Locathah are actually Krak'd bro 🦑(Why you should play a Freaky Fish Dude) #krakenweek

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there's a there's a week in July that I always look forward to that's nautical themed where you know anything is really possible and I don't know if you guys ever seen this before but it's a little thing called crack and weak are you ready kids I have I can't hear you I am dark oh a adventurers welcome to Vicarious Ventures where we explore the depths of creativity and d and d campaign I'm David the water Daven and today we be diving deep into the murky Waters of semi official DND D playable races to see if we can offer any of our own Pearls of Wisdom about the loath to show you that they're not just freaky fish guys I am not a freaky fish guy for those of you starfish who' been living under a rock and caught unawares this week the DN D Community is making a splash asash with Kraken week spearheaded by the legendary jinny D and pointy hat who are the master Minds behind this fantastic event who are making a real Splash in the community with their crack and weak playlist that you can find here on this little info card thingy don't don't worry I won't do that voice for the whole video but today we're going to be sharing a super fun playable race that we've been using in our campaign our water deep Dragon heiz campaign called the local loath loath tomato tomato potato potato loath loath I mean it's not like anybody's going to go out there correcting you on it right um actually David there's a video out where jinny D clearly pointed out in her mermaid video that is pronounced Loa so therefore she trumps all other arguments no way it's clearly pronounced locaa not locaa either way either one is acceptable I looked it up okay Google Loa thank you very much honestly let's just be glad I don't have to pronounce whatever this word is Sag sag wagwag wagon sagin Sagen hey bro I'm a SW we'll be tweaking the loath thaa to address its One Design flaw and also add in some small bits of home brew playing around with the idea of a wet and slippery character that being wet is always good we've been using the loath and our water Dragon Heist campaign and it's been a lot of fun and I hope that with this video we can trigger a whole new wave of ideas for your own campaigns um which is a fitting punt because the last name for moo is tsunami Mako tsunami also known as Captain the feest fisherman with his crew of sa anyways so why would you even want to play a locaa well we got something for our Min maxers out there and we also got something for our heavy role players first of all it's a really unique and unexplored kind of playable race unlike tritons and CLS and water jasi there's just not a whole lot of like official content other than the 2019 loath rising to go off of so it gives you a lot of freedom to home brew your own lore and also you can tweak some of the racial features to you're liking because nobody's really going to step on your toes saying like actually that's not how it works because there's just not a whole lot of a established lore um which gives you that creativity to kind of play with but what is there is actually pretty good if we're looking at what they do give you in locy Rising as the racial features is pretty well-rounded it gives you really good increases in both strength and dexterity like move over bug bear we got another Contender for best Marshall class and also it gives you two really useful skill boosts where it gives you Proficiency in both Athletics and perception we all know that perception is one of the most useful uh skills that you can have a profession in and it's actually kind of funny because uh in our campaign moo is very perceptive in combat but he's also very socially imperceptive and kind of socially awkward which makes for a lot of really fun role playing moments but um yeah you can always tease apart role playing from Min maxing but that's not all we also have the kind of Capstone feature for the Loca which is the fact that they get something called leviathan's will which gives them advantage on six different kind of saving throws against a whole assortment of conditions that normally are turn skips that Marsh in particular have trouble with if you think about it what are some of the worst things that can happen to a marshal uh they get hit with turn skipping spells that leave them completely out of the fight and then when they lose that saving throw they're totally screwed well not loath they have advantage on saves against six status effects and these status effects these conditions are like completely debilitating uh we're talking getting Charmed being frightened being paralyzed poisoned stunned or put to sleep any of these conditions can take you out the fight so if you know you charm the Barbarian or you charm the the fighter or you know if they they they get fearful and they run away it's it's kind of silly because like they're supposed to be these Fierce Fighters so um that can be kind of one of the worst case scenarios but that's where Leviathan will comes in these people have been enslaved they have been through a lot of stuff they have a connection with the great old one and the Krakens and and those of the deep they have this super strong will about them and that's kind of cool thematically that they they can stay centered in the fight but it's also good if you