One Year Later: Jeremy Renner's Recovery, New Music & Exclusive Interview With Ellen K

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happy New Year happy one year one day after the incident Jeremy rener welcome yeah hi good to be here Jeremy render's here yeah Jeremy you brought your music thank you for that and thank you for stopping by how are you feeling feeling good feeling good new day new day new year new breath new Step it's uh pretty amazing lots lots to celebrate you're looking great yeah feeling all right yeah you got a lot coming up this year um and I love what you put on Instagram with the blessing of only time in front of me I reflect daily on all that I'm thankful for that's really a big realization um well I mean it's to me it's always um it's like checkpoints for me it's like State of the Union I always have to kind of check in with myself check in with you know physical mental the emotional parts of of life and it's it's it makes it pretty exciting to be honest it's it's part of the gifts that came from something quite tragic um there's one of thousands of amazing gifts that that uh I was able to receive and um you know there's wonderful blessings that's all I can say there's just really that are like here's here's one I can I've never afforded a bad day for the rest of my life oh it's impossible yeah right and how about that thought yeah right so the these ideas or thoughts keep coming to me and I'm like wow what life's pretty dang good man life's pretty dang good and um uh I keep finding these things you know like you know some things I I share with other people and most things I keep pretty private and but there there are wonderful wonderful gifts that that came and and I feel so so lucky and blessed for it you know you know like like the music was a big part of that like there's a lot of that these feelings are expressed in the music when like lucky man and blah blah blah so um yeah it's it's a I feel like I'm a pretty lucky man yeah yeah closer and I got your seven tracks in my inbox yeah exactly yeah yeah yeah remember you're one of the first people I sent it to thank you I I I saw that you posted half the artwork and I said please bring your music to my show and you said okay guess what I'm almost done and I thought how did you do all of this while you're healing I know music is is you know is a a comfort to you and you've done it for a long time MH how long how long music I've done since I was like 13 I started with the drums and then um played in this you know Garage Band when you were a kid you know then wanted to song Write uh so I moved to piano and guitar just sort of watch people play and never want to be a player so but so I just want to be play well enough to be able to compose uh and that's what I did for for most of my life but I did it for sort of personal reasons and never made it a a career choice obviously I chose acting instead and um but you know as I got older there was there's stuff that you know I felt like that was that cross there was cross Circles of there was kind of cinematic so a lot of stuff was going into shows and movies television things like that the music was so I'm like all right so I kind of kept doing it a little bit and this one was was much more just um it's a musical diary entry you know journal entry um and kind of healing cathartic for me um and then I'm sharing it because I think a lot of people were on this journey uh with me in this in this recovery which I found strange you know really in what way because you know me waking up me waking up from the accident I don't know what the the big deal was I mean what are people freaking out about like I'm going be out of here in I took a selfie you like when I was in the two days when I woke up and you were crushed by a snow cat yeah yeah yeah but I thought I was out in two days right so I I I just didn't get why people were fre also I was on life support for a few days I didn't realize you know I mean so I woke up and I was intiated like I'm think I I'm totally fine like my brain thought I was totally fine yeah but I'm sure I was high on all sorts of drugs and and whatever but um but I didn't get why ultimately and for a long time still have a hard time um processing why people cared so much yeah yeah um that was hard to receive can I tell you I really hard to receive yeah I care because as a as a mother and a sister and seeing you and what you've gone through and the way your family came around you you know I think that just we all can relate to what you've gone through and then the love of a family the love of friends and how you say it really is in your mind and that you've used it's a mind game and so I think it's a great lesson that you're you're showing us I mean you're not just like writing about it or singing songs about it like you're living it correct correct and I think and that's why like I really care I i' never met you before and I'd been I think I hosted your cement handprint ceremony but I didn't get a chance to that's right right and then there you were and I was just like wow and I just started like making comments like I'm praying for you and oh my God your family and I I love seeing all the love and this is so healing and I didn't even know you were making music right right yeah yeah it's it's it's really interesting that that was a a lot for me to me to receive even like from complete strangers some but all those you know when people say there's you know thoughts and prayers or whatever or just there's good willll put out I mean it's part of what my recovery is about MH I mean it's it took it took everything it took everything for it to happen and it sure sure it started with me in my the will my stubbornness I suppose you're not going to kill me you can't kill me you know um but it was absolute um the will of others man and then my the strength of my family and the support system I had I mean I'd be dead in the water if I if I didn't have any and all of it yeah um honestly so I'm I'm very very thankful for for uh for all of