Verstappen & Ricciardo’s hilarious interview & Lewis Hamilton in the jungle🤣🌱 | At Home With Sky F1

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[Music] hi and welcome to our home with sky f1 we'll be looking back at four of our favourite features film from the past the ones that I've got lined up for you are the interview that I did with Lewis Hamilton in Borneo from two years ago I've got the Daniel Ricciardo and Mac for staff an interview at the sky pad from Singapore last year and two more from last year as well that's the circuit guide from Monaco and the simulator feature that was filmed in bright clear Mercedes so moving to the first one there's a bit of a strange location to go to you have to say but we were there because of Petronas they gave us the invite to go and film Lewis one-to-one in the rainforest in Borneo and we grabbed that opportunity it's rare that you get access to a driver away from the track and in a much more relaxed environment so we took that opportunity and I think his frame of mind having come straight from the victory in Singapore the the great race and qualifying but he had there meant that he was in there a nice relaxed mood and I think the interview that followed was was definitely result of that so yeah let's go back and take a look at that one okay let's track [Music] fresh off the back of his exceptional victory in Singapore we've been given a great opportunity to catch up with Lewis Hamilton here in Borneo where he's on work commitments with Petronas places we have to come to fine oh hey don't yeah really good I didn't bring trousers I got shorts but I'm nervous of getting bitten by bugs oh yeah that's what happened up in the forest yeah I've got a lot of bug spray on fresh from the victory in Singapore yeah let's go and have a chat about it let's do it tell us what's been going on why you're here I've been to Borneo before but it was not for work and it wasn't with petrol nests but this time we'll come round to to understand to learn about the environmental conservation and sustainability project that they're working on really to understand what you know what they're studying how they're how they're preserving it how they are contributing to the future really the future generations because preserving and also improving nature is something we need to do particularly in the rear the crazy time in the world where everything's being damaged today other people were saying Ah how can you possibly do so March he's here there and everywhere yeah you know this must be kind of fogging the mind but it doesn't it seems to it seems to get more out of you somehow what's interesting what's interesting is the way you say that oh it must be this must be doing that but people always there's people always have doubt in their minds always quick to jump to negativity and instead of frequency energy on themselves I like the idea that I can change people's opinions so arriving and delivering a solid performance on the weekend just shuts anyone up that has any questions and you really did and we can't move on away from Singapore on to the next Grand Prix in Russia before we revisit that to lap 36 zero what how was that fast I want to know what's going through your mind when you drive a lap like that for some reason I don't know I just I went out and it just all came together that all the bits that I've managed to pick up but it's like you're juggling balls when you're driving that track it's such a long track it's bumps everywhere there's different great balance you need for each corner there's a and you've got you can't obviously do it every single corner you gotta have just kind of minimized in that changes your doing I'm trying to stay out the walls as well at the same time is that it looks like a tough track it's it was epic so then the lap you know I really tried to live just right on the edge of the grip level and I didn't have it I didn't break traction once through the lap I have watched the lap over and over again it just goes on and on and on did you feel on that lap you were just getting away of there almost every single step of the way and like it's getting away of it I just felt like I had timed it just right and hit the breaking point just the right point coming off the brakes just at the right time just I'm just I was just living comfortably on the margin that I you know uh no on the limit for that lap I don't know why so when you came around that final corner across the line and your lap time came up and you wouldn't have realized yeah how are you stunned the whole paddock whole world watching we didn't expect that kind of lap time no no I didn't know honestly know what to expect and then my boner came on the radio and he's like oh yeah that was quite good Lewis we were saying it would have been so cool just fuel nap when you came in off that first run just to undo the belts just and his lap last night in qualifying and the 61 laps tonight have been heaven-sent for Lewis Hamilton who extends his lead in the driver's championship and wins the Singapore Grand Prix have these wins when people will not expecting it it's been it's been a really great roller coaster ride for us you're the second oldest driver on the grid now when it'll be next year yeah how do you compare now to where you saw yourself in in 2007 say when when it always started in f1 well I think I've always had the ability so that obviously that doesn't change except you you oversee hone in on your skills and you work on your weaknesses and such you know for me my relationship with my team has become more and more and more important to me as I've got over how I interact and how I communicate with those individuals has become more and more important and that that alone gives you tenths of a second if you can get that right I've always been out to drive the way I can drive now but I reckon I would kick my butt at 2007 me as - now I don't think he would have a chance he was very quick at 2007 you've launched a range of put me Hilfiger clothes thing that's kept you busy and and happy as I guess it's been so