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i hardly know what to tell you about the next half hour except that it has been reported as true by those to whom it happened it has been investigated and no one as yet has been able to explain it or disprove it [Music] stern harold aged 53 died april 14th no known next to kin who could explain the inexplicable events in the life of harold stern certainly what happened to him and to those involved with him has never happened before and certainly will never happen again ladies and gentlemen once again we repeat the special bulletin regarding harold stern it is very urgent that stern whose last known address was 127 west 16th place repeat 127 west 16th place be located at once anyone knowing his present whereabouts is asked to committed to contact [Music] what a merry chase you led us i beg your pardon we've been tearing the city down looking for you mr stern afraid you made a mistake my name is jordan frank jordan that's the name of the mailbox no mistake mr stern i'm lieutenant barry dyed your hair comb it differently but the description still fits why did you do that mr stern i tell you you made a mistake i don't understand this i don't understand you i think you were public enemy number one i'm telling you you made a mistake all right now cut it out will you give me the lab we traced you through some tax accounts you used to work for manager said you had pledged him to secrecy but in a case like this this lieutenant barry we finally located harold stern yeah we'll have him move to the hospital in 15 minutes you will not i get your cold mr stern pretty chilly outside you can't tell me what to do you can't treat me as if i was a criminal or something get out of my house no no no wait a minute wait a minute i'm sorry i guess i did barge in on you kind of impolitely but uh this girl in the hospital is unconscious she's liable to die any minute unless she gets a transfusion you have a pretty rare type of blood mr stern the hospital told me you're the only known donor in this whole area there has to be others instead of wasting your time here with me why don't you go out and find some other blood donor no time you're gonna have to find somebody else didn't you understand me the girl is dying i'm sorry but she's just a working kid but if it's money i guess she can oh it's not money i never took money then what is it i don't have to explain look it's nothing to give blood thousands of people do it every day without any trouble then look at this card now look at all the dates in the last 15 years you must have given blood what 25 times 31 times well then you know there's nothing to it is there anything on that card about my giving blood the past three years that's when you're dropped out of sight isn't it i don't want to talk about it i changed your name move clear across town warned your friends not to tell anybody now look lieutenant i've got a lot of tax work to complete tonight instead of wasting my time and yours why don't you go out and find another blood donor i see you uh sign these taxed returns with this new name frank jordan i suppose you've changed it legally yes fine got to copy the court records around i i mean authorizing the change no where do you keep them bank balls yes which bank would be perfectly honest i haven't got around to changing it legally what do you think of that signing a false name to tax returns look those reports are absolutely accurate i lean over backwards to have my clients fire honest reports their name's only a technicality but the uh federal boys have some pretty strict rules about that of course sir that's their headache all i've got to worry about is finding harold stern and getting him over to general hospital i get it and if i give you the blood it's like you say if the reports are honest the name's only a technicality no what kind of a crumb are you i can't do it i can't go through that again it would kill me i just can't do it what's the matter with you what are you talking about don't you think i want to help the girl do you think i'm some kind of insensitive monster look i'll i'll show you what i'm talking about here i have these clippings man slain in robbery drowned in pool inherits millions in surprise bequest it was no surprise to me and helps millions in surprise bequest man slain and robbed what are these i gave my blood five times that last year and those clippings related to three of them there were two others one of the two just got a divorce a few months ago the other is doing well thank god i knew we would what are you talking about i don't expect you to believe me believe what something went wrong that year whenever i gave my blood somehow i became involved in their lives i knew in advance what was going to happen to them you mean you knew this poor guy was going to drown in a pool yes yes well not exactly well did you or didn't you well i knew something was going to happen to him when or how or where no i didn't know that but but i knew that something terrible i had a premonition a voice [Music] i don't care whether you believe me or not i don't care about anything but your blood oh come on get your jack and let's go no can't you understand i can't can't go on living with a thing like this knowing in advance