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on the road jet back again and today it's grim it's dull mrs. Gray's anything out there so I'm hoping a trip to a game in one of my favorite leagues of course it's League two will brighten things up a tad so we're enough we got thunder why I asked that question because you've clearly seen the title on the fun that we're going Crawley we got Crawley Town I'm sorry named Crawley Town ever founded in 1896 Oh sundown as the Red Devils not just United now if I'd effort with a broad field Stadium also known as the people's pension stadium for sponsorship purposes and I gotta let you know got capacity of 6,000 134 yep in the previous video we've been on a mission to try and save a football club did we save it well we did that absolute best got a brand deal didn't we gave that money straight to works uptown they were very close to hitting their targets my fingers crossed they did it but like most on the roads I always ask for 10,000 likes did I get 10,000 likes of course we did it doesn't matter if it's non-league it still banked so I thank you very much that's another three points we're on a roll that's gaffer if on the road FC I'm gonna go for the same target again 10,000 likes on this video please will the target ever change maybe maybe we will up it at some point however for now I'm extremely proud that in 2020 we've not a dad on the road get any less than 10,000 likes so keep it up team if you want to be part of the club please hit that subscribe button it's the hundred k club of course there are 93 thousand subscribers seven thousands ago and in really that's seven thousand people still plenty of room so talk to your mates spread the word tag me in your socials I want to see it all let's get to 100k what away if you didn't catch last week's video you wouldn't know about memberships yep channel memberships are now active on the channel and you could be part the squad you'll see them in the comments below with a nice little snazzy icons next to their name the channel memberships also gives you access to the on the road live streams on route to these games you'll be in the know before anyone else with what's going on in the channel behind the scenes videos and blogs all from 99p bargain think to join us in the description below we currently find ourselves email banner which I carry was brought along cocoa too short bark in size the dog groomers up ahead it's pretty slow slide back on his bike again if that's the case I will track him down and I will talk to him he's anyone if you seen him do let me know turns out it wasn't alive it was just temporary nights it's only only played about with a little bit of traffic oh no just around the corner we've got the weight restriction that no one wants the guy for him it today everyone what to go through where everyone's go through let's look at the time of recording as I record it's called it to sit around the mid table caught his opponents today our Carlisle they sit in 24 though I'm pretty sure they're safe what on earth has happened to Steve Nugent that we can establish you in terms the last fire both teams coming to these exactly the same form two wins 2 draws and a loss aside for a good game of football eventually we do get the green light we get to go through the whipped restriction that Obama's to go through apart from me and the guy in front and everyone previously and this person wenting down here but i mean that we enter the complex home of Charlie co-host he's not guest he's part of furniture we park up in front of this carriage here he is look not only is Charlie got his ankles out today he's got his knees to check out set yes nevia's he's telling me that it's gonna take us just over an hour one minute over the hour that he's starting route to Crawley Town and see those minutes will be ticking up we are stuck in more traffic roads for the traffic everywhere I was expecting this bit though there's always a demand to get into Aldi before once super Marche to another we're gonna go into the Morrison's pump well that's be honest we don't need the pump no pumps needed you guys have an 8 in this morning we're both very hungry this morning we both need to get something in this morning so let go none of this absolutely none of this would be sufficient by now although lots of this will be sufficient what we're gonna get well first of all I have to apologize because I don't like breaking promises a promo sandwich will be sufficient well the last time I did that I really let down snail he's been around for a couple years I see him in the comments a lot actually promised him that it will be the last time let him down I've let myself down I've let everyone down really but my name is Steven I do enjoy a prawn sandwich they do a meal deal with a free pound I'm gonna take that but unfortunately thoughts of pepper he's not in the mildew so we out Morrison's pump anyway Charlie's grabbing a coffee and I need to find a replacement for dr. pepper I am broke not going to do it it's an option but Pepsi I see you riding down there cherry Pepsi Max it's not it's not bad now got snack to choose from all of this is available if you're saying to yourself who on earth would pick playing Pringles well of course I did that's very bad spin anyway as you can see storm Dennis has turned up what's happening guys just here to piss on your parade and he may or may not sound a