busy I remember being here actually in Malaysia and we're driving down the highway to the city and I remember seeing a huge billboard of Gigi with Tommy Hilfiger and I was like and I started seeing it everywhere and I was like damn that be that's the best campaign there is and then just crazy that's like I thought that's what I want to do I'd love to design something one day and that's what he said he wanted to do it then all the models it was very very diverse with what I asked for [Applause] I really rethink that it was it was colorful and alphabetize the reason I'm even now able to do the fashion thing is because for one fun one is create the platform to do all these other things how are you gonna approach this then the next six races leading the championship where you are by 40 points yeah I just take it really one race at a time so you're still going to go for those victories yeah yeah because I think honestly I the victories that I've had I've not and if I really look at some kind of China or shortly after China on was to found a really nice balance and I don't feel like I'm risking anything when I'm on the race weekend I'm it's it's not I can going too far to cause me trouble I'm just just knocking at that hundred percent door you know and I don't think we should change anything cause it's working me well the moment the way we work has in with my mechanics my engineers that formulas working so there's just no need to adapt it right now we see the young drivers coming through you know the max just happen to the world they have the speed it's clear to see just like you did in when you first burst onto the scene in Formula One I mean I look at max he's a great driver and I but I see my I see myself there I know what it's like when you're young so when people say is making mistakes I'm like who didn't make mistakes at 18 years old 20 years old and he's very younger than say we were when we're exactly wrong as wrong so I really sympathize with the experience that he's having and the things people say and you know he's on his own journey he will make whatever mistakes he makes and and take leaps and bounds whatever he decides to you know you know it does become a mental game when when you're fighting against people with similar and equal levels of talent or at least speed is a huge mental game how do you keep yourself for that level time and time again this season I've always had that belief in myself but it's really about I would say I'm more confident in my abilities and as a man then I have ever been in terms of how when I wake up and I leave the house my confidence level is a million times greater than it was when I was in 2007 or any when I was you know as those in those times those insecurities there was unhappiness there was pressures that I didn't quite understand that's being pulled from this length from this side from family from you know and I couldn't I couldn't find a balance I know my oh man now if you can win this chairmanship this year do you think it'll be your finest I do think so I mean I think it's been my finest year so far in almost a I finished last year and I was really happy with the performance but you look at every year I didn't win every race I didn't wasn't perfect and so every year you're trying to how do i how do I take it to another level how do I Drive just as good as I did the previous year but raise the bar again and there always be waste for me to raise the bar again next year that's the great thing of life but I do feel this has been one of the most complete years something to this point even if it didn't start off perfect and with this battle that we've had this serious challenge with another four-time world champion yeah if it if it goes the way I'm working on it and plan around fits ago then I think it would be it definitely would be the the most satisfying one [Music] it was really nice to get Lewis Hamilton in a relaxed frame of mind away from the racetrack away from the hubbub of people trying to get a piece of him all the time and you know you could really see that he was he was more chill than the needs of the track and I think drivers are sometimes unfairly judged and rated on their kind of personality their persona you know when they're at work basically doing their job so him being away from the track is really nice for him to open up and talk about that impressive qualifying lap that he drove which I still personally believe is one of his best maybe the best lap he's ever pulled out the bag and the race weekend in general you know it's a strong weekend for him and the team there but yeah that so the the backstory to that was that we couldn't actually go to the the main location to film it we were supposed to go to and that was the reason he was there to work for a Patronus to go to their research facility this new impressive place they've built there but we couldn't go there because the weather came in so it stopped us getting to it we had to fly there so the storms are too bad like it often is that part of the world so all of the plans that we had in place were kind of for nothing so thinking on our feet we had to find a new location where to film it so we ended up driving just to the edge of the rainforest rather than going deep into the heart of it where this research places so yeah it was a bit of a shame I was looking forward to well in some ways I'll get to that a minute I was looking forward to to going on the helicopter ride to to the middle of the the rainforest like I say but obviously it comes with other challenges and for those you don't know I'm pretty apprehensive I'd say about mosquitoes and catching nasty diseases from them so I was never been to Borneo before and the camera crew and the guys around me the producers were laughing at me basically the whole week we were there because I was super scared of getting bitten so there we go the other confession I have to make is that I fluffed the intro do you know when I stand there saying welcome to Borneo but I mean this love the location that took about 30 attempts poor old Pete the cameraman