One Step Paint Furniture Makeover: How To Spray Beyond Paint

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hi everybody i'm kristina and i am a furniture flipper and in today's video i'm using one of my favorite beginner friendly diy paints but i have a little twist for you i'm going to be using it in a sprayer today so if you want to see this makeover just keep watching [Applause] if you've been following along for the past couple of weeks i have already made over the dresser and nightstand that goes with this it's a very dated piece it's a piece of stanley furniture it's in good shape but it is like 80 laminate so using beyond paint is going to be great today because i don't need to sand or prime to get my paint on the first thing i need to do is modernize this before i even clean it or add any paint so i'm going to remove the hardware and i'm going to cut up this base a little bit just like i did on the other pieces [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay now that i've got the base squared off i just want to smooth this out a little bit so i'm just grabbing a sander and using a medium grit sandpaper this is a 150. [Music] when you're prepping a piece to work with beyond paint the best cleaner you can use is simple green it is a degreaser it comes concentrated like this i've already mixed it up here i'm gonna do heavy duty strength so this is one part cleaner one part water so let's go ahead and get to cleaning [Music] [Music] you have been spying this cleaner a lot on my makeovers recently it's really easy to use it doesn't have the harsh odors and like the strong chemical smell like those other tsp cleaners or solvents or anything like that and it works really well it degreases the piece and it's not going to leave any residue on here after i rinse it off so my paint's going to adhere really well [Music] cleaning your furniture is definitely the step that you do not want to skip it is the foundation of having a great makeover and a great cleaner like a simple green that's going to degrease and get all the grime and dirt off is a perfect way to start simple green won't scratch your surface and it's really great to use around the house too i love using it on my stove and it can even help get paint out of your paint brushes [Music] now i got all that dirt and grime and grease off she's nice and clean but we want to rinse all that residue back before we start painting so i've just got some clean water and i'm going to wipe it down with a clean cloth okay these hardware holes are weird size so i know i have to fill them i want to fill them pretty quickly and want it to dry quickly so i'm going to use a wood epoxy this is a two-part epoxy when i mix it up it'll get really hard really quickly in about 15 minutes so i'm just going to take this and fill up all the hardware holes [Music] now that my wood epoxy is dry i'm going to take my orbital sander and smooth it out i'm going to start with a 150 and then make it even smoother with a 220. [Music] okay we're finally ready to paint after all that prep if you are not new to my channel you will definitely recognize this all-in-one beyond paint one of my most popular makeovers on my channel was done with this and i love it because it's so beginner friendly for people who have never painted anything before you normally have seen me put it on with a roller and a chip brush but i wanted to put myself to the test today and try to spray this you guys know i've been getting really comfortable with my wagner sprayer and i love it a lot and i've seen people spray it so i am intrigued so we're gonna get this in my sprayer and spray it on my piece so i'm using the detail nozzle on my flexio 3500 this is the one i'm most comfortable spraying with it's great for furniture and cabinets um the thing about beyond paint is you do not need to thin it out and it's really really thick it's almost like pudding you don't have to mix it up it doesn't separate like other paints it is it's really beyond any other paint that i use on my channel it's just totally different so the rules that you normally see me talking about don't apply with this paint i'm not priming this piece is 80 laminate and i'm just gonna go right on with paint so you can thin this out a little bit if it doesn't come out of your sprayer like i said i've never sprayed it before so we're gonna see how this goes i'm gonna put it in uh without straining it without any adding any water and we'll see how the sprayer tackles it you guys know i'm a sucker for black too and i figured i need to try beyond paints black so i'm trying their color licorice today [Music] okay so on this gun i have a couple adjustable settings i can adjust my material flow right here so i'm gonna have that pretty open right now to start because of how thick the paint is and then my air power i'm really gonna play around with because i know this is thicker when i spray my chalk style paints i usually spray them at a five but that is really thinned out and this isn't thinned out at all so i'm probably gonna start at the five and then bump it up and see how that goes but like always since i'm using a new paint i'm gonna test out my paint before i take it to my armoire [Music] case you're wondering why this is laying flat it's too tall to stand up in my pop-up shelter plus i like laying big pieces like this flat because it just helps the paint level out and i also have it propped up on some two by fours so that it's not going to be sticking to the ground and that we can get all the way underneath [Music] okay that went pretty well i did the first pass on the top because you're not really going to see the top of it when it's standing up and it went on really well but my gun is jumping a little bit so this is telling me that the paint's too thick now the instructions do say you can add a little bit of