have a caster who wants to be sturdy and can can take some hits but also be uh you know not not stunned or any of those other conditions but we built the loath thaa on our campaign a little bit different um instead of the Min maxing route to go for the Marshall route we went with more of a a fun role playing well balanced well-rounded kind of uh locaa where we did a warlock build so we'll talk about both of those coming up in just a second anyways let's go into the racial traits and the two big downsides for the Loca first let's talk about the racial traits and what classes loath could be suited for that the Min maxers out there will be happy for then we'll cover the more interesting role playing options by showing our warlock build that we made with the fathomless Warlock that we did with moo so let's talk about the racial traits besides the plus two strength and plus one decks which is the same as the bug bear by the way they get those amazing ASI increases they get top tier skill proficiencies with the Athletics and perception proficiencies and they also get Leviathan will which makes them seem extremely strong but they do have two big downsides that we need to address the first and biggest downside is the elephant in the room the fact that they have limited amphibious which requires them to be submerged in water every four hours or they die just straight up die um which is a is a pretty big downside I would say but you'll have to ask your DM about this and to see if they can modify the 4-Hour limited amphibus to make it every eight hours and then it'll work otherwise you need to do the tedious methods to ensure that uh water is constantly available like carrying a a barrel of water around or and in the case of our loath warlock he elected to uh create water with the spell create water to try to make sure that he had constant moisture just in case I didn't provide it for him which I did because I don't really want to track all that stuff and I don't really want him to die just because he couldn't get a drink of water somewhere you know or be submerged but uh it is kind of funny he does sleep in a bathtub so just kind of interesting it adds a lot of flavor to the uh the campaign but I mean there are a lot of coastal adventures in Wizards of the Coast uh D andd campaigns so you're DM isn't really likely to throw you out into the desert um given the fact that most of the places are cities that are along the sword Coast so they're next to water so it's something it's not like you're going to be completely desperate for water so I decided to make it a little bit more exciting and kind of really lean into the fact that these guys need to stay wet so even if it is a limitation that they need to stay wet that's also something cool that comes up in combat the fact that they are they they have the soaked condition or the wet condition if you play Bowlers Gate 3 and they're slippery little guys so let's talk about those extra features that I added in as a little bonus to their the racial features now obviously the biggest limitation of the loath is that they always have to stay wet or stay soaked so I kind of leaned harder into that and made some pros and cons that would make combat more interesting from them and I added in a couple of homebrewed conditions so the big Homebrew feature that I want to talk about is the Slippery When Wet condition which basically adds both the slippery and soaked conditions to combat now the slippery condition says that whenever you you are grappling with a creature that creature has to Grapple you with disadvantage and then certain monsters with auto grapples such as mimics actually have to make a grapple check when they try to Grapple you because you're very slippery you're able to slip out of the hold and then the second part of the slippery condition is that when you're slippery if you end your turn moving in a 10-ft straight line you can drop prone into a slide for another 10t of movement and then you remain prone until your next turn so that gives you a little extra bit of movement a little bit more tactical options but it's also balanced since it takes 15 ft of movement to stand back up from prone but it's also good if you're trying to you know escape from like arrows and they're trying to shoot you while you're prone you can get kind of get out of that of course if you're trying to run away from a bunch of arrows this is good because if when you're prone the range attacks have disadvantage and just in general it gives you extra spicy options for when you're trying to do a tactical Retreat and you don't necessarily uh have to take the Dodge action this is especially good for our locaa warlock makeo because he's a bit of a scaredy cat or scaredy catfish we call him because he's always trying to run away from Battle this allows him to kind of slip out of battle and get at range and and he has the Eldor blast ability which is good at range and there's nothing that says that you fire with disadvantage when you're prone so he can essentially slip out of combat go into this kind of Swan Dive or a slide or whatever he wants to slip out of combat and slip out of range and then he can fire alridge blast from the prone position like a sniper which is pretty cool if you ask me cuz one of the downsides to playing in a campaign is that there might not always be the benefits from doing a water-based encounter but if you add