was there with his camera with his arms trembling trying to get the perfect shot and yeah I kept making mistakes again and again again so apologies Pete it stills got me to this day please forgive me that's all I can say right so on to the next clip the Danny Ricardo and max Verstappen at the sky pad in Singapore from last year it was really funny to get those two guys together it's one of the best features I've ever done on the sky pad and yeah it was it was one of those moments where you're not quite sure how it's going to go but as it unfolded it was it was brilliant so if you haven't seen it you're in for a real treat sit back and enjoy that one so from today in fp2 unfortunatly Chinon yeah you can be yeah it can be as great for each of those laps we've never done that together this yeah no that's a few things we're still yet to do together clean brightening here we go then down the main straight to term one nightmare right so you can criticize each other's lapses might feel free well what's going on here look he's using a lot more of the green stuff you know Danny you've been a bit more reserved it's going green just for the gentleman yeah yeah I'm running green okay so by the time you get into turn three it looks like Danny was just slightly ahead but it's hard to choose obviously we don't know what fuel it was maybe not the best corner I like this corner this one's good close to the wall nice sound so surprised what you've done in because sometimes actually when you watch you're on board you realize like oh I was actually quite close yeah in the car you don't always see as well and you're like in a bit of a zone they've changed that curb for this year on the exit like all the the Nordic yeah yeah the naughty-naughty you don't want to be there no the end of the Wicker okay you don't want to tell you you know you don't want to go there tonight can you squeeze some cars there on Sunday though my help my help I hope I don't now yeah now here max we saw your teammate lock up go straight on into turn ten your ass in the car more to the left hand side and Daniel that just depends on the lab to be honest sometimes I just I'm like oh I'm actually more to the left Yeah right so like it's a chance have a little rest so you might drift over a little III I'm picking out what he's putting down but I supposed to be precision stuff you know long run I was sometimes a bit more to the left and to the right yeah to the left to the little now the line yeah yeah yeah okay yeah certain ten I did you feel quick in the car is it better than the old corner it's better than the old one but it doesn't feel like he never tried the chicane you know they're using a poor sleep was the coolest thing it was terrible yeah this is a lot better yeah that no that was ugly yeah yeah oh no I think this is the best yeah software solution that they asked for a second there here you're done just put more the car over that curb there then the new are max is that intentional at that time it was flat already so I don't look in on the race runs yeah it's just easy factory there yeah I'm just gonna make some notes yeah it will remember did flatter onto the bridge first get for you Danny when the hairpin your second a bling you know somebody's first sometimes second yeah they're able to run normally a lot lower gears I think their pickup on throttle is better at low rpm then yeah maybe what we got but you're clearly over ski for the new DRS zone for this year you think he's gonna give you guys any chances ers there no no your lights are going on no no they come on to let me know it's available no I changed everything okay the way you set it up based on right now is yellow lights Yusei better white so you're not using the curb you're on the red and white but then I kind of wash off it with some underscores you can get to the wall isn't it oh yeah Max is just you've hooked the car over a bit then he's got a strainer exit right yeah this is what we saw both tasks go off in 19 was it tricky today no he's just a rookie no getting that poser to embrace kind of trim you you're not emotionally leave is that much for me today no I did all you did later in this run I did felt good also steering a bit out though yeah went a bit right hand down after whoo yes you know how that's that's yeah that's fine well try tomorrow you got there ahead look just as you go back to the line is Daniel s actually that first time you did a 46 yeah and I did a 46 zero I remember they told me did you get quicker or no I did the 45 six after aa on Shante they told you to do that time will they decide me with done time we were the only ones running like Ricardo's fast yeah really yeah yeah oh that's so that's Daniel yep so you I mean you've both driven eared teammates before it you must be aware of each other strengths and weaknesses around all strengths around the circuit yeah so you can you see that coming through when you watch I didn't have that I didn't watch enough I remember max was good turn eight turn eight I think max was always pretty strong good entry speed into 825 Dan you turn five yeah yeah yeah yeah I've been surprised himself how close he got to the wall she always pretty good in turn five yeah I think we're pretty even well boys thanks so much it's been really insightful yeah I'm sure the fans were we're loving that too and that's the glitter on his helmet I think that's really good yeah it's at least two tens here yeah yeah where we see some good fast glitches for being you didn't get a Singapore helmet I do yeah they are yeah I don't know the camera is just bad like white and red it's just more glitter like there are more glitters in my red and in the whites do you think he's trying hard enough with it when it comes to the hell we have the same helmet painter so he's I think same philosophy probably used the same glitters as well yeah well interesting let's see where you can up the glitter stakes next year just a fully glittery helmet yeah maybe this'll are like even it do you miss me I I do miss it sometimes yeah yeah when you get into like your qualifying