On a High Mountain Apart - Part 2 | Beth Moore

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living proof with Beth Moore is sponsored by the friends and partners of living proof ministries we're called two different kinds of things we're called to be a part of a community of faith a part of a community of people larger than our community of faith back where you live in your neighborhood in your schools and in your workplaces that were planted there as believers in Christ we're we're a part of those things but there comes a time that we got to pull apart that we go apart from all of that so that we can somehow focus right in on nothing else but Jesus [Music] on the mountains of Ararat that is our very first mountain eight-five says this and the waters continue to abate until the 10th month and in the tenth month on the first day of the month the tops of the mountains were seen so I want you to start with me right here at that very first peak Mount Ararat now why is that significant well because it's the very first time that we see mountains mentioned in the scripture it's right here and first mentions are very very important always in any kind of a principal word or concept in the scriptures first time they're ever mentioned and then we're told within the third and fourth mentioned that the ark settles on the top so it's a chain of mountains but it's going to be that peak that peak mountain Mount Ararat is what some of your Bibles will call it others the mountains of Ararat same exact thing because what happens next is at the very next time the very next time in Scripture in the ESV that we see a mention of mountains I want you to see where it is I'm going to show you the very first six mentions of the word Mountain because I want you to see them 7:19 is when the waters are prevailed over the tops of all the mountains 7:20 how deep it covered them 8 4 is that it rested that on the mountains of Ararat 8 5 is that then the mountain tops were seen genesis 22:2 genesis 22:2 is the very next time we see it and this is what it says take your son your only son Isaac whom you love and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there is a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you this is God telling Abraham Abraham Abraham take your son your one only Son does that sound familiar to anybody because actually Abraham did have another son not legitimate in the line as Sarah as the mother but there was another son I'd like to just suggest to you it's because God was talking about himself I want you to just compare you take the time to do it after you get home and you look up in Galatians when it talks about all this going on with Abraham and Isaac because what is happening here from the time he says it in Genesis chapter 12 until the time that he cuts covenant with Abraham in Genesis 15 to the time he tells Abraham to take his son onto Mount Moriah and sacrifice him there what he is doing is what Paul called in Galatians preaching the gospel in advance listen if you wanted to remember something forever and you wanted to pass it down from Genesis from generation rather to generation to generation all you would need to do is to be told to act something out that you did not know you were acting out slay your son your one and only son only he picks up the knife to do it in obedience his beloved Isaac a name that means laughter and God stops him with the blade in midair and there's a ram with its horns caught in the thicket and he trades out the life of Isaac the son of Abraham his one and only son whom he loves for the life of the RAM Isaac goes back down the mountain and the RAM dies on the altar and that is the gospel preached in advance and I promise you as you would promise me Abraham never forgot it and the story was passed down generation after generation after generation and the book of Romans says that not everyone who is Israel is Israel in other words it's not just having Jewish blood but it is reckoned by Isaac in other words it was reckoned in the substitutionary offering of Isaac what they believed had happened on the top of that mountain it was the fabric of their faith that is the second mountain I want you to write on your mountain range we have not Ararat why is it so important that this was the flood catastrophic covering the earth and that the very next mention is Mount Moriah because here you have the gospel preached on a world that has been broken by sin it says so beautifully in the fourteenth verse of Genesis 22 so Abraham called on the name of that place the Lord will provide as it is said to this day on the Mount of the Lord it shall be provided there is one more mention of a mountain late in Genesis but it's a mountain slope and it doesn't have a huge significance but so you skip over that one where it talks about a mountain slope the very next mountain so if we were looking up on a site running a keyword study the very next time we would see the mountain is Exodus chapter 3 turn there with me now Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law Jethro the submit Ian and he let his fought to the west side of the wilderness they are around Horeb the mountain of God and the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of the bush and he looked and behold the bush was burning yet it was not consumed and Moses said I'll turn aside to see this great sidewalk why the bush is not burned when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see God called to him out of the bush Moses Moses and he said Here I am they said do not come near take your sandals off your feet for the place on which you are standing is holy ground all right so this is Horeb h o re b but i want you to know that this is an alternative name for Mount Sinai because really Mount Sinai could not be more significant in our montage gta5 'el chain of mountains is Mount Zion it comes up in Scripture around the time of David when you think about Mount Ararat always think flood and then where the one place of salvation that ark rested on the top of that mountain and humanity came forth from that family line when you think of not Moriah always think of Abraham and Isaac and the gospel being preached in advance then then when you come to Mount Zion always think royalty always think throne always think of crown because it will always have an association back to something of kingship and this is no exception to it it originally was a fortified Hill in the time of of pre Israelite Jerusalem so when David took it it it was not the territory