One Direction: Ruling the World (FULL MOVIE)

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there is no doubt that one direction are a global sensation born from the intense talent pool of hit show The X Factor the five lads from Britain and Ireland have gone on to conquer the world one direction of the biggest band in the world right now and they kind of took the globe by storm I think it's just this unique chemistry that they have girls love them boys of them parenting that clean cotton wholesome Liam Zayn Niall Louie and Harry have been on a whirlwind ride since 2010 when they were plucked from obscurity and are now some of the most famous faces on the planet with their hit singles like what makes you beautiful topping the charts in many different countries when I heard what makes you beautiful so Wow it's just it didn't sound like the usual boyband song after conquering the United States the five boys are at the forefront of a wave of British musical success that some are claiming is a second British Invasion no other British act has achieved what they've achieved to this scale in in decades it's cool to be British I'm one direction of the flag-bearers but our pop culture in this country at the moment One Direction are wanted on the biggest stages and by the best producers they have the looks that have the talent and everyone wants to be associated with them with multiple honors to their name including two Brit Awards and millions in sales YouTube hits and downloads One Direction are completely out of this world they are the artists in this country who are selling the most records not just on British stuff but around the world and by allowing the world we mean everywhere they're huge [Music] and we're 18 19 20 years old like people like us don't get to do stuff like what we do very often and we just feel so so grateful to you know old fans it was where we are all the older you know radio music channels have helped us long away you know we're just so so grateful to have this massive opportunity we're having fun the rise of One Direction has been phenomenal the band of five boys from England and Ireland have conquered the world in spectacular fashion acquiring a global fanbase of millions and going from obscurity to mega stardom in a very short space of time their videos on YouTube have collectively received over a billion hits and the multi Award winners have record-breaking album sales and worldwide number ones and to mark their sensational impact 2013 saw One Direction receive the newly created Brit Award for global success the award for global success didn't exist before one direction and they were honored with it because it was like fire spreading around the world everyone suddenly knew who they were I mean he really had to be credited congratulations this is the Brits global success award you have sold 9.5 million albums you paid in pretty much every country around the world how you let's start with you this award is absolutely crazy just thank you so much it's incredible thanks the group of Niall Horan Harry Styles Zayn Malik Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson have become household names and under the guidance of music mastermind Simon Cowell they have achieved fame and fortune beyond their wildest dreams Simon's intent from the very beginning was to turn this self-made boy band into international sensations he's great at choosing the music ANR the direction of the styling the whole marketing part of it jay-z is a very strong guiding force and he will be throughout their career but where did this incredible journey begin for the five boys who have taken the world by storm the 2010 series of hit show The X Factor ignited one Direction's explosive career but the boys didn't arrive as a fully formed group One Direction didn't exist they actually Edition as solo artists and were seen as not quite good enough they failed to get into the kind of final as the boys and you saw the disappointment on their face and then suddenly one of the judges decided it would be a good idea to put these five boys who are very strong individually but they just weren't quite strong enough to make the cut into a group the boys were all eliminated at the bootcamp stage of the show but before heading home the five were selected from the rest of the unsuccessful contestants and given a unique opportunity to remain in the competition the expected producers were quite clever about that because had they not told the boys that they weren't getting through to the next round they might not have wanted to join the band so much but having been told that they were no longer part of the show that they hadn't got through to the next round this lifeline of being in a boy band is that much more appealing the groups in the x-factor had never performed well so Simon Cowell who was a judge that year he had actually developed a bit of a secret plan he had decided to select five of the best male singers young male singers and put them together to form an x-factor supergroup but it was interesting because there was competition between the judges because on screen it was actually Nicole Scherzinger who came up with the famous line we should put some boys together to form a band however since then Simon Cowell has actually said it was really his idea and the cold just was given credit for it on-screen but Nicole Scherzinger says she's the woman behind one direction I'll always remember on x-factor when the boys auditioned individually because as they came on I used to say God he'd be great in a boyband Sam used to say to me Oh everybody be in a boy band if you had your way everybody will be in a point when I Zane and I so name and I so Louie I was thinking boy bad but the reason one direction are successful and the reason one direction are the biggest boy buyer at home is all down to I hate to say this but it's all down to Simon Cowell Simon made the whole thing happen nobody else whoever it was when you actually saw them come together as a five-piece there was something that just clicked there were like you know what they look really good together the main person I noticed was hurry because he seemed to get quite a bit of airtime the producers obviously realized there was something quite cheeky about him I think he was chatting someone up one of the other contestants in the canteen and they caught him on the extra factor so I remember him and I remember just his kind of overwhelming joy when he found out that he was actually gonna go through into the band One Direction was formed the boys were saved and it was clear from the start that there was instant chemistry between the five members I don't think anyone could have predicted how weeks they spent a few nights at Harry Styles house just to just to get to know one another and they really did today up and I think you can tell when you watch them on stage you can tell when you've got two man interviews they do get on and that could have not been the case that really could have not worked it was really when I saw them behind the scenes that you could really tell that they had formed a bond and that they were like brothers because interestingly the judges had also put together a girl group on the show that year called Bellamy and Bellamy were the exact opposite to one direction they hated each other they didn't get on there was no good bonding between them isold was definitely a chemistry between the five boys even though when they were put together by Simon and me and everybody else in the show but there was a genuine chemistry they become friends the five boys they just it just worked I think I think