it for for everyone and and especially my family and God my poor Mom oh my God I think about her my poor sister yeah I had to go through a whole lot you know on the on that road to recovery back you know was pretty tough on them um but we we've all come through it and then the music is also like me healing was also very healing for them do you know what stood out to us and Ellen and I listened to this weeks ago when you said the words I'm sorry yeah yeah and I think we both looked at each other like why is he sorry yeah like that I don't know I'm getting emotional things about why are you sorry that was when I was speaking to to Diane on on the show um that's where it kind of came up because it was the first thing I said was I I was sorry when I woke up because I knew what transpired and damn I know what that might feel like on the other side too that's that's that's pretty harrowing to make someone feel that Terror you know i' I've seen like my daughter get hurt or something and I get enraged and all these start right when you care for somebody and love somebody so I can imagine what I made people feel you know that that morning you know it was it was um and that's what I I was sorry and was forever sorry for it's like I damaged my family but you did something so great though but I damaged my family and that's what I'm sorry for you know that you know that's that's something they'll never forget they can't my poor nephew cannot unsee holding my arm and my eye out of my head and me struggling to breathe my next breath you know I put those images in him that he can't unsee and for that I I'm so sorry uh but I also had the fortitude to shift the the images and the day of the accident all these things to a narrative that's about celebration and about how deep our love is for our family look the lengths that we go look at the the tests that we've been tested with and how we overcame this is all celebration this is all positive things but it's our job to change the narrative and perspective on this because otherwise we can sit and be victims and suffer and be insufferable and have January 1st be not a day to celebrate or the snow cats a bad thing like no we need all these things these are beautiful things like my mom really wanted to burn this snow cat I'm like no Mom you're not that I need that thing get in and out of the driveway get stuck there Falls at your face you know but I understand why but we have the power to shift the narrative into something else you know and it started with the apology of acknowledging what transpired but like now how we can move on and shift this is like this is this days after the accident I'm at least I was lucid enough to be able to shift these things you know I was pretty admin about from when I first woke up because I I was intubated anyway so I was doing sign language and that's when I said I love you I'm sorry and then I love you and then I had to write I wrote down a bunch of things you know um but yeah that's I mean it had to start from the moment of my Consciousness back um from being you know being spared through this thing and I love that we now have a musical diary um we made you a montage okay so we're going to take a fan call this is Eduardo this is volume um yeah he's up okay he's up all right Eddie yes yes how are you guys doing today hey we're doing great uh you are on with Jeremy rener awesome hello Jeremy how are you we're all crying in here man by the way just so you know we just you caught us at a tearful moment What's Happening how you doing I'm doing well man hey um first and foremost I just want to say I'm a huge fan um but most importantly I wanted to say uh thank you man you know just thank you for sharing your story uh with the world you know at a time when the world needs it most you're giving people hope and uh letting them know that uh no matter the circumstance that we can't Prevail man yeah it's nice that's nice to hear that man because I I have a struggle um with understanding why people gave a dang about any of this I feel like it's such a a personal stupid thing that um you know but yeah it was it was nice to to to share it because I I feel like it does people do receive it but I have to I'm really been struggling and trying to find a way for me to have to receive all this attention and love and what it really represents um I think when I really find my footing in that um uh I don't know maybe there will be a little bit more peace look at the great music that's come out that alone we got these great tracks that came from your healing and you know and you're here we get to play it on the radio and that in itself you know is uh is is just one of the great gifts I think when you were talking about the gifts that you've that you've learned but also gifts that you've you've you're giving us yeah did you not feel that people cared about you before this like I'm I'm struggling I'm struggling to understand what you're struggling to understand I I I think what it you yeah I think it was a part of that right there's a part or there's no connective tissue of that it's like look I look I I think I was maybe famous for what I did in life now I became very famous for who I am as a man that's that's really hard to receive man I usually hide in characters and then oh you're Hawkeye or you're this guy whatever but now it was much more personal to a shortcoming of mine or a mistake I've made or an accident whatever it was and it's and overcoming that it's that's you know I don't get hide in in the character anymore so it was hard to receive that you have to understand right so it was very different and I didn't I didn't know that you people gave that much of a heck for for me as a as a man especially um it could be the opposite they be like you know forget this stupid star this guy's a jerk or whatever and he's in here he has us laughing and crying like we said so it's a range of emotions yeah but it it was nice it's a wonderful surprise I again like I told you is you know I didn't think it was really that big of a deal