session you know and then trying to get the best out of each other seeing my face from across the room also yeah we we have shared a few rooms together yeah yeah we won't go into that here but thanks so much for joining us it's been very insightful and yeah best of luck for the rest of the weekend awesome it was a pleasure to meet you yeah thank you very much your name is Daniel John your name is Alan bye honestly walking away off screen was the only way I was going to shut those two up so I didn't know any other way I kept trying to end it naturally but they just weren't having any of it so it still makes me laugh to this day the two of them they were on great form clear to see that they they really get on both on and off the track and yeah clear that they were teammates in the past and then you all the details about each other's driving style but they basically just ended up having too much fun and yeah walking away it was the only thing I could I could do to to end it but the way we we got there the way we the idea was born was from a normal Skype an interview I was doing with Lando Norris in Paul Ricard where George Russell because we were filming it just out the side of the Williams Motorhome George Russell cheekily put his head around the corner in and just like ripping Lando about his lap and the two of them had this good banter going on but we couldn't hear a word that George was saying because he didn't have a microphone we hadn't structured it that way it just sort of naturally developed so we thought if we could kind of recreate that but have a proper structure in place so give the two guys and white throne make them stand in the right place so they're not crowding around the screen too much and talking over each other too much then this could be something good and it took a bit of time to make it right a couple of attempts but yeah we got there by the time we got to Singapore we had the the format in place and I'm really pleased with how it turned out so looking to the next clip it's the circuit guide from film from last year Monaco with Martin and myself you know I felt like I've done many circuit guides in the past mainly by myself or you bump into the current driver that can talk about their their recent experiences in a modern-day f1 car but for Monaco I thought it's got such heritage and it's one of those real special circuits it's been there right from the beginning of the f1 world championship so I thought it needed something special I really wanted to do the circuit guard with Martin you know that the chemistry was good and something I pushed for with the producers to make it happen and I'm I'm really pleased to how it turned out so yeah enjoy the circuit guide from from Monaco last year magnificent Monaco 2.1 miles 3.3 kilometres of tarmac basically wrapped around the harbour here comes Sunday there'll be lots of people spending huge money to stand where we're standing it just reminds you how compact it is here and the fact that it is a roadway even during the event yeah you only ever get to see this circuit clear when you're in the race car because there's traffic there all the time in between sessions let's get down to turn one and have a look up close darkness and I bought get the speed down the sweet spot is to hit this apex carrying good speed under control otherwise you go straight to the scene of the accident very easy to lock a brake into here we see it so many times and you've got to think fast in the car at that point you got the runoff zone behind us you can live to fight another day by doing that by going into there or do you carry on wrestling the car and those barriers come up at you very quickly [Music] iconic casino Square from the balcony of the Hotel des Perry can you believe we thread Formula one cars to here at an average speed of a hundred and five miles an hour 170 km/h just don't think you'd be able to build a circuit like this today Martin it's so that really is what makes Monaco special you can carry good speed through the apex of casino Square but then as you head down the hill towards Mirabeau you have to breathe and move out to the right-hand side it dodge that bump just on the exit but also getting super close to the barrier on the outside and you really know when you've got this track nailed when you feel good and comfortable through this section of the circuit the Fairmont hairpin the tightest corner on the calendar in Formula One this corner dictates your gear ratios and your steering ratio for the entire season I'd love to see the cars sneaking down the hill and then it's quite a downhill braking zone isn't it to get into here and of course then immediately you're looking for the pavement of Mirabeau to go on your way towards the seafront exactly you have to compromise a bit of the exit this one swing the car back over to the left-hand side to open up turn seven taking a bit of curb for good measure as well it's hard to appreciate from the TV cameras even the onboard shots of how steep this part is the apex is sell quite slow speed at turn eight there's no room for error on the XE we've seen even guys like Senna get that wrong what was going through his mind that day Martin back in 1988 I think he was leading comfortably and just momentarily he lost concentration as you can easily do around here and you've got it you're in a bit of a zone and all of a sudden boom goes quiet and you're out of the race you can't quite believe it brand-new tarmac here on the exit of Portier which is going to give you tremendous traction as the weekend and foals and the track rubbers in and it was then you burst into the sunlight into the harbour it's your biggest chance on this track for an overtake but the braking zone is very tricky it's nice and smooth and flat here like you pointed out but down into that chicane it's quite bumpy there's a there's a camber on the track as well and if you touch the kerb on the right-hand side we've seen cars go into the barrier in the past to back corner then pretty quick now isn't it so fast on these days here taken in fourth gear