one direction talking about each other during hiatus

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i sent liam a song about two weeks ago liam payne in front banned but never heard back from him in the little have you spoken with harry no but i was just i was actually going to text him and ask what's going on with his hand does anyone has anyone heard what's up his hand what he's wearing like a uh like a bandage around his hand i think harry would be good at sport would he is he he's good he's not bad he's an athletic man yeah yeah he's good at football yep and then your mate liam went and bought a boat did you hear about this huh liam who sorry liam payne yeah from the band one direction yeah oh god yeah forgot about them no i'm kidding yeah don't be a kid no but like by the way he should answer you right what is he doing what was it he'll get back to me don't worry i'll just send it again and again and again stuff you obviously spend a lot of time with the lads can you confirm louis because there's been all these stories doing the rounds that harry has got four nipples because you would have seen oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah two to the the other two are a bit smaller i'm sure back in old interviews he used to whip him out in interviews no mate we caught up with um niall last week and he mentioned that he'd be listening to your album and absolutely loving it now have you had a chance to listen to his while you've been while you've been staying at his don't thank me thank nile what is your favorite song have you listened to his album and what is your favorite song of his listened to his album the piano put a little love on me i think probably that one yeah what should you like have you heard the harry song before it drops no wow yeah harry's been um inconspicuous he's um i know he's he's i've no i can understand why though because we all don't like to play our stuff to each other until it's perfectly finished because so yeah i didn't hear harry stuff but like i'm sure i think he's in america yeah because he's going to be on that he's got accordion i think for the week oh yeah of course so i probably see him next week and hopefully here nice some of the albums same with the same with the other boys if you could be any celebrity you'd be nile because nothing because nothing bothers niall yeah he's calm cool collected still is that still the celebrity you would be for one day definitely wow it's just like what it just sounds so stress-free i once seen some fans talking online saying it's easy to be a nail fan in it and it is just no drama lovely lad you know i mean never gets himself in trouble like yeah it's easy it's a good life if you're having a crisis which one deep how would you turn to out of all of them i suppose and we both kind of lean on each other for a lot of different things i would say louie is the one that i turned to the most i think when we were in the band if there was ever like a problem bandwise me and him would always try and figure it out together so we often do that through life now as well which is good your boy zane's obviously nominated tonight any chance you've seen him tonight yeah probably yeah i haven't i haven't you know haven't spoke to him in a few moments or whatever and uh i've seen him in a while so i'm looking forward to seeing him yeah do you have kind of like a playful bit of competitiveness about like i want to be the best in that amongst each other you know what um i actually just spoke denial a couple of days ago the truth of it is it's not even like that to be honest i wish it was a bit more like that we just really support each other and i even support him every day i was saying to him i'm really proud of you know like how well his music's doing it's almost like an older brother watching him and it was cool to have that conversation with him so yeah we support each other there's no real competition don't worry it was hard you know part of it was it was kind of like we were sad someone had left but also sad that he was so he was not enjoying it so much that he had to [Music] leave [Music] favorite song at the moment read like i really like this song zayn and um see ya i love those guys they're my brothers niall liam louis [Music] ringo yeah that's it your reaction to harry styles calling zayn malik ringo during his snl monologue last month well not even it played the fifth yeah yeah um no i think you know i think it's just a funny joke at the end of the day i mean obviously you know zayn's circumstances for leaving were his own and it's a different situation for all of us and i suppose we deal with it in a different way so i mean i thought was quite funny are you looking forward to dunkirk as well yeah i can't wait this trailer looks insane i love a good a good uh old war movie like that anyway so when you're meeting it's even better and obviously harry's uh obviously uh in dunkirk that new movie you managed to see it yet i haven't seen it yet now amazing reviews i'm very very excited for i'm very proud of him i mean it's it's it's amazing to see i think we can i think i think we all knew that he was kind that he he likes that kind of thing um but yeah i suppose it wasn't too much of a surprise to us and look i hear he's great in it yeah it obviously makes sense some biscuits here of your musical peers okay can you see if you can recognize anyone there okay that's lewis yes sam it looks like it looks like jim carrey to be honest you'll never guess who jim carrey was meant to be harry styles believe it or not hey jogging i'm really not first time what's your relationship like with harry these days because you did say that you saw him less than the others one of real respect