of his people it was a fortified hill and community that he overtook to put the place that would be the center of his reign there in Jerusalem so it was pre Israel Jerusalem at that time and then it came to be known if you looked up if you went to that same site and you pitched up the word Zion or Mount Zion on your keyword study on search you would find that that very often it will make reference to the people of God the whole Israelite community or it would be making reference to Jerusalem itself but what becomes incredibly incredibly important is that it actually represents something of a reality that is in heaven it is what God calls his own abode his own heavenly Jerusalem and it's what the heavenly Jerusalem will be called so that's very very important for us to know now just to tell you a couple of places if you want to run them down to its some forty eight to and then 78-68 let me read them to you and you'll hear it 48 verse 1 says greatest the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God his holy mountain beautiful and elevation is the joy of all the earth Mount Zion in the far north the city of the great king Zion kingship Zion kingship tell me those two words always associate the two together and then Psalm 78 68 says something similar I'll back it up one verse when it says he rejected the 10 of Joseph he did not choose the tribe of Ephraim but he chose the tribe of Judah Zion which he loves he built his sanctuary in the highest heavens this this is just huge to us Hebrews 12 says and it's not saying that we will come it says that we have come it is the writer of Hebrews under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit - making reference to what happened on the mountain I'm in in Sinai which we're gonna look at in just a few minutes he's talking about that the sound of the trumpet the the fear that they had the terrifying sight that they had but he said you have not come to that yet you have come to Mount Zion to the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to innumerable angels and festal gathering to the Assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven and to God the judge of all into the spirits of the righteous made perfect and to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant and in the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel listen carefully we've already come to it if you were in Christ we literally are gathered gathered with this vessel assembly all these angels all those who have gone before us who have placed their faith in Christ and that's Mount Zion the heavenly Jerusalem so this one always is just an earthly shadow of the truth Mount Zion the heavenly Jerusalem all right now I want you to look with me because the very next mountain is the Mount that's going to be an R chain of mountains for this kind of Revelation is gonna be the Mount of Transfiguration the next one we have is the Mount of Olives so significant in the life of Christ so many times he ascends or descends that mountain but one of the most important things you want to know about the Mount of Olives it is the Darry place after he had been raised from the dead and he appeared over a period of 40 days to the apostles and also it at one time to 500 different people at once to James his half-brother to Peter all by himself after he spoke it says about the kingdom of God for a period of 40 days he goes up to the Mount of Olives he gives this last Commission to his apostle and he literally as sins into the heavens before their very eyes well you can check this out for yourself in Acts chapter 1 it says that that the angel says to them why are you staring at him because this same Jesus you have seen go will return in like manner as you have seen him depart and when it says in like manner it's not kidding because in Zechariah 14 in the prophecy of Zechariah 14 it says when Jesus Christ comes for his second Advent his feet will touch down on the Mount of Olives and it will literally crack all the way down the center that kind of glory and majesty every eye will see him this is when the sky will roll back like a scroll and there he will be in his majesty the faithful and true and on a white horse it does not get better than this it does not get better than this and he will touch down on that mountain so it is highly significant but for you and I we're settling right here on the Mount of Transfiguration in this interesting time when we feel distant God is not we may feel alone but he is near we know you have a lot that concerns you worry perhaps fear for your job sadness the loss of a loved one but we want you to know that the god of all the universe loves you he wants to comfort you with his word and spend time with you you might be thinking how do you spend time with God start simple living proof wants to encourage you to read God's Word every day we believe it will change your life we have a resource to help you engage God through his word it's a daily devotional from Beth's personal reflection on the lives of Jesus David John and Paul it will help guide you it's something to bring your focus to the giver of hope are you listening he's speaking [Music] [Applause] he doesn't matter where you are from if you will give the time and space to this event this weekend if you will lend your heart to it and don't really pay attention then it's gonna come right back around because some of the things we're talking about this weekend simply could not be more practical we're gonna be talking about divine power the god exerts on the behalf of people just like you in need and we're gonna see God do something that we could not have fought to cast him Lord we want all that you have for us this weekend every little thing come join us in a city near you did you know that the Transfiguration scene is found in all three Synoptics Matthew Mark and Luke but it's not found in John why in the world I mean John had inside like nobody else is inside do you know what scholars believe they believe that he sums up the entire Transfiguration in one verse John 1:14 and the Word was made flesh and made his dwelling among us and we beheld his glory the glory of the one and only full of grace and truth number two is this for clearer vision we need to check our lenses anybody know what I'm talking about whose lenses have you learned to see Jesus through how did you develop your current perception of who Jesus is it's not a trick question because if you were to tell me today well my pastor I would say hallelujah and amen it's one