our friends it's quite evident like that's like we're just full of banter we just have a great laugh it's like five best friends at school and they really were like five best friends one direction had to work hard to justify their place in the competition and after a shaky start the group really gathered momentum it was funny recently I was looking back through my own Twitter feed to that series of x-factor when they came through and I gave him a really hard time because they didn't look right together the vocals were wonky they needed a lot of work but as the series went on they gather to follow in him and the kids start to get behind the band like that you know they're going to be a success I remember on the live show there was total hysteria in the studio every time One Direction world stage there was mass hysteria inside but also or people don't know was that outside there was those two or 300 girls looking for one direction girls were going crazy for one direction they were lining up outside their accommodation and they were they were cheering they were following him and there was a feeling of hype even before the x-factor final had been I was sitting in the container all the contestants SERT and One Direction had come in to have their dinner and the fair's who were outside had realized that One Direction would end this canteen area and had climbed up the trees and started to climb on the roof of the canteen and this was at the point when they were still only contestants on a reality TV show people backstage and general public realized that this was something a little bit special and actually they were here to stay and be interesting to see how they progressed and after about four shows action and permian conversation with Simon Cowell and saying I love one direction making a mess over there gonna be huge I'm gonna put a hundred quid on them to win the show and he he looks at me he winked and he went darling make it 200 the sauce like work okay so I put 200 quid on them to win told all my friends and family put money on my parents but hundred quid on and obviously they came third so Thank You Simon following the grand final of the x-factor One Direction finished in third place behind Rebecca Ferguson and winner Matt Cardle but not being crowned as champions didn't mean the band had failed as the show progressed they built a fan base they started to get some momentum and despite the fact that they didn't win or even come in second I think Simon Cowell very is stupi understood that this band had a lot of potential individually I think the members of one direction would struggle to have a career but this some of the parts is quite an impressive prospect really and I think all credit the Simon Cowell for having that in our experience in the music industry to sport that together they had a real force we knew we were on to something great even though they didn't win the show One Direction were the real winners in January 2011 only a month after the x-factor final Simon Cowell signed One Direction on a 2 million pound deal to his psycho record label saucy names guys anyway I'm Louie how will notice that with his band Westlife bringing their glittering career to an end a gap had opened in the UK and US market and One Direction was the perfect fit I always had a very very good feeling about one direction because what you had is Justin Bieber exploding all around the world there was a gap in the market for a young boy bed now bear in mind Simon Cowell has spent an awful lot of time working in the United States and I think Simon from the very beginning maybe even in that semi-final could already see how the American market would embrace this very Bieber ask boyband instead of you know one Justin you have multiple Justin's and the exponential selling power that that would bring after New Kids on the Block NSYNC and Backstreet Boys so husband another boy ban in America it's a Simon knows he saw a gap on the market he had to find UK boys they're like the Monkees so he knew he could do it in America sonna knows what he's doing he always knows what to do I hate to say that I hate to say Simon did but he did it he made it happen Powell took one direction straight to the studio to begin work on their debut album while the group had already recorded a single for the x-factor a cover version of 80's hit Forever Young it would not be released as one direction had failed to win but this did not stop the song reaching the fans one direction really needed to capitalize on the success of x-factor while these young girls that fancied them throughout the show still fancied them so it was important to get something out soon obviously they had up on the x-factor so they couldn't release straightaway that and there's a there's a clause in the contract where you can't release up to three months but had the f1 then they're single forever young would have been released however it was leaked so lots of people got to hear it on YouTube it was a huge success was this a mistake was it a coincidence I don't think so because the song sounded brilliant and this could have been Simon Cowell's way of saying that didn't win but listen to this they're brilliant [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreveryoung racked up millions of hits on YouTube and helped maintain the buzz around one direction but it was vital that their first official single was a smash hit Simon Cowell made sure that when it did come to the time where they were launching they had the best songs the best styling the best videos the best merchandise and it was like this military operation nothing left to chance with all the pieces falling into place khau paired the boys with hitmaker Savan Kotecha to create a lead single that would send one direction sound and reputation around the world one of the very savvy things that Simon did from the very beginning was to put one direction together with Savan Kotecha he's written four very famous American artists like Carrie Underwood and Usher and it was very smart on the part of Simon to put this band together with somebody who clearly knows both the UK and the US market kotecha would help right what makes you beautiful as their debut single to be released in September 2011 it had been many months since one direction were on The X Factor an excitement for the boys first official song was growing I remember the anticipation around that single was quite incredible the music press I mean every press just waiting to hear it One Direction came into my office to pay me and my team single we the first people had never played it too so obviously they were probably quite nervous but if they were they hit it very well they were all very very confident I think deep down they all knew they had a massive number-one hit on their hands that was the most crucial release of their career because their entire career hinged on whether this song was going to be a hit or not so we're all sitting around this old ancient stereo listening to the first ever song for one direction Harry and Louise were kind of popping away and Niall was as well they were just really upbeat and just obviously we're really excited within the first 10 seconds I knew it's gonna be hit it was really catchy different as well and just perfect pop [Music] [Applause] when I heard what makes a beautiful Wow it's just it didn't sound like the usual boyband song the lyrics for what makes you beautiful are exactly part of the appeal of one direction because they really tap in to what young girls are thinking it really appeals to the 15 year olds who loved them but their mums as well it's a universal message