One of Our Scariest Nights EVER While Filming Our Show | THE PARANORMAL FILES

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] good shot right here it's like [Music] [Music] there's a rainbow at the end of our journey [Music] it's weird that there's a rainbow right now we're about to end our it's so vivid right there and our journey last night [Music] maybe that means we've contacted something we're in the right spot at the right time honestly if you look into that stuff they symbolize a lot like what it means to see a rainbow itself and that is a thick rainbow loom you see almost all the colors [Music] so yeah that's really fitted what if that's shining right on the church [Music] it's so close like a rainbow light very close that's crazy so pretty [Music] [Music] in the last night because it's like the last night last sunset very very isolated very pretty we haven't seen anything like this the whole time now the colors like this at all wonder why they're so vivid right it's non-driving the darkness [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay guys where where are we right now he's got the dopamine in we're sticking with the Norwegian theme for today and tomorrow yes yes we are norske doors where is the lutefisk the welcoming [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we've been driving about 20 minutes from our hotel and Clifton and we're about to pull up the Rock Church this is the famous Ilana church outside of Waco in the middle of nowhere we might have to kill our lights right away just because we're trying to be as at least as sketchy as possible it's like right up here so we'll just keep rolling once we park and then his head inside the gates are locked yeah this sucks so we got all the way out here to the Rock Church set online that it was open all the time some people have even come out at night and been here for investigations and stuff but it's closed locked there's no access point sucks flex pay $110 and this is our big final investigation we just come back in the morning like I was saying it might been just a cake or a groundskeeper that just lost at nighttime cuz if you're saying it's been open it might be open in the daytime for visitors definitely it's really weird energy like I'm so sad we can't go in they were flat field like follicles especially with the blood I feel like that has to some connection what her blood when he comes down in Norwegian blood yeah I was raised Lutheran and this is like one of the oldest Lutheran churches in America and my grandma was the organist of my church for more than 50 years I believe for 40 years no way white boys that kind of okay so both of our moms full-blood Norwegian grew up Lutheran Church both of our grandmas our organist in the church Lutheran yeah me too it's out the good that's it's really creepy out here we're like really deep in the country really like rural Texas oh I can get it with night vision they're just a loud bang like I walked over to go read the plaque I wasn't like ten feet away from y'all I got really scared cause like guys this is like a mystical place almost like this lighting you can't really even see like the steeple from with this camera but I'm looking at this my naked eye and it's just but it is creepy yeah it's and you can't even really catch will receive no it's just like huh and there's a big Cemetery back there too well we'll come back tomorrow we'll do an investigation during the day yeah it's just hard to even describe to people at home how truly bizarre it feels out here dark I'm literally 20 feet down there No I decide to turn night vision on just to see like my car it's pitch black out here it's like mystical feeling so far from any like major cities this whole crew yeah we're like 20 25 minutes from like the town we're staying in which is literally just like a few buildings and a couple gas station yeah it's not really it's now no it's not there's absolutely haven't seen growing up in Austin like just constant like it's crazy yeah it is well say goodbye to the church everybody yeah see in the morning guys okay so I literally had to just pull over right now we're just driving away from the church because sometimes I've said it in videos before I get this like frequency in my ear I had a thought on you remember but like as I was just driving right now I literally had I could still it's like painful frequency though this time it's like making my head hurt it's coming in my right ear and I just hit me like I literally had like stop right now my head is like pounding yeah where's in the middle of the road you slammed on the brakes and hung up I'm painting and said yeah I had to call her back because like like hurts my ears really bad oh it's on the right side of my head to have a headache like on this side of my head so I'm still here really loudly I haven't had it since we're at the church the other day we haven't had that in a long time it was just driving on that road somewhere back there it's like something triggered it almost so you just wanted to get that on camera we're gonna go check out the Lutheran cemetery that's on this street and yeah I hope this goes away because that's really weird [Music] okay so we're here right now this is a weird personal connection for me because in Sioux Falls South Dakota where I'm from I was raised Lutheran Christian and the church that I went to that was confirmed in was our saviors Lutheran Church and now right here I didn't even know that one of these existed in all of Texas this is also called our saviors Lutheran Church and I was baptized confirmed everything there so you want to walk up to the church [Music] [Music] [Music] people online have seen when I did this buzzing in my ear and this whole time I've been driving like under the speed limit because I got a huge burst of it and then it's so weld in my head all of a sudden and now it's like really bugging me so I don't know what's going on are you sure okay so we're here at our saviors Lutheran Church we're gonna go inside walk around take a look really quickly [Music] between your movements this is so please can you see with the where we are okay baby do you have them so we'll do a mini investigation in there so we're in our saviors so to anybody that was a part of the congregation that's buried right next to this church we have been in search of the Holy Spirit what we have been in search of the Holy