something was gonna happen to somebody oh well if it was something good well that's fine but but if it isn't then you can't do anything about it it's a living hell i just can't do it i can't do it now there must be some other blood donor with my type you you've got to find him williams come in here amen we're taking mr stern down to headquarters booking him on a charge of using a false name on government documents i'll call the hospital and tell him it's all off i'm sorry get in the car i'm lieutenant barry yeah he drove me right over is this the man yes this is the girl's father what kind of a cheap trick is this so that's the call you made to the hospital to have him here so i changed my mind well it won't work look mister she's just a kid she's just 19. i can't help her she's all i got in the world ahamad died when she was a baby no she's a sweet good-natured kid you want money you tell me how much i'll go out and get it for you i don't care what i have no it's not the money well then what is it tell me what is it i have my reasons mister she's dying you you don't want to let her die she's dying i can't i can't i can't make him do it i can't make him you're just gonna let her die [Music] murderer you can go home now stern i said get out [Music] i thought you were going to arrest me get out i want to congratulate you mr stern you're a citizen we can all be proud of where did you have to find me all right all right all right [Music] mr stern yes well i just came by to thank you for what nothing just my life i'm the girl who was in the hospital oh i'm surprised to see you up and about so quickly quickly almost a month the whole month in that creep joint how'd you find me people in the lab well they shouldn't have given you my name there were no thanks necessary modest that's cute well at least there's one thing that's rare about me huh my blood type i am happy to see you up and about miss lin martin marta without the h you busy no no uh won't you come in and have some coffee i was just having some i guess i could use some you still weak oh i'll live is uh your father taking care of you oh you got quite a sense of humor i beg your pardon as soon as my old man found out i was gonna live zoom off he went somewhere to celebrate that's the last i saw him he seemed quite devoted to you oh he's a big fake tears flow like wine and wine flows like tears he's been celebrating one thing or another since 1940 i mean like world war ii the flu epidemic recession well he'll come back crying but only if he finds out i've been hit by a truck or somebody shot me you shouldn't talk that way why not what's the big tragedy nothing like that's gonna happen to you oh how do you know i mean you shouldn't be mothered more who is taking care of you same person has been looking after me since age 10 me hey uh you got any sugar no sugar oh do you know anything about the uh the kitten club kitten club yeah i got an appointment for a job there it's on this side of town no i i don't think i know that strip joint over on 7th street strip you mean you uh oh no i'm just a camera girl but thanks for the compliment it was nice of you to drop by well thanks for the blood i hope it brings me luck i hope so miss lin i hope so you know you're really very nice and uh it's not lin it's wazinski like my old man and uh martha with an h [Music] now no no please god no [Music] yeah george that's right yeah i'll meet your court 9 30 in the morning or both the men will be there where's the girl uh just a second where's the girl lieutenant what girl why i don't know she's still in the hospital i guess no she's not there she left a week ago where did she live uh george hold on a second uh look mr stern are you all right something's going to happen lieutenant george george i'll call you back in the morning yeah lieutenant that girl's going to die well it happens to the best of us no i mean violently and soon that's your little crystal ball i tell you lieutenant this is now or is she going to die i don't know how mr stern maybe you ought to see a doctor please where does she live i don't know call the hospital you call the hospital i did they wouldn't tell me mr stern it's late and i'm tired look lieutenant you came to me and made me do something i didn't want to do you tricked me into it and now you're involved too all right do you want to play crystal gazer fortune teller get me general hospital take it easy relax fine time tonight to come back no answer she's in there she came in a couple of hours ago and i didn't see you leave it well she's not in there now come on i've wasted no time it's the silliest thing i've ever heard she's in there wait but i smell gas yes i know it's gas got your pesky downstairs we'll get it go back to bed [Music] i told you something that was gonna happen i told you i told you i knew it i knew this would happen she's perfectly all right come on let's get out of here oh when you look at that door the landlady will absolutely kill me [Music] what'd i tell you she wants to see me first thing in the morning it's the old evo you know i wish you'd do me a favor and stop saving my life you mustn't talk that way well why can't you find yourself another hobby why don't you take up stamp collecting you want a cup of coffee don't you think it's