One Piece D&D Manga Style Full Version #14 | Rustage, Tekking101, Lost Pause, Briggs, 2Spooky

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] you saying I should run but I'm not a coward Dead He's you always told me not to be a coward not about being a coward this thing could kill any one of us with one shot trust me Magnus we came all this way to save you it would it would kill me to have you destroyed in battle right now there are many more battles for you in the future but first you must get stronger please get get a safe distance away let your daddy do this one trust him son he's a bear I want to save Mother too okay father he turns around and starts to flee maybe we should also run I do I do not know about this I do not want to die oh God I didn't expect this to happen my good man I also have a fan of not dying as we've previously stated you're a fan of not dying I know not Steve I don't know not dying is he my brother no is not the time for jokes there's always time for comedy guys come on we're the devil's luck Pirates we've been through worse okay no we haven't not even close but we've been through worse do not worry friends I will protect us all there is no challenge that we cannot overcome we together have overcome many great obstacles but now our time is being tested once again we shall stand firm and save Louie's brother and reunite Ragnar with his wife thank you girls Let's Take the Lead my friend with William and Verona behind us we could be we could do anything emphasis on behind you but yeah if you want me to not run away from this I will need my snakes I'll give it I'll give it up to you man no William you're the captain it's your call all right all right give her give her the give the woman her snakes all right Hemlock you could take a background seat to this fight as long as you let your snakes be on the front lines I toss them over I try to activate my devil fruit and the needle just like won't walk crap hell it was worth a shot she grabs the bag of snakes in the air oh it's a shame you're already married Ragnar I could kiss you right now she pulls out one of her snakes this genuine energy standing above you as it reports it's not like he's actually a tap to it like like the face the eyes um he's actually on the chest okay there's like roots and stuff growing over his arms being like sunk into the into the thing and he's attached his his body to it Verona man this might be on you I know what you're thinking yeah give it a shot for the love of God this might be up to you that's all I've ever sit here only we had a slingshot or something then we'd be unstoppable he's really merging with this being this huge Mech creature stands before you filled up with screaming people as it's shambling towards you you can just hear that it could confidently of yells and squeals of pain and suffering well lads it's been an honor sailing the Seas with you this day and I know this hasn't worked too much before but I'm gonna have to give this a shot I feel like it's the only way we can survive because right now we're in charge of Jack and [ __ ] and Jack went down it's a good shot right now a special bullet bench okay are you kidding me I tried dude no that was great damn we'll get them next time boys your turn all right you did damage to it that's all that matters he picks up a tree yep I'm getting hit by a tree smacked by the tree it launches you back it knocks you Pro ve you're on the ground there prone he lifts up a fist s you knocking you unconscious I'm out here it's the ground oh come on don't worry I'm coming here today son all right Corona good to have you back time to do my job Roar I'm gonna go for The double-handed Swinging to attack great ax in Bear form trying to get into the wooden base of this effigy you just can't quite get the handling right on your ass it's the new ax that you have it it's too heavy you don't know how to use it yet right then I shall try to steal the Beast and make my way towards the man jerus you are more of a man that really never could be here we go hell yes let's go you start over arming it you start climbing up his leg as you're climbing up occasionally there's little slits in the room you can peer inside and you see these just Stacks and stacks of bodies just squirming inside this Beast face of like this little child as he reaches out then he gets lost in the crowd of bodies my heart it hurts I must defeat the smile creature I don't see but nevertheless then I will try to slice into the street I just can't quite get into the wooden exterior of the apogee Hemlock looks over till Ragnar and plagner Jimmy boost yeah to throw the snake underneath him and it becomes huge lifting you up into the air you are now riding on the back of a giant snake oh my God she Winks at you Ragnar well done well done she's hiding behind a tree right now I mean it could pick up trees so that might not be good protection I freak it out man we're in war right now if you guys myself he's gonna try and attack the Beast he can't get a hit Captain I think I can fly up there if I if I go hybrid can you take any of us with you well I don't think I'd be able to carry doors or Ragnar but either you or Verona Captain yes I have one more bullet left girl can fly me up there and I can take my final shot I I trust I was gonna say you have better accuracy but that's not really true because of all the stuff that's like you have better actors I say it anyway I don't care all right pearl if you could come over here and get Verona up there Airborne we could do that coal flies over picks for Verona's very weakened body up I take out my wooden wooden's Tire to Verona you take this lucky spoon and you pollute in silence nothing but respect oh soars into the air carrying with her claw like deep the giant snake he's gonna bite the thing has his teeth pierce the wooden exterior then he gets up his tail pierces again with the tail he's gonna take the poison damage as well Monty good snake I'm just gonna pop the bullet in my final special bullet another Vanishing bullet and I'm just gonna aim it directly as much of the timberlord that I can see that looks like able to hit Pearl thank you Shadow games through the airs and hits the timber Lord put