W Django! - Full Western Movie by Film&Clips

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hey hold your horses a minute now is that you darlin I didn't take your home with you you got the wrong house [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey you I told you not to throw your rubbish down there a dozen times already and the day that you arrived here this whole place became a rubbish dump a rubbish dump you sad huh yeah we should clean it up then Paco buzzer you you think that's funny huh well I don't [Music] [Music] welcome to Lapuerta stranger your bit tuckered out yeah you had an earthquake or a tornado what happened here bandits you see ain't an honest man left in town except me of course Mexicans huh Americans I have Mexicans too here we are right on the border stranger one ban leaves and other rides have take its place but like I said there ain't an honest man left sippin me and oh yeah preacher puts up at the my saloon hey amigo yeah you and the black hat what do you want here in La Puerta mister who is your noisy friend Paco he ought to mind his own business that's exactly what I'm doing you know the wrong [Laughter] hey that's some the trick like that's worth a fistful of dollars in my book here take a look at this yes sir you ever seen that man yeah ya know hey you know where I can find him somewhere hey where's the saloon I'm thirsty as hell where's Stone the crows you just get the stranger saddle and follow us just maybe the stranger buy a drink come on hey stranger we gotta hurry if you want to find the man you're looking for look like our friends gonna get far with that sweater Hey well you want that drink you better get off your rump and show us what you're made of Sonny as I was saying earlier you stranger pants and both sides motor come here what's where does it like a hideout at four minutes there town now that everybody's left except in the wife and I had a bar girl in there - I am well then farmers eatin with food and drink my whiskey and never pay for it and what can I do just one man against so many very history the one you're looking for [Music] I'm afraid you're too late I thought we'd make it the procedures only started 10 minutes ago proceedings yeah proceedings that's what that prairie dog Jeff called that legal hogwash stranger five in the last week well they're not men at all some kind of animal throwing up by the devil come on let's go to my saloon drinks are on me come on stranger hey I got some whiskey put hairs on your chin come on stranger let's get that drink where are you going oh then that's my business I'll kill you both one of these days you and Jeff women ruin your life what are you doing down here I thought I told you to stay upstairs to clean the bedroom no let's all may come and work down here she did she well it's me and only me what gives the orders around here Temari going back to your home how can I look after if you don't do as I know what are you doing now I am pouring out the whiskey for you and your friend [Music] walk to your room stay there well go on hey our banner is run you're right I said here's mud in your eye for pete's sake the way you're waving I'd wanted poster round I'd say it was a bounty hunter what if I was kind of a pity you didn't catch up with that fell outside first cause if you want my opinion stringing a poor devil up ain't a Christian way to kill him a rope or a bullet what's the difference you're dead oh no you're wrong oh there is a difference well the Indians say that when a man dies his soul escapes through his mouth but when he's a it can't get loose don't worry about it the moths blocked you can always get out somewhere else I don't want to be around when it does a friar get out here and say a few words at the hanging move it well no Gilly father have you sent that Kiley to heaven ain't got no wish to go there myself all right no sinner I got a right to the Lord said heaven is not only for the good but also for the sinful just a minute father what is it my son well I don't know much about the Bible I will admit but I do know this that isn't the only thing our Lord said yeah oh yeah the Lord is strange indeed just a minute let's do it right and legal and we'll lure with God's representative take this my son light a candle for the condemned man's soul I know you'd appreciate a religious touch to the proceedings go to hell that's where you're going Carranza don't forget to light it courage my son repent and your sins shall on quit your moaning there's a menu suppose I help move it now come on hmm come here in the name of the Father and of the son well not waste your time father have courage my son and confess your sins that would take a month and we have no more than a few minutes our friends are becoming very impatient to start but this way your soul is not ready for its journey you must have faith my son or you will not enter paradise hmm there's no hell for me now unless you happen to have a gun with you battery I'm worried Jeff I want to talk to you della friar to get a move on and has been dragged out long enough Packers with the very dangerous looking at me nothing to get worried about Lola last couple of months a lot of dangers may have come riding in della porta and I got scared because I thought maybe he'd hired someone to kill us is that what you mean it's possible I guess we got a visitor it's your darling husband go on move it get away from me let us pray my son that God will save you you think he will come personally give me a gun and not personally no but he has many representatives here on earth you must have faith GERB Padre I do have faith I hear hissing sound what is one like bacon and eggs frying oh you've got funny here and Blake it sounds to me like a damn dangler red maybe I do but that ain't a rattler that's bacon cooker you fellas