the slippery condition even when they're in dry land they can use these cool kind of combat Maneuvers besides just relying on something like oh I have a faster swim speed but there's no water now you have the slippery condition which kind of adds a little extra movement that extra 10 ft of movement but at a cost to being prone and of course it has to be done retreating or ending your turn and you really want want to end your turn like in the prone position against people that are about to do melee attacks so it's not like you're going to rush in there do the extra 10 ft of movement to get your extra attack in and then get get beat by them for uh you know at Advantage attacks although it's up to you if you want to do a high-risk High reward maneuver you could like dive in slide in there uh get your attack in with that extra 10 feet of movement and then just hope that you kill them and maybe take that risk maybe take the risk of them attacking you at Advantage for the next round in the prone condition I'll leave it up to you guys how you want to use the slippery condition but personally I think it has a lot of cool flavor to our combat now anybody who's played Bowers Gate 3 knows about the wet condition that they have there in our campaign we call the soaked condition now this the soaked condition adds a little extra flavor to combat because it gives you extra vulnerability both cold and lightning damage but it also gives you resistance versus fire damage so it's a bit of a balance there now it works both ways with the vulnerability where if you soak the enemy they also get these vulnerabilities to cold and lightning damage but simply doubling damage is a little bit Overkill so rather than making them vulnerable a simple solution that DMS can do is just add one extra damage die to whatever the attack was to add on the extra vulnerable damage I actually use more complicated rules where there's a chance for them to freeze or stun and you guys can find that in my Homebrew combat rules whenever I publish them later but yeah there's always a chance that if you hit somebody with a certain amount of cold damage then they might be frozen in place and if you hit them with a certain amount of like electricity they might be kind of stunned until the beginning of their next round as they have the shocked condition I also thought it was interesting to add a little bit of special starting equipment for moo um I had him start out with two extra Nets a fishing tackle a rowboat because that's kind of his thing is like he's a captain so he needs his boat right even though it's like a little dingy dingy kind of rowboat now if you do choose to make your loath a fishermen which are a fishermen I should say you probably need to have some kind of background in uh fishing right so I've also added in these background features or you could call them racial features either way um but what it's called is the legendary fisherman the legendary fisherman allows you to have Proficiency in using Nets my players specifically Kade he wanted to use his fishing spear in combat he wanted to have the net that he would use to catch fish to catch the bad guys in fights so Nets and Spears are a very big part of his play so luckily the Warlock allows you to be proficient in a spear which is a simple weapon but also you can give him a net but the problem is you know without a good strength build it's hard to use Nets but luckily loath have pretty good strength but still I gave him a Proficiency in using Nets and whenever he does like a a slight of hand check with anything involving tying a rope or you know tying up the bad guys or doing some kind of crazy MacGyver maneuver in the middle of combat he gets to use an extra plus two on his slight of hand if it involves a rope somehow because he's supposed to be kind of like a ship writer a guy that works with Nets and ropes and and anything that has to do with a with the ship and finally some other rachal features that we didn't talk about was the fact that you can speak Aquin which is uh leave it up to your players if they uh want to figure out how to aqu how Aquin sounds but I've been having a lot of fun with all of mako's uh familiars that he summons as a warlock because they can speak and understand Aquin or rather they can they can understand Aquin but uh they can't necessarily speak it always but that's always a lot of fun you can have them talk to fish talk to fish for info and uh if they explore the the deep water Harbor that's an extremely useful feature to be able to talk to anything that they encounter underwater and ask for Secret locations secret entrances into the under Mountain oo you never know if they do that with their Aquin abilities that's that's cool that's flavorful they also get a 4 swim speed which uh you know average walk speed is 30t having that extra 10t of swim speed pretty cool a lot of races out there they like to have dark vision I get it it's cool I have dark vision everybody wants to have dark vision um so this this race doesn't have dark vision but it has all these other cool abilities as kind of like a trade-off but I did give Cade and moo an option when they play that if they're underwater they can see an those lightly obscured areas where it's murky it's kind of like having dark vision they it's it's like normal vision to them so they don't have dark vision they have like mud Vision or murky Vision