a blood split out of it and it damaged the entire mechanism of the creature before you it stumbles slightly and it Roars again yeah I'm just gonna shoot the guy again as you fire your shots as Pearl is holding in the midair he swings the tree and like baseball bat knocks you out of the air flying oh you and pearl land on the ground unconscious oh man he then looks down at the snake crushes into the snake the snake bleeding what do you know and I'm gonna run over to Verona again I don't know what's gonna go I'm freaking out get over here and help us they're both down they just got knocked out of the sky I'm in Corona he's like a mummy now when I'm like reaching into my bag to grab the med kit that Den mushy that my brother gave I look at it but I consider it Ah that's an option I'm not doing it right now but that's an option and by the way Verona don't you have that fruit yeah I do no spoils I got a fake mustache kit I don't think that'll really come in handy here Ragnar in Barefoot new ax enhance riding on the back of the snake it did take a big blow but you're still there you're a bit further up on the Beast it's a deep breath no more special attacks imagine all the thousands of times you chopped away swing back over his head and with every muscle in his back he flings through after slicing down he slices back up cutting deep into the wood yeah that felt good that felt good I guess I'll just continue my climb afterwards as you try and climb up he's gonna try and shake you off and you slide back down to being on the left all right well I'll try and see if I can do some damage yeah take this you stab into the Beast continue to slice into the leg of this wooden Colossus slicing out pretty decent chunks as a couple of the people inside start like spilling out start falling down the sides some of them gripping to the side but some of them letting themselves before be free Hemlock is hiding to make eye contact with William if you'd like to come over here and help us that would be lovely level it really is unconscious power behind Angie you live is that pretty hurt yeah can you still fly I can try my best honestly she's just a girl she's also a dragon fruits there's no way we could defeat this thing we've gotta run where we still can girls just knocked a hole and we can tell we're doing damage to this thing you know that'd be good enough we'll be dead by the time do any sort of more significant damage captains you'll still need me to come over there I'm losing my mind Lily get over here can you still do that time thing the time reversal thing can you do that all right weak I've already used it so much today I've been using it non-stop since we got on the island can you do it though one more time Louie that's all I need what's the safest until we really need it all right so basically one more time is what you're telling me Louie yes all right don't waste it on me Captain we don't know who else is gonna go down Louie I have a devil fruit power I can't use it can you reverse time so I can use it just once it only works in the last couple of minutes uh what do you think Verona if somebody else goes down and Louie just stand back I don't think you're gonna do a lot of damage to that thing with a Rapier stand back and then if somebody else Falls then use that if they die because we only have one big kid left all right oh gets up could you try that that's a good idea Sky again though at this point though we gotta take risks Pearl you're the Maggie of This Crew I believe in you rip this [ __ ] right out of that thing go for it even maybe they were I do flies up and then she's going to make a couple of claw attacks on the timber Lord the body dealing some damage to the structure and now she's going to slowly try and pry him out but it's proving to be incredibly difficult but she is there and she is doing work on the body of the older men the snake is hissing let's go sneak you can do this come on come on the snake hits twice and he takes the poison damage too this huge thing is stumbling back can hear the ottoman groaning it seems like the older man has directly attached his life force to this creature now all you can see is like his face now attached to the wooden feet his eyes are shut he's mentally become one with this wooden Effigy I'm gonna stumble off the ground I'm gonna look over at the Captain's lucky spoon rip my mask off thank you Captain rip out a chunk of the devil fruit and eat it that was disgusting it lets you animate objects Leslie please tell me it's a giant can of pesticide herbicide whatever giant can of weed killer right it appears I have the ability to make friends what are you gonna do with it I mean I guess just to you know see how it would work in this situation I'm gonna take my offhand skim attire I'm gonna give it a temporary life and I'm just gonna send it towards the thing's legs two big eyes pop out of the Scimitar and it grows two arms and two legs it plops down hello I need you to go attack the legs of that Beast Yes master and he runs and it Dives forth with his belayed head he charges it and stabs the wooded creature I'm never gonna swim again for this this is so sad the timber Lord looks down and he sees pole trying to grab him look at me then he notices that duras is on his leg his tree and try and knock the duros off his leg because he smacks into Heroes you're trying to glue on you get knocked off but not entirely you still have one arm hanging to the leg of this thing and you're dangling there blood it he thinks he's dealt with you so he's gonna deal with the immediate threshold trying to rip them out and he's gonna slam into his chest like a monkey crushing Pearl bloodied her mangled unconscious body dripping down the timber Lord's body well I still have one arm and I still have water for you oh sword catcher sword it's right under her big boys could try to catch this you grab Palm out of the air as she's falling down cradling her in your arms I got you literally the clock sees this horrific Society grabs his head no no no I do not knows quit talking about it man this is your brother you gotta say pearl the young innocent girl I would not be able to save myself Mr clock I don't give a [ __ ] to stay in the back behind