Brown Bear at 10 YARDS! ~ Alaska Peninsula

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s d the down [Music] we're currently packing for Alaska we're like a week and a half out and we have way more stuff than I realized so had to borrow borrow some bags from Billy we're just getting everything charged kind of a general idea of [Music] packing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah huh [Music] [Music] he [Music] figure out you remember something so we were supposed to leave this morning at like 8:00ish um but the weather wasn't too good it's now like 1:00 and all the guides just left with the gear and everything so now we're waiting until the plane comes back to pick us up with our gear um so we have like 2 and 1 half hours to kill and hopefully we make it there but it also sounds like it's going to be pretty windy the first couple days so we'll see how it goes hello hello oh you're so pretty I got a in the thing too so but no I like that [Music] now the day that the Lord Rain Down video the sky screamed with rage through the clouds you're going to pay for the hell that you done that crop won't never come you laugh in the face over Lord you Jed in the presence of God now the rain going to burn like the sun that crop W never come the devil's Rising [Applause] the devil's [Applause] Rising on [Applause] you on you and that CR won't [Music] never like a you feeling night you proud Where You Are all the light you can bre for the rain for the Sun that never theil's Rising on you on the devil's Rising all you all you talk to us about the day so we had a weather delay first thing this morning and uh we couldn't couldn't fly out in the float plane but luckily the weather got better we were able to cross the bay and some some inflatable boats got Camp all set up and then right before dark um our guide spotted a bear thought it was about an 8ot boar um so that was pretty awesome and tomorrow's the first day we can hot we also saw a couple other Bears a sa with two Cubs yep right when we landed we'll be ready to roll tomorrow camera and every is that Elation see can actually depends on the UN yeah that's fine uh my phone got wet yesterday when we were coming over here in the raft so drying out the charger so hopefully it'll charge um today's the first day of hunting we saw one s and the weather got pretty nasty it's like raining snowing and probably like 50 mph winds so we came back to the tent it's pretty foggy too so we can't really see anything just hanging out about to eat lunch let so show you our sweet set up in here Welcome to our crib Welcome to our crib it's actually really really nice so we got my C right here those C we got a variety of snacks down here full of our clothes drying because it was slopping wet all morning they're absolutely soaked and if we look out here here's all of our clothes drying it was just absolutely soaking those stuff yeah this cold cold and wet this morning that's all right that was super uh it's been super fun to to learn just watching the dog dog work stuff day two of the hunt we have not left the tent it's been raining all day today we'll kind of just keep an eye on the weather about 2:00 and we're going to try and go glass weather's been pretty crappy we'll see how it goes [Applause] well we just got back to camp and bow spotted another bear up on the ridge so it's about 10: p.m. right now let's go see what you saw two adult bears but they're long way away it's going to be dark soon one of them looks pretty big and the other one is definitely not as big this the first s we've seen in like three days days feel so nice s SP bear this morning but it turned out to be a sour the B was F nothing so far nothing else so on day three of our hunt it was really the first full day that we had to like glass all day it was a beautiful day it stays light in Alaska until like 11: 11:30 at night and so we were trying to hunt that entire time and like really make the most of it and at about 9 915 Blaze our guide spotted a boar he was kind of headed straight for the sa Cubs that we had seen earlier in the day and we're like oh this could get interesting and sure enough he caught window that s and Cubs and went straight towards their den and it was it was pretty awesome to see her fight them off uh because those big Boors will they'll try to kill those Cubs so they can rebreed the mom and um he definitely didn't didn't get the Cubs and the S did a great job of getting him away but he still he still wouldn't leave that general area Blaze gave us the option if if we wanted to go after that bear or not and we were like yeah let's do it we only have couple hours max left a light looking back it probably wasn't the right move to uh make such a late stock on a brown bear and I think that was that was our first mistake was going after it like that and it took us at least an hour to get where to where the bear was and by that time he was just laying down flat in the grass and it was kind of tough to see him and we were we were downhill from the boar but we were also on a little knob ourselves just below him we weren't at the top of the knob and I kind of got set up on the back side of the Hill from the bear so he couldn't see us that well and we I was too 240 yards away I had my scope dialed perfect um good rest I was all set up we just needed the bear to stand