wrong wrong that's a dynamite fuse at second yeah for once I think he's right it's a fuse burn I agree it's a fuse burning yes burn [Music] [Applause] [Music] ólafur we have search area to the town [Music] virgin [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah this is hey let's plate up here I'll go this way you tribal there hey fire come down here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that gave me something to think about Tony that's Tony can't find him one man just one man Hank and 20 if you can't find a few pockets I want that bastard of a fire did or alive did or alive you're done [Music] I'll break your head see look at this an empty keg with a fuse light on you run like scared children while you're missing your pants he's probably on the way don't get searched a doublet tricks like this for you by God's sakes you make me sick [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh stranger what was he like did you see him if I've seen him I wouldn't be asking what it was like [Music] shameless hussy [Music] noise well they got let your swing hey [Music] I'm looking for the saloon brought my saddle along huh yeah I appreciate that oh that's hot put it over there look at those guys up there what what they're playin haps wonder who the hem is they're planning to kill I'll drop ya disgraceful ain't it at this time of day - yeah takes all kinds and make the world go around yeah I wouldn't mind drink to just I got trouble remembering exactly where the saloon is I know what you mean Oh fun town you got you're part of us darn it cheap mister this shootin yeah that ought to sober him up yeah hey mister who are you going I'm gonna look for a saloon yeah there you go come on get mounted up and go after it what in the name of hell you ain't [Applause] [Applause] gracias give me some coffee for the happy Carranza Carranza wake up coffee hey Pedro what has happened to your coffee huh once a stomach that's what math it's much more likely to rut the lining hey pass me the bottle I got ready to move out [Music] mother than did the earth amigo what happened to you so glad you escaped any chance to thank you hey come on Janos is the man who saved the life of Carranza hey tell me why do you come here are you not a Padre any water I came here to kill a man called Carranza do you mean be that's the idea amigo yeah I [Music] understand the reward of my head amigo I understand nobody could have collected the reward if I had Hank well you lost any chance no you're playing with fire he's dangerous oh I'm not afraid you would not kill it an arms man I guess not my name Carranza you'll know it it's Janko you killer jungle and he's not to reward that brings you here no I'm not here for the reward you were the only one I was absolutely certain about having been a part of that foursome Carranza that bunch of killers who a year ago broke into and robbed my house and murdered my wife let me explain jungle explain away I'm listening I was not there I was not waiting at night I swear Annie but on that you'll be leaving the Madonna don't you I believe you Carranza I know you're telling the truth I know you weren't with him that night you know yeah I do my wife was killed late at night on the 18th of March now fortunately for you I found an article saying you were released from prison in Tulsa on the 20th so you couldn't have been there guy read that amigo he's right what are you here for them the names of the others and whereabouts I can find are these funny you should ask I have no idea amigo we split up a long time ago but I'm sure you can remember their names right well one good turn deserves another one amigo they are all in business with a certain major Gomez I sort of business robbery murder are selling potatoes their business is clean contraband arms gore miss is ready to pay me four thousand dollars for one hundred Winchester repeaters well what can I do that it is hijo de puta jeff has confiscated everything I own I don't want to hear anything about your troubles just Gomez must've a go I'm sure the one thing that will lead you to a gourmets he's one of the top ranking officials he may he goes and makes his money by reselling these arms to the governor revolutionaries how much would put you back in business couple of thousand that's fair enough leave it to me how are you getting collector reward and you amigo I got a present for you don't spend it all at once what's the point in saving it Sheriff I could be dead tomorrow there you go if I have anything to do with it you'll be dead today you want to bet on it Oh see I'd buy my life honey you've already used those chips Carranza or have you forgotten that you killed two guards when you got out of prison in Tulsa they'll be collecting at your trial adios sheriff all right get your hands up right jewel you heard me go come on out aah I have nothing against you Sheriff you're just doing your job well you can bet it would be a great pleasure to make a large hole in you Jango but the noise would attract attention no tricks and now sheriff I want you to count to 100 before you put even your nose outside the door slowly mind Sheriff [Music] [Music] was a necessary that are alive the poster said right [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey rise and shine ya lazy we gotta get moving now alright [Music] they're all to take a punch huh listen buta was it necessary to punch me that hard of course we had to make it look real forget we had a big audience by kicking my ass off sir why hell that's what's known as an artistic touch this man who has the guns were buying Oh dongjun yeah you know him well can he really be trusted hey I know you well he is a very rich man now but it was not always like that you see Jiang at one time he grows a trail together we are still at videos vamos okay but