the trees your job is to save football you can hide the trees you're not gonna do anything with your little sword anyway I'm trying to start doing something to this damn thing all right steam pistol here we go splinters out large chunks of wood as it drills through him do you do it just a significant amount of damage I did something to it okay okay I'll go uh behind a tree that's close ragnarly Louie catch yourself but kind of stumbles a little bit you got this Louis I believe in you and you you can just take her into the trees and hide there with her for now [Music] I will of course slice into this beast and weaken it forever come on Netflix you're trying to jab your sword in as you're climbing up but you can't get into this wooden exterior of this creature Louis this is your brother this is your family come we must defeat them and rescue him together we made a promise we don't back down you are things you are a very wise man okay I can do this I'll bring her back and I will do everything I can I cannot reduce my brother for these heinous actions I swear to God this is still suicide Verona take this she throws over a small sachet of poison coat your bullets in it I'm not getting familiar with that thing but I bet it's more healthy utility was there's maybe enough for a couple shots channeling his devil fruit ability and his unmangling Pearl's body it seems to be taking a lot of effort out of him to do this hell comes back she opens her eyes I'm such a liability I apologize now Pearl you're awesome you you dug into that thing Captain I'm going in again all right pearl you go for it I got this I keep sending this girl into like just like just get you out of the sky twice William you mad man go for it Pearl I'm a valuable asset to this team I'm not a liability you are not a liability her wings Sprout out she starts flying up soared towards the timber lawn once again she tries to claw but she can't even properly get high enough as she's sort of in the in the sky barely hanging on breathing heavily in the air the snake's gonna keep biting away the tail your second wind the last in general in rush I can muster in this mangled body oh I'm gonna cut the first two bullets you do not catch perm oh no pull is falling out of the sky after being shot by Verona and lands the other ground not to unconscious the timberlord looks down at Ragnarok lifting up the tree as the tree slams into you he's gonna punch you that hits he knocks into you dealing tons of damage but not knocking you unconscious as you stand there you tanked both of them this is incredible bonji takes the damage as well you bloodied and bruised you should take out a good chunk of your steam pistol blasting a hole for it it's weakened it's reeling back this energy is still standing but the apogee looks weak and there's wooden bits dropping off a bit physically the timber Lord is losing control losing hour you guys have really done a lot to it Bertha make this this is for you thank you my friends girls William Verona Pearl and even you clock and YouTube Hemlock thank you everybody this huge wooden Effigy sounds of fun you're jumping off the back of the snake your Lumberjacks apps that's specifically good at destroying wooden things Timber slices through the entire bottom of this huge apogee slicing his entire lower half clean off the upper part of the energy is falling over Falls over and collapses to the ground it's only appropriate Ragnar is the one that kills this to his wife and child had also it's a treat it works perfectly and as it's now on the ground the people inside start running out of it tons of people just running out of this thing and they're holding their injured friends and stuff wounded and bruised they're all trying to escape Ragnar this is how you cut down a tree be firm with your grip make sure you can slice straight through it and you cut down your first tree and then it flashes back and you see the Effigy destroyed on the ground you notice at the end of your ax is weirdly blackened and then slowly starts fading away you guys have successfully defeated the temple odd you jump off the leg and you rush over the pole cradling her in your arms she's unconscious they're very wounded she's really gone through it all today laying there oh you poor thing I've never been more proud of you is she dead is she okay I asked her to do so much today duro's here save her sorry I could still fight no no no no no no what is it over it's over I fall back and just land in the grass yeah it's over oh girl I'm so sorry I'm basically responsible for you getting destroyed two or three times it's okay I had to blame on that I was in the way I'm always a liability I feel you guys are all so strong I didn't want to hold you guys back I really wanted to show you that I that I'm a valued member of this crew I just didn't want you lot to forget about me we couldn't have done it without you we couldn't have done it without you you're the Mad G of This Crew you did dragon [ __ ] like a Maggie supposed to do my Dearborn not once not twice but three times you have went out this monster the most courageous creature I have ever seen you deserve my respect and my love thank you Pearl thank you I'm happy that I could just I could do something I I need to rest now yeah I think we all need to hey you want to join my crew snake the snake becomes real tiny can you hear me all the people are running out and Irish shot in the air to kind of get their attention a few people start screaming but a lot of people go silent and they're looking over to yours the floor is yours you can ask for your wife Earth are you here can you hear me Bertha out of the crowds of people that are starting to like gather around you you hear a voice bracknell honey is that you oh my God is that you and pushes through the crowds she looks very wounded she's bleeding out one arm she runs over to you Ragnar regardless of her injuries and greets you with an Embrace I thought you were dead I thought they they had killed you in the attack I didn't know where you guys were I didn't know if you were alive I missed you so much can't believe you came back for us of course I would travel the entire world for you and Magnus fight any obstacle I love you