On systemd, Gentoo and Void Linux (Switching from Arch Linux?)

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I've been thinking about switching distros recently I don't know if it's just because I sort of feel like I should make changes or because they're actually justified but let me explain my reasoning so I'm using our chimp parabola now parabola on my laptop's arch on my desktop and I've been thinking about switching to a distro without system D there are a couple reasons one is just to try it out which is a legitimate reason but another reason is I mean you know a lot of the complaints about system D are legitimate in that system D is highly monolithic it is one point of failure for your entire system it can be exploited yada yada yada of course it is free software there's nothing you know terrible about it but it's just you know if if there's a better system out there I want to be familiar with it and I want to use it so I've been contemplating switching to a non system D distro originally that was probably going to be gen 2 and I've been sort of tinted by Gen 2 for quite a while now there are a couple different reasons it might be nice to use a compilation based you know distro and compile everything from source I can you know custom make my kernel all this kind of stuff now I know might not need any of that and in fact it might be a pain figuring out what kind of use flags I actually want yada yada that's a whole ordeal by itself but I've sort of been tempted to use gen 2 for whatever optimization I can get out of it you can also de blob gentoos so you can use it as if it's a totally free operating system so that is you know one reason I've always sort of wanted to try it as well you can get Jim to gives you pretty much anything any optionality is sort of built into the system just because the system is so minimal now my main reason that I haven't switched to it yet is that I have a couple computers which are total correlates so I have this you know X 60 which has the an Intel Core duo my X 200 my main machine has an Intel Core 2 Duo which you know I can probably compile everything on it but it might be a big pain I do compile programs on it as of now I do make my videos on it but you know I just it might be more than it's worth so originally I was like I may be switching a distro is sort of a meme anyway I don't have to worry about it oh as a side note I realized my if you search up Linux distro on YouTube the first result you're gonna get nowadays is my video complaining about how Linux distros you shouldn't even give a about them so I don't know I have like poison the well on YouTube with that I'm starting to see other people mimic the stuff I say which is very nice people with more subscribers too so anyway so originally I was like okay maybe Gen 2 is just a meme but the other option and I totally forgot about this district is not a lot of people use it but there is void Linux void Linux is has no system D but otherwise it's pretty much equivalent to arch with one additional thing void Linux allow actually sort of has to package managers one which installs binaries and one which compiles everything from source and that's something that I think is pretty creative pretty interesting that definitely gives you what you want of course you have no system D as well so I can try that out in fact I've already installed void Linux only X for 20 and I'm sort of trying to reproduce my rice I'm not doing it actively I just sort of whenever I have time on get on avoid Linux there are some things I haven't you know they I don't think they have all the you know law tech repositories like they have you can install law tech you can do it easily but you can't necessarily install all of the packages and the the what is it the C tan or whatever it is easily so that's one of the reasons I haven't switched over yet but void Lynette strikes me as something definitely a distro if you're looking for a disk drive suggesting Linux you know if you're some kind of ricer the insole is also a little easier than arch but it's not so as easy as a graphical install so you know if you're a beginner you might know when I try it but it's definitely there are definitely some perks to it but then again there are reasons for me to stay with arch and parabola now arch of course no longer has 32-bit operating system support but I can get over that because of my own a 32-bit system I use parabola on it now which still has it although I don't know if parabola is actually I don't know if they're going to get rid of it as well because parabola sort of downstream from arch but whatever um but there are still some reasons to use it I think chief among which is just the community when I say community it's not because I have a bunch of friends in the community and that's usually not what people mean but that it gives you an area where you can like look stuff up because a lot of other people have had the same problems and you can just follow their directions now the aur does have a little more stuff than void Linux does but not actually that much people talk great about the aur but a lot of it's just that arch doesn't have all the typical stuff in its normal repositories so anyway I think we're going to stick with parabola and arch right now but I'm gonna gradually switch the void Linux and I totally recommend people to experiment with void Linux partially because I want to know what it's like and any hints are welcome so feel free to throw whatever you want in the comments section by the way this video isn't relevant to whatever I'm doing I just decided you know I need something pretty to look at so that's there so anyway if you have any comments any suggestions about and using an on system D system feel free to you know throw them in the comments or whatever so anyway see you next time guys
Channel: Luke Smith
Views: 103,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: install, not related, operating, linux, distrobution, gentoo, systemd, memes, podcast, luke smith, void, xbps, runit, switch, distribution, system, hopping, distro, binary, release, openrc, /g/, rolling, source, gnu, init
Id: HvpHr9IZEN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2017
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