Gwen Stefani TikTok radio interview 

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on Tik Tok radio IRL joined by Gwen no way I actually I needed to bring you something uh it's not necessarily a gift but it's something that we have in common what is it do I need my glasses no you should be fine okay umal oh Cal State Fullerton oh my gosh that's so crazy I also graduated from calite Fuller ton it's so long ago I didn't even know we were the tit you're like where is this are you sure this is the righto I mean I'm not going to lie am I supposed to keep this no I did not graduate um sadly but I did go to school for a very long time and uh I remember I was finally doing like my art major like I was like okay I can't do anything but art I'll figure it out and um I remember I was painting and doing life drawing and literally just a girl came out and then I left and never came back for like two and a half years on tour so I didn't get to finish I think they still have all my paintings and Stu yeah and I've seen videos of you performing at Cal State Fullerton so it's just it's really cool I'm born and raised in SoCal so to be able to watch all that you've done I mean I I was a fan well before going to Cate Fullerton but just seeing that you also went there and everything that you've done my dad went there then really so it is like all the band members my brother went there Tom Adrian Tony they we all went there I also went went to a lot of schools I went to Cyprus Junior College Fullerton junior college and then finally got enough credits to to move on but yeah and she dipped out I'm so happy like every time my kids are like doing homework and stuff I'm like I'm done with that I never have to do that again some people are school people and some people are not so I'm not I I get what you're saying though well congrats on purple iris say it's finally out with your husband Blake Shelton I know so unexpected did too because I wrote that song Just I wrote a song like it wasn't going to be a duet it was about me and Blake but I played it for him and the fact that now it's out he's on it I just always like to go rewind back and think of myself like sitting at the voice like one chair away from Blake somebody in between us and like going why do people like Blake like I don't even know like I'd never heard of him before you know what I mean like it's like so weird to think that there was a time where where like he was just this country guy I didn't know about and now we're on a song together it's like it's such an incredible amazing miracle and just it's so exciting it's one thing to have songs out like by yourself but with your favorite person like it's even more fun yeah my mom and I love your love story so it's just it's really cool every time you guys come out with a new song and uh I know your first performance was at Tik Tock tailgate at Super Bowl 58 and I imagine uh when it comes to your music there's sort of like this circle that you complete as an artist where first you start with writing the song and then comes recording the song and then that performance is when the circle comes full circle it finishes so after and hearing on the radio too that's pretty that's number four of excitement so when you were able to perform at Tik Tock radio or at uh the Tik Tock tailgate how did you end up feeling about purple irises I I'm notorious for like screwing up especially like live which I don't mind like if it's my own show like it happens all the time and there's I I've always feel like I'm really good at like making something out of it and whoever's at that show live they always have fun but when it's being streamed or on TV or something like that it's not as cute you know what I'm saying so I was like and then if it's like with Blake who's like so perfect and pro and incredible like it's you know I was like it was a tall order and I feel like we only really realized just being that we were so busy and I half the stuff my manager tells me just kind of goes wo right through you know what I mean I try to focus but anyways I didn't know it was even going to be like on the TV like I thought we were just being streamed I was like oh it's going to be on a small phone like some people might check it out or whatever but to be like on the the actual before the Super Bowl on TV I was like what so we were just really excited and I had a lot of things against me me like I had like this new costume I had new shoes on which all these things are very specific like the way I dress on stages there's a reason for it like I have to be in my uniform like you know so I had like this that outfit I was wearing has this like Fringe it was probably I don't even know how many pound like at least 10 lbs like the whole thing I was like so all these things were happening and um oh also I had like this weird freak thing where I was like running across the room that the day before to to run out of the house and I like something pinged in my actual btox and oh my God and all of a sudden I'm like oh my gosh I have to perform what is this was actually my I guess I did something in my back just trying to do so many like lunges and get ready for the show you know what I mean one of those things I had like all these things but when he came out for purple irises um it was like it just felt really perfect and calm and like we just looked each other and it was like oh my gosh we're