lot I don't know but fact is it's grim it's great and it's now pissing down with rain nice one Dennis we just left the body a farang to join the big bad boy m25 we're going clockwise this time over the qe2 bridge and this is what separates Essex from Ken I feel sorry for anyone coming from Kent to Essex and having to pay you know that's the we have to play toads across this bridge as we continue every round the big bad boy m25 there's delays on the m-40 just to let you know not that don't worry but it is at this point of the motorway they were gonna be taking the m23 two balls bright and we're not going to Brighton we're going to Crawley which is on the way to Brighton and yeah we'll do it on the road there one day don't worry run to the m23 we shouldn't let any other motorway that we've been on last time around we spoke about northern architecture look at the southern architecture is one high bridge no lorries going to be clipping the bottom of that it's at this point that it is really starting to piss me off I can't see a thing this point set is never uses telling me to take the exit for the services take the exit I'm good I don't use stops at the exit I seriously been enjoying less than an hour don't even take the exit honestly I'm fine take the exit I forgot psych take the exit I'm going I'm going take the exit yep don't worry about me I'm set the exit yeah I'm taking the exit take the exit yep clear clearly taking the exit take the exit ah yeah once I took the exit I didn't actually take the services so he's nobody's update you can told me to go around the roundabout as I left the roundabout I saw plenty of signs including the brown one there that says people's pension stadium we must be well near and we were because at the end of the round we come to a roundabout with a giant football in it we took the first exit which sent us down this road here and on the left behind the hedge we find ourselves a peopled pension stadium but you can see it right now but we're actually rocking up to the club parking I tell you what perks and that now doing this series I get offered free tickets and free this and free that and it's really really nice but I don't take you that's just because I wanna keep this series as authentic as possible but it's pissing down with rain now any C's type of business I've taken up the offer of club parking would have only parked in surrounding areas for free so the fact that this is free so just near to the stadium and much much more convenient right but the truth though are we actually on the list as we drive up we're gonna check a left into these parking spaces we pull up behind this Merc which has a Millwall number plate interesting I'm on the fur cloud to meet someone at reception called Sam Sam where are you we found Sam and Sam's been kind enough to take us around the stadium sneak peek proper of introducing Sam as he does the social stuff of things he's also the voice of crawling he's on the PA hello access to areas the first thing I get to show you is this corridor we've lots of posters and lots of words on it didn't know this was a thing but managed just have their own changing room there's also an electrical intake room but most importantly we ever walk way out to the pitch now as you can see this is carpet there have been some stains of mud there from boats which have been tough to get out and the wall here we've got a shot of Crawley facing Sheffield United maybe I knows okay so you might be there's a young Harry Maguire there anyway we're gonna make the walk over the badge marketing on the robe on for my hallway as we make our way pitch side as you can see stumped anything is having an impact you make our way in back over the badge we might get by down another quarter which has a various amount of kits that quality of world IV use they've been with Nike they've been with Pima they've been with I'm hang on a minute this looks very much like the old England away kit with him I can't wait for another door in here we get a little look into the physio room so memories on the wall one of the very few things Crawley of one and then for a door this is staff only on we privilege red / pink carpet through here which then leads us outside again okay outside is where you get you match tickets we've already got a spur from outside back inside here's the clubhouse now sound was absolutely certain that they saw Dr Pepper a nice place like down unfortunately Stan so for me I gotta get little copper burger just a can ice yes it Charlie I'll grab these at 7 pound then then takes us back in the ground for our continued tool then go up these yellow steps walk by the director saves very posh then it into the directors box CT look at Hunsford dr. pepper continued in here but it wasn't available but this is what you can get before a game some fine ish Danish and rather than stare people wait we've been back down the stairs back out this door you said goodbye to salmon we are now regular people we've access to regular food one double cheeseburger please we've onions like a bit of ketchup on there I'll be honest this does look a bit bready to me but anyway that's for Charlie to come up with really good plan why don't eat in the car is there as a Saturday rather today I had a burger at Crawley and it was nice I will let you know how it was at the end of the video the burger consumed up back with Charlie it looks like we're going in