flat-out through that section underneath us now it's the best place to stand if you can get on the exit of that barrier and watch them fly through you cannot believe the speed they're carrying but then obviously you have to slow it all back down for the exit of the swimming pool section and of course the exit of the swimming pool has now become the most perilous place on the racetrack absolutely it opened this corner up over the last couple of years and it's now superfast and the drivers have to be very precise in getting as close to this barrier as they can to help open up the next corner and carry that momentum this scruffy piece of barrier cost max for stopping a potential victory last year didn't it when he just touched it and broke the suspension as we've seen before survive the swimming pool then you've got the hairpin a brass cast the final uncited Anthony nose corner and you into the pit straight exactly yeah so it's pretty straightforward around the last two corners on the track a little bit of loss of traction coming out of Anthony nose and then on to the only DRS sewn on the track get it all right and at the end of the race you join royalty up there on the podium so yes the main challenge for that one was finding a safe enough location for all of us to stand and and the film crew in particular because they're set back from where Martin myself are with the stream of traffic coming past in the background you know they don't care that you're there filming for a f1 circuit guide for the Monaco Grand Prix for them it's just a normal working day and so that's the challenge you have in Monaco you know I wanted to show the circuit in the detail that that we needed to show so like the curbs and the barriers and the and a change of surface and stuff throughout the lap but staying safe and and we're under such strict time restriction as well jumping in a minibus in between each take and whizzing up to the next corner jumping out and and filming that one and not trying to miss our lines up - you know it's going to waste time so we're also able to find some pretty decent vantage points around the track like the Hotel de perak Casino Square for example now that was brilliant I've never been in there before and gives you a little flavor of what the lucky few out there get to see over the course of the weekend in Monaco also having Martin there to call on his experience and it's always nice to bounce ideas off each other as two drivers can and yet to bring up old stories from the past that when he was there and was in the race himself and that was really nice and it's a circuit that allows you to do that as drivers because it's been there from the beginning and it's fairly unchanged from back in those days you can all talk about the same corners but from your own experiences of the car that you remembered driving around there so yeah that was really nice and I'm glad we were able to pull that one off so moving on to the next feature it's the sim feature filmed Mercedes in Brackley it's a job I've done for quite some time I used to be a test driver back in the day of course when General testing was more of a thing and it's a skill that I can use today in the simulator and I really wanted to show why the full monty must have Sims and why they rely on them so much now and this day and age of Formula one with limited on track testing simulators have definitely become more of a valuable asset to the teams but it's never been really shown in the detail I wanted to show and we've talked about this for a long time at sky is you've actually for many years being a talking point and the reason it took so long to get there is because the teams are pretty much running them every day of the week so Mercedes were quite accommodating and allow us allowing us in opening the doors up to film the sim and robbing them pretty much of a whole day's work just so we could bring that feature to you so it was before the Italian Grand Prix in Monza so a few weeks before that maybe because even months before that we set it all up we ran Monza as the circuit for that day and yeah like I say it was a it was a great way to show why the teams have the sim so yeah let's take a look back at that one last year we had an in-depth look into what goes on behind the scenes of the race support team over the course of the Melbourne Brown Prix and we ended it here at the driver in leave simulator well today we have an unrestricted access to that simulator and what goes on in the inner workings with me behind the wheel so in a simulator control room we've got Evo Richard and either it's a small team of people needed for pre-event monitor works what we're going to be working on today so I'm what have you got in store so well let's start with a video for you we've got last year's koala clapping I am gathering information on how Lewis is going to be driving this lap so when I get into the sim I can try and replicate what he's doing with the wheel where he's breaking the gears he's using in the corners I'm using my analytical brain that I do on the sky-pad at this point to really understand where he's placing the car during the day we'll pull up some different options in the sim get some correlation going to make sure we've got the cornering speeds matched the car balance and then we'll try some different things during the day yeah it's time to get ready helmet on I mean give it a go one massive struggle a short little lap let's get it over the halo what's the lap time we were aiming for no one 2020 okay so I'm looking for a twenty lap time I've done a twenty three point eight my first lap trying to match Lewis Hamilton it's quite difficult thing that was a much better run through the second chicane pretty much the best I've got I reckon yeah so we're missing just a bit of grip in the slow speed on the front just it's washing out mid corner especially turn one turn two more than what I was looking out on the video yeah okay copy so now the interesting part really starts with if match the car as best we can to the real world I'm feeling happy in the car and