One Stroke Engines - 200% More Efficient??

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these two engines may look different but they  have something in common their Builders claim   they're single stroke engines now I'm a mechanical  engineer and when I hear single stroke engine I'm   immediately filled with Intrigue and skepticism  at the same time what do you mean single stroke   I mean is this some kind of a new rotary engine  that I haven't heard about before or just a bunch   of marketing hype join me as we figure out the  truth about how a one-stroke engine actually   works what it does that normal engines can't and  most importantly why on Earth would anybody be   spending millions of dollars of R&D on an internal  combustion engine in a world about to transition   to EVS the answer will surprise you let's figure  this out together I'm Ricky and this is Tu bit   Vinci this video is brought to you by delete me  okay let's start from the beginning why exactly is   the idea of a one stroke or single stroke engine  so weird for starters a single stroke engine is a   type of internal combustion engine or IC at the  most basic level an internal combustion engine   works by burning fuel inside a combustion chamber  and turning that released energy into rotation you   can can do this in a variety of ways but the key  to make any engine work continuously is for it to   work in a cycle in other words the engine should  be able to burn a little fuel convert it to motion   and then reset itself so it can burn a little more  fuel rinse and repeat for this to work four things   need to happen the engine has to suck in air and  fuel it has to compress the mixture then it has to   burn it to produce power then it has to discharge  the exhaust gases to make room for a fresh intake   of fuel air mixture so you have intake compression  power and exhaust lost in your typical gasoline   car these four stages are done in separate motions  of the Pistons or Strokes these are called four   stroke engines and they are by far the most common  in some motorcycles and smaller gas engines like   those on lawnmowers or leaf blowers the intake  and compression phas are both done in the same   stroke and the power and exhaust phases are done  on the next one this is a two-stroke engine so   a one-stroke engine would be an engine where all  four stages intake compression power and exhaust   happen in one stroke of a piston this is so weird  that it took me a while to make any sense of it   if you don't find the strange picture engine as  a swimmer and The Strokes of the Pistons are the   thrust that the swimmer makes with his or her  arms when he or she swims a fourstroke engine   would be like a swimmer doing a breast stroke he  puts his head out of the water breathes in that's   the intake then he goes underwater and sorts  of curls up as he prepares to thrust forward   that would be the compression phase then he kicks  the water and thrust forward extending his arms   forward while he Scoops up water and pushes it  back that's the power stroke finally he releases   the air through his nose before putting his head  up again to start all over a two-stroke engine   would be more like a butterfly stroke where a  swimmer lunges out of the water breathes in as   he's in the air and swings both his arms forward  as he prepares to dive back into the water here   he's combining the intake and compression phases  in a single stroke once he's in the water he   pushes against it with both arms and legs and  releases the air from his lungs at the same   time propelling him forward forward up out of the  water combining the power and exhaust phases in a   single stroke and getting ready to start all over  again so I was thinking what would a one-stroke   engine look like in this analogy it would have  to be a a stroke where a swimmer could produce   thrust and propel them forward even when resetting  their arms forward to go again it's kind of hard   to visualize but I think the swimming analogy  really helps shed light on why a one stroke   is perplexing but still let's give these guys  the benefit of the doubt and take a look at the   engines they built starting with in engine the in  engine re Rex the first thought in my mind is who   are these guys are they legitimate company or just  a bunch of snake oil salesmen because we've seen   so many companies making claims that feel like  pump and dump schemes and this is what I found   in engine is a company based in Granata Spain  that develops Innovative engine Technologies for   various applications it's actually a very small  company with only nine members from what I could   tell the company was founded in 2011 by Fernando  castanas Roberto Laro Anna Martin Moreno as the   managing director and Juan Gedo as the investor  and CTO I couldn't really find very much about   them Juan garito doesn't have much of a LinkedIn  profile so I'm not even sure if he's an engineer   the VP Roberto lindaro well doesn't seem to have  any background at all in mechanical engineering   or the automotive industry for that matter he does  have 23 years of experience in wait for it bespoke   seating projects as in setting up chairs at large  events I'm guessing he's a really good businessman   or something