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how's it going dazzlers welcome back to dad's games and we are back with another horror game this one's going to be a two-parter guys before we play the game what about another game a game boy that's black he's gonna be in you may have seen this circulating online it's generating a lot of buzz i'm very excited to be a part of this project and i wanted to bring it to you guys here now if you click the link in the description below it'll take you to the kickstarter campaign page where this game is being developed by jed shepherd who is uh writing and directing this if you don't know jed uh he was the executive producer and the writer of the very successful horror film that was filmed in lockdown on shudder called host such an amazing horror film it blew my mind and now he's making a video game with invisible games i'm going to shut my mouth and i'm going to play the trailer for you guys so you can see what this game is like hey it's us remember those live action video games in the 90s those mega cd games that promised so much but ultimately disappointed corey holmes was interfering well we're making one of those but good ghost is the first real-time live-action horror video game there won't be any floating words or glowing doors to help you decide which way to go next you're really there it's your job to keep us alive when all around is trying to kill us it's your job to help us survive the night when we say real time we mean real time the game will only work at 10 pm in your local time zone if you try to play it at any other time you're just gonna see a blank screen so you'll be playing at the same time as everyone else in the country i not cool right if you turn the game off at any point not only do you lose but we die in really horrible ways so don't turn the game off we also have the long lady to worry about who rumor has it if you look at her in the face you die don't knock down so the game is out in all the usual formats including nintendo switch playstation pc and mac for limited run games and the best bit is the collector's edition has so much culture in it [Applause] [Music] that's what it's gonna be guys live action with real actors i'm also gonna be in it i'm so pumped link is in the description guys let's try and raise a bit more money uh for this game so it can be all that it can be uh without further ado let's get on with today's video today's video is called a door in the basement we don't like basements here on das games we are actively trying to ban basements because they lead to terrible things that's all i know about this game uh so let's go experience it shall we play the game all right let's do oh oh god it's been almost 10 years since i was last down here i would always try and avoid the basement as a kid ever since i found that door that no one else could see occasionally curiously would get the better of me and i would peer into the basement sometimes the door would be gone i hoped i would never see it again but it always came back okay we're seeing [ __ ] that other people can't see this is some sixth sense thing oh god oh it's very i like the art style it's almost god then dad said there should only be four more boxes to bring up they're marked with yellow tape well well you get them you lazy [ __ ] you know i don't like basements dad as i was saying um it's very almost like playstation one but better very cool art style all right i got a box what's that big ass valve okay let's go how many more boxes have i got oh there's no one hold on hold on oh i should oh yeah i'm i think i'm more hench than i am you know i should probably take this box up get all four boxes deliver box there you go let's get another box my family is too lazy to do it you know sometimes i do wish i have a basement i got so much stuff i need to store then i play too many horror games i watch too many horror films and i know what lurks in the basement is where all the ghosts like to go and you just know they would haunt what's that oh claire and ben at college 1996. great such a happy memory it's a shame it's about to go to [ __ ] what's in these boxes and why they're four of them for christ's sake i'm not skipping leg day am i okay all right oh no no no no no no don't stop don't stop where'd that door come from oh god all right it took me a little bit off guard that one but we go we're gonna go in anyway oh gosh [ __ ] balls ah ah naked mannequin is that a mannequin it looks like a mannequin why is that going to come fantastic fantastic now down here with slender man's why why is he whoa all right okay i was blood on the shelf do you know that man do you know that please don't touch me i got a feeling he might be friendly he's ripped as [ __ ] though oh i've got to talk to him oh hello oh your eyes a little bit slumped mate but you're ripped i guess that's all the matters isn't it hold shift all right say no more don't chase me oh gods [ __ ] me okay it's all good i don't like it when it says hold shift to run what kind of basement is this what could be so important in these boxes okay i guess this basement leads into like some sort of other realm or prison all right who's that okay i don't have a flashlight oh well you're gonna need one you're gonna need one what's this feels like weeks since i walked through that door i'm so hungry there's no sun down here so i have no way of