we can delete specific columns that we've selected or specific rows and then we have an insert group and this is going to allow us to insert additional rows either above or below where it clicked or additional columns to the left or to the right of where we're clicked we then have a group that contains some formatting options so if i want to hide all the borders of a table i can do that and that will look a little bit more useful when we actually have some content within the table i can also choose shading so if i want to change the background fill of some of the rows or maybe a specific cell or column then i can definitely do that and then i have alignment options and this relates to the text contained within each cell i can choose to align it to the left to the center or to the right now we have a couple of other options on the end here which i'm going to cover at the end of this module let's just focus on the ones that we've just run through so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to start to add some content in and in this first cell i want to have the text 10 to 12. so i'm going to select that text and i'm going to do control x which will cut alternatively you could have used the cut command on the home ribbon or you could right click and select cut from there i'm going to click in this first cell just here and i'm going to press ctrl v to paste that in and you'll see that it's pasted with all of its original formatting because i used ctrl v which essentially invokes my default paste option which is to keep the source formatting now underneath here i'm going to type in agenda item we're going to have description and then i'm going to have time now one thing you might notice is that the font style has gone back to calibri because calibri is my overall default font it's not picking up the latter light that i changed everything in this notebook to be so probably what i'm going to want to do here is select the entire table and to do that again i can jump up to the table ribbon and in the first group i can click select table and then i'm going to go to home and i'm going to change all of the font to lato light so that now ensures that everything that i'm going to type into this table is going to have the correct font style now another thing i'm going to do here with these column headings is i'm going to select the entire row and i'm going to make them bold and now i'm going to take these bulleted items and i'm going to cut and paste into the table so let's select the first one ctrl x to cut ctrl v to paste and i'm going to do exactly the same for all of the others like so now you can see because i've just done a direct cut and paste it's brought across those bullets as well now it might be that once you put them in the table you don't have any need for the bullets so all you need to do to get rid of those is select all of the bulleted text jump up to the home ribbon and just deselect bullets to put those back now when i talk about tables in onenote being slightly less functional than in other applications i mean for things like this so for example this first row where we have the times if i was working in a table in say word what i would probably do here would be to merge all of these cells so we just have essentially one cell running across the top but you'll notice if we go to the table ribbon we don't have any merge options so you kind of have to keep it in this format what i'm going to do now is just go in and type in some text into the description fields so there we go i've added in a brief description for each of these agenda items and also the time that each item is going to start now it might be that i want to add another column that contains the room that this course is taking place in so what i might want to do here is first of all i'm going to drag this table board in as i don't need as much space here i'm going to select this last column and i'm going to say insert right to insert another column now you'll see as soon as i do that onenote is going to resize my table to accommodate the widest item in that column now normally this is fine but if you want to widen then you're going to have to go in and manually widen these columns again so i'm going to say room and we'll say room a room b c d and e now some other things i can do in here to liven up my table if i click in this heading row i can jump up to my select group and say select rows and just to make this stand out a bit i'm going to apply some shading so let's apply some lilac shading to that heading row i'm also going to click where we have the times i'm going to say select cell and for this i'm going to apply bold formatting and then i'm going to select the time column so all of these items just here just by clicking and dragging my mouse and i'm going to make these italic now something else i also could do is hide these table borders so if i jump up to the format group i have a hide borders option which is just going to give me that so essentially it is still in a table and you can resize still by dragging but you're just not seeing those table boundaries so sometimes that does tend to look a little bit neater and a bit more professional now just for demonstration purposes i'm going to bring those borders back and remember i can highlight two columns of content and maybe i want to center align those two now another option i have up here is the sort option so i can choose to sort the items in my table in ascending order so a to z or descending zed to a and this is really important here it's got a tick next to header row my table's a little bit different to most tables that you might create because my first row isn't actually my heading row really where i have these column headings that essentially is my heading row so for me if i wanted to sort in ascending order and i have header row ticked one note is going to think that the first row is my header row and so when i sort it's going to look a little bit strange so for me i can't actually do that if i just want to sort the items so maybe i want to sort these agenda items into alphabetical order i would need to select them go up to sort and say sort selected rows i'm going to sort by column 1 in ascending order click on ok and now you can see that that has worked so just be aware of that header row option now essentially what i want here is this table for each of these different parts of the training course