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welcome back to today's episode and a special hello to Euro granny how was your birthday how about making these smashed lentil tacos for quite some time and figured it's time to get it out there so first we're going to start off with one cup of lentil a quick rinse and drain on the lentils and then I'm just gonna jump into sharpening my knives I get a lot of comments on the knife skills and what kind of knives I use the sharpest knife is always the best knife and I picked up this handy water stone off of Amazon it's pretty inexpensive too but the knives I use are doll strung and Sean I'll pop a link in the description along with the full recipe and link to our website so while the lentils are draining we're going to dice one onion and as I mentioned in previous videos I like to keep everything making the same size so it all fit on the spoon so the onion should be diced as small as a lentil if possible I am preparing this recipe a day ahead for a group coming over for some plant-based Innovation but this can also be made the same day so we're going to add these to a separate bowl and keep them to the side for when we put the dish together shortly along with the onion we're going to mince two shallots and four cloves of garlic as fine as you can get them and once you get the Dyson done give yourself a pat on the back because the hard part's done so now we're going to heat a medium saucepan and add a little bit of oil just a light coating like three or four tablespoons to coat the bottom of the pan and then we're going to add our spices to toast before adding the onions for all my no oil friends you don't have to use oil here you can just steam saute add a little bit of broth but it won't be toasted in the spices that way and stick with me I'll give some more tips on what to do when you don't use oil in this recipe so we're going to saute just for a couple minutes give it a quick couple stirs let it soak in all that flavor and then we're going to add the cleaned lentils to the pot we'll also add one can of tomato plum tomatoes and I just like to squish them right over the pot except be careful because they do squirt all over the place and this is also why I wear an apron so once you squeeze those in we're going to add a total of three cups of water so if you can if you count the tomatoes as like a half a cup of water then I'm going to add two more cups of water two and a half yeah you're following me so then I'm just going to bring this to a boil and then lower on a simmer unlike rice I can stir this and check on it so I do that periodically and then once it's done and the lentils are nice and soft I just turn off the heat and let it sit cool down and then I'm going to add a good size handful of crushed tortilla chips this is for added flavor it's gonna make it delicious so in order to make the tacos I want this completely cooled almost solidified and that's where the fat helps so if you're not going to use any of the oil what I would do is just blend half of this to make it thick and sticky so then we're just going to cool this down in the refrigerator for a couple hours or overnight so I did mine overnight and this is where I get to tell you about my favorite ice cream the wicked kitchen birthday cake ice cream it is super delicious and it's not ice cream it's better I shouldn't be eating this right now because it is morning and I haven't even had coffee yet it's available in the U.S at Krogers and in the UK at Tesco so now we're going to make the additional well after I enjoy a cup of this amazing coffee in my favorite mug we're going to start making a fresh Pico to go with the tacos that we're going to smash in a minute so first I'm going to start off by slicing two tomatoes and dicing and then popping that stuff right in a bowl and you can use any Tomatoes large or small cherry tomatoes plum tomatoes whatever you like the point is here is just to dice them fine and they're going to be Super Fresh to go along with these smashed lentil tacos and I mentioned we're going to make pico and all that is is a fresh salsa and we're going to do this one non-spicy so I'm not going to add jalapenos but I will add half a red onion save the other half for something else dice The Red Onion super small super fine add to the Bowl quick wipe down and clean up and then off to the cilantro or coriander from my UK friends and just a quick rough Chop on the coriander and I'm written down a handful in the recipe but you can use as much or as little as you like and then next ingredient would be lime so I'm going to use the juice from two limes and by Rolling them onto the counter just helps it loose enough so you get more juice out of it so I squeeze that lime juice right into the bowl give it a quick stir and taste test just to make sure it's good and notice I didn't add any salt to this because I don't want it pulling the liquid out and just having a bowl full of liquid so if I'm going to Salt it I'll salt it on the plate all right now for the fun part I get the lentils from the refrigerator I'm going to add some vegan cheese I added about a cup and a half of smoked vegan cheese and just stirred through gotta have for every time I open that package granny Frankie comes running so I'm just going to stir that right in with the lentils it's nice and solid nice pack of Fresh Tortillas and I'm just going to add the lentils to half of it and then fold it over and press it down to stick and I'll do this repeatedly this morning I'm only making two just for the video but I did get a dozen of these tacos out of this batch so you know this makes 12. then we're going to heat up our cast iron pan you know I'm a huge fan of these cast irons and a couple flicks of the tongs I'm going to add a little bit of oil to the bottom of the pan I haven't done this with no oil this part so I don't think there's a problem as long as you have a well-seasoned pan I do like to add the cover of another pot that fits nicely onto here to help steam it along and just to make sure everything's nice and melty and gooey inside and then just give them a flip toast each side and then done it's very easy after you start to get everything prepped up and ready and these came out gorgeous so quick pan care just quick rinse under the water wipe out a little bit of oil just to re-season the pan and then I'm just going to start building the plate add the shredded lettuce the fresh salsa I'm using some Greek vegan yogurt instead I couldn't find any vegan sour cream and then I'm just adding the smash tortilla Which is amazing I can't wait to eat this but I got to take a few more photos show you guys this amazing dish it truly is an easy amazing family dish single guy dish whatever single woman anybody this is an amazing dish that is full of flavor you're gonna love it it's great to serve at parties or for anybody coming over anytime any day I even enjoyed this in the morning because it's only 10 a.m right now when I'm shooting this and yeah here I go stuff in my mouth coming to an end of this video you guys appreciate you smash that like subscribe if you like it tell your friends I'll tell Frankie everybody said hello and have a great day
Channel: Derek Sarno
Views: 555,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegan, plant-based, easy vegan recipes, cheap vegan recipes, best vegan recipes, meal prep, dairy free, egg free, whole foods plant based, vegan tacos, smash tacos
Id: gmLQB_nL1aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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