now I'm gonna have a whole series of blind tests thrown at me to see if we can make the car go any quicker so I'm constantly analyzing the car at this stage thinking about the break-in how the car responds and the turning and change her direction and the traction I reckon I've got slightly more rear downforce pushing the front on in the mid corner of medium and high speed and I can also see a my Delta just losing time on the straights I've got more understeer mid corner I can't hang on to the front end the wrist is too stable so and this is option 2 ok we'll compare this again once you finish to the baseline it's not something we've told aunt but the first option we were looking at a different downforce and drag level he's very perceptive so he can pick that out straight away from driving it he's probably one of the best there is he has a way of meticulously logging everything in his brain and he'll it will not drive the car for five six weeks he'll then get back in and we'll give him an option obviously but don't tell him the option oh this reminds me of the third option we did the Thursday second week in April so the way that a race driver can log so many of these very small details but for so long and he'll go oh I know what exactly what this one is because we did it a year ago so yeah he's he's very very good at what he does yeah let's jump out and we'll do it if we talk about option one fairly subtle I felt a bit more rear support and braking I could see it was losing a bit of time on the Delta demonstrates but by the time he arrived in turn 6 and 7 it was pushing on the car and the front end even more the base line was so an area where I felt like it was quite weak already it was just creating even more understeer and stopping me from getting on the power you can't see it quite clearly in in the data if you if we compare red being option 1 blue being being baseline you can gain in the in the corners but you're losing it instantly on the straights the option 2 yeah I found it was better than the baseline similar levels of grip through the corners and braking zones but by the time you arrived in the medium speed you definitely had a bit more front-end and could get into the corner better and the front would stick mid corner allowing you to open up the throttle earlier the rear wouldn't snap and you still had the same grip as before in the rear but you just had more front and you just roll with the speed through six and seven and 11 they were the three main places that I was gaining that time thank you very much it was a good good session gave me some good direction I can come again yeah [Music] so there we go wraps up a day here in brightly on the simulator have you found it entertaining and yes a view into my world and what goes on here at the factory I remember this is correlating the car to last year pre-event work for Monza and when the car runs on the track in real life they'll get more data from that and they will start that same process all over again so let's see how that translates in real life when the car hits the circuit it was really nice to show the sim at Mercedes and to show you guys what it can do and why the team's have them what the drivers kind of gain from it and what their input is and also what the team's mainly what the teams getting from them and how they run them on the true working day so yeah that was that was pretty cool to be able to show you that probably the one thing I missed though in that there was so much to cover in a couple of hours that we had probably one of the things I missed mainly was that to explain how you can control all of the outside elements so like the Sun coming out and heating up the track too much by a few degrees and the wind picking up in the afternoon se which consumed your results in real life that's obviously something that the sim can control so you can really focus in on the the thing that you're prioritizing the the element that you've changed so you can keep your baseline so the reference a all the way through the day exactly the same rather than it drifting around and migrating as the track conditions change in real life say so I've been there many time before as a driver in real world track testing where you know you've had an ideal car set up in the morning and then it becomes an undriveable car by the time you get to the afternoon or vice versa so that's one serious thing that the sim can control something that makes on track testing incredibly hard but you know that's the beauty of the sim and quite often you find that you can you can home in on a change on the simulator faster than you can even in real life and at least it stays consistent through throughout the day so that's something that I probably didn't pick up on there but like I say it's um there was so many more elements going on and with the time frame that we had I'm pleased with how it turned out I hope you enjoyed it too and yeah that's that's it that's all my four Clips done and I hope you've enjoyed them and these are weird times obviously for everyone and wish that I could be at the race track with sky-pad and analyzing drivers laps rather than my own work from the past but some it is what it is and I think everyone's safety and health is it's the most important right now so just wanting to stay safe keep enjoying these features that we're doing for you I'm sure you've got many more to watch from all the other presenters at Sky Sports f1 yeah and like I say take care that's the main thing right now and thanks for watching you [Music]
Channel: Sky Sports F1
Views: 848,510
Rating: 4.9163294 out of 5
Keywords: Formula 1, F1, Formula One, Sky Sports, Sky F1, Sky Sports F1, At Home with Sky F1, Lewis Hamilton, Lewis Hamilton Formula One, Formula One Highlights, Formula One Race, Max Verstappen, Daniel Ricciardo, Mercedes, Singapore, F1 Football, Formula One Footage, Anthony Davidson, Borneo
Id: s6BLGyK74Ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 50sec (2330 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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