first unload those sacks alone all right you're the muscle I'm just brains [Music] [Music] here's mr. Jango that may be alright for the others but I'm an idealist our friend Carranza can tell you that is a strong farewell then a deal is agreed right telling guns is a business just like any other how we do it because it's a little more profitable than most life is full of good things but they cost money good fool whiskey women hey Conchita my lover you're welcome to stay here as long as you like my friends we appreciate the offer Thompson there relax for a few days it's a great temptation but I think maybe we ought to be going suit yourself man has to do what he thinks is right boys you got the guns loaded on the wagon we may not doing it now yeah yes you'll be able to leave shortly don't forget if you can make it back here in about a month I'll have a fresh load of supplies in I'm planning to expand my business to include machine gunners but enough of business I have a story I know will amuse Carranza a little while ago I went to a palm reader who declared that a woman would be the cause of my downfall naturally I laugh because I don't really believe in that sort of nonsense do you mr. Jango okay excuse me mr. Thompson we got the cases loaded on the wagon there boys ready I wish you the best of luck and you me amigo yes now you ride with him a month from now right mr. Jango adios friend like Thompson we don't need enemies do we amigo we better get out of here pretty damn quick come on this way but if we split up Carranza why go on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's me a regular guardian angel let's go get Thompson come on all right amigo hey how will you get back on our money as well ah forget about the money Carranza once we get Thompson I want to get those guns Carranza that's the worst shooting I've seen in years lost your touch use yours to kill me amigo Thompson you sure one of the three you are looking for [Music] it's never failed yet please your wooden I'll make a deal with you I'll give you back your cash and 100 extra guns too I can make you rich angle we'll work as partners it's all right partners and I promise you'll be a millionaire how much you jingle y'all waste your breath I remember her I was my wife that's why I'm gonna kill you Thompson come what about Carranza Carranza damnit why'd you do that I thought he was reaching for his gun in a road you were thinking of other things anybody kill you he was mine Carranza well you had already shot him once and his friend should we not share things and there you go let us take our wagon that [ __ ] and leave here over there a Thompson Thompson straight on see if you can find it Jeff you boot that Jeff O'Connor I ain't seen so many dead men since the war I don't care about Thompson but if we don't find those guns we're up by cream hey Jeff oh yeah well that means no more shipment hey Jeff here are the guns in the wagon y'all there that's about it I'll be right there yeah this is what we're looking for since we ain't paid for me up that's what I call real good luck hey you underestimated Hank there's 20 cases here at least now let's get a couple of horses hitched to the wagon and move on out you know what Hank those revolutionaries are gonna pay a nice fat bundle of dollars for those guns we'll be rich get out of here bullet gets our yeah you go ahead waiting to hear all the brilliant ideas you are having to get those rifles back I hate to think all the tension I work with rollers for nothing oh nothing bothered well money out come on let's get out of here nearly ready don't you have any ideas Carranza shut up they're liable to hear you you're right get that wagon rolling that's right Oh can we do Django have a smoke amigo [Music] quite a picture of lonely dejection I [Music] could do with a drink too the saloon is deserted so we can go in long as you're buying holy mackerel it's really you that's right Paco the statusbar only knew what's happened I don't know what to do with myself anymore Milo let's run away with Jeff it's none of our business Jeff is hiding but where he's hiding right here in town at this hour you'll find him cuddle up in my Lola's arms why you will help me to get Lola back again won't you definite men right in with a wagon yesterday yes sir you know where that wagon is oh yes sir come on I'll show you come on time go on it's going around it's this way I'd like to strangle that ship with leave bare hands one of these days I'm gonna get a chance to do it come on the wagons in the hay barn it's over there over there it's Jeff and Lola over there the other man why don't you take some coffee to him what do you mean are you serious they'd steal my wife for me and you suggest I bring him coffee try thinking on it Oh [Applause] give me some it's not like you're sweet enough already you are nature [Music] [Applause] whatever look around [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] hey I think we got trouble there's something gone wrong out there [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think you're going [Music] - to block that go let me away for God's sake you could knit a barn door can find a bank can find of nowhere oh it is you saying you are you not tired [Music] as Carranza oh you will be alright he's just a flesh wound and he is sleeping now okay tomorrow I think you will be able to get up in our bouncy know I don't doubt it our amigo Carranza has a tough skin by all accounts not to mention an excellent nurse why don't you go to bed I'm that tired I'll stay here go on he's one who sent you it could be well I think it's a more serious wound than it appears and well I mean surely it's better did you want to make here for a while with us we're thinking about sure I am disappointed in your gringo oh yeah how's that girl is crazy about