you want to be told that you're beautiful and and it worked Harry Zayn Liam Louie and Niall all embarked on a rigorous publicity tour of the UK making personal appearances taking in shopping malls and radio stations and performing the song live all with the full support of psycho and Sony Entertainment that series of x-factor no one could hope for better publicity for an emerging artist and from being in the papers every day they had to make sure there wasn't a lull where everyone forgot about them so they really had to be everywhere and the level of energies that they had it was possibly to do it and when they came out there no one wondered where they'd been for the last couple of months it was it was like they've never been away I realized how much the label were backing in at that point because they flew one of my reporters and bizarre around the country on a helicopter to see them doing signings for it that's a sign that the record label Bakshi because they do not throw money I don't like that anymore I could put them on a radio show the film to ten minutes and you'd remember hearing them this is they were so passionate and they were so excited and that reflected in the music even the video is them having a fun day out in a camper van I mean everything about them was fun what makes you beautiful is a great pop hit and when you've got credible music critics broadsheet newspapers seeing that it's not a bad song as well I think that means that they could be around to stay it was a great radio friendly song it was up-tempo and was it all around the world thanks to YouTube to video the boys are so fresh and good-looking everybody loves them what makes you beautiful was a massive hit going straight to the top of the UK charts with a single becoming Sony Music's highest selling pre-order track racking up a staggering 100,000 sales in just three days the song to date has sold over five million copies worldwide back of the success one Direction's first album up all night was released in November 2011 scoring number ones around the world in 2012 it went straight in at number one in the United States making one direction the first British act ever to top the charts with their debut album debuted at number two in the UK it went straight to number one in 20 countries and the biggest mark of their success was the success in Canada and America Simon Cowell had more than an inkling the boys were going to be huge so he left nothing to chance when it came to launching them around the world he got the best producers on board American producers Swedish producers Simon clearly wasn't afraid to call in some favors in making up all night to be very cleverly enlisted the help of some very big names like Kelly Clarkson and Ed Sheeran and red one it gave them an instant credibility and an instant name recognition Simon Cowell knows the blueprint for a successful pop act and he knows the successful blueprint for a boyband he's done it with Westlife he's done it with five so he knew the right people to contact and make them a success red one being a great example of that but beyond that people like ed Sheeran who could encourage a little bit of creativity in them and get on with them so they spent quite a bit of time together too and I think that helped because it suddenly encouraged them to think a little bit about providing their own vocals writing their own songs and I think the father down the career they cool they will try and write a bit more I know at the moment for example that they've all built their own studios and have grand designs and what they can create themselves we cover up a few few songs on the album as well so that was really exciting to our producers and stuff and we had we had our choice of how this order of the album goes there needs loads of things that we get our choice on really if you have our input every so often just two but even if like even if we haven't written on a song as then it comes in and well I am not too sure about this lyric obviously that's not class as a co-write but we still even the songs that we don't write on have a little look at and if we don't agree with it you don't have a say mark yeah yeah Rocko's and the slave and stuff said spring good the thing about Simon is Simon is an A&R man people forget that's what he did all his life and our artists and repertoire he picks songs and he picks artists so he had an amazing amount of songs because he knew worse life were coming to an end so he had all these new producers he had Steve mark he had red one he had a novel lot of great songs on his desk waiting for the right act to come along and guess what the right Act came along it was one direction on his show so here's his own show his own band his own label he owned this whole thing you know and it's been one of the best years of ever had under cowls guidance the impact of one direction in the United States has been sensational and while they've proved extremely popular in many countries around the world success and acceptance in the American market validates the group as true global superstars one direction would not be where they were today if it had not been for the American market it's not to say that the Brits didn't love one direction that they weren't popular over here but they might have very easily in fact I think gone the way of other x-factor sensations here in the UK I think what has launched them into international superstardom is the fact that the rest of the world America Canada New Zealand Australia has reacted as if they were the Beatles you know coming over kind of taking the rest of the english-speaking world and One Direction has taken America by storm their debut US television appearance on The Today Show in March 2012 saw over 15,000 screaming fans descend on Rockefeller Plaza causing scenes reminiscent of the Beatles and the British Invasion of the 1960s I think the success of One Direction is part of a bigger picture at the moment I think anything British this remotely goods is hugely popular over there but over there at the moment if you look at Mumford & Sons if you look at TV dramas homeland the Damian Lewis and guys like that British fashion Stella McCartney we've had the Olympics in the last year so it's cool to be British I'm one direction other flag bearers but our pop culture in this country at the moment and the band are not afraid to exploit their heritage often performing with British iconography on their sets or videos such as in one thing their third single from up all night [Music] one thing peaked at number 9 in the UK becoming the third consecutive top 10 single from up all night in the US the song reached number six [Applause] [Music] it was getting a real catchy song I don't think anyone really knew that was gonna be released as a single but I think the fans really loved it when you look at British seven over the last couple of years the ones that have really made an impact in the US are Adele in one direction and they could not be more different Adele is all about singing from the heart and and from personal experience and one direction are the complete opposite of that their main she probably is best yeah when we look at someone like Adele we immediately marvel at how amazingly she's done where as one direction of actually eclipsed her and I think that a lot of people will forget that to cap their astounding introduction to the music world One Direction managed to eclipse Adele again when what makes you beautiful scooped the Brit Award for Best British single in 2012 voted for by their dedicated and web savvy fans the boys were shocked but extremely humble we would like every