On The Sofa Cheers Dan | Join Max Verstappen and Daniel Ricciardo For One Last Time

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Max looks genuinely quite emotional at some points, the bromance is cute

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 107 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ThatEnglishKid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

There are about fifteen different instances of β€œSKRRT” in this video and I couldn’t be more pleased.

Gonna miss these guys together.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 63 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MikeyB67 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sad. No F1 team does media like Redbull. We don't see any non corporate PR from some drivers besides the grill the grid stuff where they can joke around a bit.

We're gonna lose a big part of Ricciardo's personality without these youtube videos.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 40 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bkfountain πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The "when we're 50" thing is pretty neat.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/-Khrome- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

:( End of an era

Weird to say but this on the sofa may have been the worst out of the three question wise, asked a lot of silly questions and didn't ask them about Baku or Daniel taking pole when Max had been quickest all wkd. Missed the boat there when you have two of the most honest drivers on the grid.

Very interesting to hear that Daniel felt Max hadn't gone far enough with Ocon, that he controlled himself well and he would have done more if it had happened to him. Also really liked that 50 years question and the cute message someone in RB had given Max to keep going, he was doing well with the questions LOL

Fun to see Dan quessing the trophies too and just seeing the two mess around for pretty much all of the vid. That's what we are going to miss the most about these two as teammates, the good vibes they brought to the sport and the fans, sigh

I'm not crying now, you are :(

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 53 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ultraviolet211 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

My favorite team lineup. True men cry.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RingoFreakingStarr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I had to do it. (Now with a censor beep that leaves your ears intact.)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/alrf536 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

When Daniel made that noise for like a whole minute I lost it lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/conqdequeso πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was a very thoughtful gift by Max at the end