the only one who really stood out  to me was this guy Angel Herrero who works at   in engine as a simulation analytics engineer  it's a young company but it's been running   for 13 years so they've had time to develop two  Flagship products the erex engine and the Rex B   which they claim to be patented revolutionary  one-stroke engines we live in a golden age of   information access it's what makes these videos  possible but it's a double-edged sword have you   ever tried Googling yourself I have and and it's  seriously shocking and why I signed up for a   sponsor delete me it's crazy to me that collecting  people's personal information online and selling   it is legit business but here we are delete me is  a hands-free subscription service that will remove   your personal 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description huge thanks to delete  me and you for supporting the show they both work   similarly so I'm just going to focus on the erex  which is the most versatile of the two so how does   this engine work and why does the company say it's  a one-stroke engine here's an animation of the   inside of the engine there are a couple of things  that stand out to me first it has four cylinders   and eight pistons in an opposed piston design  this means that each cylinder has two Pistons   moving in opposite directions secondly instead of  being connected to a shaft by connecting rods the   Pistons roll and push onto two identical Swatch  plates the company calls cam tracks on either end   of the engine these are the two wavy discs here  and rotate and transfer the Piston motion to a   common output shaft in the center third it doesn't  have valves for the intake and exhaust but rather   a set of intake and exhaust ports something  which is common in two-stroke engines this is   really important so keep this in mind we'll get  back to that in a minute to figure out what we   get for this design I looked at specs like power  torque size weight and and more the Rex engine has   several advantages over conventional engines it's  55% smaller and 75% lighter than any fourstroke   engine thanks to a simple design that eliminates  the need for crankshaft valves camshafts or   cylinder heads a 500 CCX engine weighs only 84  lb and can produce 120 horsepower and 180 lb feet   of torque this works out to a specific weight of  1.43 horsepower per pound or 2.35 KW per kg that's   a lot it's over three times more power dense than  the Ford Mustang GT's 4.6 L V8 engine and roughly   the same ballpark as Tesla Model wi 3d1 electric  motor something no other ice car I know can claim   it has low emissions and high efficiency because  it uses direct injection variable compression   ratio and can use supercharging or turbocharging  also important to keep in mind for later in this   video since it has two cam tracks one on each end  of the engine it can produce power on both sides   so we could fit it in the middle of an all-wheel  drive DFT system for example and power both sets   of Wheels with nothing but two Transmissions also  thanks to its opposing piston design the Pistons   move in equilibrium and cancel out each other's  forces in all three planes not only that but the   fact that the motion of the Pistons is controlled  by the shape of the cam track and not by levers   and a crankshaft mean that they can completely  eliminate something called secondary imbalance   which is what makes most engines vibrate when  revved up to high RPM the result is the smoothest   quiet combustion engine I've ever seen in my life  as a funny anecdote in engine s the re Rex to   the University of Valencia to get it tested on a  thermal engine test stand which is one of the most   advanced in Spain Wong gito the engines inventor  once said that the footage of the engine running   was so quiet that investors didn't believe it was  even running and that the video was fake and I can   see why so it's a great engine for sure but the  question remains is it really a one-stroke engine   to find out I slowed down the footage to look  at how each piston did a full cycle let's focus   on one cylinder with two Pistons here what do we  see this is the power stroke here when the Sparks   go off and the gas ignites as the Pistons move  outward and reach the full expansion they uncover   the exhaust port and the exhaust gases Escape  so this is the exhaust phase which is happening   during the power stroke according to an engine the  exhaust gases Escape so quickly that they create   a vacuum inside the chamber this vacuum sucks in  air at ambient pressure when the Piston uncovers   the intake port and this really puzzled me it  just didn't really make that much sense that the   fleeting air from the exhaust side would cause  such a vacuum pressure as to suck in the entire   cavity of air I mean you're going to get some air  but a full charge of air for the next compression   cycle seemed a little optimistic but I think I  found the answer and I'll get back to that here in   a minute so after the intake of fresh air fuel is  injected into the chamber through direct injection   it mixes with the air as the Piston rolls onto the  next till of the cam track and move toward each   other compressing the mixture once compressed the  spark