On the Sofa: Monaco Special! | Daniel Ricciardo and Max Verstappen talk F1

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[Music] we could just make them up ourselves all right ready howdy folks the great folks of Monaco well actually you could be elsewhere watching this edition of on the sofa but if you are in Monaco lucky you simply lovely all right so we are here in Monaco if I didn't say that already and with the background I think we are in Monica we're doing some questions now so I'm gonna start that's me Daniel that's max I asked max a question how do my glasses look what are we saying on the seat to be to be honest when you were standing dancing whose glasses has you put on just for fun but no they actually look amazed I feel quite sophisticated I don't know I just feel like someone's smarter than I really am what's life like being Daniel Ricciardo at the moment annoying yeah is it beautiful but annoying because everyone is like what are you doing next year I'm like I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow ladies and gentlemen I mean seriously I will sucker punch you all in the throat so annoying but it's good I like I like it it's it know me is a good thing yeah instead of like people to you are you sitting everyone next year that's true so I shouldn't complain I'm not complaining the view we've gots amazing so life's good oh this is a good one I like this mm-hmm what's your favorite smell yeah this maybe sounds a bit odd but I when I was like eight years old I love to smell fuel oh yeah yeah like a go-kart track yeah so good even now when you go back like dad two-stroke yeah I so good oh I think that's one of my best smells yeah actually I think I'm up there as well vanilla okay I'm too sorry whew Daniel what's the last dream you remember having good question you know what I have sometimes like I do that I'm falling yeah and then it stops and then I'm falling again so it just keeps falling like you four and then you're like it stops and then oh you keep falling again sounds like a good roller coaster yeah but it just is so odd you're like then you want to hold on and then suddenly it stopped okay I get ones where I'm running but I can't run fast enough like so I'm running but it's like I'm running at walking so yeah so I killing get away or get to where I need to go so it's like I don't know it's frustrating sounds a bit like you're falling yeah and I'm free what am i doing my ball and that's it yeah all right what do you love most about Monaco um actually like coming home and spend time on the jet skis and stuff yeah yeah alright that's the best thing about my Monaco and normally I would set a good wetter but it hasn't been that great late it's actually starting to raining if the cameras can't pick it up it is starting to rain these glasses are so sophisticated they actually can tell you at what rate the precipitation is falling is it your turn your turn my turn what's the best race you've ever had and it doesn't have to be in f1 race oh okay I mean well the victory Neph ones are always fun but let's go let's go left a field I will say June the 10th 2008 Silverstone race to Formula Renault euro cup miiverse Valtteri Bottas past him on the last lap look for the race win tune that you remember everything yeah Wow it was really sure that race on YouTube yeah it's probably there it was a good one because he dominated all weekend and even he was on pole he pulled away at the start and I don't know how but I just like hung with him and then last lap he like blocked and I was able to get him so thanks Val tree nothing's changed where have you traveled in the past year and not for work Ibiza so I'd never been I always wanted to go and I finally went and yeah I'll go again for sure that was cool save that same for me yeah also every tear it's a cool place yep alrighty what's the dumbest thing you've done at work and not told anybody things you know which you might have done but then you can't tell anyone have you farted in my helmet before and not told me um I have not done that yet but think I'm reminding no worries so that's very good actually what do you think I've got the easiest job in the team I think the marketing team that works with me easiest for sure between the works with you I mean they should get double paid yeah really for sure yeah and they're doing that well I mean our trainers have a pretty easy time don't they I think my my trainers he is doing other stuff on the side money laundering in every country is a good kid just kidding Michael's blessed hashtag sorry Louis copyright you are in a Formula One team you can pick two drivers past or present who would you pick and why you can't pick me you or your dad my mum okay now I would okay I would like to work with Senna just yep and the second one yeah maybe Schumacher and Senna in one team don't you think Oh like James hon actually can we have three drivers in the team yeah James ham would be cool wouldn't be good to manage him though because he would be hard work but that would have been nice it's easygoing I'm like you just rock it whenever you like so I mean I'm music going as well as a car so at James Hunt and who's currently on the grid all-round stroll I suppose yeah yeah let's get Lance on the team Sir Lancelot I'm signing you up my turn apart from our jobs what do we have in common not much I mean I've got good looks you don't I'm naturally talented in other sports you're not you can ride a jet ski you hardly can but choose not to because I do better things look we roll enough we like a beverage or two old enough in America as well you know with some getting there really yeah I mean a stiff beverage feels good doesn't it we enjoy having a good time let's say that we like we like letting loose every now and then yes you've said a few fastest lap this year do you get a bonus for that maybe maybe way to be good as ice yeah there's a little bit of a little bit of a hey good job gonna get it while you can yeah yeah get it how many have you got already two or three three three yeah Wow yeah I better need to up my game in that guys guys I've run out of ties please barks barks two laps to go yeah that you can't do it like that because then they're like why'd you come in and then you go faster we're not giving you a bonus yeah all right max what posters did you have on your bedroom wall when you were young okay so that nothing to do is racing I had a world map world map map and really all the flags from all the countries with the capital so you just come in to know a bit about the world yeah and knob yes yes but then also I've played a game with my sister guessing where countries were seeing though you brought up this thing about the maps reel them off for me those scissors [Music] same thing oh what's this one I don't know that was none of my map well it should be is it like it recently added country or something Micronesia that's why it's it's a small Micronesia need on my map Wow today did something go wrong with the printer this was none of my map this is like a reason me I don't want me to say like Papua New Guinea or something no Bangladesh that's not a country I mean that map did absolutely nothing for you when you were given honesty I mean of course I know that country of course I do blue tan Bhutan it I think this is blue 10 what about this one that's I know that one scene ago I would have said camera work you know every night looking at facile what all this one I know I think I know this and I yeah Cuba I would have said the same is it Cuba nice Oh Macedonia Macedonia yeah okay he actually is pretty good you still squid but I don't say I don't know this one toga but that's not even in Africa Wow portrait Portugal Wales let's eat straight away Wales Wales Oh New Caledonia is that even a country made it up sounding I guess it's somewhere around Australia in that area Hawaii the Hawaii Hawaii no way really yeah get a crease get a girl crease crease he knows that he was gonna say Australia yeah I know I know Denmark are they playing the game as well are you from Denmark you're from there Mike Oh otherwise it's going to say be quiet [Laughter] haibach ooh welcome back ooh no it's not back through as Abidjan there you go or revoir from Monaco Daniel Ricciardo and makes a bit stubborn the geography guru max Verstappen or as they say a maximum of a step in maxime peace [Music]
Channel: Oracle Red Bull Racing
Views: 1,581,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Red Bull Racing, Red Bull F1, Red Bull Red Bull F1, Red Bull, Daniel Ricciardo, Max Verstappen, Formula One, Sebastian Vettel, Mark Webber, F1, Lewis Hamilton, Ferrari, Valterri Bottas, Kimi Raikkonen, Fernando Alonso, McLaren, motorsport, racing, Monaco Grand Prix, Monaco, Formula 1, Chat Show, On the Sofa, F1 Chat Show, Monaco Harbour, Monaco Energy Station, Monaco Glamour
Id: LsgV7ITPmGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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