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AcidRegulation πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] ask you a bunch of questions and I want time answered immediately oh it's emotional Daniel this is it do you think I have a few more questions I [Laughter] thought that were checks hmm I'm gonna start should we sit closer so you know it's the last time or we'll get there during the interview well let this one be in the middle for the moment but we'll like at one point mate okay so sir Daniel this will be our house this will be our last on the sofa together was it something I said no it's a things you didn't say I just wanted to say so what you said it's what you didn't say yeah yeah what's the tree things you will miss about Red Bull free Red Bull the caffeine the cool hats I mean you still got them so yeah and probably the perks of like Red Bull being globally so big so meeting like cool athletes like other Red Bull athletes are going and cool events and like just not normally asking for tickets just knowing that you're gonna get in yeah and be looked after well if you're nice to me maybe I can so do I what are the true things you won't miss about Red Bull do we go doing anything in the cold is not not me so I won't miss that and I won't miss helmets phone calls after a bad race yep I won't miss those have you seen Austin Powers or was that before mr. bigglesworth yeah so Daniel yeah have you handed back the keys to your ass sir Martin yet or are you going to put it on eBay now that's a good question have I no so how much mileage do you have on I don't know maybe they'll let me keep it I think that's what they told me originally they're like you can keep it so let's chat about this season a little bit would the Monica win this year have been a sweet without the drama of 2016 yeah yeah stunning Monica always would have been sweet yeah but actually I'm gonna put mr. bigglesworth away for a bit he's getting excited I thought it would have been less sweet after 2016 but yeah so that was that was cool more sweet than I thought it would have been actually all right first one for you yeah cheers Dan like who's actually who is Dan I'm trying to figure it out I've never heard of down Shantay which was the biggest highlight for you this year Austria or the Mexico win I think Austria because it was really completely unexpected a lot of Dutch fans around and of course with the Red Bull car winning at the Red Bull Ring I think ya know that made it and also you know the race itself was I think a lot lot harder to manage because of ties you were not well you didn't know if you were gonna go to the end because of the the blistering yeah alright Austria there you go this is max - Daniel max it likes - Daniel box box box he talked to us about China this year I mean the effort from both sides of the garage to get your car out for coughing was huge do you think that made the wind even sweeter yeah that was like Saturday morning had the failure didn't think we're gonna get out for qualifying as soon as gentie the number one on my car gets a challenge put in front of him and someone says you can't do that he's the guy that's like well I'm gonna do it so yeah we got out with like two minutes left in qualifying qualified started six and then the whole strategy race everything worked and that was like super sweet as far as like team teamwork goes it's definitely the most team like constructive win I've ever had where everyone played apart so thank you all right Dan you too max tell you the max what were your top three highlights from this year to on track and one off track and you can't say your wins okay so two on track highs which word wins let's start with that coughing in Singapore [Music] [Applause] with the engine not responding like we wanted to and then still put it on on the first rows very happy well that were you off Lewis was it could it have been - thanks okay he was state ends yeah it was a good luck it was it was right other highlights yeah that was big and as big highlights the gearbox was highlighted now maybe another podium I think I think Austin I was I often yeah yeah because I haven't I didn't why I was never on a podium there before so I was on ice and then coming from 16 nothing I was 16 yeah it was a fun race in general soon do you think you could have got Kimi with a few more laps always kind of stabilized I thought so but I made a few laps got my tires went off so okay I think if we would have done more laps it was mainly just Lewis getting by me than I actually passing yeah yeah that was good that was good memory off-track one one off-track moment the ladders actually did destroy that one yep you remember when I didn't see that the gap yeah yeah I still don't know how we didn't roll yeah that was a shame actually should have rolled actually if it put us out before the race it would have been a blessing in disguise the way that weekend ended well done back ooh apart from Baku what was the worst on direct moment for you this year where do I start leave enough fingers I know actually will the foot well it all started in Melbourne before the season even started in practice where I got the penalty for not slowing enough up for that red flag so that started with putting my elbows through the door of my room and then a week later I channeled I tried to channel that energy into Bahrain and my race finished after one lap so I put my knee through the door in that one and they've kind of spiraled so there's a lot of moments what is worst on track so yeah on track oh okay then it like you got your elbow through the wall your knee yeah and the best was in Austin and Austin was the worst one yeah Austin I don't know why but that one I just yeah I reached a real low one thing I won't missus well about Red Bull is the sofa it so comfortable I'm like literally a bit like sitting further down it's actually quite comfortable now there's a bit softer is that better my mum would kick my ass for putting my feet on the couch now as well yeah but it's my last day that's all anyway let's talk about Brazil max let's talk about Brazil caper enya's folder - ow more importantly you know your community service will be not yet no it's it's gonna be an interesting one I just feel I would have done more and I feel you held yourself back but like some people said I was not calm as really good I think she'll really yeah like that's as calm as you can be so I mean what should you do like shake his hand like thank you very much yeah exactly but I don't know you go what's the best thing about being Daniel Ricciardo at the moment knowing I go home to Australia in like a week and I I'm gonna have summer when