knowing exactly how long i've been trapped in this place but i know it's been a long time i've been looking for a way out here since i arrived but this place seems to go on forever i'm going to start leaving notes behind to document my findings if nothing else it will be a good way to keep track of the areas i've already okay okay marcus well marcus thank you very much for leaving notes and telling me the [ __ ] that i already know that this place is cursed it's down there oh god it's very it can't be turned by hand oh i guess i'll leave it then i don't want to like you know break my wrist that would be a hindrance oh god this game has an atmosphere i'll give it that much it's weird as [ __ ] but i got an atmosphere oh okay proceed to crouch standard oh it's the art style it's that old retro feel that kind of gives it that that edge wow wow someone literally tried to redecorate with someone's guts that's not a good sign oh far gods no one's gonna patch that up no all right i'm not i'm not gonna ask questions i'm not here to ask questions i'm here to get out there's a door down there let me go up here first what's this hatch handle all right got a hatch handle you know i'm pressing sprint and i wouldn't say that this was a sprint all right let's uh let's maybe go back check these shelves there's nothing here okay that's all good all good oh it's good maybe this hatch handle is what turns the the thingy you know that i can't do by hand you know are we doing it now oh my god now you see someone who builds a big door like that there are reasons for that you don't open that [ __ ] oh perfect so glad i did that oh god it was it was bad enough being in the basement no i'm in a sewer with a naked man [ __ ] who is that dudes oh god they they seem friendly though they make it meant oh hello stay calm don't worry i can't worry about it what did you know what stop wasting my time you look like a potato what was that potato what was that give me some information oh god he won't get down there will he oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] naked man naked man i need a hammer i need a knife i need a gun i need i need something [ __ ] he's not happy he's not happy i'm going in here oh [ __ ] ow ow i did something i pulled something what's in here absolutely [ __ ] oh will you leave me alone yeah i did it chased me now so i'm gonna get no weapons at all and they've got massive kitchen knives and calvin klein underwear they even look better than me what's this i bet other people stuck down here but there's something very wrong with them no [ __ ] every person i've met is missing their eyes but i can still feel them staring at me it's unsettling feeling when i speak to them they don't seem concerned about where they are they will repeatedly tell me not to worry i'm sure they know more about this place but are refusing to talk almost like they're scared or brainwashed no brainwashed they know very well what they're doing putting extra holes in my body what's that oh saving the game love it okay missing austin ward richard okay these these richard is that they're probably down here as well right let me guess the missing people are the bald men with knives i called it i already called it and so if it happens i called it all right now peeky poo i know i got time for that [ __ ] you need to leave where are the bald people oh god i need a way to defend myself i need something i need something i see now now i'm not i don't trust you now oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh pickaxe i'll minecraft their face please don't stab me it's not really fair i ain't talking to you fine yeah you know what you know what hello there what are you doing down here i'm attending to the garden of course what garden there's nothing here all right well you know have fun with that i i'm gonna stop stop you doing whoo with no face well you're pretty close who's the man with no face i'm sorry i don't know who that is but you just don't worry about it you are awkward i don't like it by the way your cousin chased me with a knife i'm just saying cousin's a dick oh for god's sake this isn't isn't my unholy wrist that was that was a big risk that was huge [ __ ] so the man with no face because he certainly got an arm oh god he just snatched him like he was a snap right what's that what does that go to that goes to something doesn't it oh it lifts up that oh pop goes the pringles now what are the odds that that arm is gonna chase me run run just run just run just run don't stop for anything for the bald men are gone that's good oh crap oh my god oh mate you did you not see what oh you got no eyes have you i guess i'm going down the hole wish me luck smeagle it's gonna hurt isn't it oh god loading screen okay i need to be fair i could have shimmy down there a little bit what is this basement why is this under a house oh god oh lords okay learn some sort of minds christ school camping trip to the green valley forest ended up charged animal attack claimed lives of campers the attack okay authorities record all right so some sort of animal attack on a camp i can't focus with this [ __ ] going on don't expect me to read stuff [Music] okay i guess we just push on i'm gonna take it it wasn't an animal it was mr no face with long arms that's the door all right i'll i'll have a look have a look in here first where was that on [Music] god mighty i can't