single person to vote for us their finds around the world have been absolutely incredible to listen to it since we told them that we got and it's an absolute pleasure to collect it it's thank you very much they were genuinely so excited jumping up and down and you couldn't help but be pleased with them they're fans just doesn't and folded and folded nobody else had a chance it was never gonna be a doubt it's always gonna be one direction the one underlining their popularity One Direction's up all night tour sold out within minutes people to kind of want to see us to that extent is incredible for us and obviously we've made out really proud of it so we just want to make a good show for everyone to come and enjoy and the boys took to their biggest stage ever in August when they performed at the prestigious closing ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games for one direction to play at the Olympics closing ceremony in London was absolutely massive because suddenly they were playing to the world there's no understatement and to be chosen to do this you had to you know really have proven yourself but a lot of the other artists that were performing at the Olympics closing ceremony have been around for years like the Spice Girls reunited for it was a massive celebration of British culture but One Direction were arguably one of the biggest stars there and for them to have only been around for a couple of years really showed how successful they are they're used to thousands tens of thousands of girls screaming at them in arenas all over the world that's all quite concentrators here that we're playing to a global audience and they must have known at that point that yeah they'd arrived on their rise to the top the boys have accumulated an army of loyal fans because of their distinct and instantly likeable personalities and good looks I went sailing in the UK Harry Styles has acquired a reputation as a bit of a ladies man but his hard work and keen musical interests are also points of interest Harry cites his musical influences as Elvis and the Beatles his dad actually used to play these songs so he played them on loop I really got a taste for them and that she was that he's got a bit of credibility now Harry is a great singers just not all about the loops I've got what time for Harry Styles I think he's a really interesting young man right in the very beginning in the one direction story I spent a bit of time of them to give them a bit of a talk about what they could expect from celebrity and fame from the newspapers point of view and how do you really sat down and took it on board the rest of them was particularly Louie and Niall well a little bit more amateur at the time and a bit giggly but how he was soaking it all up he's a really bright kid very interested in vintage cars likes his art he spends a lot of time with all the company and I think it's a sign of his maturity actually he's a good guy you know you need the paper you hear that he's a total womanizer and listen he's a young man he's a fairly good-looking young guy he's a talented kids fair play - um I see yeah but that was out Harry Styles with the ladies man I'm not showing particularly likes that image and I don't seem to like the reputation but unfortunately it's one that's definitely stuck on the expect of people really saw his cheeky personality he always pushed the boundaries he was very cheeky with the ladies when Matt Cardle won the show Harry ran up and embraced him it was overheard saying some very salacious remark about basically how many women Matt was gonna get because he won and I think from that very first sexually charged comment I think girls were like whoa who is this guy it was like seventeen he's acting like you Casanova I do remember watching The X Factor and kind of being blown away by these five guys Harry just looked so good and I felt bad because like I'm over 30 however Harry doesn't feel bad about liking people over 30 it's okay the other way around the then seventeen-year-old Harry raised more eyebrows in October 2011 when he started dating presenter Caroline Flack who was 32 Harry and Caroline got to know each other on the x-factor because she hosted the spin-off show extra factor they became very fond of each other and they were trying to lead this really clandestine relationship but the paparazzi got on to it and the press went mad for it Caroline Flack actually got a lot of hate mail death threats she got a lot of bad press for the fact that she was in fact dating and possibly sleeping with such a young boy any time I saw Caroline I heard her they were always having fun and it was like a childhood romance and I was happy for them a lot of people were judgmental about the age gap it I saw them to go that they were happy absolutely so it's nobody else's business except tears what it did for Harry though was kind of cement in people's minds that he was the lothario of the group he was the heartthrob he was the one that everybody wanted Harry has been linked with many beauties and his love life is often in the headlines in 2012 he started dating u.s. superstar Taylor Swift when Taylor Swift and Harry Styles got together there was a feeling that although he was punching above his weight you know they're huge but Taylor Swift is is up there so when she started dating him it was like a real credibility check for him you know Taylor Swift's interested that's good they were not shy about revealing this relationship they went on a date to Central Park and you don't often get new relationships seen in the public eye like that I mean there's definitely an element of them wanting to be Satan I'll tell you there's something turned into this one direction groupie almost and I'm was very open about how into Harry she was and she went and met his mum back over here up north and was going to Chinese restaurants on a Saturday night so it was all very suburban or very non show biz I don't think the relationship was harmful to either of them I mean Harry been associated with Taylor definitely helped the band but also Taylor wasn't that famous over here so her association with Harry in turn kakapo at her success in the UK but their relationship wasn't to last and the pair broke up with Taylor seemingly firing a parting shot at the One Direction Casanova you don't want to get on Taylor Swift's wrong sides you don't want to be the guy who breaks her heart because she's notorious for writing about her experiences she wrote I knew you were trouble there are definitely rumors that it's about Harry but he when she performed it at the Brits shortly after they spit up it was it was directed at Harry and she has said that it was even more of a passionate performance because the person it was directed at was sat in the front row I think with Harry it was the first bad boy she dated the first guy who liked her but saw the world as being a bit of a candy shop and he could just have his pick and he was not stopping at Taylor Swift he's got the it thing all the girls love him he's cheeky but he's a great singer and he loves his music that's the one thing people don't know about Harry he's a really really good musician for One Direction Harry seems to be the focal point of the group particularly in the UK and rumors are already abound that he is looking towards a solo career there are reports that Harry had been in LA recording solo material he spokespeople said he was recording parts for an album with the boys but that hasn't stopped the room we're all going into overdrive that he's the one that will go solo and and if you look at the popularity of them I mean he has the