Toby Keith Shares Update on His Health & Details Stomach Surgery

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Toby Keith Toby it's rare that people that I'm super close to will ask me for tickets anything because they know like unless it's really meaningful don't ask and I've only had two close friends ask me for tickets this whole year and or last year it was Morgan Wallen and it was your shows in Vegas that it that's how big those shows were and they sold I saw they sold out immediately do you still have any sort of anxiety at all about shows selling no I hadn't worked in uh I probably only worked a handful of shows in the last wi Co two big Seas Co and cancer so it's a I haven't worked a handful of shows in the last three years but I worked every year for 27 28 years and I mean I was uh only the only uh thing I had that concerned me was being away from it for three years and remembering all the words because they subconsciously come to you when you're working yeah you don't even think about it you know them and then getting completely away from them and having to start back so they had a teleprompter up there and I got into a a little bit of a sound check we're going to go a full dress rehearsal today but um I didn't even use it it was just like riding a bike oh you knew all the words yeah once I got up there and started rolling and it got familiar I just I didn't even look at the teleprompter what about playing at all did you did your hand stay calloused if you yeah I I still played uh no matter where I was was I always had a guitar there and uh still plunked around but um they've been callous so long that it's all calluses not even bones anymore it's just it's just all calluses yeah it's like having extra fingernails uh I you guys are putting the song don't let the old man in it's it's it's been out but you're like uh hey this song's good here it is remember it we're going to push it again where did that come from and why so uh so that wasn't my idea so uh we put that in the in the Eastwood movie three or four years ago and the movie didn't do as well as they thought but and it's at the very end and as powerful as the song was it still didn't really get it due but great songs have a way of finding the a home Willie cut it Humper dink cut it a bunch of foreign uh Legends cut it in their language and I thought well that's cool you know and then when the icon award came up at the People's Choice um rack Clark Dick Clark's son who's I've known for years he's produced a lot of the award shows he said I really want you to do this song I was like man Blake's presenting me he's oh he asked you do that song like you weren't planning to do that song got it and because it's it was it's dark you know and it's and and I hadn't been in the public eye for a while and so I was like Blake's going to do who's your daddy and I want to do something Up Tempo because he's he's going to be fun and funny and he goes no r insisted and I said well rack if you want me to do it I'll do it he goes I think it' be a gigantic highlight and he was right yeah it was massive yeah people went crazy and so because of that response everybody's like we need to reintroduce this song well it just it went number one immediately on iTunes and then people start calling saying hey they want service radio yeah and I haven't really Ser I haven't done anything in three or four years and I was like I don't know if they play this kind of music anymore you know you know this is way different than what you normally hear and I said uh this is this song is even more classic than my age this this song could have been recorded in the 50s you know or 60s and it's it's so uh it's so country and so old school that I said you do what you want to do with it but um I just love it that it got its it found a home all right so you're how's your you're going on the road how's your health how's everything going it's going pretty good um this is roller coaster and it takes a little while to get your brain wrapped around it and then um you get to a point where you just say that hey uh this is what I do and um you can't let it Define you know your future you can sit around and wait wait wait wait wait but I've got a Roadhouse out in the country by it's like a 97 year old Roadhouse that has a lot of music history a lot of uh Oklahoma history what's a Roadhouse I don't know what that is it's like a bar gr outdoor oh got it got it got it you know it's an old Roadhouse uh like Texas Roadhouse the restaurant type Place well like a a bar out in the country that people would drive out to like in a movie you'd see people they'll set a Roadhouse up remember the one where uh Patrick S roadh house is that called road that one yeah that one yeah yeah I know that one yeah that one all right so there you go okay so that's kind of out by itself um this thing's like 97 years old the old actor James Garner was named James Bumgarner before he went to Hollywood he pumped gas in there Bonnie and Clyde stayed in some cabins behind it Bob wheels and Texas Playboys people like that would come through and play these little dances out there and then it turned into a convenience store we used to get bait beer tobacco stuff there before we were old enough and then we're going to tear it down and my whole Countryside out there where I live I know everybody uh That's My Sanctuary um they were like man they're telling the tearing the old Hollywood's Corners down and uh so I went and bought the thing popped it up cleaned it up put some lights in the trees put a stage out there now you can go out there get some food get a beer set on the lights bring your dog bring your kids and and uh have biker night on Wednesday and and I saved it you know and uh so one night I said hey I want to try to play so I called the manager and I said tell uh Jennifer I said tell the band they're paid but they're not going to play and she goes who's playing I said another band then I was bringing my guys in from Nashville and we were just going to go up incognito and just let the word build and just have fun and I was going to see how far I could go without taking a break you know so I did two three hour nights and she goes well who do I advertise as plan I said the greasy Weenies and so she put it up the greasy weenies will be here Friday and Saturday well everybody start going something's not right cuz the band's getting paid so when I showed up first night they were just like lined up down the ditches a half a mile in every direction and uh and I did two nights in July and I was like book It Go Go book me some shows so uh it you just can't get the trucks and buses after three years all together and the crew everybody's off working with everybody else you know so it took till December to launch this thing and uh here we are well excited to have you back yeah yeah like optimistic playing music love it did you have to your voice aside from Health like yeah you don't sing for three years like that's a muscle right like you can sing for three hours but I mean did you like blow your voice at all after two days no but um the the thing that I've had to overcome is the surgery I had on my stomach they had to uh stitch on my diaphragm so and not using it to sing every night that is a muscle you know so I've had to really work that to get it so we're I sing really really hard and really really violent and loud and I didn't have that last 10% on the bottom where I could just really belt anything you know like when I sang McArthur park at car Hall it was like Opera stuff so I don't know if I could do that but what I do on stage is no problem so it's like I've had to I've had to uh work on that diaphram and it's getting better all the time but I I went through uh about three hours yesterday off and on you know going through our list working it up and I didn't have any issues what's your favorite song to do now that you're back doing it anything like man that feels good to do again uh there's there's one song that it's not doing it again but the one song that kind of developed its own life during Co and during this downtime I'd written a cool Southern Rocky bluesy ballad uh called uh I won't let you down and it just found a life of its own on playlists it found a life of its own like I go to the lake everybody up the Lakes PL it I go to Cabo all my friends Cabo PL and just for some reason all these people started saying hey we started getting into your music and you know and this song and they were all landing on that song so I put it in the show and uh it's a songwriter song that I wrote and that was fun to play but man those four and five we number ones you can just pile them up and come downhill and uh it they're all fun you GNA do any songs about the greasy weenies I love that band I don't know if you heard of them they're really making their name in Oklahoma yeah they don't do many covers they do all Toby stuff well that that's why some people get annoyed by them they're like enough Toby Keith play some greasy weenies so I will it's good to see you man um new album 100% songr that came out a few months ago um don't let the old man in is is back we've been playing a little bit and all the shows sold out again my friends never asked me for anything and they were like can you get us Toby tickets and I said not only that they could come and stay in your hotel room so you'll see them there well I don't stay in my hotel room so they can have it well as long as they pick up incidental crap all right all right Toby good to see you buddy all right there he is Toby ke
Channel: Bobby Bones Show
Views: 1,318,583
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Keywords: bobby bones, bobby bones show, country, country music, nashville, bobby bones show today
Id: GneWCizQ3Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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