now what i find is the easiest way is just to copy this particular table i want everything to look pretty much the same so i'm going to click in my table up to my table tools select table and then going to go to the home ribbon and say copy or ctrl c if you want and i'm going to place my cursor where i want the new table to be and i can do control v to paste that in so once i've done that i have all my formatting everything that i need and all i would have to do is go through and replace the items in the table so once again i can do a control x but this time i'm going to say paste and merge formatting to take on the formatting of the table let's do a couple more i'm going to select control x i'm going to do paste and merge formatting i'm going to carry on going through repeating this process for the rest of these agenda items so this now looks a lot more interesting and also a lot neater and more organized now that i'm using tables i'm just going to make a few further changes to these tables so i'm going to click in the second table in that second row i'm going to go up to the select group and select the row and i'm going to change the shading to green i'm going to do the same thing for the final table select the row and let's change the shading to a yellow color and one thing you'll notice is that with this table at the bottom we don't have quite as hefty as schedule in the last part of the day and so i have a blank row at the bottom here that needs to be deleted and again this is a simple process you can either click in the margin to select the row alternatively click on the select rows button and then you can utilize your delete options so i'm going to say delete rows just to remove that and then finally at the top here we have an option to convert to an excel spreadsheet so what i could do is i could click in this table i'm going to say select table and click convert to excel spreadsheet and you can see what i get now i'm now working within essentially a mini excel window and if i click on the edit button it's going to open that up in excel which then of course widens what i can do with this data because i have all of excel's functionality to hand so it might be at this point that i choose to merge these cells so i'm going to say merge cells like so click on save and when i close the excel spreadsheet back down again you can see that those cells are now merged so it gives the table a bit of a different look and feel and it really depends what you want to do but this is a great way of having a table in onenote but having access to excel functionality so lots of options you have in there for organizing your data with tables that's it for this module i will see you in the next one hello everyone and welcome back to the course in this module i want to start to introduce you to the concept of tagging in onenote i'm going to start out with the most basic tag that you can add and probably one that you'll use most often and that is the to-do item tag now the to-do item is great if you want to create like a to-do checklist so for example for this project project artemis there are lots and lots of different tasks that need to occur before this project can go ahead anything from organizing which team members are going to be sent to the different locations to booking the training rooms organizing flights and hotels writing the training content all of those different kinds of things so in its most basic form what you can do in one note is you can add a list of items or to-do items utilize the to-do tag and then check them off once they're done so let's take a look at how this works so i've created a new section called to-do list and i've called this page to do items i'm going to click my mouse right at the top there and on the home ribbon in this tags group you'll see that i have a to-do tag now what you also might notice is that to do also appears at the top of this tags list and that's because it's probably one of the most popular ones you're going to use now there is a keyboard shortcut to insert this particular tag of control plus one and we haven't covered tags yet you can see we have a lot of items in this big long list we are going to go through some of these so you understand what they all do and how helpful they can be for the time being we're just going to concentrate on this first one so let's click on to do and you'll see that it enters in a placeholder with a little checkbox and i can then type in my to-do item so assign team members to locations if i hit the enter key you can see i get another to-do box hit enter again i get another one so on and so forth and i could carry on going adding my different to-do items and that's pretty much all it is it's a very simple little utility but it just allows you to keep track of the things that you need to do and once they're done you can just click in the box to tick those off now you can make some very minimal modifications to how these to-do boxes look so if i right-click my mouse you can see i have options to uncheck the box i can also remove the tag entirely i'm going to talk to you about find tags a bit later on but the one i want to go into is customize tags so i'm going to select the to do tag at the top and i'm going to say modify tag so if i wanted to i could change the display name of this particular tag but i can also do things like change the symbol the font color and the highlight color so you have some limited customization options so for example if i click the symbol drop down you can see i can change to any of these symbols now i actually like having a check box but it might be that i want something that looks a little bit different maybe this green star check box and you can see in the preview below what that's going to look like it might be that i want to change the font color so let's change that to a dark green color and if i wanted to i could add a highlight now i don't particularly want that i'm going to say none and one important thing to know is it says underneath customizations do not affect notes you've already tacked so if i click on ok and ok again you can see that the check boxes i've already added aren't affected so i'm not getting that updated formatting but if i was to click somewhere else and then select to do from tags i'm going to get that new style but of course if i did have quite a long to-do list and i wanted to change the formatting i could just select