you guys have winter yeah it's the best thing about that's the best thing I got going on right now yeah yep what's the best thing about Big Macs for stepping right now right now is that I have a few more commitments so it's amazing a few more days a few more days lunch though knowing we got all some good lunch coming yeah burgers and shakes what shake did you go for what flavor strawberry strawberry oh you're that guy a lot of my friends have we go of like fruit flavored shakes I don't get it it has to be like a chocolate or vanilla a caramel like fruit in desire something vanilla yeah so you can do like half half okay strawberry just sounds weird it's good but if you give it to me I'll have it sure you don't finish it I'll have leftovers and I ordered two shakes by the way I ordered two burgers oh really can you tell it's offseason all right since the last time I asked you have you or anyone you know seen a ghost I mean to be fair I mean you're like a ghost especially right look at the hair it's not like he is hair got shorter I don't know what happened how about you did you see a ghost no ghost no unfortunate he's laughing I don't know why have you or anyone you know ever seen a UFO um I guess not yet let's get this going do you do do you think they're real i person don't know I used to think the same but then again the like universe is so big like it's infinite so there must be infinite possibility for your wise words for mr. Daniel Ricciardo there you go to think we're the only things here I think that's kind of naive but we are maybe maybe not interesting little fly the x-files music there you go it's awesome he's that he's a legend man David Duchovny David if you're listening if you're fan of Red Bull wherever you are I'm a fan I'm a fan that's all you're an inspiration oh do you think that bigfoot and yetis are related I've never watched Star Wars this Yeti from Star Wars yes he is it a real thing that's a question I mean I just said UFOs are probably real so all they related yeah it's not about being wheeled they are not real ha ha I'm gonna say they're not related because I didn't know who yet he was until about 13 seconds ago so that's why they're not related a lack of knowledge proves they're not related do you know the answer but once from the snow and once from like the jungle right no Bigfoot is also in the snow they can't be related they come losing climates but you have those like skis right they're not small and I did they're caught thanks for Bigfoot skis it's like small ski yeah no yeah they're like this I swear I swear I'm not [Music] oh my god I think Danny has a problem what's the stupidest way you ever hurt yourself hurt myself yeah yeah here I had walked into the door in the night drugged I think I still was okay that's that yeah I had it sleep but I woke up and I walked into the door okay fair enough so that was not lovely you I broke my arm as a kid February the 13th 2003 basically how did I so broke my humerus okay serious bone and I broke it by throwing a tennis ball I threw a ball I'm our own snapped ah yeah in the end oh so we found out I had a bone cyst so something that I guess some people get it's just I don't know how but I guess you just may be born with it and over time it I guess is some form of like little disease in a way anyway so it it's the thing that eats away your bone over time and eventually the bone becomes so thin that it is eventually he's gonna break basically so he could have happened like the doctor the hospital said it could happen like getting out of bed like one morning I could have just got out of bed it would have just snapped like ah so I was walking with my friends there was at lunchtime at school and people were playing cricket so the ball came over so like just picked it up through it and that's when it snapped and I just fell to the floor and all my friends were laughing at me like you're being an idiot get up and I was like obviously crying and yeah and the guy that hit the ball true story the guy that hit the ball was I want to say it I don't want to exaggerate I want to say at least 50 meters away at the very least 50 meters away and he heard the snap when him it was it was that loud I'll never forget it unfortunately I wish I could anyway so if you like touch my arm now you can feel like the bone where it grew over it's kind of weird anyway broke my arm throwing a tennis ball impressive yep yep one weird thing with that old school so I'll sit in there at school like waiting for my mom to pick me up because I didn't know what I had done and even that was broken I just knew saying what's up and I went to move my arm while supporting it I went to move it and I literally I could feel things inside like move but my arm stayed still so like whatever whatever like I could feel them move but I didn't move I was like oh that was the scariest thing I've ever felt in my life oh yeah and I'm not good with that stuff I get so you have like a scar here now a note so it they couldn't operate on it so they needed just to UM I mean they like I don't know what they did in the end but they couldn't operate I stayed in a cast for the crazy amount of time and then it just like grew over so I got no scar but you can just feel I'll let you touch it later off camera yeah I'll let you touch my arm what is the best fact you know the best fact you know very open-ended question just what do you know about life that the earth is round I don't know it's certainly not flat like some people think what's your best you know one of my favorite movies ever Jerry Maguire the human head weighs is at nine pounds or 11 pounds well depends how big your head is I know the human head weighs 9 pounds I don't I mean you've got a watermelon head I've got like a pea head so let's beg to differ that there's a difference across heads you're almost sturdy have you started to ask yourself what the meaning of life is Wow I certainly reflect more like now I think that's just but that's just doesn't matter probably your age it just comes with more years on this earth more experience more people you meet more things you see so yeah I'm certainly more like deep and reflective than I used to be but I don't know I noticed this year that I certainly if racing was the only thing making me happy then I would be pretty miserable so you need other things in life for sure I think that's where your friends are really important so yeah having I think just making sure that you don't distance this from your I don't know like my friends my friends live in Australia so making sure I still have the relationship with them and don't get caught up too much in this because when this ends I'm gonna