when I woke up like I was going to be out of the hospital in a couple days and I was going to you know get out of here but I was always how I thought I still think that you know I'm just going to get up and walk around and start you know okay I'm fly out of this I'm going to fly out of here you know uh thank you Eddie yeah absolutely hey can I say one more thing to Jeremy course absolutely hey Jeremy man not only do you play one of the coolest superheroes on the big screen but you are a real life superhero man it is uh it's amazing to see how far you've come in a year and U I can't wait to see where you'll be next year you know so uh cheers to the new year and uh cheers to continued progression yeah happy happy New Year my brother I thank you so much for your for your love and support man it means a lot absolutely man thank you heed that's sweet that's awesome yeah can we go back really quick Jeremy to if you don't mind to that day when did you what's your last memory um from the accident yeah uh well I it was I was awake for the whole thing I mean I guess before I I maybe I I I think was getting into the helicopter was my last memory then waking up I mean I was I I was out for a few days and is is it when you were in the helicopter you knew this is bad oh well before that you know I think as I got ran over I'm like uh you know I was awake for the whole part of it right so I it was just having to find my next breath I thought the wind got knocked out of me yeah to be honest yeah and then so I was just to find my breath I think anybody can kind of relate to like when you're that kind of it's kind of terrifying trying to struggle to get your your breath and then I realized you know that it wasn't that but I still had to just breathe and just blow air out so I can suck air back in didn't know my lung was popped or any of this stuff yeah and I thought well me the Panic came went away and then I just got a regular sort of breathing and then I'm like I don't think I'm going to take the kids skiing today I don't think this is going to going to work out I don't think I'm going to stand up and um so I just kept doing body checks and I saw my eye with my other eye and I saw my legs all twisted up um still it was always just about breathing you know and I knew I was I was um I had to give give that body up for other people now I have to sort this out I I just got to focus on breathing and because if I would have got knocked out I wouldn't have been breathing i' would have been dead in the water but so thank goodness I stayed awake through through all of it yeah so the recovery and you're thinking music you are a musician um when did the song start coming to you well it's it happened um I did the Diane Sawyer interview in March yeah and it came out in April as soon as it came out um I watched it and then my friend who watched it was in Nashville he took a lot of the words I said in the interview uh love of titanium being one of the things you talked about I can't remember what her question I wondered she asked you and you said you're full of love and titanium and I thought did the song come first or did Diane you you you said that and then made a song out of it correct correct and then she's like oh she really liked that phrase It's because it what it is what it is was I was full of and you also said I'm a lucky man yeah yeah all those things yeah yeah so that interview kind of set intention then literally 25 minutes after that my buddy sent just some musical sort of stuff the the beginnings of Love & Titanium song uhuh and then like wow this is really tough to hear and then when we finished writing the song and then um then we did a little writing camp in Fourth of July and then wrote a bunch more songs with some good friends of mine and then then recorded I make it here and here we are it's it's it's just a strange can we play one more yeah I mean let's play whatever you what do you what do you think is the most um hopeful I think lucky man is is pretty hopeful beautiful I love I love your music I love that song Jeremy we've been moved by your acting but we ain't never been moved like that by you man good Lord music is so personal is it not yeah do you just like love making it so much yeah yeah I'm sure yeah yeah well there's you know it's very different to have a real story is I have guidelines to to write about you know and then also guidelines to write about that other people also knew about so there's it's just kind of a rare yeah thing you know and to me I I it was because it was cathartic for me and any sort of type of healing for me and my family if there's others that I was inspiring I figured maybe this could be maybe it helps one other person or maybe other people um because music is is uniting and and emotional and it's how a lot of us I look I do music and movies and this is how humans a lot of times Express and feel and share emotions together in a movie the theater or at a concert whatever it might be they don't have to all be like you know sad or or uh you know you know cathartic type songs but you because some are like kind of inspiring you want to put your fist in the air and that kind of stuff but it's uniting sort of emotional experiences and I think um I think that's a beautiful thing to share yeah and I love that you're such a great example and also to your daughter your daughter is 10 yeah yeah and she's seeing all of this and all the stuff that you're doing you've got the rener foundation you know you're busy you've got Renovations you're the most Googled person do you see that yeah I don't well I don't know what happened I guess what did I do like oh yeah you got mayor of Kingstown you're going right back into production next week and uh and thank you again for that show because that's one of my favorites and I was so happy that you know there you know you're you're up for another season so you said you'll see how it's going to go with the with the um you know with the hanging in there for long days yeah yeah working on set is uh you know it's kind