most followers on Twitter he is the one that's written about in the papers most and he's the one with the most colourful lifestyle so it kind of stands to reason that he would be the one that went solo if any of all of them I think because of his intelligence and his interest and other things he will go on to have a long career and whatever it is he chooses to do an entertainment while much is known of Harry Styles Zayn Malik is something of a mystery to fans veins the bad boy of the group he's got the tattoos he chain smokes he had a highly publicized relationship with Rebecca Ferguson who was also on the x-factor but a few years older than him she's 26 years old and she was a mum of two the way One Direction had been portrayed in the press up until that point was very much as schoolboys not really boys who would have serious girlfriends and definitely not guys who would have serious girlfriends that were Marlins and the relationship lasted about six months it doesn't like them as old as Harry Styles but he he likes the woman just five young lads you know love singing and women performing and we love women and women seem to really generally we love women and women seem to like us so yeah it's working Wednesday and grew up I think he was a bit of an outcast at school he felt a bit isolated his dad's from Pakistan his mum's from England and he talks about the fact that he was kind of left out a bit at school because of his his heritage if you spend time with him together he is the quietest the most aloof and and they can be a little bit elusive in interviews I think that's mainly because he is quite a quiet guy he's a shy bull doesn't have a lot to say he was very unsure of himself which was a nice thing about him he was very unsure didn't realise how well he looked very good singer not a solo star but perfect in the boy banders well Zayn to talk to him you wouldn't necessarily think he wasn't a boy band he's very insecure about his dancing I remember he came into my office once with the rest of the boys to play me their new single and I remember asking who was the best who was the worst dancer in the group as a in put his hand up and said I'm the worst dancer I really struggled Zayn didn't have the confidence of all the other boys at the first delicious I went when everybody was asked to dance in saying was he I think he ran away I think he went off stage he didn't want it down but Simon when I found one side saying get on the stage oh this is your chance this is your moment this could change your life and it did and the thing is you cannot teach people how to sing you get always taking other times when when he got his confidence he just fit into that boyband perfect and all the girls love saying Zayn is very very sexy for a young boy I hasten to add but he's adorable he's absolutely adorable and he kind of has this brooding dark James Dean thing swagger following his relationship with Rebecca Ferguson Zayn then got together with Perrie Edwards from the 2011 x-factor winning group Little Mix but his bad-boy antics soon got him into hot water Zane's girlfriend is Perry from Little Mix they're quite a serious couple however he got into trouble because he was with an Australian waitress now he could have just said no it's not true but she had the evidence she had taken a picture of him while he was sleeping and he still denies much happened but yeah he's a bad boy very recently he's had his fingers born with some of his antics and so he does a little bit of GRU enough to do although I think of the five members he's probably the most mysterious and interesting for that very reason I think is aim is very brooding perhaps a little moody and the girls that go for that kind of guy are very happy that he's represented in the group the key to One Direction success is that there's a fanciable mouth for every sort of man that you want any girl that has an ideal man can can find elements of it in one of One Direction [Music] louis tomlinson brings energy to one direction and although he's seen as the Joker of the pack there's more to him than meets the eye of all the guys Louie's the one that I got to know best fast and he is a great character I love his company he's a really interesting character he's got a lot of fingers and a lot of pies young Louie he has his own football team and he's a good boyfriend as well you know he's a trustworthy man in the respect cell and on his good old friend Louie is the prankster of One Direction well and truly he's sort of the light-hearted guy and probably the one I would say who's rivalling the most in one direction success yeah it's been a great night it's been a great performing and obviously to win an award it's just there's just huge when I was backstage at one of the One Direction shows the boys were given a bottle of very expensive champagne and it was still a couple of hours before they were even due on stage and the person who very quickly opened the champagne and started guzzling directly from the bottle was Louie the others wouldn't have even had a drop of it Louie Tomlinson cheeky chappy again funny haircut girls love him and I even if he wasn't gonna be a solo start he's perfect for a boyband and he's got a great personality Louie is someone who was an acting background at a very early age was appearing as an extra as a small bit part on various television programs he's got a great look he has a natural ease in front of the camera and I think whether it was acting or singing Louie was always going to be in show business he's a character you know he's a very big character I could almost see him going down the route of being a TV presenter or something like this in the future because he does have just this incredibly big confident personality so yeah that doesn't finish till November and under t he's telling me to say I'm Irish he's a good guy I think a lot of Louie when we first sat down for that media training when I spent some time with him he was the loose cannon that could have sunk the ship before it even left the port but he's really sort of knuckle down and got his head rounder and managed to behave himself just enough one thing the fans love about Louie is his close friendship with Harry Styles and how the pair behaves together who wouldn't love it Harry and Louie have such great chemistry in fact that actually you can interchange the name they're often called Larry Stylinson they kind of put it all together it's like the Brangelina of the band they have this bromance going on the bromance between him and Harry is often joked about and even parodied by fans on YouTube videos they just love each other they adore each other as pals do in fact they live together and from the very beginning they talked about the fact that they we're gonna get a place together and he and Harry have become best friends Louis cites idols such as Michael Jackson who he completely loves but his biggest kind of fan experience was when he met Robbie Williams on the x-factor and Robbie is someone who whose career he's followed someone he really is wanted to be Robbie was always the Joker of take that he was born that was a little bit different who kind of kept everyone on their toes and I think there's a lot of louie in him I think that you really need someone like that to lighten the Lord when you're knackered when you've had ten dates in a row doing gigs and and he's that guy in the UK Harry Styles grabs most of the spotlight in one direction but in the United States the fans go crazy for Irish member Niall Horan every boy band has one Irish guy yet it's you know so little Niall Horan was there with the funny haircut