One Step Beyond (TV-1960) THE LOVERS S2E22

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is the story you're about to see true but no one really knows no one has yet has been able to prove or disprove it and so it remains in limbo a part of that vast Uncharted world of psychic phenomena beyond our powers of [Music] explanation [Music] where else could this be but Vienna not today but a golden yesterday or even a ghost sometimes had a sense of humor that is if the ghost happened to be a poltergeist now if you're not familiar with how a guys Works soon will be I've had more coffein the last week than I ever did in my life I enjoy reading your last letter very much they have given me more pleases than any I deliver it before I retired oh I'm sorry oh I speak your cof I'm so don't worry about it it's all right I have another letter oh I cannot wait to read it in it I ask you to go to a band concert F me sometime oh that would be good oh but first you will have to meet my T and Uncle it would be a pleasure could you come to our house after dinner tonight yeah that is if it would be at 9 [Music] night your sit down sit down good news AR allat has finally died y this is good news well his room is available now you can come and live at the retired postman's Club he was a fine Postman in his day thought was a blessing for the poor old man old SI last 10 years here is your application for a room in the club don't worry you'll get it I run the board of directors how are those bad feet perfectly well how others all be the retirement has helped hands are so good can you come to the club tonight to arrange your room after dinner after dinner I have an engagement what is this I have a meeting with a young woman at your age I understand it happens to men even older at or this will comp kid you're living at the club women are only allowed on special occasions every day is a special occasion this Ela this Vienna even retired Postman fall in love is it this one yeah is she love love always dies the older you are the more you die with it makes you feel young but you are old go to the mirror look see the age and the lines and the wrinkles that's what she'll see soon don't let her break your heart I'm not that old a little gay perhaps few lying we old ones need something that we can never lose like my violin nobody's going to take this away from me you are going to take up the channel you are going to join the string for what happened there's time enough for this channel I haven't given up the idea good now you get that application in tomorrow we always put s together uh y sir uh else it's not just an ordinary young girl none of them are no she's she's very different really just has never been anyone like her Al though love is a ghost it inhabits the body for a little while and then it moves on with young women it moves on more quickly the CH see you at the club [Music] tomorrow don't eat so fast Elsa the young man coming tonight must be a very special one he is C he is he sounds like someone very handsome he is not handsome when he is Young he is handsome he's not young but he's very kind what does your young friend do Ela he is a postman retired a retired Postman how old is your friend El I did not ask him he did not ask me the retired Postman we know that France there are many things we do not know he has a steady come and pass couldn't you have contacted a more active Postman I mean someone still delivering uto is going to be here soon can't may I be excused I want to go up and fix my hair go go my child it's the first time pant's called me my child it's the first time I've been worried about you Dante there's nothing to worry about what will I write to your father dear hunts your daughter has been with us for three months now and now she has fallen in love with the Lether carrier retired now what will they think in Heidenheim who cares what they think in Heidenheim we're in V well of course this time of year whatever weather we are having is expect quite so off unless of course is a little different there has been rain why of course my dear I'm sure that in time past there even has been snow but some of us like to count on regularity I'm sure that the uh weather plays a large part in the life of a PO it did I am now retired I thought else it told you oh yes of course the bad feet I'm sure you were a very good Postman her thank you foror ordinarily just what is the retirement age of a postman if you don't mind my asking oh not at all it depends upon the postman of course of course for some it is as early as 40 indeed indeed for some it is is all the 70 depends upon the Bosman I see I see but uh retirement for bad feet this of course means the man is younger it depends upon the feat France I think it is time that we older people go upstairs oh yes yes it it has been a long day beger don't get up don't get up it has been an honor should off my pleasure good night I hope we will see more of you H stay up too long I night I I have brought you something what open it and see is beautiful oh it's nothing really may I kiss you to thank you it's customary in our family well I would not like to upset family U it must have fallen off the shs now you were saying you were sanking me oh yes the same [Music] book start I don't know it's very strange you're T and your hle they disapprove of Me no oh could they they've only just met you you know this could be an accid I mean does the phonograph when you wish it to play it doesn't many machines I'm told have a mind of their own shall we TR G [Music] yes you closed the top did you not yeah something doesn't approve of us every time we try to kiss something happens it's very very strange