i can't i can't [Music] i'm not gonna go that way yet [ __ ] what was that oh there's too much sound please don't just all right just just don't be a violent naked man all right i can deal with normal naked men don't disturb the walls excuse me you can't reach us here but the man with no face has many pets where are we who is the mom with no face don't worry about it i worry a lot i worry a lot don't disturb the walls don't disturb the walls all right just don't don't touch a wall then isn't it that i mean that's that's easy see that's that's not me i'm not touching i'm not touching anything i'm doing anything this is the last time i go into a basement oh [ __ ] [Music] what i'm not having a very nice day see i don't i don't like i don't like these holes because that's what the arm comes out of in it isn't it jesus christ don't understand the balls don't disturb the words don't see don't touch the spider webs maybe maybe he can sense that oh look at that that's a torso what was that okay i didn't touch [ __ ] i didn't touch the torso i did [ __ ] oh my god oh oh okay all right he's coming this way isn't he all right run just run or gently you know walk briskly that's fine oh [ __ ] no no no i take them out with no face you didn't say anything about an arachnid no one spoke to me about that oh god i can't i can't i'd rather be eaten by the man with no face oh god i really have between a rock and a hard place jesus christ hey hey hey hey hey come on no don't don't oh god that that that's ridiculous that's some stupid [ __ ] no not enough see i can't walk back the [ __ ] hell god lord oh god i can't go in there there's eggs in there i ain't going in there don't just don't touch the spider webs that's the rule isn't it because you know despite spiders that's why they lay webs because you know what's this what is this now all right i gotta find three of them i take it fair enough all right i'm gonna i'm gonna go down this one see what's in here oh perfect well done well done this looks safe not not not oh every part of me is dying i i uh [Music] but surely the spider can know where i am this is the worst game i've ever played oh god this is the worst game i've ever played hands down you look at look at that [ __ ] look huh i can't compete with that i can't go in there can i die i'll die like i'm not [ __ ] with that look at here legs for days can i maybe run oh god this is awful this is or if i could just make it over there but he can crawl in there he's bound to be faster than me i am so scared can i go in please please just please let me go in there [ __ ] just have a little bit i'm gonna go oh god this is the worst experience of my life [ __ ] this what's that or is it one of the things i got it [Music] i got it just don't touch the walls they said didn't they or i don't think it matters all right all right time to go time to leave immediately all right there's there's the entrance i think go go oh i can hear some [ __ ] i can hear some [ __ ] oh god ah never doing that again i've been in there then that's one let's go put it in yay great there's gotta be another one in here isn't that right so i'll just go in here get this one it's ridiculous this is this is ridiculous now what on if you if you could feel my heart i can generate a small city right now it's going so fast please stay in your hole oh [ __ ] oh god [ __ ] oh oh oh there's so much blood that's a really good sign it shows that i should be here okay all right oh god there are more legs down here than a victoria's secret one ratio it's a lot of legs they're not as pretty okay um i guess i can go down here right what was that stop it please to please i'm not a fan yo god almighty lord see this this is why if god is real what was he thinking when he invented big spiders i guess i go back all right i'm just gonna run just run das be brave i don't know how they got the planning permission for this basement i don't know my neck hurts from stress this is stressful well there's one there you go apparently this game is an hour long i'm 30 minutes in thirteen i've got 30 more minutes of this [ __ ] [Music] oh my [ __ ] god what was that i feel like frodo oh look there it is okay sorry i'm being quiet guys but i am in general terror right now this is don't touch or if you touch the web that's it i'm dead i'm pretty sure of it free keys all right let's go let's all go get me out of here immediately no more spiders i don't want anymore to deal with that [Music] and i don't even get a gun okay [Music] missing all these missing people is marcus on here marcus there he is he doesn't look too smart okay right i've just saved i'm gonna save again okay all right and we're gonna do part two okay next video will be part two and don't worry i will finish it i know you know i'm not the best at that but i will finish this one because there's a no this is part two party guys two-parter oh god i can't take it anymore all right guys part two coming next like love crest my channel and i'll see you in the next one stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 865,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, HORROR, SCARY, DAZ GAMES, kickstarter, ghost, GHOST, real actors, videogame, video game, a door in the basement, dazgames, fear, scare, scary, daz black
Id: e-o6kPh0GXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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