which is kind of cool and uh you know not everybody needs dark vision all right but if you want to make it so that your loath have dark vision when they're underwater especially in the Deep depths of the ocean that makes sense and you can talk with your DM if or talk with your players to see if that's an option that you want to add in for the loath is giving them dark vision because I think that that does make a lot of sense moo actually talks about it as being like the water dark being different from land dark like he's okay with the water dark but he's not okay with the land dark it's totally different he says this is kind of funny and the second biggest downside is that they are ugly now seriously like look at this thing it's like a some kind of weird swamp creature it looks freaky it's like a freaky fish guy and I don't want him to be just a freaky fish guy I want them to be any kind of fish man I kind of picture it like in one piece where there's the the fish man Island where there's uh the mermaids and then there's the fishmen and the fishmen in one piece can kind of be anything you just take a fish and combine it with a guy they don't necessarily have to have a tail and uh I think as long as you're not giving them the upper body of a of a human then you're pretty good just uh make them some anthropomorphic fish and then you pick whatever kind of fish is uh flavorful or creative or exciting to you if you actually look at like the old additions they wildly change from one official art piece to the next so why not just make them any big fish variant that you want so it's kind of like playing a murog except you just go like way harder in on the whole fish element the fishy features if you will so I told player hey pick any kind of fish you want what kind of like aesthetic do you want for your fish man your fish folk your loath and he came back to me and said I want to play a goldfish which actually I think was awesome because anybody who's ever run water deep Dragon Heist you know that this is actually pretty hilarious for reasons that I can't say but please don't spoil it for people on here who don't know or my player especially if you know you know the Goldfish thing is kind of funny so you can go with any variety of fishes uh there's I found there's like a d1000 rollable table that I found on a Foundry module that's pretty cool uh but some of my favorites that I've used in the campaign so far are the red herring for that you know mystery campaign of course um I actually made like a I actually made it so that when they found like the dried up corpse of this Loca that was like a red herring it was not only like a red herring for them thematically but I didn't want it to look too graphic so like I just made it look like a Swedish Fish and it was a lot of fun they they had like a nice water burial for it where they flushed him out into the sea and it was it's very cathartic so but yeah you guys can go with any number of fishes uh some of the ones I thought of that would be cool are like sturgeons who are like surgeons or you run into a you know a catfish if you want to you know kind of go that route with a catfish um but that's kind of more like the classic loath look is the the catfish look with the whiskers you can also go with a cleric who's who's a Healer and they they're they're a holy mackerel you could go with a a sawfish laborer you could go with a a swordfish chose like a swash buckling Rogue yck you could even go with a dolphin or a whale if you're not aware of the fact that they're actually mammals and not fish but you know what is a fish a shark you can go with a shark man any kind of shark variety great white hammerhead whatever kind of suits your your character especially if they're like a hammer-headed kind of Barbarian Fish Man that'd be awesome Squidward anybody yeah you could go with a uh a squid kind of modeled uh fisherman if you're trying to be really loose um that'd be great for anyone whose Patron is a kraken for example Le crack and weak also side note if you think about it even that Leviathan will could imply the fact that loga have a connection to a kraken or a leviathan sea monster back in their their their history and that's why they're so resilient to spells that alter their mind heck I'd even argue that they'd be good against mind flers who try to probe their minds and everyone loves using ilids in their campaigns myself included their lore even states that they used to be like you know hanging out with the old guys dwelling down in the Deep so have fun with it and and take that leviathan's will and make it connected to a warlock or or this the great Krakens of the sea it's kind of cool thematically as well so what class might you choose for your loath Tha now the obvious Min maxer optimal answer is that they make fantastic Marshals uh you can choose a barbarian but also a fighter I think would probably be the best selection because the barbarians it's kind of it's kind of redundant and since locaa get natural armor anyways it's kind of redundant for you to have the H armor defense so you don't really benefit from that but a fighter yeah these guys are the perfect probably the most optimal pick if you're going to be a fighter um and if you're picking it for water-based campaign they get a 40 foot swim speed so you know they're really going to be doing well with athletics they're going to be swimming