you believe in ghosts well I'm beginning to is there any other explanation your ta and your uncle have they said anything is this house haunted I'm sure they would have mentioned it maybe they don't [Music] [Music] know maybe it's the ru well there must be something I've never seen anything like this before in my life maybe we're not doing it right that's possible I don't know well let's try it [Music] again [Music] what you understand your hour is only 50 minutes I hope it will not take that long doctor it may take years here Becca but I haven't got years I'm in love with a young girl of course but you are experiencing certain uh C certain difficulties fantastic IC difficulties every time we try to kiss strange things happen like B for instance you must be absolutely Frank here beer oh nothing well whenever we try to kiss books fall out of bookcases pH start playing by themselves mirrors shatter statues break everything I see we s perhaps it might be a ghost ghosts are completely unscientific psychoanalysis will prove that ghosts are just another sexual problem they don't exist sexual problems yes Ghosts no no no only in your mind what is this psycho analysis is that how you pronounce it it was founded by Sigman Freud and it is being developed by his pupil among whom I am proud to number myself in 10 or 20 years 20 years what can you do for me now now back herea at the moment we do not deal with disturbances of this sort it isn't the cost first let me say ghosts have not been scientifically proven and I don't believe in them myself you said that already however I will give you the best available information on your problem oh please please I quote from a book on such phenomena a common variety of G is the Poltergeist so named because it is a ghost which makes noise the fist has been known to be set in motion by the emotionally disturbed young the young who are in love Elsa is Young this all you can tell me that's a moment yes but in 20 years who knows doctor is any record of this SP ever stopping no nothing about that hea you still have much of your hour left any other problems your work your no this is my only problem this woman is a reputable doctor a psychoanalyst what did she say again she told me there is no record of this boltergeist ever stopping now what kind of a life would elsen I have to get her a very noisy one I should say she doesn't deserve this who does what should I tell her shall I tell her the truth I have to tell her the truth what late it's a coffee shop now shy oh dear sweet [Music] darling it's me then you see all I said was don't but it's went who and started playing by itself just as it did last night you said this happens only to very young people who are in love you saw I ca it do were you ever in love before no never maybe it is because you are suddenly young in high on the other hand it could be a sign that love isn't for an old one like you I have been feeling young delusion delusion how about those bad feet suddenly they begin to hurt again although it's hard for me to say this but the truth is love is against your nature has been a very cautious almost timid person that's true no doubt you were an only child no I was one of you laughing no matter you were always very lonesome it is only lately that I felt Lonesome no matter you were a very fearful person I'm afraid so perhaps it has something to do with your nervous system I have looked at s once but I could never discover was a secret Els is a brave one I wish I knew her secret no secret some are and some are not you are not how can I go on this El as long as this is fisted you can't have you filled out your application for the room no I have not all right fill it out I shall take care of no first I must write a letter to you surely you will not a farewell letter it deserves more out of life than an old man who cses a bter my dear friend very good beginning c now c c since we met there is no moment that I have not been thinking of you and also you must remember you are writing a farewell letter you know and in matters like this it's just like killing a wounded animal strike for the heart per you right don't let us Suffer Well you are right she must not suffer must start again AL that's this will be my last letter to you that's very much better excellent I will not see you again way it is I who cause this ghost good you are too lovely a person sh I open yeah please you did not come today why not oh Elsa I could not come why not Elsa I have something to tell you something very painful what is it today I found out that I I I sorry El but I do not care about ghosts you you deserve better than this I don't want better than you please please this is best this is best I am an old man you are not old and it is not [Music] best I don't care if you are retired if you have bad feet If ghosts follow you around I love you all to oh Elsa Elsa it would be a very noisy life we would have together it would be a wonderful life we had together who cares about no books would fall music would start playing on the L we could Stu up our ears better love with noise than No Love in silence myness [Music] when it comes right down to it how does any one of us truly know who is the young in heart anyway it's a nice story isn't [Music] it [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 190,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Twilight Zone, MOVIES, John Newland, Alcoa Presents: One Step Beyond (TV Program), classic movies, #classicmovies, THE LOVERS, CLASSIC, classic movie, FREE, filmstruck, The Outer Limits (TV Program), TV
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2012
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