too late oh it's too late for a lot of things that a dumb lieutenant with all these funny questions it was an accident it was of course oh don't say of course like that if i was going to kill myself i wouldn't do it with a lot of smelly gas besides i'm always having accidents a couple of nights ago i fell asleep with a cigarette in my mouth burned a hole in the blanket oh wait well mrs summers sees that you must be more careful why couldn't the world struggle along without me i mean if it really tried what made you stop by tonight anyhow we'll see how you what no change still loud did you get that job as a camera girl no don't you read the papers some more the famous wazinski luck that very night some holdup guy shot up the place now they're closed down for repairs well you shouldn't try to get a job in a place where there's so much danger danger you you shouldn't you really shouldn't you shouldn't look mr stern you just gave me some blood you didn't adopt me i'm sorry oh i'm sorry too it's just that i'm not used to having somebody worry about me it makes me nervous i've got an idea what i'm a text accountant you know so can you type i'm hardly the secretarial type well really doesn't matter very much i mean if you can print it carefully with pen and ink you offering me a job yes why i i feel a sort of responsibility for you why just do you really mean that don't you yes for crying out loud look it would be easy you could move into my house and then oh no please don't misunderstand me it's not a very big house but there's plenty of room i could sleep in the article even get a room next door i just thought it would be easier will you do it i'd very much like to help you well i sure don't have any better offers and it'd be a pleasure to get out of this dump thank you miss lin blezinski i thought guys like you went out of style a couple of centuries ago [Music] uh thank you [Music] marco [Music] enough to go swimming so soon after lunch well you asked me not to do so many things i lost track besides i was only kidding i fooled him too oh your friend looked a little upset i thought i'd make like a hero why should i be upset thank you very much young man for what big laugh i swim 10 times better than he does oh yeah prove it please don't go in you might get a cramp go under this don't do this don't do that routine is beginning to bug me now will you let go martha please don't go in getting a little bored with being treated like a six-year-old child mr stern martha marta oh hi grandpa i forgot my key you remember old felix fosdick where were you we went for a drive fearless and me went for a little drive you're both drunk 100 super duper trooper drunk what are you doing driving when you were drunk don't you know it's dangerous you want to end up in a morgue worry worry worry you know you're like a little old lady sitting in a rocking chair worrying about this and worrying about that get out just a cotton-picking second grandpa i did something wrong i do more things wrong wait outside maybe i ought to go you better wait outside okay grabs [Music] what's the matter with you always going out of your way to put yourself in danger what big teeth you have grandpa [Music] i'm sorry did you believe it at first i got a bang out of this kindergarten routine but if you'd only listen to me perhaps i could explain oh mr stern all right i'll show you [Music] martin i want you to look at these and then you understand what i'm trying to say marta please look at these i can't let it happen to you every one of them i knew what was going to happen to every one of them both the good and the bad marta i know what's gonna happen to you so do i i'm leaving unless we do something to prevent it martin you're going to die in a terrible way now knock it off will you believe me i know martyr are you coming or not he's waiting for me if you go with this young man something will happen i know it will martha please look at these will you please stop acting like this it's embarrassing don't you think i know why you're doing it what are you talking about oh at first i thought it was cute but who's kidding who mr stern you're 25 years older than i am what do you mean you know what i mean stop acting like that what do you mean what are you talking about you must believe me [Applause] [Music] marta died violently fulfilling harold stern's prophecy though certainly not as he had expected a few months later mr stern passed away in an asylum for the criminally insane and there the matter ended and yet there are those who still speculate about his fantastic power of clairvoyance the woman who unexpectedly inherited the great fortune the man who drowned or his intuition that took him to mata's room before the gas could kill her explain it we cannot we can only wonder another enigma in the world that thus far remains one step beyond in a moment something about next [Music] week [Music] you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 278,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Twilight Zone, SUZANNE PLESHETTE, classic movies, One Step Beyond, The Outer Limits, FREE, #classicmovies, MOVIES, CLASSIC, classic movie, filmstruck
Id: x0lEysbRcA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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