doing this and it's just funny cuz we have our lives behind the scenes and then we then when we're like there and we actually it's like anyone else like you have something that you're working on and then you get to share it it's like oh my God we're here it's Christmas you know what I mean like well that's what I was curious with you about as well because obviously you two have worked together you've created music together and perform together but when you do perform with Blake just hearing the way you speak so highly of him does it put you at ease or is there like more added pressure when you perform on stage with him I mean it what it's been a long time now really cuz it's been what like almost N9 years together which is I know everyone's like what how like you know cuz that's how we feel went really fast but like like different scenarios like the other day we were doing something for like a country radio thing which is obviously not my world right and like and he and it's like when the Two Worlds come together that's when it gets really surreal so you sometimes like don't know I don't I know how to man my stage but how do I man a stage with Blake cuz he mans his stage and so but and then we have our like us together at home so it's like I don't know it's just it is an interesting fun combination and um I think this song was leaning more towards because I wrote the song and it was more towards my world it it made it really exciting from him him you know what I mean because I've hopped on a lot of his music but for him to hop on mine it was funny like even him coming in the studio to do the demo the demo the first time um because I wrote it with I wrote this song with this this girl called Nico she's actually an artist from LA and she's very cool and she's like in her TW like I don't know 21 or something I don't even how old she is but she literally like you yeah well this is the story she's like you don't understand like my mom listened to you like no doubt you know so like I'm going in this studio with this girl going this is just too weird like granted I think her mom had her when she was like 16 or something so it's was like whatever but still right it's just weird and she she's an artist herself and then the other guys that I wrote with um were from Sweden these guys called Jack and Coke so they're coming all the way over from Sweden and I didn't I don't know them and I'm I'm driving to the studio to write thinking please please Jesus like just give me something like I don't want to come in there and like look like a dummy like I didn't like come with something I'm not creative or whatever and anyways this the title came to me like as I'm pulling into the driveway and it was just like well okay we wrote the song and we were all just at that point it doesn't matter where you're from how old you are it's like we all made this thing together you know exactly and um and so you could picture that group of people and then Blake Shelton showing up coming on in there yeah it was like he walks in he's like literally hitting the ceiling and and and it's just funny you know what I mean it's just funny to watch him in in that room and you know it was just it's just the whole thing's fun everything now is like it feels kind of like when you've had like a long career and you've been I feel so blessed um you just everything else is just like icing on the cake so it's almost like you you don't take any of it for granted you know what I mean like just to be able to have the time to go ride a song is just precious so yeah I feel blessed yeah and I know you're super into gardening are those flowers on your glasses speaking of which I feel like you're so into this flower and garden aesthetic right now and Blake as well right well I feel like when I when I met Blake um he was he has a ranch and he's very that's like his number one favorite thing to do is be on the ranch and I used to go there and think I'd never had like been around nature like that like our nature is like the beach you know I mean yeah so like I would be like I didn't think I would like that like bugs and like dirt and like I don't know hot like weather I just was like I don't know about Ranch just didn't seem cool like something I would like but getting there and realizing how amazing it is the nature and just something I didn't even know I needed and he would do a lot of like farming for the animals so he has a lot of animals and he would feed them by planting these huge food plots and like things I on a tractor like I'd be like oh my God you're on a tractor you're so hot like you know what I mean like it's just it's just different I never been around that and so one year I was like hey can we instead of planting alfalfa like boring you know I was like let's plant some Zen zenas people call them Zena zenyas and I was like I I was like cuz my mom used to plant those when I was a kid and I used to always be like why are you putting your time into that like that is you're so weird and like also my dad would be like cutting the branches of the trees and we'd have to pick them up and I'd be like I'm not even going to have a tree at my house when I grow up because I don't want to pick up leap you know what I mean so now here I am and we we planted these and he was so amazed by just how cool it was to watch them come up after all the effort we made together so it kind of like got us