Spirit and energy and God for the last couple of days can you give us a sign that you're here I was like selling for like pubes look around I was hearing moving from the fuse in your walking watch you guys SLE I grew up Lutheran Colin did as well grew up in the church my grandma was an organist spent every weekend there just exploring I do have very personal personal connection to this branch of Christianity and I want to know more I I wouldn't call myself to religious anymore but I'm open to the idea of it and I would like to learn more so please come and show me I didn't grow up Luthor I saw a shadow right when you said that I'm getting my headache back right i jus saw shadow I'm not even messing with you yeah I didn't grow up Luthor no offense I didn't grow up Luthor and I grew up nondenominational but I have another respect in Locke towards a church and we come exactly that makes a seeking wanting to feel an energy saving Scott Collins I just wanted to feel the Holy Spirit I can't like it's hard to breathe yeah point five as soon as five point five say went away its oh yeah there's this is eerie this is scary can you guys give us one sign before we leave the ground is always it's creaking under me you can see that you just went from you can't that's a very eerie in here our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us for thine is the kingdom the power glory for ever and ever Pepe's see that right there okay I'm telling you falling right now do this the energy is so alive in here now there was a black mass so in front of it it has it I always felt so it's been like what do you mean see like five point five and it hasn't it's been point one and point two it hasn't gone past that I just want to make this known to people at home that this isn't gonna be a full investigation we just wanted to walk in here check it out that's really just such a active energy vibe as if maybe there's an open portal in here or they've conjured some sort of energy through all of the you know rituals of the church and whatnot can you use your voice to say one thing to us if you're here with us like I'm seeing things I feel I'm gonna throw up almost that's you guys want to get out of here please yeah let's go hey Bailey so describe what just happened on the meter we were walking out you were getting a last shot with the light and I was 2.30 I'm pretty sure this wouldn't you said you were through I was like yeah nauseous that's a feeling hey I want you to feel this because I just saw that black mass and I am like oh I saw ahead of you oh my god I've never felt you're hurt be like that no I'm serious I it was the tallest it was the size of that pillar the pillar you could see the weight of it for about a second just black blackness and I could feel it and I looked at it and it's like I'm like freaking out right now Colin I'm serious you will recognize that you know has free him Jesus you are worked up buddy you know I know you get when you see cue like yeah I do this place is creepy standing outside I feel I still know I'm I've really starting to realize why I saw and I know and it's know when y'all are getting that last - why I you know you left like I was saying you walked away like 5 feet and I just started like heavy breathing like hyperventilating and I look at the Mel meter nine point four and then I was like I know I said I was like I feel like someone's up on the stairs or I said I forget which order but like I had that feeling that there's I don't know if you got a shot of it there's two little staircases we're gonna go up in the entrance of the church and I was standing right at the center where they meet and y'all were in front of me and I just felt something just looking down at me and then Wow it wasn't like a negative energy I don't think like I wasn't I know I don't know I would be creepy it was just a lot of energy I think yes like literally overwhelming compared to some of the locations where in I don't think I'm i've been worked like this in a location for ever and i've i don't know i feel this is a and like the fact there's a cemetery right behind us so big one too and it's crazy think this isn't even the original church no that one is way more energy yeah okay let's do an experiment real quick someone hold the door I'm gonna blast the light in here and get a shot and ask question and then we'll be out of here okay really go back 7.8 what the hell right when you open the door right when you 14.5 dude five point two nine point to do jumping i don't every point eight eight point six fifty five point four forty seven point eight hey it's okay you know it's creepy look dude Dody this thing is I don't want to come away from it dude look it's just not jumping around look at nobody's got the door open right here to the church and dude it's still at 410 but I've never seen a jump like this around I hear creaking is it's probably the door yeah okay well let's see is there anybody here in the church give anything left to say to me I'm also a Lutheran not from in here yeah I don't like that you wanna walk over the cemetery our saviors Lutheran cemetery here's an interesting little thing the 17 original Norwegian settlers 1854 that's such a long time ago totally different story these are some of the people that pioneered settling in the u.s. from Norway let's go look at the cemetery guys this is a big Cemetery right now it was - it was a solid no it's back to zero - points do there's such crazy energy around here it's more calm out here but in there that was energy was unlike anything I've felt in the very point four three point four now it's three Ciera number 334 I'm here to thank you guys for bringing my family here to the United States my mother's maiden name is Eriksson and Thorsen from South Dakota I also attended worship services at our savior's in South Dakota I feel eyes FairPoint what is fresh 716 point when I said there's a fresh grave take a moment there's a fresh grave and then so what's interesting to me is that this area it's just as historic but it's not the Haunted Church as described by a lot of different people but seems like that energy in there is just off the charts absolutely insane and I mean just like the fact that when we open that door all those numbers jumped I've never seen it do that have unique never and I don't think I've ever seen 56 and I've never seen him go that high I think the furthest