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man this is a night's only one block we have taken an oath to protect all royalty yes and no girls allowed nice nice nice nice nice oh it's a girl wait look she's princess which means we have to listen to her [Music] can I like us yeah a real Knight has a cool sword and a shield yeah yeah and knights are boys only yeah I got quite a few of them actually if you move out of the way over here I can help us a little bit around the world with treasure we don't need a girl's help I think you're messing up our nights only one block yeah I don't have a sword or Shield but I do have this scepter that's not a sword wait princess oh I don't want to play with the princess yeah it's supposed to be a night one block but you do know Knight is supposed to protect princesses right oh oh wait right stop it stop it stop it [Music] and maybe I could actually be a very kind and useful princess like maybe if I were to do this see I can help you guys mind and stuff right yes as long as you help I guess this kind of helpful yeah yeah like don't see I can I have guys this is supposed to be our thing hey where'd you get that diamond picture now she's got a diamond pickaxe come on let's not let her boss us around ah so long hey stop bye takes care of that guys you are doing a really good job all right fine fine here we go you gotta be more careful good Aaron you are a human oh I'm not sure about you guys I'm gonna be the best hero dude I'm already the best here already no no wait wait wait a minute wait a minute think about this for a second guys she he can't be a princess because she doesn't have a throne that is a good point [Music] every princess needs a throne right we can build me a throne uh maybe using some of the materials here right now oh come on why it's magical too hey why don't you well listen to existence I didn't do anything let's see all right so I can sit on the throne and don't worry time it'll be great trust me yeah right just go sit on your fancy schmancy chair I don't know about this guys oh here I'll help you with the money here we go uh I don't know I really don't like it give us that that pickaxe we'll we'll take care of it princess yeah guys I think I'm gonna get rid of the chair yes move when we kneel okay all right so I propose uh that we have this and what are you working on I'm working on a night's Tower [Music] I'm gonna make some more so we can take the Cobblestone and then smelt it into stone and then we can make a big castle for all of us oh that's actually pretty smart I guess that sounds great like castle for us well you can stay out here with your throat on this little wood platform [Music] Building Supplies you know yeah we'll make some tools for us yeah what is that I don't know what is this series it's too dangerous for a princess let me step in and handle this wait stop yeah we got to protect the princess [Applause] [Music] they're under the platform [Music] oh but guys if you can get those kitties for me I will just consider you Royal super nice hey cats usually respect me to excuse you you don't even have a cat say I get all the cats Aaron pick them up okay yeah uh in case you didn't notice uh cats really like me oh well then I guess you guys go get them or she sends cats a week to water all right yeah I got it it started raining I got one I got a kitty look at I got it hi hi give me one guys be careful with the kitties and we gotta get rid of it to protect the princess I was gonna keep that one forever excellent work sir night ah thank you thank you sir yes we had a royal cat oh yes and we protected you from it yes you're welcome [Music] sorry Knight saying I I didn't mean to get you [Applause] all right all right good job let's get to building a little bit more come on yes your highness just don't shock me again okay all right so I've got the framework for the castle built out and oh nice job up there Aaron that's right you guys are gonna be so glad we got this Tower buddy what are you working on I have an iron pickaxe which means I can bind the scold now right now no no no no I know what you're doing you cannot mind the Royal goat it tells us for the roadblock is plus I spawned in with it unfairly and I want to make sure everyone gets use of it yeah [Music] all right so if I put some more of this pole here here's I have a royal job for you what is it your Royal youth line is all right so see all this uh stuff that I put down I would like you to replace it with the uh smelted version of the Cobblestone well why did you just put this out of the first place because it takes away some work all right we just got a lot of coal now all right so let's go through all the time making the iron wait wait wait wait stop complaining here here uh mommy I can summon some more materials we can use see what the bird does oh cool are we gonna have another bird poop on us [Applause] thank you for this great gift for which you have bestowed upon me hey and um y'all better step up because uh we have we have a cool princess now that I love forever how could you betray us like that again easily with gold okay so Emma are we making a gold castle what do I do with this you can use the gold for the door how about that big door though big door big door okay uh this princess is so bossy just gotta oh what's this can I open this one please please please please please please please please please I want to get this one yes yes wait you can absolutely go ahead come on horses bro I mean what's so special well I don't want to hear that from you wait wait wait that's what's that supposed to mean I'm fighting down there you dummy why uh [Music] you precious creatures Zayna you are the Royal Horse you can control the horses they are all yours oh thank you thank you I promise I'll take care of them yeah did you see we got horses now oh those are pretty