plug ignites the gas and everything starts   all over pretty simple and kind of ingenious but  wait a minute the intake and compression happened   after the power stroke when the Pistons are coming  back toward each other that's the second stroke if   this sounds familiar it's because it is this is a  textbook two-stroke cycle not a one-stroke so why   does the company seem hellbent on calling this a  one-stroke engine patented one stroke engine it   really bothers me when companies make outlandish  claims like this and don't live up to the hype   especially when they don't need to so I looked  into it and turns out to be fair an engine did   come clean when replying to a message on YouTube  saying that in terms of engine cycle which in my   book is all the counts this is a two-stroke engine  but it's not your typical two-stroke I do get   that I mean if only lawnmowers were as quiet and  smooth as this little guy right the exex has all   the benefits of two-stroke engines like producing  power on every other other stroke instead of every   four strokes like in your gas car resulting in  higher power output than a fourstroke engine   of the same size but it doesn't have most of the  drawbacks we typically associate with two-stroke   engines like high vibration and noise toxic blue  smoke and that stench of unburnt fuel every time   you turn it on because in a typical two-stroke  engine you have to mix oil in with the gasoline as   you combust it and that's why they're notoriously  very dirty it kind of makes sense now n engine had   this new engine design and they clearly wanted to  distance themselves from people's perception of   dirty two-stroke engines right imagine trying to  pitch to an investor that you have a two-stroke   engine that kind of immediately put you off on a  bad footing close to 90% of all fine particulate   emissions from gasoline powered Landscape  Maintenance equipment come from two-stroke   engines even though they only make up a small  fraction of modern landscaping equipment their   emissions were so bad that some Studies have found  that the pollution from running a two-stroke leaf   blower for 1 hour is the equivalent of a Toyota  Camry driving from LA to Denver I that sounds kind   of crazy but modern cars really clean C converters  everything else compared to a dirty burn oil with   your gasoline two-stroke that's kind of insane  and it has to be why an engine wanted to distance   themselves from two stroke but why call it a one  stroke why not just call it something else like   a I don't know enter marketing buzz word here  well it turns out if you look at this animation   you'll notice that each pair of Pistons does two  full cycles per Revolution that's the same number   of power strokes per Revolution as a one-stroke  engine would have so yay two-stroke that would be   like me saying that yes this is only two stroke  because I have to reset my arm to swim again but   if I have two arms then I'm a one stroke because  I'm producing power on every stroke that is true   but if you broke it down by piston right it would  still be I'd have two two-stroke Pistons if you   will anyway a little bit pedantic but that's  their logic and engine if I could get a chance   to come out to your facilities I'd love to check  this engine out I I think we should just call it   what it is but it is interesting and I'd love to  see like long-term reliability of of something   like that all right so that isn't one stroke  but are there any real one-stroke engines out   there and as I started doing my research rotary  engines kept popping up for some reason and a   cool inverted rotary engine called liquid piston  engines also came up but after looking into how   the Cycles worked they two turned out to not be  single stroke engines s off in the comments below   if you want me to do a deep dive on liquid Pistons  or rotary engines or anything else you guys know   I I'm good for it of all the designs I looked  at only one engine seemed to be a good fit for   the one-stroke engine the Amper amp SS prototype  let's see how it works first you'll notice that   this engine has only two cylinders in a boxer  configuration connected to a central crankshaft   the levers in the crankshaft are also quite unique  and designed to minimize vibration but what makes   this a a single stroke engine is the piston and  cylinder assembly it's funny that this design is   the opposite of in engines opposing piston design  instead of having two Pistons compressing against   each other and moving in opposite directions  Amper opted to flip both pistons and join them   back to back having them move together inside a  dual chamber cylinder I noticed two spark plugs   and two sets of fuel lines on each cylinder  that's because both sides of the cylinders act   as combustion Chambers the power stroke from one  side of the Piston compresses the fuel air mixture   on the other side of the same piston so you're  getting both a power stroke and a compression   stroke at the same time then the second side  starts its power stroke helping compress the   fuel on the first side the net effect is that you  get one power stroke every single stroke of the   Piston one pushing into the crankshaft like when  you put your weight on a bike