the current tags jump up to my tags group and click the newly formatted to-do tag and that's going to replace all of those now there's a whole heap of other things that you can do with tags including the to-do tag which i'm going to show you a bit later on because we have a whole module dedicated to exploring all of the tags that you can see in here and using them in a meaningful way but for now that's how you create a very simple to-do list with checkboxes that's it for this module i will see you in the next one hi guys and welcome back to the course we're heading steadily towards the end of section four in this section we've been taking a look at formatting tools and how you can organize your information within onenote effectively and no section on formatting would be complete if i didn't run you through the options you have when it comes to spell checking nothing makes a document or a notebook look unprofessional quite like misspelt words particularly if you're going to be sharing this notebook with your team colleagues or maybe even a manager you want to make sure that every time you create a page you do run through a spell check now i want to start out just by taking you into the backstage area just so you can see where all of your spelling options are because that's really going to determine how you spell check your notebook so let's go up to file and we're going to go all the way down into our one no options and the section that we are interested in is the proofing section now i would advise you to jump into here and just review the options that you have turned on but the thing i want to draw your attention to is this section at the bottom so underneath here you can see that i have selected to check my spelling as i type and i've also got check grammar with spelling as well so what that basically means is that as i'm typing my notes in one note onenote is checking to make sure i've spelt words correctly and if i do spell something incorrectly it's going to indicate that and i have an option to correct it as i go the same thing applies with grammar because i have this option selected as well now some people don't like their applications checking their spelling as they go they'd rather just wait until the end and then spell check the entire thing and that's entirely up to you if you do want to turn off that option make sure you select hide spelling and grammar errors now i'm happy with mine set as they are i'm going to click on ok and just show you what i mean so if i was to type a word let's spell something incorrect i'm going to say microsoft instead of microsoft and you can see automatically onenote has recognized i've spelt that wrong and i have a red squiggly underline so if i right click my mouse you can see straight at the top it's going to give me some suggestions of what i might have been trying to say and in this case it's picked up that i probably wanted to say microsoft so i can click to make that correction i can choose to ignore or i can choose to add it to a dictionary now the add to dictionary option is really useful particularly for things like names so onenote won't necessarily recognize your manager's name and so might think that that's an error when you type it into the page and if you're always typing your manager's name it is a bit annoying to have to go in and ignore the error each time so what you could do is add the word to the dictionary instead so that the next time you type it one note knows that that's an actual word and it doesn't highlight it as an error but in this case i'm going to select microsoft and you can see it updates that word so i'm going to double click to delete that out because i don't need it but hopefully you get the idea so if you want to check your spelling and your grammar as you go just make sure you turn on those two little options now the alternative thing that you can do is you can spell check each of your pages at the end so if i jump up to the review tab you can see i have a spelling group here and the first option is spelling so let's click that button and you can see it's telling me straight away the spelling check is complete so essentially i've been pretty good here i haven't got a misspelt word or a grammatical error on this page at all let's click on ok to get rid of that now let me jump to a page where i know i do have some errors i'm going to go into my courses section group and on the onenote page let's run our spell check again now this time you can see that i have the spelling pane opened on the right hand side and it's picked up the word powerpoint and that's because i've used a lowercase p within this word and it should really look like this and you can see that i've got some suggestions underneath which i can choose from so i'm going to say i meant powerpoint with a capital just to replace that word it's then picked up the word won't so you can see that i've missed out an apostrophe now as i'm going through you can also see that the word that i'm currently spell checking is highlighted in the notebook and this is a good opportunity for you to see the different visual indicators applied to different errors so because this is a grammar error as opposed to a spelling error the word has a blue double underline whereas spelling errors have that red squiggly underline so once again the suggestion i have here is correct i'm going to select it to replace it moves on to the next one and i can see here that this is actually a spelling error so this should say i can't wait to dive into it so once again the suggestion here is correct i'm going to select to change it to weight and then i have another grammatical error once again i've missed out an apostrophe so i'm going to accept this suggestion and now my spelling check is complete now it's worth noting with this spell check that you can only check one page at a time there isn't any feature that allows you to define the scope of what you're checking so i can't say to one note check the entire notebook which would include all sections and all pages i just have to check each page separately so how you want to manage that whether you want to do it as you go or do it right at the end is entirely up to you now let's do one final spell check i'm clicked on the schedule tab in the course plan group and i can already see here i have the word sharepoint repeated throughout this little table which is a red squiggly underline so it's