honestly and i mean that for mommy heart one one of one of real respect definitely and some of you know some of my frustrations with like radio and where radios that in terms of sound and you know there's very heavily influenced with all these urban sounds it was really cool to watch him go out and just own that record um you know definitely like someone's mum had taken it and it was like the first picture of us as the five of us and we'd heard this picture was being put in the paper so we were like oh we're gonna be in the paper like that's crazy we're all just like sitting staring at the paper and like passing around the paper and we're like let me see it again have you seen harry's debut acting i haven't seen it yet but i'm very excited to see it very proud of him honestly that's why it's frustrating for me sometimes to read some press about you know that we love to write that you know we don't like each other that much whatever but honestly i can't tell you the feeling that i get is like i feel like a big brother when i look at a video of niall playing the stadium to a radio show or see harry stood next to tom hardy i mean come on it's amazing just feel really really proud actually it's real nice mention nile he's on stage right now how has it been reuniting with him on the jingle bell tour i mean we played a bit of a playstation yesterday in my hotel room in san jose but it's just so nice to see when i mean i don't know when you see someone they haven't seen phrases and you become the same person you were when you would i don't know it's very interesting niall was just here a couple weeks ago he told us something and we're gonna we're gonna play this back for you i remember one time i don't i don't know where it came from but louie had this thing where he used to like me and louise just anytime you watch interviews well she always see me and louie like giggling or something and we just because we'd be making up how to answer the next question and i remember like louis louis said to me he goes right i'm just going to do this and then we're at we know the usual we were asked but love interests all the time and lou told everyone i was go i was seeing caroline ray jepson i just sat there like what it was kind of like you just nudged me and went watch this yeah um me and niall always used to have a laugh in interviews um and i could always get away with stuff like with nile you know some of the boys because you know naturally the people are going to write stories about this right you know some boys might have been a little bit annoyed about that but niall always was a good sport in that situation and yeah i just used to connect him to loads of different people make up loads of just [ __ ] for the press just because we could and i heard louis i read an article a couple of days ago when he said um zane's got the voice you're the lad just everyone loves harry's cool yeah and he says nothing did he nail that he uh louise is like it was very self-er deprecating that interview and louise you know he he knows that we all adore him and he's an ex extremely uh fight the member of one direction he's great he he probably grew into himself he's always very shy to start and then and then just kind of grow into it i spoke to louis recently obviously i caught i literally called him before he was going through his first ever uh x-axis judging session um i wish i called him after actually because i'd love to have known what was going on but it must be so exciting i mean i can't really imagine don't miss all the smelly socks and like people getting in your face i mean yeah between me and now we're probably up there with the smell list anyway and finally mita says what's the most romantic thing you've ever done for someone well when i first when i first met my girlfriend i am a horrific cook a very very bad cook i give it a go you know what i mean i'll try so i said to her i'll make you a nice meal too it was awful it was awful what was it what was the attempt it was like some chicken wrapped in like some parma ham stuffed with a bit of mozzarella very ambitious who's the messiest roommate um i mean louis was always the messiest you just find like random socks and stuff around the place is just random stuff straw along the bus he leaves a trail yes like louie on a tour bus was like my worst night where i'm like i'm like quite um quite of like the ocd all right um you know and we've been on the tour bus for six weeks at a time or whatever and louis just had this like junk bunk there was like a spare bunk and it was basically just for louie's crap and when niall was here he put you on blast a little bit and said it was your junk bunk on the tour bus and how messy you were proper messy was it was it as bad as he made out was it really fully messy probably worse i don't know what he said but um there was something about computer games everywhere uh without boxes oh that's very polite the only the only guy the only lad i have actually sent this song to was niall and it was i think because we worked with them we've worked with a couple of the same writers and he'd heard that the song was good apparently um so yeah so he texts me saying i really need to hear the single so i sent him and he sent me like a nice little voice notebox like thomas got a banger so it was uh yeah it was nice um see louis came to my show in l.a a couple of weeks ago uh-huh um i gotta see liam uh next week seeing harry this week so yeah we see each other all the time between louie liam niall and zane rake they're so low [Music] you see the phenomenon harry was putting these two words online and stuff do you get equally as excited as we all do when you see things yeah i'm always interested to see