water if your gun is getting tripped up so i'm gonna add just a little bit of distilled water and thin my paint out a bit [Music] i got so excited about spraying i forgot i wanted to tape off my drawers when my drawers sit in flush with my piece like this i like to spray with them and it's just a lot easier but you can kind of sometimes get overspray on the sides and on the inside so i'm going to tape that off to protect it put it back in and get back to spraying [Music] so okay that definitely went way faster than rolling but beyond paint is textured you guys i'm interested to see how this dries down because it really does have that orange peel effect still that helps it kind of get in the nicks and dings and helps you get like a better look with a piece that might be a little beat up like this so let's keep going and see how it goes [Music] okay so i probably used about 10 ounces of paint on that first coat i have a little lid that fits right on here i'm going to seal my paint up and in between coats i'm going to clean my little nozzle so that it doesn't get all gunked up and i want to show you how easy it is to clean because everybody's like i don't want to use a spray gun because it's going to take forever to clean guess what it takes about the same amount of time as it does to clean a roller or brush so i'm going to show you how to clean it [Music] it's really easy all these pieces come apart so i'm going to take this off stick it in the water this part right here i usually take off first this just unscrews you don't want to get any water in this air intake so i'm just gonna set that aside that one you don't need to wash and then the tip just comes off like this unscrew this that comes off where the paint is comes off this guy comes out goes in there and then there's this little ring in here that needs to come off as well oops that's gonna go right in and this thing can go in the water as well so everything just goes right in the soapy water i have this little scrubby brush and you can take this and get into all the little details of it and help get the paint out [Music] so once i got everything scrubbed down i was able to take it inside and then i just rinse everything with clean water at that point you can put it in the faucet because most of the paint is out and as you can see all the parts are separate now so i'm just gonna set these out and let them dry and they'll be ready to go for my second coat okay this is still drying but it was pretty dry to the touch so i was able to lift it up because i'm gonna spray the inside i'm gonna give this a whole new look on the inside as well so as this continues to dry i'm going to spray the inside [Music] thank you [Music] all right it's late in the day i'm getting hot but i want to get the second coat on before tomorrow um it's pretty dry it's been drying for about two hours you want to allow two to four hours to dry before your second coat and we want to hit up the inside of the drawers since we missed that on the first pass so i'm gonna spray the outside of these drawers and then i'm going to go ahead and add the second coat over the entire piece [Music] okay i'm back for day two i am really impressed with how this paint has dried down in the sprayer now just to remind you beyond paint does have a little bit of texture to it and that's to help you know smooth out imperfections and have easy application and this smoothed out way more than it does with a roller it still has a little bit of texture to it but i really love the finish it's like a matte eggshell finish so today we're just going to put the final touches on it i have some cool wallpaper i want to put on the back inside so that you can have it open and have it look really cute and then we're gonna add new hardware and if you remember in the beginning i have one of these hinges was broken these are really easy to replace and i don't even have to replace the plates on here i'm just replacing the hinges i already did one and i'm gonna do the other one [Music] [Music] i'm going for a monochromatic look on here that's why i painted the hinges and i kind of want the hardware to coordinate as well so a trick here instead of using a jet black hardware to get a monochromatic look with black i really like using coco bronze hardware it blends in it's just a little bit of difference so that it gives it all a cohesive look just to remind you here is what we started off with and here is the cabinet after [Music] i really love how this turned out spraying beyond paint was a lot of fun it went so much faster and i do still have a little bit of texture but it's a lot smoother than when you use a roller so i would definitely recommend it if you're brave enough to try a sprayer the one thing i would have done differently i would have paid a little bit more attention to when i was fixing these doors i didn't quite smooth them out all the way and you can see some of my sanding marks so just be really careful when you're making repairs that you have a really really nice smooth surface before you add your paint thank you guys so much for joining me for today's video i will be back soon with another project thanks for being here and i will see you next time
Channel: Christina Muscari
Views: 83,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home decor, diy thrift flip furniture, dresser makeover, DIY, thrift stores, home improvement, crafting, thrifted dresser, upcycled furniture, Beyond Paint review, Beyond Paint, pretty distressed, christina muscari, one step paint, How To Paint Wood Furniture, How To Paint Furniture, DIY Projects, how to, painted furniture, painting furniture, furniture update, painting wood furniture, diy painting furniture, easy, sprayer, paint sprayer
Id: TIaPk26Gf4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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