pedal to push down   and one pulling on the crankshaft like when you  pull your pedal up while cycling when you look   at each side of the cylinder separately you see a  normal two-stroke cycle but when you look at the   Piston as as a whole with both sides working it  really does appear to be a single stroke engine   regardless of this there's a clear difference  between ampers engine and the E Rex we talked   about before the E Rex's compact size High par  weight ratio and inaudible humming sound make   it an ideal candidate for an application that  could change the EV industry so going back to   the E Rex then let's talk about some of the cons  all of engineering is a balancing of trade-offs   right trying to get more of what you want and  minimizing what you don't the first one is that   the opposing piston design concentrates heat in  the center of the engine so it requires a very   complex Cooling and lubrication system and then  there's a problem with performance even though   you get more power and much smoother operation  the wash play design has a major flaw it has a   lower Tor than other engines because it lacks  a crankshaft which acts as a lever multiplying   the force of the Pistons they claim a torque of  180 ft-lb or 244 newon M but they don't mention   at what RPM I'd be willing to bet that the torque  at low RPM is pretty low since they mounted an e   rex on a Mazda Miata and showed it running but  they never show it taken off from a standstill   and if marking videos don't show something it  may be because it's not particularly fast one   thing that also bothered me is the claim that  the engine will work with ambient air when the   footage of the Miata clearly shows a supercharger  installed on the engine so I guess the intake are   is getting a bit more help going in but this leads  me to my bigger Point why bother with an internal   combustion engine like why sink money into the  R&D for something that we know is going away the   world is going electric why bother developing a  newer better internal combustion engine it's like   someone trying to design a better and smoother  horse carriage at the beginning of 1920s when   it was clear that automobiles were going to take  over and this gets to why it's called the E Rex   you guys are probably familiar e for electronic  or electric and Rex for range extender their plan   is to build this as a range extender option  for EVS their premise is you'd be better off   making three cars instead of one with these range  extenders that are smooth small quiet and with 5   or 10 gallons of gasoline you could get that extra  range when you need it most of the time you never   would you wouldn't have to run it very often but  when you did you'd have it it's interesting and   it's one I go back and forth on seeing the Tesla  cybertruck with the range extender battery pack   which is not gasoline it's just another battery  it made me think yeah it does kind of make sense   for example one gallon of gasoline has over  30 Kow hours of energy storage on board in one   gallon that means a 10 gallon tank of gasoline  which weighs 60 lb has 300 KW hours of energy   now obviously the internal combustion engine  is only about a third efficient but even then   that's 100 KW hours the same as the Cyber truck  kind of which weighs 1,000 lb for the battery   pack and just 60 lb fuel unfortunately is really  good at long range high density storage so does   that make sense what do you guys think sound  off the comments below if you think a range   extender plus EV is the the right way to do this  right one thing I will say is I will never buy a   car again that has a gasoline engine driving  the wheels gasoline engines are just way too   slow very low torque at low RPM really you know  bad for taking off and they need Transmissions   that are constantly hunting gears it's no good  after driving electric car I want a pure electric   drivetrain but would you be on board for a range  extender option that just found its perfect RPM   for the highest power output on the torque  curve and just hit it producing electricity   as a generator to charge the battery pack back  up giving you that quick recharge time if you   need it all the range you want all while still  having all the benefits of electric motors for   that super highp speed high performance long  lasting component s off the comments below   I'm truly curious what you guys think all right  so that's a quick look at the one stroke engine   now check out this video next and until next  week I'm R Vinci thank you so much for watching
Channel: Two Bit da Vinci
Views: 496,761
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Keywords: two bit da vinci, e-rex engine, drone engine, 1 stroke engine, one stroke engine, two stroke, four stroke, new engine design, 1 stroke engine sound, 1 stroke engine working, one stroke engine how it works, one stroke engine spain, one stroke engine animation, one stroke engine running, one stroke engine explained, EV's, Ampere, The IMPOSSIBLE Engineering of the ONE-STROKE Engine!, A ONE-STROKE Engine Shouldn't be Possible..., One Stroke Engines - 200% More Efficient
Id: LQUtwguVkjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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