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this is a small sto room of the Lost Property Department of the London County Council there are many such rooms but they're rarely visited anymore because the property stored dates back to the wall property found on the streets or in the bombed out buildings all waiting for claimants will never appear like this cheap copy of Venus to Milo meant to stand in some Garden the ages have claimed her arms the war claimed her head like on what metal piece do you suppose this Old Clock was standing when the bomb hit calmly ticking time stopped for it at 7:36 a.m. or p.m. what difference does it make baby strollers cart full of things all tagged with the place and date of their destruction the East End Arena September 17th 1944 everything this from could tell 100 stories but this boxing glove was involved in a most unusual occurrence when on September 17th 1944 that dark and heavy curtain to the world beyond our five senses the psychic world was lifted for a moment [Music] [Applause] all right Mika hello yank sorry I'm late that's all right I had a bit of shopping to do fish and chips I know but we're betting the purse aren't we I'm financing dinner out of my own pocket you might say never mind we'll have a real feed after the fight what kind of odds you get 3 to one for the old3 quid that means we'll get £1 1220 if we win that'll give us something in our pockets when we go up to the Midlands Birmingham oh they love light every weights up there did you see the doctor where do we go to eat oh in the dressing room get any coffee coffee cost extra well I could sure you [Applause] some this is sure crummy yeah do you see the doctor yeah I saw [Music] him oh what he please go get some coffee oh what do you want coffee for it'll only keep you awake I want you to have a couple of hours shut ey before the fight coffee never bothered me you know that what doctor how do I know what doctor well you must remember something about him I walked up the street and there was a doctor's office what street Queen Street oh that would be Dr Dugen yeah I think so yes he has a big sign hanging out over the walk like a blinking Cinema Arthur a Dugen sounds like him yes only that sign was knocked down in a bombing raid 6 months ago well then maybe it was someone else and maybe it wasn't Queen Street all right Wy I lied to you I didn't see any doctor you know I'm getting too old to fight it's the only trade I know you know something why the whole Army wouldn't even have me that's why I'm in the Merchant Marine now and why don't you ship out oh I intend to but I just wanted a little money I got my eye on a bar and grill you to see this place a real pretty place that's a pub it's a nice little place up in h broken right yank don't you realize you're risking your life but it's my life isn't it what am I supposed to do sit out in front of some uh fight club with my cap on my knee saying please help the poor well I don't like it why do you don't have to like it never mind I'll get you some coffee anybody mention coffee I take it this is your fighter Mr s yank Dawson he manages the other fell how are you Dawson sounding wind and limb I hope all well I hope so I really hope so this my boy's a bit of a Savage I'm afraid not much skill but uh when he hits somebody bang bang that's all she said as you Americans would say here drink up my TIG is late I'll get some fresh for when he comes in right Mr serson thank [Applause] you no ank you do remind me of somebody I was in the states for a bit before the war saw a man fight there you're very like him Denver it was did you ever fight there 150 million Americans St the reason two of them can look aik no couldn't be the same chat the man in Denver had a terrible accident not long afterwards they won't let him fight broke his head right open I heard right there must have been someone else you saw in Denver because I never fought in Denver you're a fool to be fighting you know it's a nasty scar you quite sure you're all right why don't you mind your own business of course he's all right but I hope so I really hope so why don't you get out of here all right your time's going and find my tiger we don't worry about accidents here do we Mighty not with old Patty teron about who's Patty teron oh he's dead in a manner of speaking but you didn't tell him about pet I was sure your head oh inhospitable very inhospitable I'll come off it now what do you mean come off it he's a yank ready to fight at the old East End Arena nobody tells him about Patty Patty's such a Friendly Ghost too Mr Sanderson I don't want to be rude but I do want my yank to have a couple of our sleep so if you don't all right all right if you don't want to tell him [Music] who little r down is what you need help you to get some [Music] sleep tiger Alie Jones tiger my mind you he's very clever with his hands though you want to remember that that's why I told you to crowd him understand keep crowding him all the time what was all that about a ghost wi he oh you don't want to pay no mind to Sanders in that stupid story it's just childish Superstition well tell me anyhow look you're going to fight tonight I'm not going to feel your head now with a lot of silly trle I've had so much bad luck in the last few years I guess I'm just jump you anyy I'm sorry I acted like a kid that's all right boy I don't know why I made such a fuss of about it myself like Sanderson says paty tun's a friendly sort of ghost anyway he was Empire middleweight champion when he was only 18 years old back in 1905 that was so when he fought Brian cley in 1931 he must have been 44 that's getting on a bit for the boxer you know and he wasn't Empire champ no more he had a gold watch a few good memories and a blood clot what nobody knew about he fought Brian cley right here in the East End Arena Brian like the old boy wanted to make it quick like you know so we knocked him out in the second round that was an act of Mercy Brian thought only that blood clot of patties got dislodged he died before they could get him into the dressing room well that upset Brian a bit of course he soon got over it you know I mean he knew it wasn't his fault only four years later Brian went crackers just before a fight one night he suddenly started raving and swearing something awful he said he'd seen Patty tum seen in Mana with Patty Dead four years already Brian says that paty just stared at him and shook his head slowly from side to side like he was trying to tell him something and Brian says well what could he be telling me except don't you fight tonight my boy or you'll wind up like me well he fought anyway and he was winning too hands down until frankly Shane fighting him back as best he could suddenly caught him with a lucky right oh what a Whopper caught him eye on the forehead and pitches brine towards the ropes and through the ropes and he smashes his skull on the ring post well now you know as well as I do that could never happen again in a million years but BL me you should have seen the newspapers ghost of East End Arena they said pad to back from the dead and all that sort of tribe see Patty and die they said and let's talk of even