you huh you will break her hide you know amigo why don't you go back to sleep he's too hot I don't feel like all right let's talk awhile Carranza oh I've been thinking this thing with Gomez is kind of personal so why should you take risk for me it's better I go alone to find him right how about it - afraid I'm gonna walk off with all the profits huh see I press you amigo he's just that no one else has as much knowledge about the situation with Gomez's being I know enough hmm preferably with you amigo see ya twice whatever you want [Music] sure is a great honor to have you here with a stranger yeah you sure gave that Sidewinder just something to think about sure that'll be a while for a Lola tries to change bet again tell me stranger what you doing mixed up with that Carranza he's bad yeah I know and I tell you he's in cahoots with Jeff Europe some more just dealing with guns ancient mmm-hmm that's something to do it Jeff don't it uh-huh you know something I don't know don't you mmm-hmm move aside nobody even your nose outside [Music] waiting babies your friend no sure sure you alright but I'm only his friend I'm not in love with him you love it in relation to that there's no more firing maybe they've already killed him did you hands up walk out here turn around hold it hey boys I got him alright let's take him to Jim Oh moving you think you're going I'll be able to do anything a fiery one Paco don't stay here Johnny take a look over there the wagons in there Hank alright leave it there for now let's keep searching the wagons here they'll be somewhere close by [Music] you were put on trial and condemned to death but you know I'm gonna give you a reprieve amigo because I want you to show us where the wagon is then you're gonna tell me where I can find Django [Music] well you're in a mess of trouble Paco why didn't you just stick to washing glasses I ain't done you no harm ain't that right you can't blame me if Lola decided to come and live with a real man but you had to hire a gunfighter to come and kill me which wasn't very neighborly of it now was it you mean I am condemned to death condemned to death no friend not dead you're condemned to defend yourself that being the best way to restore your honor and the best way to learn you can't do things like that and get away with him here have no I fired a gun but now's a chance to learn from an expert I don't want to learn Hey well I'm gonna learn whether you're whether or not ain't nothing to it stand aside come on it's down there now pick up that gun and point it at me you won't suffer back they'll shoot to kill I'll tell you what I'll give you a chance I'll holster my gun and turn to face the other way now go for your gun come on pick it up fire to go pick up that gun Oh check please that's chance Paco [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when I steer Senor you major Gomez please excuse my feelings of insecurity but where is the man I know you mean your friend Carranza he couldn't make it he had an unfortunate encounter with a bullet that set him back a couple of days and being amigos I brought the shipment well yet the money first major the wagon later I would just like to check I want the money first major of course signore normally I do not like to do business this way but that's Carranza's colleague I will trust you wait a minute what's this piece of paper I want cash God is just the same as cash I've seen me to present it to the Commandant at Veracruz and he would pay this shipment is for the army and payment is their business in your all the same I would have preferred payment in dollars those are my orders hmm cigar major no gracias I think you knew our measure about a year ago a mistake I do not ever remember seeing that girl and I do not smoke either [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dear you sure know how to make friends you just wiped out general dears elite I reckon you're here for the guns not to pull out that's right I'm here for the guns there's something else though let's not forget about the cash you mean the promissory note now what am I gonna do with a promissory note Hank yeah boss have a look and see what you can find in Gomez boobs and let's put this one with this amigo Carranza how's everything go oh I had a wonderful time there you go you better start thinking fast now Jeb what are you going to do with us I'm gonna test out one of these Winchester's on you I gotta make sure they work right not so close to our net and it just happens the guns at Thompson cells are loaded and ready Lisa Jeff what somatic neurons are scared and you better say a prayer up I have said Danny what they put that there were wasting time are you ready to meet your maker now Quran says a needle [Music] good answer [Music] is amigo again Carranza [Music] random people [Music] your bastard Carranza you fix the gun Molony happy alright what what did you did to them you bastard I'm sorry to say you're holding a shipment of completely useless rifles you see um the firing pins were taken out yeah I took him out and where are they no they're not here all right then you're gonna show me where they are me go hey move that wagon out right Jeff see that covers tied down let's go [Music] [Music] how much further is it away you hit them damn kids not far [Music] well I hope you know where you're going cause if I'm not mistaken this trail we're following that lead us straight as an arrow into Tucson yep are you out of your head happenin odious has most of his troops there I know hey you were friend of Diaz we could be walking into an ambush right [Music] [Music] it might at least I warned me yeah but I was counting on it being a surprise Carazo it was amigo what much more ELISA and I will drop it keep running oh they'll catch us what about your gun slow forget the gun smooth keep