Ragnar I love YouTuber Bertha don't worry magnet is safe we we got him just before you practice I thought he was dead too this is the happiest day of my life well I would have thought the marriage was but I guess it doesn't matter how awesome the wedding was if you saved your loved one from a giant wooden monstrosity that's like better than that is off comes running in from the trees he's been watching this entire time and he runs and Tackle hugs both of you and knocks you two to the ground oh amazing three of you are now like oh cuddling on the ground hello it's all okay now heartha Magnus I would like to introduce you to my good friend's nay my family I couldn't have done it without them duros our Knight Verona our sniper the bravest Dragon I have ever met in my entire life girl William our captain the luckiest man alive I don't think I got hit a single time that entire Bill running away does that Captain and the man of time Louis leclock he's actually gonna rush into the crowd of people he's gonna go look for his brother and Hemlock too I really didn't trust you but you came through we couldn't have done it without you cheers I don't know where he has a beard in his hand oh so you're the wife of this lucky man yes I'm her Who Who Are You the name's Hemlock I just wanted to congratulate you on such a terrific husband Ragnar you've proved something to me and that was I think you could make a very good addition to the Flames I was skeptical at first but you have definitely proved that you are a lot stronger than I and she hands out her number six candle here a trade I'm fine with being number two for a little while and I accept the trade after all I am gonna be the strongest man in the world I know you're gonna be a little busy at the moment but if you need more information on where The Hideout is feel free to talk with me we're not bad people we just have an alternative career path and I feel like you could make a lot of money which is what you're doing already not really about the money for me I just want to be the strongest in the world that way I can protect the people I care about and have nothing to worry about childish dreams that's what I respect about you a lot if you really want to be the strongest in the world you won't be able until you beat our leader I've never met a man stronger than he would you care to share his name even I don't know that I know the names of all the other members but the leader no pertha you gotta meet our cup gravy he's the nicest guy you have a cook sorry yeah I've got a what is going on what did she just invite you to oh you said Captain are you a pirate William really I'm actually going to follow uh Louis into the crowd because I have a pretty good idea where he's going hey William why don't we make this island the devil luck Pirate Island and make it a place for all the slaves to live if they have nowhere to go back to I I I'm not against that idea Ragnar um I think the slaves would be okay here but we just killed one of the seven Warlords of the sea I feel like the government might be kinda mad about that baby we don't need to make it like our Island under our name but we have Spruce he can build houses magnets is an amazing Carpenter I've taught him everything I know we can start a new Village here I mean yeah the people living here I think they they'll be okay I guess uh because they're not Pirates but yo I don't think we could name this our Island and like fly our flag on I don't think that's a good idea yet yet yes yes we have to gain even more power then because Magnus and Eartha have nowhere to go back to I mean we can take our Villages yeah I might as well be here if anywhere you know yeah where are we as well I don't know if I've ever gotten the name of this island I actually don't know we're in the middle of a forest if that helps it's Forest Island first uh it's ragna you gonna stay here with us sadly I couldn't have saved you and Magnus without my friends and we still have unfinished work to do plus I'm not the strongest in the world just yet but we will return I promise but for now we must rebuild and start let's start a new place to live for me to come back to and there's so many people here to take care of I I understand right now it's a little hard to hear as long as you visit often of course and maybe you don't have to set up straight away you know stay here for a little bit build some buildings oh we definitely we definitely need to recover yeah we're all practically dead Magnus he's a wonderful Carpenter you train him well and uh I'm quite good at City Planning big task to be good oh convenient City's worth of people here you could easily be the mayor of hertha you'd be such an amazing mayor I don't want to be a horse what's up remember back when we were younger you were studying types of governments no I did not pay attention you're not very smart director but they love you anyway if I left the studying to you although I did learn how to build a hell of a house yes you were always good at that and you were good at other things as well what does that mean girls we could form a democracy oh yeah those are those new things that are popping up the people vote for their leader every certain amount of years that way you know we can be free of cruel tyrants I'm sure that'll work every time we'll have a amazing leader every time we'll have a voting system into which people have a first second or third choice so that we don't get stuck into a voting for a lesser of two evil situation yeah it's like a two-party so let's like four or five yeah what could go wrong all right this is uh this is going a Direction all of a sudden the Denton mushy starts to ring I almost used this thing to call my brother if one of you guys were gonna go down permanently I was gonna use this but we made it through right I set it down and I cut chick and I go ahead all right William William is that you that yes it's me boss I need to speak fit to be continued
Channel: King Geminios
Views: 5,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9AxSGsOnjT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 5sec (1865 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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