telling me that it's a spelling error so i can jump back up to spelling i can see that once again it's because i haven't capitalized that p so i'm going to select the suggestion and replace that for each of these by simply clicking again there's no way to replace them all in one go unfortunately so that's it for this module and also for this section we're going to be moving across into section 5 now where i'm going to show you some more tools available to organize your content so i'm looking forward to it i hope you will join me hi guys and welcome back to the course so now let's take a look at some of the things that we've learned in this section in the windows 10 version of onenote so the first thing i'm going to do here is i am working in project sierra i'm on the to-do list section and i'm currently clicked on the monday page and currently i have a single note in there that says remember to call the bank now what i'm going to do here is i'm going to press enter i'm just going to add a bit of a title and i'm going to call this important things and what i want to do here is apply some formatting to this title and you'll see as i highlight important things i get that little mini toolbar pop-up that's going to give me some of those formatting options that i might find useful and if i click on the three dots it's going to give me access to a lot more options as well it just so happens that the option that i want to use isn't on this mini toolbar so i'm just going to select important things and go up to the home tab because what i want to do here is i want to apply one of those heading styles to really make this title stand out from the points below so i'm going to go all the way across this ribbon to where we have heading 1 click the drop down and i'm going to give this a heading 2 heading so once again when it comes to applying styles it works exactly the same way as onenote for desktop now what i want to do is i want to add some tags and again we're working on our home ribbon and if we go over to this little check box item and click the drop down this is where we can find all of our tags now the list in onenote for windows is not as comprehensive as what you'll find in that desktop app if you remember we have a very long list of tags to choose from but we have a few really important ones so the to-do list checkbox the important tag questions remember for later and also definition and of course if you want to you can jump into here and create your own custom tag so maybe i want to be able to tag contacts so i'm going to call this one contacts i'm going to select an icon now for this i'm going to jump to all icons and let's see what we've got in here i'm going to select this one click on create it's telling me my tag was created successfully so now if i click that drop down i should be able to find my newly created tag in here and of course right at the bottom i have the option to delete my custom tags which at the moment is only this context one now i don't want to delete it so let's just go back because the one that i want to choose is the to do tag and that's going to give me that all important check box and then when i hit enter i can carry on going through and typing in my checklist items [Music] now if i wanted to create another list down here i'm going to say medium priority it might be that i want this to take on the same formatting as the important things heading so what i could do is i could jump up to the home tab and just apply heading 2 but i could utilize my format painter so i'm going to select important things because that contains the formatting i want to use and then on that home tab in the middle i have a format painter icon so let's click it once to activate and then all i need to do is paint over my text to apply the same formatting hit enter and i can now enter my medium priority to do items like so and once again i could tag these if i wanted to i'm going to select both items jump up to my tags and this time i'm going to say that these are important now one other thing we took a look at in this section was utilizing spell check now with onenote for windows 10 if you go through all of these ribbon tabs then you won't find an option on here for checking spelling and that's because one note is set up to check your spelling as you type so for example if i was to go into here and make a blatant spelling mistake so let's say i say [Music] like that once i click away then one note is going to highlight that to me by a red squiggly line letting me know that i have a spelling error just there so what i can do is right click go to proofing and it's going to give me some suggestions i can also choose to ignore or add to the dictionary from here so i'm going to choose the correct spelling which is priority and it fixes that spelling error for me the same thing is going to apply with grammar now if you want to check what you have set up for your spelling settings if you go up to the three dots in the top corner and then choose settings and go to options if you scroll down you'll see that underneath proofing you want to make sure that you have hide spelling errors toggled off this means that onenote is going to check as you type so if you know that you have a spelling error but onenote isn't recognizing it it's probably because you've got this setting toggled on so don't forget to check that so that is it for this section i will see you in the next one if you're not a subscriber click down below to subscribe so you get notified about similar videos we upload to get four free courses in excel quickbooks microsoft project and photoshop click over there and click over there to see more videos from simon says it
Channel: Simon Sez IT
Views: 111,239
Rating: 4.9160585 out of 5
Keywords: OneNote, OneNote training, Microsoft Training, Beginners OneNote, OneNote course, Getting started with OneNote, onenote tutorial, onenote planner, onenote vs evernote, onenote ipad, microsoft onenote, how to use onenote, using onenote, onenote tips, microsoft onenote tutorial, onenote 2020, onenote tutorial 2020, onenote tips and tricks, microsoft one note, onenote class, how to use microsoft onenote, tutorial onenote, onenote for organizing, onenote tutorial for beginners
Id: k9eIwXXJyss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 24sec (12984 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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