some others but I don't believe it I don't believe any of it coincidence that's all it is pure coincidence yeah coinci [Music] silence [Music] who are [Music] you what do you want buy buy buy what's going on here in there WHYY I saw who the fell you telling me about P he standing in there ah you must be dreaming he's in there I swear look for yourself in where did you say believe me why he was standing right here and I wasn't dreaming you weren't dreaming yank what kind of a ghost takes his LEF by a window I'll tell you what kind come on I'll show you your [Music] ghost listen to him out there you're going to ruin me well don't look at me he's it one what's ruining you him in his psychological warfare I got contracts with the both of you well we are ready to fight then you two can fight I'll tell you straight out my boy isn't going into the ring until he admits what he done and apologizes for it and just what am I supposed to have done I had somebody to impersonate Patty to that's what you've done trying to scare my boy what's all this about that ghost was a fake well maybe it was but that doesn't prove that I had anything to do with it who else who else had reason it's your boy we're fighting and you was offering odds a 5 to one got confidence in Alie that's all well that's another thing look at him cool as a cucumber quiet as can be here got nothing to do with me I'll say fight well that's just it your opponent saw Patty toon and you say fight aren't you scared you're going to kill him clear and kcki saw The Ghost and they was killed in the ring why doesn't it bother you that the man you're fighting is going to die I'll tell you you why cuz it's a fake and you know it if what you say it's true it's a case for the boxing control board unsportsman like conduct by your manager you insisted that my boy heard about Petty tun and you knew he was going to take a few hours sleep that gave you plenty of time how long did it take to sew Patty's name onto that sweater now look here white and did you hire to do Patty tun which one of your flankes was it Willie Davis he's about the right age and size who's willly Davis oh some used up old fight do anything for a few qu that he can take across the road to the red line and turn into whiskey and we don't have to ask his permission to go over there and ask Willie to talk and he'll talk in the interest of justice and better boxing and a few a few more drinks come on no no wait wait wait all right all right I did it there you are you see Willie played the ghost it was my idea well I know I shouldn't have done it but Willie looks almost exactly like Patty and and with a little makeup well I I I just couldn't resist it there's nothing criminal in IT Major there a psychological warfare just like we do on the Germans that's all only that happens to be War where All is fair so they say but this is boxing all right which is supposed to be a sport well maybe it wasn't sportting there maybe all right then it wasn't sporting you've never done anything that you're sorry for well if I did I said I was sorry no no I'm sorry sorry y if everybody's quite satisfied let's ever fight [Applause] no me Lord Lords ladies and gentlemen East Side sporting TR than PR 10 three minute rounds Che side old favorite 11 stone L [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] out is worthy opponent us verant Seaman 11 stone six y [Applause] want to on a scen k [Applause] [Music] hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] High n what happened over there did you just get careless the fellow I saw in the dressing room you know Davis but what about him he's sitting up there in the last row I saw him it kind of confused me I guess so sanderson's still up to his tricks is he I'll Fay him [Music] [Applause] alive yeah what kind of scum are you oh what's the matter that's what's the matter look up there what's all this about lier he's gone and done it again he's got his familyy ghost up there as big as life and it's scared in my boy I want him out of there well I don't see him oh yeah he's there all right you bet you laugh he is right up there in the back row this what I didn't tell him to he must have bought a ticket there's no crime in that I've had enough of this well I want him matter there oh oh finish finish protect yourself [Applause] g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 don't touch him he mustn't be moved let's get him to theing no he must not be moved get a doct quick easy Y how do you feel all right I guess you want to try to sit up yeah will it be all right doctor yeah he's had a slight concussion but he'll definitely be all right you hear that yank you're going to be fine boy I didn't say he'd be fine I said he'd be all right no more fighting yank you hear that I guess you're right though I'll let him rest here for a few minutes then he can get dressed and go home or um bring him in to see me tomorrow all right [Applause] doc oh look you're white here I'm sorry about all this so you should be lot of nonsense your boy would never have beat him if he hadn't been distracted is there a Mr Sanderson here I'm Sanderson Mr serson yeah at the devil's own time finding you sir do you know this man yes Willie Davis why were you sitting in the back row Willie beg your pardon sir but the only place he's been sitting is at the police station under the influence as you can see but he couldn't I picked him up in the red line Pub there were some there that said he stole the money he spent there but Willie said that you'd vge for him that you gave him the money oh that's true how long has he been in custody for the last hour I'd say that's impossible I we saw him sitting here in this very Arena wearing that foolish sweater not 10 minutes ago couldn't have been him sir 10 minutes ago he was still unconscious come on will but I saw him too between rounds I thought Mr serson was still using psychological warfare well it couldn't have been Willie then it was P chahun himself I saw Patty I'm going to die oh shut up must be some EXP explanation I saw him twice we all saw him not me remember I didn't see him the rest of us aren't all going to die well don't be [Music] ridiculous the German bomb aimed presumably at the waterfront struck the East End Arena about 12:00 the newspapers called it good fortune that only five people were in a building that only a few hours before had held so many more four were killed the promoter Collins survived to tell what happened and thus the legend of Patty tun was once more revoked if you see Patty you die but is that all it really was I mean a legend well of the five men that promoter Collins was the only one who didn't see Patty he was also the only one who didn't [Music] die [Music]
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 266,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmstruck, TV, classic movie, MOVIES, #classicmovies, Alcoa Presents: One Step Beyond (TV Program), The Outer Limits (TV Program), FREE, classic movies, John Newland, THE LAST ROUND, The Twilight Zone, CLASSIC, CHARLES BRONSON
Id: 5iBrLUn-89I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2013
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