into it and also because like Oklahoma has so much weather I think that we we never really spent time to really understand this like what was coming next and so during 2020 we'd be there all the time because we were in quarantine there and so we' like oh my gosh look at that Wild Iris that's growing there and we never got to see that because we were never there like during that that time of the month and so it just got us really fascinated with the land and just to be part of that is just it's very like I feel like gardening and planting seeds and it you're like planting hope and it's very it's very like reminiscent to our lives like you can it's so par like it's so much parallel and I think that in this album I just referenced that a lot because um it just is the truth of life like it's like you go through you have to weather the store and if you make it out on the other side if you make something great out of something bad you know what I mean and it's just such there's just so so much truth in it I remember you talking about the story with the purple irises how you ended up transplanting them with your family and you also described purple irises as being Hardy and able to withstand any weather really how would you say purple irises represent your relationship to Blake well I mean honestly like Blake and I I feel feel like that's a really deep like long answer I'm like are we ther or are we on the radio um I mean sometimes it counts as both that was a good good question though but I I think that I feel like Blake and I is like after so much hardship in in love in my lifetime like to find my best friend Y is like that's blink so we could it doesn't matter where we are what we're doing we will figure it out together and that's just I guess that's the dream right and um of course there's going to be hardships with we're all human beings it's coming you know and that's where I plant myself in faith you know and that's what my parents taught me my mom taught me and it's just it's where I go every single day to kind of start my day and I know 100% at this point in my life that um it's everything that's happened to me is a true miracle and that I was chosen to be able to receive the songs and share them and so yeah that's kind of my answer for that I love it whether you want to hear it or not that's no such a great answer that's just like that's the truth of who I am yeah and before I let you go I have to ask you one final Tick Tock question because I'm not sure if you've seen all of the videos created to just a girl have you been able to watch seen you know what's so amazing about Tik Tok to me is like people that are discovering my music for the first time that blows my mind like I was literally in a Walmart like grocery shopping in tishamingo well basically it's Kingston Oklahoma and it's like it's the only place to go to the grocery store and so Blake literally hides out in the truck in the parking lot trying not to get attacked by people and I'm like I'll go in I got this you know thinking I'm going to get away with it and and it I this is just last weekend and all these little girls were coming up to me and they're like 10 like and I'm like how do you even know me like it just makes me and then not only like getting a photo but like leaning in and launching in for like a big hug and it was just it just makes me so happy and I know that they're finding that music you know through Tik Tok which is just like that would not have happened years ago you know what I mean it's just very cool yeah it's just the way it works my favorite trend is with your music is the just a girl Trend because it can go in multiple directions there's there's girls being like Oh take the trash out I'm just a girl I don't want to take the trash out or like how many lip glosses do you have in your purse I'm just a girl I have seven lip glosses so cool I was curious what your caption would be with your song well I I always felt like that song was written because it was like a sarcastic thing to say that right like and me being back in the day I could just remember for me the key thing was and it's kind of like what I'm going through now being a parent like I can remember driving to my boyfriend's house and feeling just so vulnerable because my dad was like like he made me feel that way because he knew what I didn't know which is I was you know what I'm saying as a girl and so um and also like I remember thinking like wow it's kind of like it's kind of like a flower like you're kind of Born Into the world right and you just you don't think of your gender or who you are you just are a human and then you start to kind of Blossom and and find out that you have this like superpower as a girl and someone's like whistling at you and you're just kind of like you're like oh if I act like this and I can get this and like it's just like this discovering yourself you know what I mean and that was kind of the inspiration behind just a girl so um I I can see it can come I you can use it you can use your girlhood both ways you know what I'm say 100% well thank you so much congratulations on purple irises and that was Gwen Stefani on Tik Tock radio IRL thank for having me thank you
Channel: Victoria Maher
Views: 7,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w93TxtSQf54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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