what's gonna happen next i mean what was it the other day it was like watermelon sugar or something do do you put them together it says do watermelon sugar which i don't know what that is maybe you know if we all look that good maybe that's what we should all be doing more watermelon like my songs come out this week and then harry's out next week his album so we're kind of we don't even think about it too much it's just like and everyone's got their own style and background roots yeah exactly we all have our own different kind of music like my music is very me and then when i heard harry song i was like well that's so harry because that's some stuff that you listen to all the time over the years who have you seen cry physically cry the most uh harry how are you crying when we first got the soda many times are happy to you finding your lane have you seen that harry styles has basically like gone with your haircut and found his lane now do you think he's kind of sort of i did i did have seen that today excuse me it's led up today um yeah i've seen his cut he's there yeah it suits him he looks alright it looks good don't he yeah i think he looks cute yeah definitely taking some inspo from you though right you can claim that i think well yeah but maybe maybe it is a good haircut so i don't want to put this straight okay there's they're all saying that they can see your hand in the teaser trailer for louis tomlinson's new music video now that's quite specific your hands yeah yeah are you in the music video not that i know nothing you know of the hand is in the music video not that i know you know someone borrowed it without my photo shot the handed just behind the leg uh no i don't believe so now i don't know if you've seen the pictures but like legit you could be him like you look exactly the same he's literally had his haircut like you you're a trendsetter your second person who said that to me as well yeah yeah i'll be telling him that next rumor is that harry styles is pregnant and louis tomlinson is the father can you confirm or deny um that i thought that was true and then apparently not oh good morning how's it going my name's harry styles you're listening to capital breakfast with a co-host liam payne that's actually quite freaky [Music] i don't even like it um well the thing is harry styles he's just somewhere around here yeah nearly he's better though isn't it that's all right thank you very good yeah it's pretty close i thought he was good yeah but hearing it back is that what i sound like a little that's dire it's a little favorite song of harold is um i like kiwi great and good rock song um i like i love two goals it's a great time um very easy listening to listen very easy to listen to um like carolina um meet me in the hallway there's some good really good songs in the album who's the most fun to have a cheeky beer with cheeky beer i'd say nyla none likes a cheeky beer now he's off at real underscore liam underscore pain was my old twitter which is super cool and really not long to type you're the something man the iceman poo man the poo man dude wtf why'd you come back out if someone calls you the poo man whose music out of the band do you like the most oh that's it that's good i like it i like it um i'm going it's difficult i'd say nile probably it's probably closest to what i would um listen to are you keeping in touch with the most how am i touching the most um i mean it's pretty equal but i'll say now have you got a whatsapp group we don't have a whatsapp group but we should you should have a whatsapp group so much easier i'm just gonna throw this idea out there what about hopping on a zoom with you and some of the 1d boys and possibly you know doing a quick performance i mean it could be five minutes but it would bring so much joy to so many people i don't know if that's the reunion that we've had in mind uh i don't know if that's how if that would be the way to do it but uh yeah i'll have a quick whip around i've got goosebumps now thinking about yeah the first time we got a brit we cannot believe that we are stood here on this stage i was super excited to speak to him about it and be like look i've got an actual break this isn't unbelievable for the boys who's released their solo records who's been what track's been your favorite from all of the boys i would say i would say zayn's song was my favorite pillow talk yes because it's my style of music yeah yeah [Applause] it's a weird feeling to see us all on our own but it's also nice to feel like you've got the support of the other life they're smashing it yeah because well before that is when zayn left zane left and came out with pillow talk yeah we get it yeah exactly and the same harry i mean you know he was he was talking a bit of crap about the abandonment for us but i don't i don't believe i don't believe and believe that he thinks that's real i don't even know it's ju that's i don't know i don't really understand that but i'll you know we'll talk about it it's all i have to ask the same question because the last time you got into the press c-section well well the reason that the reason is because last time we spoke louis which was just after your mum's death you spoke to me and it was very sweet about how your mum had sorted this reconciliation out between the two of you because you were best friends for a period when you were in the band and since then zayn released a track called goodyear's which was described as a 1d diss track and you said you were proper confused and and you called him a hypocrite on everything yeah um so i just wondered has the relationship soured again um truthfully it never really got better to be honest it never really got better i had a couple of