of it could be challenging anyway but um my my endurance like I was telling you is is uh it's not quite all there so I think they're being a little you know cognizant about how how long and how hard to work you know it is it's pretty grueling to do television it's it's a we're shooting 10 hours of movie in five months and uh and when you're the mayor of Mayor kingst you're working most days you know what I mean love the the mayor of kingstone on Instagram they they put together they put together the mayor saying the f word they just like you know all that so good but are you able to sleep like functioning daily like are you able to to to sleep do do things get sore you got to move around like is is what is that like yeah yeah uh uh sleep for yeah used to be sixh hour kind of guy but now because of recovery it's uh definitely 10 hours um I have to have that's part of my just recovery I need to like a teenage boy yeah yeah like cuz I am growing you know there's a lot of parts of me that that's growing sure a lot of bone still growing it's true right so um there's there's that kind of feeling and yeah I did have such like a relationship with um a good one good relationship with pain and my body and my body awareness and I just listen to what my body allows me to do and I I really don't push it too hard um as I would as as an athlete um I just kind of listen to it and and uh then I I push it when I I can but um you know I'm being pretty patient here yeah yeah I got got I got a I got a lot of Life to Live and I think I'm going to ultimately like live too dang long is going to be going to be the problem I think I'm going to definitely overstay my time here now you're really indestructive I'm like I'm I'm half a Terminator for God's sakes and then all I do is spend time on my my mental health my physical health and so I'm going to like Benjamin Button reverse age and then everyone I know in love is going to be dead going to be the lonliest man on the planet you wrote a song about being lonely lonesome Town Lonesome Town yeah yeah it almost sound they're all beauti a little gosp did you grow up in church in the church yeah well my yeah my dad theology so we studied all religions actually um which makes me not very religious but uh but but I got to study and learn learn them all but yeah there's a gospel element to a lot of stuff uh my influences in life um obviously there's there's Rock influences in gospel Blues the base of a lot of of music today anyway uh it comes from gospel you know Elvis used a lot of gospel in his music and um you know it's it's country there's a lot of that sort of elements to to this as well um another thing that was very free as an artist as a songwriter is I didn't have to really pick a style of music that the the The Narrative of the recovery of the story of the recovery was what dictated it right and that there's a lot of freedom within that as as an artist because there's a a map already kind of spelled out for me because there was something like that song was about the hospital bed Lonesome town was how lonely it felt in recovery even though there's a lot of love and doctors and people around you it's still pretty I'm the only one that's you know effed up here yeah right so the Lonesome town was like I just get me out of this place and also like there's no recovery in a hospital they're there to keep you alive right but the real recovery is like I need to get the hell out of there and go home and they want you out too yeah yeah yeah I'm getting poked and proded and all these things so The Lonesome town was just like just get me out of here and I was quite quite vocal and probably the worst patient ever cuz I was you know yeah I wanted it out of there well you're stubborn yeah I'm stubborn and you just want it out you want it out and look probably that will is what has led you to hear I remember at the first ICU I was I for whatever reason I felt like I need to go to the bathroom and you even though I had a cath in the whole thing my legs are shattered and I'm walking on these things right and I saw mops and stuff in in the bathroom there in your bathroom in your room yeah like obviously you don't think I'm going to make it through this you know right I got I got so mad I'm like you don't think I'm G to pull through you son of a like how dare you got it's a storage closet by the way that's like when you voed the Grammy out at MSG they put her in the the the the the zamb the zon closet it's like this is disrespectful exactly it is it is they put me in a Jan so I made I so I made fun of them like you know put me in the Janitor's Closet what the heck this place is like a haunted house everybody's moaning like because they're all dying like I was the lights were flickering like this place is like a haunted house I want out of here and it's also called I see you like it's a like it's some terrible horror film and like I want out of here so lome Town kind of is birth out of like that that idea you love I love that it's about your hospital then first real when you got out yeah what was it iied I think I tried to have uh chili um it was it was hard to kind of put anything in just because of uh the nature of that injury yeah yeah so it's more like I think all my my nutrients came from like peptides and things like that is it that your your jaw was is there titanium in your jaw no my face your in your face the orbital and the cheekbone yeah the jaw that was weird things Frankenstein a bunch of screws and stuff okay it's all weird man it's like carpentry yeah it is it absolutely and we know a surgeon over at chla and that's what he said he goes I I I I actually stood in on a spinal yeah and watched him with his hammer I mean like literally it is carpentry and but they put you back to beautifully yeah yeah hey I'm thankful for those Carpenters man they they built they built a really great titanium house here in my body pretty awesome uh we have a comment for you from Nick Solis in Chino this is just one of thousands so we had to to like you know edit