going one time huh use your mouth it was not be easy go get that money back him yeah my pardon that is over I got what I wanted that was Gomez now who is the third all right tell you what later huh untie me first after all I am tired you and me go I'll tell you when you've told me his name not before hey what do you mean you wouldn't leave me like this what you amigo named Carranza Jeff what no Carranza you just want me to help you get those damn guns back no Alicia and I may go I follow he spoke any truth to you the first was Thompson the second was calm it honey Therese yeah oh honey go easy truth he was Jeff who told me what happened on time him he go alright you get the cash and their rifles meet Jeff [Music] [Applause] a 10 hey it's our friend a badness you should see what he's writing it it's one of them newfangled Penton Wagner a horse is more reliable I hope you got everything ready the way we planned it I'm gonna make us rich come on let's go meet [Music] good to see you senior baños it's a pleasure to see you oh you see pleasure to be here come on amigo let's go and have a drink you have a nice journey here yes just a little bit dusty I believe that I also imagine get my stiff after sitting down a few hours in that what you call it hittin wagon it's real name is automobiles it'll say and believe me you are more comfortable in these seats than you are in a cellar Thank You word for it how about that drink business first whatever you say you're the customer let's go check those guns and we'll have a drink afterwards hey it was a good to come with me these guns are really good yes you're any better hurry that dummy punishes already arrived let's go then your I presume you'll have the money with you good just want to be certain some people like to pay with promissory notes this way Senor we'll be there in a minute ah there are my guns well without firing pins they are useless amigo no I hit him in the feed trough you never know though Carranza they could have found them Betty are there your rifles signore exactly as you ordered them the latest model Winchester's 15 shot repeaters real beautiful one check him over be my guest please don't win your revolution for you I don't know what will well my friend they certainly look good there ain't none better ah they're already loaded huh my apologies and the spare shells other in those other cases and again take a look and what about the cash Gus yes we better get started no sure I do not feel so good now we all got problems kid hey 9 10 real pleasure doing business with you anytime you want another shipment of the same you let me know that's the work expression yeah spare shells revolutions are always a bad thing that costs money and human lives to fight one wouldn't catch me dying for the cause that depends what would you die for what would I die for like you said that depends yes Hank bye Jeff come on give me another one yeah they don't work [Music] [Music] I'm going after job [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] finally made it huh yeah we finally made it just listen to the boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Jim what's where you put your damn feet you idiot listen boss first don't follow us there here followed us look I'm busy you want to say something sake clearly know who's here Carranza that is the Mika thank just where do you think you're going to look for Carranza alone go bring it all a min.i when I'm here in no more than two minutes lucky you come with me all right you men get your gun to the outside [Music] [Applause] let's go pay a visit to Jeff amigo you gonna meet him I want to see that my guys are still there don't forget what he's mine do it there's one [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh Jeff down there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] looking for me [Music] I know you have killed Jeff amigo so before you finish reloading you'll give me all the cash what's the matter come on Carranza put up that gun you forgotten we made a bargain and I'll keep it sure I kill Jeff but I don't want the money I imagine you'll find it tucked away in his shirt or his coat I believe you I know you keep your bargains but I don't keep mine amigo I apologize but I must kill you I don't think I like this game your plan no game I tell you the last piece of this story but first let me explain it in the article you are carrying around their East one era Miko what do you mean he was in fact the tenth that I broke out of Tulsa Jail not the 20th so you were there that night with Gomez and Thompson Jeff hey there were four of us still I was the one who killed your wife Olli it was a pity we had to kill her so quickly what a body she had a woman of yours amigo what a night we could have had a she'd been sensible [Music] take a look up on that balcony Carranza as a fellow there site in a Winchester in this direction it'll be interesting see who his first choice will be to put a bullet into [Laughter] [Music] adios amigo adios clink Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Film&Clips
Views: 4,438,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Film&Clips, MinervaPicturesGroup, Film & Animation, film completo, film intero, full movie, film, film complet, italian movies, movies, full movies, film completo italiano, 2018, movie, streaming, sub, subs, pelicula, película, peli, W Django, Edward G. Muller, Edoardo Mulargia, Antonio De Teffé, Stelio Candelli, 1971, Italia, western in italiano, western, trailer in italiano, action, adventure, omicidio, femminicidio, violenza sulle donne, vendetta, ribellione, lotta, film d azione, film di lotta
Id: dFlYJAnvksM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 2sec (5642 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2018
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