through the water faster they're going to have great move movement options and they're going to hit hard and have decent dexterity as well you might also try them for like a deck based character but I I think honestly the Marshall's probably the best option if you're going for the the optimal kind of play and if you're looking more for flavor I would go with more of like a warlock of the fathomless like we did for the kind of that role playing elements and the more well-rounded approach that where they're not really like maxed out in certain stats so let's talk about my player Kade who chose the Warlock instead so you can go fathus you can go the route of the great old one um but we really went in hard on the whole Yu-Gi-Oh aesthetic so um Cade wanted to be this awesome fisherman so he went in hard on that for the loath but the Warlock brings the cool kind of water themed spellcasting the connection to the old one but also the fact that he really wants to do illusions and summons so sumon familiar is kind of like in the Yu-Gi-Oh card game and the way that we did that thematically is that uh moo was a diver he was a deep diver and he would go down into these High Press water environments and that's where he found this legendary piece of Driftwood this Millennial puzzle if you will where he looked into the puzzle and it spoke to him and the the the Pharaoh of the sea talked to him and said mo mo I will help you I will free your people so it's just kind of this cool thematic thing that we did and we're still working on it I want to spoil anything from our campaign but it's been a lot of fun role playing the fact that he has more of a connection with his warlock Patron so it's kind of cool that there's like this magic item that lets him talk to this Patron it's a necklace kind of like in the Yu-Gi-Oh anime and it's made out of Driftwood that like the sea itself has crafted so overall it's really good for thematic flavors but yeah my player he wasn't trying to min max he just wanted a sturdy warlock who can be strong enough to capture people in Nets after distracting them with like a bunch of Illusions and summons and yeah I'd love to keep talking about all the cool kind of Homebrew stuff that we're doing for our campaign but if you guys want to check it out there's episodes of our water deep Dragon Heist Campaign which will feature a more heavy emphasis on the water elements that you can check out uh we got a few episodes already out uh episodes 1 through four and releasing every week so right now we're currently on session 24 going on 25 and I anticipate that we're going to have some cool uh cool things that happen with our our our freaky fish guy who is actually not so freaky now if you guys want to see more about how we build the fathomless Warlock and our spell selection and how that goes with warlock specifically uh they're mostly just water-based spells that uh I pulled from the official sources as well as some of these different modules that or these different Adventures that I downloaded and uh I'll probably cover that in a future video where I go over all the different adventures with their cool custom Homebrew spells which really adds a lot of flavor to our campaign I also made it so that whenever you summons his familiars his familiars have access to spells that normally aren't in the spell list that kind of balance things out and let me know if there's any kind of cool Loca Homebrew that you guys have done in your campaigns that you can share that we can integrate in our campaign and I'll be sure to give you a shout out when we actually get to those episodes so that being said if you guys want to check out the rest of the crack and week content there's the playlist linked above and uh I'm going be coming out with another krak and week content video coming up pretty soon probably on the uh Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I mean the teenage Shadow monk tor that we have in our campaign that I've ran there's a lot of other cool nautical content that I have planned whether or not I'll be able to get it out on time for Kraken week uh we'll see and of course one more tip for our content creators out there for Kraken week make sure that if you're shooting with your cameras make sure it's a Canon camera and make sure that you're shooting in clog you know it's a it's a camera joke so you you shoot in clog because it's Canon log you know what I'm saying you you guys know what I'm saying anyways I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video remember to stay hydrated staying wet is always good uh check out all the other content that people are putting out for Kraken week on the playlist and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] I
Channel: Vicarious Ventures
Views: 2,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: locathah 5e, locathah rising, kraken week, locathah playable race, fishfolk, dnd homebrew, d&d, D&d 5th edition, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons, ttrpg, aquatic races, aquatic races dnd, guide to locathah, dnd martial class build, dnd 5e builds, dnd builds, waterdeep, waterdeep dragon heist, deepwater harbor, forgotten realms, mako tsunami, harborfolk dnd, leviathon's will, ginny di, pointy hat, dnd mermaid, merfolk, tritons, water genasi, sea elves dnd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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