want them so yeah probably uh the friends are important you don't have any questions anymore I'll ask you a few at some point if I feel like it let's talk about some on track moments for the phone let's talk about sex baby let's talk about you and me let's talk about things all the bad things let's talk about let's talk about some on track moments from the past few years where did you have the biggest smile Canada 2014 or Monaco 2018 actually it's really big in 14 yeah it was my even tweeted tweeted like a photo of me like with a massive smile I said it can't get any bigger so Canada 2014 that was yeah that was pretty big yeah Daniel at moms in 2014 you passed up in a pretty sick move how did you feel pulling that move on a four-time world champion that was that was probably my favorite move well what am I most satisfying for sure because I feel like it hadn't really been seen and like it was quite risky as well and so to do it on a teammate and then yeah I don't know it just happened like I didn't really think about it just happened that that was fun yeah I thought he was gonna hate me after that but he said nice move I'm sure he still hated me but but actually I like so I like some I respect him a lot as as a rival and I think he's a good person do you get on with him yep yeah I mean he's very nice yeah I think he's very uh he cares about the sport therefore I think he cares about you and he's pretty down to it yeah yeah like probably the most out of everyone yeah if he had to pick your best moment from your seven Grand Prix wins which one would it be I mean jumping in the pool in Monaco that was certainly that was like I'd never seen so many people I didn't know that many people existed in f1 all weekend people have been sitting there with their toes I know I didn't get sick so he feeds and I think I drank it up alcohol to kill with everything but then like the on-track part which I enjoyed the most out of the winds was MoveOn Boris in China was cool but probably probably Budapest that as a race with getting through Ilan's Hamilton and Alonso I just that was fun knowing that like it was those two in front of me yeah my hardest ones to get by yeah it was at the time that was cool you've said some interesting things over the radio to your race engineer Simon in your time let's go through some of the highlights you can name the race there from awesome that's how it's done ladies Budapest 2014 on whoo yeah so then going through turn - yeah nothing to Alonso just just it was more a dig because before the season everyone was like ok he's I think he's fast over one lap but I don't think he can race and I don't think he's got the you know thing to like like basically yeah so like all that year I was just the one doing like all the moves and that was just like a dig at people that thought I couldn't pass and race so yeah yeah no you did it well Budapest 2014 I like I'm vulnerable I like them vulnerable Monza to Monza I think that was with it was with you or Seb no oh wait Massa yeah Massa Massa that's right Mercer um Simon goes yeah he's he's all low now he's without DRS like let's get him he's vulnerable yeah and I said I like I'm vulnerable yeah next one I'm going for it Oh bah TAS Brazil so I came out I was behind him for so many laps and I was starting to get pissed off I was like he's like got so much power and using all the battery I said I can't pass and out of the last corner he had just a little snap you alive now as soon as I saw the snap I came on the radio I'm going and Simon's like I don't know what do you say like let's have it more something and then like halfway down the straight I was like I'm pretty far away like but I have to go I have to and then I think he clipped a little bit just before break heals alright I'm going yeah that's cool you're doing really well max keep pushing son who will you miss most in the team in in general yeah out of everyone that's a difficult one huh I feel bad saying like I'll miss a lot of guys all right Simon I spent a lot of time with and when we first started working together he's like so different he's from like Yorkshire summer in England I'm from Australia we're very different but I'm like our personalities and our sense of humor but I feel over time his humor rubbed off on me and we both like made this blend which made us pretty cool and would you like mountain biking together and we did a lot of stuff together so I'll miss him because the relationship blossomed probably more than I thought it would so it was like an unexpected love of two people unspoken in some regards Simon if you're listening illy means I love you what's the thing you will miss most about working with me always is playing emotional always when I feel I'm the most immature person in the room there's always there's always one more so I'm always like no one to be the idiot and just the immature kid but now I took over you took over so and I could get one I gave it to Pierre now I could get away with a lot so that's what I'll miss ya now I have two about you what are you gonna miss about me actually just you know doing me things and like normally that at that area is always a bit like can be like quite quiet and if it's too serious well in the meetings you know the engineer is sorry like it can be a bit like too serious and boring but of course but you there it's never really boring or too serious so I'll probably miss that don't get this is actually I would like to know you're you're 50 years old where are you and what are you doing do you think we'll still be friends I think we will be friends I think we will actually think I'll be friends with quite a few drivers like once we finish like I see yeah the older guys now that are retired a lot of them are friends and I think because the competition is put aside so you've got still a lot in common without the distraction of competition and wanting to beat each other so yeah and we got I mean we're probably still gonna be traveling the world so I think there'll be times where we meet up and hang out so think we'll still be friends and where will I be probably on my farm in Australia just doing normal things yeah but I'll still travel I'm sure because I'll probably get bored but yeah I'll spend a big big part of my time on the farm just racing around silly movers yeah by then hopefully by the time I'm 50 I built like an empire on the farm and there's like lots of things to do and like I want to build an amphitheater and host like music events they're obvious like my long-term vision because I love music so I can't play it so I might as well at least bring them to me yep so interesting interesting we'll get some Dutch DJ's there are