up the bear wouldn't wouldn't stand up and it was getting dark finally I had I had the idea to have Sarah kind of walk to the side of us a little bit just so the bear would maybe see some movement and it would stand up to see what it was and I could get a shot it saw Sarah moving and was interested in that and she had the camera set up on the bear and so when she saw him standing up she actually kind of jogged back to the camera to make sure the bear was in in the frame and I think that set the bear off even more it was interested in what we were and started coming straight towards us um and with those big big strides and coming downhill at us it it happened fast and we didn't have a whole lot of time to react as as the the bear was coming down the hill he was just lumbering down and looking back I probably should have shot him in the head or had our guide Blaze like shoot below it or somewhere around it to get it to stop and turn and then I could have shot but it didn't work out like that and I'm always going to question things and wish we had done something different but we definitely learned a lot from it here go [Applause] hey and finally got to like 50 or 60 yards right below us and from there he started running upill towards us and that's that's when we lost him uh just cuz the brush was so thick hey where is he I don't know where he's at he's right hey luckily he stopped probably 10 yards away from us and again in some thick brush we could I could just hear the rustling over there I I could see a massive head told our guy is right there and shot just into the bushes I wasn't even looking through the [Applause] scope get up there I don't think we we either didn't hit him or it just wasn't a very good hit so the bear took off we tried to run after him a little bit [Applause] and he stopped I was able to sit down and get a a broadside shot for just a second and you can hear the thud of the that 300 grain bullet hit him somewhere midbody and unfortunately we didn't get that on video very well but you can see him he's spun around a few times like was hit and another one of my mistakes was that was my last bullet um on me the rest were in my pack where we had set up initially I maybe could have gotten a second shot after after that one um but he spun around and then took off down down a creek pretty quick and by that time it was it was pretty well dark and that's the how with our Cubs was still pretty close I think we got a two or three bullets him cuz he was he was slow he was slow getting around like he was stuck he was stuck right here for a couple minutes getting see the more I yelled the faster he ran yep yep guys you can just hear him and can't really see them I could you took the first two shots and I I didn't have anything to shoot at I tried to look in the scope and it was just face yeah that was the craziest [ __ ] I've ever seen that here just like this is really really happening so we backed out immediately walked back down to camp and it was pretty hard to get to sleep that night unfortunately it rained that night it made tracking anything super difficult we went went back to the the last place that I shot him and found some blood and a little bit of hair saw where he ran down into the creek and then we tracked him for maybe only 100 y from the spot of the last shot there was no blood on the actual like ground at all it was all on bushes or a tree where you would just see it where the bear brushed up against it on its sides we searched that that whole Creek bed for the next day and a half didn't didn't find anything else other than that blood we went up and down and somewhere that bear went up and out of the creek at that point we were just going to spend the rest of our days glassing to hope to find him injured and try to go after him again or we were even hoping to see grows or Birds on them somewhere where we could go find them and at least at least get the skull we hunted the rest of our days through day 10 looking for that bear and never ever turned anything up wow [Music] [Music] s a hold for the train tired to F this old to late to start again I leave my life behind ruined by my head no one to blame this time I'm forsaken in this land everything is changing all around is blazing you turn my whole world upside down with all my heart I'm yearning it don't stop the burning all my love burn to the ground [Music] [Music] [Music] there blazing sun hearts forever chartred but now it's going on long days of dark and tart with every tear I try to drown the memory where the fire died it burn a all in me and everything is changing all around is blazing you turn a whole world upside down all my heart I'm yearning it don't stop the running now my love's gr to the ground everything is changing all around is blazing turn my whole world upside down with all my heart I'm yearning let don't stop the burning all I love is burn to the [Music] [Music] [Music] well it was an incredible experience that I wouldn't trade for anything wish we had a bear to go for it at the end super super grateful that we were able to go and even see those that many animals yeah we had a great time [Music]
Channel: Herman Hunts
Views: 16,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4Fbh0p_Nty8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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