because when the audition first in Dublin he had this silly Justin Bieber haircut but he had great personality and great likability and when it came to putting the band together you have to have an Irish guy in it so he filled out the numbers our fans are quite the same all around the world in my best Auckland accident so Niall is described as the young Justin Bieber of the band and when he auditioned actually he was the one when I saw his audition initially on TV before this band had been formed he was the one who I thought instantly massive commercial appeal because he looked like Justin Bieber and he had that Irish accent which I think people just find very endearing the first time I spoke to him his voice hadn't even broken so you have to remember that he's growing up quite a lot in the last few years hugely popular with the fans across the pond an Irish thing I'll always work in America for you he's just had his teeth straightened he's spending his money like it's gone out fashion just bought a Range Rover recently and he has a life-size waxwork of Barack Obama the shortest attention span of anybody I have ever met but also one of the most there and dealing young books and all Niall is probably the most talented off the group he used to sing along to the radio and one day his aunt or something said she thought it was the radio and he was singing and that made him really happy he started playing guitar when he was really young he always wanted to be a singer he was very much inspired by people like the Beatles and I think that Niall always kind of knew that this is what he was destined to do the only thing is that I do think that in time to come he because he is so musically talented may want his own solo career and I think he really could do it and actually he's the biggest success in America far bigger than higher styles who is the standout in the UK it was quite surprising for me going out to America and seeing the reaction to the boys the fact that Niall was so popular out there and probably six out 10 placards being held up were with niles name on marry me Niall and I love you Niall and I think for Niall the American crazy mania over him has probably been really gratifying because they've turned him into the star that he always believed that he had the potential to be Liam Payne is the most grounded member of the group the band sort of described him as their unofficial leader he's the sensible one he's the one who's always gonna be on time will always keep the others in line I think we missed the sensible one you've got to remember that he'd had a crack at X Factor before that asked the lads and there was a spell in his life where he was playing holiday camps and Wales and going around little gigs being paid 50 quid and a little bit of money here in there and some really embarrassing and tough gigs to go through I love Liam from day one because I love his attitude he'd auditioned before as a solo artist this is the second time back the next factor and he definitely had something and he was a great singer and I loved the fact that he just so wanted and I remember a saint of would you like to be in a boy band he said yeah he wasn't even negative or hesitant about it they all wanted to be in boy dance that was the good thing about it and that's why I worked with the five together he's the one that was always going to have the music career he's he was always gonna work with employers and I think when the band first got together he might have seemed like the the the more sensible may be the boring one but I actually think he's really come out of a show in the last couple of years so he worked quite hard to get this success know he has it he's gonna make the most of it so he's very sensible with his money he's not extravagant he he certainly watches his pennies so yeah I think he is the the wise man of the band every day is different we have so much fun and it's just I don't know I can't imagine be like a solo eyes or something out because you have so much to put in a group and this kind of running together and that's what makes it all enjoyable Liam's ability to overcome adversity is nothing new for him as a child he was troubled with various health issues that could have prevented him from ever having a career as a child he had two damaged kidney basically and had to have something like 32 injections morning and night there was a nurse that his family had to hire to help him with this stuff and because of that even now he has to be really careful what he drinks even including water because he still has this very damaged kidneys so you know Liam is very health conscious because he needs to be he's very physically fit you know he's a big runner he loves running he boxes in boxing since he was a child in part because he was actually bullied at the school and needed to learn to defend himself but you know Liam's had to grow up fast but Liam success has also led to some sadness when his relationship with long-term girlfriend Danielle Peter came to an end yo Liam actually spoke with his girlfriend Danielle Pisa because she couldn't cope with the fame that was thrust upon them so quickly and they were together from two years and basically when they went off and went on a worldwide tour it is you know it's so difficult for them to maintain a relationship during their time together Danielle also found herself the target of some of one Direction's fans Danielle received death threats and all kinds of hate aggressive angry messages on Twitter and Facebook from fans of One Direction who are angry that Liam is with her and this is really kind of part of the dark side the downside of being a celebrity or being involved with the celebrity I don't think anything can really prepare you for having 10 million followers on Twitter with a large percentage of them being young girls who are willing to see the worst thing in the world to get a reaction so I've been a difficult path for her to follow and I think that is going to really affect him the fact that he can't hold his race have done purely because of his career I think regardless of who won don't actually choose to go out with the girls are always going to get a hard time it's the same throughout the history of boy bands in fact you know for years most of them were told not to have girlfriends or if they did not to make it public because we didn't want to spoil the illusion don't let the light in on the magic the use of social media has had both a positive and negative effect for one direction before up all night was released in the u.s. the group used social media and digital downloads to promote the album and gained a massive following they already had an American following from the internet before they ever had set foot in the country twitch has been fantastic for one direction and were it not for social media I don't have any doubt that they would not have cracked estate one direction they tweet originally and put a bit of effort and thought into it and they're quite funny and quite witty and they also more importantly respond to fans so they'll retweet things they'll really engage with them and that is something so powerful that once upon a time those never had I think I looked at handy's other things but over 10 million it's incredible and you know the the harness that that power very well but it's the power with responsibility while Twitter and social media have helped boost one Direction's profile it has also been a ground on which modern bands quarrel One Direction's feud with fellow UK and Irish boyband The Wanted has been a long-running affair couple of times they've got on the wrong side