of the things he's for if you were to say well my Bible teacher hallelujah he's doing his job she's doing her job if you were to say your neighbor that has been walking you through the scriptures praise God that is the gospel if you'll ever see it but but here's what I want to tell you that if we only rely on the Jesus that they preach or teach or tell us which will only be a part of what they believe what are we gonna have in front of us for our perception of Jesus I brought along a couple of different lenses for you today so I could just talk you through because these are my grandmother's Mineola Roundtree don't they look like they would belong to a Mineola I love them so much I only have a few things of hers I'm sentimental I don't need a lot of things I just want some things that mean a lot to me and I have a letter that she wrote to me and she always called me Betty ve th ie I don't let many people do that because that was saved just for her but she could call me that all day long now Nene was my rooming partner for a number of years because I have two brothers and two sisters and I was the odd man out and my grandmother lived with us all of those years and so for a segment of time before my older sister married and I moved in the room was my other sister because there was a space in my grandmother's double bed I slept with my grandmother who was a very very healthy and fluffy woman and I was a very scrawny kid and we slept together on a very fluffy feather bed and so I would get in first and I would hold on tight to one edge and then my grandmother Mineola round three would come and sink that baby down look like Titanic going to the bottom of the ocean and I would just start rolling down into the cleft of the rock and and she would tell people that I would over here sometimes I don't mind sleeping with Betty but she sleeps right on me and I always wanted to say there is a reason for that [Applause] now I love Mineola I loved her to know when we lost her when I was 15 years old and she was 87 years old I loved her to pieces but you know what I cannot rely on her for my perception of Jesus yes yes I want my pastors and I want my teachers but listen to me listen to me we have got to grow our perception of Jesus from the scriptures with our own eyes with our own eyes if you're seeing prejudice you're seeing through someone else's lenses if you're seeing works of the law you're seeing through someone else's lenses if you're seeing partialities you're seeing through somebody else's lenses if there's just this one static Jesus just who you learn to believe it saved you from your sins and you've known very little since then you got on somebody else's lenses it's time to take them off because there's a Bible there and it's yours and it's yours and it's yours and it's it is actually yours it's it's yours anybody know what I'm come back because it's yours yours and so there are books of it that are hard that have messianic things and all about Jesus for instance there's Daniel so messianic then I mean there's like revelation like whoa I mean what are you gonna do we revelation I get that I get that I get that but then there's the Gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John and there may be parts of it you don't understand what he meant I'm gonna tell you a friend you can read that thing you can read that thing and and when you start at Matthew 1:1 and you read all the way to the end of Revelation 22 what you've got is the real Jesus when you don't know that for yourself when you don't know that for listen you are you gonna be building your faith on somebody else study of the scriptures or are you gonna get in the scriptures for yourself and go up pull up your chair and look straight up at him dialogue with him to go I want to know you for crying out loud I'm sick to death of everybody else telling me that I want to know you I want to know you open the eyes of my heart enlighten the eyes of our show me yourself I want to know you open my mind to know you open my heart to receive you I wear contact strictly for aesthetic reasons I hate them I hate them the reason I hate them is because I wear two different prescriptions this one is for distant vision this one is for close vision so I feel like I am on the edge of some kind of breakdown at all times so if I come close to you and I look at you like this that's why if I'm looking at you from a distance and I look like this that is also on this actually is the real me this is what happens when I pull out the contacts because these are my real-life corrective lenses this is how can see the best I don't look cool but this is how I see if you know what these have not only corrective lenses but progressive lenses because I want me some progressive revelation I'm gonna tell you some I love the way he came up with this I love it I love it I love it I love that he's holding back a lot of the mystery I love that we know this much at a time and this much at a time then we can read all day long but all of a sudden boom it hits us and we're changed by oh I love that oh I love that Oh dearly love that if we're going to have us some clear vision we got to get rid of all the other lenses yes steady yes listen to teaching yes I'm gonna be in my service I'm gonna be blessed by my pastor I'm gonna have revelation given to me Hollywood by my pastors and teachers but I'm gonna take my hand in home get out my own Bible and where my teachers and pastors differ from what the Word of God says about Jesus Christ the Son of God I'm going with the scriptures anybody know what I'm coming I'm oh oh I don't not sure I'm not sure you're certain of that are you gonna go with somebody else's teaching including mine or you want to go with the Word of God because this is the one this is don't let you don't let anybody tell you what he can no longer do what did the scriptures say he can do that's your Jesus that is the Son of God that is the one [Music] living proof would like to send you a thank-you gift for your donation visit Beth morgue today thank you so much for watching today it is our joy to serve you at living proof ministries we do not take a single one of you for granted click subscribe so that you don't miss a moment of our time together in Scripture
Channel: Living Proof Ministries with Beth Moore
Views: 12,955
Rating: 4.8577776 out of 5
Id: KZeTTprAukA
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Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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