cool horses okay you will be a pinky cake and you will be aphmau too I love you both yeah a knight needs a horse oh well he knocked that one off don't worry I got this one [Music] horses then I regret to inform you that the horses do not fly these are the worst idiots Satan it's not our fault that your flying horses were defective they were flying horses they were my best friends well you should have told us that well I told that you'd like this Garden Tower okay all right so so listen um I am going to design my room and take a break but while I am uh I want you guys to put your swords and shields away over here we are because you guys tend to fight and as [Music] uh I am going to say you need to put your weapons away because I know you guys are going to fight and I would like to rest in my quarters and design it perfect uh yes all right okay all right all right all right I mean she is the princess so okay yeah all right all right oh also uh if we're going to make the land better we should make some uh some Farmland so we can have food eye degree so and yeah oh yeah food yeah um uh you know what actually come over here oh let's see uh what is this exactly wait a minute I wonder I wonder if I can um you guys put a barrier up at least it's fine it's enough farming work for now but okay what what listen yeah we don't have any Waters in yeah I you know that I have pledged my undying loyalty to the princess for all the gold the problem is that Aaron is trying to move in on that and behead night yeah what's up with that he's doing all that nice stuffer and not giving us any credit I know it didn't make us a room or anything so you know uh since we put all of our stuff back on the wall I think it's time that we go uh acquire his sword and shield good idea yeah yeah I'm not gonna who wants to grow eat stuff on the ground Aaron is just trying his best just because they're having a hard time uh uh I need to figure out how I can help him oh no they're gonna take a shield but I can't interfere um don't worry hello hello let's see what is this arrows oh that's a lot [Music] um what was that what are you guys doing look at this City Boys [Music] just working on my Redstone practice with my sheep I'm sorry oh okay what happened what is this I don't like it I don't know but I think everybody has made much better everything's not bad it's none of your best it's just feeling a little bashful pick up adorable little baby sheep oh yeah yeah there's two sheep we just got them right guys I'm working on the tower you know we're doing doing Tower stuff yeah I'm out underground I'm a mole person I'm exploring the world you want a kiss [Music] wants to kiss me wait a minute [Music] but that gives us a great idea we should make some Woods over there again some nice woods somewhere over here half our weapons back to do that uh sure yeah let's go ahead and uh yeah we better get all those weapons who took my shield oh no his shield guess it can't be a night anymore I'm sure it has nothing to do with these two idiots and you no wait a minute wait a minute let's think about something here for a minute as knights we should look at air in here it was seen that he is missing a shield don't hit me what did we say earlier that you need to have a shield and a sword in order to be a royal Knights so then on this day Aaron I shall take it upon myself as head Knight to banish you wait mad at night because you talk these two idiots helping you do this well get out of here Aaron oh what are you gonna do is then you're gonna make it Majesty is evil and poisonous you're bad we you shouldn't be around her highness anymore we should keep him out he is very dangerous all right you know what obviously and make my own castle with my own Army and I don't need any of you okay bye what a drama queen [Music] well now you don't have to like him anymore because he's not worth anything okay there we go I should get a flower but uh everything looks pretty good in my room oh what the huh there we go there nice one we're keeping you locked in there it's better for you to be safe and there than outside here with us especially with that traitor Aaron on the loose we don't want our princess to be spoiled by that not Knight but he is a knight he's one of you yeah well he doesn't have a shield not a knight he doesn't have a shield no hey guys what should I do with this uh look at me like a big old wall here hi princess hi just being with one Shield guys let's head out since I'm the head guard come on yeah guard we gotta talk about that we got yeah wait you know what wonderful the head of things but like actually doesn't do anything and he's kind of useless how did you escape [Laughter] all right hey it's gonna be easy wow okay all right your horses are terrible drop that back boys I don't know what that means attack guys Castle oh wow oh wait you guys can throw each other to sheep oh nothing uh oh I left the arrows inside of them yeah yeah I found these arrows in the chest and um yeah oh sorry about that buddy well time to turn people into sheep I have TNT hey still here [Laughter] just had to build a bridge come on let's go he's got a bridge okay no no no no no no no business there we go remember okay there we go [Laughter] over here [Music] it's my mix cheese you can't stop us forever [Music] what are you talking about dragons you are a princess you're the queen of dragons off that princess is dangerous no it's not it is not dangerous because you all can't get to log in and talk at least the bird is helping me out all right now as the princess of the one black guy do decree that um you must listen to me or I will make the dragon in the latest [Applause] [Music] let's go take a nap
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,362,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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