calls of him um after i uh lost my mum and you know all the boys um all the boys had agreed to come to that performance you know um and he didn't show so that that really bugged me you know the performance had to be steve at the x factor and everyone showed you know it was a it was a moment of i got goosebumps now it was like just seeing everyone there harry nile and liam that was what i needed that night that support um so on you know on the other end of the spectrum it kind of really showed so hey i hope he's all right but and was that a sign to you that he wasn't going to be part of one d's future because some people do hope that one day all five of you would get back together i mean that's a more difficult question than are we going to get back together one day because i i would say with all certainty that we are now as a five it's a different question and it's a hard question to answer because where i'm at now with what yeah i feel like i need to be a little bit more mature before i can make a realistic decision on that do you reckon you have any like advice that you would give to your 18 year old one direction self uh you know what i don't think i would have done anything different i was talking about the other day um to a friend of mine from home and i was just saying to him like i wouldn't have changed anything everything got me to this point yeah i mean every wrong decision i made every right decision got me here so um but you did favor uh the picture of louis and his baby freddie again i tried to have a friend recently and they said apparently i've got to make more of an effort and go around there and bring a present for the baby are you planning on making more of an effort zane are you just leaving it a favorite we'll we'll see in it we'll see if i get an invite we'll just leave that okay no fair enough we'll leave that one up to you no yeah i'm just saying like um obviously i wish him the best look and everything and these kids cute as [ __ ] we're not talking um obviously on friend terms so that's that's as far as i can go by favoriting this picture yeah hi louis it's mary i just want to know if you missed zayn sure never miss saying uh yeah yeah well i still keep in contact with him so i'm not listening to you you made a joke on saturday night live you didn't mention the zayn's name he was the first one to leave one direction uh you didn't you called him ringo which i thought was particularly funny but were you angry when this guy decides to suddenly leave the band was that an insult to you was that something that he should not have done i don't i don't know if i could say something he shouldn't have done because i i just didn't feel that way so um so it's it's hard for me to like condemn it because i don't and especially in hindsight looking at it now the last thing that i would have wanted is for him to have stayed there if he didn't want to be there but maybe he could have handled it better yeah i think like it was a shame it was a shame and like it was like in a tour and i think if he'd come to us and maybe kind of discussed it a little more we might have found a way to kind of do it a little smoother but but ultimately if you know if you don't want to be there then you don't want to be there and like you know but you don't do it in the middle of the tour you try to be a little professional and say hey we've sold some tickets here people are expecting to see us and then and then let's sit down and talk about it i think i think what you're saying is even though you're young at that point there is a way to conduct yourself i mean you said it right and who is more sexy ex one direction colleague zane or you zain's very chiseled so him i just have like obviously zayn's dressed as a woman in this video and i like had been off and filmed my scene as leroy when i've got like the pink headband and i'm playing a really um like camp choreography which was a lot of fun but i can remember walking back into like the the glam room like the makeup room and i'm like walking over and as i walk like zane looks perfectly normal from the back and then when i turned the corner he had a pair of boobs it was a really surreal moment in life where i just kind of turned around and not to look at his boobs but i did because they were there and it's not everyday zayn's had boobs it was no days except for this one actually and it was just the weirdest thing i've ever walked in on in my life because i just wasn't expecting it he had boobs like proper like proper i thought they might like stuff the bra or whatever but you had like a full-on boobs i believe i felt them and they felt really real actually how does zayn malik make you feel here in a leather jacket but no shirt yeah i think that's a nice combo that would be too sweaty for me personally for me that would be a little too little too sweaty um i heard that all the boys got in touch with you for the film and that's dead nice yeah i heard that on the entertainment news here on radio one hearts gone to a stable 67. we're spotting a pattern here if you know them if you trust them it's the same level i've sent a message actually just recently just to congratulate him um it's amazing thing like you hear all the time becoming a dad it's such an amazing thing so for for zayn and gigi yeah do you rely on who would you talk to when you were feeling those that sort of pressure i feel like me and louie always had the most connection through everything because i mean there was a point where we did not get all we at the beginning you were not it was a huge friction like we just there was a we had this one massive route one night where like he was like playing my video from when i was 14 on the show by myself when