On Being Ugly

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continuing on uh I guess with on the theme of my last video um I also wanted to talk about what it feels like to [Music] you know essentially be what most people would consider ugly um and it's really a combination of things it's not just one thing like for most people like I don't know if you guys have seen that one guy who who was from like Sweden and he made a video called being ugly my experience and stuff and oh yeah I mean to be honest I don't I think I have an average looking face I think I look okay they saw it's mainly this right here behind me and some of the uh effects of it like people are okay I mean anything out of the ordinary they don't wanna associate with it I'll give you guys an example in uh July I was informed that I won a scholarship um for grad school right from the state that I mean and you know there was a banquet and everything and uh foreign [Music] there were people there right young people and their parents um and honestly then everyone no one sat next to us no one they all congregated on the other side of the the room we were in despite there being open chairs on our table and on our side it was like oh we were like personas non grati unwelcome persons they're literally now here's the thing though there was this one couple a husband and a wife and you know this uh uh them the husband won a scholarship for for grad school too and uh he was gonna I forget exactly what he was gonna go study but they actually sat next to us and started talking with us and and guess what this lady was in occupational therapist in other words she works with people like me uh for a living so that's why she didn't care and she was normal about it she didn't purposefully segregate herself from us [Music] um yeah and and so like another thing too and I'm sure you guys have noticed it in my other videos but I I have a lazy eye and both of my eyes are technically lazy but it's just here I'll take my glasses off you can see that it depending on my focus it switches from eye to eye and so um yeah that's been another thing that's actually the one thing about my physical appearance that I'm super insecure about and I've always been insecure about it um more than anything like obviously I can't help the chair why why would I be super insecure about that I can't help my face shape or anything I can't help the fact that like my dad was is chunky he's thick my dad's family is so big bro there I mean um I guess oh I'm thankful because that means I have a pretty even though I'm thin right now I still have a pretty Bodacious backside but but still I you know that stuff in like I can't help but like my eye I don't know why that's that's always been different Malaysia and especially since one year my dad was like have they not ever talked to you about fixing that because he didn't say it makes you look ugly but he basically said it makes you look ugly without saying it made you look ugly and honestly another thing is just [Music] um the way people gave me compliments about my appearance it's rarely ever like oh you look really good you look really nice it's all you look really good for a disabled person oh you look you don't look like an r word I had someone tell me that like oh well gee thanks so much for the literal backhanded compliment you [ __ ] like I'm mad like I I just when you hear stuff like that it it destroys you thank you um and another thing too with with women [Music] um I I've told this story before but like excuse me the turn thus the when a girl tells you you're the type of guy girls only one as a friend that's we all know what that's code for my dude again you know you kind of just have to deal with it I I have no issue with with the women rejecting me it hurts um obviously but yeah I mean let's face it that's what that means like you're you're ugly looking and another thing too is that and I know this is for average guys as well this happens but you're just invisible to the um opposite gender [Music] um and which honestly I I guess I uh I I don't know how I have so many female friends and probably because I met them all online but another thing too is that you can just like it's so disappointing to meet someone especially a woman but guys too um where the moment they look at you you can just see how their entire demeanor changes when they see that you're not good looking um and it really is a phenomenon um that that that does happen and it's real and like you you can just tell they're demeanor to just changes that happen to me with a friend that um we had been trying to meet each other for like a year and a half but things with her schedule the pandemic just made it so that they didn't really pan out um but yeah I I [Music] um I greeted her and I was like okay and you know she asked me what I was drinking and I sort of told her I was nervous and uh to tell her I looked up at her face and I guess the moment she saw me and uh she she was just like oh but instead of being bubbly and happy like hey friend how you doing whatever and this the moment I answered her back she was her her entire demeanor change her entire demeanor um so so yeah um I mean what what can I say I I have there's nothing else to do but accept it and try to try to make the best of it try to laugh at yourself oh because like I always say on here even if with all this stuff is true hatred is not the answer we we have an obligation to be kind to each other even if others aren't kind to us um but yeah that's just my my experience of of being ugly um in in society's eyes in society's eyes all right see you guys on the next one bye
Channel: Gabe Coronado
Views: 28,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ugly, disabled, cringe, love, loneliness, faith, gospel, Jessus, Christ
Id: Xej-b9uFS94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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