One on One With the Cast of 'The Big Short'

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Big Short opens today some big movie buzz it already has three Golden Globe nominations features some of Hollywood's hottest stars and Chris Connelly spoke with the cast before the Big Short was a star-studded film with Christian Bale Ryan Gosling and Steve Carell playing Wall Street Outsiders was an acclaimed bestseller it's such a great book but it's a very complicated subject matter complicated enough to grasp the details of Michael Lewis's epic account of the 2007 collapse of the housing market harder for writer director Adam McKay to make the big short into a people-pleasing laugher but trying to follow Christian Bale boy before we started I'd call Adam and I how's it going and he said oh my god Christian Bale is incredible and I'm back in LA Oh oh no I mean I'm gonna movie with Christian Bale you kidding me this I'm such a you know everyone have that reaction oh because the first two weeks were all Christian and the crew and all of us fell in love with Christian stupidly I would tell these guys that go so grounded and specific and he's so collaborative and the footage looks beautiful and he was like remember when we did and they'll utterly transforms into Michael burry a doctor with a knack for high finance and a lack of communication skills have a very nice haircut did you do it yourself what what was the most important thing for you and sort of telling Michael's story Mike was very understanding of the need for license um I was very surprised how understanding he was of that you you want to stay absolutely truthful to him because he is such a fascinating character and Ryan Gosling plays a deep on the inside cynic no house no with an attitude as shark fin sharp as his two-piece suit just putting on that suit must have made you feel like I got this right I did and more I was putting on the wig I felt like oh I got this and then I walked out of the trailer and I saw Steve and Steve win never do this again for Good Morning America Chris Connelly ABC News Los Angeles a terrific movie really really good movie and it's in theaters right now
Channel: ABC News
Views: 781,112
Rating: 4.9429169 out of 5
Keywords: the, big, short, cast, movie, funny, housing, market, collapse, house, entertainment, film, Steve, Carell, Ryan, Gosling, Christian, Bale, GMA, The Big Short
Id: mRLii0AAY20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 26sec (146 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2015
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