so this need to tie between Crawley and Carlo six basic stinkweed will you put me in your video football tune is remake of a free seen it done it in there somewhere we haven't been yet is to gate bakery also found it to be a bakery dopehead okay vegetable pasty or he's ready picture to see if these cats dr. pepper no but they do have a lemon at the bottom Charlie then grab said lemon inspect said lemon and we come to the realization that maybe it's there for a reason so we put it back where we found it get to the front and say there's plenty in stock including potato dogs I'm all right for now meanwhile try to get to indulge if any be back at a hard time for a hot chocolate though let's walk let's let as Crawley Town just finishing their warm-up just punchy during the review Jordan wheel re temed Leone look around but I seven look around from here that is the people's pensions stand I believe I'm just guessing if not it's the West stand but they ever got the null stand is a terrace where you stand not sit and to our right we've got the Arab Smith so I right we've got the East Stand we're sitting is very much available where wait we're in the south stand at Terrace the structure comes down they pulled it has that pasty Charlie looks to be enjoying it on the pitch we got some flags lots of flags and off the pitch we've been giving some dr. pepper a huge dub yeah I'm down with the kids in even better news Charlie's receive some Mountain Dew he's been fully on this since Christmas he's happy these were given to us by Christian Hardy and hobby the teams now make their way onto the pitch happy days let's just to coach me that some steps are clearly more use than others here at Crawley just a general observation over the video daddy forgot the liner checking if there's any holes in the net mate there's plenty you know that I know that everyone knows that right now a very exciting moment Sam who gave us the little tour before he's on the PA right now giving the team lineups me I was very corny but he was done if you chat football the tunnel he agreed here we go guys you gents this is it he did say you're the guy like we should say [Applause] very base you on that one just sing the devil yourself kick off just in case I forgot where I was corely town I remember now anyway I've got some next for you every doesn't do the wedding on the road how many people were passionate about nests as quite his net game maximum five stars there's no in the comments below do some memories of my kitchen a few months ago well I'm really not sure what lake Frawley are trying to fix right here well now that buck he's gonna overflow anytime soon his Simon's supervised ahead of Lakes maybe I should ask him but also in charge of Stewart operations he's doing a great job grand getting an iPhone they're just fishing is a thing at Crawley I mean just you said this game pans out today very wet and slippery out there the best cards the game early on is for Carlile of that another chance why do they go time is back on the scene in addition to his other roles he's got the gaffer on the underline he wants to change your tactics and it's working karate over chance here hit back with Nomi hit pass and have a shot that goes wider the go they're putting crosses into the box it's one cleared by Grimsby haha Grimsby anyway look at the flag girth yeah moderate standard it's a pass don't know passes this one into the box it's gotta be surely has to be flying in the wind we've got cruelly goalkeeper Morrissey's towel put me a special tab but it seems very standard no exactly sure where from but you can get a very similar one from Richard Hayworth but cadet UK links in the description below the rain continues to pour Simon's back on the case he's told all ball boys to step down and to further notice it's a tough decision for Simon but putting their health first we don't want to get in school the cold our Sean Paul boy Alex ladies Ben forgot about sitting there in a row I've kept all by Gary yep someone called they kick Garry harsh on him too harsh on ground ever get ground actually tell a live ball boy alex has been relayed from Jamie's foot poor Gary don't forget about Gary anyway back to the game Corey shot you soon back down the everyone is crawling loose to take the lead I've got me scoring but good save initially from Morris and go it Morris but Morris where'd you get that down from bucket update how is this not overflowing you it's been raining ever seen that's all the action for the first half terrible hard time whistle and so we walk in and we have arrived in a queue at the exit refreshments white continues I've got some good news though nice to announce the prices haven't changed welcome back to two great bakery where the lemon remains in its place now grab myself a football egg hot chocolate that's the husband I've just bumped into Josh view the other I video hello Paul that walk and is that my shoelace to become and done as that for magic now edit we're now ready for the second half and this is disturbing me it really is we're gonna call you Sonya early transfer corny so do you really not impress her that expected to go what's this is that Charlie and a photo to football freeze Instagram you can follow him in there you can these two hot chocolates living up to the name very hot currently doing a good job of hitting the whole stand broadly will have a chance will help from the cave