for sure that will come along yeah oh that's really nice you'd like the farm and in 20 years time it's gonna be fun don't worry all right how about you 50 years 50 years not in fits are at 50 that's 50 that's another 29 years I'm 29 years old Wow meant to be well friends you you are getting closer you're like almost there you already like I'm so far away but I mean so soon as you touch 30 it's really quickly yeah but okay and I miss you and I loved you all along so far away when I'm 50 I hope that I would like to have a race track Coco track like it just like this whole like area together with a museum a bit like Fernando has but then also raced right next to it yeah so pretty big full-size full-size yeah at least 5 kilometers long like proper track and then my dream is sound like a big pit building like where I can store all my cars and when I arrived there with friends and stuff we could just take a car and run you know everything should work have a few mechanics there to always look after it and then maybe like a motocross track next thing you know stuff like that just make it like a real fun like park braaap braap and then jump over the track drop it's good whip stuff like and are we gonna be friends are we gonna be friends like you say I think really what once you stop racing it's like just brings everyone much more together you see it yeah like you said with all the drivers yeah the only thing we'll be doing if we're hanging out probably drinking somewhere like just cheering out like a big TV in front hopefully some people around so alcohol and insight Daniel whichever got want to go back to racing and you're like no I'm pretty comfortable over here not a beer please did you enjoy your career yeah absolutely did but I also enjoy this right now yeah absolutely agree Daniel so by the time he's 50 he's hosting carding chairmanships and I'm hosting big music events so obviously I think we'll be alright give them something back yeah well Shantay so daniel dese are all of your 29 trophies here are they they are none of mine ah so which trophy to you you like the most out of all of them all right so let's go looks first the most beautiful one is I like that one I mean the Budapest one yeah it's not maybe it's not the best one but I do like it because it's different for sure how many times that you finish on the podium a monocle three or four I think fourteen sixteen fourteen eighteen I do really like the American one this American ones cool all right well let's go with what they mean so yeah yeah we tried eight that's that was my second question that we don't even know it's the most to you is that Monica yeah that's Monica mate like 20 oh yeah oh you look throw it against the wall it'll get you that one is that first no yeah is that fact yeah this one let's go with this that's kind of this actually it's actually a pretty cool trophy mine is already oh yeah it's like made that one well yeah they don't always make them well unfortunately so yeah I'm gonna say Canada first win and it was big you'd still owe them and then get the replicas changed just think I'm all with you and then you're like oh sorry I'll give them back next week and then you swap them we should do that yeah you're right okay um so yeah Canada Canada is the one um okay we're gonna play a game now it's called who is your daddy and what does he do I'm detective John Kimble oh my god my mission is to ensure the survival of John Connor I don't waltz naked Kindergarten Cop terminator I just laid him out for you alright but seriously I'm going to ask you a bunch of questions and I want to answer immediately as far as you have never seen those movies I can't request kidney gotten caught would have been out before he was born all right go for it sorry man I'm going to blindfold you and hand you a trophy and after you have to guess the race the year and where you finished just by feeling the trophy all right you see nah I'll just leave my hands here just tell me when it's there yep I'm in front of you now all right ah this is Barcelona 2017 we're position third nice good wow it's good huh I think I couldn't guess it by own I'm pretty cool just saying I rap a tap a cap I would if I could should hurt good bling zing Ming Ying ding fling I guess in front of you oh you're playing mind games with me Barcelona third place 2014 was that right it's it's blue the best 2015 I thought I thought yeah this one is really difficult that's why I took it nice it's like I have to make it a little bit difficult I'll be wrapping up it's happened I'll be captain Whitaker should know this is so odd honestly yeah they're like the same in Barcelona and in Budapest it was a sailor there like exactly you're just unlucky yeah the wrong one all right you get a cheeseburger and fast 49.8 a lot of tuna here no one likes a tune of you doesn't matter whether you win by an inch or a mile winnings winning roads closed pizza boy find another way home okay he's in front of me it feels pretty straight up and down it's kind of round let me have a think I was definitely not square this might take a while I'm just going to go through the races I will get this right oh no oh um Hockenheim 2016 second place yeah is it simply lovely yes tell me what you want what you really really want it's coming good yeah oh um I'm gonna try I don't I'm gonna say Budapest win 2014 it's 2016 to Belgium on three second yeah oh cool hey I'm in your face well that backer you got it you got it hold on backer it's quite cozy under there did it say something on the blindfold Daniel I think it's been it's been emotional over the last few years and coming to the end of this interview ever I have a little gift for you is it like a jack-in-the-box no why it smells like fuel that is a go-kart track yeah that is a go-kart track it's great right Wow good smell that oh we should have done this before the interview thanks man Wow what can I say it's been it's been a ride it's been a hell of a ride we should probably finish it in style all right yeah oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Red Bull Racing Honda
Views: 809,637
Rating: 4.9691324 out of 5
Keywords: Red Bull Racing, Red Bull F1, Red Bull Red Bull F1, Red Bull, Daniel Ricciardo, Max Verstappen, Formula One, Sebastian Vettel, Mark Webber, F1, Lewis Hamilton, Ferrari, Valterri Bottas, Kimi Raikkonen, Fernando Alonso, McLaren, motorsport, racing, Cheers Dan, Austin Powers, Movies, On The Sofa, Trophy, Big Foot, Talk Show, Australia, Netherlands, Puppets
Id: 045L8bBVF8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 27sec (2187 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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