of Twitter by getting involved in battles with the wanted and they should know better about that was there's no winner in situations like that I think it actually started about 14 15 months ago when Tom Parker from The Wanted revealed in an interview that he actually had addition for the x-factor aged 16 and had been crushed or heartbroken when he hadn't got in and obviously one direction picked up on this and took the mix lightly given in the past for wanted have been very quick to slate one direction as a manufactured boyband so it all started from there really and it just got worse and worse and more more sweary the boys have also argued with indie folk singer jake bugg via twitter but for all its good social media has a dark side as one direction have found out anna zayn encounters a lot of racism and his family are being targeted by a lot of Twitter trolls and that sort of thing for a young boy I mean you can understand why he didn't want to be part of it and he decided to quit Twitter and within a couple of days he was back on there and I do think that their management know that they do need to be on there then then they're not able to turn their back on their fans [Music] by 2012 one direction were riding high they quickly released their second album take me home in November that year and once again Simon Cowell was the mastermind behind them the first album weirdly a lot of people forget hasn't sold as many copies in the UK s JLS so I think the idea of getting the second album out quickly was a really good idea because they knew that it was a chance to keep the sales coming in off the back of that peak of fame that they were beginning to get further album take me home Simon Cowell basically put it out there and said to the best producers in the world if you want to work on this then come ahead and all of a sudden there was a queue of the best producers in the world which you know for one direction is astonishing because they came from this manufactured pop talent TV show background and you would have been laughed out of course if you'd have said in a year's time you will have the best producers in the world fighting tooth and nail to produce for them take me home saw one direction working with some of the producers behind their debut albums success and also thanks to Simon Cowell's call out other top producing names including Shellback and dr. Luke picking up from where they left off with up all night lead single live while we're young sought to maintain the fun and energy of the band live while we're young is a hugely anthemic song it's just it captures the mood of the band and their fans as well celebrating being young Savan Kotecha who worked with them a lot on the first album was was very keen to make sure that the first song from this album was meant to continue from what what makes you beautiful were done and really cement them on a global scale live while we're young peaked at number three in both the US and the UK underlining that one direction were more than a one-hit wonder live while we're young was a huge hit on YouTube balloon it had over 200 million hits and it was a top 10 single all over the world and they proved that the the myth of having that tricky second album well they just blew away I think you're probably young is the perfect One Direction song it's about having a fun night out and their five young boys at the end of the day lyrically I mean it talks about getting some and it and it talks about basically having a one-night stand I think that's really important to their audience because they are going to go out call some girls and sing about within a song but they're not doing anything wrong they're they're having a good time and I think it's important that they don't patronize their fan base video for a live while we're young shows the boys at festival just being young guys having a ball ironically they can't really do that now Harry Styles in Mallik goes down the street there followed by paparazzi and sometimes they really do wish they could have more normality in their lives sure they wouldn't change the jet-set lifestyle and the success they've had in the number ones but there is an element to not being able to go down the pub and just have a pint with a couple pals and while live while we're young featured slightly more adult references follow-up single little things written by ed sheeran played back into the hands of the starry-eyed fans in the psalms what makes you beautiful and also little things it's a really positive image that one direction are singing to the fans because they're talking about normal girls especially little things but he's talking about the lines around your eyes and you can't fit into your jeans you're pulling them on but I still love you now the vast majority of girls out there do have their faults so they're thinking Harry speaking to me I couldn't get my jeans on this morning no you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile you've never loved your stomach or the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine but I love them [Music] a lot of their fanbase struggle with self-esteem issues they're of that age and it's difficult being a teenage girl and this sort of song will promote their self-esteem and allow them to be more confident in themselves the marketing behind it isn't genius absolutely genius and we buy into it we want to be the girl that they're talking about and it's nice for the girls who are spending their money and are waiting outside their hotel to catch a glimpse of them to think that do they might be in with a chance with tracks like little things and the album there's a whole there were signs that the One Direction boys were maturing as they progress in their career it may be a slow transformation but it is happening when you compare the first to the second album the boys have grown up a little bit and there's a huge difference between being an 18 year old newcomer to 20 years old I think we will see a progression to a bit edgier lyrics and music and you also see Liam a Niall increasingly playing the guitar on some of the singles and you know they won't want to be taken seriously as credible musicians not just manufactured pop and they see yes to all the lyrics that are presented to them they're having more of a scene in December 2012 shortly after take me home was released one direction played one of their biggest concerts yet at the prestigious Madison Square Garden in New York with a show that wowed their American fans when one direction played Madison Square Gardens that was the real moment for me that I realized they were absolutely huge it was absolutely insane absolutely crazy I remember being there during their sound rehearsals and there were queues girls going back like 500 meters all around the block and that was at 2:00 in the afternoon people been camping out all night when one direction on the stage it was just absolutely evening but they nailed it was fantastic one direction took to the road again in 2013 for the take me home tour selling out arenas in Europe Oceania and North America the boys put on a spectacular live show at venues such as London's o2 arena one direction want to loss since I first saw them on stage with the x-factor they just looked like a good teenage boys stuck together for some talent show at school and then no seeing them for the first time with this - at the o2 Arena up all night there's impressive you know they've got a great production thought about it there's some great slick stuff in between when they're doing the outfit changes and all that some great little clips in between to keep the crowd and