simon said no like replaying it in the bedroom and i was like oh my god that is are you so bad um liam chane who is this from i don't even know louis tomlinson he's telling me i've got one right we kind of bonded together and then i mean bless him i mean lou has been through so much in the last few years ever since the the band ended and whenever i have a problem whenever he has a problem we always call each other about inmates and we check in and whatever else so and so are you in touch with the other guys as well because louie you're obviously still quite close with i don't know if you see him but are you in touch with the other guys yeah i mean i i speak denial every so often um uh i haven't spoken to harry in a long time now have you had a go on the chain niles had to go on the the pain chain have you not seen liam payne's big heavy chain no you've not seen it pain change the pain change i haven't seen it oh my god nails tried it on and everything oh really you need to get on to that get the pain and well he's going to be here next friday yeah massive chain paint chain uh chain two something no no it's just like a necklace to the rhythm yeah yeah oh okay yeah how was my friend harold i seen your written he was he was very good i you know i actually asked him a question that you had asked said to me because you know how like you're no longer blonde right and you said that was the best thing that ever happened was that no one recognized you anymore because you weren't blonde and he was like no you can literally just like just put on a hat or whatever and if you don't walk around town like with like three beefy security guards and someone pushing someone out of the way or getting out of a bentley somewhere people in this town are just like whatever you know i'm trying to be more famous than you are harry doesn't walk around the streets of l.a in like one of his colorful suits or whatever he just rolls around in his t-shirt and jeans so he gets away with it it would be better babysitting then if you're gonna leave him who would be best at babies that's a big question uh well i suppose louis because louie louie's got it for any yeah you know i suppose he would be but he wouldn't he'd be my last choice in my head that's the funniest thing but he's got to be first because he knows more than any other estimate it's very true i couldn't rely on harry because i feel like my child had come out and dressed in something that i just wouldn't i wouldn't understand and then with niall that are you excited when you hear the other guy's new music oh yeah no i'm delighted for louis i know he'd been trying to capture his sound for a while and he's definitely nailed it this time he it's the kind of stuff he listens to the way he dresses it just suits him and everything yeah the band name who came up with it um i think it was me actually what does it mean i know they're not here to defend anything else but it was me i i honestly don't know i don't know i thought it sounded good we uh we threw around names for a little bit and i don't i honestly don't know from mr harry styles himself liam payne it's your birthday or 18. you can do things that you couldn't before like buy alcohol or look at magazines or something some belly buttons i've really misjudged you i'm sorry how's the weather jeggings oh okay i get this one we had like these you have those joggers that look like jeans and i had some on and that i got ripped for and this is what there was apparently i was wearing leggings so how did you come together as a group um i mean we'd kind of met each other you know backstage a little bit um but yeah i mean when you're from a small village and you go on the show and simon cowell says you guys are going to be in a band together it was so exciting and you just are looking at each other thinking great so harry's new album yeah come out you enjoyed that one yeah really good it's very very good it's nice it's very hairy it's very the music that he and i would listen to yeah so i texted him when it came out i was like all your influencers are there you've smashed it nailed it and it obviously went number one for a couple of weeks as well yeah so flying have you seen harry's vogue cover from yuri choi i have seen harry's vote cover i actually congratulated him on it i think it's an amazing milestone i feel like i might be wrong in saying this but i feel like one direction were the first males on teen vogue i could be wrong but i think i'm right and now he's the first male ever on american vogue i think it's phenomenal you know what i've friggin milestone sorry i almost swore there i was got quite passionate about it um and you know he's done it in his own wonderful way and i think he looks fantastic freestyles yeah guilty or not guilty for crimes against fashion no he's not guilty he's a very fashionable young man i love him and he doesn't care which is great no judgment did you like the music you were playing yeah i did the whole time i did all the way to the end all the way to the end [Music] you
Channel: clouds
Views: 616,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harry styles, louis tomlinson, larry stylinson, larry stylinson 2020, larry stylinson moments, walls, fine line, we made it, watermelon sugar, harry and louis, larry proofs, larry stylinson proof, cute moments, one direction, 1d, new larry proof, simon cowell, one direction on crack, on crack, funny, interview, jokes, joke, comedy, where we are, larry december, niam, zarry, narry, larry, liam payne, niall horan, zayn, one direction reunion, interactions, december reunion, interviews
Id: WauG8sI8Utg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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