at night it just got more granite starting piece down even more nice one Dennis I believe it's sony's gone I've been replaced by the back of someone's head spider Brady's not damp and crawly spirits that's how in a video where China has to go for a slash places in search for a good fries mind outfit for the girls there he's taken a photo to football fries she had that thing he's got an Instagram but it's only tiny part of football Kobe said karate been the better team these second half business [Applause] Charlie's back and he's desperate for a goal anything a dope right foot left foot Bosh on the end we might have that if night flags up so they do this here this continues even more so and how and how he's neither of these buckets overflown you I'm sure someone will come up with some scientific response in the comments below but I'm not after I just want to see buckets overflowing all right the goal mouth working his way to watch a Sunday League pitch and I'm honestly surprised to be no gold yep surely a mistakes gonna happen at some point with Karl come forward shoot from distance is this a mistake no well he'll just notice Simon was in touch with a gaffer over there it was another change of tactics and fresh legs that's exactly what you got crony substitution positions continue to get worse as crony swing this one into the box [Applause] let's repent nothing given from the rest hello Sonya's back still not happy she just wants a go or two you know and this is where we gonna get one you just got a belief sometimes you got believe just a little bit more more rhymes before and that's how many meets we've got to stop your time what happened the stadium fell apart actually a ball hit the gutter in and it just fell down loser you gotta love the mind of clickbait as they always seeking the opportunity I'm happy to announce that the rest of the guttering in this stand is all good it's fine what's happening the four minutes of stoppage time where this ball was over here he went out for a goal kick and that my friends was it full time in the rain is cold it's great it's dull but there is that appreciation from the place to the fans and fans the players and I'm also catching a cold thank you should we read this experience I think we should own it so it's but usually we're gonna start things off with atmosphere how was it well they were singing they were chanting then it stopped then they started singing then they chanted then they stopped then the rank came down and then you've got a bit cold and then they start singing then they chanted then they stopped just gonna go straight down the middle to an Alfa pissed next up we're talking facilities we got the scene it be more didn't we nagpur yeah how was it they've got the biggest and smallest and obviously in terraces a b-side I don't like a place with the terrace the clubhouse with burgers on the outside a bakery on the inside there's a first I'm gonna give it free stars next up with took your food a drink how it was it happy honest I didn't have concerns either look at the burger it seemed to I don't I'll take Freddie before do you know some people don't get that term but it's when a burger tastes more bread than it does burger the bun is very important they shouldn't overkill the taste of a burger you know in this case we got a double burger with cheese and onions to be fair I was actually surprised really really nice hot chocolate was good so try to go he's passed the happy days no dr. pepper day well none that was sold anyway I crawled for food and drink you gotta get yourself before funny be talking cost was the day value for money well it was yeah it was cheap in terms of tickets food and drank reasonable prices unfortunate the conditions really did hinder the game there were chances but over always a frustrating game to watch car you gonna get yourself free now stars which puts monitor worth 13 stars and that season enter the second tier of the on the road divisions it is of course the yet back again championship they sit in ate sandwich between Cambridge and Crystal Palace all the seats and of course to check out the full standings you can head over to yet back again calm so anyways we joined the queue to get out we head for the exit and refreshments oh my a bean and there's a short walk back to the car thanks for the parking hookup go away I just know that we are out of here here we go on our journey home thank you for watching this one hope you enjoyed it if you did please do drop a like on the video we're looking for 10,000 likes as per usual if you want to join 100k club please hit that subscribe button also click the bills to be notified when a new video is out on this channel don't forget for extra permission join the channel from 99p the link for that is in the description below and if this happens to be the first on the road video that you've seen there's a whole playlist that you can check out as well go on ain't Gabe engine until then I will see you in the next one [Music] if you got this far Oh your Mars bar don't tell anyone though just between you and me
Channel: Smiv
Views: 109,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smiv, on the road, sunday league, sunday league football, palmers fc, vlog, vlogging, weekly vlogging, weekly vlog, football, soccer
Id: Cah8pUB0W38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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