these down but I'm so proud of your progress since your accident um and when Clint Barton comes back please take it easy so you got your fans who want you to be careful yeah yeah that's awesome um also you have a birthday coming up so yeah what is a guy who's been what been through what you've been through want for his birthday well my last birthday I got my face um surgery done and my my ankle um so on my birthday so and I kind of wanted it that I was like hey there's no better birthday than like to get this sorted out it'd be my last surgeries as well okay um this this year um I don't know I think I just want to just just celebrate you know the the depths of love with uh every relationship in my life has shifted and changed all for the better um and I just want to celebrate all those all those um those deep relationships I have you know and that's it that's it that's it I'm so happy that we can sit here and say to you happy birthday yeah yeah happy New Year what a gift for real yeah yeah it's it's a wonderful blessing are you um able to drive a snow cat again oh yeah yeah heck yeah yeah yeah you'll get back in oh yeah of course wouldn't let his mom get rid of it like I'm the mother that's like get rid of that but I mean to be to be the one and only right in there just that doesn't feel that doesn't that feels good to you yeah no I don't know if anything feels feels I I I don't want to be you have to go to you have to go to the eye of the storm of something of anybody's problems right if your own personal problems your own like what's what fears are fears can prevent you from actual healing prevent you from moving forward in your life or stop you from doing things that are helpful or or growth in your life so I go always to the eye of the storm I've always done that since I was a kid and I'm not going to allow fear to to dominate my actions or the lack thereof actions so I yeah I I got back on that machine and I started up and I moved around I'm like yeah like oh my hat was still kind of stuck in the oh no way oh yeah so you like you're the last one on the first one a lot of memories sure of course they pop into my brain I mean I do certain stretches in a gym I'm like and I'm reminded like how I got actually ran over I started crying I have no idea why but there's like Memories in these things I just don't I just acknowledge a thing I go right into the eye of the storm and don't allow um I don't want to bury it so I I certainly review it and um so driving the snow cat was an important thing for me to do no fear I had no fear when I saw your music and asking you to bring it over here so I'm so happy that that you did and you're here yeah but there's also sharing this with us yeah but that's hard to do as well right the courage to to to share that right it's you got you have you're the one that made it okay to do right because you because of your your love and support and interest in this um but you made it okay for me to to feel more courageous to share it love and titanium when when when we got the album delivered and when you dropped it into my box I was like wait these are all the tracks he Jeremy answers back yeah all of them because usually we get like one at a time right and this is the whole it's just a beautiful journey and we're so happy that that you made this and that you brought it here and that you're giving it to the world and on especially on this one year one day anniversary yeah well it's a I guess a blessing to be able to do it yeah and um you know it it was so wonderful healing to me it's uh I hope it I hope it hope it does uh good things for other people as well yeah it will so my birthday wish for you is lots of love and no more titanium and got enough of that this is a question we all have how are you physically feeling right now we know what happened but like right now how are you feeling I feel strong you do yeah yeah yeah yeah really strong um I there's certain part parts of me that that aren aren't as great yet because of ligaments tendons that Tye that takes a long time to heal um but all the muscle bones emotionally spiritually everything's you know really really strong and moving forward in a great way I just have a little bit of limitations in uh the joints um and I fight against inflammation things like that but I'm going to run a 4540 hell yeah I'm I'm I'm GNA get back into like you know Sprint shape and do all this stuff and I'm turning 53 right so I don't care that's that's just an age doesn't mean anything to me uh there's no limitations to me except for myself so that's how I look at it I set I set my own goals for myself I throughout the recovery and you know spend a 4 540 like Christian mcaffry he's a he's a good buddy of mine tell him to get back in my fantasy team I'm going to I want to try get with him and his coach maybe see if I can do some training with them you know just to get my you know if I set intentions right you know even if they're not you know reachable it's the idea of moving forward in a really strong way and not like don't limp back into life like that's let's move forward in a in a in a real way and I think that's that's been successful in my recovery and I'll have to probably do it for the rest of my life well you've shown Us Jeremy that there are no limitations you know and that that's it's your imagination it's your only limitation I mean let it be that way and it's a very positive sort of way to go through life and you know if you that's like dreaming you know this is what I would tell my daughter you know let your imagination be your only limitation just dream and dream big and and and reach for it and go for it you know yeah remember what I said what did I say more love no more titanium yeah yeah I'm down for that I'm down for that
Channel: KOST 1035
Views: 71,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Morning Show, KOST 103.5, Feel Good, Los Angeles, Interview, Exclusive
Id: pusEAfacfhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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