dressed it well when you go to a One Direction show first of all you have to bring earplugs because it's next-level screaming it really is well I've been to a few One Direction gigs now and each time their management have provided me with set of earplugs and advise me to wear them and I do because the noise is ridiculous they wink from the stage and it gets cheered they go offstage for a costume change that gets the cheer everything they do gets to and they keep everybody in the stadium or arena involved as well by getting out into the middle in their owns and they mix it up very well with mild unni's a little bit in the guitar and each member taking a little bit to ad-lib between songs so they have become quite good performers in a very short space of time during their shows the One Direction boys continue their use of social media to help the audience interact they used with it in a really innovative way during their gigs they asked fans to text questions in they appear on a big screen behind them and they'll answer them and a lot of the questions are absolutely ridiculous and the more absurd the better is good for the fans to be able to interact with them and and see their personality at the moment I seem to be a craze for every gig someone asked them to make a human pyramid and they're very good at making a human pyramid actually it is an impressive pyramid in February 2013 one direction used their massive global popularity to raise awareness and money for comic relief in the UK by releasing their version of classic Punk pop tracks one way or another and teenage kicks this year we decided to make a single to raise money for comic relief comic relief are a British charity that do amazing work helping people all over Africa and in the UK living with really tough lives One Direction covered one way or another and teenage kicks for comic relief which was great for comic relief because they had the biggest young band in the world basically marketing it was a big song for them to cover but they've been covering teenage kicks in their live shows ever since they first formed so it was quite an obvious obvious next release I think they had to do something interesting with it and and they really did and and they brought it to life with the video because they made it all themselves and they really enjoyed it you could tell they really enjoyed it [Music] promoting the single and the charity the boys played the song live at the 2013 BRIT Awards it's a charged single obviously a cover of the classic long as you wear another we're just massively honored to be a part of it and we just we're just loving the fact that we get to do something amazing for such an amazing cause goodness knows how many girls picked up the phone underneath it a fiver because they're in love with Harry Styles or Zayn Malik one way or another went to the top of the charts in the UK contributing to the millions of pounds raised for comic relief the single even got endorsement from a special guest in the video yeah the success has just gone to such a level that even David Cameron was clamoring him to be in it and I think all of that just just shows how popular they are and it was also great for the boys to show that they had this caring side prior to the singles release in jail you arey 2013 one direction visited the African nation of Ghana to see not only the terrible conditions in which the people were living but also where the comic relief money was being spent for the five boys it turned out to be a humbling experience I don't think they really expected what was going to happen when they went to Africa and I think they went to Ghana at the time for comic relief and it certainly hit home with Harry and Louis I remember both of them sending messages around the time scene it was genuinely moved them they'd obviously never seen property like it you know most of us haven't so we saw them crying on camera they weren't aware of the cameras they were you know oblivious and it was all genuine emotion which I think unless you're you know made of steel you're gonna be touched by they were all so visibly moved by the experience and I think it's important for them to remember that while they are in a privileged position that other people are living in poverty but the experience allows them to then use their privileged position to help other people yeah one thing it say about one direction is they're definitely not spoiled brats there's no suggestion they've turned into little Hollywood monsters like quite a lot of pop stars have done in the past and that's good you know if they can out of those things happen to them once every six months it will keep their feet on the ground One Direction's incredible rise to the top was recognized in 2013 with a specially created Brit Award for global success huge congratulations this is the Prix global success award you have sold 9.5 million albums he played in pretty much every country around the world hey let's start with you this award is absolutely crazy just thank you so much that's incredible Thanks I think the Brits 2013 was a real turning point for one direction because that was actually an award they won that was invented for them they've never been a global award or a global success award so when you're in a position where an organisation have to make up an award for you you've reached a certain stature and 2013 will also see the release of one Direction's first film entitled this is us the access all areas documentary is directed by Morgan Spurlock and will be wooing fans in August smart locks here on South we're we're shooting a movie like spin it's actually just been in the toilet we're lost no like it's coming out the August and it's gonna be very access all areas when you can see us in the toilet one direction their own film gonna be in 3d which is the norm for pop bands now Justin Bieber had a 3d film JLS had a 3d film it's just another step closer that firms can get about this is going to be a kind of tell-all documentary it was soon they started filming in Tokyo last year and I think that was the first time one direction have been to Japan when obviously like a completely new experience for them and for a lot of their fans of UK based it's the other side of the world but by making this film their fans can feel like they've travelled with them and they can feel like they've been there backstage for all the dramas and scenes here the Tantrums and there's a lot supposed nudity in it so I'm sure that will that will fly as the One Direction juggernaut continues to Thunder through the music scene and up the charts there doesn't appear to be any let-up in the boys desire to keep going nor their fans insatiable hunger in May 2013 the band announced a massive worldwide stadium tour for 2014 as well as their new album which they claim will feature a more edgy with the world at their feet Harry Liam Zayn Louie and Niall are going to continue their journey in one direction they are the artists in this country who are selling the most records not just on British stuff but around the world and by allowing the world we mean everywhere they're huge [Music]
Views: 195,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OneDirection, 1D, movie, zayn malik, harry styles, louis tomlinson, niall horan, liam payne, full movie, full documentary, full film, full stream, free movie, free documentary, free stream, free film, 1091, on demand, that's what makes you beautiful
Id: jq3gIojNVss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 57sec (3717 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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