One Day DIY Smoker Build And Cook | Ugly Drum Smoker |

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what's going on this is fathers on diy garage i'm joe good morning i'm steve and our challenge today is to turn this 55 gallon drum into a smoker and cook dinner on it so joe get the timer rolling okay all right we're gonna start this project off by stripping off some of the paint and then we're gonna go ahead and cut our lid out if you haven't been to our channel before we do diy projects woodworking metal working barbecue builds so if you like what you see give us a subscribe and comment down below i subscribe all right so if you notice here we left a little bit of the barrel still intact that's because what we're going to do is we're going to take this flat bar here we're going to weld it to the top right here and then we're going to trim it all the way around so that way we have a nice lid where no smoke is going to escape [Music] [Music] all right now that we've got most of the trim tacked in we're going to finish cutting off the lid and then joe's going to finish welding the strap all right now joe's going to cut the strap off and finish welding it together all right joe let's take that lid off see what we have all right looking pretty nice cool all right you can see this is a food grade barrel it has a little corn syrup still in it so we're gonna go rinse it out [Music] all right we went ahead and took our caps off that were on these right here and we just so happened to have two pieces of pipe that are threaded that fit perfectly on here so we're gonna go ahead and screw these in so for those of you that are curious this happened to be a two inch piece of black pipe and this happens to be a three quarter all right so right here we just marked out our handle cut [Music] it's gonna go from pipe to pipe and um it's gonna be half inch rebar [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with the handle in place we're now going to put the cap on each pipe and we're going to use those as vents [Music] so [Music] okay now we're gonna weld a hook on the inside of the lid that way we could hang it from the side of the barrel [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] all right now it's time to make the basket for the coals [Music] all right looks like we had a little bit of a measuring problem there we cut it back down to size and it fit just fine [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right now it's time to put some wheels on this bad boy let's get rolling joe you get it let's get [Music] rolling look [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right six hours 48 minutes later here it is ready for the burnout [Music] let's go get some wood [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh all right amazon just delivered our telltrue thermometer check it out folks really nice so we're going to install that here before we get cooking as you can see we burned it out real nice all that paint's burned out on the end on the outside nice and toasty on the inside you can see that coal bed burning up right there get about a two hour burnout and now we're ready to install the thermometer [Music] all right so we've been burning this baby out for a few hours now and it's ready to start cooking so we're going to throw on some chicken thighs and see how that goes we have a rib eye in there too we'll get that on there in a minute so let's check it out oh it's just putting out some heat still time to throw the rib eye on all right it is time to take this chicken off well 8 30. it's been a long day we told you we'd get it done build a smoker and cook on the same day let's check it out [Music] pull these chickies off check it out all right whoa look at that skin just went flying but hey all right all right thanks for tuning in to father sun diy garage and that's the final product
Channel: Father Son DIY Garage
Views: 51,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbq, diy, smoker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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