I saw it yeah I was earlier I go I heard a voice when you're walking locks and stuff in there when I just walked into field floor was creeped I know like obviously I'm standing on the floor but like I felt it move under me yes like yeah I'm shifting me I know probably gonna get some comment Billy it was just such a weird feeling I felt the ground and then also I may do some eyes playing tricks on me but I could have sworn I saw a head like someone's sitting in the pews and that's when I really was getting closer right and that's weird because I saw a shot like a dark mass - it's like so peaceful though I'm still really worked up it's not I mean out here yeah out here it's and that's that's where it's the most peaceful I agree cuz I said that when we walked out here it's much more peaceful in here than it was inside there that was just like pure intensity yeah and not negative just internal energy like they've been doing these services and connecting to that energy for so long then and we created to that quote unquote God energy that's people talk about I feel like we can go ahead back now because I don't think we're gonna get anything in this cemetery it's very peaceful back in the morning we're gonna go check out the Rock Church but that was a crazy like ten minutes I'm so glad we stopped you we could come back here in the morning too because I bet they'd be much more accepting for people to come visit is so bad on the right side still sitting right outside that's crazy we saw a bunch of deer just sitting right outside we've been talking a lot like through these episodes well like how we think that animals Co carry energy and also just their significance you know I really believe that every being every living thing has like significance and so we talked about deers are really representative of spirituality so kind of ironic scene we're gonna still look up exactly what the deer means we should do that in the car we'll do that I believe and we've heard that it is connected spirituality though we will fact-check weird energy so to the car yeah but still no answers on our journey just more that's more question is questions more questions but definitely for me there is some concrete like I can like with how do I wear this I firmly believe that there is something else going for me call for me thank you hung out is the word confirmation that that exists creeks to Z roads Raylan you said that it's another spiritual thing birds chirping it's like that's the confirmation almost yeah here's my mom's maiden name I honestly might be related to these guys two point nine eight point Andre when I said that this is the my mom's maiden name is Erickson this is the first Erickson grave have seen down here and it's still spiking up and down back to zero lots of energy here the grounders I'm extremely tired guys want to call it a wrap on this we'll see in the morning [Music] [Music] weird number 22 is over on that thing that's my birthday creep okay we got seven minutes of battery everybody give me like 30 seconds of wrap-up thoughts on our whole trip this trip was extremely enlightening it was very spiritual as well there were times where it did feel very spooky there's just such an intense energy but overall looking back at this trip it was very calm and enlightening during this trip it I experienced energies I've never really felt or seen before and I feel like it was because we surround herself in this environment Christian and there's something to it very interesting so storage creepy at the end of the day I would say that my mind has changed about religion itself it's just giving me confirmation that there is something out there being raised Lutheran that impacted how spiritual I am as an adult and although I've kind of distanced myself from church and religion in general it's very interesting to see how it all relates to what we studied and these videos should just show people that they need to keep an open mind whether you're looking at religion and your non-religious or you're looking at the paranormal and you are religious it's all about keeping an open mind and finding ground truth and that's what we're doing here we just discovered our own truths came away with their own takeaways and sadly now we have to head home and I have to write essays well the paranormal files it's been a great holiday special [Music] yeah the eerie wind opening door so the wind we left the door open a little bit and the wind keeps creaking the door open yeah it started to open a little bit see if I see if it happens again right now I know it never does I know if it flew open top like my pants but this is the haunted rock church outside of Waco Texas in the ghost town of North Texas a great place to finish this out it's a beautiful location we hope all of you guys have a very happy holiday season whether you're celebrating Christmas Hanukkah anything you can be celebrating nothing and we just hope that at this time of the year you're with your family and your friends having a great time thank you so much for watching the videos thank you so much for giving us the subscribers for doing all of this for us you guys made this road trip possible just by watching the videos donating by our merch and one day we're gonna get a ghost on camera one day we will until then we just got this creaky door anyways we'll be back soon hope you guys have a happy holidays you guys won't say anything to end it just thank you and during the season just a thanks and love ya basically gets it on top both so for the paranormal files including Payton who's at home we hope you guys have a great holiday season and everything happy holidays and stay spooky [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Paranormal Files (Official Channel)
Views: 473,298
Rating: 4.5463314 out of 5
Keywords: paranormal, files, the, ghost, captured, video, on, camera, videos, photo, photos, evidence, real, not fake, documentary, episode, investigation, investigators, hunting, hunters, vlog, vlogging, texas, church, god, proof, abandoned, exploration, paulo, londra, chica, omargosh, the fam, james, g team, paranormal activity, la llorona, valentines, day, spooky, scary, evil, demon, demonic, found, dead, haunted
Id: f0yvl16BpvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 47sec (2447 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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